Urbanbaby & Toddler Magazine Spring 2017

Page 1

Green issue

Celebrity Mom:

David Suzuki’s Queen of Green

Lindsay Coulter Education:

Raising an Advocate and Not a Bully Mother’s Day Contest:

Win $1000 in Prizes Eco Parent:

Going Green: Choose Fair-Trade Goods for Your Family

Sponsored by Shop ‘n Stroll

Contest DE








2017 Stroller Guide






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SPRING 2017 volume 15 • issue 1

t able of


4 eco parent: Going Green: Choose Fair-Trade Goods for Your Family 6 nutrition: Food Allergies 101: New Updates for Parents 8 celebrity mom: David Suzuki’s Queen of Green Lindsay Coulter 10 parenting: How Do They Do It? Parenting Styles Around the World 12 prenatal: Having a Doula on Your Support Team: Understanding the Benefits

l et te r f ro m th e We survived a super nasty winter season on the West Coast and everyone was so looking forward to Spring 2017 to arrive. I will gladly trade the fluffy-white snow for fluffy-pink cherry blossoms as spring comes to life in our stunningly scenic province! We have great content throughout our annual Green issue for you to enjoy reading in the backyard or nearest playpark. I encourage all parents to check page 6 for recent updates to food allergies. This informative article can be helpful to parents of babies as well as parents with older children. As every parent knows, children don’t just get sick during the colder seasons, illness


can strike anytime. Our article on page 18 will assist you in getting informed and well prepared. With children getting involved in outdoor activity, family scheduling can be more challenging. To learn more about the fine art of scheduling and reducing the stress that comes with it, be sure to read our article on page 19. And speaking of stress, we haven’t forgotten about all the hard-working moms out there. In fact, we have a fabulous Mother’s Day contest and calendar on pages 24 and 25 to celebrate “all-things mom”! Now get outdoors and savour that great BC spring air. Finally! As always we value your feedback. Send your emails to the editor at editor@urbanbaby.ca


16 special feature: Babies of 2016


17 green living: A Green Choice on Your Baby’s Bottom


18 family health: When Your Child Gets Sick: Be Well-Informed and Prepared


19 family planning: The Juggler: Mastering the Art of Scheduling

EDITOR/AD SALES Lara Leontowich

2 0 UrbanMarket: Products & Promotions

CONTRIBUTORS Lindsay Coulter, Kristen Yarker, Melissa Collins, Holly McNicol, Allison Mills, Rowena List, Natasha Biem, Julie Romanowski

2 2 education: Raising an Advocate and Not a Bully

SUBSCRIPTION urbanbaby & toddler magazine is available for $25.00 per year (includes GST).

24 contest: Mother’s Day Giveaway 25 special feature: May is for Mom Calendar 26 things we like: Spring Finds 2 8 UrbanGuide: 2017 Stroller Guide 3 0 UrbanKid: Connection is Key to Quality Conversations


Published four times per year by Local Kids Media, reaching 68,000 readers per issue. Material appearing herein may not be reproduced in print or electronically without written permission of the publisher, and without proper credit. Editorial opinions and viewpoints may not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.

www.urbanbaby.ca On the cover: Aria, 1-year old Location: Lions Park, Port Coquitlam Photo Credit: Capture Video and Photography

urbanbabyandtoddler @urbanbabymag urbanbabymag urbanbabyandtot

31 on the town: Spring Family Fun

our mailing info:

31 spotlight: UrbanMom: Emily www.capturevideoandphoto.com

Suite 378 - 255 Newport Dr., Port Moody, BC V3H 5H1 Canada telephone: 604.908.8835 email: info@urbanbaby.ca

e co p a re n t

| by Lindsay Coulter

Going Green:

Choose Fair-Trade Goods for Your Family In an ideal world, stores would only carry goods that are healthy for people and the planet. Until then, we must read labels and choose with care. The money you spend on fair-trade, provides safer working conditions and helps communities to thrive. The fair-trade certification system also prohibits GMOs and limits the use of agrochemicals. Many of us know how to find fair-trade chocolate, coffee, tea and bananas. Yet few know that they can also obtain fair-trade lip balm, lotions, flowers, clothing and sporting equipment. Soccer balls are great for children, but they shouldn’t be made by children.

What Does Fair-Trade Mean? Fair trade helps promote sustainable agriculture around the world. Farmers are paid for what they grow, based on internationallyrecognized standards on wages; labour rights; working conditions and prices. The practice supports farming co-ops, housing, health and safety standards. Fair trade also means no child labour (workers under the age of 15, as defined by the International Labour Organization).

What Fair-Trade Products Can I Buy? Coffee: It’s the second most-traded commodity on Earth after oil! Growers have cleared millions of acres of land worldwide and some use toxic pesticides and GMO varieties to increase production. Songbirds that summer in Canada usually spend winters in coffee-growing latitudes. Our coffee consumption threatens much of their habitat. When you choose coffee that has been triplecertified: fair trade, organic and shade-grown, you are helping birds and other species. Chocolate: Growers of cocoa — the chocolate bean — have also cleared millions of acres worldwide thus forcing out forest inhabitants, including boreal birds. In sub-Saharan Africa, 30 percent of children under age 15 are labourers often in agricultural activities. These realities build a strong case for choosing only certified fair-trade chocolate. Flowers: A conventional floral bouquet may be grown by children in a country far away, under nasty, pesticide-laden working conditions. Plant seeds for long-lasting happiness by selecting fair-trade flowers or potted plants that restrict certain agrochemicals; pay fair wages and avoid child labour. Clothing: The opposite of fair-trade threads is “fast fashion”

4 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2017

that entices us to buy more for less. But cheap clothing and accessories are no bargain. They are not made to last. You may be surprised to know that some low-priced items are more likely to contain lead — so beware of bright, shiny handbags and wallets. Beading and sequins can also indicate possible child labour has been involved. In the book, Magnifeco: Your Head-to-Toe Guide to Ethical Fashion and Non-toxic Beauty, Kate Black says that when we pay less, we also get less: less transparency and accountability, and lower ethical standards and quality. Fair-trade clothing brands commit to worker well-being; fair prices to suppliers; transparency; accountability; economic opportunities and respect for the environment (organic or low-pesticide production). Sports balls: Choose certified fair-trade soccer balls, volleyballs and basketballs. These hand-stitched balls are made-to-last and PVC-free. Manufacturers must meet certain social, economic and environmental standards. Fair-trade premiums contribute toward programs that help employees and their families including eye exams; diabetes tests; school supplies and clean drinking water for schools.

Watch For These Two Labels Fairtrade International, a group of 25 organizations, that certifies international fair-trade standards which addresses the imbalance of power in trading relationships, unstable markets and the injustices of conventional trade. They connect disadvantaged producers to consumers; promote fair-trading conditions and empower producers. Learn more at www.fairtrade.net Fair Trade USA is the leading third-party certifier of fair-trade products in the United States. This organization uses a marketbased approach to give farmers fair prices; safer working

conditions, and community resources thus contributing to fair, healthy and sustainable lives. Learn more at www.fairtradeusa.org Make informed decisions to reduce your environmental footprint. Understand labels and claims found on everyday products. Search for certified eco-labels such as fair trade. Not only will you become a sustainable shopper, you will also empower and help people around the world. • Lindsay joined the David Suzuki Foundation more than a decade ago, with a Zoology degree and a passion for nature. As David Suzuki’s “Queen of Green” she leads and inspires others to live gently on the Earth. Canada’s “green living” expert is mom of a preschooler and throws great neighbourhood block parties! www.queenofgreen.ca

Read more articles by

Lindsay the “Queen of Green” at www.urbanbaby.ca


| by Kristen Yarker

Food Allergies


New Updates for Parents A food allergy is when the immune system mistakes a particular food as harmful. Once a person has developed a food allergy, an allergic reaction occurs every time the food is eaten. Food allergies can be severe (often called anaphylactic) or children can have more mild reactions. We know that food allergies in children have been on the rise over the last decade. Currently it is estimated that 5% of children in BC have food allergies. This rise has motivated curious scientists to conduct scientific research to find out what causes food allergies and how to prevent them. We have a long way to go before we have all the answers; however several recent studies reveal very interesting findings. As a result, new advice is being given to parents for introducing solid foods to young children. New research reveals babies who may be at higher risk for food allergies. Allergies tend to run in families. Your baby may be at higher risk for a food allergy if: • Baby has eczema before introducing solid foods. • A doctor has diagnosed a biological parent or sibling with an allergic condition like food allergy, eczema, asthma or hay fever. Newest scientific findings don’t tell us which foods are linked to each risk factor. So there is no current advice to avoid specific foods. In fact, the advice is quite the opposite. For greater details, read the section of this article that covers recommendations for infants with a higher-risk for food allergy.

Recommendations for Infants with a Lower Risk for Food Allergy: • When your child is about six months, you can start introducing •

any food in no particular order. Focus on iron-rich foods first, and then introduce a wide range of other foods. There is no need to introduce foods one-at-a-time, or wait a certain number of days between new foods.

6 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2017

Recommendations for Infants with a Higher Risk for Food Allergy: • Follow the advice for lower-risk infants (above) with the exception of the common food allergens.

• Introduce common food allergens, one-at-a-time, within the •

first few months of introducing solid foods (when your child is about six months). Continue to offer the common food allergens two to three times a week.

In Canada, the common food allergens are: milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts, soy, seafood (fish, shellfish, crustaceans), wheat, and sesame. Food reactions are often more subtle, non-specific, and can take longer to show up. This can make it challenging to narrow down specific reactions to a specific food. Signs of a food reaction may include any of the following: • A rash ( including worsening of eczema) • Vomiting, stomach upset, diarrhea, constipation • Stuffy or runny nose • Watery eyes

Signs of a Severe Food Reaction: Severe reactions usually appear within minutes of eating a food. Signs include: • Mouth, tongue and throat swelling • Hives • Difficulty breathing • Difficulty swallowing or hoarse voice • Pale or blue colour of the face or lips • Faintness, weakness or passing out

Questions about food allergies or introducing your baby to solid foods? The dietitians at

HealthLink BC

are an excellent resource. Speak with a dietitian, call 8-1-1 daytimes Monday to Friday or by email by following the instructions provided at healthlinkbc.ca/healthy-eating

Does My Child Have a Food Reaction? If you suspect that your child is having a severe reaction, immediately get emergency medical help. Call 9-1-1 or the emergency number in your area. If you suspect that your child has a non-severe food reaction, stop feeding your child that food. Talk with your primary care provider (doctor or nurse practitioner) or a dietitian experienced with food allergies. Children grow out of reactions to some foods more commonly than others. Work with your health professional to determine when it would be the right time to try re-introducing that particular food.

Food Reactions in Older Children: Food reactions don’t just happen to babies. Sometimes an older child will have a reaction leaving parents baffled as to why it happened after so many years. I highly recommend working with a dietitian experienced with food allergies and sensitivities. The gold-standard way to determine a food reaction is to do a food-elimination diet followed by a food challenge. Unfortunately, this process is often done incorrectly which can be frustrating for parents. It is also important to know that when foods are removed — without looking closely at the rest of a child’s diet — nutrients can be missed which are essential for the child’s health and development. • Kristen, MSc, RD is a child-feeding expert who helps parents support their picky eaters to try new foods on their own. Since 2008, she has been working with families to provide good nutrition for their children today and instill a love of food that lasts a lifetime. www.kristenyarker.com/kids-nutrition

spring 2017 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 7

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ce l e b r i t y m o m

| by Urbanbaby & Toddler

Lindsay Coulter When Lindsay was nine years old she said: “One day David Suzuki and I will be like this” and crossed her fingers. She didn’t really know what David Suzuki did for a living she just knew he liked animals and was passionate about saving the planet, just like her. It took a little bit of time and a lot of hard work but in 2006, with her Zoology degree in hand, she joined the David Suzuki Foundation. She walks the talk, even holding an environmentally friendly wedding. It wasn’t long before she became known as David Suzuki’s Queen of Green, blogging about “Living Green.” She has a four-year old son and is expecting another child this summer. Urbanbaby & Toddler Magazine had the opportunity to follow up with Lindsay about living green and how parents can teach their children to love nature and live a greener lifestyle.

LC: Our four-year son now plays with the same toys his father played with during his childhood. They are not just regular toys they are very special because they used to be Daddy’s. The toys we buy now for our son, we hope to hand down to his children and follow the same tradition. And if we’re lucky, Grandpa’s Lego might be handed down to another generation. So, when we make new purchases, we aim to buy toys that are built to last and not necessary what’s trendy. As for clothing, we try to donate clothes that our son has outgrown and give them to friends or family. When we buy new clothing, I try to source eco-friendly, fair-trade or certified organic clothing. Good-quality clothing will definitely last longer and can be used by more than just my family.

UBT: Your career in the spotlight has obvious time commitments, how do you juggle time with your family? LC: After my son Wyn was born, I was able to reduce my work time from four to three days a week which enabled me to spend more time with him. I am very grateful for my family-friendly office environment that lets me stay connected with nature. As a social media mom, I have to be constantly connected so I schedule my time strategically and rely on the volunteers to help in answering questions and inquiries from fans. UBT: Many young families are unaware of the extent of our “throw-away society” when it comes to an excess of toys and clothing. What advice can you offer parents to change that?

8 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2017

UBT: So many people strive to live more green but feel like they are only one person, and their impact on the planet is inconsequential. What advice do you have for those people? LC: Small steps not only inform, but also empower Canadians to live “green” without guilt or the feeling of being overwhelmed. Go from “I’m just one person, what can I do?” to “I’m one person, look what I CAN do! UBT: Teaching children about respecting the earth and nature is so important but often gets lost in this modern world of tech and gadgets. How can parents help their kids learn to respect the earth and connect with it on a daily basis? LC: Open the door. Fact: we’re raising a generation of indoor kids. In her survey, Dr. Rhonda Clements found that children spend less time playing outdoors than their mothers did when they were young—even in rural areas. Children go outside less often and for shorter periods of time. And you don’t have to plan a huge adventure to a provincial or national park. Nature can be a local green space — a treed

Read past celebrity parent interviews at


t In



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boulevard, community garden, or creek running through your neighbourhood. Walk to school or put up a tree swing! UBT: What are some practices that you do daily/weekly to teach your own child about giving back to the planet? LC: When we see trash by the ocean, we pick it up. My fouryear-old is always learning about conservation, composting and recycling. He understands the concept of reusing items as part of our daily life. UBT: How have you inspired other moms to adopt a greener lifestyle for their families? LC: I think it has helped to be open to the challenges I have faced. No one wants to be preached or judged. So, I understand the importance of being open-minded. Cloth diapering was a lonely experience for me (only one of my friends was doing it). As for the other moms, I had to approach Green Living topics carefully because I didn’t want them to think they are doing a lesser job. Yet I felt compelled to share some of my passion with them, because you never know who will become inspired because of something you say. UBT: What achievement are you most proud of as a working mom? LC: I am thankful for both my roles with the foundation, and as the “Queen of Green.” I love all the research and writing. I also consider myself fortunate to work in a field that I am very passionate about. In Canada, new moms have a choice to go back to work if they choose. I am proud to work for an organization that is flexible as well. With our family’s recent move to Victoria, I can now work remotely from home and can easily take my son to Victoria Nature School in the vicinity. UBT: What can our children do to help lead the “green” movement forward? LC: Children don’t need to look far. It could start in the school yard. However, they’ll need our help! This could mean leading initiatives to plant trees and shrubs to reduce energy costs by 30 percent and beautify their surroundings. Naturalized landscaping has mason bee houses, butterfly gardens, hummingbird gardens and winter bird gardens surrounding the school property. Learning that takes place in outdoor spaces is equally important to what is learnt in the classroom. •

spring 2017 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 9

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p a re n t i n g

| by Melissa Collins

How Do They Do It?

Parenting Styles Around the World The minute that you and your partner decide to become parents, your life changes forever. You are suddenly more smitten, vulnerable and enamoured than you ever could have imagined. And the intensity of the love — that incredible sensation that you feel for your child — is so beautiful and powerful! It is only natural to be filled with a primal urge to protect, nurture and encourage. Parents around the globe share this intense love and protection for offspring. Certain universals exist for raising kids: providing them with a safe place to live, with the necessities of food and water, and with the encouragement to grow, learn, and engage with others. However, in certain cultures and countries, the similarities widely vary. The truth is, parenting styles differ across the globe – and although some traditions might make Canadians cringe, the reasoning behind them is actually quite fascinating.

Sleeping Arrangements - Japan and Africa In North America, it is usually customary, and even celebratory,

to get your child to sleep on their own as soon as possible. Yet many parents in North America practice attachment parenting and co-sleeping. However, most westerners encourage their children to sleep independently. This is certainly not the case in countries such as Japan, where co-sleeping is the norm. In fact, Japanese parents often sleep in proximity to their children until they are teenagers. In certain traditional African cultures and countries, such as Kenya, you will find the entire family sleeps together in one room until the child has been weaned off the breast, and even beyond that.

Educational Practices – Scandinavia Scandinavian countries are leaders in literacy and education in the world – yet their children do not begin any formal education until at least age 7 at which time they are only encouraged to learn to read. Shorter school hours provide the flexibility and play time that these young minds need to learn and grow.

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No Helicopter Parenting – Denmark Imagine the freedom of knowing your child is safe if left alone outside to nap in their stroller while you enjoy a coffee in a café. Danish parents have no issue with parking their children’s strollers out on the sidewalk while they shop or have dinner nearby. Baby sleeps soundly in the stroller and those going by think nothing of seeing the little one unattended.

Unusual Saliva Traditions – Greece and Nigeria Spit up isn’t just a phenomenon of a burped baby – in fact, in Greece, it is customary to spit at a new baby three times to ward off bad luck, evil spirits, bad luck, and specifically “the evil eye”. In Nigeria, the Igbo tribe take newborns to the family’s ancestral house where a respected and well-spoken relative, chosen by the parents, chews a type of pepper called “alligator pepper” and spits it on a finger to place in the baby’s mouth. It is believed that are a result of this, the baby will grow up just as well-spoken and articulate as the relative who is blessing the baby.

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No Diapers – China

Sacred Ground – Bali

Chinese parents have potty training down pat. If you can believe it, Chinese parents start placing babies over the toilet when they are only a few weeks old. As a result, Chinese babies are pottytrained much earlier than our Western babies.

In Bali, babies are held and carried around until three months of age so that their feet don’t touch the ground. This is because it is believed that the newborn’s purity can be tainted through any contact with the dirty ground. Finally, at three months, the family holds a ceremony where the baby sets foot upon the ground for the first time.

Postpartum Vacation – Malaysia Moms get the pampered treatment after delivery. In fact, a new mother undergoes a confinement period (or pantang) that lasts about 44 days. This treatment is designed to preserve the health and femininity of the mother. A postnatal attendant pampers the new mother and administers therapeutic massages.

As a parent, it can be helpful to understand the parenting practices around the world and the reasoning behind each tradition. By doing so, we can foster a greater understanding of other cultures and embrace diversity with all its uniqueness. The reality is: common sense is not so common. • Melissa is a coffee-guzzling, wine-loving, lip-gloss-addicted mom

Cold Bath – Central America

of two little girls. When she’s not working in Community Recreation

Many Central American women – specifically the Mayan, bathe their babies in cold water. This is said to help to calm and soothe heat rash as well as to promote restful sleep. We have to assume that this tradition has its benefits, no matter how uncomfortable it may seem.

Services and cleaning up play dough, she’s happily writing about the hilarious realities of parenting. www.mellysmommymanual.com

p re n a t a l

| by Holly McNicol

Having a Doula on Your Support Team: Understanding the Benefits

Giving birth is a transition requiring emotional and physical support including strength, openness and resilience. Many expectant parents are unaware of the intensity of labour and sometimes the chosen support person/people can be as overwhelmed as the mom about to give birth. Expectant parents are often surprised to know that a doula can make the process easier pre-and post-delivery. Doulas take specialized training and are passionate about supporting the birthing family. They can often recognize what is “normal” in birth and what isn’t. It is important that you find a doula that builds your confidence in your ability to handle whatever comes your way. Most expectant moms interview a few doulas then choose someone who is wellsuited to their individual needs. The most important thing about your doula is that she is a good fit for you and your birth team. For example, if you want an epidural in early labour you may hire a doula who is more experienced in supporting clients who have chosen epidurals.

During pregnancy an expectant mother meets with their doula a few times to get well-acquainted. Your doula desires to fully understand your wants and desires for your birth. To that end, she may help you build a written “birth plan” or work with you on ways to communicate with your chosen Health Care Provider (HCP). She can also assist you in understanding what to expect during delivery based on your particular situation. A birth doula usually goes to the expectant mother’s home during early labour. For a family planning a natural birth, this can be extremely beneficial because she will help first-time parents recognize when “active labour” begins. The birth doula will also inform the expectant mother about steps that can move labour

“The presence of a doula is a major advantage for physicians, the women and their families. They provide a level of support that is often very difficult to achieve in a busy maternity care service. We see increased satisfaction with the birth experience, lower intervention rates and excellent infant outcomes." Dr. Michael Klein

along and encourage your support team to attend to your needs. Doulas are trained to know when to call your Health Care Provider. They may also help you decide if a different resource is needed such as 811 (the nurse hotline) or the maternity ward of the hospital. Sometimes placing these calls will assist you to relax more fully during the stages of birth and/or provide the opportunity to be assessed further by your Health Care Provider. Once you are in active labour, your doula’s main focus is assisting with comfort measures, relaxation, and encouragement and positioning. She may remind you of your stated wishes in your birth plan. If any stage appears to deviate from what is normal, she will gently help you formulate questions for your Health Care Provider. Your doula, support team and Health Care Providers should all work together for you and your baby’s safety, comfort and emotional well-being. Simple things like encouraging: breathing, relaxation, movement, drinks of water and calorie intake, go a long way to ensure a healthy birth. Once your precious baby is born, the doula works to ensure that you and baby get as much skin-to-skin connection as you desire. She will also assist with a gentle introduction to breastfeeding (if that is what you choose). If the birth goes differently than you planned your doula will ensure that you fully understand options and related outcomes. A doula can be a companion; a comforting shoulder; a cheer leader, a “mother figure” or another type of support that’s unique to you. Envision a kind and loving attendant who wishes to enhance your birth with her presence. And rest assured that your doula wants to make having a baby a memorable and cherished experience for you. •

Finding a Doula in Your Area www.bcdoulas.org www.DONAInternational www.doulamatch.net Holly, is President of the Doula Services Association, a non-profit association promoting Birth and Postpartum Doula support for families in British Columbia.

spring 2017 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 13

To locate a doula please go to our "Find a Doula" page at

www.bcdoulas.org, contact us directly at info@bcdoulas.org phone 604-515-5588 toll free at 1-877-365-5588

COVERContest 2017

See Your Child on the Cover of






Grand Prize Winner will receive a

Photoshoot from Bopomo Pictures

14 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2017

GRAND PRIZE Visit urbanbaby.ca starting Sunday, May to see the Top 20 finalists



Voting starts online Monday, May 22nd, 2017 Contest closes Monday, June 5th, 2017


Complete entry form and upload photo at



Bopomo Pictures: 2631 West Broadway, Vancouver

ALL ENTRIES MUST INCLUDE: • One (1) colour photo of your child • Completed entry form with payment of $25.00* *Payment of $25 can be made via paypal, e-transfer or by credit card.

Winning Child on the Cover of our Fall 2017 Urbanbaby & Toddler Magazine Issue One year subscription to Urbanbaby & Toddler Magazine valued at $25.00

BumbleRide Stroller Indie 4 valued at $569.00

Bopomo Pictures Club Membership valued at $500.00

Jump Gymnastics Birthday Party Package valued at $310.00

Urbanbaby & Toddler Magazine - First Book Collection valued at $100.00

Budding Children’s Daycare Gift Certificate


valued at $150.00

• Photo should show your child’s head and shoulders. • Black and white photos will not be accepted. • Photo does not need to be taken by a professional photographer to qualify for contest.

Bobs & Lolo Musical Package valued at $65.00

RULES 1. Open to residents of British Columbia. 2. Contest open to children between the ages of 0-6 by contest entry deadline. 3. One (1) colour photo per child will be accepted. 4. Photos will not be returned. No monetary compensation provided for use of winning child’s photo.


5. Prizes must be accepted as awarded.

Hot Wheel Ultimate Play Garage

6. Completed entry form, colour photo and payment must be received by Friday, May 12th, 2017, midnight.

Svan Ice Cream Shop Thermos Lunch Kit

spring 2017 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 15


Duchess Davis-Sanon

Roman Yatco

Roy Woojoo Kang

Mary Davis & Yves Sanon

Rica & Ron Yatco

Sarah Ham & David Kang

Olivia Hope Sophia Sweetland

Xzavier McArthur Mellor

Angela & Ken Sweetland

KD McArthur & Ian Mellor

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March 4, 2016

April 5, 2016

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Hudson McCrindle

Ramona Vorberg

Fatoumata Binta Niane & Kalil Toure

Heather & Bruce McCrindle

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Avery Varley May 26, 2016

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g re e n l i v i n g

| by Urbanbaby & Toddler

A Green Choice on Your Baby’s Bottom In the article Reusable Diapers Ditched for Disposables by Busy Parents published November 2016, in the Vancouver Sun, a new mom was interviewed. Her maternity leave was ending and she was headed back to work. With this transition, her family realized they had less time for doing laundry, so they made the switch to disposables. According to Nichole McLeod from Happy Baby Cheeks Cloth Diaper Service, business dramatically dropped off in 2016. She was very curious to know why young parents appear to be moving away from a much healthier option for the environment. And yet, she estimates that their company has saved about 3.2 million disposable diapers from the landfill. If you’re not familiar with Happy Baby Cheeks Cloth Diaper Service, it is super easy to use. Once a week the company delivers fresh diapers and picks up all your used diapers at the same time. It is that simple! The service allows you to have the convenience of disposable diapers along with all the advantages and health benefits of cloth diapers. There is no additional work required on your part, because your diapers are cleaned for you (see ad on page 5 for a special offer). Many of us know about the positive aspects of using cloth diapers but when it comes down to time and convenience; many parents don’t realize that eco-disposable diapers are also available. Since they are made from renewable resources and usually free from dyes and fragrances, it’s a healthy alternative worth considering. By selecting greener options, collectively we can create a healthier future environment for our children and grandchildren.

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Eco-friendlier disposable diapers Brands (alphabetical)

ATTITUDE Broody Chick Delora Eco Diapers Earth’s Best Honest Diapers Huggies® pure & natural MAMA ZONE Naty® by NATURE BABYCARE Nurtured by Nature® PC®G.R.E.E.N™ Diapers Seventh Generation baby Whole Foods 365™


This chart does not endorse brands. Claims haven’t been tested, ranked, rated or verified. It's not permission to ditch cloth diapering!







? ?








* Brown


? ?


? ?

pigments added ** Packaged in a box ? Unknown

More green living advice at www.queenofgreen.ca

spring 2017 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 17

family health

| by Alison Mills

When Your Child Gets Sick:

Be Well-Informed and Prepared New parents often ask what items should be included in the safety/medical kits at home. What you need depends on your proximity to your nearest pharmacy. Expiry dates do matter, so don’t stock up too far in advance. Pregnant women should double check labels on all medications prior to taking them. If you have questions or concerns contact your doctor, pharmacy, 811/Health Link BC or Poison Control. The remedies available for adults far exceed the number of remedies that can be safely used for children. Regardless of brand, medications are always measured in milligrams (mg) and although the label of each bottle will give directions in milliliters (ml). And understanding the difference of these measurements is essential. Keep in mind that medications for children and infants have different concentrations. It is very important to give the correct number of milligrams based on your child’s weight. You can always call 811 for assistance should you have any questions or concerns with over-the-counter medications. This can be particularly useful when trying to calculate how much to give a child, for example, if they have vomited after taking a dose of medicine.

Did You Know?

Antipyretic - are for treating fevers Analgesic - are for treating pain

Confused by drugs and brand names? “Motrin”, “Advil” are brand names and all contain the drug ibuprofen. “Tylenol” is a brand name and contains the drug acetaminophen. Both acetaminophen and ibuprofen can help treat pain, both can help lower a fever. The two drugs can be given together when one alone has been ineffective. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist for additional guidance and assistance.

18 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2017

Parents and caregivers of toddlers know the power of a simple bandage especially if the bandage bears a picture of a favourite television hero! Non-pharmaceuticals are just as important. Sometimes nothing tops a big hug. I have discovered that it is a good idea to be stocked up with two boxes of bandages at all times. If you do not have bandages for treating a cut, refrain from using use tissues or paper towels because they have fibers that break down when wet. A clean tea-towel is better to control bleeding until the cut can be treated properly. If you are sick with a cough/cold and have congestion, you probably don’t feel like eating much. Most of us can go a night without eating, so eating less for a day shouldn’t harm an otherwise healthy child. Newborns however require more consistent feeding and your health care professionals can provide valuable guidance should your newborn become ill. Hydration is fundamental to good health. A stomach upset that causes vomiting or diarrhea is often best treated with rest. Let the stomach empty and rest for a period of time. Then slowly reintroduce fluids. If your child appears to be tolerating fluids well, you can slowly reintroduce some bland foods before resuming to a normal diet. Resist the urge to feed an upset stomach. When fighting general coughs, colds, influenza and many infections, fluids are required. Soup and popsicles really do help! A runny nose is a sign of a hydrated child. A dry, crusty nose is begging for hydration. When breathing gets difficult, it’s time to seek medical care. Nothing beats being prepared with qualitative medical advice and resources. Both HealthLink BC (www.healthlinkbc.ca) and BC Children’s (www.bcchldrens.ca) offer a very large database of information for parents and caregivers. • Alison resides in Vancouver and is an Emergency and Pediatric nurse. She is the owner of TykeTalks which provides educational information sessions for new parents and caregivers. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring the city with her four-year old daughter Annabel. www.tyketalks.com

family planning

| by Rowena List

The Juggler: Mastering

the Art of Scheduling

Ever notice how stressful it can be sometimes to manage your family schedule? Ever wondered how you can successfully manage it all with far less stress? Here are five tips to help you on that important quest: Tip 1: Children Do Best with Routine Routine is important, however, if a child is not thriving on this schedule it is wise to reconsider. Possibly remove or add an activity that will produce less stress in your child’s life. Having set times for meals, bedtime and activities makes for a happy child. Tip 2: Leave Time for Rest and Play Children love structured activities, and a certain amount of it every day is important. Each child is different, so gauge how much he or she need by behaviour shown. More than anything - after school and on weekends - children need and want free time to rest and play. Ensure you allow for that too. Tip 3: Sit Down as a Family Plan a family discussion to determine one or two activities each child wants to do each season. Two activities is most likely the maximum, although every child is different. Monitor the situation so schoolwork doesn’t suffer. Make sure you don’t overdo it or your stress will be absorbed by your children. Sitting down to dinner together as a family has proven to be one of the ways to maintain good communication with children. Schedule in meal times.

Tip 4: Make a Calendar Many parents are surprised to learn that when a children get involved in the planning how much more cooperative they can be. Create a calendar to mark down all the regular activities. Ask each of your children to choose a colour marker that will only be used for their activities. Ensure that your schedule includes which grown-up will be driving each child to an activity. Look into car pooling especially if you need to be in multiple places at one time. If you are a single parent ask for assistance from another parent.

Tip 5: Include Designated Family Time No matter how busy you get with sports activities, work, school or home improvement projects, make family time your top priority. Schedule a weekly activity the entire family does together. If possible, plan one activity you and your spouse can do separately with each child.

As a busy mom of 4, I loved being there for my children however, my choice to be at home limited my career options. I looked into several home based companies (party plan & MLM) but I wanted something more traditional. Today, I work with a manufacturing company and head up a marketing team. Most of us are moms and all of us work from home… around our family’s schedules! If the idea of earning additional income, while having fun with other moms, intrigues you…we should talk!

On your calendar be sure to depict family time in a different colour. And while you are at it, make sure you put in some personal time just for you! Keeping life simple and balanced will give you a harmonious family life. • Rowena is the owner of Getting It Together specializing in home organization. She lives in Burnaby and is grandma to five grandchildren. Rowena values the importance of building family traditions and teaching her grandchildren how organizing can be fun. www.gettingittogether.ca

Roni McMillan

spring 2017 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 19




UrbanMarket | products & promotions birthday parties

baby & children’s products cont.

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guests will be dancing and laughing while

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Online: www.runnersandbootiesfitness.ca

hat is on, it’ll stay on, and no more fussing with dropping blankets or awkward, bulky

baby & children’s products

‘nursing covers’. While the big brim gives mom a little privacy, it doesn’t cover up

Little Threads Boutique

the breastfeeding, it celebrates it in a fun sort of way!

An online infant and children’s consignment boutique – save up to 90%

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off retail prices! Currently accepting clothing and accessories for ages 0-10. Call: 604.516.9159 Online: www.littlethreadsboutique.com

children’s education & childcare Exceptional Infant & Toddler Day care

Dreamy Wall Decals on Etsy Dreamy Wall Decals are made from

KinderHeart Montessori offers an

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exceptional infant & toddler daycare

are perfect to decorate the baby nursery

program. Our natural environment will

or child’s room. Purchase online at

allow your child to reach their full potential.

Dreamy Wall Decals on Etsy

The infant & toddler room incorporates: movement which is critical to brain development. We provide steps, ramps

Portage and Main

and bars to promote growth.

Modern clothing designed and made in Canada. Bold prints and funny sayings like

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Email: info@kinderheart.ca


Online: www.kinderheart.ca

Shop online or at your local boutique. Online: www.shopportageandmain.com

Tiddlycove Montessori School Children are encouraged to explore their

Ashley Gabby Designs

passions and interests in a loving, patient

We create a space for imagination with beautifully designed children’s play tents and décor items. If you are decorating a nursery or your little one needs a play space of their own, Ashley Gabby Designs can make it that much more special. We offer products that

and nurturing environment. Now Offering

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6 Hour ALL DAY Classes. Register NOW! Contact us to book your preschool tour. Online: www.tiddlycovemontessori.com

community events

appeal to a child’s sense of play while still


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Informative events to help you through your pregnancy, birth and beyond parenthood.

Online: www.ashleygabbydesigns.com

Join us for workshops, monthly speaker series and yearly conference. Online: www.birthtalks.com

20 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2017


UrbanMarket | products & promotions community events cont.

FALL 2017 •

OCT. 1

prenatal education

Bellies to Babies Celebration

Belly to Baby

Sunday, October 1st, 2017

Comprehensive pre & postnatal education

The premium mom-to-be event of the

courses taught by a a Registered Nurse.

ST year! B2B is a one-of-a-kind event,

Group, Private Classes and Refresher

offering a unique opportunity for new and


expectant parents to explore and shop

Call: 778.628.2698

for trendy fashions, décor and so much

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more! Features a variety of exhibitors and sponsors, plus $3000 in door prizes. First 100 moms in attendance receive

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a complimentary diaper bag. Win a $1500 shopping spree from TJ’S The Kiddies Store.

Grow hair back using non-toxic shampoo!

Register: belliestobabiescelebration.com

MONAT’s 2-in-1 Shampoo and Growth Spray system. Last approximately three

financial planning

months and is only $129. MONAT haircare products are clinically

Angela Fennelow, BBA, CFP

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A growing family brings many joys and

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Email: elainefoundmagic@gmail.com

I specialize in:

Online: www.badhairloves.mymonat.com

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Angela Fennelow, BBA, CFP

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Zumba for Mom & Baby

Call: 604.380.4019

Join us every Friday 10am for a fun

Email: angela.fennelow@sunlife.com

workout with lively music at Lougheed

Online: www.sunlife.ca/angela.fennelow

Town Centre. Free to Attend. Register: 604.427.1687 Online: www.runnersandbootiesfitness.ca

meal planning Recipes to the Rescue We offer programs for the everyday cook that will reignite your love for real food, rejuvenate you desire to cook and organize daily cooking. Join us today! Online: www.recipestotherescue.ca

nutritional consulting


mornings at


Shop ‘n Stroll Shop ‘n Stroll is a workout that turns your stroller into a portable fitness machine and takes baby along for the ride. Free to attend. Register online. Online: www.shopnstroll.ca

services for mom

Eisler for Kids


Nutrition Help for Your Child? Contact

Personal styling made fun and

registered Dietitian and Pediatric Nutrition Expert, Corinne Eisler. Call: 604.770.0101 Online: www.eislerforkids.com

Style is something comfortable! Whether you need a little each of us already help or a lot, we’re here for you! Visit our has, all we need website and contact us to get STYLEIISH! to do is find it. Online: www.styleiish.com

spring 2017 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 21

e d uca t i o n

| by Natasha Biem

Raising an Advocate and Not a Bully In recent years, the topic of bullying has hit headlines worldwide. Bullying comes in many Make Caring for Others a Priority different forms and can be found in schools; on playgrounds; on the Internet and in the workplace. Children need to learn to balance their needs with the needs of To tackle this growing issue, our society focuses on what to do when your child is being bullied, yet we fail to recognize how we can stop this serious pattern. Your child will either be: a bully; someone who is bullied or, someone who stands against bullying. Bullying cannot be prevented, but we can give our children tools to become individuals who are empathetic, open-minded and caring towards others.

others. This can be demonstrated by passing a ball to a teammate or deciding to stand up for a friend who is being bullied. Your child needs to hear from you that caring for others is a top priority. As parents, caregivers and educators, we must hold children to a high-ethical standards such as honouring his/her commitments. At times, this may mean a little bit of personal sacrifice. Most parents will say to their children, “The most important thing is that you’re happy.” Instead, let’s start saying “The most important thing is that you are kind to yourself and others.”

Here are five strategies to raise considerate and caring children:

Instill an Attitude of Gratitude All too often we say to ourselves, “I’m just one person, what difference can I make?” There is a common notion that if we can’t do something big, we don’t do anything at all. We need to change this train of thought for ourselves and for our children. Every little contribution makes a big difference. It is never too late to become a good person, but it won’t happen on its own. Children, like the rest of us, need practice. A chore, such as setting or clearing the table, is a simple way to contribute to the family dinner. Rather than donating your child’s toys without his/her knowledge to avoid a fuss, involve him/her in the giving process.

Do you want a solid and proven foundation for your child’s physical, intellectual and emotional development? Register today for North Star Montessori’s infant & toddler classes. Infancy to Grade 7 | Call today:

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This is a great learning opportunity to give to the less fortunate. The reward for being kind should be an intrinsic satisfaction of being a good person and should not be a monetary or materialistic reward. Caring and gratitude go hand in hand. “Waste not, want not” is a phrase we all know, but fail to remember. Teaching children to appreciate what they have and understanding how they got it, is very important.

Expand your Child’s Circle of Concern Children tend to care about their small circle of family and friends. It is our job to help them learn to care about someone outside that circle, such as the new student in their class; someone who doesn’t speak their language or someone who is less fortunate.

22 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2017

Expanding a child’s circle is exposing them to people who live in very different cultures in the world and in their own community. Teach your child about diversity. For example, if there is a new student in your child’s class who is hearing-impaired, help your child learn some sign language so they can communicate with that student and make him or her feel welcome.

Be a Strong Moral Role Model and Mentor Children learn ethical values by watching the actions of adults they respect. Being a moral role model and mentor means that we need to practice honesty, fairness and caring ourselves. But it doesn’t mean being perfect all the time. For our children to respect and trust us, we need to acknowledge our mistakes and flaws. We also need to respect children’s thinking and listen to their perspectives, demonstrating to them how we want them to engage others. You can model caring for others by contributing to the community regularly with your child.

are helpful when we are calm. Practice this strategy when your child is calm. Then, when you see your child getting upset, remind him/her about the steps and do them together. There should be a rational conversation after. Ultimately, our children will be able to have this internal dialogue when we aren’t there to guide them. Your role as a parent is the best chance your child has to survive bullying. You are your child’s role model, mentor and educator. It starts at home. They are watching and listening, so make them feel safe and loved. Listen to your words and stop yourself from saying, “If you don’t put on your jacket, Mommy is leaving without you.” Or “Daddy will love you forever, if you eat all of your lunch.” Raise your children to be confident and remind them that they are loved and how to show love. And teach them to make decisions considering the needs of others. •

Guide Children in Managing Destructive Feelings

Natacha is a world-renowned Early Years and Parenting Expert. She

A simple way to teach your child to calm down: ask your child to stop, take a deep breath through the nose, exhale through the mouth and count to five. We can only make wise decisions that

is an award-winning writer, speaker, teacher, and the Founder of the renowned CEFA Early Learning Schools. www.cefa.ca

REGISTERNOW NOW FOR FOR THE THE 2017-18 2016-17 REGISTER PRESCHOOL YEAR Winner: 2014 BC Child Care Award of Excellence for outstanding quality and service.

The City of Surrey’s licensed preschool programs provide children ages 3–5 with high quality, tailored learning and social experiences that set the foundation for future success in school and life.

Spaces fill quickly. Secure your spot.


Mother’s Day

w a e v i G ay!




4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12 13

1. 175 Instant Pot Recipes • $ 20 Healthy recipes for the whole family using your instant pot. www.chapters.indigo.ca 2. Instant Pot • $160

An electric pressure cooker which speeds up cooking by 2-6 times and produces nutritious healthy food in a convenient and easily.

3. MONAT Magnify System • $129

A naturally-botanically based line of products that intensifies hair fullness and supports natural hair regrowth. www.badhairloves.mymonat.com

4. ZeroWater • $ 45

Your family can enjoy great tasting water delivering a pure-taste. www.zerowater.com

24 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2017

5. Babymoov Essentials Diaper Bag • $ 99

Functional changing bag to make your every-day life with baby easier! www.babymoov.us

6. Closys Oral Health • $ 35 Good oral health is important for busy moms. CloSYS is the cleanest way to make your mouth happy. www.closys.com 7. Feng Shui Mommy • $ 20

Guides women to their balanced centre and supports them in tapping into the primal energies.

8. Retro Mom Gift Certificate • $150

Enjoy four hours of customized service perfect for spoiling yourself this Mother’s Day! www.retromomservices.ca

9. Retreat Heirloom Gift Box • $115

Everything you need for a perfect gift box for that special Mama. Scarf-toswaddle bamboo blanket, Tumbler, Booties and more. www.boisbites.com

10. Epson Perfection V550 Photo Colour Scanner • $ 225

Organize and share your special memories instantly with family and friends. www.epson.ca

11. Paula’s Choice Skincare • $ 85 Helps improve the appearance of fine lines, loss of firmness, uneven skin tone, enlarged pores, dehydration, and other signs of environmental damage. www.paulaschoice.com

11. Mrs. Meyers Cleaning Products

• $ 80 These aroma therapeutic, powerful, naturally-derived ingredients are gentle on you and your home. www.mrsmeyers.com

13. Oxygen Yoga Gift Certificate • $132

Enjoy a complimentary month of yoga and meditation classes at any of the thirteen Oxygen yoga studios in BC. www.oxygenyogaandfitness.com

Enter at

www.urbanbaby.ca Contest closes May 1st, 2017


After the kids go to bed enjoy a glass of wine


Get in your 30 minutes of daily fitness. Movement increase blood flow to the brain


Happy Mother’s Day! Put your feet up and prepare to be pampered!


Create a family meal plan for the week and order the groceries online



Find 20 minutes today and do something that you’ve been putting off


Add shellfish, eggs, milk to your diet. Vitamin B12 found in these foods helps memory loss and tiredness


Clean out your makeup drawer



Relax by making yourself a bubble bath this evening

Write out 2-3 goals for the month that you want to accomplish







Put on some music and dance with the kids

Tell your partner or someone you care about how much they mean to you

Purchase a new shade of lipstick that makes you smile!

Download your photos off of your cellphone for safe keeping

Try a new class at the gym or community centre






Disconnect from social media today


Enjoy a piece of chocolate. It can improve mood and helps to decrease stress


Think of three things that made you smile today and share them with someone else


Clean out your closet and donate to your local charity



26 After dinner curl up on the couch with a good movie

Trade childcare with a girlfriend and organize a date night for you and your partner



Stay in and enjoy a family game night

Make a family meal together by getting the kids to help


Celebrate your successes this month with a special gift just for you!

Download calendar templates and create your own calendars for March and April www.urbanbaby.ca



Go hiking with the family or check out a free community event


20 Create a craft with the kids and mail it to grandma as a nice surprise

Plan a dinner date with your girlfriends and enjoy the time to reconnect

Call a girlfriend who you have not talked to in a while... just to say Hi!


31 Need more pampering?

Read a book that you’ve been meaning to start

Bake cookies with the kids before bed

Go for a walk with the kids or family dog

Buy a coffee for a stranger



May is for Mom! Devote the next 31 days to treating yourself well. Use this calendar of daily ideas for the month of May. You deserve it!

spring 2017 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 25

things we like! 1.






Spring Finds

Spring has Sprung! Check out these products designed to make family life more convenient and enjoyable.

1. Pura Water Bottle

3. Ashley Gabby Designed

5. Saadia Organics Argan Oil

Are your child’s toys taking over your home? Locally hand-made with medium-weight accent fabrics and heavy-weight canvas. These attractive round bins provide a quick and easy solution to keeping toys organized.

This locally-made oil is extremely high in essential fatty acids and Vitamin E. Can be used to treat many skin problems including: eczema, dry skin, cradle cap and baby acne. Also ideal for infant massage, stretch marks and diaper rashes.

Online: www.oyaco.ca

Online: www.etsy.com/ca/shop/ AshleyGabby

In-Store: Boomers & Echoes,

2. Summer Infant My Size Potty

4. Zoocchini Organic Training Pants

A safe and environmentally-conscious choice for your baby. The only non-toxic certified bottle on the market. Compatible with a wide range of nipples and spouts. Dishwasher safe. Comes with a lifetime warranty.

In-Store: Lussobaby, Vancouver & North Vancouver

Closely resembles an adult toilet. Provides toddlers with a comfortable and confident transition to potty-training. Features realistic flushing sounds. Built-in wipe dispenser promotes good hygiene habits.

In-Store: Toys R’ Us, Various Locations Online: www.amazon.ca

Toy Storage Bins

Make the transition from diapers to underwear a smooth one. The double-sided terry inner layer helps absorb in case there are any “accidents”. Organic cotton outer layer is comfortable for little ones and gets them used to the feel of real underwear. Available in prints for boys and girls.

In-Store: Lussobaby, Vancouver & North Vancouver

Online: www.lussobaby.ca 26 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2017

North Vancouver

Online: www.saadiaorganics.com

6. mifold Grab-and-Go Booster Seat

Now available in Canada. This super compact alternative is ten times smaller than most car seats available. Rather than “boosting” children up, this seat brings the seat belt down so children can be seated comfortably.

Online: www.mifold.ca

enter to win at


u r b a n b a b y. c a


hautemama www.hautemama.c a Ottawa (Kanata) ON 1(866) 615-3800

Bois bites



Heirloom Boxes | Sensory Teethers | Lush Linens

Teething Relief Sensory Development Modern Play



7. MoBoleez Breastfeeding Hats

This big brim hat gives mom a fun way to get privacy during breastfeeding. The reversible hat is super portable, folds up easily and is small enough to conveniently fit in any diaper bag.

Online: www.moboleez.net

8. The Tee Shirt and Onesie by Portage and Main

The perfect little graphic tee and onesie. Check out the trendy print on a comfy super soft tee shirt and a well-fitting diaper shirt. Tee available in sizes 3-6m up to 5T. Onesie available in sizes 3-6m, 6-12m and 12-18m.

In-Store: Dandelion Kids, Vancouver & Port Moody Online: www.shopportageandmain.com

Every loving essential for pregnancy, nursing, babies & kids LOCAL FOR OVER 30 YEARS.

Sourcing natural, organic & safe products for your family

9. Bath Squiggler

Your kids will love bath time! Fill the bathtub with water and drop in a Squiggler for loads of fun. Then watch as a cute sponge character emerges. Hand-made with non-toxic food and soapgrade materials that won’t stain. For ages three and up.

In-Store: Dandelion Kids, Vancouver & Port Moody Kaboodles, Victoria

Online: www.birdonawirecreations.com




Car seat Clinic Saturdays by Appt. Call for Details.

626-2601 Westview Drive | North Vancouver spring 2017 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 27

Westview Shopping Centre @ Hwy#1


UrbanGuide: Stroller Guide Sponsored by Shop’n Stroll

Summer Infant Mountain 3D Lite Stroller Buggy Terrain This durable travel and walking stroller has a lightweight and stylish aluminum frame and is one of the lightest convenience stroller on the market. With an easy to fold frame and carry strap, you can be on-the-go to the local park or stow and go with ease in the smallest of living spaces.

The ultimate premium jogger that delivers optimal performance to active parents who really want to get active on and off road. The powerhouse, terrain redefines functionality as the ultimate adaptable jogging buggy where sporting aesthetics meets precision steering and maximum control.

Price: $129.99

Price: $699.99

Type: Travel / City Stroller Weight: 12 lbs Weight Capacity: Up to 50 lbs Wheels: High-performance Child Safety: 5-point harness with shoulder pads Car Seat Compatibility: N/A Handlebars: Non-adjustable Storage: Extra large storage basket, Rear storage pocket

Type: City / Urban Stroller Weight: 28 lbs Weight Capacity: 55 lbs Wheels: 16” air-filled wheels Child Safety: 5-point harness with shoulder pads Car Seat Compatibility: Graco Classic Connect, Chicco KeyFit/KeyFit 30, Peg Pergeo Primo Viaggio Handlebars: Adjustable Storage: Large gear basket under the seat that holds up to 11lbs


• Multi-position recline • Rear-wheel brakes, locking front swivel


• Anti-shock front wheels and lockable

• Hand operated control brake • Lie-flat seat recline for newborn to

Additional Accessories:

• Shock-absorbing rear wheel suspension • Compatible with freerider stroller board • Seat pocket storage

wheels, and one hand fold function.

rear wheels • Easy compact 3-D fold with carry strap

• Rayshade $29.99 • Cup Holder: $24.99

28 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2017

upright five-year old

Additional Accessories:

• Car Seat Adapter: $64.99 • Sun Cover: $54.99 • Storm Cover: $39.99

Quinny Buzz Xtra Stroller This rugged, all terrain stroller gets you wherever you want to go in style, ease, and comfort. Designed to be easy to use, it has an easy fold system and unfolds automatically with a unique hydraulic system so you can get quickly on your way. It has a super comfortable cushioned fabric seat which can be installed in either forward or rear-facing directions for maximum enjoyability.

Price: $549.99 Type: City / Urban Stroller Weight: 35.6 lbs Weight Capacity: Up to 50 lbs Wheels: Never flat, all terrain wheels Child Safety: Padded 5-point harness Car Seat Compatibility: Maxi-Cosi Handlebars: Adjustable Storage: Underseat basket with durable material


• Unfolds automatically with a push of a button with a unique hydraulic system

• Reclines in both forward and rear facing positions

• Extendable canopy with visor • Padded pivoting bumper bar, adjustable footrest

Additional Accessiories:

• Cup holder: $24.99 • Footmuff: $89.99 • Parasol: $39.99 • Rainsheild: $29.99

Sponsored by

Stroller Buying Tips What Activities Do You Plan to Use the Stroller For? Consider what the main activities will be with the stroller when choosing the best model. Are you planning on using the stroller for mostly long walks and shopping or will it be use for jogging or trail walking?

What is the Age of Child?

Uppababy Britax B-Ready G-Link Double Stroller Having twins or a second child means more to juggle, but this versatile double stroller helps you roll through it. The G-Link double umbrella stroller in the side-by-side version of Uppababy’s feature-packed G-Luxe stroller. The stroller lets you recline the seats individually so your little one can comfortably snooze and your other child can go on babbling.

Price: $599.99 Type: Double Stroller Weight: 24.5 lbs Weight Capacity: 50 lbs per seat Wheels: High-performance, EVA 5.75” diameter tires Child Safety: Each seat comes with an adjustable non-padded 5-point harness with a center release buckle Car Seat Compatibility: N/A Handlebars: Non-adjustable Storage: Double the size basket


• Lightweight aluminum frame with side-by-side seats

• Independent reclining seats • Removable, machine washable seat fabric • Hand-level folding triggers • Easy open, removable canopy with view window • Extendable SPF 50+ sunshade

Additional Accessories:

• Additional Cup Holder: $14.99 • Travel Bag: $99.99 • Rain Shield: $39.99

The ultimate versatile stroller for families with ever-changing needs. The 2017 model features a modern look and a extra-large basket. Adaptable to virtually any possible parenting scenario, the stroller offers a quick-fold design with one or two seats attached and 10 seating options for one or two children provide maximum flexibility.

Price: $499.99 Type: Single to Double Stroller Weight: 26 lbs Weight Capacity: Up to 55 lbs Wheels: Foam-filled rubber tires Child Safety: 5-point safety harness with shoulder pads Car Seat Compatibility: Graco SnugRide, Chicco KeyFit and Peg-Perego Primo Viaggio SIP 30/30 Handlebars: Adjustable handle height with comfort grip raises Storage: Back storage compartment and large underseat basket


• Click & Go System allows for a quick

connection with any Britax infant car seat or bassinet. • Reversible top seat lets your child ride facing forwards or backwards. • 4-position recline makes it easy to accommodate sleeping infants or attentive toddlers. • Linked parking brake with red/green indicator locks both rear wheels with a single step.

Additional Accessories:

• Second Seat: $169.99 • Lower Infant Car Seat Adapter: $79.99 • Child Tray: $24.99 • Stroller Organizer: $29.99

Strollers list their weight limits and seat back height. Will an infant and a toddler be using the stroller? Consider any future children to avoid having to spend more on a new stroller in a couple of years.

Do You Need a Infant Car Seat Adapter? Depending the make and model of your infant car seat certain strollers can accommodate different models. Check with the sales representative and car seat manual to make sure your child’s car seat is stroller compatible.

Jogging Stroller vs. Regular Stroller: What is the Difference? The main difference is that jogging strollers have frames designed for jogging and control at fast speeds. Regular strollers are designed for maneuverability. Most jogging strollers have three wheels and a heavier frame for added stability. Jogging strollers provide the following added features:

• Wider frame than regular strollers • Provide more leg room for longer strides • Fixed front wheel or locked position for improved control

• Braking system on the handlebar with a hand safety strap

• Larger wheels for better suspension • Require your child to be sitting upright Child Safety Rules: Babies incapable of holding their head up must have additional head and neck support to ride safely and comfortably. For jogging or off-road stroller use, children should be at least 6-8 months old. Please check your stroller manual for proper guidelines and safety instructions.

spring 2017 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 29


| by Julie Romanowski

Connection is Key to Quality Conversations Having a conversation with children is really about building and maintaining a connection. Without it, you may find your child reluctant to share information with you. Cultivating a sense of trust is essential so your child knows you genuinely care about his or her well-being and sincerely want to know what’s going on. Children, who develop strong communication skills early in life, become better communicators as adults. In most cases, they just want to be heard. Keep in mind that by opening up the dialogue you are not trying to solve your child’s problems or take control of the situation. After they share some information, ask if your help is needed. Sometimes children are open to assistance. Alternatively, they may wish to handle things on their own. Avoid interrogation-type questions. This can be too overwhelming for most children and it may trigger them to shut down even more. It’s critical to make a connection so your child knows that you are there for him or her and that you truly care. Parents don’t always let their child know those feelings which can be very reassuring.

Tip 3: Make it FUN! Try a game where you say one thing about your day and then it is your child’s turn to talk about his or her day. Take turns and repeat. Tip 4: Be ready and PRESENT when you are with your child. Your child can tell when a parent is distracted (or preoccupied with their smartphone or computer). When you are not fully present, it’s likely they won’t share as much. Tip 5: Allow time for them to PROCESS the questions and formulate the answers or response. For a child, it can be a challenging process to clear the mind; organize thoughts and then share information or feelings about what happened that day - especially if the day did not go smoothly. Tip 6: PRACTICE makes perfect! Even if it doesn’t go so well the first few times or if you are getting limited responses, keep trying and see if your child responds after being given some extra time to process the discussion.

Conversation Starters • “I noticed something new in your class. What was it?” • “What was one good thing and one not-so-good thing that happened today?”

• “Who did you play with today?” • “Was snack/recess or gym time better today? How come?” • “Looked like you were thinking about something serious when I picked you up today. What happened?” • “What’s the most unexpected event that has happened so far today?”

Communication is one of the greatest skills we need to be successful in life. Sharing details of the day and related feelings requires a certain type of ongoing trust and connection between you and your child. Despite how busy your life gets, let your children know they are worth your complete and undivided attention and then demonstrate that commitment time and time again! • Julie is a mom, an Early Childhood Consultant and owner of Miss

Six Tips for Talking Together

Behaviour: parenting coach and consulting services, the children’s

Tip 1: Get into the ROUTINE of asking. By doing that regularly, it

behaviour and discipline specialists! Learn more through her

is likely your child will share some information.

e-newsletter, tips and blog at www.missbehaviour.ca

Tip 2: Find the best TIME to talk. Right after school may not be ideal. For some, a better time is after dinner or around bedtime. Do what is best for your family.

30 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2017

Have a Question for Julie? Submit your questions at


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Spring Family Fun!

March 2017



12th-13th • Exotic Reptile Show • 11am-4pm • www.richmond.ca/parks/parks/naturepark/events Richmond Nature Park: Live reptiles presented by the West Coast Society for the Protection. 13th • St. Patrick Day Parade • 11am-2pm • www.celticfestvancouver.com/parade Downtown Van: Enjoy Celtic musicians, Scottish and Irish dancers, acrobats, stilt walkers, vintage cars. 13th - 24th • Spring Break 12 Days of Fun! • 11am-4:30pm • www.burnabyvillagemuseum.ca Burnaby Village Museum: Scavenger hunt, crafts, live entertainment and carousel rides. 11th- 26th • Spring Break at Fort Langley NHS • 11am-3pm • www.tinyurl.com/springbreakftlang Fort Langley: Old-fashioned activities for the kids, shoot a target and visit farm animals.

April 2017 7th • Abbotsford Tulip Festival • 9am-6pm • www.abbotsfordtulipfestival.ca Come see thousands of tulips spread over a 10-acre area farm. Admission required

Emily Sy • Vancouver

8th • Easter Chocolate Making • 12pm-3:30pm • www.coquitlamheritage.ca/events Mackin House: Introduction to chocolate making and gift basket making for older children. Registration required and by donation.

Eva, 7 years old • Mya, 4 years old Ivy, 18 months old

15th • Easter Fair • 11am-4pm • www.tinyurl.com/sryeasterfair Surrey Museum: Local rescue animals, spring crafts, scavenger hunt and meet the Easter Bunny. 22th • Earth Day • 12pm-4pm • www.cnv.org/earthday Heywood Park: Enjoy live music, family tent, and special guest speakers.

May 2017 6th • Mother’s Day Heritage Gift Making • 12:30pm-3pm • www.coquitlamheritage.ca Mackin House: Treat Moms to tea and scones while children make crafts. Registration required and by donation. 7th • Family Market • 11am-3pm • www.familyevent.ca Clayton Heights Secondary, Sry: Fun for the whole family, variety of vendors, door prizes and kid’s entertainment. 13th • Mother’s Day High Tea • 2pm-3:30pm • www.coquitlamheritage.ca Coquitlam Heritage Society: Bring your mothers, daughters, and grandmas for afternoon of tea. Registration and fee is required. 25th-27th • International Children’s Festival • 9am-7:30pm • www.surreychildrensfestival.ca Surrey Arts Centre: Family-friendly festival with performances and hands-on art activities.

Ongoing Events Various Weekdays • Shop ‘n Stroll Fitness • 9:30am • www.runnersandbootiesfitness.com Mom & Baby fitness class sponsored by your local shopping centre. Free to attend. Registration required. Every Wednesday • Groovin Babies • 11:00am • www.runnersandbootiesfitness.com Parent and toddler dance and music class sponsored by Brentwood Town Centre. Free to attend. Registration required. Every Friday • Zumba for Mom & Baby • 10:00am • www.runnersandbootiesfitness.com Dance class for mom & baby/toddler sponsored by Lougheed Town Centre. Free to attend. Alternating Wednesdays • Movies For Mommies • 11:30am • www.moviesformommies.com New Releases and Favourites at Dunbar Theatre, Vancouver. Grab bags and special guests. Stroller friendly and diaper change area.

Easter Events

Find more family-friendly April Easter events on our blog

16th • Easter in Queen’s Park • 11am-2pm • www.newwestcity.ca

Rainbow Playground: Photos with Mr. & Mrs. Bunny, petting farm, crafts, face painting. Free admission.

1. What is the best part about being a mom? All the unexpected hugs and kisses and when your kids tell you they love you. 2. What is your favourite activity to do with your children? I love swimming with my kids. It is an activity we can do all together. 3. What is the last book you’ve read? The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. 4. How do you find some “Mommy Time”? When I’ve had a rough day at work nothing makes me feel more rejuvenated then going for a massage. 5. Do you work? If so, where and what do you do? I work as a registered nurse and am a blogger. On my blog www. happymomblog.com, I try to solve the biggest problems for moms and share tips on how to make them happier. 6. Any advice for balancing work and being a mom? As a mom finding balance takes a conscious effort. It can be hard to find balance because if may require changes. If we make the changes and pay attention to areas of our lives that are lacking, we will see a difference and be much happier.

15th-16th • Great – A-Mazing Egg Hunt • 10am • www.vandusengarden.org

VanDusen Botanical Gardens: Easter egg hunt, Easter Bunny, decorating eggs, and crafts. Tickets required.

1st-23rd • Stanley Park Easter Train • 10am-5pm • www.tinyurl.com/vaneastertrain

Stanley Park, Van: Ride on the miniature train, egg hunts, crafts and meet the Easter Bunny and Easter Chick. Tickets required.

Contact event organizers with info provided to confirm details.

spring 2017 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 31

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