3rd Hawaii Green Schools Symposium Program

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Saturday, September 10, 2011, 7:45am-3:00pm Ewa Makai Middle School, (LEED



91-6291 Kapolei Parkway

ORGANIZING COMMITTEES: Green Schools Committee, USGBC Hawaii Committee on the Environment, AIA Honolulu


★KEYNOTE AND OPENING REMARKS 8:45 - 9:45AM • Location: Cafetorium Anisa Baldwin Metzger New Orleans Green Building Coordinator, Keynote

Christopher Parker USGBC Hawaii Green Schools Committee Chair

Anisa is currently the Manager for the Center for Green Schools Fellowship Program, an initiative to place Sustainability Officers in school districts around the country, modeled after her work in New Orleans. In her two years in New Orleans, she helped bring the following results: one LEED Gold certified school completed, 14 LEED registered schools under construction, three schools completed and nearing certification, 9 LEED Green Associates and 2 LEED AP’s on school project management staff, an Indoor Air Quality Manager and an Energy Manager in place, a district recycling program, and a green school curriculum resource in circulation.

Chris serves as the Green Schools Committee Chair for the United States Building Council Hawaii Chapter. He works for local architecture firm CDS International where he has been involved in the design of schools and library projects and currently a sustainability coordinator. He has previously worked in Portland, Oregon and Atlanta, Georgia on mixed-use, institutional projects through the University of Hawaii’s Doctor of Architecture program.



Edward Oshiro Principal Ewa Makai Middle School Edward Oshiro is the Principal of Ewa Makai Middle School. He began is career at Radford High School where he also coached then became a Vice-Principal at Waipahu High. His experience led him to principalships at Makaha, Waipahu Intermediate, Waikele , Aiea where he continued his passion for teaching and sustainability. Edward is the proud father of five children, some grandchildren, a fantastic wife, and 3 great dogs. He loves kids, sports, my friends and family, working at Ewa Makai, doing green things, and interacting with people!

civic buildings, and commercial development. She currently keeps office hours in both Seattle and Hawaii.

SESSION #1 9:45 - 11:00AM


Baldwin High School Library, LEED Silver

SESSION #2 11:15 - 12:30PM

The new library replaces the existing 45 years old school library with a larger, state-of-the-art facility to support the educational needs of students. The design needed to meet the approval of the State Historic Preservation Division, in addition to being designed and constructed to meet LEED “silver” certification by GBCI based on LEED for Schools 2007. The project was designed to maximize energy performance, use of natural daylighting, reduce water usage, reduce site disturbance, use of materials with high recycled content and low VOC (volatile organic compound), provide good indoor air quality and thermal comfort.

Ewa Makai Middle School: Realizing A Green School Steve Wong, AIA | Mitsunga and Associates

Mr. Steve Wong’s professional experience covers a broad spectrum of architectural projects for government agencies, as well as for the private sector. As VicePresident and Principal-in-Charge of the firm's Architectural Division, he has been the lead designer and manager for most of the firm's major projects. Mr. Wong is well qualified as one of the project architects to design these projects in the areas of education, healthcare, multi-family residential, single-family residential, commercial and laboratory design.

Kendall Ellingwood, AIA, LEED AP | Design Partners

Kendall Ellingwood, AIA, is a Principal Architect at Design Partners Incorporated and is responsible for design and management of the firm’s government sector projects. His professional experience includes institutional projects of many types, including educational facilities. Mr. Ellingwood has effectively worked with government agencies such as the: NAVFAC, Army Corp of Engineers, City and County of Honolulu, University of Hawaii, DAGS and DOE. In addition, he is a LEED Accredited Professional and has integrated sustainable design features into all of his recent projects.

Brenda Lowrey, AIA | DOE Facilites

Brenda is a Facility Planner with the DOE, utilizing her background in architecture and land planning along with four years of classroom teaching experience. Her architectural experience included work in Honolulu, Washington D.C., New York City, Philadelphia, San Diego, and Boston. Brenda is a 1983 graduate of Arizona State University with a B. Arch degree, and has her Post-Bacc. Teacher Certification in Secondary Mathematics from the University of Phoenix. She is a LEED AP and member of the USGBC Hawaii Chapter, AIA Honolulu, the Council of Educational Facility Planners International, and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Honolulu.

West Hawaii Explorations Academy

The West Hawaii Explorations Academy is a small project-based charter high school located in the Hawaii Ocean Science and Technology (HOST) Park at Keahole Point in Kona. The sustainable master plan and subsequent charrette has resulted in the solidification of a culturally and environmentally sustainable vision for the design of the new campus. This session focuses on the integrated design process from the multiple perspectives of Owner’s representative, sustainability consultant, and project architect with time allotted for open panel discussion at the end.

Edward Oshiro, Principal | Ewa Makai Middle School (See page 2)

Constructing Omidyar K-1 Campus – a Contractor’s perspective

Ira Freeman, AIA, LEED AP | Ferraro Choi and Associates LTD.


Ira Freeman, AIA is an architect with Ferraro Choi and Associates LTD. Ira has a Doctorate of Architecture from the University of Hawaii and a Bachelors of Arts in Environmental Design from Texas A&M University. His focus is educational, institutional, and healthcare facilities with an emphasis on sustainable design. Ira’s sustainable design experience includes Hawaii Gateway Energy Center (LEED Platinum Certified), Waipahu Intermediate School Cafeteria (LEED Certified), and Ferraro Choi Office (LEED Platinum Certified).

In Pursuit of Platinum: The Contractor’s Story The stakeholders have met, the eco-charrettes are finished, the contract drawings and specifications are completed and the LEED Certification goal has been determined. With a fully executed contract the general contractor has mobilized to the jobsite. What next? What methods and strategies must the contractor employ to successfully achieve the contractor-managed LEED points? How will the contractor resolve challenges that threaten these points? If you’re an Owner this session will give you a greater understanding of the effort required—from the field—to earn the points and resolve the challenges. If you’re a member of the Design Team, this session will provide you with insight into all parties developing greater synergies with the construction team to earn the points and achieve the Certification objectives. If you’re a Contractor then this session will help you prepare, implement and execute for eventual success. The Platinum Certified Punahou Omidyar K1 Campus will serve as the basis for this presentation. This is where the rubber-meets-the-road.

Ken Melrose, Project Manager | Pa’ahana Enterprises




A graduate of the University of Hawaii at Manoa Architecture Department in Urban Planning, Ken has been a licensed General Contractor and Real Estate Agent, and now owns the project management consulting business, Pa`ahana Enterprises. Ken focuses his project management talents on helping educational and non-profit institutions bring their facility needs to reality. Currently, he is representing Kanu o ka ‘Aina Learning Ohana Charter School, and West Hawaii Explorations Academy. Two of his recent projects have attained LEED Platinum certification, and the HPA Energy Lab was the third building in the world to be certified under the Living Building Challenge.

Charlie Issacs | Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company

Charlie Issacs is a Project Engineer at Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company. He is a graduate of Kamehameha Schools, 1966 and holds a BA in Anthropology from Hawaii Pacific University. He is a LEED Accredited Professional BD+C, Certified Green Professional, and licensed General Contractor since 1977. He is also Co-President of Ahahui Malama I ka Lokahi, an organization committed to developing, promoting and practicing the Native Hawaiian Conservation Ethic, mauka to makai.

Katrina Morgan, AIA LEED AP | O’Brien/Fermata

Katrina Morgan is an architect and sustainable design consultant with O’Brien/Fermata, based in Seattle, Washington. Her vision is to inspire her clients to strive for the most ecologically appropriate and economically feasible methods to design, construct, and operate our built environment. She is a skilled facilitator and change agent able to build consensus among multiple stakeholders. Her work has included a broad spectrum of project types and scales, including green schools, 3

Track B - EXISTING FACILITIES AND HOW TO GET GREEN$ ★ FUNDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY RETROFITS SESSION #1 9:45 - 11:00AM Operations and Maintenance: “Green Operations: The Nuts and Bolts of Healthy, Efficient Schools.” Anisa Baldwin Metzger | New Orleans Green Building Coordinator


SESSION #1 9:45 - 11:00AM


Wendy Lagareta | Waialae Elementary Charter School

Betty Gearan | Green House

Ivory McClintock | Blue Planet Foundation

Born and raised on O’ahu, Wendy Lagareta is an educational professional with 30 years of experience in both early childhood and elementary education in both public and private settings. She has been with Waialae PCS for the past 7 years. Ms. Lagareta has a passion for environmental education with emphasis on the outdoors as a learning lab for students.

Betty Gearen is a former art teacher at Punahou School who in 2005 turned her home into a sustainable learning center, The Green House, where hands-on workshops are provided for the community. The Green House now does outreach programs where their teachers implement the Green Ribbons Schools Program that helps schools with their greening efforts, and an after-school Learning Environmental Awareness Program (LEAP), which reaches students in middle and high schools across Oahu. This year The Green House has also partnered with the Institute for Human Services (IHS), training homeless in their organic gardening jobs training program.

Ivory has been an active youth leader for the past three years since she moved from the Garden Isle of Kauai to Oahu. She graduated last year from UH Manoa with her Bachelors in Political Science and was the Events Coordinator and HUB Team Leader of Sustainable UH, an active on-campus, student-led group. A strong advocate for green workforce development and sustainability in Hawai'i, she now serves on the Board of the Sustainability Association of Hawai'i. As Program Specialist at Blue Planet Foundation she has initiated community outreach programs across the state and is currently working on energy efficiency competitions on Kauai.

Uila Vendiola | Kahuku High School and Intermediate

Carol Feinga | Kokua Hawaii Foundation

Uila graduated from Kahuku High School, attended Chaminade University on a volleyball scholarship, then Oklahoma City University School of Law. Uila decided to become a teacher instead of a lawyer and is now in her seventh year teaching at Kahuku High & Intermediate School where she teaches AP US Government & Politics and AVID. She has coordinated the school's recycling program for seven years and has overseen student volunteers at the Kokua Festival. Last year Uila launched a month-long, campus-wide 3R's Campaign at KHIS that included a Waste & Food Audit, a Marine Debris Clean-Up, and a Trash to Treasure activity.

Carol has been the Administrative Director at the Kokua Hawaii Foundation for five years. In this role, Carol oversees the 3R's School Recycling Program, which focuses on waste reduction on school campuses throughout Oahu, a leader empowering students, teachers and administrators toward sustainability. She serves on the Laie Community Association Board of Directors, Brigham Young University's SIFE Advisory Board, the Environmental Advisory Committee for the Polynesian Cultural Center, and now serves on the Board for the Sustainable Association of Hawaii. Prior to Kokua Hawaii Foundation, Carol was the Director of Hawaii & Military Sales at the Polynesian Cultural Center and has many years of Sales and Marketing experience in Hawaii's hospitality and tourism industry. Carol received her Bachelors of Arts degree in Art Education at the Brigham Young University Hawaii Campus.

Susie Osborne | Kua O Ka La- New Century Public Charter School (NCPCS) in Puna

(See page 2) Making the commitment to green existing schools across a district requires a comprehensive plan that integrates two processes: one focused on how each school facility will improve building performance, and another on adopting sustainable operations and maintenance policies and best practices. In this session, Anisa Baldwin Metzger from the Center for Green Schools at USGBC will focus on strategic planning for district-wide sustainability initiatives. The discussion will address specific steps and strategies that can be put in place by district staff to green existing school facilities.

Susie Osborne is the Co-founder, Director and Resource Developer for Ho‘oulu LÇhui. The nonprofit Ho`oulu Lahui has operated since 1995 and the success of these programs led to the formation and Chartering of Kua O Ka La Public Charter School. Susie has been engaged in the entire process in the formation and funding of Kua O Ka La PCS and is the Principal Administrator for the school.

Miki Tomita | University Laboratory School Miki has taught at University Laboratory School for a decade. Currently, her teaching focuses on topics related to ecology and environmental connections, grounded in both scientific habits of mind and critiques of the nature of western science. After completing her Ph.D. with Stanford University’s School of Education, Miki returned to full-time work at ULS determined to “be the change she wished to see” – and founded Project Pono, an environmental stewardship and service-learning program. Her students engage in concepts like island values, environmental justice, food sovereignty, sustainability, and peace; they learn to be participants and advocates for themselves and their communities. To carry forth her students’ efforts, Miki serves as part of DBEDT’s Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative Education Group, helps develop curriculum grounded in place- and culture-based wisdom, serves on the Hawaii School Peace Gardens committee, and consults on the Middle Schoolers Out to Save the World project to promote science engagement through energy conservation. Miki is also in the midst of developing classroom-based units on aquaponics and edible landscaping, and serves as president of the Hawai‘i state chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, an honor society dedicated to supporting research, service, and leadership in education.

Michael Chang | Hawaii Energy Michael serves as Deputy Program Manager at Hawaii Energy, the state energy conservation and efficiency program. He has a broad range of energy experience gained from 18 years in the energy industry, helping local businesses to identify ways to cut energy costs, obtain viable financing, implement energy-saving actions, achieve energy efficiency goals and, most importantly, how to maintain the persistence of the savings. He currently serves as President of ASHRAE Hawaii, a professional association of engineers involved in heating, refrigeration, and air conditioning.

Mark Duda | Hawaii Solar Energy Association Mark is President of Hawaii Solar Energy Association where he develops the organization’s legislative agenda and leads its regulatory activities. He also serves on the Hawaii Economic Development Task Force, Co-Chairs the Renewable Energy working group of the Hawaii Energy Policy Forum and is a member for the Hawaii DLIR’s Steering Committee for Renewable Energy Workforce Development. Mark is also co-founder of RevoluSun, and Distributed Energy Partners, a Hawaii-based, owned and operated renewable energy firm focused on the commercial, non-profit and government markets.


Lisa E. Benatar, PhD | Chevron Curriculum Lisa has a longstanding interest in energy resources, which led her to study Geophysics as an undergraduate student (B.A., UC Berkeley) and Materials Science & Engineering as a graduate student (M.S. and PhD, Stanford University). Her graduate research on solar cell materials was followed by four years working in the atomic-resolution microscope industry. To direct her work back towards her true interest, Lisa developed energy-related science curricula and kits for grades K through 12 and started a company, Energy Science Education (ESE). She now works with Chevron Energy Solutions, delivering the educational component that accompanies their energy-efficiency and renewable-energy installations.

Thank you to USGBC Hawaii, AIA Honolulu, sponsors and attendees for your interest in promoting high performing, sustainable schools. “Dedicated to student achievement by providing innovative, nurturing, and safe learning environments in a fiscally responsible and sustainable manner.” ~ Vision Statement for Facilities Development Branch





Mindy Jaffe | Waikiki Worm Company Arden Bucklin-Sporer

Mindy dusted off a 1973 B.A. in Environmental Education to start Waiklki Worm Co. in 2004. She worked briefly after graduation on the staff of Sharon Audubon Center in Connecticut, Blandford Nature Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Denver Museum of Natural History. Distracted by the fun and challenge of small business, she spent the last 30 years operating several successful enterprises, including an award-winning Jazzercise franchise and a sports marketing and publishing company. In 2000, Mindy was elected to the State House of Representatives from the Kaimuki-Waikiki district and served one term.

Arden Bucklin-Sporer is the executive director of the San Francisco Green Schoolyard Alliance, an advocacy organization for school gardens and outdoor classrooms. She is the director of educational gardens for the San Francisco Unified School District, and a founding partner of Bay Tree Design, a landscape architecture firm.

Rachel Kathleen Pringle Rachel Kathleen Pringle is programs manager for the San Francisco Green Schoolyard Alliance, as well as the urban school garden liaison for Occidental Arts and Ecology Center's school garden teacher training program in Sonoma County. She was previously a garden educator and coordinator of a public school garden in San Francisco.

DEMONSTRATION | ACQUAPONICS Charlie Palumbo | AquaPono Charlie studied pond management formally at UH Manoa starting in 1979. After working several years at an East Haven, CT pet store in charge of maintaining the aquarium section, he went on to major in Architecture and graduated in 1987 at UH Manoa. He has since been practicing as a conceptual designer, renderer, and full-service architect for almost 25 years and is licensed to practice architecture in the state of Hawaii for over 15 years. The aquaponic and home raised food movement is tied to sustainable architecture and integration of both is a natural progression. With Charlie’s combined skills and interest in design and growing food organically, sustainably and locally, the decision to form Aquapono.com was a natural evolution of his life experiences.

USGBC Hawaii & University of Hawaii presents a free lecture with

Panama Bartholomy Lecture Topic Building Green in the Golden State Under a Brown Administration Hear what the State of California is doing to transform the State's building stock by reducing demand, cleaning generation and increasing independence


When: Time: Where:

Lauren Roth – Roth Ecological Lauren C. Roth Venu has been a leader in integrated systems planning and ecological design for over 11 years. She is the Founder and President of Roth Ecological Design Int. LLC (REDI), a Pacific-based partner to several leading U.S. ecological engineering firms that provide commercial water audits and consulting, project management, design/build and operational services for natural systems technologies for low impact development and onsite wastewater treatment and reuse.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 6:00PM to 7:00PM University of Hawaii, Manoa Campus, School of Architecture Room 205

Panama is the Deputy Director for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the California Energy Commission. He serves on the City of Sacramento’s Planning Commission and the County of Sacramento’s Environmental Commission. He is a board member on and President of the Northern California Chapter of the United States Green Building Council. He previously worked for the California Conservation Corps on vocational environmental education and the Division of the State Architect where he ran the Sustainable Schools program. He is a graduate of Humboldt State University with a Bachelors of Science degree in Restorative Development and a Masters of Science in Community Development from UC Davis.

★ = SYMBOL REPRESENTS A SESSION THAT IS ELIGIBLE FOR 1 AIA HSW/SD CE AND/OR GBCI CE CREDIT. To view slides of presentations at the 3rd Green Schools Symposium and the last two Symposiums, please visit http://www.usgbchawaii.org/greenschools 6


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