he youth of Western Heights are important voices in the future of the neighborhood. During two working sessions, young people laid out what was important to them, what they needed, and their dreams for the future of Western Heights.
Another group of young people gathered at the Boys & Girls Club in Western Heights. They identified concerns around safety, violence, and not feeling protected. In the future, these young people want indoor and outdoor play spaces, and they want a safe, beautiful neighborhood.
The younger children at Beaumont’s summer camp had a drawing and dreaming session to come up with ideas for the new park. They shared ideas about free healthy snacks, water play areas, slides and climbing areas, and making the park accessible for kids in wheelchairs.
The young people at Western Heights will continue to be involved in planning and deciding what is right for their neighborhood.
What problems need to be addressed? » Gangs and people who don’t live in Western Heights causing trouble » Violence, fighting, and shooting » Littering » People being mean to each other » Bugs » Not feeling protected » Speeding cars and unsafe walking conditions » Afraid of or do not trust the police
What are the best things about Western Heights? » Making new friends » Playing in parks » The Boys & Girls Club (basketball court, tech class, arts and crafts, hula hoops, and great staff)
Needs Assessments / Youth Needs & Voices