October 2008 Issue

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MONTHLY Change we can believe in! By Starla L. Fitch I must admit, I love that slogan and I guess it is obvious that I am unabashedly pro-Obama but let me be clear, I’m not pro-Obama for any elitists, superficial or racial reasons. I am pro-Obama because I know, he is the candidate that will change America in positive ways and I know, without a doubt, that he is the best candidate in this Presidential race. I arrived at this conclusion because I took the time to learn about him and what he stands for. I didn’t let media hype, make this decision for me. I listened to him speak, reviewed his educational and career accomplishments and most importantly Senator Barack Obama for me, I read his pre-presidential campaign works Democratic Presidential Candidate Dreams from my Father and The Audacity of Hope. These books, gave me an honest and in-depth look into the heart and mind of Senator Barack Obama. If you really want to know more about him, don’t listen to Republicans, don’t listen political pundits, don’t listen to the media – read his books. If you read his books, you’ll realize that he is the change that this country needs. If you read his books you won’t be fooled by the negative things some people have chosen to say about him, his life and his family. Most importantly, if you read his books, it will give you insight about the man, his motives and his message and you’ll realize that he speaks from his heart, that he knows what he is talking about and that he is able and qualified to competently lead this country. If you know anything about life, then you know that change is the only constant in life. Everyday things change. Without change, death is imminent. Therefore we must embrace change, not fear it. There is a prayer called The Prayer of Serenity which states – “Lord, help me to accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can and give me the wisdom to know the difference.” As the November Presidential election approaches, there is change that is necessary and within our control and we must act to bring about this change. We can’t sit around letting others make decisions for us. We must choose a side, either we choose change or we choose another 4 years of the same - same politics, same failures, same unrealistic goals, same empty promises, same lies. McCain and Palin are doing the same song and dance that Bush has done for the past 8 years – all talk, no substance. Lastly I’ll leave you with this – The definition of insanity is expecting a different result when you are doing the same thing. If we allow McCain to take office in November, not only are we insane but this country is practicing insanity. Embrace change, not insanity! Let your voice be heard in November! Our future, the future of our children and the future of America is at stake! This opportunity only comes around once every 4 years. Don’t blow it!

Make your vote count! Vote for Change!

Volume 1, Issue 1 OCTOBER 2008 Premiere Issue

Inside this issue: A Word from the Editor


Contact Us


Real Estate Corner


The Funny Side


About Business


Neighborhood Watch


Advertise with Us!


Our Health & Fitness


Money Matters


The Green Revolution


Marriage & Family


Subscription Form


Travel Smart


2009 Unity Calendar


Inspirational Thoughts


Community Voice


Central Area Quiz - Win $5.00!


C.A.M. Classifieds



Page 2

A WORD FROM THE EDITOR Change we can believe in. I chose this topic for the premiere issue of Central Area Monthly because I understand the power of change and the need for change. Creating this community newsletter was the logical progression from my volunteer efforts as newsletter editor for a Central Area non-profit organization. In an effort to provide the community with a consistent, quality product which offers a more diverse selection of information, I decided that this was the perfect time for me to embark on this new and exciting journey. Publishing, editing and writing has been my passion for years. After obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in Communications, I have been the publisher and editor of Positive Image Magazine (National Distribution), the editor of the SPT Times (Houston, TX) and most recently, the editor of the CACC newsletter (Seattle, WA). I enjoy working in the community and it is my mission to help the community by providing news and information that will enhance the community in positive ways. It is my goal to provoke thought, encourage communication, promote action and foster unity in the community. To achieve this mission, I will need your support. Please pickup a copy of this newsletter and once you’ve read it, pass it on to a family member or friend. If you are a business owner or the director of an organization, lend your support by advertising and/or providing a place where the community can access this newsletter. If you are a writer, non-profit, artist, resident or business owner with something to say, I want to help you say it.


We’re on the web! www.CentralAreaMonthly.com

Let Central Area Monthly be your voice in the community!

Central Area Monthly Presents….

2009 Unity in Worship Calendar *Available December 2008* See page 9 for more details.

CONTACT US October 2008 ~

Central Area Monthly P.O. Box 94057 Seattle, WA 98124-9457

~Contributing Writers ~ ~ Pastor Aaron Williams

(425) 533-7802 - Phone

Djuna Basconcelo Melissa Reese


David White, RN


Miklos L. Fitch

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Page 3

Volume 1, Issue 1

Was there a Real Estate Bubble and has it burst?

By Djuna Basconcelo


Real Estate is a local market, maybe even a hyper-local market. That means that King County statistics, even Seattle statistics may not be useful as property owners, buyers, and tenants make decisions about when and how to get in or get out of the market, or negotiate a lease. Even during the boom years of 2005 and 2006 the Seattle Times reported that sales of single family homes in a given month were down. What they failed to report is those numbers were down because there was nothing left to buy. A major piece of that puzzle was and continues to be consistently left out by news outlets is absorption rate. That is the percentage of homes available for sale that accept offers and pass inspection in any 1 month. If 100 homes are for sale and 10 accept offers in October, there is a 10% absorption rate for that month. After reaching the never-before-seen-sky-high rate just shy of 65% absorption in March 2005, the rate leveled out and then dipped in end 2007. When negotiating a lease the vacancy rate will determine a good negotiation strategy. The same principles apply here. If vacancy is high, tenants drive the terms and conditions. Landlords, remember it is better for you to accept a little less than you’d like and have your space occupied, rather than having it stand vacant for months on end, leaving it subject to vandalism, squatters, rubbish accumulation, and ill-perceived view of the community. A local question demands a local answer and yes, in our area there was a mini real estate bubble fueled by easy money. The reason we have had a much softer landing than our friends in other States, is that our growth was overwhelmingly driven by high paying jobs. Real people buying homes to live in, not speculators buying to flip because it was in style, have been our area’s saving grace. *Djuna Basconcelo has worked for Keller Williams Realty for 10 years and has lived in the Central Area since 1995.

THE FUNNY SIDE What is your Mission?


By Miklos L. Fitch

“Mission Statement” By Glasbergen

Every business should have a mission statement. A mission statement is a brief statement of the purpose of a company, religious group or organization. Companies sometimes use their mission statement as an advertising slogan, but the intention of a mission statement is to keep members and users aware of the organization's purpose. "Every company no matter how big or small, needs a mission statement as a source of direction, a kind of compass, that lets its employees, its customer, and even its stockholders know what it stands for and where its headed." What is your company’s mission statement? What message are you sending to your customers with the way you do business? Where is your company going? Is your mission visible to the community? These are the questions you must answer if you want your business to grow and thrive. Source - Abrahams, Jeffrey. (1995). The Mission Statement Book.

*Miklos Fitch, has been a Human Resources professional for over 16 years.

We look out for each other! “WARNING - We look out for each other”. This is the kind of message that should be posted in our community and in every community across the country. The Central Area may not have these signs yet, but fortunately, there are people like Scott Durham, a long time Central Area resident, who is doing his part to help “take a bite out of crime”. Scott has a website - www.centraldistrictnews.com which is a neighborhood blog. Check out his site, if you want to know what has happened and what is happening in regards to crime, development and other activities in the Central Area. He has taken a bold step and we must not be afraid to take similar steps. If we ever get to the point where we turn a blind eye to crime then we have let the criminals win. Don’t believe the hype, there is no such thing as a “snitch”. That’s just a ploy to brainwash the community, especially our youth in to allowing criminal activity to go on ignored and most importantly, unreported. Remember - Speak up and speak out!



Page 4

ADVERTISE WITH US! SAVE 10% WHEN YOU ADVERTISE FOR 3 OR MORE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS! For rates and space availability, please call, email or check-out our website. (425) 533-7802 ads@CentralAreaMonthly.com Low Rates! 1/8 page only $50.00!

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We can be found in 24 Churches & Businesses in and around the Central Area. For specific locations, contact our Publisher. Our current distribution is 1500 copies per month! We also have an extensive city-wide mailing list to help promote your business! Don’t settle for illegible, unclear or substandard advertising. Show your business in a professional light. We guarantee quality & professionalism !

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Tina - Stylist

(206) 396-5878 Got an announcement? Want to write a story? Need to advertise? Don’t settle for less than the best! We publish quality and we have an extensive mailing list & diverse readership! Call Central Area Monthly today!

Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 5

Diabetes - Don’t ignore the symptoms!


By David White, RN In 2005, approximately 20 million Americans carried a diagnosis of diabetes, and by the year 2050 this number is expected to swell to almost 50 million people. This disease of abnormally high blood sugar affects a large proportion of our elderly, African-American, and Native American citizens and has an enormous negative impact on health. Fortunately, treatments have improved dramatically even in the last ten years, and in many cases diabetes can be resolved by lifestyle changes. Diabetes comes in two forms, easily enough, called Type I and Type II. Type I occurs generally in those less than 30 years old and requires people who have it to take insulin to control their blood sugar. Type II usually occurs in people over age 30 and may or may not require insulin to control it. Some people with Type II can get a handle on their blood sugar with diet alone; others must take some form of medication, and still others will require insulin along with medication.

Blood Sugar Testing

The complications of diabetes come from the effects of high blood sugar on blood vessels. This can be likened to the effect that a corrosive material has on pipes. The result of this damage in our bodies is failing kidneys, problems with eyesight due to damaged retinas, and hardened coronary arteries causing heart disease and increased risk of stroke. In addition, the small vessels of the fingers, feet, and toes lose their ability to transport blood to those areas resulting in wounds that do not readily heal and resulting infections. The signs of diabetes include dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and increased thirst and urination, although many cases have minimal or no symptoms. Type II diabetes can often be controlled simply by losing weight and eating a diet high in fiber, protein and complex carbohydrates. Regular aerobic exercise has been shown to improve and stabilize blood sugar levels dramatically, although anyone embarking on an intense level of exercise should always get the approval of their physician. If you have any of the risk factors for diabetes: 1. Being overweight, 2. Being physically inactive, 3. Being a member of a racial group with a high prevalence (African-American, Native American or Hispanic), 4. Having a parent or sibling with diabetes... then a diabetes screen should be a part of your regular physical exam. This disease is so easily treated and has such an enormous impact on your quality of life that it doesn't make sense to ignore it. *David White has been a critical care/emergency RN at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle for 12 years.


Living Within Your Means You’ve probably heard the phrase, "living within your means." But what does it really mean?

Simply put, if you’re living within your means, you can pay for the things you need without getting trapped in more debt than you can handle. However, many of us believe that the only way to have nice things is to go into debt to get them. While that may be true for some large purchases such as a house or car, it doesn't have to apply to the other things we need in life. For example, when you buy a house, you take out a mortgage, and you may be in debt for as long as 30 years. That’s a long time, but this type of debt comes with benefits. The interest you pay on the loan may be deducted from your taxable income, and the equity— or money you have in the home—may be used for future loans. However, buying food, clothes, toys, furniture, and other items on credit is different. By doing this, you may be going into debt to buy nonessential things. Plus, the interest charged is not tax-deductible, so by the time you’ve paid for the item and all the interest, the cost is much higher than the original price. Simply put, you're robbing yourself—and your future. Instead of funding your dreams and the life you deserve to live, your hardearned money fills the lender’s pockets. Wouldn’t it be better if the money you pay in interest could go into a savings account to help you reach your goals? Paying for everyday items by going into debt limits your choices because you’re constantly caught paying for yesterday instead of moving toward tomorrow. It can be challenging at first, but try to live within your means. Even better, try to live below your means. *Source - www.managingmymoney.com

Page 6

6 ways to “Go Green” at Home 1.








Recycle, Recycle, Recycle - It is important to not let recyclable items end up in landfills. Plastic, Paper, Aluminum and Glass are 4 of the top items used on a daily basis that can and should be recycled. Go to Earth911.com for a list of other recyclable materials. Use Green Cleaning Products - Eco-conscious stores such as Whole Foods stock their shelves with non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning products for every surface. That's great news for your family's health and, best of all, these green cleaners really get the job done. Install a Water Filter - Clean, safe water without all of the waste. This is a simple home improvement that is smart, easy and cost-cutting: no more plastic water bottles, no more fossil fuels used to deliver the H20, and no more water delivery bills, either. Use Energy Efficient Light Bulbs - Did you know that 90% of electricity is lost by heat in incandescent (regular) bulbs. Energy-efficient bulbs produce the same amount of light using about 25% of the energy. There are energy-efficient light bulbs for every kind of fixture, providing a spectrum of watts, hues and ambience. There are even light bulbs that last 20,000 hours that's 5 hours a day for 11 years. Just one of them will replace 26 store-bought light bulbs. So smart! Use Recycled Paper Products (Unbleached or Naturally Bleached) - Every year, more than 900 million trees are cut down for U.S. paper and pulp mills. More than 40% of landfill is dominated by office and residential paper. What's more, the bleach used on most paper products has toxic chlorine-based chemicals that destroy the ecosystem, cause cancer and birth defects. Recycled paper just makes sense. Go for recycled content that has been naturally bleached. Toilet paper, tissue, feminine products, coffee filters, paper towels, printing paper, envelopes, stationary, notebooks and more are all available with recycled content. Purify Air with Houseplants - The EPA estimates indoor air to be 2 to 10 times more polluted than the air outdoors. Building materials, furnishings, carpet backing, cleaning products, computer circuitry and printers continuously release pollutants. Plants are not only nice to look at, they are also great, natural air purifiers. Plants are a fantastic way to "grow" fresh air every day. Source—Earth911.com & Family.com

Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 7

Committed to the Wedding or to the Marriage?

by Starla L. Fitch


Marriage is a big step in most peoples lives but some people forget that marriage goes beyond just the wedding day, it is a lifelong commitment. Before I got married, I too dreamed of a big wedding with lots of attendants and attendees. I, like many other women, had a “princess” idea of my wedding day. But as I got older and wiser, I realized that I was not a princess nor did I have princess money. I began to realize that what was most important was that I got married, and not how big and elaborate my wedding day should be. Getting to this realization was a learning process. I watched friends and family prepare for these big expensive weddings and I saw the stress and confusion it caused for the couple getting married and their families. By my mid-thirties, I was un-married and had been in several of my friends weddings as either a bridesmaid and/or soloist. I’ve done double duty as a bridesmaid and soloist in three of my friends weddings and that was difficult enough. I couldn’t even imagine going through all of the loops and hoops that they went through just to say “I do”. I began to realize that we place much too much emphasis on the wedding day and not enough on the marriage. I know someone, whose name I won’t mention, who spent well over $20k in an effort to achieve her “princess-for-a-day” wedding dream. For someone who, like me, didn’t have “princess money”, this was an excessive extravagance. For that person, it was the fulfillment of a life-long dream but this person failed to consider the nonmonetary cost such as the stress it put on her, her wedding party, her family, the groom, his family, their finances and their marriage, which by the way, lasted about a year. I believe in marriage and I love weddings but I think we must keep both in perspective and stop trying to fulfill a fairy-tale that neither our bank account nor relationship can afford. I believe that a small tastefully done wedding, that is with-in your budget and fulfills your needs is not only smart but will save you from mental, emotional and financial stress. Allowing you to start your new life with your spouse on a happy and stress-free note. As for me, I chose to get married in Las Vegas. Neither my family nor my husband’s family were happy with our decision but since my husband and I were the ones responsible for paying for our wedding and we had just purchased a house, this was the most cost-effective way for us to have a beautiful wedding and honeymoon and keep the peace in our relationship. Not saying that our Vegas wedding was cheap but the cost was something that working people without huge savings or rich parents could honestly afford without “breaking the bank”. We were happy to have had 26 people join us in Vegas and from all reports, everyone had a great time. In 2009, we’ll be celebrating 5 years of marriage. When you decide to get married, you decide who, when, where and how but just remember that it is the marriage that is most important and not the wedding day. Spend your time and effort building a solid relationship, not stressing out about how much you’ve gone over budget. Cut corners on the wedding and not on the relationship. The marriage last a lifetime, the wedding just a day.

Getting Married? Announce your joyous occasion in the Central Area Monthly. Wedding Announcements - Text only $20 w/photo $35. Let us help you share your news with the community.

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Page 8

Rediscover Washington


by Melissa Reese

Why wait until out of town guest come to visit to get out and experience Washington State? It’s time to Rediscover Washington! With so many amazing spots here in our state, many come here from far away to look in amazement at them! There are few places in the United States where you can find Ocean, Beaches; Snow capped Mountains, Rainforests and Desert type heat all in one state and within a few hours of each other! Did you know that in Travel & Leisure’s Style & Culture October 2008 issue Seattle is noted as one of the top 25 cities in America? Check out the article at www.travelandleisure.com and find out why others are exploring the jewel in your backyard! We all know that with the hike in gas prices, the travel industry has taken a hit and some companies want to pass that on to you and your family in the form of higher airline tickets and heftier price tags on vacation packages. You can wage this war and still come out with an AMAZING inexpensive Vacation, Weekend Getaway or daytrip! I encourage you to go to www.experiencewa.com and get some great ideas on places to explore! This site is user friendly and has some AWESOME pictures. Now that you are seriously considering exploring beyond your back yard please resist the urge to go for the norm. When most people think of stepping out of the city and exploring nature they think of Mt. Rainier which is defiantly a state landmark lending us 14,000 feet of beauty however if you want to continue the conversation about natural beauty, the Washington Coast is a great place to consider…some of the best beaches on the west coast are in the North Beach area! Thinking about visiting central Washington to experience Oktoberfest in Leavenworth? They say… “The Oktoberfest in Leavenworth is the next best thing to being in Munich!” Where ever you go and what ever place you decide to go just enjoy it before the relatives return for another visit by doing your own personal exploration of your “back yard”! - Until next time! *Melissa Reese has worked in the travel industry for over 17 years and is currently the Director of Sales at a local Time-share Company

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Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 9

2009 UNITY IN WORSHIP CALENDAR Attention Churches! We want to spotlight your Church in our

2009 Unity in Worship Calendar. Please contact us if you want to sponsor a month in this beautiful and unique calendar. There are only 12 months in a year, therefore, we can only spotlight 12 Churches. We are accepting sponsorship on a first come, first serve basis.

Deadline is October 31,2008

For more info contact

Reserve your month today!

Central Area Monthly

Calendars go on sale December 2008!

@ (425) 533-7802

Participating Churches will receive a 10% donation from Central Area Monthly!


For more details, please contact our Publisher.


Restoring the Village


by Rev. Aaron Williams Dr. Martin Luther King once said that, “All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever is done directly affects all indirectly. If that is the case, I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. And you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be.” I think Dr. King was right in his assessment of humanity. We are all inextricably woven together in a fabric called community. We are made up of different threads of various colors and patterns that make up the quilt we call community. There once was a time when the communities that we lived and grew up in served as a “moral incubator” that taught us right from wrong and how to respect our elders – a community that was made up of surrogate mothers and fathers who watched over us when we were out in the streets playing and if they saw us getting into mischief, they would not hesitate to correct us. When we returned home, many times they would have already called our parents to let Rev. Aaron Williams them know what we had done. That old African proverb that says, “it takes a village to raise a child” still holds true today. I have often wondered, what will it take to restore the village and is it even possible to bring back the days when we looked out for one another? In order for us to restore the village, we must make a paradigm shift in our thinking. We must move from individualistic thinking to community thinking. In other words we must adopt a village mentality. Treat every elderly person like they’re your grandparents. Treat every child in the street like they’re your children. Practice hospitality in your neighborhood. Get to know who your next door neighbors are. There’s another African proverb that says, “The ruins of a nation begins in the homes of its people”. The implication behind this proverb tells us that we must restore the village if we want to restore the nation. We can all play a role in restoring the village. *Rev. Aaron Williams is the Senior Pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church, 1634 - 19th Ave., Seattle, WA


Page 10

COMMUNITY VOICE October 4th - is the last day to register to vote via mail. After this date you must register in person or call 1-866– MY VOTE 1 to register by phone. Don’t forget to register and by all means don’t forget to vote on November 4th! October 8th @ 7:30am - Seattle Business Breakfast Series - Presented by World Trade Center Seattle & Seattle Business Monthly. An opportunity to network and enjoy a great meal. $20 - $25, call (206) 441-5144 for more info. October 8th @ 6:30pm - Our Neighborhoods, Our Health - Benaroya Hall, For more info, call WA State Public Health Association @ (425)308-8936, $5.00 donation appreciated. October 10th & 11th - 2008 SABSE Education Summit, "Building a new Civil Rights Agenda" For more info, go to www.sabseonline.org or call (425) 643-7676. October 12th @ 3:00pm - “God is a Spirit” at Seattle First Baptist Church. This program will include the Negro Spiritual presented in choral and solo format; tap dance and ballet; the spoken word; and gospel. Call (425)687-3190 for more info. October 18th - November 9th - Seattle’s Jazz Festival “Earshot Jazz Festival 2008”, for more info, go to www.earshot.org October 23rd @ 7pm - Which way Seattle?:Series, at Pigott Auditourium - Seattle University - This is an ongoing series about local and political affairs. $7/$5 CD Forum members/students/seniors, for more info go to www.cdforum.org October 24th - 26th Celebrate Halloween at Woodland Park Zoo’s annual “Pumpkin Prowl”. Fun filled activities for the entire family. Children are encouraged to dress in costume. $9 for adults, $7 for children over 2 yrs. For more info - (206) 548-2500 October 26th @ 3pm - Total Experience Choir will celebrate it’s 35th Anniversary at Madrona Presbyterian Church, 832 - 35th Ave, Seattle, WA. Doors open at 2:15, come early to secure a seat. For more info call (206) 322-7904. October 28, 2008, African American Business Directory (AABD) will hold it’s Annual Release Reception/Campaign 5000 Stakeholder Appreciation Banquet. Please contact Lottie Cross - Editor of the AABD @ (206) 323-0534 for more information.

Not Computer Savvy? Need a website built? Need business cards, letterhead, programs, flyers, or other printed materials? Need an ad or a logo?

Call Starla! (425) 533-7802 Quality is my specialty! Reasonable rates!

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 11

HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW THE CENTRAL AREA? Get it right and win a $5.00 gift card! Answer these 5 questions correctly and you could win! 1. Name one celebrity who is alive today that is from the Central Area. 2. What was Martin Luther King Jr. Way called before it was renamed? 3. In what year was this street renamed MLK Jr. Way? 4. Name a historic landmark in the Central Area. 5. Which street was known as “skid row�?

Submit your answers via email to quiz@CentralAreaMonthly.com. The first 3 persons to answer correctly will receive a $5.00 gift card to the store of your choice. Please include your name and a mailing address so that we may send your prize. **Winners to be announced in the November 2008 issue.**

Need a second income? Just a little extra to make ends meet? Set your own schedule? Work your own hours?

Central Area Monthly, needs advertising sales people! Call Starla Fitch for more information - (425) 533-7802. Must be friendly, honest, dependable and reliable! Got something you want to sale? Call us!


Business owner with a job announcement? Call us! FOR RENT/SALE

Time Share Unit For Rent - Want to experience great vacation destinations and stay at top rated time-share properties, please call @ (206) 370-1447 or email carberrams@yahoo.com. Genuine Coach purse - slightly used, almost new condition, leather, small bucket-style purse, zipper closure, black. $40.00 o.b.o. (or best offer). Please email lewissm@att.net. Photo by request. Perfect for the fall. Hot Wheels 3 Wheel Scooter - NEW, still in original box, features - racing shield, custom design grips, printed foot deck, great gift for a 3 to 5 year old. $20.00 o.b.o. Photo by request. Email lewissm@att.net. EMPLOYMENT

Emerald Services/Cedar Grove Composting - We offer a wide variety of opportunities for employees. We value initiative, teamwork, integrity, and customer focus. To learn more about us and find out about available positions, please call our Career Line @ 206-832-3255.

Advertising Sales - Part-time, Commission only. Must be honest, community oriented and able to work independently. Great 2nd job for someone who wants to help the community and make extra money. Call Central Area Monthly @ (425) 533-7802.

Introducing…... Central Area Monthly!

Our Advertisers make this newsletter possible, please give them your support. Tell them you saw their ad in Central Area Monthly.

Central Area Monthly is a newsletter for the community and about the community. This newsletter is dedicated to “building unity in the community”. This free publication will focus on life, business and community in and around the Central Area. It will offer advice, assistance, information, and be a voice that will help enhance the community. This newsletter has something to offer to everyone in Central Area, regardless of race, creed or color. It is not our goal to compete with other newspapers or newsletters because our perspective and mission is different from the perspective and mission of the periodicals that are currently available in the community. It is our goal to be an alternative community resource. It is also our goal to provide a quality product that will best represent the residents, businesses, religious and non-profit organizations that help make Seattle such a unique and exciting place.

The artwork that boarders the top of each page are original works by former Seattle resident - Jacob Lawrence.

Reaching out to all “Central Area” locations - Central District, Madrona, Leschi, Judkins Park, Squire Park, Columbia City, Rainier Valley, Beacon Hill, Mt. Baker …………...and beyond


Central Area Monthly P.O. Box 94057 Seattle, WA 98124


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