Up With Trees 2015 Annual Report

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from Board President Letter from Executive Director A NEW Vision for Tulsa - Urban Forest Master Plan Forming NEW Partnerships ReNEWed Numbers / Impact Breaking NEW Ground Financials Board List Donors

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One of the greatest pleasures in my life has been my involvement in efforts to make Tulsa a better community. As Board President of Up With Trees, I am certain that there is no better cause than the work done by this organization. Each Tulsan benefits every day from Up With Trees’ efforts in planting trees along our roads, our parks and our paths through the community. I pass dozens of sites each day and my eyes are drawn to the trees and I know the work it took to plant each one. Volunteers and staff work together to make a significant impact. Coordinating outreach to thousands of people, leading education in the schools and watering double shifts all summer wouldn’t happen without the people who work hard every day. Ultimately, I love all trees and am often found taking pictures of them when I travel. But if you asked me what my favorite tree is, my answer would be one of the trees planted here in Tulsa -- maybe at a park or a school. My favorite tree would be one planted by Up With Trees, because I know that everybody involved will do everything they can to help it thrive and bloom for generations to come. Up With Trees makes a difference and will continue to do so because of our mission, our volunteers and a remarkable staff. Our roots are deep; our trunk is strong; may our crown bear fruit and flowers for generations to come.

Michael Patton, Up With Trees Board President

do in a new way. Instead of simply talking about the beauty of trees, we started a broader conversation about the benefits of trees. Instead of doing broad outreach and tree education, we more firmly codified our youth education outreach into a Tree School program and significantly expanded our adult education programs. But possibly most importantly, we embarked on several new projects that have given us the opportunity to truly showcase what we can do. In the spring, we partnered to plant the Tisdale Food Forest -- a new venture into the world of food sustainability and serving the Tulsa community. In the summer, we kicked off the beginning of an Urban Forest Master Plan -- a new project that will engage stakeholders from multiple sectors in the community. And in the fall, we began a major planting project along I-44 to add thousands of trees to that landscape -- our newest and largest planting project to date.

Dear Friends, 2015 was a year in which we “broke new ground.� While it is true that we break new ground every time we plant a tree, 2015 was a year in which we expanded our horizons, embarked on new projects and explored new opportunities through collaborations and partnerships.

New plantings, new projects, and new relationships with people like you. Thank you for all you do to support our organization and for the impact you help us to make.

In many ways, we were the same organization -- we were out in the community planting trees and educating people about the importance of trees and the urban forest. Yet, in 2015, we began talking about the work that we

Steve Grantham, Executive Director



Trees positively affect human and public health and provide many environmental, economic, and social benefits. Beautiful tree-lined streets and highways not only improve the look and feel of the city, but also improve air quality and increase economic development. By managing the urban forest proactively, trees serve as assets rather than liabilities. Because of this, Up With Trees has begun the creation of an Urban Forest Master Plan for Tulsa. Our goal in the development of the Urban Forest Master Plan is to create a sustainable plan that identifies the needs of the Tulsa community and assesses how those needs can be addressed through the planting and maintaining of Tulsa’s trees. By making a commitment today to care for the trees of tomorrow, we ensure a lush and green legacy to leave for future generations. To begin this process, Up With Trees held a Symposium in June of 2015, inviting public and private stakeholders to engage in a conversation concerning the opportunities and challenges Tulsa faces in growing and maintaining a healthy urban forest. At the Symposium, information was gathered regarding the main concerns people had about Tulsa’s trees, and a team was formed to serve as the Advisory Council to help develop the master plan. This Advisory Council includes people from the city, local foundations and corporations, Tulsa Public Schools and local tree experts. After the Symposium, Up With Trees partnered with Davey Resource Group to gather data about the current state of Tulsa’s trees and develop a 20-year plan for the future of the urban forest. More than 1,500 surveys have also been collected to engage the public and give local citizens a voice in what they would like to see as part of this vision as well. This is just the beginning of what will be a long-term vision for Tulsa and what our landscape will look like and be like in the coming years. 5

By making a commitment today to care for the trees of tomorrow, we ensure a lush and green legacy to leave for future generations.


In 2015, Up With Trees partnered with Dick Conner Correctional Center to provide seedlings to the inmates going through the Tulsa Community College education program. Our Education Coordinator, John Kahre, has been teaching the inmates to grow the seedlings into three-gallon container trees which will then be distributed to the public at the 2017 Eco-Fest. One of the members of the class wrote the following letter explaining the impact this project has had on his life:

My name is Cody, and I have been incarcerated at Dick Conner’s Correctional Center Minimum Security Unit since March of 2015. I started working in the Education building in the college office as a clerk that May. I immediately took a liking to all the horticulture programs and projects that are happening here. I quickly got very involved in the care and overseeing of the greenhouse and take great pride in what we have produced and accomplished. Thanks to our partnership with Up With Trees, we currently have a greenhouse full of trees ready to go to Eco-fest at Tulsa Community College Northeast Campus. We are hoping to grow around 500 trees for next year. This program has helped me strive to be a better person and to use my time more wisely. I’m learning time management skills, horticulture skills, tree care skills and I’m enjoying being active. It brings the guys out here tremendous joy to watch things we have personally planted grow from seeds to plants. There aren’t many opportunities in a prison setting, and this is by far the most enriching program provided at Dick Conner Correctional Center. Thank you for all your individual support. You’ll never know how much we truly appreciate all you have given us.



Board member and Citizen Forester, Nathan Pickard, approached Up With Trees with an idea to create a sustainable food forest in 2015 along the Tisdale Highway just behind the Brady Heights Neighborhood. By planting fruit and nut trees near the walkway behind the houses, people in the neighborhood have access to the trees and the food they provide. This collaboration resulted through a partnership with the neighborhood, Up With Trees, the Reed Jules Oppenheimer Foundation, the City of Tulsa and Crossover Community Impact. One of the neighbors from

Brady Heights explained the importance of this food forest to the community, saying:

Amending a Greek Proverb, Nelson Henderson is quoted as saying: The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit. The Tisdale Food Forest takes this meaning even deeper. It offers individuals food and education within a community that extends beyond humans to plants, animals and bugs alike. Like Henderson, this is a gift given from the present to the future. Unlike his sentiment, though, it is a reality we are able to experience together, in our own backyard, now.



With the help of a long-time donor to the organization, Up With Trees had the opportunity to plant 150 trees at two Tulsa Housing Authority apartment complexes in 2015 -- Sandy Park and Parkview Terrace Apartments. In the process, we had the opportunity to plant the trees with the children who live in those neighborhoods, and one of the young girls shared her thoughts about the importance of the trees to where she lives.


A NEW Major Planting Effort on I-44

Thanks to generous donations from the Tulsa Beautification Foundation and their donors, Up With Trees has had the opportunity to re-introduce greenery to the Tulsa landscape through a major planting effort from Riverside to Yale along I-44. The project, which includes the addition of more than 2,000 trees, 92,000 square feet of wildflower beds and 27,000 square feet of landscaped beds, was kicked off on November 7th by the Up With Trees Board and volunteers. Over a two month period, our Operations crew was able to plant 900 of the trees in the plan and the landscape is looking more beautiful day by day.

NEW Faces, NEW Classes, NEW Opportunities Each year, we welcome new volunteers into the Up With Trees family through our Citizen Forester classes, our weekly volunteer opportunities or our education classes. In 2015, Up With Trees had more than 500 volunteers who contributed more than 11,000 volunteer hours to help us achieve our mission of beautifying Tulsa by planting trees and creating urban forestry awareness through education.



Revenue Tree Sites Contributions Events Miscellaneous

775,851 122,179 252,689 52,858

65% 10% 21% 4%

Insurance & Sale of Asset, Investment Income, Grants




Total: $1,166,


Programs Administrative Fundraising

986,152 78% 84,493 7% 188,107 15%



THE BOARD Michael Patton President Bob Jack Vice President Laura Parrott 2nd Vice President Jeffrey Case Treasurer Joe Howell Secretary Shane Fernandez Past President

Bill Ainsworth Nathan Pickard Nick Doctor Cassie Reese Ken Harwood Joe Roberts Chris Hodges Susan Scott Terrell Hoagland April Stuart Joy McGill Vanessa Thompson Tim Nall Tom Wallace E.J. Oppenheimer Ron Walker Paul Woodul


Marilyn Connor Danise Conrad Cherie Cook Donna Blackburn Sharon and Bob Cooper Marilyn Blackburn Alice and Jim Costas Patricia Boody Natalie and Alex Costas Marian Bovaird Susan and Peter Costas F. E. and Angela Braun Patricia and Tom Costner Nancy Brock Gina and Christopher Covington Anne Brockman Bill Cox Jr. Scott Brooks Kathryn Cox UP TO $499 Jim Brosseau Creative Packaging, Inc. Danny Brown and James Alexander Teresa and Alex Adwan Jane Creveling Nancy Brown Ellen and Gilbert Agronis Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Cronin Patricia and Arnold Brown Donna and Paul Ahner Marke Crouch Natalie Brundred Carol and Bill Ainsworth Catherine Cullem Thuy Bui Karen Albright Charles Cumberbatch Donna Bullock Janice and Jack Alexander Shirley Damewood Milissa Burkart Doris and William Allen Frances Daniels Kenneth Burkett Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen Cindy and William Davis Carol and William Burnett Linda Amato Nancy and Dennis Davis Suzie Bynum Ben Andrews Janet and Kirk Davis Clarence Cagle Alison Anthony Julie and Paul Davis Daniel Cameron Anywhere Cinema Sharon King Davis Stephanie Cameron Sylvia Armellini Eileen deCastro Nell Camp Ellen and Don Atkins Beth Delaney Myers Campbell Nick Auxer Michael Dellinger Otto Cantrell Billy Backues Anita Dewhurst Lynn Caroon Leigh and Walter Barrick Joan Dinneen Candace Carr Meredith and Dewey Bartlett III Linda Dobbs Jeffrey Case John Bates Nick Doctor Chad R. Ferguson Brian and Kim Beair Dunitz Family Charitable Foundation Marjorie Chandler Mike Beal Brenda and Jim Dunn Jo Chichester Jeff and Julia Beall Shirley Dunn Allan Childs Kristi and Gary Beaver Kathryn Earle Diane and Steve Clark Julia Becwar Craig and Alyne Eiland Martha Clark Marilyn and Royce Bentley Ann Wilson Eldridge Maurice Clyma Vera Berlin Annette and Bob Ellis Carolyn Cobb Linda and Phillip Berrey Sammye and Bill Eng Charles Cobb MD Laura and Richard Bewley Diane and George Erbacher James Coldwell Suzette and Dr. James Randolph Birch Mary George Ewing Marjean and Charles Cole Caleb Birr Suzy Ewing Patty and Tim Colwell Tony Bishop Wayne Fallgatter Chelsea Compton Jim Black Linda Feagin

Nancy and Raymond Feldman Linda and James Holland Matrix Service Company Marco Fields The Home Depot Foundation Deann McArtor Amber Finley Mr. and Mrs. William R. Horkey Steve McCoy Lindsey and Michael Fladie Delma and Ashley Houghton Anne McCune Len and Sandy Fleischer Margie and Philip Hughes Joy McGill Flora’s Field Kitchen Anna Inhofe Joe McGraw Arlin Franklin, Jr. Kathy Jackson McIntosh Services, Inc. Desiree Franseen Steve Jenks JoAnn McKinney Tom and Anna Freeman Kate and Seth Jennemann Mike McMahon Thomas Fuller Jill Jenner Rebecca and Kevin McMurray Steven Gaede Marilyn Johnson Ni Yi Mei Eva and Joel Garringer Evelyn and Roy Jones Theresa and Michael Melega MiShell Garver Jerri and Jenk Jones, Jr. Taylor Melone Susan and Dr. Phillip Gelwick Victoria Joyal Candace Merifield Andrea Gentis Allison Kager David Merifield Nancy Gillespie Aaron Kahre David Meyer Beth and Terry Gilliland DeAnna and John Kahre Susan and Philip Moldenhauer Judith Goodale Glen and Darlene Kelley Susie Hime and Mavis Moore Lynn Goodale Nantelle Kemp Linda Morgan Gran Miracle Chiropractic Inc. P.C. Kelly and Craig Kenney Edward Morris Carmela and Steve Grantham Judith and Donald Kihle Samuel Morris Karen Gray Hayden Kiser David Morse Mary Jane Green Mary Ann Knell Ruth and Marvin Morse Harriet and Mitchell Greenspan Ann Lake Willa and Dewey Hobson Marian Greenwood Julie Land John Murphy Debora Riggs Grillot Patricia Lane Michael Murphy Mary Ellen Gunby Lance Larey Dylan Nall Cynthia Gustavson Sandra Lassley Neighbors Building Neighborhoods Sherrie Hagenhoff Carole Laster Elizabeth Nelson Alice Haight Richard Laughlin Larry Nichols Janie Hale Jay Bird Lawson Carolyn and David Nierenberg Ted and Elaine Hanner Elizabeth May and E. H. Le Leux Rebecca and Douglas Norton Suzanne and Charles Hannum Leggett & Platt, Inc. NSDAR, Broken Arrow Creek Chapter Ellen and Charles Hartman Mary and Bob Lengacher Hallee and Russ Patterson Peter Hay Bo Limbaugh Natalie and Nick Patterson Janet Hayes Susan Loomis Anna America and Michael Patton Janet Hendricks Peggy and Rodney Loyd Denise and Terrence Payne Nancy Hermann Patsy Lyon Dian Peacock and Craig Jenkins Rebekah Herrick Steve Magnuson Gary Percefull Karen Hicks Debra Mailey Dana Perez Judi Hill-Hively Jeanne and Pat Mandeville George and Faye Perkins Terrell Hoagland Shaun Mangan Michael Perkins Amelia Hobbs John W. & Jerry E. Marshall Foundation Andrea Kunkel and John Peters Joeli and Chris Hodges Philip E. Marshall Leslie and Robert Peterson Margaret and Curtis Holdridge Khumi Tonsing Massey Jo Leslie Petty

Bradley Phelps Connie and David Phillips David and Gwyn Phillips Doug and Julie Phillips Debbie and Michael Phillips Steve Phillips Kristin and Nathan Pickard Heather Pingry Betty and Steve Pirnat Posh Blowdry Bar Joanna and Larry Potts Shawn and Chris Poynor Charlene Prai Pure Barre Jackie Rago Ralph and Jane Roach Ian Raskin Stephen Ray Holly Romine and Forest Redwood Keely Record Thomas and Stephanie Regan Nathan Rhea Dr. R. E. Rhodes, Jr. Rib Crib Corporation Shannon and Eric Richards George Ridgley Doris Roach Ronda and Joseph Roberts Elizabeth Robinson Isaac Rocha Matthew Rodgers Erma Roquemore Susan and Robert Rorschach Megen Rosado-Johnson Karen Ryan Matthew Ryan Saint Francis Hospital Kidney Transplant Team Jennifer Salamon Paul Samuels Carol Lee Sanders Joan Scheulen Patti and Richard Schmigle Abby Schneider

Kurt Schneider Jim Scholl Heather Schroeder Bernice and Clyde Scott Denise Seacat Harry Seay III Jill Sedlacek Seed N’Weed Garden Club Jerry Seefeldt SGA Design Group PC Ty Simmons Helen Marie and Jerry Sisler Tammy Slater Sue Ann and Alex Smith Eloise Smith Jenn Smith Scot Smith Susan Snodgrass Judith Soltow Nancy and Henry Sossin William Southmayd Mary Spears Ronda and John Spears Susan and Louis Stackler Patricia and Gerald Stamper Stanley Black & Decker Inc William Stava Jr. Sandra Staves Virginia Steele Doug and Lori Stewart Linda and Bruce Stoesser April and Zach Stuart Janet Stuart Paige Sutherland Hazel Sutterfield Yvette Tabor Carol Tandy Jean Tate Glenann Wilkerson Annie Thomas Sandra Thomas Doris Thompson Judith Thompson Marcia and Jared Tillson

Rhoda and Charles Transue Tulsa Ballet Tulsa Beauty Bar Barbara and John Turner Jennifer and Douglas Turner Eva Unterman Brian Urich Arlin Vancuren Carrie Vesely Terry Vinsant Georgina Walker Ron Walker Charles Ward Karen and Joe Warlick Elizabeth and Tom Weatherholt Kay Webb Elizabeth Weeks Sali Weingartner Connie and Douglas Welch D’Ann and David Welch Eva Welch Paul Welch Steven Welch Theresa and William Welch Suzanne and Bruce Wenger Cheryl and Christopher Westfall JoAnn and David White Allen and Ruth Ann White Lacy and Al Whitehead Frances and Skip Whitehurst Thomas Whitehurst Sondra and Jim Whitt Michael Whitworth Beverly and Robert Williams Murrel Wilmoth, Jr. Josephine and Thomas Winter Jane Wiseman Jennie and Christopher Wolek Phyllis and Larry Wolverton Susie Tatum Woody Taber Wright Sue Young Rachel Zebrowski

Joan and Bob Hunt Tulsa County Deputy Sheriff FOP 188 India Association of Tulsa Tulsa Garden Club Judy and Ronny Altman Interstate Steel & Metals, Inc. University Of Oklahoma Foundation A-Max Sign Co., Inc. Jones, Gotcher & Bogan PC Barbara and Preston VanHanken American Waste Control, Inc. Farrell Seay and Nick Jones William Vogle Ameristar Perimeter Security Robert LaFortune, Sr. Nita Watson Mary Athens Sharon and Mike Limas Tana Weber Kathleen Baab Joan and Richard Link Nancy and Bill Wienker Mildred Banks William Lohrey Joanne Williams Rebecca and Anthony Bascone Joanna and Erik Lundberg Mollie Williford Beth Beeson-Wilkins Karen Keith and Pat Malloy Donna and Noid Wilson Briley Construction Patricia and Jack Mandeville The Zarrow Families Foundation Twila Brown Barbara Moschovidis Kenneth Brune Marilyn Murphy Dorothy and John Bryce Paula Neal Budco, Inc. Nelson Service Experts Celebration Station Properties, Inc. Cody Nicholson Center For Individuals with Physical Sandra and Robert Norman Challenges ONEOK Inc. Central Bank of Oklahoma Overhead Door Co. of Tulsa, Inc. Elizabeth Coman-Klein Dan Owens Art Couch $1,000 - $2,499 Paragon Films, Inc. Hanley Cox Jerry Parker ACT - Alliance For Community Trees Davey Resource Group Paul Parrott Robert America Marianne and Dr. Mark Davis Ray Phillips American Heritage Bank Marilyn Inhofe Davis Bobbye Ruth Potter Janice and Andy Anderson Patricia and Malcolm Deisenroth, Jr. Charlotte and Thomas Rinehart Automated Building Systems - Tulsa Joseph & Virginia Dibert Foundation Riverfield Country Day School Arvest Bank G. Pete Dosser MD Sol Robinowitz Foundation Linda Berger Martin Elias Saint Francis Hospital Carolyn and Robert Bishop Leslie Elliott Samson Energy Company LLC The Mervin Bovaird Foundation Enovation Controls M. Susan Savage Breeze Investments LLC Whitney and Dan Eslicker Kay Schermerhorn Jane BunttHobson Fine Airport Parking, Inc. Southwood Landscape & Nursery Co Anne and Robert Burlingame First National Bank of Broken Arrow Sertco Industries, Inc. Jill and Phil Burns Floral Haven Funeral Home Nancy and George Shahadi Connie and Jeff Cope Forbes Foundation Diane and Rex Shelton Coury Properties, Inc. Gerdau Spring Creek Nursery, Inc. Kasey Davis Julia Warnock and James Geurin James Stanton Patricia and Len Eaton Kelly and Charles Greenough Tia and Ross Swearingen Margaret and John Erling Hardesty Press, Inc. TESCORP Explorer Pipeline Harvard Terrace LLC Richard Teubner Donna and William Farrior John Hausam Vanessa Thompson Flint Family Foundation Linda and Gordon Helm Trust Company of Oklahoma Frontier International Trucks, Inc. R. L. Hudson & Co. Marilyn Inhofe-Tucker and Ralph Tucker Brandon Gardner

$500 - $999

Ginger Gibson Gregory Holt Alexis and Robert Jack Glaudia and Ted Jacobson Beth Johnson Justin Thompson Restaurants Miranda and Philip Kaiser Gary Kuck KWB Oil Property Management David McKinney Marina Metevelis Miles Associates Monty Moeller Marrs Electric Evelyn Nienhuis OK Dept. of Ag. - Forestry Services Mia and Herbert Oven Jr. Beverly Patterson Frances Patterson Lindsay Patterson PhD Phillips & Bacon Inc. Mary and Gregory Pittman Todd Pyland Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers Rich & Cartmill, Inc. Rotary Club of Tulsa Bob Saied Schusterman Family Foundation Hastings+Chivetta Architects, Inc. Stevie and Bob Shipley Shrine Entertainment Cherl and Ronald Snyder Southern Millwork, Inc. Peggy and Charles Stephenson Toni’s Flowers Transport Workers Union AFL-CIO #514 Tulsa Partners, Inc Tulsa Pro Hoops-Tulsa Shock Tulsa Sports Commission Sarah Watson Williams T. D. Williamson, Inc.

$2,500 - $4,999 AEP Public Service Co. of Oklahoma Avery Family Trust Etta May Avery Cancer Treatment Centers of America Covanta Tulsa Renewable Energy LLC Frank and Sara Dale Alice Badger Dangott Ellen and Otto Duecker Global Health Gordy and Charlotte Guest Elizabeth and Joe Howell Israel Diamond Bradford Johnson Bryan Johnson Tara and Shawn Karnes Susan Scott and Dan Katz Mike Keys Land Legacy M & M Lumber Co. Nordam Group Oil Capital Electric LLC Tom Owens Laura Ratliff Terrie and Blake Shipley William S. Smith Charitable Trust The University Of Tulsa Paul Woodul

$5,000 - $10,000 Animal Emergency Center The Barthelmes Foundation The G. C. Broach Company Mary and Mark Bursack Mary and Jim Bush $10,000 AND ABOVE Chick-fil-A Jan and Roger Adams Raymond DeCoursey Jo and Phil Albert Wendy and Gentner Drummond Cheryl and Philip Bayouth Enbridge Energy Company, Inc. Margery Mayo Bird Foundation Patricia and Donald Hardin Brannin Family Foundation The Helmerich Trust Patrick Carr Jean & Joe Holliman Family Foundation H. A. & Mary K. Chapman Charitable Trust The Holmes Organisation The Sharna & Irvin Frank Foundation Valerie Jolly Bonnie Klein George Kaiser Family Foundation Nabholz Construction Key Construction Ruth Kaiser Nelson Frances and Joe Klein Reed Jules Oppenheimer Foundation Ralph & Frances McGill Foundation Barbara and Lynn Owens Barbara and Tim Nall River Parks Authority Oklahoma Magazine Anthony J. Solow One Gas Foundation Tulsa Beautification Foundation The Sherman E. Smith Family Charitable Foundation Tulsa Community Foundation TMA Systems The William K. Warren Foundation Tulsa County Sheriff Department The Williams Foundation Tulsack Maxine & Jack Zarrow Family Foundation Susie and Tom Wallace Deborah Weems

1102 S. Boston Avenue

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119



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