Urbanbaby & Toddler Magazine Spring 2018

Page 1

Green issue

Celebrity Mom:

Kristin Cavallari Prenatal:

Secondary Infertility: What You Need to Know Health:

Caring for Baby’s Teeth Education:

Teaching Your Children Independence UrbanGuide:

Sponsored by Shop ‘n Stroll


Contest D







2018 Stroller Guide





SPRING 2018 volume 16 • issue 1

t able of


4 eco parent: Taking Care of Mother Earth: Preserve Our Green Legacy 5 prenatal: Secondary Infertility: What You Need to Know 6 special feature: Babies of 2017 7 ages & stages: Simplify Potty-Training: Try the Three-Day Method 8 celebrity mom: Kristin Cavallari 10 contest: UBT 2018 Cover Photo Contest

l et te r f ro m th e Spring arrives and everyone is eager to get outdoors! It’s time to get those bikes and trikes out so you can enjoy the fresh air together as a family. Take along the spring issue of Urbanbaby and Toddler and catch up on some helpful parenting information while sitting at the playground. Check page 7 for the three-day pottytraining method so you can help your toddler reach that milestone and soon become ‘diaper-free’. This issue also features a very informative article about children’s dental health on page 12.


Parents rejoice when older children become more independent especially as spring activities ramp up. Check our article on page 18 on how to make some tweaks to your home environment and encourage that independence. How does a parent help an older child deal with setbacks and challenges? Our article on page 22 offers effective ways to talk about feelings. Enjoy the great outdoors and remember to stop and smell those cherry blossoms with your children. As always we value your feedback. Send your emails to the editor at editor@urbanbaby.ca Editor

11 UBT: Ask the Expert


12 health: Healthy Smiles Start Young: Caring for Baby’s Teeth


13 feature: Choosing the Right Pacifier for Your Baby 14 things we like: Spring Finds 16 UrbanGuide: 2018 Stroller Guide 18 education: Teaching Your Children Independence 2 0 UrbanMarket: Products & Promotions 21 nutrition: Five Ways to Reduce Your Family’s Food Budget 2 2 UrbanKid: Build Confidence: Helping Children Ride the Emotional Rollercoaster 23 on the town: Spring Family Fun 23 spotlight: UrbanMom: Crystal



CONTRIBUTORS Isaac Yuen, Dr. Beth Taylor, PDG Pediatric Dental Group, Christie Stanford, Julie Romanowski, Erin Marks, Kristen Yarker SUBSCRIPTION urbanbaby & toddler magazine is available for $25.00 per year (includes GST). Published four times per year by Local Kids Media, reaching 68,000 readers per issue. Material appearing herein may not be reproduced in print or electronically without written permission of the publisher, and without proper credit. Editorial opinions and viewpoints may not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.

On the cover: Anna, 6-years old Location: Jericho Beach Photo Credit: Jenn Di Spirito Photography


www.urbanbaby.ca urbanbabyandtoddler @urbanbabymag urbanbabymag urbanbabyandtot our mailing info:

Suite 378 - 255 Newport Dr., Port Moody, BC V3H 5H1 Canada telephone: 604.908.8835 email: info@urbanbaby.ca

e co p a re n t

| by Isaac Yuen

Taking Care of Mother Earth: Preserve Our Green Legacy

What kind of world do we want to leave to future generations? As parents, we’ve all asked ourselves that question at some point. It’s instinctual to attend our children’s immediate needs—hunger, comfort, safety—but less so when it comes to dealing with the long-term future and the legacy we wish to bestow to them. We can connect them to the simple pleasures of the natural world. We can show them what it means to be a good steward of the earth. Here are some ways we can create meaningful change, for our children and our planet:

Make Composting a Family Routine

According to Environmental Reporting BC, the average British Columbian generated 497 kg of garbage in 2015, with a major portion of that being food waste. Since then, municipalities across the province have instituted organics collection programs that accept everything from fruit peels to soup bones, diverting a significant amount of material from landfills and reducing a major source of methane which is a potent greenhouse gas. With food waste costing average families over $700 a year, composting food scraps not only helps address climate change, but also makes sense financially. Teach the next generation that food is a precious commodity not to be wasted. For handy and practical tips, checkout Metro Vancouver’s Love Food, Hate Waste campaign at www.lovefoodhatewaste.ca

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – In That Order

While recycling makes a real difference in conserving energy and natural resources, reducing the amount of stuff we consume and making them last will always make the biggest impact. Children grow up quicker than we think, so it’s important to plan ahead to ensure we only buy what we need. Borrow or purchase gentlyused goods as much as possible, especially for items that only last a few months. Organize a clothing swap to receive and pass along hand-medown clothing. Set up a regular recycling practice around the home so it becomes the norm for the whole family.

4 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2018

From empty formula containers and baby food jars to electronic toys and the batteries that power them, free and convenient recycling options are available across BC to ensure everything is properly recycled and in some cases, turned into new products. You may be fortunate to have private recyclers accepting infant car seats and larger plastic items in your area.

Help Young Children Connect with Nature

Bestselling author and early childhood educator Richard Louv coined the term “Vitamin N” as a way to capture the many benefits of connecting with nature. Research has shown that having significant life experiences in nature when young can shape attitudes towards environmental protection. Give gifts that spark curiosity about nature. Volunteer with local habitat restoration groups to get children engaged in hands-on experiential learning. We fight hardest for the things we know and love, so start raising the next generation of environmental stewards by heading outside for some quality family time. •

Founded in 1974, RCBC is Canada’s longest serving recycling council, but its mandate extends beyond just recycling. For green living tips, recycling program info, ecofriendly business listings, and educational resources, visit www.rcbc.ca, download the Recyclepedia smartphone app, or call the Recycling Hotline at 604-RECYCLE in the Lower Mainland (toll-free 1-800-667-4321 across BC).

Isaac is a Hotline Information Officer at the Recycling Council of BC. His work has been published in Alternatives Journal: Canada’s Environmental Voice, Flyway: Journal of Writing and Environment, and Orion.

p re n a t a l

| by Dr. Beth Taylor

Secondary Infertility:

What You Need to Know If you are having trouble conceiving baby number two or three, you are not alone. Many women are shocked when they find that they can’t get pregnant with a subsequent baby when they had no problem conceiving their first child. Secondary infertility — defined as the inability to get pregnant or to carry a pregnancy to term following the birth of one or more children — is much more common than most people think. According to a recent study published in the medical journal Lancet, approximately twelve percent of women trying to have a second child will experience difficulty. There’s a real lack of understanding about secondary infertility. Often friends, family and some doctors downplay it, assuming that if you have had one child, you will be able to have a second. Thirty percent of patients that we see at our centre are experiencing secondary infertility. Many factors can change from the first pregnancy, including the age of the parents, weight, and even scarring that can be the result of an ectopic pregnancy, infection or a caesarian section. Along with the rollercoaster of emotions when trying to conceive, social isolation can be particularly painful for women with secondary infertility. Often they feel like they don’t belong in fertility support groups or on-line forums for women who are trying to conceive their first child. And they can feel guilty that they aren’t satisfied with having one child when others can’t conceive at all.

Treatment Options

A number of different options are available depending on your diagnosis. The good news is that if you’ve had one child, your chances of success with fertility treatments are higher. The first thing to do is to have a complete fertility assessment to try and identify the underlying cause. Your fertility specialist will go over the results of your tests with you and discuss an appropriate treatment plan. This could include artificial insemination, superovulation (stimulating the ovaries to produce more than one egg and increase the chance of fertilization) or IVF. With breakthroughs in fertility treatment, we can help most women achieve a pregnancy, depending on age. A new test called Comprehensive Chromosomal Screening (CCS) allows us to determine with much greater accuracy which embryos in IVF have the normal number of chromosomes and are the most likely to result in a successful pregnancy. Until recently we were only able to judge the health of an embryo by its appearance.

However, in some cases, embryos that look normal don’t result in a successful pregnancy. This can be because the embryo isn’t chromosomally normal. If an embryo has too few or too many chromosomes (a condition known as aneuploidy), the embryo will either never implant in the uterus; result in a miscarriage or a baby with conditions such as Down syndrome. Studies have shown that IVF with CCS can achieve: • Pregnancy rates as high as 70% • Miscarriage rates as low as 10% • A very low risk of chromosomal problems such as Down syndrome (diagnostic accuracy of CCS is about 99%) The important message is to get your fertility check sooner rather than later, as age is the number one reason for fertility issues.

When Should You Talk to Your Doctor?

We advise women to seek medical advice for infertility if you: • Are under 35 and have been trying to conceive for one year • Are over 35 and have been trying for six months • Have a history of PCOS, pelvic inflammatory disease, painful periods, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, difficult C-section and/or irregular cycles • Your partner has a low-sperm count

In British Columbia, consultation with a fertility specialist and most fertility testing and surgery is fully covered by MSP with a referral from your primary care physician. • Dr. Taylor is co-founder and co-director of Olive Fertility Centre in Vancouver. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor at UBC and an active staff member at BC Women’s Hospital and Vancouver General Hospital. For more information www.olivefertility.com With offices in Vancouver, North Vancouver and Surrey BC, Olive Fertility Centre is one of Western Canada’s largest IVF and prenatal diagnosis centres. Olive provides comprehensive fertility care to couples, single women, and same-sex couples. They offer an advanced IVF lab and innovative programs that include CCS, specialized genetic testing, egg freezing, and prenatal NIPT testing.

spring 2018 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 5


Archibald Golem

Ava Roberts

Dominik Smirnov

Beau Thompson

Sophia Botelho

Erika & Tim Golem

Kim & Nick Roberts

Samantha & Alexander Smirnov

Molly & Justin Thompson

Marilia & Fernando Botelho

Taylen Fernandez

Eliana Pereira Strudwick

James Leung

Pierce Gordon

Mila Rego

Jennifer & Edward Leung

Philena & Peter Gordon

Amanda & Daniel Rego

January 16, 2017

April 28, 2017

Perlie Ann & Alden Clark Fernandez

Maverick Copak July 17, 2017

Vanessa & Jason Copak

March 7, 2017

June 14, 2017

Christina & Kevin Strudwick

Forrest Gregg

September 23, 2017

Gina Chung & Brian Gregg

March 30, 2017

June 17, 2017

Justin Tam

October 31, 2017 Aoi & Robert Tam

April 7, 2017

July 1, 2017

Bayley Disher

December 29, 2017 Claire & Gary Disher

April 24, 2017

July 16, 2017

Victor Lee

December 30, 2017

Sue Ma Ram & Mark Lee

a g es & s t a g es

| by Erin Marks

Simplify Potty-Training:

Try the Three-Day Method We all know how much toddlers enjoy their freedom. Parents notice all too quickly the very idea of stopping their play to go to the bathroom is often met with resistance. So how does a parent know when it is the right time to begin potty-training? Children who are truly potty-trained, will recognize when they need to ‘go’, and are capable of getting their pants up and down on their own. All children reach milestones at different times but on average most children begin to demonstrate signs of readiness around 18-36 months of age. You may notice how your toddler leaves the room when doing his or her ‘business’. Your child wants privacy or can feel embarrassed to have someone watching the process. Children are ready for training when they tell their parent or caregiver that they need to go; dislike wearing dirty diapers, and have a good understanding of what a toilet is and how to use it. This potty-training method should be thought of as your child’s transition from doing their ‘business’ in the toilet instead of in

diapers. Bear in mind that this quick training method doesn’t mean that your toddler will be fully potty-trained in three days as some accidents may happen. When they do happen, refrain from getting upset. Instead, continue to encourage your child to go on the toilet. If you’re a working parent, plan to do the three-day over a long weekend. To make this method work effectively, you need to stay at home for three days with no exceptions. Have your shopping done and meals prepared ahead of time. Be ready to play games, colour, watch cartoons and enjoy some bonding time with your child. When your child wakes up in the morning, change his or her soggy diaper and bid farewell. Have your child throw the diaper out and say “bye-bye.” Change your child into an oversized t-shirt and explain there is no diaper, so they will have to go on the potty.

Give your kids a strong foundation for an active life & success in all sports! JUMP into our great programming for kids from 6 months to 7 years old.

when your child is sitting on the potty

• Try rewards like stickers, small treats, big-kid • Boys can start out sitting on the toilet which can help •


physical literacy

Parent-Approved Tips and Tricks • Provide special potty books that are only read only underwear, and endless praise

Registration Ongoing!


When it comes right down to it, although every potty-training process has a certain amount of seriousness, it is important to add a little fun and have a ton of patience. Find what works for your child and stick with it! Praise, encouragement and some laughter can help the cause. Rest assured that loving hugs and kisses work well too. •



them to automatically aim in the right place. Later on, let them play target, practice and shoot Try the coloured-water trick: Add red or blue food colouring to the toilet and when your child pees in the toilet, the water turns green or orange Set a timer to remind them to try to go on the potty

Erin is a new mom living in Langley and is preparing to potty-train her 18-month-old son Jacob. She enjoys spending time with her


Yaletown North Vancouver 604.568.9690 604.971.0513 101- 837 Beatty St 120 -2270 Dollarton Hwy

family and volunteering in her community. spring 2018 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 7

ce l e b r i t y m o m

| by Urbanbaby & Toddler

Kristin Cavallari New York Bestselling Author and TV Personality Kristin Cavallari is known for her phenomenal career accomplishments. She is also a devoted wife and mother of three. Currently residing in Nashville, Kristin works her magic as a working mom and entrepreneur. Her current projects include a personal jewelry line and the lifestyle brand Uncommon James. She will soon be opening her first store for the UJ brand in Nashville. This spring she will also be releasing her first cookbook True Roots, featuring hundreds of recipes with ingredients that are free of refined sugar, dairy and gluten. UBT: What has been the most surprising thing about Motherhood for you? KC: It’s the most difficult job I’ve ever had (and the most rewarding). It pushes me to try and be the best version of myself for my kids. They are a mirror which can be scary at times. Overall, it’s helped me become a better person and deal with my own issues. UBT: With a busy work life, three young children and a husband, how do you find balance? KC: Sometimes it’s really hard to be completely honest. Balance for everyone is different and it even varies for me. Sometimes I don’t want to work at all and just be with my kids. At other times, it’s nice to have a little mental break. I’m lucky Jay [husband NFL Pro, Jay Cutler] can help take and pick up our sons from school to free me up a little. But no matter what is going on, we always have family dinner at 5 pm and all our cellphones are off. UBT: How hard is it to keep your family life out of your public life especially with your career and your husband’s career in the spotlight? KC: I’ve found it’s actually very easy. Luckily we live in Nashville where there are no paparazzi. Part of me would love to share things about my kids on social media but I want them to make the decision to have their lives plastered all over the Internet. I don’t want to rob them of that choice. UBT: Celebrity Moms often have to deal with the judgement by others. How do you manage that part of your life? KC: I am so confident in what I’m doing as a parent that all the judgement is just noise. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my entire life so I honestly don’t care what people say. I’ve also

8 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2018

Read past celebrity parent interviews at


stopped reading any comments on social media which has been the most freeing decision. UBT: How did you land up working with the Sapling children’s clothing line and what’s planned for the future? KC: I’m such a fan of the line. I love that they use organic cotton and the designs are precious, so it was a natural fit for me to design the fall collection. The owner knew how much I loved the line so when she asked me to do it; I couldn’t have been more excited.

In her first cookbook, True Roots, Kristin shows that improving the way we eat doesn’t have to be difficult — a clean and toxin-free diet can and should be fun, easy, and enjoyable. She learned the hard way that dieting leads nowhere good, and that a clean lifestyle is the ticket to feeling and being healthy. Her recipes include green banana muffins, bison and veggie kabobs, and even zucchini almond butter blondies — all proof that a healthy lifestyle isn’t boring or bland.

UBT: You have had a thriving career with TV and movie roles plus you have authored several books. Anything you hope to cross off your bucket list in the near future? KC: I’m about to launch Uncommon James Home which is a completely new venture for me. Everything is ethically-made and the materials, such as bone and copper, are so rustic and cool.


UBT: If you could share one gem of advice with other new parents, what would that be? KC: Listen to other people’s advice but ultimately trust your gut because as a mom, only you know what’s best for your baby. •

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COVERContest 2018

Want to See Your Child on the Cover of Urbanbaby & Toddler Magazine? All Entries Will Receive A One Year Subscription To URBANBABY & TODDLER MAGAZINE


GRAND PRIZE Winning Child on Cover of Fall 2018 Urbanbaby & Toddler Magazine One year subscription to Urbanbaby & Toddler Magazine valued at $25.00

Quinny Buzz Xtra Stroller valued at $549.00

Bopomo Pictures Club Membership

Visit urbanbaby.ca starting Sunday, May 20th, 2018 to see the Top 20 finalists Voting starts online Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018 Contest closes Monday, June 4th, 2018 Winner announced Monday, June 11th, 2018


valued at $500.00


Jump Gymnastics Party Package


valued at $310.00

Urbanbaby & Toddler Magazine First Book Collection

valued at $100.00

Budding Children’s Daycare Gift Certificate valued at $150.00

Bobs & Lolo Musical Package valued at $65.00

Complete entry form and upload photo at

ALL ENTRIES MUST INCLUDE: • One (1) colour photo of your child • Completed entry form with payment of $30.00* *Payment of $30.00 can be made via paypal, e-transfer or by credit card.


• Photo should show your child’s head and shoulders. • Black and white photos will not be accepted. • Photo does not need to be taken by a professional photographer to qualify for contest.


RULES 1. Open to residents of British Columbia. 2. Contest open to children between the ages of 0-6 by contest entry deadline. 3. One (1) colour photo per child will be accepted. 4. Photos will not be returned. No monetary compensation provided for use of winning child’s photo. 5. Prizes must be accepted as awarded. 6. Completed entry form, colour photo and payment must be received by Friday, May 11th, 2018, midnight. 10 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2018

Ask our Expert Q: My child is three-years old and

Q: What should I do before/after

I’d like him to learn to play a musical instrument. When is a good time for him to start taking lessons?

I get pregnant to ensure a healthy pregnancy for me and my baby?

A: The list is endless and here are a

A: Children under six years learn

through play. To develop their musical abilities, they need to experience music-making in ways that are fun, open-ended and playful. They need opportunities to sing and move through free expression. And at this age, you are your child’s best teacher! Start by singing and dancing together at home, and check out early childhood music classes in your area. These age-appropriate experiences will make it much easier for him to be successful in more structured lessons in a few years.

Heidi McCurdy BFA, EXAT

Expressive Arts Therapist & Early Childhood Music Specialist

few key points: As soon as you begin planning a pregnancy or find out that you are pregnant, it is of outmost importance to make an appointment with your doctor for a physical exam. Ensuring that you are eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly is essential for mom and baby. I would also recommend supplementing with a high quality whole food Prenatal vitamin such as New Chapter Perfect Prenatal, a fish oil and probiotic.


music classes? I have a newborn and I am thinking ahead!

A: The short answer is—it’s never

A: Your baby remembers drifting

Helen Sands Sleep Coach




too early! Fantastic group classes are available for children, ages newborn and up. Not only does your child benefit from age-appropriate socialization, through these classes you also begin to plant musical seeds. Research shows that music —especially live, interactive music helps babies’ and toddlers’ brain development and coordination. The Parent and Baby Musical Yoga class can provide a social outlet for you as a parent. Look for programs that have clear methodology and structure, but don’t compromise on fun.

Q: How do I know if I am making

Q: How soon should I start saving

A: If breastfeeding is tougher

A: My recommendation is to start

enough milk for my baby?

than you expected, try not to get discouraged! Feeding a newborn every few hours can be tiring. The more your baby breastfeeds, the more milk your body produces. To determine if your baby is getting enough milk, keep track of output by ensuring your baby is having the proper amount of wet and dirty diapers, relative to your baby’s age. As a new mom, it is important that you get good nutrition, plenty of fluids (without caffeine) and rest to support the production of breast milk.

778.628.2698 808 Nelson St, Vancouver, BC

Q: What is the best age to start

when feeding. Putting her in her crib is easy because she is asleep. Is this okay?

off to sleep while sucking and being cuddled in your arms. Unfortunately, when she wakes up between sleep cycles, she will be looking for that same kind of assistance. Teaching baby to self-soothe is important. So when she wakes between cycles, she can soothe herself back to sleep. Try to keep baby awake during feeds and put her back to bed while she is awake. Her eyes should be open preferably. Put her in her crib gently and give her the chance to self-soothe.

Childbirth Educator, Doula, Prenatal Yoga Instructor


www.harmonyexpressivearts.com • www.northshoremusictogether.com

Q: My baby constantly falls asleep

Sarah Alexander RN, PNC (c),

Gillian Hunter-Gibbs BMus; MPhil Director, Early Years Music Programs

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for my child’s education?

Amanda Archibald RN, BScN Lactation Counsellor




saving early. Small savings each year will grow into considerable savings by the time your child is ready for university. The key is to be consistent with your savings and take full advantage of the government grants available for Registered Education Savings Plans. Saving $25.00 a week can quickly add up when the Government of Canada adds 20 percent for every dollar contributed (up to a maximum of $500 each year) to your savings. The longer you wait, the more challenging it becomes to catch up. Time is your biggest advantage, do your best to maximize it.

Dami Gittens CFP®, CIM®

Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Investment Manager

604.731.6117 3560 41st Ave W, Vancouver, BC, V6N 3E6


spring 2018 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 11

h ea l t h

| by PDG Pediatric Dental Group

Healthy Smiles Start Young: Caring for Baby’s Teeth

Your baby’s first tooth is a milestone all parents look forward to. Proud Instagram photos fill screens with adorable little smiles displaying newly erupted teeth. This is the beginning of a change that will extend over the first three years of your child’s life. Primary (or baby) teeth are very important for your child’s development. They should be well cared for; regularly checked and fixed if there is a problem. Eventually they are replaced by the permanent adult teeth. Urbanbaby and Toddler interviewed PDG Pediatric Dental Group about the importance of taking care of baby teeth to help first-time parents with answers to common questions. UBT: Why are baby’s teeth so important? A: They will play an essential role in eating, speech development, jaw bone development, proper support for tongue and cheeks, support and space maintenance for the permanent teeth that come up from underneath them. Therefore, care is essential. It is important for parents to keep their child’s mouth and teeth

Incisor 2 9-13




Molar 1 Molar 2

Molar 1


Incisor 2

We know that it’s a bit hard to track, so we have a tooth-chart that we give parents after their initial consultation. It helps parents understand approximately when to expect baby teeth to erupt, and when they would be replaced by adult teeth.



Shedding (year)


10-12 9-11




This becomes increasingly important during teething. After the teeth appear it is important to use a child-sized toothbrush with soft bristles and a smear of fluoridated toothpaste to brush their teeth.





7-8 10-12

Eruption (month) Molar 2

UBT: Why are baby’s teeth so important? A: Baby teeth begin to appear around six months of age, often at the midpoint of the lower jaw. However, not all children have the same eruption pattern and timing. Some babies have their first tooth appearing at four months, while others may be closer to a year.

UBT: How to take care of my baby’s oral health? A: Oral hygiene should start even before a baby has teeth. Cleaning your baby’s mouth is important after every feeding. Use a wet cloth or gauze to wipe the gum ridges, insides of the cheeks, and the tongue. Not only does this desensitize them to having their teeth brushed in future, it also keeps their gums and tongue clean.

Incisor 1


clean and cared for, especially since children may be affected by cavities early on.





UBT: If my child has a cavity, can we wait for the tooth to fall out? A: The answer depends on the child’s age and dental development. While it is true that primary teeth are usually replaced by permanent teeth, they are still a crucial part of a child’s growth and development. For instance, if your four-yearold has a cavity on a back primary tooth, chances are that tooth will need to remain in the mouth for another eight years. Without treatment, the cavity can spread deeper into the tooth, causing pain, infection and even damage to the underlying adult tooth. Also, dental infections in children may have serious and lifethreatening consequences. If the cavity is very large and the tooth is infected, an extraction may be necessary. However, it is best if the tooth can be restored

Incisor 1 12 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2018

and saved. This is because the baby teeth serve so many functions, including holding space in the jaw for the permanent teeth to come in.

For answers to questions about fluoride usage, dental emergencies, and brushing tips, see the PDG website for more information. •

A healthy and balanced lifestyle is dependent on being able to chew and eat properly. Healthy eating habits, flossing, brushing, and regular check-ups at the dentist are the best way to ensure childrens teeth remain cavity-free. This routine gives them the foundation to grow a healthy set of adult teeth, and be socially confident.

PDG Pediatric Dental Group has been serving the children and families of the Lower Mainland for over 45 years. To see one of the Certified Specialists in Pediatric Dentistry or one of the Certified Specialists in Orthodontics at one of our four locations, please contact our office directly or check us out on our website at www.PDGdental.com

Choosing the Right Pacifier for Your Baby Sponsored by MAM

When your baby is fussy, you might need something handy to calm your little one. Pacifiers are made for that purpose. As the name implies, it “pacifies” by letting your baby be soothed through their natural sucking reflex. When used the right way, they can offer relief for both baby and parents. Pacifiers come in a variety of colours, designs, and nipple shapes. If you’re just starting out, you’ll want to research the style and type that will works best for your baby. You will find a selection in different sizes for a range of ages. Choices include the standard round-nipple type or ‘orthodontic’ shapes, which have a round top and flat bottom. MAM’s cutting-edge pacifiers are designed to help give babies a healthy start in life. Developed by leading pediatric dentists and developmental psychologists, MAM pacifiers provide maximum comfort and style. Ideal for newborns up to two months, MAM Start Newborn Pacifiers are extra small and lightweight, designed with a curved shield to sit comfortably on the baby’s face. Furthermore, MAM’s patented SkinSoft™ nipple has an anti-slip texture and is symmetrically designed for healthy dental and jaw development.

Why parents are choosing MAM Start Newborn Pacifiers: • Orthodontic-correct nipple design that allows little ones to safely satisfy their sucking reflex while maintaining proper jaw and tooth alignment. • Easy-to-grasp front knob and a curved shield for a comfortable fit that’s gentle on baby’s skin, thanks to generous air holes and MAM’s patented interior surface. • MAM’s SkinSoft™ nipple and, like all MAM products, MAM Start Newborn Pacifiers are BPA-free, BPS-free, PVC-free, lead-free, and CPSIA-Complaint. • MAM Start Pacifiers come in a self-sterilizing microwave container for easy disinfecting. •

Founded in Vienna, Austria in 1976, MAM offers real solutions for real parenting with an award-winning range of smart and simple products. A global leader in the baby care category, MAM’s mission is to combine the best in technological innovation, medically sound function and contemporary design to provide innovative baby care products essential for a child’s early years. The MAM collection includes pacifiers, bottles, cups, teethers, oral care items and gift sets. Families in over 60 countries and on six continents use MAM products. For more information about MAM products, please visit www.mambaby.com

things we like! 1.






Spring Finds

Spring is all about convenience for parents and fun ideas for children! Check out these noteworthy and innovative books, toys, gadgets and other child-related products.

1. Kinderfeet Balance Bike

This award-winning wood balance bike has a chalkboard-finish, so children can customize their ride whenever they like. Unlike other balance bikes, these have foot-pegs for toddlers to rest their feet on when cruising. Removable, padded seat-cover can be easily washed. Suitable for children age 3 and older.

In-Store: Indigo Books, Various Locations Online: www.amazon.ca

2. Toys Floorchestra Animal Tiles

3. Wild One by Jane Whittingham

The little ‘wild one’ can do so many things as she bounds energetically through her day. With a padded cover, rounded corners, and extra-heavy paper, this picture-book is perfect for sharing with wiggly, little wild ones of your own. Written by local author and Burnaby Librarian, Jane Whittingham.

4. Mombella Octopus

6. Rocking Baby Birds

Gum Massager

In-Store: Mastermind Toys,

In-Store: Buy Buy Baby, Langley Online: www.snugglebugz.ca

14 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2018

In-Store: Kidsbooks, Vancouver

Invented by a dental hygienist and mom, this 3D silicone-teether is light-weight and easier for children to hold. Made of 100% food-grade silicone. Suitable for children 3-months up to 3-years old.

Various Locations

by Amy Schwartz

Great gift idea! From making faces to running races, this book offers a collection of fun activities to do with the one you love. Activities listed are ideal for children 3 to 5-years old.

In-Store: Indigo, Various Locations Online: www.indigo.ca

Six interchangeable tiles can be rearranged in numerous ways. Includes ten songs baby can dance to. Every animal has its own musical tune. Sure to give your little one hours of fun.

5. 100 Things I Love to Do with You

Black Bond Books, Maple Ridge

Online: www.indigo.ca

Perfect for Easter! Challenge your toddler to stack all the birdies and eggs to on the nest! Helps to develop logic, balance and construction skills. For each tree cut down to create its toys, Tender Leaf Toys plants one tree.

In-Store: Dandelion Kids, Vancouver

and Port Moody

Online: www.tenderleaftoys.ca

Weekday Mornings at

enter to win at


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Shop ‘n Stroll is a workout that turns your stroller into a portable fitness machine and takes baby along for the ride.



Sponsored by your Local Shopping Centre Coquitlam Centre • Willowbrook Shopping Centre Park Royal Shopping Centre Haney Place Mall • Oakridge Centre


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7. Itzy Ritzy Milk Boss

An infant-feeding support, burping pillow and arm cushion all in one. Provides support for positioning baby at the perfect angle while bottle feeding or breastfeeding to help reduce the chance of reflux or gas.

In-Store: Babies R’ Us, Various Locations Online: www.bedbathandbeyond.ca

8. Summer Infant Baby Pixel

Touchscreen Video Monitor

New technology offers a greater level of safety and control for new parents. Innovative features help parents easily see and hear baby. Get additional peace-of-mind with alerts whenever your precious little one starts moving about.

In-Store: Babies ‘R Us, Various Locations Online: www.amazon.ca

9. Catch & Count Magnetic Fishing Rod Set

Enjoy double the fun with this learning set which includes two wooden fishing rods, which come complete with a wind-up reel. The 10-magnetic fish are numbered and patterned to enrich matching, sorting, and counting activities.

In-Store: Dandelion Kids, Vancouver & Port Moody Online: www.indigo.ca spring 2018 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 15

UrbanGuide: Stroller Guide 2018

Sponsored by Shop ‘n Stroll

Britax B-Free

Designed to make family life on the go easier and more convenient. This stroller is the ultimate all-around travel stroller. Built upon the successful Britax B-Agile, you’ll find some great new upgrades on the B-Free.

Price: $479.99

Type: Travel Weight: 22 lbs Weight Capacity: Up to 65 lbs Wheels: All-terrain rubber tires Child Safety: Padded 5-point harness Car Seat Compatibility: Chicco KeyFit, Graco SnugRide and Peg Perego Primo Handlebars: Adjustable Storage: Seven storage pockets


• Ultimate maneuverability with 3-wheel configuration

• One-hand fold design easily closes the stroller in seconds

• Extra-large front access storage basket • Expandable canopy with SPF protection

Additional Accessories:

• Child Tray: $34.99 • Rain Shield: $44.99

Mountain Buggy Terrain

Summer Infant 3D Lite

Price: $699.99

Price: $129.99

The ultimate premium jogger that delivers optimal performance to active parents who really want to get active on and off road. The powerhouse, terrain redefines functionality as the ultimate adaptable jogging buggy where sporting aesthetics meets precision steering and maximum control.

Type: City / Urban Stroller Weight: 28 lbs Weight Capacity: 55 lbs Wheels: 16” air-filled wheels Child Safety: 5-point harness with shoulder pads Car Seat Compatibility: Graco Classic Connect, Chicco KeyFit/KeyFit 30, Peg Pergeo Primo Viaggio Handlebars: Adjustable Storage: Large gear basket under the seat that holds up to 11lbs


• Hand operated control brake • Lie-flat seat recline for newborn to upright five-year old

• Shock-absorbing rear wheel suspension • Compatible with freerider stroller board • Seat pocket storage

Additional Accessories:

• Car Seat Adapter: $64.99 • Sun Cover: $54.99 • Storm Cover: $39.99 16 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2018

This durable travel and walking stroller has a lightweight and stylish aluminum frame and is one of the lightest convenience stroller on the market. With an easy to fold frame and carry strap, you can be on-the-go to the local park or stow and go with ease in the smallest of living spaces.

Type: Travel / City Stroller Weight: 12 lbs Weight Capacity: Up to 50 lbs Wheels: High-performance Child Safety: 5-point harness with shoulder pads Car Seat Compatibility: N/A Handlebars: Non-adjustable Storage: Extra large storage basket, Rear storage pocket


• Multi-position recline • Rear-wheel brakes, locking front swivel wheels, and one hand fold function

• Anti-shock front wheels and lockable rear wheels

• Easy compact 3-D fold with carry strap

Additional Accessories:

• Rayshade $29.99 • Cup Holder: $24.99

Sponsored by

Stroller Buying Tips What Activities Do You Plan to Use the Stroller For?

Consider what the main activities will be with the stroller when choosing the best model. Are you planning on using the stroller for mostly long walks and shopping or will it be use for jogging or trail walking?

What is the Age of Child?

Diono Quantum Multi-Mode Be adventure ready with the innovative with this multi-mode travel stroller. Engineered with clever design features to keep baby safe, secure and protected. Parents can focus on spending time with their little one while they travel in comfort, ease and style.

Price: $699.99

Type: Single Stroller Weight: Frame only 18lbs, with seat 30 lbs Weight Capacity: From birth up to 50 lbs Wheels: 12” forever-air rear tires and 8” lightweight front wheels Child Safety: Integrated 5-point harness with removable plush pads Car Seat Compatibility: Graco, Chicco, Peg-Perego, Maxi-Cosi and Nuna Handlebars: Telescoping adjustable handlebar with 6 height positions Storage: Easy access, extra large basket


• 3-in-1 smart seat converts from carriage mode to toddler seat • One-hand fold • Full size canopy with peek-a-boo window and full mesh panel for added airflow • Smooth rolling, never flat wheels

Additional Accessories:

• Quantum Stroller Travel Bag: $159.99 • All Weather Footmuff: $99.99 • Buggy Board: $99.99 (Coming Soon) • Snack Tray: $29.99 (Coming Soon)

Maxi-Cosi Adorra

Enjoy taking long strolls with the MaxiCosi Adorra Stroller. Your infant can relax and lie back fully reclined in carriage mode in a secure, enclosed space. Then, as they grow, can sit either rear- or forward-facing mode, to look at you or the landscape ahead. After your walk, collapse the stroller with the seat still attached for quick and easy storage.

Price: $599.99

Type: City/Urban Weight: 29 lbs Weight Capacity: Up to 50 lbs Wheels: 7” front and 10” back EVA wheels Child Safety: Padded 5-point harness Car Seat Compatibility: Maxi-Cosi Mico 30 and Mico Max 30 Handlebars: Adjustable height Storage: Extra large underseat plus storage pouch on handle


• Carriage mode with full recline gives infants a comfy ride from birth

• Includes Cozi-Dozi infant support for

smaller babies • Rear-facing seat allows child to see parent. Reversible, machine washable and dryer safe seat pad • Forward-facing seat gives child a view of the road ahead • Reversible seat reclines in both forward and rear facing positions • The extra large basket, parent cup holder and storage pouch lets you carry all baby’s essentials

Strollers list their weight limits and seat back height. Will an infant and a toddler be using the stroller? Consider any future children to avoid having to spend more on a new stroller in a couple of years.

Do You Need a Infant Car Seat Adapter?

Depending the make and model of your infant car seat certain strollers can accommodate different models. Check with the sales representative and car seat manual to make sure your child’s car seat is stroller compatible.

Jogging Stroller vs. Regular Stroller: What is the Difference?

The main difference is that jogging strollers have frames designed for jogging and control at fast speeds. Regular strollers are designed for maneuverability. Most jogging strollers have three wheels and a heavier frame for added stability. Jogging strollers provide the following added features:

• Wider frame than regular strollers • Provide more leg room for longer strides • Fixed front wheel or locked position for improved control

• Braking system on the handlebar with a hand safety strap

• Larger wheels for better suspension • Require your child to be sitting upright Child Safety Rules:

Babies incapable of holding their head up must have additional head and neck support to ride safely and comfortably. For jogging or off-road stroller use, children should be at least 6-8 months old. Please check your stroller manual for proper guidelines and safety instructions.

spring 2018 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 17

ed uca t i o n

| by Christie Stanford

Teaching Your Children Independence Imagine this: Your child finishes playing with her toys and instinctively puts them away where they belong. It is mealtime and your toddler eagerly sets up her own placemat, plate, cup, and cutlery at the dining room table. It is time to get dressed and your child goes into her room, chooses what to wear, and dresses herself. Is this a dream? It doesn’t have to be! Young children crave connection to their family and to their environment. When you set up your home to encourage independence in your children, you satisfy their needs in ways that make them more confident, engaged, and ultimately happier.

Five Ways to Put Everything in Order Declutter

Is your home overcrowded with too many toys? Take a good, hard look at what your child is interested in and has grown out of. Pay attention to items that are just taking up space. Donate, sell, or store those.


Purchase appropriate shelving for your child’s toys. Low and open shelves are ideal. Have similar activities grouped together and keep them in small baskets or on trays. So for example, you might store miniature cars in one basket and kitchen items in another. The more orderly your children’s space is, the more organized they will be!


For a child, having access to over 40 different types of toys or countless activities can be overwhelming. Cleaning up a massive pile of blocks is not realistic for a young child. Instead, put out a small selection in a basket. Rotating toys is the perfect way to keep your child interested in what he or she already has. Every month, change up the activities on the shelves. Consider switching out puzzles, crayons, and building blocks regularly.

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Think Accessibility

We want our children to do things by themselves, but we don’t always make things accessible! Look at the environment in your home from your child’s level. Are their hooks at the appropriate height so he or she can hang up things easily? Can your child access shoes, hats and mitts independently?


Vancouver and Surrey

Arrange to have appropriately-sized plates and trays so they are realistic for your child to manipulate.

All Caregivers Welcome: Dads, Grandparents, Friends

Limit Choices

Fun Pre-Show Events like Music Classes and Photos

Have a limited selection of clothing, shoes, for your child to choose from. Set your children up for success by continually switching up the environment with seasonally-appropriate items.

Three Ways to Encourage Independence Maintain Routines

Young children have no concept of time so they rely heavily on cues from their environment to know what’s happening next. Consistency in their routines helps children anticipate what to expect. Picture this: Every time your child comes into the house, she takes off her shoes and put them away on the shoe rack. She takes off her coat and hangs it up on the easyto-reach coat hooks. She then proceeds to wash her hands in the bathroom which has a stool for her to stand on.

Films run with reduced sound and dim lights Change table and supplies in theatre

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Practice Makes Perfect

Provide the time to practice these skills. Demonstrate to your child how to do something. Slow down your movements to emphasize the actions needed to be successful. Through repetition your child’s abilities will steadily improve and your assistance may be rarely needed.

Make Expectations Realistic

Keep in mind when your child is tired or hungry (or both) things may not go as smoothly! Be flexible but still follow through. Give your child choices and the opportunity to show independence. Encourage your child every step of the way as he or she becomes more and more independent. Then celebrate those milestones. •

twelve years old. For the past 8 years she has been running the only Montessori Parent-Participation program in Western Canada for children from birth to three years old. Currently, she teaches 11 Infant and Toddler classes per week, out of North Star Montessori Elementary School in North Vancouver www.northstarmontessori.ca.

Do you want a solid and proven foundation for your child’s physical, intellectual and emotional development? Register today for North Star Montessori’s infant & toddler classes. Infancy to Grade 7 | Call today:

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20 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2018

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| by Kristen Yarker

Five Ways to Reduce Your Family’s Food Budget You’ve likely heard the news by now. The cost of food is on the rise. So, what should budgetconscious parents do? The number one way to save money on food is to eat more meals at home. Here are some effective ways to way to reduce the money spent on groceries as you make the commitment to eat in:

Plan Your Meals

The most expensive part of your grocery bill is food that goes to waste. Planning your meals is a very easy and efficient way to reduce the amount of food that gets thrown out. If meal planning for a full week seems too intimidating, start out planning for three days. Check your pantry and fridge to see the ingredients you already have and the ingredients you need to buy. Write a list. And, stick to it.

Shop Sales

Many stores now offer to send you their weekly sales flyer by email. Purchasing items on sale can definitely help you reduce your grocery bill. However, bargain shopping is only effective if the food is actually consumed by your family. This underscores the need to plan your meals.

Explore Seasonal Differences

Eating a wide variety is healthier than eating only one particular vegetable or fruit. Adopting a seasonal strategy when buying fruits and vegetables is a fantastic way to get that variety. This practice can also save you money. For example, root vegetables and squash are inexpensive during the winter season. Lettuce, cucumber and zucchini are cost-effective in the summer months.

Don’t Be Afraid of the Freezer

Consider buying frozen vegetables and fruits. Many are picked at their ultimate point of ripeness and frozen immediately. They can be even more nutritious than fresh fruits and vegetables that are picked before they ripen and trucked in from vast distances. Frozen foods can also be cheaper than their fresh counterparts and typically last longer, so less goes to waste. Grocery retailers now have a greater variety of frozen produce available including frozen leafy greens. The fresh alternatives can go bad rather

quickly. I love frozen, diced avocados which are perfect in smoothies. On the other hand, fresh avocados have a tiny window in which they need to be consumed, in order to avoid wastage.

Try Innovative Ways to Use Up All Your Food

Another way to reduce food waste, and related food-budget, is to use as much of your veggies and fruit as possible. There are many innovative recipes that can be made using parts of veggies and fruits that are commonly thrown into green bins. For example, you can make pesto from carrot tops. And, you’ll never buy vegetable stock or chicken broth again when you can make a delicious vegetable stock from your onion skins and carrot peelings. With some routine planning and careful choices, you can stretch your family’s food budget while ensuring that your growing family still gets the nutrition needed. •

Homemade Vegetable Stock • Place a reusable storage container or Ziploc bag in your freezer

• Whenever you prepare carrots, celery, onions, and leeks, place the washed scraps in the freezer

• When the container or bag is full, empty the contents into your largest pot

• Fill pot with water and cover. Bring to a rolling boil for one to two hours, stirring occasionally

• Remove from the heat and allow to partially cool • Pour the liquid through a fine sieve into individual • •

containers Allow to cool completely before freezing Use in any recipe that calls for vegetable stock or chicken broth

Kristen, MSc, RD is a child-feeding expert who helps parents support their picky eaters to try new foods on their own. Since 2008, she has been working with families to provide good nutrition for their kids today and instill a love of food that lasts a lifetime. www.kristenyarker.com spring 2018 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 21


| by Julie Romanowski

Build Confidence:

Helping Children Ride the Emotional Rollercoaster Emotional development is usually the most under-developed area in people, especially children. When raising children, our focus has been generally geared to social, physical and intellectual development. By contrast, we have focused significantly less on children learning about feelings, reactions and behaviour. A critical area of emotional development is self-regulation which results in raising healthy, happy and successful children. It is all about a child’s ability to process, monitor and control one’s behaviour, emotions and thoughts accordingly. The part of the mind affected aids an individual in deciding if something is right or wrong. It is also a factor in an individual’s actions or inactions as well as how to ‘feel’ during challenging situations. As parents and caregivers, we have a responsibility to help teach, guide and encourage children to learn, understand and grow in all areas. Here are some tips for fostering self-regulation skills:

1. Allow your child time to process the current situation along

with all the feelings associated with it; which may include the ‘feelings’, ‘responses’ and ‘reactions’.

2. You do not have to agree with why they are upset. Avoid

judging or blaming a child for their upset. Over time, this can warp the child’s perception of feelings experienced.

3. Allow an opportunity for your child to be upset; ‘feel it’ and

then move on. Never stop the child from feeling their feelings. If such feelings are ignored, he or she will not have the opportunity to build the strong skills necessary for dealing with similar situations later in life.

5. Avoid reacting to the situation or child. Instead, try responding in an encouraging way.

6. Stay neutral with your response including tone, body language and energy. Neutrality promotes a powerful leadership role which is what children want from their parents. It equips you to guide your children properly through the situation. Here is your opportunity to demonstrate what self-regulation is all about.

Societal pressures set a high expectation for children to ‘manage or control’ their emotions well and not draw much attention when they are upset, crying or mad. As parents and caregivers, we need to recognize that children are still in ‘learning-mode’ when it comes to emotional-development. They are not prepared or able to do manage it all perfectly just yet. This underscores the need for parents and caregivers to be patient with this area of development. Rushing this learning process is like having children take the final exam on the first day of school. For too long we have focused on children performing properly and perfectly instead of guiding them to understand what is required. Fostering emotional development goes a long way in helping children to gain a broader understanding and build valuable skills in self-regulation which are essential for their success now and later in life. As a society, we need to work together as parents and caregivers to equip children with necessary self-regulation tools to become confident and happy individuals. • Julie is a mom, an Early Childhood Consultant and owner of Miss

Behaviour: parenting coach and consulting services, the children’s

4. Be emotionally available for a child when their learning is

taking place even though it may not be a pleasant situation for you. Always remember that ‘being there’ for your child at their utmost time of distress, is one of the greatest forms of ‘connection’.

22 | www.urbanbaby.ca | spring 2018

behaviour and discipline specialists! Learn more through her e-newsletter, tips and blog at www.missbehaviour.ca

Have a Question for Julie? Submit your questions at



UrbanMom o n t h e t ow n


Spring Family Fun

March 2018 11th • St Patrick’s Family Day 11am • www.blarneystone.ca/events/st-patricks-family-day Vancouver: Family Brunch, Stilts Walkers, Face Painting, Hula Hoop fun, and Irish Dancers. 17th • St Patrick’s Day 5K Run • 9:30am • www.stpatricks5k.com Vancouver: Come out for a flat and fast 5k in scenic Stanley Park. Registration and fee is required 19th - 29th • Spring Break 11 Days of Fun! • 11am-4:30pm • www.burnabyvillagemuseum.ca Burnaby Village Museum: Scavenger hunt, crafts, live entertainment and carousel rides.

April 2018 7th • Abbotsford Tulip Festival • 9am-6pm • www.abbotsfordtulipfestival.ca Abbotsford: Come see thousands of tulips spread over a 10-acre area farm. Admission required 8th • VSO Kids Koncerts • 2pm • www.vancouversymphony.ca/concert/17KIDS04 Vancouver Orpheum Theatre: For children ages 4-11 featuring the very best in children’s musical entertainers. 22nd • Earth Day • 12pm-4pm • www.cnv.org/earthday Heywood Park: Enjoy live music, family tent, and special guest speakers.

May 2018 5th • Mother’s Day Heritage Gift Making • 11pm-3pm • www.coquitlamheritage.ca Mackin House: Treat Moms to tea and scones while children make crafts. Registration required and by donation. 12th • Mother’s Day High Tea • 2pm-3:30pm • www.coquitlamheritage.ca Coquitlam Heritage Society: Bring your mothers, daughters, and grandmas for afternoon of tea. Registration and fee is required. 13th • BlueShore Financial Mother’s Day Run • 9am • www.runmomrun.ca Vancouver: 3k, 5k and 10k Run and Walk in beautiful Stanley Park and Coal Harbour. Registration required and fee required. 24th-26th • International Children’s Festival • 9am-7:30pm • www.surreychildrensfestival.ca Surrey Arts Centre: Family-friendly festival with performances and hands-on art activities.

Ongoing Events Various Weekdays • Shop ‘n Stroll Fitness • 9:30am • www.runnersandbootiesfitness.com Mom & Baby fitness class sponsored by your local shopping centre. Free to attend. Registration required. Every Wednesday • Groovin Babies • 11:00am • www.runnersandbootiesfitness.com Parent and toddler dance and music class sponsored by Brentwood Town Centre. Free to attend. Registration required. Every Friday • Zumba for Mom & Baby • 10:00am • www.runnersandbootiesfitness.com Dance class for mom & baby/toddler sponsored by Lougheed Town Centre. Free to attend. Alternating Wednesdays • Movies For Mommies • 11:30am • www.moviesformommies.com New Releases and Favourites at Dunbar Theatre, Vancouver. Grab bags and special guests. Stroller friendly and diaper change area. 4th Wednesday of the month • VanDuesn Botanical Gardens Preschool Storytime • 10am

Children ages 3-5 enjoy a story and a craft project. Free to attend. Registration required 604.257.8668

Easter Events

Find more Easter events on our blog

March 22nd-29th • Stanley Park Easter Train • 10am-5pm • www.tinyurl.com/vaneastertrain

Stanley Park, Van: Ride on the miniature train, egg hunts, crafts and meet the Easter Bunny and Easter Chick. Tickets required.

March 31 - April 1st • Great A-Mazing Egg Hunt • 10am • www.vandusengarden.org

VanDusen Botanical Gardens: Easter egg hunt, Easter Bunny, decorating eggs, and crafts. Tickets required.

April 1st • Easter Dino Egg Hunt • 11am-1pm • www.tinyurl.com/easterdino

Britannia Mine Museum: Annual Easter Dino Egg Hunt. Wander around the Museum site, looking for gem-filled dinosaur eggs. Free to attend.

Contact organizers to confirm details.

spring 2018 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 23

Crystal • South Surrey Marijah, 16-years old Terrace, 12-years old Grey, 1-year old

1. What is the best part about being a mom? The best part is watching my children grow and become individuals. They are all in such different age groups so it’s very exciting to watch each of them develop into their own personalities. 2. What is your favourite activity to do with your children? I look forward to our annual family camping trip to Cache Creek. We have been going since my first born was just 9-months old. So keeping that tradition is very special to me. 3. What is your favourite television show? My husband and I are addicted to This is Us. 4. How do you find some “Mommy Time”? When I can find the time, I like to sneak out for a nice dinner and a glass of wine. 5. Do you work? If so, where and what do you do? I am currently a full-time student at Douglas College taking Classroom and Community Support and Behavior Intervention. 6. Any advice for balancing school and being a mom? My advice to other moms who are students is to always try to make time for yourself. I offer the same advice to all the working moms out there too. As for me, date nights and pedicures are mandatory for maintaining my sanity throughout the school week!

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