2020 Upstate Medical University Commencement

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State University of New York | Upstate Medical University

2020 Commencement


Nursing Health Professions Medicine Graduate Studies

Friday, May 1, 2020

SUNY Upstate Medical University

From the President


Dear Graduates:

am amazed by your Upstate spirit!

Contents President’s Letter Program Distinguished Speaker Honorary Degree Recipients

page 1 page 2 page 3

College of Nursing Dean’s Letter Degree Candidates Awards Alumni Association Oath

page 5 page 7 page 8 page 12 page 14 page 14

College of Health Professions Dean’s Letter Degree Candidates Awards Oath

page 15 page 17 page 18 page 23 page 26

College of Medicine Dean’s Letter Degree Candidates Awards Oath

page 27 page 29 page 30 page 38 page 42

College of Graduate Studies Dean’s Letter Degree Candidates Awards Oath

page 43 page 45 page 46 page 48 page 49

History page 50 Academic Costume page 51 Leadership/Council page 52 Foundation inside back cover

In more than 40 years of service at Upstate Medical University, I have felt no greater pride than I do today, witnessing the tremendous growth and accomplishments of our exceptional class of 2020. You began your journey here to make the world a better place. And I know you will. Now, as you enter your professions in the midst of a pandemic, your brilliance, creativity and commitment to serve is needed more than ever. I am confident that you will rise to this challenge today and through the course of your career. Today’s milestone also recognizes the dedication of faculty and staff who have inspired and encouraged you. They join in this spirit of celebration, along with your parents, family members and friends, whose devotion and support have contributed to your success. As you embark upon this next phase, remember that challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. The skills you have gained in your education will serve you well, as through your career you will improve the lives of countless others. On behalf of this place of learning, thank you for enriching our lives at Upstate. You will always be special to us. Congratulations upon your commencement!

Mantosh Dewan, MD Interim President Upstate Medical University SUNY Distinguished Service Professor

SUNY Upstate Medical University

Commencement Program 2020 PROCESSIONAL




Chief Marshal

Stephen Glatt, PhD Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Director, Psychiatric Genetic Epidemiology & Neurobiology Laboratory Chief Faculty Governance Officer College of Nursing

Heather Bedard, Student Marshal

Mary Catherine Harmon, MSN, RN, CNRN, SCRN Kathryn Holliday, DNP, CPNP, CNE Faculty Marshals College of Health Professions

Amber Walker, Student Marshal Hani Aiash, MD, PhD and Tierney Dygert, BS, RT(T) Faculty Marshals College of Medicine

Jared Sweeney and Yaa Takyiwaa, Student Marshals

Leann Lesperance, MD and Kaushal Nanavati, MD, Faculty Marshals College of Graduate Studies Adam Blanden Student Marshal

Peter Calvert, PhD and David Pruyne, PhD, Faculty Marshals Dignitaries and Honored Guests


Mantosh Dewan, MD Interim President

Tammy Austin-Ketch, PhD, FNP-BC, FAANP Dean and Professor, College of Nursing Bachelor of Science Master of Science

Doctor of Nursing Practice

Karen Klingman, PhD, RN and Jennifer Vaughn, DNP, RN, NE-BC Faculty Hooders Post-Masters Advanced Certificates Nursing Oath


Katherine Beissner, PT, PhD Dean and Professor, College of Health Professions Undergraduate Degrees


Lawrence Chin, MD, FAANS, FACS, Dean and Professor, College of Medicine Master of Public Health

Certificate of Advanced Study in Public Health Doctor of Medicine/ Master of Public Health Doctor of Medicine

Amit Dhamoon, MD and Adesh Tandon, MD Faculty Hooders COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES

Mark E. Schmitt, PhD Dean and Professor, College of Graduate Studies Master of Science

Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Medicine/ Doctor of Philosophy Physician’s Oath

Bachelor of Science/ Bachelor of Professional Studies

Scientific Oath

Medical Biotechnology


Medical Technology

Medical Imaging Sciences Radiation Therapy

Respiratory Therapy Graduate Degrees

Behavior Analysis Studies Master of Science Clinical Perfusion, Master of Science

Medical Technology, Master of Science Physician Assistant, Master of Science

Physical Therapy, Doctor of Physical Therapy

Michelle Dolphin, PT, DPT, MS, OCS and Carol Recker-Hughes, PT, PhD Faculty Hooders Oath of the Health Professions

Mantosh Dewan, MD, Interim President


Howard Alan Zucker, MD, JD, LLM Commissioner of Health New York State Department of Health


Julie Rawls White, PhD Assistant Vice President for Educational Services Dean of Student Affairs


SUNY Upstate Medical University

Distinguished Speaker Howard Zucker is Commissioner of Health for New York State. As the state’s chief physician, he leads initiatives to combat the opioid crisis, strengthen environmental health, end the AIDS epidemic and address major public health issues, including Ebola, Legionella, e-cigarettes and tobacco cessation. Dr. Zucker presides over the state’s Medicaid program, the Wadsworth Center — New York’s premier public health lab and also oversees the entire health care workforce, including hospitals, long-term care and nursing homes. Howard Zucker MD, JD, LLM

Commissioner of Health New York

He trained in pediatrics at Johns Hopkins Hospital, anesthesiology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, pediatric critical care/pediatric anesthesiology at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and pediatric cardiology at Boston Children’s Hospital. He is board-certified in six specialties/subspecialties. Dr. Zucker ran the pediatric ICU at New York Presbyterian Hospital and was a pediatric anesthesiologist at Montefiore. He has held academic appointments at Yale, Columbia and Einstein medical schools, Georgetown law and on the NIH faculty. He served as a White House Fellow, HHS Deputy Assistant Secretary of Health, Assistant DirectorGeneral of the World Health Organization and Institute of Politics fellow at Harvard Kennedy School. He holds a BS from McGill, MD from George Washington University School of Medicine, JD from Fordham Law, LLM from Columbia Law and a postgraduate diploma from The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Dr. Zucker worked at Massachusetts General Hospital to create a community peace index for use in international conflict regions, created the nation’s Medical Reserve Corps, developed a talking book on health for Afghan women and was part of the federal response team on anthrax and SARS. In addition, he worked at MIT, designed experiments for the Space Shuttle, is on the board that runs the national lab on the International Space Station, was an ABC News ‘Person of the Week’ and member of Alpha Omega Alpha and the U.S. Supreme Court bar.


SUNY Upstate Medical University

Honorary Degree Recipient Dr. Kirk Adams is a longtime champion of people who are blind or visually impaired and is committed to creating a more inclusive, accessible world for the more than 20 million Americans with vision loss. Dr. Adams’ first foray into the nonprofit sector began at the Seattle Public Library Foundation, where he fundraised for the statewide Talking Book and Braille Library. He later worked at The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. in Seattle, starting off as the organization’s first director of development. After eight years of building a successful fundraising program, he took the helm as president and CEO, where his work involved providing independence and self-sufficiency through employment for people who are blind. During Adams’s 16-year tenure, the Lighthouse expanded to 11 locations across the nation, increasing both revenue and the number of employees, more than 260 of whom are blind, DeafBlind, and blind with other disabilities. Kirk Adams, PhD President and Chief Executive Officer, In 2016, Dr. Adams became president and CEO of the American Foundation for American Foundation for the Blind the Blind (AFB). The ABF is a national non-profit serving more than 20 million Americans with visual impairments. Founded in 1921 and headquartered in Arlington, VA, AFB has been a leader in the blindness field for nearly a century. Since joining AFB, after serving as a member of the organization’s board of trustees, Dr. Adams has led AFB in a new and innovative direction. With a renewed focus on cultivating in-depth and actionable knowledge and promoting understanding of issues affecting children, working-age adults, and older people who are blind or visually impaired, Dr. Adams’ role involves pursuing strategic relationships with peers, policymakers, employers, and other influencers to engender and accelerate systemic, research-based advancement. A preeminent leader in the field of blindness, Dr. Adams frequently serves as a keynote speaker at conferences across the country, informing audiences of AFB’s priority issue areas, which include education, vocational rehabilitation, and workforce participation; vision loss and aging; and technology. He has consulted with top leadership at Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and other high-profile tech-oriented companies to discuss topics ranging from product and digital accessibility to civil and disability rights. He has also convened key leaders in sectors that include finance, public policy, transportation, and non-profits, to push for meaningful change on a national scale. Recently, he had an op-ed on employment issues facing the blind community published in the Seattle Times and has been interviewed for Human Resource Executive and Bold Blind Beauty magazines, as well as the Leadership with Heart, The Human Potential at Work Show with Debra Ruh, and Dangerous Visions podcasts. Active in his community, Dr. Adams was a member of the (Washington State) Governor’s Task Force on Disability Employment and the Seattle Public Library’s Strategic Plan Advisory Committee. He has served on the boards of the Aerospace Futures Alliance and the Association of Washington Business. He was also the treasurer and member of the Board of the National Association for the Employment of People Who Are Blind and a board member of National Industries for the Blind. Blind since early childhood, Adams attended the Oregon State School for the Blind, learning to read and write in braille, use a typewriter, and travel safely with a white cane. In fourth grade, he transferred to public school, then on to high school in Snohomish, Washington. In addition to his strong academic standing, Adams ran track, skied, and wrestled. He then attended Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington, where he graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa with a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics. He later earned his master’s degree in not-for-profit leadership at Seattle University in Washington. In 2019, he received his doctorate in leadership and change at Antioch University in Yellow Springs, Ohio. Adams and his wife, Roslyn, reside in Arlington, VA. They have two grown children, Tyler and Rachel.


SUNY Upstate Medical University

Honorary Degree Recipient

Sir Frederick Ballantyne was a visionary leader, physician, statesman and humanitarian on the island of St. Vincent for five decades. His various roles have resulted in a remarkable number health care improvements. His legacy reveals an increased quality of medical care, public health, medical education, improved access to care, and the philanthropic support for children on St. Vincent and the Grenadines. An alumnus of Upstate, he recalled: “I was admitted to SUNY [Upstate] in 1963. I must admit that I was totally unprepared for the freezing winters and the Anatomy Lab in the basement away from all sunlight. The friendliness of all of my classmates warmed my spirits and helped me to not notice I was the sole black individual in this medical school. Sir Frederick Ballantyne, Everyone was extra kind to me and that probably explained why in my senior year they GCMG, MD elected me president of the student body.” Physician and Statesman In 1971, Dr. Ballantyne returned to his native St. Vincent, where he became medical Past Governor-General director of the Kingstown General Hospital, the only 250-bed hospital on the island of of St. Vincent and the Grenadines Honorary Doctor of Science Degree 110,000 residents. He assumed responsibility for the long-term care of people with (Posthumous) tuberculosis and leprosy in two government institutions. In 1985, he became the island’s chief medical officer, responsible for the island’s health service. By encouraging the use of upgraded local clinics, he decreased the dependence on the overcrowded general hospital. He codeveloped programs to address malnutrition, encouraged the promotion of breastfeeding and pre-and postnatal education. He helped develop the Family Planning Program that contributed to a dramatic decrease in the birth and infant mortality rates. The only qualified internist and cardiologist on St. Vincent, Dr. Ballantyne successfully networked with colleagues across many professions. He and his colleagues started the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Heart Association, to educate the population about heart disease and fundraise for children to travel the United States for cardiac surgery. He also began a diabetic association to educate and help people manage their disease. Recognizing the need for more specialty services on the island, Dr. Ballantyne established the Visiting Specialist Program. As part owner of a five-star hotel, he offered free accommodation for any specialist who donated their services to the hospital. He helped establish the World Pediatric Project. The island now has visiting teams annually that care for children in St. Vincent and throughout the Eastern Caribbean. Team members have partnered with Richmond, Virginia hospitals to provide care for more complex cases at no cost to the child’s family. He has upgraded the General Hospital and District Clinics, improved training for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, laboratory and X-ray technicians and public health officers. Notably, he expanded immunization—today, 100 percent of schoolchildren there are vaccinated. He has also influenced government health care policy to increase affordable and accessible care. Dr. Ballantyne and his family have adopted a primary school which provides financial aid, books, equipment and supports extracurricular activities. He has sponsored financial annually to secondary school students and has sourced scholarships for students to attend universities overseas. In 2002, Dr. Ballantyne was appointed as governor-general by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, an honor whereby he served as head of state and the Queen’s representative on the island. He also served as the Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George (GCMG). Trinity School of Medicine named one of their learning centers after him. “I consider Sir Frederick N. Ballantyne, GCMG, MD one of the most extraordinary people I have ever met,” said Steven R. Wilson, president of Trinity Medical Sciences University. Dr. Ballantyne received a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Howard University, graduating summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. He received his medical degree from Upstate Medical University and completed a residency in Internal Medicine and cardiology fellowship at Rochester General Hospital. Prior to his passing in January 2020, Dr. Ballantyne was quoted as saying: “I still remain dedicated to improving health care service in my home country St. Vincent and the Grenadines and thank all at SUNY who have equipped me with the tools for making this possible.


State University of New York | Upstate Medical University

College of Nursing 2020 Commencement


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Nursing



SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Nursing

From the Dean

Dear Graduates of 2020: ongratulations as you complete your education here at Upstate Medical University College of Nursing! You have successfully navigated your next step forward during one of the most challenging times in history, and we are incredibly proud to have you as graduates and professional colleagues. Nursing as a profession is an extremely worthwhile profession, with a uniquely driven power and ambition to improve the world by caring for and educating patients. We are strong advocates and have been voted as the most ethical profession by Gallop polls for several years running. Nursing is an inspirational profession and holds a special status with the public which comes with special responsibility to protect and be responsive to the public that depends upon us for care.. The Institute of Medicine report (2011) called for a doubling of nursing doctorates by 2020 and for 80% of the nursing workforce to be baccalaureate prepared by that same date. With 2020 nearly half over, and the profession has not reached these benchmarks in the suggested timeframe, one might ask why is this important? There remains a very simple answer to the question of importance, nursing plays a most essential role in the healthcare system! Nurses in New York State are leading the way on this very long journey that started with the American Nurses Association (ANA) House of Delegates in 1964. Key stakeholders in the push to baccalaureate entry into nursing felt strongly that in order to achieve positive patient outcomes, the nurse of the future must be prepared to work in partnership with multiple disciplines as a collaborator and manager of complex patients. Additionally, nurses must possess increased expertise and knowledge in navigating the complexity of our health care system, as well as be well prepared to utilize rapidly expanding and evolving technology in the healthcare arena. Those of you who have achieved your baccalaureate or master’s degrees today are inspired to plan for further graduate studies. Always, and particularly in this pivotal time, we will need your leadership and dedication in the years to come to sustain the presence of nursing in our global community, educational environments and to help solve the problems of the fragmented healthcare system. Nurses of the future will need to speak more forcefully and persuasively about the problems that are encountered in every day practice. Speaking out not only about the issues of delivery of care within our organizations but looking to the broader community picture of neighborhoods, states, countries and globally to be heard on the areas of social and political policy that impact the care that nurses provide regardless of their duty station. Nurses represent the largest segment of the healthcare workforce and therefore provide the large collective voice that can indeed move mountains! I join each member of the Upstate family in wishing you the best for your future and ask that you keep in touch with the College as you move forward in your professional pursuits. We are so incredibly proud of each and every one of you and offer our warm congratulations! Tammy Austin-Ketch, PhD, FNP-BC, FAANP Dean and Professor, College of Nursing


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Nursing

Candidates for Degrees 2020 As the names of graduates and honor designations must be compiled in advance of Commencement, this listing is not official and is subject to revision as may be mandated by satisfaction of degree requirements and academic grades. Degree honors are not yet finalized. Students who are receiving degree honors will be notified later.

Bachelor of Science — College of Nursing

Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, and name of prior institution attended for basic nursing education.

Elizabeth A. Alissandrello

Lacie Marie Eldred

Christina Lynn Amodio

Adriana Tamara Felder

Syracuse, NY Onondaga Community College Syracuse, NY Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital

Tiffany Marie Anderson

Union Springs, NY Onondaga Community College

Meredith Marie Callahan

Syracuse, NY Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital

Samantha Ashley Cerul

Syracuse, NY Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital

Heather J. Coleman

Liverpool, NY Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital

Syracuse, NY Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital

Elizabeth Gonzalez

Syracuse, NY Onondaga Community College

Iryna Kostiv

Camillus, NY Onondaga Community College

Nicole Rose Lenway

Liverpool, NY Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital

Lynnette N. Lessley Lafargeville, NY SUNY Canton

Mackenzie Carol McBride

Jacqueline Elizabeth Colling

Gouverneur, NY SUNY Canton

Julia Marie Davidson

Syracuse, NY Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital

Andria D. Davis

Syracuse, NY Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital

Lisa Rosalia DeLisi-Davis

Camillus, NY Tompkins Cortland Community College

Liverpool, NY Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital Bridgeport, NY Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital

Holland Patent, NY St. Elizabeth College of Nursing

Homer, NY Tompkins Cortland Community College


Syracuse, NY Onondaga Community College

Katie Elizabeth McCarthy Maria F. Miceli

Kelley M. Mulvana

Allison Arlene Shrewsberry Gouverneur, NY SUNY Canton

* Omicron at Large, Sigma Theta Tau, International Nursing Honor Society member

Lauren Elizabeth Stewart Vernon, NY Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital

Erin A. Strader

Jamesville, NY Pomeroy College of Nursing at Crouse Hospital

Fatou B. Tandian

Syracuse, NY Onondaga Community College

Emily Regina Tarrant

Syracuse, NY Onondaga Community College

Sherry Lynn Towle

Auburn, NY Cayuga Community College

Natalia Hanna Voytovich Jamesville, NY Onondaga Community College

Rebekah S. Wheeler Cazenovia, NY SUNY Morrisville

Jeremy Prescott Yeeles Manlius, NY SUNY Morrisville

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Nursing

Candidates for Degrees 2020

As the names of graduates and honor designations must be compiled in advance of Commencement, this listing is not official and is subject to revision as may be mandated by satisfaction of degree requirements and academic grades. Degree honors are not yet finalized. Students who are receiving degree honors will be notified later.

Master of Science — College of Nursing

Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, and name of prior institution attended.

Cynthia Lorraine Althouse

Jamie Lynn Bunting

Svetlana Aleksandrovna Antoshuk

Candace S. Carter*

Oley, PA SUNY Polytechnic Institute Syracuse, NY Le Moyne College

Alana M. Ashley Ogdensburg, NY Utica College

Chelsey Nicole Azer

Syracuse, NY SUNY Empire State College

Amber Marie Barnello

Syracuse, NY Utica College

Deborah J. Bearman-Tasman*

Ithaca, NY Chamberlain University

Heather Nicole Bedard

North Attleboro, MA University of Massachusetts Amherst

Rachel Eden Betts

Jordan, NY SUNY Delhi

Rossella Beutler

Piedimonte Matese, Italy College at Brockport

Rewati Bhattarai

Syracuse, NY Utica College

Katie Elise Boyd

Marcellus, NY Roberts Wesleyan College

David Randall Brubaker

Mallory, NY Grand Canyon University

Todd Charles Bryant Liverpool, NY SUNY Delhi

Suzanne Marie Dozoretz

Baldwinsville, NY University of Texas at Arlington

Ithaca, NY Ithaca College

Brooklyn, NY Syracuse University

Brasher Falls, NY SUNY Canton

Kimberly Ann Cerasani Oxford, NY SUNY Delhi

Kelsey Brooke Cesari Baldwinsville, NY Binghamton University

Jennifer Chiu

Queens, NY Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Chelsea Jean Louise Claflin* Lacona, NY Le Moyne College

Elizabeth Ann Clapper

Baldwinsville, NY University of North Alabama

Kelly A. Conley Cicero, NY Keuka College

Mallory Anne Conner

Syracuse, NY College at Brockport

Meghan C. Dambach Liverpool, NY Villanova University

Jeannine Marie d'Estries

Ithaca, NY SUNY Geneseo

Michelle Magee Devens

Rochester, NY College at Brockport

Sarah Silene Doyle

Lake Placid, NY University of New Mexico

* Omicron at Large, Sigma Theta Tau, International Nursing Honor Society member

Tayla Lyn Durant Jennifer Lynn Durham* Central Square, NY SUNY Geneseo

Marissa Nicole Edwards Syracuse, NY Le Moyne College

Chika Francess Egorho Watertown, NY SUNY Plattsburgh

Ashley Marie Ellenberger* Saratoga Springs, NY New York University

Valois Anne Feneziani* Elma, NY Binghamton University

Sara K. Finegan

Ithaca, NY Long Island University

Kaytlyn Downing Flansburgh* Syracuse, NY Roberts Wesleyan College

Samantha Jo Furman Henderson, NY SUNY Canton

Jasmine Shaniek Ghee

Lawton, OK University of Texas at Arlington

Ryan Paul Grabiec*

Lafayette, NY Upstate Medical University

Maree C. Grande

Whitesboro, NY SUNY Polytechnic Institute 9

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Nursing

Candidates for Degrees 2020

As the names of graduates and honor designations must be compiled in advance of Commencement, this listing is not official and is subject to revision as may be mandated by satisfaction of degree requirements and academic grades.Degree honors are not yet finalized. Students who are receiving degree honors will be notified later.

Master of Science — College of Nursing — continued Shellie Anne Green Dexter, NY Keuka College

Lane Marie Knight

Manlius, NY Stony Brook University

Jennifer Blaze LaClair

Kyle David Groshans Eleanor Anne Gustke

Syracuse, NY College at Brockport

Ashley Anne Hall

Ithaca, NY Chamberlain University

Erin Elizabeth Hantz*

Potsdam, NY University of Scranton

Brett Alexander Havens

Middlesex, NY University at Buffalo

Elizabeth Martha Heater*

Syracuse, NY College at Brockport

Naomi W. Hester

Maryland, NY University of Richmond

Amanda Dawn Holley*

Walton, NY SUNY Cortland

Brittney Annmarie Johnson

Elmira, NY University at Buffalo

Shannon Kathleen Kelley

Syracuse, NY University at Albany

Danna Yvonne Bohman Killian

Marcellus, NY Binghamton University

Gretchen Ann Klaehn Liverpool, NY Chamberlain University

Kenneth Brian Kling

Clay, NY Pennsylvania State University

Clay, NY West Virginia University

Evans Mills, NY SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Yuliya N. Lapierre Pine Valley, NY Keuka College

Shannon Randa Lee

Boonville, NY SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Shawna Rochelle Lee

Boonville, NY SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Jessica Rose Loomis* Pharsalia, NY SUNY Delhi

Zachary Ryan Lynch

Rochester, NY SUNY Empire State College

Sandra Manczyk

Rochester, NY Roberts Wesleyan College

Kelsey Anne Marks

Baldwinsville, NY Roberts Wesleyan College

Kaitlin Theresa McCauley

Syracuse, NY Binghamton University

Stephanie Bova McGrath Cicero, NY Utica College

Sydney Paige Meadows

North Syracuse, NY Binghamton University

Michelle Leanne Mueller

Moravia, NY University at Buffalo

10 * Omicron at Large, Sigma Theta Tau, International Nursing Honor Society member

Jacob Ochieng Mugaya* Cazenovia, NY Upstate Medical University

Rusmila Muhic-Hozo

Syracuse, NY Upstate Medical University

Sarah Kathleen Muth* Baldwinsville, NY Utica College

Mehvish Nawaz

West Haverstraw, NY Stony Brook University

Lauren Elizabeth Nickels-Johnson Clay, NY Binghamton University

Lara Ann Niles

Potsdam, NY SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Rachel Lynelle O'Brien Mohawk, NY Utica College

Sarah Katherine Oleksa* Seneca Falls, NY Le Moyne College

Shannon Patricia Opperman* Sherrill, NY Utica College

Erika Carol Oswald Albany, NY Russell Sage College

Emily Evans Paszko Queensbury, NY Hamilton College

Allison Barbara Peck Syracuse, NY SUNY Delhi

Shelbie Filicia Pidkaminy Syracuse, NY SUNY Delhi

Tatyana Poviliunas

Clifton Park, NY SUNY Empire State College

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Nursing

Candidates for Degrees 2020

As the names of graduates and honor designations must be compiled in advance of Commencement, this listing is not official and is subject to revision as may be mandated by satisfaction of degree requirements and academic grades.Degree honors are not yet finalized. Students who are receiving degree honors will be notified later.

Master of Science — College of Nursing — continued Elizabeth Anne Randall*

Katherine Ellen Smith

Leah Denise Thompson

Kristine Ann Smith

Ruth Noemi Vasquez

Chittenango, NY Upstate Medical University

Syracuse, NY Utica College

Potsdam, NY Chamberlain University

Manlius, NY Southern New Hampshire University

Aimee Jean Raymonda Alexandra Louise Rubenstein*

Syracuse, NY SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

Antonia Marie Scollan Auburn, NY Binghamton University

Melissa Morley Sherman

Geneva, NY Keuka College

John Michael Sprey

Glenn Dale, MD Johns Hopkins University

Ashley Lynn Swan

Carthage, NY Utica College

Komal Syeda

Ogdensburg, NY SUNY Canton Fulton, NY SUNY Oswego

Claudia Patrice Walker-Lewis Webster, NY University of the West Indies

Yichao Zhang

Syracuse, NY Long Island University

Buena Park, CA California State University, Fullerton

Doctor of Nursing Practice — College of Nursing Listing indicates candidate's name, hometown, and name of prior institution attended.

Dawn Marie Haughey* Orangeburg, NY Columbia University

Andrea Valenti Stolz* Cayuga, NY Upstate Medical University

Edward Palmer Thompson* Albany, NY University of South Alabama

Post-Master’s Advanced Certificate Program Listing indicates candidate's name, hometown, and name of prior institution attended.

Theresa Lynn Baxter*

Taralynn Marie Kochanek

Fayetteville, NY Upstate Medical University

Syracuse, NY Upstate Medical University

Syracuse, NY Syracuse University

Saratoga Springs, NY Russell Sage College

Terry A. Kelley

Susan A. McDermott

* Omicron at Large, Sigma Theta Tau, International Nursing Honor Society member


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Nursing

Nurse Educator Certificate Program Svetlana Antoshuk Chelsey Azer Amber Barnello Rewoti Bhattarai Todd Bryant Jennifer Chiu Chelsea Claflin Meghan Dambach

Kaytlyn Flansburgh Elizabeth Heater Amanda Holley Dana Lonis Rumila Muhic-Hozo Ashley Swan Yichao Zhang


Jeremy Yeeles


VALEDICTORIAN – MASTER’S LEVEL The following students all achieved GPAs of 4.0 in the program:

Amber Barnello Heather Bedard Rachel Betts Kelsey Cesari Jeannine d'Estries Sara Finegan Ryan Grabiec Brittney Johnson Kenneth Kling Shannon Lee Shawna Lee Kelsey Marks Sydney Meadows Sarah Muth Shannon Opperman Alexandra Rubenstein Katherine Smith Komal Syeda


John Sprey

Established in honor of Dr. John Bernard Henry, past president of SUNY Upstate Medical University, this award is given to a student who completed an outstanding paper, project or other exceptional accomplishment.

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Nursing

Omicron at Large Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society Sigma Theta Tau International is the honor society dedicated to improving global health through nursing scholarship, research and leadership. Founded in 1922 by six nurses at the former Indiana University Training School for Nurses, Sigma Theta Tau currently has over 240,000 nurse scholars as members. Omicron Alpha was chartered as a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International on June 8, 1996. Omicron Alpha embraces the global mission of Sigma Theta Tau International, and consistent with the mission of growth, development and sharing of nursing knowledge, the Chapter is dedicated to the improvement of health of people in Central New York and beyond. Omicron Alpha is committed to advancing nursing leadership, scholarship, and research in clinical practice and in public policy. The Omicron Alpha Chapter merged with Omicron at Large on April 20, 2018. The following 2020 graduating students have been inducted into the Omicron at Large of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society. GRADUATE MEMBERS

Deborah BearmanTasman Candace Carter Chelsea Claflin Jennifer Durham Ashley Ellenberger Valois Feneziani Katlyn Flansburgh Ryan Grabiec Erin Hantz Elizabeth Heater Amanda Holley Jessica Loomis Jacob Mugaya Sarah Muth Sarah Oleksa Shannon Opperman Elizabeth Randall Alexandra Rubenstein


Dawn Haughey Andrea Stolz Edward Thompson



SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Nursing

College of Nursing Alumni Association BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS Paulette Gorman, MS/NP ’98 President John Ringhisen, PMHNP ’19 Vice President Denise Dann, MS ’02 Treasurer

Candace Carter, BS ’16, FMHNP Class of ’20 Secretary


Barbara A. Black, ANP ’98, MS, MA

Bambi Carkey, DNP, PMHNP-BC, NPP, (MS ’00) Dorothy Champney, FNP ’02

Lorna Forbes PMHNP ’18, FNP ’10, MSN

Zoe (Christensen) Gonza, RN, CCRN (AAS ’75) Barbara Kane, BS ’98/MS ’99

Abraham Masara, ANCC, MS ’16

Nicholas Netti, BSN ’18

EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Mantosh Dewan, MD Interim President Upstate Medical University Eileen M. Pezzi, MPA VP for Development Upstate Medical University

Tammy Austin-Ketch, PhD, FNP-BC, FAANP Dean, College of Nursing Upstate Medical University Mary Knepper Nursing Alumni Director

Todd Olrich, RN, MS ’06, CNS

Nursing Student Oath As I advance my education in nursing, my patients will be my first concern,

• I will strengthen myself with the knowledge and compassion to care for them, • I will acknowledge my limits, seeking support when needed, • I will be gracious to my teachers and colleagues.

At all times, I will never see in the patient anything but a fellow human-being in need. This oath I take freely, upon my honor.


State University of New York | Upstate Medical University

College of Health Professions 2020 Commencement


SUNY Upstate Medical University



SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Health Professions

From the Dean – College of Health Professions n these historically trying times it is important to be mindful of life’s joys. Today we celebrate our graduates, whose achievements are gained through hard work, perseverance and dedication to a career path. While it is true that we cannot celebrate in person the way we wish we could, this does not diminish these accomplishments. Graduates, please take time to feel the joy, treasure the moment, and reflect on how you pushed through the challenging points in your studies to emerge here. You have gained the knowledge and skills that form the foundation of your chosen profession and are prepared to move into work that will enhance the health and wellbeing of your patients. We know more than ever the need for comprehensive health care teams. Each of you are a vital part of that team. I join the faculty of the College of Health Professions in offering our hearty congratulations to our graduates. We are so happy for you! As we celebrate your accomplishments, now is a time to give special thanks and recognition to those who have supported you throughout your studies. Families, friends, classmates, faculty – all have been there along the way to provide the encouragement and support that is essential for academic success and for a balanced life. As you move into your careers you take a bit of Upstate with you wherever you go. Please keep in touch. Each of you will travel a unique path, and it is exciting for the faculty and staff to hear about your journey. In addition to connections with the faculty, you have the opportunity to stay connected with classmates, the College and the University through the alumni association. I hope you will participate actively. Again, congratulations on a job well done, and best wishes for health, happiness and a fulfilling career. Sincerely, Katherine Beissner, PT, PhD Dean and Professor College of Health Professions 17

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Health Professions

Candidates for Degrees 2020

As the names of graduates and honor designations must be compiled in advance of Commencement, this listing is not official and is subject to revision as may be mandated by satisfaction of degree requirements and academic grades. Degree honors are not yet finalized. Students who are receiving degree honors will be notified later.

Bachelor of Science — College of Health Professions Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, and name of prior institution attended.


Baldwinsville, NY Onondaga Community College

Stella Marie Anderson

Union Springs, NY Cayuga Community College

Benjamin Becirevic

Utica, NY Mohawk Valley Community College

Nicole R. Blackshear

Utica, NY Utica College

Jennifer Marie Brefka

Syracuse, NY Le Moyne College

Megan M. Connors

Tiffany Lynne Gomez

Krystyna Elizabeth Valentin

Amy Ashley Grantham

Warren, CT Syracuse University

Liverpool, NY Onondaga Community College

Ethan Reid Vincent

Adams Center, NY Jefferson Community College

Xiaomin Wang

Manlius, NY Onondaga Community College

Gabrielle Werchinski Yates Baldwinsville, NY Onondaga Community College

Gustavo Eliecer Yepes

New York, NY SUNY Potsdam

Utica, NY Utica College


Syracuse, NY SUNY Oswego

Auburn, NY Cayuga Community College

Tonya Marie Fraser Damian Christopher Hall

Daniel Paul Baumes

Michele Louise Bouchard

Syracuse, NY Onondaga Community College

Baldwinsville, NY Onondaga Community College

Skaneateles, NY Cayuga Community College

Red Hook, NY Dutchess Community College

Tyler James Jaeger

Vy Nguyen Thao Le

Amanda Lynn Brady

Brittney Sivoney Dunnigan

Syracuse, NY Onondaga Community College

Watertown, NY SUNY Cortland

Binghamton, NY Broome Community College

Auburn, NY Cayuga Community College

Phoebe Ruth Macaulay

Megan Marley McGrellis

Ilion, NY College of Saint Rose

Mark J. Sidor


Audrey Jean Thorland

Auburn, NY Cayuga Community College

Morgan Rose Gagliostro Julia M. Galipeau

Romulus, NY Onondaga Community College

Monica Rose Gilhooly

Baldwinsville, NY Cayuga Community College

Marietta, NY Onondaga Community College Cortland, NY Tompkins Cortland Community College

Maggie Kathleen Graser Syracuse, NY SUNY Oswego

Cassidy J. Green

Cato, NY Cayuga Community College

Mikayla M. Lasek

Brownville, NY Jefferson Community College

Dannielle Eva Martin

Liverpool, NY Cayuga Community College

Leonid L. Okhman

Syracuse, NY Onondaga Community College

Kendra Elizabeth Phillips Oswego, NY Le Moyne College

Oleksandr Alex Putintsev Syracuse, NY Onondaga Community College

Mikayla Elaine Rink

Sennett, NY Cayuga Community College

Kayla Eve Roos

Cortland, NY Tompkins Cortland Community College

Bailey M. Schafer

Auburn, NY Cayuga Community College

Morgan Elizabeth Spears Central Square, NY Cayuga Community College

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Health Professions

Candidates for Degrees 2020 Bachelor of Science — College of Health Professions– continued Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, and name of prior institution attended.

Jessica Ann Thomopoulos

Madison M. Jorolemon

Jasmine Marie Gonzalez

Kelsey L. Miller

Jessica Ampea Mensah

Jamesville, NY University at Buffalo

Port Byron, NY Cayuga Community College

Skaneateles, NY York College of Pennsylvania

Waterford, NY University at Albany

Syracuse, NY Onondaga Community College

Cicero, NY SUNY Oswego

Amber Lauren Walker

Robert Charles Walker Jr. Malissa Mary Woodard

Pennellville, NY SUNY Potsdam

Breanna Nicole Ruffrage DEPARTMENT OF RESPIRATORY THERAPY EDUCATION Wejdan Abdalluh Alradwan


Qatif, Saudi Arabia East Tennessee State University

Walden, NY Hartwick College

Edmond, OK East Tennessee State University

Sebastian K. Almanzar

Natalya Danylyshyn

Wala Abdullah Alsaleh Vivian Ganz Andalis

Syracuse, NY Onondaga Community College

Lagrangeville, NY Dutchess Community College

Baldwinsville, NY Le Moyne College

Brooklyn, NY Herkimer County Community College

Gloversville, NY University at Albany

Rochester, NY Boston University

Renee Elizabeth Fenzl Caitlyn Anne Getman Conlan B. Hartshorn

Kishaune David Anthony Augustus Amanda Elise Colon

Bronx, NY SUNY Geneseo

Ashley Marie Miller Worcester, NY Elmira College

Jason Raymond Reape

Watertown, NY Jefferson Community College

Nichole M. Reynolds

Seneca Falls, NY Cayuga Community College

Nicole Marie Rowe

Dexter, NY Jefferson Community College

Suad Velic

Syracuse, NY Onondaga Community College

Adam Jacob Wood

Horseheads, NY Corning Community College

Kaleigh L. Comstock

Adams, NY Jefferson Community College

Union Springs, NY Cayuga Community College

Chittenango, NY Nazareth College

Syracuse, NY Clarion University

Camen Dorothy Hunn

Syracuse, NY Onondaga Community College

Nhon Hoang Dang


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Health Professions

Candidates for Degrees 2020 Bachelor of Professional Studies — College of Health Professions Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, and name of prior institution attended.


Watertown, NY North Country Community College

Jacob Alexander Ingerowski

Rochester, NY Broome Community College

Ashley E. Kodjo

Bronx, NY Bronx Community College

Jake Allen Lockett

Vestal, NY Broome Community College

Dustin D. Snyder

Copenhagen, NY North Country Community College

Michael Robert White

Cortland, NY Broome Community College

DEPARTMENT OF RADIATION THERAPY Nicole M. Cavataio Owego, NY Mansfield University

Caitlyn Elizabeth England Cortland, NY Broome Community College

Master of Science — College of Health Professions Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, and name of prior institution attended.


Oneida, NY University of Saint Joseph

Michael Patrick Koegel

Kirkville, NY Syracuse University


Salwa Humaidan Alhassani

Makkah, Saudi Arabia Umm Al-Qura University

Ashley Nicole Arquer

Copiague, NY St. Joseph’s College

Natalie Marie Crespo

Miami, FL University of Florida

Rachel Anne Fisher

Brewerton, NY SUNY Geneseo

Romario Gibson Queens, NY University at Buffalo


Aniah Imani McLeod Greenlawn, NY University of Pittsburgh

Justin Frank Miller

Endwell, NY Le Moyne College

Magenta Marie Miller Hamburg, NY Upstate Medical University

Nneka Friedel Onwumere

Bronx, NY City College of New York

Guillermo Alejandro Plascencia Oyster Bay, NY Hunter College

Craig Edward Rose

Beaver Dams, NY Mansfield University

Isabelle Thenor-Louis Forest Hills, NY Brown University

Sara Vukojevic

Pleasanton, CA University of California, San Diego

Austin Clay Wong Queens, NY Cornell University


Lake Charles, LA McNeese State University

Priyanka Santosh Bopardikar

Toronto, Canada McMaster University

Grace Mary Catherine Boyne Rockwall, TX University of Mississippi

Evan Christopher Buel Springfield Center, NY Roberts Wesleyan College

Daniel Benjamin Giddens Greenville, SC Armstrong State University

Madeleine Nicole Kelly Columbus, OH Wittenberg University

Matthew John Little

Rochester, MN South Dakota School of Mines & Technology

Ashley Corrine Moore Cottage Grove, MN Augsburg College

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Health Professions

Candidates for Degrees 2020 Master of Science — College of Health Professions — continued Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, and name of prior institution attended.

Shane Ellis Pullins

Bryan Robert Gibb

Melissa MacNeil Spencer

Paige C. Gordon

Brian Andrew Spies

Cincinnati, OH Miami University

Ithaca, NY University of Florida

Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn College

Syracuse, NY SUNY Geneseo

Lakewood, OH Northwest Missouri State University

Minoa, NY Binghamton University

Hillsborough, NJ Rutgers University

Cortland, NY SUNY Cortland

Ifrah Saleem

Colin Matthew Scheel Karen Van


Carthage, NY Northern Illinois University

Yunis Ahmed Alloush

Schenectady, NY University at Albany

Branden Lee Bartlett

Radcliff, KY University of Rochester

Reid Daniel Beattie

New Hartford, NY Siena College

Jessica Alice Hogle Kevin Scott Ivory

Andrew Tanner Jennings

Canastota, NY Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Dylan Lamont Juda

Ballston Spa, NY SUNY Plattsburgh

Meghan E. Karmis

Cazenovia, NY Le Moyne College

Kristen Michelle Koenig Manlius, NY SUNY Oneonta

Mackenzie Elizabeth McQueeney

Meriem Djouini

Duanesburg, NY Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Corrine E. Edick

Manlius, NY Wagner College

Brenna Marie Eisenberg

Rochester, NY University of Rochester

Jason Patrick Feak

Syracuse, NY SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

Syracuse, NY Hadj Lakhdar University of Batna Syracuse, NY SUNY Cortland

Rochester, NY Syracuse University

Chittenango, NY Upstate Medical University

Katherine Haley Getman

Manlius, NY Hamilton College

Katelin Mayrie Quigley

Pensacola, FL Boise State University Syracuse, NY College at Brockport

Kaitlin Anne Spina Manlius, NY University of Vermont

Elvedina Strukan Utica, NY Utica College

Casey Alexander Taylor

Minoa, NY SUNY Cortland

Brandon K. Truong Syracuse, NY Le Moyne College

Alaina Nichole Wayland Ontario, NY University of Rochester

Steven William Weaver Cohoes, NY University at Albany

Andrew Lloyd Wheelock III St. Johnsville, NY Syracuse University

Cooper Michael White Syracuse, NY Le Moyne College

Christina Stephania Rutherford Quinn Searles

Jessica Lynne Siuta

Utica, NY Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

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SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Health Professions

Candidates for Degrees 2020 Doctor of Physical Therapy — College of Health Professions

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL THERAPY Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, and name of prior institution attended.

Tarek K. Agag

Samantha L. Romano

Alexandra Rae Hirsh

Carleigh Ann Rosenberg

Albany, NY Le Moyne College

Queens, NY Hunter College

Wayne, NJ Syracuse University

Alexi Ashley Arceo

Brian Joseph Burns

Syracuse, NY Ithaca College

Lindsey Kristina Chase

Paige Elizabeth Howk South Glens Falls, NY SUNY Plattsburgh

Nathaniel Elliot Kozyra

Seaford, NY SUNY Oneonta Malta, NY Ithaca College

Allison Schumann North Salem, NY SUNY Cortland

Kristen Marie Silsby

Randolph, NY Pennsylvania State University

Rush, NY Binghamton University

Goshen, NY University of South Carolina

Akron, OH Gordon College

Phoenix, NY Syracuse University

Cornwall, NY University of Rhode Island

Gorham, NY College at Brockport

Schenectady, NY Syracuse University

Farmington, NY University of North Florida

Los Angeles, CA University of Washington

Dewittiville, NY SUNY Fredonia

Tuxedo, NY SUNY Oneonta

Evan Thomas Crocker Tyler Jacob Dancause Kayla Jeanne Fessler John Taylor Funka

Kailey Taylor Cochrane Gardner

Girolamo Louis Mammolito Tara Mary McDonald Isai Menjivar

Christine Anne Meore Jerome Biton Pabulayan

Ithaca, NY University of Vermont

Clifton Park, NY SUNY Oneonta

Forest Hills, NY Stony Brook University

Schenectady, NY Marist College

Westmoreland, NY New England College

Fairport, NY University of Delaware

Webster, NY College at Brockport

Liverpool, NY Binghamton University

Raktim Ghosh

Emily Lynn Gubbins Jonathan Michael Hanscom Makenzie Elizabeth Hauger Auburn, NY University of Idaho


Clare Marie Herubin

Astoria, NY New York Institute of Technology

Marisa Angela Piccirillo Sarah Podvin

Bryan D. Quartier

Steven Michael Rando Owego, NY Syracuse University

Stephanie Elisa Soto

Katherine Emily Taylor Auburn, NY Grove City College

Jonathan E. Thomas Buffalo, NY SUNY Cortland

Allyson Mae Thompson Whitesboro, NY Stony Brook University

Anthony Michael Vasile Silver Springs, NY College at Brockport

Matthew Tindale Watson Gansevoort, NY Roberts Wesleyan College

Victoria Raye Wood Arnold, MD University of Vermont

Jeremy Michael Zgoda Buffalo, NY Syracuse University

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Health Professions



Allison Finley

Awarded to a graduating student with the highest GPA. CLINICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES


Phoebe Macaulay Mark Sidor

Awarded to graduating students in recognition of academic achievement and commitment to blood banking and the Medical Technology profession. RINKER-ROBINSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP



Amy Grantham, BS Cortney Davis, BPS

Presented by the Medical Imaging Sciences Department to the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Professional Studies students in the graduating class with the highest overall academic average. PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT STUDIES


Casey Taylor

Presented to a graduating student with the highest GPA and outstanding performance in all areas of academic assessment.

Stella Anderson



Presented to graduating students who demonstrate the commitment, knowledge, growth and professional skills reflective of the physician assistant profession.

Awarded to a graduating senior who has demonstrated not only academic ability, but also those qualities of leadership, community involvement, and professionalism.


Karen Van

Awarded to a graduating student with the highest GPA above 3.49.


Daniel Giddens

Awarded to a graduating student with the highest mastery of clinical skills as determined by a panel of clinical instructors.


Ifrah Saleem

Awarded to a graduating student of Cardiovascular Perfusion who most exemplifies the consummate Cardiovascular Perfusion professional.


Jonathan Thomas

Presented by the faculty to a student who has demonstrated exceptional commitment to community service. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL THERAPY EDUCATION KEVIN J. REISTROM MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP

Girolamo Mammolito

Awarded to a student who exemplifies Kevin J. Reistrom’s commitment to compassionate, knowledgeable and personalized care.


Makenzie Hauger

Kevin Ivory Dylan Juda

Awarded to a graduating student with outstanding academic and clinical performance who demonstrates the core values of compassion and caring to the highest degree.


Makenzie Hauger


Girolamo Mammolito Lindsay Chase Marisa Piccirillo Nathaniel Kozyra

Presented to graduating students in recognition of excellence in academic achievement.


Victoria Wood

Presented to a graduating student who embodies the professional and personal attributes valued by the profession of physical therapy.


Awarded to a graduating student who is an active member of the American Physical Therapy Association who demonstrates strong initiative and leadership ability. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL THERAPY EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL PARTICIPATION AWARD

Makenzie Hauger

Awarded to a graduating student who demonstrates significant involvement in professional activities related to the physical therapy profession and the American Physical Therapy Association. RADIATION THERAPY


Caitlyn Getman

Presented by the Radiation Therapy Department to the student in the graduating class with the highest overall academic average. 23

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Health Professions

Department Awards– continued RESPIRATORY THERAPY


Ashley Miller

Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated commitment to the profession through both academic achievement and support for professional and community service.


Suad Velic

Presented by the faculty to the graduating student who has shown remarkable motivation, knowledge, skill and sensitivity to the needs of their patients.


Ashley Miller Adam Wood Amanda Colon Nhon Dang

The national honor society for respiratory care practitioners, alumni and faculty. Membership is limited to the top 25 percent of each graduating class achieving high grades and excellence. COLLEGE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS DEAN’S OUTSTANDING STUDENT AWARD COLLEGE AND DEANS

Amber Walker

The recipient of this award has been nominated by the faculty and selected by the Dean of the College as one who combines academic excellence and outstanding professional, campus, or community service. JOHN BERNARD HENRY, MD ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP

Mark Sidor

The recipient of this scholarship has been awarded for his research paper: “Daratumumab and Blood Bank Serology Testing Complications: A LAB Q Manuscript for ASCP”


Student Research Award

STUDENT RESEARCH AWARDS The College of Health Professions’ recognizes your outstanding contribution to Student Research Day.

Gustavo Yepes

Clinical Laboratory Sciences Poster Presentation: “Domain Organization of Lage Hsp90 Co-Chaperone Complexes”

Anthony Vasile

Physical Therapy Education Oral Presentation: “A Qualitative Analysis of the Physical, Psychological, and Social Effects of Adapted Skiing on Children with Developmental Disabilities: A Pilot Study”

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Health Professions

College of Health Professions Alumni Association

BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS Anthony Kurec, MS ’86, H(ASCP)DLM President Joseph Nicoletti, RRT ’76, RN Vice President Robert Sunheimer, CLS ’74 Treasurer

DIRECTORS Erik Boergesson, BS ’95, RRT-NPS Joseph Colello, RRT ’12 Susan Corieri, MT ’84 Laura Dell’Aiera, CP ’14 Trevor Farnsworth, MS, PA-C ’12 Mary Gleason, RT, ’18 Brian Goodrich, RT ’14 Thomas Grady, RT ’88 Allison Lewis, PA ’12 Christine Pastore, DPT ’13 Josephine Przepiora, MT ’00/MS ’10 Nicole Tomasello, CP ’11 Jim Vossler, MT ’81 Gabriel Yankowitz, PT ’83, DPT

EMERITUS David Clemente, MIS ’93 Michelle Pisik, MIS ’72

EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Mantosh Dewan, MD Interim President, Upstate Medical University Eileen M. Pezzi, MPA VP for Development Upstate Medical University Katherine Beissner, PT, PhD Dean, College of Health Professions Mary Knepper Health Professions Alumni Director


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Health Professions

Oath of the Health Professions In the presence of my colleagues, family, friends, and teachers, I proudly make this solemn vow. I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude that is their due, and share my knowledge with those who follow me. I will conduct myself with professional integrity, placing service to others before personal gain.

I will treat all of my patients with empathy, being sensitive to their beliefs, values and background, providing care equal in quality and compassion.

I will honor the privacy of those seeking my help using their health care information and that which they reveal in confidence, solely to support their treatment.

I will continuously strive to learn of the advancements in my field, embracing new techniques and technologies that will improve my patients’ experience. I will recognize that each patient’s care is provided by a team of professionals and my responsibility to my patient and my colleagues, is to uniformly honor this pledge without fail for the betterment of the patient and my profession. This I do swear freely, and upon my honor as I commit myself to service through my profession.

The Oath of the Health Professions was developed at Upstate Medical University in 2008

by a College of Health Professions student committee co-chaired by Dale Avers, PT, DPT, PhD, associate professor, director, Post Professional DPT program and Bruce Searles, MS,

CCP, associate professor, department chair, Clinical Perfusion program.


State University of New York | Upstate Medical University

College of Medicine 2020 Commencement


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Medicine


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Medicine

From the Dean


his is a day of grand celebration—for you, your friends and family, and for Upstate Medical University. Today marks the culmination of your hard work, commitment, and perseverance. It also launches you to the next phase of your life’s journey. While many of you will be entering clinical practice as medical doctors, I know others will be dedicating their careers to research, advocacy, and policy. The single thread woven through all of these noble endeavors is the commitment to patient care and improved health. I could not be more proud of the COM Class of 2020! Your accomplishments are impressive and your contributions to our campus will be long-lasting. We are better because of your presence, and I am confident you are ready to go out and do the good work for which you have been trained. Our communities need and are waiting for your leadership. Today’s milestone – commencement – represents the beginning of your professional obligations and your continuing passion to make a difference. I wish you great success in the world and I welcome you to the profession! With great anticipation, Lawrence Chin, MD, FAANS, FACS Dean, College of Medicine Robert B. and Molly G. King Endowed Professor Department of Neurosurgery


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Medicine

Candidates for Degrees 2020 As the names of graduates must be compiled in advance of Commencement, this listing is not official and is subject to revision as may be mandated by satisfaction of degree requirements and academic grades. Degree honors are not yet finalized. Students who are receiving degree honors will be notified later.

Certificate of Advanced Study in Public Health Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown and prior institution attended.

Shelby S. Coleman

Syracuse, NY Bloomsburg University

Anastasia Melnyk

Syracuse, NY Cornell University

Jana Michelle Pouyat Thibodeau

Ithaca, NY McGill University

Master of Public Health

Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown and prior institution attended.

John Serreno Angles

Rakesh V. Khanna

Jessica Mary Sheppard

Valay Naresh Ashara

Mariama Kora

Yaa Takyiwaa

Bluefield, VA College of William and Mary

Jamesville, NY McGill University

Ahmedabad, India St. Petersburg Pavlov State Medical University

New York, NY Alfred University

Oswego, NY Le Moyne College

Syracuse, NY Syracuse University

Evan William Davis

Stefano Adolfo Gaspard

Valley Stream, NY University of Maryland, College Park

Jill M. Hayward DeWitt, NY Niagara University

Ilko Luque

Haley Sarah O'Brien Cazenovia, NY St. Lawrence University

Ivy Marlena Philogene Syracuse, NY Binghamton University

Tasnia T. Rasul

Lancaster, NY SUNY Oswego

Bronx, NY Binghamton University

Caitlin A. Ward Rochester, NY Elmira College

Lindsey Elizabeth White Syracuse, NY Syracuse University

Scott Michael Widyn Bayville, NY Cornell University

Flushing, NY Syracuse University

Doctor of Medicine & Master of Public Health

Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, undergraduate institution, place of post graduate first year appointment and type of specialty, place of post graduate second year appointment and type of specialty (if different than first year).

Monique Arvisais-Anhalt

Plattsburgh, NY Westminster College University Massachusetts Medical School Emergency Medicine


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Medicine

Candidates for Degrees 2020 As the names of graduates and honor designations must be compiled in advance of Commencement, this listing is not official and is subject to revision as may be mandated by satisfaction of degree requirements and academic grades. Degree honors are not yet finalized. Students who are receiving degree honors will be notified later.

Doctor of Medicine — College of Medicine

Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, undergraduate institution, place of post graduate first year appointment and type of specialty, place of post graduate second year appointment and type of specialty (if different than first year).

Fairooz Abida

Laurel Anyaehie

Catlyn Elizabeth Blanchard

Mitchell Dean Arnovitz

Ian Christopher Boor*†

Jamaica, NY Queens College Creedmoor Psychiatric Center-NY Psychiatry

Bronx, NY College of New Rochelle SUNY Upstate Medical University Internal Medicine

Sacramento, CA Washington University-St. Louis Vanderbilt University Medical Center-TN Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Montreal, Canada McGill University Zucker School of Medicine-Northwell Zucker Hillside-NY Psychiatry

Nicholas Spenser Abramson

Marleny Margarita Acosta†

James William Assif

New York, NY Fordham University Kent Hospital-RI Family Medicine

Litchfield, CT Connecticut College Lemuel Shattuck Hospital-MA Transitional University of Maryland Medical Center Radiation Oncology

Akosuah K. Agyei

Albany, NY College of New Rochelle

Frank Joseph Bailey

Ryan Scott Alden*

Pompey, NY SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry University of Chicago Medical Center-IL Anesthesiology/IM Preliminary

Niskayuna, NY Harvard University St. Joseph’s Health-NY Transitional SUNY Upstate Medical University Radiation Oncology

Jaspal Singh Baling

Kywanna Megan Alfred

Queens, NY SUNY Old Westbury Boston University Medical Center-MA Obstetrics-Gynecology

Adham Magdi Alifarag

Brooklyn, NY Baruch College Temple University Hospital Surgery

Natalie Leah Antosh

Syracuse, NY University of Maryland, College Park Thomas Jefferson University-PA Family Medicine

* Alpha Omega Alpha member

Queens, NY Binghamton University Zucker School of Medicine-Northwell North Shore/LIJ-NY Anesthesiology

Sharon Springs, NY College at Brockport Madigan Army Medical Center Pediatrics

Horseheads, NY Cornell University Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education-MN Internal Medicine

Cara Elizabeth Boothroyd

Endwell, NY Pennsylvania State University Tower Health/Chestnut Hill Hospital-PA Family Medicine

Jake William Carter

Potsdam, NY Clarkson University University at Buffalo School of Medicine-NY Family Medicine

Alexandra Elizabeth Chapman

Victor, NY Syracuse University McLennan County Family Medicine-TX Family Medicine

Valerie Shao-Hsin Chou

Tanesha S. Beckford†

White Plains, NY University of Chicago Richmond University Medical Center-NY Obstetrics-Gynecology

Mariam Mazhar Bhatti

Jamestown, NY University of Rochester SUNY Upstate Medical University Psychiatry

Bronx, NY Syracuse University Boston University Medical Center-MA Emergency Medicine Queens, NY Syracuse University Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai-NY Emergency Medicine

† Gold Humanism Honor Society member

Cody William Civiletto

Jerry Mike Cuenca

Brooklyn, NY University at Buffalo Stony Brook Teaching Hospitals-NY Anesthesiology


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Medicine

Candidates for Degrees 2020

As the names of graduates and honor designations must be compiled in advance of Commencement, this listing is not official and is subject to revision as may be mandated by satisfaction of degree requirements and academic grades. Degree honors are not yet finalized. Students who are receiving degree honors will be notified later.

Doctor of Medicine — College of Medicine — continued Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, undergraduate institution, place of post graduate first year appointment and type of specialty, place of post graduate second year appointment and type of specialty (if different than first year).

Marissa Elizabeth Dale*

Outlook, WA Washington State University Detroit Medical Center/ Wayne State University-MI Emergency Medicine

Manlius, NY Ithaca College University of North Carolina Hospitals Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Laurelton, NY Cornell University Montefiore Medical Center/Einstein-NY Family Medicine

Mahopac, NY Georgia Institute of Technology Montefiore Medical Center/Einstein-NY Orthopaedic Surgery

Middletown, NY Stanford University Orange Regional Medical Center-NY Emergency Medicine

Queens, NY Rochester Institute of Technology Indiana University School of Medicine Emergency Medicine

Pompey, NY Ithaca College SUNY Upstate Medical University Pediatrics

Kaitlyn Elizabeth DeHority

Prisco Joseph DeMercurio*

Michael Vincent DePasquale

Dion DePra

Osarieme Evbuomwan

Ernst Fattakhov

Colleen Conan Feeney

Colleen Sheng Fei

East Syracuse, NY Manhattan School of Music Albany Medical Center-NY Psychiatry

Slingerlands, NY Cornell University Albany Medical Center-NY Anesthesiology

Scottsville, NY University of Rochester SUNY Upstate Medical University Obstetrics-Gynecology

Port Crane, NY Elmira College United Health System-Wilson Medical Center-NY Family Medicine

Marcia Katherine Des Jardin†

Hannah Elizabeth Doyle†

Alabama, NY Cornell University University Rochester/Strong Memorial-NY Medicine-Pediatrics

John Charles Echevarria

New York, NY Middlebury College St. Elizabeth’s Hospital/Department of Behavioral Health-DC Psychiatry


Connor Mayo Erickson

North Salem, NY Brown University New York Presbyterian-Columbia University Medical Center-NY Pediatrics

Emily Jean Feldpausch

Breanna Lee Felldin

Afton, NY Le Moyne College SUNY Upstate Medical University Psychiatry

Bronwyn M. Finney*

Corning, NY University of Massachusetts Amherst University Cincinnati Medical Center-OH Emergency Medicine

Felipe Ragazzi Firmo

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Oberlin College SUNY Upstate Medical University Emergency Medicine

Courtney Lynn Franceschi

Geneva, NY Hobart and William Smith Colleges Rush University Medical Center-IL Pediatrics

Kadeeja Toni Fredankey† Brooklyn, NY SUNY Cortland Ellis Hospital-NY Family Medicine

Taylor James Freetly*

Kerkhoven, MN Saint John's University University of Minnesota Medical School Orthopaedic Surgery

Katherine Clair Frega

Cazenovia, NY Syracuse University SUNY Upstate Medical University Obstetrics-Gynecology

Derek Taylor Friedman Dix Hills, NY Binghamton University Albany Medical Center-NY Urology

Taylor James Furst* Moravia, NY University at Buffalo University of Rochester/ Strong Memorial-NY Neurological Surgery

Mary Beth Gadarowski*

Cambridge, NY Union College San Antonio Military Medical Center Internal Medicine

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Medicine

Candidates for Degrees 2020

As the names of graduates and honor designations must be compiled in advance of Commencement, this listing is not official and is subject to revision as may be mandated by satisfaction of degree requirements and academic grades. Degree honors are not yet finalized. Students who are receiving degree honors will be notified later.

Doctor of Medicine — College of Medicine — continued Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, undergraduate institution, place of post graduate first year appointment and type of specialty, place of post graduate second year appointment and type of specialty (if different than first year).

Bruce Daniel Gaylord

Cheshire, MA University of Massachusetts Amherst St. Joseph’s Health-NY Transitional University Maryland Medical Center Anesthesiology

Kendal Marie Glynn†

Baldwinsville, NY Siena College Albany Medical Center-NY Family Medicine

Michelle Sabrina Gorbonosov

Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn College Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School-NJ Family Medicine

Leanne Elise Grafmuller

Commack, NY University of Pennsylvania University of Rochester/ Strong Memorial-NY Vascular Surgery

Jeewanjot Singh Grewal

Linda Hu

Toronto, Canada McMaster University McMaster University Family Medicine

Phillip Wooyeon Hwang

Port Washington, NY Boston College Stony Brook Teach Hospitals-NY Surgery-Preliminary

Christopher Nino Ibabao

Lakewood, NY Cornell University Westchester Medical Center-NY Medicine-Preliminary Icahn School of Medicine St. Luke’s-Roosevelt-NY Radiology-Diagnostic

Nia Sharmila Jagroop†

Troy, MI Dominican University Henry Ford Hospital-MI Otolaryngology

Kaitlin Marie Hannan

Brooklyn, NY Binghamton University Emory University School of Medicine-GA Pediatrics

Konstantinos Christos Hantzidiamantis†

Bayport, NY SUNY Cortland Boston University Medical Center-MA Internal Medicine

Paris John Hantzidiamantis*†

Bayport, NY Binghamton University New York Presbyterian-Columbia University Medical Center-NY Internal Medicine * Alpha Omega Alpha member

Jillian Michelle Haynes† Brooklyn, NY University at Albany Zucker School of Medicine-Northwell North Shore/LIJ-NY Obstetrics-Gynecology

Hollis, NY Queens College Icahn School of Medicine South Nassau University Communities Hospital-NY Internal Medicine

Richard Jean-Louis

Brooklyn, NY SUNY New Paltz University of Maryland Medical Center Emergency Medicine

George Jiao

Boston, MA Boston University St. Joseph’s Health-NY Transitional Hofstra North Shore -LIJ School of Medicine Ophthalmology

† Gold Humanism Honor Society member

Eunsoo Jung

Daejeon, South Korea Colgate University Stony Brook Teaching Hospitals-NY Internal Medicine

John Francis Kahler

Oriskany, NY Colgate University University Rochester/Strong Memorial-NY Internal Medicine

Sarah Kamal*

Saratoga Springs, NY Cornell University Emory University School of Medicine-GA Internal Medicine

Nathaniel David Kaufman† Baltimore, MD St. Lawrence University St. Joseph’s Health-NY Family Medicine

John J. Kelly IV*

Peekskill, NY College of Saint Rose Orlando Health-FL Orthopaedic Surgery

John William Kennedy Jr.*

Manorville, NY Cornell University Stony Brook Teaching Hospitals-NY Orthopaedic Surgery

Wajiha Sherjil Khan

Yonkers, NY Fordham University Westchester Medical Center-NY Psychiatry

Benjamin Khechen Buffalo, NY Binghamton University

Mohammad Sina Khorasani Syracuse, NY Syracuse University SUNY Upstate Medical University Surgery-Preliminary Albany Medical Center-NY Radiology-Diagnostic


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Medicine

Candidates for Degrees 2020

As the names of graduates and honor designations must be compiled in advance of Commencement, this listing is not official and is subject to revision as may be mandated by satisfaction of degree requirements and academic grades. Degree honors are not yet finalized. Students who are receiving degree honors will be notified later.

Doctor of Medicine — College of Medicine — continued Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, undergraduate institution, place of post graduate first year appointment and type of specialty, place of post graduate second year appointment and type of specialty (if different than first year).

Maksim Kletsel*

John Thomas Loree

Jonathan Estevan McGuire

Marcus J. Kolber

Michael Andrew Lynskey

Anna Mechling

Brooklyn, NY New York University University of Cincinnati Medical Center-OH Emergency Medicine Highland, NY McGill University SUNY Upstate Medical University Emergency Medicine

Hinckley, NY St. Lawrence University SUNY Upstate Medical University Psychiatry

Chicago, IL Colby College Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Pediatrics

Rochester, NY University at Buffalo St. Joseph’s Health-NY Family Medicine

Nickolas Milton Kondiles

Eric J. Landsberg

Briarcliff Manor, NY University of Delaware University of Connecticut School of Medicine Psychiatry

Charles Li

Forest Hills, NY Northwestern University Case Western/University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center Pediatrics

Felix Saimen Liriano

Marshall Thomas Mahon

Bilal D. Malik

Rochester, NY Syracuse University SUNY Upstate Medical University Medicine-Preliminary New York University Grossman School of Medicine-NY Anesthesiology/NYU Manhattan

Jade Marhaba

Vestal, NY Binghamton University Stony Brook Teaching Hospitals-NY Internal Medicine

James Richard Mattson

New York, NY Binghamton University Virginia Commonwealth University Health System Psychiatry

West Islip, NY SUNY Geneseo Stony Brook Teaching Hospitals-NY Internal Medicine

Arcadia, CA University of Southern California University Southern California Internal Medicine

Brentwood, NY University at Albany Nationwide Children’s Hospital-OH Pediatrics

Seattle, WA University of Washington SUNY Upstate Medical University Medicine-Preliminary Montefiore Medical Center/Einstein-NY Anesthesiology

Poughkeepsie, NY College of the Holy Cross Lahey Clinic-MA General Surgery

Flora Liu

Zada Jay Liu


Buffalo, NY Vassar College Temple University Hospital-PA General Surgery

Kiah Lynn McArthur

Joseph Clinton McCabe†

Valley Stream, NY Stony Brook University SUNY Upstate Medical University Internal Medicine Brooklyn, NY Barnard College

Eric Tyler Merrell

Oneida, NY Syracuse University SUNY Upstate Medical University Internal Medicine

Jacob Stephen Mesches*

New York, NY University of South Carolina SUNY Upstate Medical University Otolaryngology

Bradley David Middleton

Queensbury, NY Ithaca College SUNY Upstate Medical University Emergency Medicine

Eric Jonathan Miller

Southampton, NY Johns Hopkins University Stony Brook Teaching Hospitals-NY Internal Medicine

Monique Mercedes Monita

Tomball, TX University of Texas at Austin SUNY Upstate Medical University Medicine-Preliminary

Nathalie F. Morales

Long Island, NY Stony Brook University Montefiore Medical Center/Einstein-NY Family Medicine

Christos Ioannis Mouzakitis

Whitestone, NY Queens College Allegheny General Hospital-PA General Surgery

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Medicine

Candidates for Degrees 2020

As the names of graduates and honor designations must be compiled in advance of Commencement, this listing is not official and is subject to revision as may be mandated by satisfaction of degree requirements and academic grades. Degree honors are not yet finalized. Students who are receiving degree honors will be notified later.

Doctor of Medicine — College of Medicine — continued Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, undergraduate institution, place of post graduate first year appointment and type of specialty, place of post graduate second year appointment and type of specialty (if different than first year).

Kinh-Vy Nguyen

Irvine, CA University of California, San Diego Kaweah Delta Health Care District-CA Anesthesiology

Craig Andrew Pille† Skaneateles, NY Northeastern University University of Massachusetts Medical School Family Medicine

Laura Kathleen Rein

Webster, NY SUNY Geneseo Tower Health/Chestnut Hill Hospital-PA Family Medicine

DeWitt, NY Mount Holyoke College Rochester General Hospital-NY Obstetrics-Gynecology

Syracuse, NY Villanova University Hartford Hospital-CT Psychiatry

Pittsford, NY Canisius College Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital-FL Pediatrics

Clifton Park, NY University at Buffalo Allegheny General Hospital-PA Emergency Medicine

Vinh V. Nguyen

Angelina Rosanna Noriega

Elmsford, NY Cornell University Tufts Medical Center-MA Psychiatry

James Osei-Sarpong Jr.

Mary E. Pinkes

Elizabeth Sarah Piotrowski

Kyle P. Plante

Bronx, NY Syracuse University

Sharon Bo Kyung Park

Queens, NY SUNY Geneseo Zucker School of Medicine-Northwell North Shore/LIJ-NY Anesthesiology

Watertown, NY Mercyhurst University Northwestern McGaw/ Northwestern Memorial Hospital/VA-IL Family Medicine

Jay Praduman Patel

Madison Ashley Pomerantz† Smallwood, NY Washington University in St. Louis Butler Hospital/Brown University-RI Psychiatry

Urvi Jayantibhai Patel*

Upper Saddle River, NJ University of Connecticut SUNY Upstate Medical University Neurological Surgery

Toronto, Canada McMaster University Tufts Medical Center-MA Internal Medicine

Matthew Alan Protas*

Statesville, NC University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of Rochester/Strong MemorialNY Orthopaedic Surgery

Milly S. Pau

Queens, NY Stony Brook University University Florida College of MedicineShands Hospital Emergency Medicine

* Alpha Omega Alpha member

Samender Singh Randhawa

Syracuse, NY University of Massachusetts-Boston SUNY Upstate Medical University Internal Medicine

Samuel Nicholas Regan*

Baldwinsville, NY Northeastern University St. Joseph Mercy Hospital-Ann Arbor-MI Transitional University Michigan Hospitals-Ann Arbor Radiation Oncology

† Gold Humanism Honor Society member

Syracuse, NY University at Buffalo Yale-New Haven Hospital-CT Anesthesiology

Lilly Catherine Rizzo†

Theodore Joseph Robak III

Hannah Marie Root Lowville, NY Vassar College University of Rochester/ Strong Memorial-NY Family Medicine

Ayesha S. Ropri

Latham, NY Siena College Albany Medical Center-NY Medicine-Pediatrics

Dane Matthew Rucker

Brookville, NY Northwestern University Boston University Medical Center-MA Internal Medicine

Megala Devi Sankrith

Clifton Park, NY Syracuse University Albany Medical Center-NY General Surgery

Alyssa Joelle Scher

Holmdel, NJ Emory University Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School-NJ Internal Medicine


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Medicine

Candidates for Degrees 2020

As the names of graduates and honor designations must be compiled in advance of Commencement, this listing is not official and is subject to revision as may be mandated by satisfaction of degree requirements and academic grades. Degree honors are not yet finalized. Students who are receiving degree honors will be notified later.

Doctor of Medicine — College of Medicine — continued Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, undergraduate institution, place of post graduate first year appointment and type of specialty, place of post graduate second year appointment and type of specialty (if different than first year).

Mason Walker Schoeneck

Jamesville, NY Hamilton College University of Rochester/ Strong Memorial-NY Surgery-Preliminary University of Rochester/ Strong Memorial- NY Interventional Radiology (Integrated)

Shannon Elizabeth Seeland*

Horseheads, NY Pennsylvania State University Lancaster General Hospital-PA Family Medicine

Elizabeth Anne Seymour

Interlaken, NY Alfred University

Joel Noel Rajendra Singh

Woodside, NY Binghamton University Montefiore Medical Center/Einstein-NY Internal Medicine

Lucas Michael Smith

Camas, WA University of Washington Montefiore Medical Center/Einstein-NY Anesthesiology

Ryan James Sorkin

Massapequa, NY Siena College University of Connecticut School of Medicine Emergency Medicine

MaryAlice Spin

Auburn, NY Hobart and William Smith Colleges University of Rochester/Strong MemorialNY Anesthesiology

Elizabeth Marie Stone

Syracuse, NY Binghamton University Rhode Island Hosp/Brown University Pediatrics 36

Elisabeth Ross Sulger†

Woodbury, NY Drexel University New York University Winthrop Hospital-NY Obstetrics-Gynecology

Jiayin Sun*

Ottawa, Canada University of Toronto Stanford University Programs-CA Emergency Medicine

Paul Dylan Sutcliffe

Port Alberni, Canada Queen's University University of British Columbia Family Medicine

Jared Francis Sweeney*†

Troy, NY Sage College of Albany Albany Medical Center-NY Neurological Surgery

Ryan Lam Ta

Camillus, NY SUNY Geneseo SUNY Upstate Medical University Internal Medicine

Deanna Maria Tarquinio

East Setauket, NY The College of New Jersey Pennsylvania State Hershey Medical CenterPA Internal Medicine

Joseph Frank Toth III Liverpool, NY University at Albany

Claire Elizabeth Triller†

Glenmont, NY SUNY Geneseo University of North Carolina Hospitals Psychiatry

Nefertiti Nakawé Kehinde Tyehemba

Harlem, NY Barnard College George Washington University-DC Medicine-Primary

Jonathan Michael Von Reusner

Red Hook, NY Bard College Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Pathology

Yiyang Wang

Thousand Oaks, CA University of California, Berkeley Albany Medical Center-NY Emergency Medicine

Yun Hwa Walter Wang*

Queens, NY University of California, San Diego Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai-NY General Surgery

Corey John Wasilnak

Albany, NY University of Rochester

Endwell, NY University of Scranton Eastern Virginia Medical School-VA Emergency Medicine

Jamestown, NY SUNY Geneseo SUNY Upstate Medical University Emergency Medicine

Scottsdale, AZ University of Arizona Kaiser Permanente-Los Angeles-CA General Surgery

Ian Sebastian Fox Taylor Joseph Matthew Teresi

Steven A. Terry

Rochester, NY Rochester Institute of Technology SUNY Upstate Medical University Emergency Medicine

Joshua Alex Wechsler

Arianne Jean Wilson†

Saranac Lake, NY Villanova University MedStar Washington Hospital Center-DC Family Medicine

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Medicine

Candidates for Degrees 2020

As the names of graduates and honor designations must be compiled in advance of Commencement, this listing is not official and is subject to revision as may be mandated by satisfaction of degree requirements and academic grades. Degree honors are not yet finalized. Students who are receiving degree honors will be notified later.

Doctor of Medicine — College of Medicine — continued Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, undergraduate institution, place of post graduate first year appointment and type of specialty, place of post graduate second year appointment and type of specialty (if different than first year).

Jonathan Wu*

Camarillo, CA University of California, Los Angeles University of Southern California Anesthesiology

Conor James Young

Newark Valley, NY SUNY Cortland SUNY Upstate Medical University Emergency Medicine

Hiba Zafar

Pittsford, NY University of Rochester SUNY Upstate Medical University Internal Medicine

Doctor of Medicine & Doctor of Philosophy

Listing indicates candidate’s name, hometown, undergraduate institution, place of post graduate first year appointment and type of specialty, place of post graduate second year appointment and type of specialty (if different than first year).

Adam Rhys Blanden

Truxton, NY Binghamton University SUNY Upstate Medical University Neurology

* Alpha Omega Alpha member

Rebecca A. Sager*

Poughquag, NY Hofstra University SUNY Upstate Medical University Urology

† Gold Humanism Honor Society member


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Medicine

College of Medicine Awards 2020 Faculty Awards

LEONDARD TOW HUMANISM IN MEDICINE AWARD Presented by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation, this award recognized a faculty member who demonstrates the highest standard of integrity, excellence, compassion, altruism, respect, empathy and service.

Dr. Sunny Aslam

MEDICAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PHILLIP B. ARMSTRONG AWARD Established by the Class of March 1943 to honor Dr. Phillip B. Armstrong, who was professor and chairman of the Department of Anatomy for many years. The recipient of this award is a member of the basic science faculty who has most influenced the lives of the graduates.

Dr. Robert Zajdel


AMERICAN COLLEGE OF EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS’ MEDICAL STUDENT PROFESSIONALISM AND SERVICE AWARD Presented to a student who excels in compassionate care of patients, professional behavior, and service to the community and/or specialty.

Michael DePasquale

AMWA GLASGOW-RUBIN CITATION FOR ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Presented annually through the auspices of the American Medical Women’s Association, Inc. to female members of the graduating class who have shown excellence in academic and clinical achievement.

Mariam Bhatti Marissa Dale Bronwyn Finney Courtney Franceschi Mary Gadarowski Sarah Kamal Urvi Patel Madison Pomerantz Rebecca Sager Shannon Seeland Jiayin Sun


MEDICAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION TEACHING AWARD FOR BASIC SCIENCES Presented to a department with basic science teaching responsibilities which is held in esteem by the graduating students.

Cell and Developmental Biology

MEDICAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SYRACUSE CAMPUS CLINICAL FACULTY TEACHING AWARD Presented to a Clinical Faculty member held in esteem by the graduating students.

Dr. Amit Dhamoon

MEDICAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BINGHAMTON CAMPUS CLINICAL FACULTY TEACHING AWARD Presented to a faculty member held in esteem by the graduating students.

Dr. Adesh Tandon

MEDICAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BINGHAMTON CLINICAL CAMPUS DEPARTMENT TEACHING AWARD Presented to a department held in esteem by the graduating Binghamton campus students.

Family Medicine

MEDICAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SYRACUSE CAMPUS CLINICAL DEPARTMENT TEACHING AWARD Presented to a Clinical Department held in esteem by the graduating students.

Internal Medicine

BINGHAMTON CAMPUS DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY MEDICINE AWARD Presented to a primary care student who has demonstrated the characteristics desired in an ideal family physician: dedication, enthusiasm, medical knowledge, respect and empathy in caring for all patients regardless of age, race, gender, socio-economic status, or disease process.

Arianne Wilson

BINGHAMTON CAMPUS DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL MEDICINE AWARD Presented to a student who has excelled in depth and breadth of medical knowledge, in development of technical skills, in participation and leadership in the process of medical teamwork, and above all, in exhibiting a deep concern for the welfare of every patient.

Ian Boor

BINGHAMTON CAMPUS DEPARTMENT OF NEUROSCIENCE AWARD Presented to a student who has distinguished him or herself in terms of enthusiasm, superior fund of knowledge and demonstration of clinical excellence in the medical neurosciences.

Urvi Patel

BINGHAMTON CAMPUS DEPARTMENT OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY AWARD Presented to a student with exceptional achievement in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Besides acquiring the clinical knowledge and skills needed as a valued member of a health care team, the student consistently exhibited those traits essential for a future physician: sensitivity and compassion for the emotional, psychosocial and physical needs of the patient.

Taylor Freetly

BINGHAMTON CAMPUS DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS AWARD Presented to a student whose character, attitude, initiative and knowledge best exemplifies the model of the exceptional pediatrician.

Colleen Feeney

BINGHAMTON CAMPUS DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY AWARD Presented to a student who has demonstrated depth and breadth of knowledge, genuine compassion for the patient, and excellent interpersonal skills along with a genuine desire to understand the many complexities associated with the profession of psychiatry.

Felipe Firmo

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Medicine

College of Medicine Awards 2020 — continued BINGHAMTON CAMPUS DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY AWARD Presented to a student who has demonstrated an outstanding fund of knowledge in the principles and practice of surgery. This student has also demonstrated a dedication to patient care with diligence, empathy and ethical and intellectual integrity.

Conor Young

BINGHAMTON CAMPUS RONALD KRIZINOFSKI AWARD Presented to a student who best exemplifies the spirit of the Binghamton Campus program. It is based on the individual’s mature, responsible approach to learning the art and science of medicine. Besides demonstrating skills of an accomplished problem-solver, the student consistently displays a most enthusiastic response and willingness in making the Binghamton Campus academic program better, as well as improving the community life of students. This individual demonstrates above all the “patient caring function” and the high standard professionalism expected from a Binghamton Campus student.

Elisabeth Sulger

BRUCE FARRELL, MD AWARD Honors Dr. Farrell, a 1972 graduate of our College of Medicine, who represented some of the best aspects of our medical community. The recipient is selected for true dedication to a surgical career, the ability and willingness to teach and learn, and the demonstration of maturity and leadership.

J. Clinton McCabe

DAVID G. MURRAY, MD ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY AWARD Presented to the student who best demonstrates ability, interest and enthusiasm for orthopedic surgery.

John Kennedy

DAVID TURNER AWARD Presented by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for outstanding achievement in the Molecular and Cellular Principles of Medicine.

Taylor Furst

DEAN OF STUDENT AFFAIRS AWARD Presented to the graduating student who has contributed extensive time and effort in improving the quality of student life and the campus environment.

HARRY A. FELDMAN, MD PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AWARD Presented to a student who has shown special aptitude and accomplishment in preventive medicine/public health.

DEPARTMENT OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM J. GORDON MEDICAL STUDENT AWARD Presented to a medical student on the basis of his or her original research/ publications or presentations in reproductive biology.

HERBERT LOURIE, MD AWARD Presented by the Upstate Student Council to a student who displays those qualities and characteristics that endeared the late Dr. Herbert Lourie to all who interacted with him: dedication, gentility, thoughtfulness, philanthropy, compassion and commitment to academic excellence.

Michael DePasquale

Kywanna Alfred

ERNEST CARHART, MD/ PAUL PALMER, MD AWARD Presented to a medical student who best upholds the ideals of Family Medicine as demonstrated by both Dr. Palmer and Dr. Carhart. The award is made possible by the Onondaga County Chapter of the New York State Academy of Family Physicians in conjunction with the Department of Family Medicine at Upstate Medical University.

Hannah Root

EXCELLENCE IN ANATOMICAL SCIENCES AWARD Presented by the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology to a graduating medical student for outstanding academic achievement, and for continued enthusiasm and interest in the anatomical sciences.

Kaitlyn DeHority

EXCELLENCE IN EMERGENCY MEDICINE AWARD Presented by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine to a student who demonstrated outstanding proficiency in emergency medicine as selected by the faculty at Upstate Medical University.

Richard Jean-Louis

FAMILY MEDICINE FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Presented to a student who is entering a Family Medicine residency and has demonstrated scholarly achievement in Family Medicine/primary care as evidenced by student-authored research, academic presentations or scholarly publications during medical school.

Kyle Plante

Jared Sweeney

HOWARD L. WEINBERGER, MD AWARD IN PEDIATRICS Presented to the graduating medical student who best exemplifies the ideals and qualities of the pediatrician as personified by Dr. Howard Weinberger.

Elizabeth Stone

JAMES L. POTTS, MD MEDICAL PRINCIPLES AWARD Presented to the African-American graduating medical student with the best performance in clinical medicine who has demonstrated sensitivity to patients and has participated in community and campus organizations.

Jillian Haynes

JOHN BERNARD HENRY ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Presented to a graduating student who not only exemplifies excellence in academic and research achievements, but also significantly contributes to the image and vision of the college.

Rebecca Sager


Presented to a fourth year student who has demonstrated excellence in academics and a dedication to the practice of Family Medicine.

Jake Carter

Natalie Antosh


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Medicine

College of Medicine Awards 2020 — continued LEONARD TOW HUMANISM IN MEDICINE AWARD Presented by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation, this award recognizes and honors a student who demonstrates the highest standard of integrity, excellence, compassion, altruism, respect, empathy and service

Marleny Acosta

MARC H. HOLLENDER, MD PSYCHIATRY AWARD Presented to a graduating medical student by the Department of Psychiatry who has shown special interest, aptitude and/or achievement in Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences.

Michael Lynskey

MEDICAL ALUMNI FOUNDATION ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Presented to a graduating medical student in recognition of unparalleled excellence in academic and clinical achievements.

Taylor Freetly

MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD Presented by the Medical Society of the State of New York to recognize a graduating student at each medical school in the state for outstanding community service, whether related or unrelated to the field of medicine.

Tanesha Beckford

MERCK MANUAL AWARD Presented on behalf of Merck & Company, Inc. to recognize medical students for their outstanding academic achievement.

Ian Boor Bronwyn Finney Taylor Freetly John Kennedy Maksim Kletsel Jared Sweeney

OUTSTANDING STUDENTS IN UROLOGY AWARD Presented to the students who best demonstrates ability, interest and enthusiasm in Urology.

Rebecca Sager Derek Friedman


ROBERT E.L. NESBITT, JR. MD STUDENT AWARD Presented to an exceptional graduating student who shows a special interest in clinical and academic aspects of obstetrics and gynecology.

Katherine Frega

STUART I. GURMAN, MD AWARD Presented to a graduate of high scholastic achievement who best showed a continuous interest and activity in art, music, literature or the public interest, realizing that living and learning go together.

Kaitlyn DeHority

SUNY CHANCELLOR’S AWARD FOR STUDENT EXCELLENCE The State University of New York Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence is presented to a student who has received national or international recognition in such fields as academics, athletics, community service, the arts, entrepreneurship and career achievement.

Jared Sweeney

ENDOCRINE SOCIETY MEDICAL STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Presented by The Endocrine Society in recognition of a senior medical student who has shown special achievement and interest in the general field of endocrinology.

Shannon Seeland

WILLIAM J. WILLIAMS, MD, AWARD IN INTERNAL MEDICINE Presented to a senior who has displayed excellence in scholarship, humanism and clinical acumen in the discipline of Internal Medicine.

Paris Hantzidiamantis

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Medicine

College of Medicine Awards 2020 — continued Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society This national medical society exists “to recognize and perpetuate excellence in the medical profession.” The individuals are chosen by their faculty and peers for scholastic excellence and for the qualities of “integrity, capacity for leadership, compassion and fairness in dealing with one’s colleagues.” The following graduates are members of the Gamma Chapter of the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society of the SUNY Upstate Medical University. JUNIOR ELECTION Ian Boor Marissa Dale Bronwyn Finney Taylor Freetly Taylor Furst John Kelly John Kennedy Maksim Kletsel

Urvi Patel Matthew Protas Samuel Regan Rebecca Sager Jared Sweeney SENIOR ELECTION Ryan Alden Hannah Connolly

Prisco DeMercurio Mary Gadarowski Paris Hantzidiamantis Sarah Kamal Jacob Mesches Shannon Seeland Jiayin Sun Yun Hwa Wang Jonathan Wu

The Gold Humanism Honor Society The Gold Humanism Honor Society honors senior medical students for “demonstrated excellence in clinical care, leadership, compassion and dedication to service.” The Society was organized by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation to elevate the values of humanism and professionalism within the field of medicine and its constituent institutions. At Upstate, candidates are nominated and then elected by peers within their class. Up to 15 percent of the class at each campus is eligible. Election of exemplars to the Gold Humanism Honor Society make a significant statement to medical school faculty, students, and the public that an institution places high value on the interpersonal skills and attitudes that are essential for excellent patient care. Marleny Acosta Tanesha Beckford Ian Boor Hannah Connolly Marcia Des Jardin Hannah Doyle Kadeeja Fredankey

Kendal Glynn Konstantinos Hantzidiamantis Paris Hantzidiamantis Megan Harris Jillian Haynes Nia Jagroop Nathaniel Kaufman

Atta Kutin-Boateng Daniel Lichtenstein Joseph Clinton McCabe Craig Pille Madison Pomerantz Lilly Rizzo Elisabeth Sulger

Jared Sweeney Claire Triller Arianne Wilson

The Rural Medical Education (RMED) Program An elective experience that allows third-year medical students the opportunity to live and train in small-town communities. Participating students complete three core clinical rotations including: Family Medicine, Surgery and Emergency Medicine, along with elective credit. An emphasis is placed on the continuous and comprehensive care of patients. Students develop skills in the diagnosis and management of a wide range of common ambulatory and secondary problems of patients across the age spectrum. Frank Bailey Cara Boothroyd Colleen Feeney Breanna Felldin Courtney Franceschi

John Kahler Nate Kaufman Zada Liu Michael Lynskey James Mattson

Eric Merrell Laura Rein Lilly Rizzo Hannah Root Deanna Tarquinio

Joseph Teresi Arianne Wilson Conor Young


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Medicine


I enthusiastically commit my life to serving patients.

I will practice my profession with integrity, dignity, and humility. The welfare of my patients will be my first consideration, and I will advocate for them; may I never see in the patient anything but a fellow human in need. I will treat all patients with compassion, no matter how much they differ from me. I will preserve my patients’ confidentiality and respect my patients’ choices.

I will work together with my colleagues in service of our patients. I will acknowledge my limits, maintain my skills, and seek help when needed.

I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude that is their due, be a role model for students, and share my knowledge with patients and colleagues. I make these promises solemnly, freely, and upon my honor. May I keep this oath and, in so doing, experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.

There is no single oath that physicians take upon receiving their degrees. The Hippocratic Oath, the most well-known formulation, was derived from the 4th century BCE writings of Hippocrates, a Greek physician. “The Physician’s Oath, in the Tradition of Hippocrates and Elizabeth Blackwell” is drawn from several sources. Its major source is the Declaration of Geneva, written after World War II. In the aftermath of the medical crimes of Nazi physicians, the Declaration of Geneva revised the Hippocratic Oath to state more clearly the physician’s dedication to medicine’s humanitarian goals. The Physician’s Oath also includes concepts from the Prayer of Maimonides, Louis Lasagna’s 1964 revision of the Hippocratic Oath, and the writings of Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, the first American woman awarded a medical degree, which she accomplished at Geneva Medical College, the forerunner of SUNY Upstate College of Medicine. Members of the Class of 2012 and Class of 2013 also provided valuable input on the oath.


State University of New York | Upstate Medical University

College of Graduate Studies 2020 Commencement


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Graduate Studies


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Graduate Studies

From the Dean


ongratulations on your graduation! You should be proud of your accomplishments that we celebrate today. The importance and potential for discovery in biomedical research has never been greater, and I am sure that your futures will reveal secrets that are unimaginable today. We are at a crossroads in our society where the needs for discoveries and cures outweigh all else. It has made the importance of what you do personal in a way many of us never realized.

I would like to thank the friends and families of our graduates who have supported them through their course of study. Graduate school is demanding, often with irregular and long hours of hard work, and you have made it possible for our graduates to manage these demands. It could not have been accomplished without you. On behalf of the faculty of the Upstate Medical University College of Graduate Studies let me congratulate and wish you every satisfaction, both scientiďŹ cally and personally, in the future. Mark E. Schmitt, PhD Dean College of Graduate Studies


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Graduate Studies

Candidates for Degrees 2020 As the names of graduates and honor designations must be compiled in advance of Commencement, this listing is not official and is subject to revision as may be mandated by satisfaction of degree requirements and academic grades. Degree honors are not yet finalized. Students who are receiving degree honors will be notified later.

Master of Science — College of Graduate Studies

Listing indicates candidate’s name, thesis sponsor, degree-granting program at Upstate Medical University and title of thesis.

Benjamin A. Capella

Clay, NY Allegheny College Dr. Scott Blystone Anatomy Structure-Function Analysis of Putative Tandem WH2 domains within the Carboxy-terminus of Formin FMNL1 in Bundling of Filamentous Actin

Devin Lex DaPonte

Saint Cloud, FL University of Central Florida Dr. Jason Horton & Dr. Megan Oest Anatomy A Current Representation of the Field of RadiationInduced Bone Damage

Doctor of Philosophy — College of Graduate Studies

Listing indicates candidate’s name, dissertation sponsor, degree-granting program at Upstate Medical University and title of dissertation.

Dana F. DeSantis

Skaneateles, NY Lehigh University Dr. Francesca Pignoni Neuroscience Investigating the role of Armadillo/β-catenin in the developing Drosophila eye disc epithelium

Ashleigh J. Jackobel

Ronkonkoma, NY Farmingdale State College Dr. Bruce Knutson Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Molecular Analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNA Polymerase I Core Factor Complex and its Interaction with Promoter DNA

Michael C. Jaskolka

Warren, PA Penn State Erie, The Behrend College Dr. Patricia Kane-Popp Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Function of the RAVE complex in glucose-mediated V-ATPase reassembly

Russell Levack

Orwell, NY Houghton College Dr. Gary Winslow Microbiology and Immunology Development and Function of T-bet+ B cells


Cameron Dale MacQuarrie

Nicholas J. Stam

Kevin Edward Wilson Namitz

Thomas C. Winans

Halifax, Canada Lipscomb University Dr. Vladimir Sirotkin Anatomy and Cell Biology Mechanisms of Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein Wsp1 positioning and regulation at sites of endocytosis in Schizosaccharomyces pombe Kirkville, NY Le Moyne College Dr. Michael Cosgrove Biochemistry and Molecular Biology The Mixed Lineage Leukemia 1 (MLL1) core complex: an investigation into its assembly, nucleosomal interaction and mechanism of multiple histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methylation

Harsh Patel

Ahmedabad, India National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research Dr. Ying Huang Pharmacology Regulation and Function of Tumor Suppressor ECRG2 in Relation to DNA Damage in Human Malignancies

Syracuse, NY Le Moyne College Dr. Stephan Wilkens Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Near-Atomic Resolution Structure of the Yeast Vacuolar (V-) ATPase Membrane Sector Vo in Lipid Nanodisc Ithaca, NY Cornell University Dr. Andras Perl Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Manifestations of Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus by Rab4A Overactivation

Weiyi Xu

Changsha, People’s Republic of China Sun Yat-Sen University Dr. Christopher Turner Anatomy and Cell Biology The role of paxillin in mammary gland morphogenesis and breast tumor progression

Eric James Zluhan

Florissant, MO Maryville University Dr. Eric Olson Neuroscience Shaping the Dendritic Arbor: The Response of Cortical Dendrites to Reelin and Neural Extracellular Matrix

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Graduate Studies

Candidates for Degrees 2020 As the names of graduates and honor designations must be compiled in advance of Commencement, this listing is not official and is subject to revision as may be mandated by satisfaction of degree requirements and academic grades. Degree honors are not yet finalized. Students who are receiving degree honors will be notified later.

Doctor of Philosophy — College of Graduate Studies Doctor of Medicine — College of Medicine

Listing indicates candidate’s name, dissertation sponsor, degree-granting program at Upstate Medical University and title of dissertation.

Adam Rhys Blanden

Truxton, NY Binghamton University Dr. Stewart Loh Biochemistry and Molecular Biology The p53-Zn2+ Energy Landscape and Metallochaperone Hypothesis

Rebecca A. Sager

Poughquag, NY Hofstra University Dr. Mehdi Mollapour Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Regulatory mechanisms of large co-chaperones of Hsp90: chaperones in pathogenesis of Birt-HoggDubé and Tuberous Sclerosis Complex


SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Graduate Studies

Class of 2020 Student and Faculty Awards AWARD FOR PROFESSIONAL AND PUBLIC SERVICE

This award honors a graduate student who has significantly contributed time and effort to volunteer services, and has a proven commitment to the continuance of community programs. Ashleigh Jackobel Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


This award is presented by the College of Graduate Studies’ students in appreciation of dedication and excellence in teaching. Jessica Henty-Ridilla, PhD Cell and Developmental Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


This award honors graduate students who present their work at the Charles Ross Memorial Student Research Day. The recipients of this award displayed excellence in presentation style, logic and feasibility of technique, scientific significance, and clarity of purpose when presenting their work. Oral Presentation Award: Dana DeSantis Program in Neuroscience


Best Poster Presentation: First Prize:

Second Prize:

Alana Belkevich Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Xiang Li Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


This award honors a graduate student whose written research proposal displays excellence in scientific significance, clarity of purpose, logic of execution, and feasibility. Mark Woodford Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


This award is intended to honor a student who strengthens the community of Upstate Medical University’s College of Graduate Studies by bettering the lives of those around him/her and does so unselfishly, without thought of recognition or reward. Michael Jaskolka Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


This award is presented to a graduating student who exemplifies excellence in academic and research achievements.

Michael Jaskolka Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology “Interaction between the yeast RAVE complex and Vph1-containing Vo sectors is a central glucose-sensitive interaction required for V-ATPase reassembly”

SUNY Upstate Medical University | College of Graduate Studies

Scientific Oath As I embark on my career as a biomedical scientist,

I willingly pledge that I will represent my profession honorably and without reproach.

I will pursue truth and create knowledge for greater good and report my findings with unwavering accuracy.

I will seek to incorporate the body of ethics and moral principles that constitute scientific integrity into all that I do. I will fulfill my responsibility to mentor and instruct the next generation, contribute to the public understanding of science, and honor the scientific contributions of those who have come before me. By pronouncing this oath, I declare my commitment to these professional standards and goals in my scientific career.


SUNY Upstate Medical University

History he State University of New York Upstate Medical University is one of 140 academic medical centers in the United States. Such centers lead the nation in conducting medical research, educating health professionals and providing the most advanced care to patients. The mission of Upstate Medical University is to improve the health of the communities it serves through education, biomedical research and health care. Through its four colleges — Medicine, Graduate Studies, Nursing and Health Professions — Upstate Medical University educates physicians, research scientists, nurses and health care professionals. Upstate’s clinical system comprises Upstate University Hospital with its Downtown and Community campuses, the region’s only children’s hospital, an extensive network of specialty treatment services and the Upstate Cancer Center that is the region’s only comprehensive outpatient resource for the treatment of cancer and blood disorders for both adults and children. With its four colleges and robust research programs, Upstate Medical University is the region’s largest employer and serves as a source of medical and health leadership for Central New York and beyond. Upstate Medical University traces its history to 1834. Then, six faculty members at Geneva College founded a medical school at this small liberal arts college in upstate New York. While still in its infancy, the Geneva Medical School gained the distinction of awarding an MD degree to Elizabeth Blackwell — the first woman to become a physician in the United States. In 1871, the medical school dean, John Towler, bought the college’s medical library, anatomical museum and other tangible assets. Acting as a private citizen, Towler, along with Frederick Hyde, another former Geneva faculty member, approached Syracuse University and offered to donate these materials on the condition that Syracuse University immediately establish and maintain a regular medical college consistent with American Medical Association standards. The Geneva Medical faculty joined the Syracuse University College of Physicians and Surgeons, later known as the College of Medicine. In 1876, another trailblazer, Sarah Loguen, graduated from the medical college, becoming one of the nation’s first African American women physicians and the first woman doctor in what is now the Dominican Republic. In 1950, the Syracuse University College of Medicine was transferred to the newly organized State University of New York where it was known as Upstate Medical Center. On December 10, 1953, the central SUNY administration approved a plan to develop programs to award MS and PhD degrees in biosciences at its two medical schools. In 2009, the master’s in public health (MPH) program was introduced in the College of Medicine, with the intention of preparing students for service, teaching and research careers in public health. Today, many students seek the MPH in combination with other post-graduate degrees. In 1952, graduate studies began at Upstate, with 18 students and new courses in anatomy, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology and physiology. The Syracuse University College of Medicine had actually begun graduate education in the biosciences in this campus in 1947 by offering the PhD in biochemistry, but that degree was given by the university as a whole, not by the medical school. In 1957, under the joint administration of the Graduate Executive committee, which consisted of Wilfred W. Westerfeld, PhD (chair), Chester L. Yntema, PhD, Justus F. Mueller, PhD, Alfred Farah, PhD, Gordon K. Moe, MD, PhD and administrator Joseph K. Hill, the graduate program in Medical Sciences became the School of Graduate Studies. In June 1958 it awarded its first MS and in June 1959 its first PhD – to Arthur A. Iodice, in biochemistry. Dr. Westerfeld became dean in 1961, and in 1973 it was renamed the College of Graduate Studies. The College of Health Professions traces its roots to 1956 when the university offered a certificate program in cytotechnology. The School of Allied Health Professions opened in 1965, offering degree programs in medical technology, radiation technology and radiation therapy technology. Programs in inhalation therapy, medical technology, physical therapy and respiratory therapy were added in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In 1971, John Bernard Henry, MD, became the first dean of the College of Health Related Professions. The word “related” was dropped from the name of the college in 1996. In 2004, the Doctor of Physical Therapy curriculum was added to provide advanced clinical reasoning and differential diagnosis. The Department of Physician Assistant Studies was established in 2009 in response to the health care needs of Central New York. In 2018, the Behavioral Analysis Studies program was added to provide therapeutic services for individuals with autism and related disorders. In 1959, Upstate Medical University initiated an Associate Degree Program in Nursing to meet shortages in this field. Responding to the need for primary care nurses, a Nurse Practitioner Certificate Program was implemented in 1974 and 10 years later, a combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Science Program (BS/MS) was introduced. In 1986, the College of Nursing was established in response to rising enrollment. Growth continued in the late 1980s and early 1990s with the introduction of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program and Master of Science Program that prepared advanced practice nurses for the role of clinical nurse specialist or nurse practitioner. In response to the needs of patients with mental health disorders, the Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (FPMHNP) program was established in 2009. In 2013, the College was proud to usher in an online Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program, which was the first in the area. The vision of Upstate Medical University is to be the leading regional academic medical center in the nation. In achieving this vision, SUNY Upstate is a highly regarded resource for the education of health professionals, especially in shortage areas; a global resource for research that improves understanding of health and disease; a catalyst in the delivery of patient-centered health care that addresses our region’s most pressing concerns; and a place to work that recognizes excellence.



SUNY Upstate Medical University


The Academic Costume he tradition of the academic costume or “regalia” can be traced to the 12th century when gowns and hoods served a distinct purpose for scholars working in unheated buildings. Over the years, gowns and hoods have become indicative of scholarly activities and credentials. The widespread use of the costume grew so rapidly during the 19th century, that it was often difficult to discern which costumes represented the various degrees. In 1894, an intercollegiate system was established to determine the style, design and colors of the gowns and hoods. Today, the shape and size of the hood, and the colors of its lining and border, represent the highest degree held by the wearer, the subject studied, and the school by which the degree was conferred. The hood’s velvet border represents the graduate’s field of study: medicine – green; science – yellow; education – light blue; social work – citron; library science – lemon; dentistry – lilac; nursing – apricot; philosophy – dark blue; physical therapy – teal; and public health – salmon. The official colors of the State University of New York Upstate Medical University are blue and gold. The hood’s interior is treated as an inverted shield, lined with dark blue, and bearing a gold chevron. Upstate Medical University tradition requires green mortarboard tassels for MD recipients and blue for PhD recipients. In accordance with national custom, bachelor’s and master’s degree recipients, faculty members, and guests wear black tassels, while doctoral faculty, trustees, and guests wear gold.


SUNY Upstate Medical University

Upstate Leadership and Council Upstate Leadership

Mantosh Dewan MD

Interim President SUNY Distinguished Service Professor

Lawrence Chin, MD

Dean, College of Medicine Robert and Molly King Professor

Mark Schmitt, PhD

Eric Smith, CPA, MBA Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance

Stuart Wright, CPA, MBA Chief Financial Officer

Luis Mejico, MD UUMAS President

Lynn Cleary, MD

Katherine Beissner, PhD

Vice President for Academic Compliance and University Accreditation SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor

Tammy Austin-Ketch, PhD, FNP, BC, FAANP

Vice President for Development

Dean, College of Graduate Studies Dean, College of Health Professions

Dean, College of Nursing

Julie White, PhD

Associate Vice President for Educational Services Dean, Student Affairs

Rajesh Davé, MD, MBA

Eileen Pezzi, MPA

Malika Carter, PhD

Interim Chief Diversity Officer

Amy Tucker, MD, MHCM

Vice President for Ambulatory Services and Population Health Chief Medical Officer

Dean, Binghamton Clinical Campus

Nancy Page, MS, RN, NEA-BC

Chief Executive Officer of Upstate University Hospital John B. Henry Professor

Nancy Daoust, MS, LNHA, FACHE

Vice President for Research

Mark Zeman

Robert Corona, DO, MBA

David Amberg, PhD Linda Veit, MPH

Interim Chief of Staff Assistant Vice President of Community Relations

James E. Sparks, Esq. Upstate Council

Interim Chair

Gwyn Mannion John B. Johnson, Jr. Eric Allyn Calvin L. Corriders Linda R. Ervin Diane M. Dwire, RN Samuel D. Rowser

Student Representative

Akshay Patel

President, Upstate Student Government Faculty Representative

Stephen J. Glatt, PhD

Chair, Upstate Faculty Council Alumni Representative

Patricia J. Numann, MD

Chief Nursing Officer Upstate University Hospital

Chief Ambulatory Officer Upstate University Hospital Chief Information Officer

Susan Furtney, MPH Chief Strategy Officer

We also would like to thank all of the department chairs, both clinical and basic science, associate and assistant deans, the clinical program directors, and the researchers for their valuable leadership over the past year and their influence on the educational mission.


SUNY Upstate Medical University

Upstate Foundation Chair Rita L. Reicher, PhD Community Volunteer Vice Chair Paul P. Mello, CPA President and Chief Executive Officer Solvay Bank Vice Chair Frederick B. Parker, Jr., MD Emeritus Professor of Surgery Upstate Medical University Treasurer Gail M. McIntyre, CPA Partner The Bonadio Group Assistant Treasurer J. Daniel Pluff Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor and Investment Management Consultant The Pluff Hooley Butler Group at Morgan Stanley Secretary Dodie Vlassis Community Volunteer Officers

Donald B. Barter, CIMA Community Volunteer Juli G. Boeheim Community Volunteer John F. Brogan, CPA Senior Vice President of Operations and Chief Financial Officer L. & J.G. Stickley, Inc. Karen Knope Bullivant Vice President HKS Consulting Stephen Y.L. Chow Senior Vice President, Senior Portfolio Manager Pinnacle Investments, LLC Chung-Taik Chung, MD Emeritus Professor of Radiation Oncology Upstate Medical University Voting Members

Gregory L. Eastwood, MD Professor of Bioethics and Humanities Upstate Medical University Gary Grossman, CPA, CFP Managing Partner Grossman St. Amour CPAs PLLC William J. Killory, CPA Chief Financial Officer White Management Corporation Joseph L. Lalonde Community Volunteer Scott M. Matukas Logicore Strategies Stephen P. McCoy, MBA, CPA Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer KPH Healthcare Services Inc. Maureen Dunn McGlynn Partner CCB Law John L. Murad, Jr. Partner Hancock Estabrook, LLP Andrew K. Palmer, MD Emeritus Professor of Orthopedic Surgery Upstate Medical University Michael H. Ratner, MD Emeritus Professor of Surgery Upstate Medical University David K. Schneckenburger President Thompson & Johnson Equipment Co., Inc. Joshua P. Solomon Vice President National Accounts Beerboard Chris Spera President McLane Northeast

Judy Carr Advocates for Upstate Medical University Representative Upstate Medical University Mantosh Dewan, MD Interim President Upstate Medical University Eric J. Smith, CPA Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration Upstate Medical University Ex-Officio

Daniel T. Accordino President, Chief Operating Officer and Director Carrols Corporation William F. Allyn, Jr. President Allyn Family Foundation Enrico M. Camporesi, MD Emeritus Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology University of South Florida Donald A. Denton Retired Managing Partner Hancock Estabrook, LLP Orrin B. MacMurray, PE Chairman Emeritus The C&S Companies Louis G. Marcoccia, EdD Jill Hebl St. Clair '62 Endowed Chair for Accounting and Finance Cazenovia College Eric Mower Chair and Chief Executive Officer Eric Mower and Associates Taylor H. Obold Community Volunteer Robert E. Pietrafesa II Community Volunteer Mary Ann Shaw, MS, Ed Community Volunteer Vincent F. Spina President BPAS Actuarial & Pension Services Maureen C. Zupan Retired Financial Planner Madison Financial Planning Group Emeritus

Eileen M. Pezzi, MPA

Vice President for Development

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