National Association of Urban Etiquette Professionals
Lady Trenette Wilson, CEO and Founder
Etiquette Pros Quarterly
Impacting Urban Communities Through Etiquette
Great E TI Q U E TTE I N products TH E Y E A R O F for dry skin C O V I D -1 9 SSttaayyiinngg C Clloossee W Whhiillee SSoocciiaall D Diissttaanncciinngg
A s a l u te to b . s mi t h N ew b o o k s p o t li g h t s N o b i li t y a n d et i q u et t e I n b la c k h i s t o r y
Host the perfect online conference National Association of Urban Etiquette Professionals
NAUEP pays tribute to etiquette pioneer, Barbara b. smith