MIXED-INCOME DEVELOP A DIVERSE AND INCLUSIVE MIXED-INCOME COMMUNITY STRATEGY 1 Replace housing for extremely low-income households one-for-one » Replace all 196 units of housing for extremely low-income households within approximately 479 units of new construction mixed-income rental housing » Build approximately 283 additional housing units with the goal of decreasing concentrated poverty (41% of total new construction replacement housing) » Ensure first-right-to-return for target households » Align bedroom sizes with the current target household and waitlist needs 108
» Build approximately 99 additional market-rate housing units that would be priced affordably relative to the market but would not have rent restrictions per Choice Neighborhoods guidelines (21% of the total new construction replacement housing) STRATEGY 4 Design all units to be of comparable quality, mixed within buildings and blocks so that the community is truly mixed-income OUTCOMES • Incomes are mixed in buildings and on blocks, so that incomes are not distinguishable from each other
• Housing is well-designed and high-quality
Increase high-quality, affordable housing options in Western Heights
• Quality amenities serve the whole housing community
» Build 184 additional units that would be affordable to families making 60% AMI (38% of the total new construction replacement housing) STRATEGY 3 Create market-rate rental housing, integrated into the community
PARTNERS • Brinshore Development • KCDC • City of Knoxville
100% of the current housing is for extremely low-income households
49.9% or less of the future new construction housing will be for extremely low-income households
0% of the current housing at Western Heights serves low- and moderate-income households
Over 40% of the future new construction housing will be for low- and moderate-income households
0% of the current housing at Western Heights serves market-rate households
20% of the future new construction housing will serve market-rate households
The Housing Plan / Mixed-Income