Upgraded Living July 2020

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No doubt about it, everybody wants a healthy vibrant glow. Here are some tips to keep your skin glowing all year round. • Exfoliate Your Skin. The buildup of dead skin cells can make your skin look dry, dull, and can deepen pores and wrinkles. To exfoliate, you can use a physical scrub which uses beads or gritty substances to rub off dead skin cells. However, be careful not to over exfoliate, as you can damage your skin. I recommend 2–3 times a week and not to over do it. A chemical exfoliator will melt away all your skin cells leaving you with reborn skin. • Protect & Brighten Your Skin. One of the easiest things you can do is wear sunscreen every single day. That even includes the wintertime. You can also use Vitamin C to brighten your skin and help vanish dark spots and over pigmented issues. The best part is all you need to do is add a few drops of Vitamin C before your daily moisturizer and there you glow! • Use A Retinoid. Retinoids is a fancy word for forms of Vitamin A that helps your skin rebuild new skin cells. In addition, it helps kiss those old ones goodbye. You will also get fewer fine lines and smoother skin. • Pack On The Moisturizers. Don't layer it on until you look greasy and give your skin the moisture that it needs. Using a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid will help you get glowing quicker. 18

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• Drink Water & Eat Well. Hydration and diet also play a role in healthy glowing skin. A generous amount of water a day will keep your skin supple with a luminous look. Fruits and vegetables make your skin happy too. Drink your greens. Green juice can really take your skin to the next level. Drinking your greens will give your body tons of minerals and essential vitamins your skin needs to glow from within. Cucumbers are also a great snack that will give you a boost of hydration throughout the day. • Apply A Mask. Using a hydrating mask will give you the glass of water your skin has been asking for! Not only will your skin look refreshed, but it will give you natural glowing skin that will last all day. An aesthetic service will also get you to your glow goal as well. • Mist Away. Last, I love to keep a hydration mist in my car or in my purse. The ingredients vary from hyaluronic acid to plant derived water. A quick mist will give your skin a quick refresh, a radiant, dewy finish for a lit-from-within luminous glow. Even when temperatures rise, stay chill and experience instant relief with a fresh mist to give you that glow.




Visit Christan at the Hair Company for all your beauty needs. She specializes in Advanced Facial Treatments, Acne Facial Treatments, Brow Design, Full Body Waxing, and Body Treatments. Follow her on IG @ca_esthetician

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