The Canopy - Spring 2015

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TREE SCHOOL: Up With Trees kicked off its first TreeSchool© class at the local Boys and Girls Club in January. Through this program, which was funded by a grant from the Alliance for Community Trees, students have learned about the importance of a thriving urban forest as well as about the goals of long term stewardship and advocacy on behalf of the environment. TreeSchool© is Up With Trees’ youth education program, which is “designed to utilize trees as a cross-curricular learning tool”, says Steve Grantham, Executive Director at Up With Trees. “The goal of the program is to engage students through interactive lessons and hands on tree


planting and care based on the needs of the school or organization.” Along with learning about the benefits trees provide us, the students have been taught how to properly care for a tree by planting, pruning and watering it. “TreeSchool© has been a wonderful and exciting experience for the children” says Jerome Smith, Unit Director at the Boys and Girls Club. “[Up With Trees] made the process of learning about trees fun for the kids with the hands on experience that they allow them to have.” This seven week course concluded with the students planting a Bald Cypress and a Chinese Pistache at the Boys and Girls Club Mabee Red Shield Center.




WELCOME FROM OUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – STEVE GRANTHAM “What will Tulsa look like in 20 years?” As you think about that future, let’s also take a moment to look back. This month wraps up our 39th planting season at Up With Trees. With the generous support of the community, Up With Trees has planted and maintained over 30,000 trees since our founding in 1976. These trees beautify our roadways, shade our parks, and help make Tulsa a place where people want to live, work, and relax. At Up With Trees, we are proud of our past but are also looking to the future. Through our TreeSchool program we are helping to educate the next generation of leaders. Our research projects will help to shape how we plant in the future and how we inform the public of the most efficient and effective methods of growing the urban forest. What will Tulsa look like in 20 years? I’m not exactly sure. But, with your support, Up With Trees will continue to ensure that Tulsa will be a healthier, cleaner, and more vibrant city today and for generations to come.

Sid Patterson Founder (1921-2012)

Michael Patton

Bob Jack

Laura Parrott

Joe Howell

Jeffrey Case

Shane Fernandez


Vice President

2nd Vice President



Past President

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bill Ainsworth Nick Doctor Ken Harwood Chris Hodges

Terrell Hoagland Joy McGill Tim Nall E.J. Oppenheimer

Bonnie Klein, Chair Ronny Altman Norman Asbjornson Mary Athens Bob Burlingame

Jim Bush Dick Cantrell Tom Clark Tim Colwell Jeff Cope Marke Crouch

Cassie Reese Joe Roberts Susan Scott April Stuart

Ron Walker Tom Wallace Paul Woodul

ADVISORY BOARD Barry Hargrove Bob Hunt Joan Hunt Joe Klein, Jr Christy Lindsay-Nightengale Mia Oven

Susan Parrott Patti Schmigle Joe Schulte Jean Tate


Alice Costas

Jim Costas

Tom Freeman

Marina Metevelis

2015 Tree-Via Up With Trees held its annual fundraiser, Tree-Via, on April 28 at Ruckers Warehouse, raising money to implement a Tree School program at Gilcrease Elementary and plant trees around their currently barren playground. With a tailgating theme, teams were ready to test their wit against other trivia savants as well as compete for the Team Spirit Award, and to challenge their friends to sport an OU or OSU tutu. Teams danced, chanted, and deliberated, but the prevailing trivia champs were the Burnham Wood team, with We B Trees and We’re Knot Stumped tying for second place. Although it was a close call amongst the teams, Crazy 8’s won the spirit award for being such an energetic and sprightly bunch. With the success of the event, Gilcrease Elementary’s Tree School program will start this coming fall. Be sure not to miss next year’s Tree-Via and visit to watch for updates.

“Up with Trees provides a continual gift to Tulsa. With our roots deep and trunk strong, we will produce fruits and flowers for generations to come.” -Michael Patton Board President

Since 1976, Up With Trees has planted more than 30,000 trees throughout Tulsa. Follow Up With Trees #TreesmeanTulsa

CURRENT PRO RESEARCH GRANT As the urban forest is constantly changing and evolving, so is our understanding of its trees and the best ways to ensure our trees remain healthy and strong. Thanks to a grant from the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Up With Trees has started a 3-year research project which will analyze the effects of various watering methods on coniferous and deciduous trees planted in the Oklahoma climate. This data will help to guide our operations in the future as well as to educate the public about the most effective means to establish a newly-planted tree. 60 TREES PLANTED • 15 3-gallon deciduous • 15 15-gallon deciduous • 15 3-gallon coniferous • 15 15-gallon coniferous

5 DIFFERENT TEST GROUPS • No water • Gator bags • Water crystals • Regular watering • Water with biochar

DATA BEING GATHERED • Height • Diameter breast height • Relative health • Structure

ROUTE 66 Up With Trees is currently engaged in a project to beautify West Tulsa and the Route 66 corridor, through a collaboration with City Councilor Jeannie Cue, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, and Szafranski-Pugh and Associates. The goal of this project is to create beautifully landscaped entry points into West Tulsa from Highway 75, as well

as along the Route 66 corridor. The landscaping proposal, which includes several varieties of trees, such as Nuttall Oaks, Lacebark Elms, Chinese Pistache, Crape Myrtles, Golden Raintrees, Loblolly Pines and Upright Junipers, is being designed by Jeff Pugh from Szafranski-Pugh and Associates on a complimentary basis.

Be sure to visit for our weekly blog posts for information on Up With Trees projects, Pollution in Oklahoma Water Sources, and so much more!



A collaboration between Up With Trees, the Downtown Coordinating Council, and the Tulsa Community Foundation

This past spring, the Up With Trees Operations Crew completed Phase III of the Tree Downtown Tulsa Project. With the addition of 280 trees, Downtown Tulsa is already looking greener. Next time you drive downtown, be sure to notice the new trees along Detroit Avenue, 1st Street, 2nd Street, Denver Avenue, and Archer Street. Each tree planted adds to the allure of downtown life, along with the multiple health benefits, elevated public safety, and improved economic standings which develop with the presence of trees. Due to the size of these trees – each weighing up to a half ton – and the difficult work of planting in a downtown setting, the task is labor and cost intensive. “The operations crew really enjoys the immediate impact of planting trees downtown” says Quentin Hendricks, Operations Director. “Our day starts with a blank canvas and at the end there are beautiful trees marking our path of progress. It’s an honor for us to be a part of the beautification process of downtown.” If you would like to be a part of planting trees downtown, please contact Julie Davis, Associate Director, at Julie@upwithtrees. org or (918) 610 – 8733 for information on Sponsoring a Downtown Tree.

Up With Trees joined forces with the people from the Brady Heights Neighborhood Association to plant about 500 trees along the east side of the LL Tisdale highway between the 600 -1200 north block. The project’s goal is focused on the planting of various nut trees, fruit trees, and evergreens to help combat the neighborhood’s pollution levels, decrease runoff, provide a sound barrier, and involve the neighborhood teens in outdoor activities. These nut trees will be maintained and harvested by the youth in North Tulsa to encourage their involvement in the community, help build work experience, and positively grow their self-confidence.

The Tisdale Food Forest will include more than 100 Chinese Chestnuts, 50 Pecan, 10 Plum, 10 Peach, 20 Fig, 5 Cherry, 20 Mulberry, 20 Apple, 10 Jujubes, 50 Virginia Pine, 40 Black Locust, and 50 Loblolly Pine trees. For more information on the Tisdale Food Forest call Up With Trees at (918) 610-8733 or visit the facebook page at www.facebook. com/tisdalefoodforest.

2015 VOLUNTEER HONORS LUNCHEON Up With Trees’ first annual Volunteer Honors Luncheon was held on March 26 at the Silo Event Center. The event, which started with a dance performed by the Up With Trees staff, was a great celebration of Up With Trees’ volunteers and those who have contributed tremendously to the organization. Thank you to all of our volunteers for investing your time and skills in Up With Trees. Without your dedication, our organization wouldn’t have nearly the same impact on Tulsa. The winners of each award are listed below.

PLANNING – SHANE FERNANDEZ A person presenting ideas or organizing activities to ensure the future success of Up With Trees.

PLANTING – JIM PARRETT A person involved in planting activities including sign preparation, planting tree sites, and coordinating volunteers for site plantings.

PRESERVING – ROB FRANKLIN & KAREN HARDESTY A person involved with the pruning crews, watering crews, and/or basic tree maintenance.

PROMOTING – CAROL & RORY STANLEY A person involved in any activity that markets Up With Trees.

PEOPLE – JIM BROSSEAU A person who demonstrates leadership, promotes urban forestry education, and/or acts as an advocate for Up With Trees.

CITIZEN FORESTER OF THE YEAR – SUSAN SNODGRASS A Citizen Forester who has gone above and beyond the requirements of the program.

Special Thanks to THE HONORS COMMITTEE Jim Costas, Rae Krolikowski, Susan Scott, April Stuart

SID PATTERSON LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Andy Anderson, Jim Costas, and Tom Freeman - This award recognizes an individual who, over the years, has furthered Sid Patterson’s vision by making an enduring impact on Tulsa’s Urban Forest.

d r eTHIS a m sDATE for a greener tulsa SAVE GREEN LEAF GALA

OCTOBER 9, 2015

“Dreams for a Greener Tulsa”



2015 GALA CHAIR Up With Trees welcomes Terrie Shipley as the 2015 Green Leaf Gala Chair. Terrie owns Terrie Shipley Consulting where she helps students plan for college, build their resumes and leadership skills, and provides mentoring in other facets of young adults in transition. “I’m just like anybody else whose life is made better by trees. They simply make me happy” says Terrie. “It’s an honor to serve as the 2015 gala chair; I’m particularly excited about the theme for this year’s gala, which is centered upon increasing tree density in Tulsa, especially areas in our community that are too often overlooked.”

Up With Trees is excited to welcome Nathan Pickard as our new TYPROS board intern at Up With Trees and also one of our newest Citizen Foresters from the 2015 class. In his short time at Up With Trees, he has been actively involved in collaborating with fellow board member, EJ Oppenheimer, and Up With Trees staff on a project to plant a food forest for the Brady Heights Neighborhood along the Tisdale Expressway. “My office is on the 43rd floor of the BOK Tower with windows looking north over my house in Brady Heights. As I watch the many cars and trucks driving on the highways surrounding my neighborhood, it always makes me think of the amount of pollution my family is breathing” says Nathan. “I think Up With Trees has done amazing work toward solving this problem throughout Tulsa. “


1102 S BOSTON AVE, TULSA, OK 74119 Address Service Requested


DATES TO REMEMBER Check out for all the details and upcoming events in 2015

9th Tree Walk at the Maple Ridge Neighborhood


14th Tree Walk at John Hope Franklin Park


11th Tree Walk at Centennial Park


8th Tree Walk at Tulsa Zoo


9th Green Leaf Gala 27th Tree Walk at Christmas Tree Farm


4th Holiday Party

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