Our Anniversary Issue - October 2009

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A Year in the Life of Urban Life Northwest A Pictorial of our covers for our first year.

Our Contributors See and Learn more about the dynamic people who help create this magazine each and every month.

Does Your Broker Owe You Money? By Patrycia L. Taylor What to do if your Broker owe you money.

3 Ways to Work Green Tips on how to be more green in the work world.

Liar, Liar, Healthcare on Fire! By Lora-Ellen McKinney, Ph.D A discussion about the American healthcare crisis and fight.

Urban Life Outdoor Explorers at it again... Highlights from this summer’s camping and hiking outings.

Baby Talk By Bartley Felder What is your baby saying to you?

The Swine Flu and You By Dr. Cherita Raines FAQ’s About the Swine Flu.

Our Dream Wedding Winners Tie the Knot! Updates and photos from the wedding of Eboni and Chase Wilkerson.

Mark Jones - Uses 21st Century Senses By Lora-Ellen McKinney, Ph.D Learn more about a remarkable man, and his Heard, Seen and Loved Practice.

In Every Issue A Word from our Editor What People are Saying… Inspiration Family Activities Calendar Laugh Out Loud Food Knowledge is Power Community Calendar

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Urban Life Northwest, October 2009, Volume II, Issue X Publisher/Editor - Starla L. Fitch Copy Editor-Sylvia Fitch Graphic Design-Miklos L. Fitch Photography - Aiana Poquiz, Miklos L. Fitch, Lorie Woods Advertising/Marketing - Starla L. Fitch Contributors- Lora-Ellen McKinney, Ph.D., Cherita J. Raines MD, MPH, Tim Jackson, Patrycia L. Taylor, Evelyn Ray, Bartley Felder Urban Life Northwest is published monthly. Direct all editorial and subscription inquiries to P.O. Box 94057, Seattle, WA 98124-9457, call (425) 533-7802 or visit our website - www.UrbanLifeNW.com. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without consent. All advertising claims and offers are the sole responsibility of the listed advertiser. Query in advance of article submission; unsolicited materials may not be returned.

Back issues available - Order Today! Minimum order 3 issues for $5.00! Additional copies $1.75 each.


A WORD FROM OUR EDITOR Wow! Look at how far we’ve come in just one year! We launched this magazine in October 2008 as a newsletter for the Central Area in Seattle, WA. We chose the name Central Area Monthly as an ode to the history of Blacks in Seattle. For the first three months, we built a solid reputation as being a quality newsletter, but we wanted to be more than just a newsletter. By December 2008 we had become a cross between a newsletter and a magazine. We knew we were on the right road but we were still finding our niche and developing our style. By January 2009, our growth and expansion, prompted us to change our name to one that all communities of color could identify with and have a connection to, therefore our new name became - Urban Life Northwest. By February of 2009 we were still growing and expanding and had already secured distribution locations in Renton, Puyallup, Tacoma, Lakewood, and Lacey/Olympia. By May 2009 we had distribution in Bremerton, Vancouver, Spokane, WA and Portland, OR. Although demand for our product had increased, getting advertisers and subscribers was a constant struggle.

In response to sluggish advertising sales, as of September 2009, we became an e-magazine. It is still our goal to do whatever it takes to continue to provide a quality product that represents people of color in a positive and progressive light. We’re not a newspaper, not a newsletter but a magazine - our magazine. We want to be the e-magazine for people of color in the Pacific Northwest and with your continued support, we are well on our way to achieving that goal. Starla L. Fitch Publisher & Editor

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WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING… I wish I could add more to your writing but I am left without being able to add more constructive words so I’ll keep my mouth or should I say my thoughts and fingers shut. (In reference to the September 2009 article “Is Being Black ever Enough?”) Keep on writing, some of us are listening! Received September 16, 2009


Here is what some of our readers said in regards to Urban Life Northwest becoming an e-magazine. We thank you for your comments and continued support! Good go Starla. This is a difficult economic environment in which to start new ventures. The last ones in, the first ones out. We have been preaching the philosophy of community support for years. Now we will feel the results of not coming together sooner. More dependency and less sustainability. Much Love. ED #### I'm so sorry that the economy has hit your publication business hard - but know that I send your online publication to our email distribution list as well as to the staff here at work. I will continue to send it out in support of your magazine as I find it interesting, full of wonderful information which is always passed on. Thank you for your drive and determination and hang in there... always remember, there is someone worse off than you my sister and we can only continue to pray for one another and lift each other up where we can. Know that God is good and lifting you and your spirits up in prayer right now. Anita aka Lady "A" #### Thank you for your great service to the community Starla! Michael P.


Thank you for thinking about us. May God continue to bless your business. Hang in there. Jeff T. #### I'm sorry to hear that your printed magazine will end. I am only familiar with your e-magazine, but have appreciated your efforts to reach out to the Seattle black community and beyond. I feel that your outdoor a group will flourish with the coordination by Adia Callahan, who also assists me with the African American Outdoor Association in Portland. Getting and staying connected is challenging here in the Northwest, because our numbers are few and we are scattered across cities and neighborhoods. Print media is a costly venture, and is rapidly becoming an endangered species. I'm sure your e-magazine will continue to grow and flourish. I wish you continued success. Greg, a Portland Fan 4


Starla L. Fitch is the publisher and editor of Urban Life Northwest. It was her vision that created Urban Life Northwest. She took a risk by starting a business during troubled economy times. Even with the calculated risk, she forged ahead to pursue her dream of publishing a magazine that would represent people of color in a positive and progressive light. She believes in quality and she has published quality from day one. Each month, she received emails, letters and calls about how much this magazine means to people of color in the Pacific Northwest. Because of this, she continues to showcase and discuss people, places and things that are important to communities of color. It is her belief that these communities deserve to have a full-color, quality, magazine that can compete with any other local or regional magazine in the Pacific Northwest. Each and every month, with the help of her contributors, she makes this dream a reality. The decision to becoming an e-magazine, was not easy but it has not changed her determination or focus. When the economy improves, it is her goal to once again publish this magazine in print. In the meantime, she will continue to publish online and hopes that her print audience will make the transition and embrace Urban Life Northwest online.

Miklos Fitch is the husband of Starla L. Fitch and they have a 4 year old son named Grant. Miklos works as a Human Resources executive but in his spare time, helps with the creation of this magazine. A self-professed “computer geek�, who helps with graphics, layout, internet and anything else that needs to be done. He is also an amateur photographer and aspiring novelist. Several of his photos have appeared in this magazine. His photos have been displayed at the Puyallup Fair photography competition in 2007 & 2008. He is proud of the impact this magazine is making on the Northwest. He looks forward to see what the future holds for Urban Life Northwest. Djuna Basconcelo has been writing for Urban Life Northwest since its inception. She believes in this magazine. She knows how dedicated and passionate our publisher is about Urban Life Northwest therefore she freely gives her time to help make this magazine a success. Not only does she write but when time permits, she helps with editing. As a professional realtor, she knows the ins and outs of the real estate market and can help you navigate the waters. For more information, you may contact her at www.TheReDoc.com.

Lora-Ellen McKinney is a gifted professional writer who has authored several books. In December 2008, she agreed to lend her talent and insight to Urban Life Northwest. Her first article for Urban Life Northwest was printed in the January 2009 issue. Each month she submits informative and thought-provoking articles for our readers. She has quite a following. In addition to the many books she has written, and her work with Urban Life Northwest, she also publishes a blog - lemboland.com. Lora-Ellen has something to say and what she says is worth hearing. To hear more from Lora-Ellen, check out her blog - http://l-emboland.blogspot.com. 6

Dr. Cherita J. Raines received her M.D. at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, NY. She received her Master’s in Public Health (MPH), with an emphasis in Family and Community Health, from Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, MA. Each month, she looks forward to sharing her expertise, covering health related issues from pediatrics to senior. She is a sought after medical professional. Urban Life Northwest considers it an honor to have her as a contributor. You may contact Dr. Raines via email at wpas@urbanlifenw.com. Patrycia L. Taylor is a financial advisor for Primerica, a Citi Company. She has an MBA and is an expert in the field of finance. She has a wealth of knowledge and is willing to share that knowledge with our readers. Her financial expertise has proved invaluable to the success of this magazine. You may contact Patrycia via email at wpas@urbanlifenw.com. Tobi Ellison is a vibrant senior who loves to help other seniors live and enjoy life. She is a gifted poet and writer. Tobi is the coordinator of SOLO - The Spirit of Life and Oneness at the Central Area Senior Center. She loves to submit poetry and information that is of importance to seniors. You may contact Tobi via email at wpas@urbanlifenw.com.

Tim Jackson is the talent and wit behind the Laugh Out Loud (LOL) department of Urban Life Northwest. He is a native of Dayton, Ohio, and is a nationally syndicated cartoonist, illustrator and graphic designer. Currently pens editorial cartoons for the Chicago Defender, The Madison Times (Wisc.), Cincinnati Herald, Capital Outlook (Tallahassee) and the Northern Kentucky Herald newspapers. Creating illustrations for Urban Life Northwest marks Tim's return to Seattle since contributing art to Real Change Newspaper in the early 1990s. Aiana Poquiz, started working with Urban Life Northwest in May 2009. She is novice in the photography world but she has a god given talent for photography. She works with Urban Life Northwest on a freelance basis. She is currently completing her college education. You may contact Aiana via email at aiana@urbanlifenw.com.

M. Bartley Felder is a native of Washington D.C. who as a child spent vacations in New York City and claims both D.C. and N.Y.C. as home. After completing a certificate program at Howard University and earning a B.A. in Anthropology at Queens College in New York, Bartley traveled the globe and thus developed a passion for travel. Bartley says, "Life's fascination for me is the way people interact with each other." You may contact Bartley via email at wpas@urbanlifenw.com. Evelyn Ray not only loves to cook but also loves the art of cooking. She believes that food should be experienced through all the senses – sight and feel, in addition to taste and smell. She enjoys presenting every meal in an appealing way, with an emphasis on color and texture combinations of each dish.Evelyn’s dishes are influenced by local ingredients prepared in her family’s Southern tradition. She creates menus for a variety of tastes and every budget. You may contact her via email at royalcatering@yahoo.com.


All of our contributors help to create this magazine. Without them we could not do what we do. Below is the list of writers who have also contributed to the success of this magazine. We would be remiss to not mention their name and say - Thank You!

Pastor Aaron Williams

Melissa Reese

Pastor Eugene Lewis

David White, RN

Pastor Curtis Taylor

C.C. Leonard

Pastor Kenneth Ransfer

Evelyn Brown

Pastor Robert Manaway

Monique Jong

Pastor Stephen Baber

Leanne W.

Pastor Amos Landry

Tina Austin

Pastor Paul Sims

Athlan Lathan

Pastor James Broughton

Debbie Haggin

Pastor Dana McClendon


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

- Nelson Mandela


October 17th & 18th - Don’t miss ZooBoo, a safe and entertaining place to bring young trick-or-treaters. It lasts from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. both days and is appropriate for all ages. Festivities are free with zoo admission.Indoor activities for children include face-painting, treats, photo opportunities, and a scavenger hunt. Come in costume and get $2 off general admission! Location: Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium, Time: 9 am to 3 pm. For more info click on the link - www.pdza.org/ (TACOMA) October 24th & 25th - Headless Horseman Halloween, Get into the spirit of Halloween! Take a ride on the train! You never know just who you might encounter without a head! Location: Chelatchie Prairie Railroad (YACOLT) October 30th – This Halloween Eve, the Museum of Flight becomes the Museum of Fright. Bring the kids down to the Museum as the whole family will be scared silly with safe and fun activities that will leave you in stitches! Enjoy Halloween treats, games and more! Time: 4:00pm – 9:00pm Location: The Museum of Flight For more info, click on the link www.museumofflight.org (SEATTLE) October 31st to November 1st - Dia de Muertos - A Mexican Remembrance, Celebrating life through death and the communion where the spiritual comes close to the world, the Dia de Muertos or "Day of the Dead" festival helps us to remember that nothing is eternal. Indigenous and Spanish roots intertwine in traditional community altars, sugar skulls, sand painting, special foods, candles, processions, music and dance.Location: Seattle Center, for more click on the link -http://www.seattlecenter.com (SEATTLE) October 31st - Downtown Trick or Treat and "Olde" Fashion Halloween Party, Please join in for some ghoulish games, freaky fun and food. Wear costume or make one at the event and get pictures taken with the festive characters. Party in Main Street Square (enter on South Main between 2nd and 3rd across from Uptown Glassworks) and Trick or Treat in the Downtown businesses. Location: Downtown Renton, for more info click on the link - http://rentonwa.gov/calendar.aspx (RENTON) October 23rd – 25th - Pumpkin Prowl, Three howling nights of treats for your little goblins, carved pumpkins and live entertainment. Be sure to check out Zoomazium transformed into Boomazium! Trick-ortreaters are encouraged to wear costumes! Location: Woodland Park Zoo, for more info click on the link http://www.zoo.org/events/dates/pprowl.html (SEATTLE)

October 8th – 11th - Wordstock is an annual festival of books, writers, and storytelling in Portland, Oregon. Wordstock features ten author stages, a book fair with over 150 exhibitors, a special children’s area and children’s literature stage, a series of workshops for writers and for K-12 teachers, a special broadcast of Live Wire!, the popular public radio variety show, featuring writers from the festival, and more. Although it only began in 2005, Wordstock is already the largest celebration of literature and literacy in the Pacific Northwest, and is one of the largest festivals of its kind in the nation. Location: Oregon Convention Center, 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr., Boulevard, for more info click on the link - www.wordstockfestival.com (PORTLAND) October 31st - Oregon Bounty presents Harvest Fest Lake Oswego - Bring your youngsters to this old fashioned festival with games, activities and a theater production too! Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation, along with local businesses, welcomes you to "Trick or Treat Street" so you can show off your costume and enjoy some sweet treats. Don’t forget to bring your dish for the "Best Use of Pumpkin" recipe contest too. Location: Millenium Plaza Park, First and Evergreen Streets, Time: 3 pm to 6 pm, for more info call 503675-2549 (LAKE OSWEGO) October 31st - Giant Pumpkin Regatta - This wacky, exciting and entertaining event is the only one of its kind on the West Coast! Bring the family, rain or shine, to watch the giant pumpkins race across the lake at Tualatin Commons. Have a warm treat, listen to great music and have fun. There will be a clown, a professional pumpkin carver and lots of other activities. Come on out - you have to see it to believe it! Location:Tualatin Commons Lake of the Commons, 8325 SW Nyberg Street, Time: 10 am to 2 pm, for more info call (503) 691-3064 (TUALATIN)



By Patrycia L. Taylor So reads the title of Daniel Solin’s book. This question could appropriately be asked of present day investors even though the premise diverges slightly from the obvious. The book’s emphasis is not how to recoup your money when it’s lost due to normal market conditions. Rather it tells you that if you lose money in the market due to the fault of your broker, you can possibly recoup it. The securities industry is highly regulated and brokers/representatives must follow specific laws when dealing with clients. When they don’t, disasters such as the recent well known Ponzi scheme can happen. The law of suitability is very important for clients. This is just a fancy word for saying “know your client”, as in know their risk tolerance, financial condition and investment objectives, and then do not recommend any investments contrary to these factors. You’ve probably heard Suze Orman’s story. She dropped out of college and worked in a bakery at one point. One day she was talking to a customer about her desire to own her own restaurant. The customer got together with others in the bakery and they collected checks, money and written pledges for her totaling $50,000. She deposited the money at Merrill Lynch as they suggested and told the broker that she could not afford to lose this money. But she also signed a blank agreement and left it with the broker. He promptly put her money in a speculative investment which was totally unsuitable for her at the time. And even though she earned great returns for a while, she lost all of her money within about 3 months. After this, she figured she could become a broker and do much better. It was while studying for her Series 7 exam that she learned about suitability. Long story short, she sued Merrill Lynch. They settled before the case went to court and she got all of her money back plus interest. The rest is history. Today we know it is far better to educate yourself and protect your money beforehand than to try and sue for it later. At a minimum, you should: Make sure your potential broker is registered. You can do this through www.finra.org. This site will also tell you if the broker is currently suspended or inactive. Never open an account with a broker who doesn’t assess your suitability. A good broker will assess your risk level and preferences before you hand over your money. Never totally abdicate your responsibility. Know what to expect. For example, don’t sign a blank document for a broker to fill in after you’ve gone. Open and review your brokerage statements. They are sent to you monthly/quarterly for a reason. Trades should be completed according to your instructions, and buying and selling prices should be what you were quoted. Ask questions and get satisfactory answers about anything you don’t understand. Call your broker first to resolve any problems. If the problem isn’t solved, escalate it to the firm’s manager and write a letter to confirm your conversation. If there is still no resolution, you may need to take private legal action. There are plenty of online accounts where you can practice trading. You can use imaginary money and pretend shares, but the companies are real and the trades and share prices are updated in real time. A couple of good sites are www.WeSeed.com and www.HowTheMarketWorks.com. The sites also give you a chance to feed your competitive nature – you win if your portfolio makes the most virtual money! *Patrycia L. Taylor, MBA is a Financial Advisor living in South Seattle. You may contact her at (206) 248-5642.



A greener workplace can mean a lighter ecological footprint, a healthier and more productive place to work, and good news for the bottom line. Whether you’re the boss or the employee, whether your office is green already or still waiting to see the light, some practical steps can lay the groundwork for a healthy, low-impact workspace. From how you get to work -- we recommend telecommuting -- to helping your company walk the walk through corporate financial investment in green, to getting a new green job that matches your career with your ideals, to starting your own green business, we break down your green workplace.

1. Digitize It does seem a bit strange that in the “digital age” we still consume enormous amounts of mashed up, bleached tree pulp, most of which gets used once or twice and then tossed or recycled. The greenest paper is no paper at all, so keep things digital and dematerialized whenever possible. The more you do online, the less you need paper. Keep files on computers instead of in file cabinets (this also makes it easier to make offsite backup copies or take them with you when you move to a new office). Review documents onscreen rather than printing them out. Send emails instead of paper letters. New software like Greenprint helps eliminate blank pages from documents before printing and can also convert to PDF for paperless document sharing. 2. Don’t Be a Paper Pusher When buying printer paper, look for recycled paper with a high percentage of post-consumer content and the minimum of chlorine bleaching. Even recycled paper gobbles up a great deal of energy, water, and chemical resources in its processing (toxic pulp slurry is the paper recycling industry’s dirty secret). When using the real stuff, print on both sides of the page when appropriate and use misprints as notepaper. Try to choose printers and photocopiers that do double-sided printing. If your office ships packages, reuse boxes and use shredded waste paper as packing material. 3. Greening the Commute American workers spend an average of 47 hours per year commuting through rush hour traffic. This adds up to 3.7 billion hours and 23 billion gallons of gas wasted in traffic each year. We can ease some of this strain by carpooling, taking public transit, biking, walking, or a creative combination thereof. If there’s no good way to phase out your car, consider getting a hybrid, electric vehicle, motorcycle, scooter, or using a car sharing service like Flexcar or Zipcar. See How to Green Your Car for more depth on the subject. Some employers are even giving a bonus to bike and carpool commuters and special perks to hybrid drivers. For those who think bike riding is for kids and tattooed couriers, consider a high-tech folding bike or an electrically assisted one. *Source - Team Treehugger, http://planetgreen.discovery.com/go-green/green-work/green-work-tips.html



By Dr. Lora-Ellen McKinney Students have returned to school in recent weeks. As a first assignment, many will be asked to answer a familiar question: “What did you do for your summer vacation?” Depending on who they are, their answers may turn out to be surprisingly political. Though we often forget the power inherent in who we are and what we do, children think their parents set the sun in the sky every morning. Teens, while hormonally designed to distrust parental authority and occasionally behave badly, nonetheless count on us to set the limits that make them feel safe. Parents have as a foremost responsibility the modeling of appropriate behavior. One of the beauties of American freedom is our ability to speak and, to some extent, behave freely. But in summer town hall conversations that were to have been about health care has emerged a virulence of feeling for President Obama too profoundly deep to have been about health care alone. People claiming their Second Amendment rights took automatic weapons to meetings close to where President Obama was speaking. CNN’s Rick Sanchez reported a sermon titled, Why I Hate Barack Obama given by an Arizona preacher: Turn back to Psalm 58 and let me ask you this question -- why should Barack Obama melt like a snail? Why should Barack Obama die like the untimely birth of woman? Why should his children be fatherless and his wife a widow, as we read in this passage? Well, I'll tell you why. Because since Barack Obama thinks it's OK to use a salty solution, right? -to abort the unborn, because that's how abortions are done, my friend. We're using salt. And I'd like to see Barack Obama melt like a snail tonight. Aired August 28, 2009 - 15:00 This is free speech that rides the line of incitement to violence. Following this sermon, Chris Broughton, a young black man who was a member of this congregation showed up toting an automatic weapon at a meeting on health care held by President Obama in Phoenix (http://ow.ly/ruDh). When a guns right lobbyist was asked later that week on the Chris Matthews Show about whether gun owners should have been allowed concealed weapons in the arena with the president, the answer was yes. The reason: they are trustworthy and wish to support the rights of their country. The summer’s town meetings differed by party. While I must make the disclaimer that I am a registered Democrat, there did appear to be a difference in the town halls held by Democrats and Republicans politicians. Democratic meetings, while not without some noise, let people tell stories of no insurance and bankruptcy and made the most noise about whether or not there should be a single payer versus public insurance options. People on the far left expressed their anger at the president’s unwillingness to firmly state a position for single-payer health care, a great system for coverage that could never get voted in. Most anger was expressed toward insurance companies. No individual who told a personal story was shouted down and the president was called no unseemly names. His process was sometimes criticized but never his character. The Republic town halls were decidedly different. The president was called a socialist, a fascist and a Nazi. Working people with significant medical conditions who told stories about losing health care insurance were denigrated. They were often told to get charity care or Medicare or Medicaid – two much talk about encounters, occurred with Party Chair Michael Steele and Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia. In addition to be inhumane, these responses did not take into account that there are circumstances when one can be broke and yet not qualify for government programs. Nor did they acknowledge the inconsistency of the typical Republican small government argument – it seems unreasonable to recommend increasing numbers of people to programs that are anathema to one’s political philosophy. Additionally, lots of the shouting from the crowd at the Republican meetings misunderstood basic truths of health care as it currently exists; for example, people insisted that no one mess with their Medicare without the knowledge that it is a well-run government program. One conservative response to government was tea parties. While tea parties have often been thought of as the games we play with our children or the elite white-gloved, crustless sandwich functions of ladies who lunch, they also have a distinctly revolutionary history in America (http://ow.ly/ruJK). Many far right conservatives and some independents have spent the summer traveling on the Tea Party Express (www.teapartyexpress.org). While touted as a grass roots organization, this is, in fact a well-funded, highly structured organization that has a new revolution as its goal (http://ow.ly/ruu1). People state that they want limited government (rather than responsible government. So how are roads, schools, parks managed? What is the purpose of an elected government or laws? How is civic chaos avoided?). Many tea party attendees also appear to believe Obama’s presidency to be illegitimate. At these tea parties could be seen placards of the president dressed as a bone-nosed witch doctor, telling the president that he and the recently deceased Senator Kennedy belonged together in death, and photos and shirts of Obama as Hitler. Parents and their children held these signs and shouted incendiary slogans. This is not a model for raising polite children. It’s a model that leads to fights on school buses and kids who don’t understand what they have done wrong. 12

So it has been an outrageously angry summer. More heat than light in the town halls. Concepts of America’s governance not well thought out. On the right, Glenn Beck calling President Obama a racist, others insinuating that the president is not an American citizen despite evidence to the contrary. Rush Limbaugh and Beck connecting Obama to many negative and sometimes outrageous behaviors of community groups. The shouting has been from conservatives on the far right of the Republican Party. The mainstream of the party has not, however, consistently distanced itself from its ugliness. As a result, the roiling pool of this very climate may well have contributed to what made even an incensed Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina feel so comfortable calling the president a liar during a joint session of Congress (http://ow.ly/ruQx). Normally Southern gentlemen know how to keep their anger under wraps. The far left has its wingnuts, too. People wedged into corners from which they won’t budge on health care, more concerned about the position than getting some coverage for the majority. People yelling about the right in ways not attached to the data. From both directions, yelling. Invoking the 1978 murders of San Francisco mayor, George Moscone, (http://ow.ly/rtbZ) and gay activist, Harvey Milk (http:// ow.ly/rt9q ) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated her concerns that this form of heated rhetoric could have devastating national consequences (http://ow.ly/rv3m ). In Joe Wilson’s significantly black state, South Carolina has 15.4% premature births, 10.1% low birth weight babies, and a 9.4% infant mortality rates, exceeding those of much of the country. While these rates result from a complex of state race and demographic factors, for its Republican majority to not want public insurance options for its impoverished people is a questionable choice. If we imagine that the state wants nothing else but to be economically viable, then finding a way to enhance community health is vital. Calling the president a liar because he wants to create health care for all means not helping the people who helped vote you into office. It is also fascinating to note that Representative Joe Wilson has some credibility problems in any attempts to portray himself as raceneutral. He did not shout, “You lie!” until the president was talking about immigration. A black man talking about brown people was some terrifying. Of course, this health care bill will not allow illegal immigrants to get health care services. But it should. We need to be honest that we actually welcome illegal immigrants into the U.S. to do jobs in farming and service industries at disgracefully low wages. If they become ill, the truth is that they are not terribly likely to go to health care clinics or hospitals because of fear of deportation. Which means that any infectious agents make them more ill and weaken their families and our communities. Ultimately, it makes more sense to find a way to provide amnesty and a road to citizenship for those who have been in the country for a proscribed period and, at a minimum, catastrophic insurance. This, then, is also, a decision that mixes economics and race to bad effect. Former President Jimmy Carter stated his belief that an “overwhelming portion” of responses to President Obama stemmed from racism, a disbelief of the dying political right that a black man had been elected president (http://ow.ly/rv4H ). Former President Clinton does not believe the attacks on President Obama to be primarily racist. He thinks that during economically challenging times, people feel unsettled and get angry. Of course, this is a profoundly economically stressful moment in our history. Clinton does note, however, his view that a vast right wing conspiracy is out for President Obama, not as strong, but still as virulent, as that which challenged his presidency (http://ow.ly/rt6h). I tend to side more with President Clinton that most of the response to the president is not racist. Most people are angry because they have no idea when they will work, how they will provide good futures for their children, when they can dream again. People are scared. But those few on the very far right who are worried about the country’s changing demographics – the browning of America are perfectly described by President Carter’s concerns and whipped into absolute frenzies by the Beck’s and Limbaugh’s of the world. In this sense it is absolutely true that “once you go black you can’t go back.” The tans of intermarriage are permanent. People who enter the country stay. Maybe in your neighborhood. Equal opportunities mean that someone may qualify for your job or get to be your president. For those who fears take on this tint, it explains why there has been an increase in the amount of ammunition sold in recent months (http://ow.ly/rv9K ) and an increase in hate groups (http://ow.ly/rvat ). Or why some parents seem to have no qualms about having their children shouting terrible things about another human being of any standing or authority. The Golden Rule says that we should treat others as we want to be treated. We should not threaten the President. We should not tell lies. We should not dehumanize others. We should ensure healthcare for everyone because it is the right thing to do. We should provide excellent models for our children. And because the summer’s mess over healthcare meant that no one learned a thing about it this summer, here is a great Time Magazine article (Kate Pickert, http://ow.ly/rviF ) that lays out exactly what you need to know. Sorry I did not get to do it. I was deafened by the noise. *Lora-Ellen McKinney, Ph.D. is an expert in community health, social services, social justice and education. She heads her own consulting firm and is a published author.


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On August 29, 2009 we went camping. We had a great time on the Washington coast. Ocean City State Park has an excellent camping facility. Hopefully, we will have more people join us next year. On September 12, 2009, Adia, Symbil and Pauline went hiking at Barclay Creek. This was an easy hike with an elevation of just under 300 feet. It was a excellent trail with beautiful views of Baring mountain and the creek. Our coordinator, Adia Callahan, has more adventures planned for this fall and winter. We would love to have you participate. For more info, send your contact info to ulnwoutdoors@urbanlifenw.com .

We enjoyed the adventure, now you can enjoy our photos!

Setting up camp.

Walking to the beach.

Winding down and waiting for dinner.

Way to go ladies! Your dedication to getting out and exploring is commendable. You’ve conquered two different trails this summer, what’s next.. Mt. Rainier?

Pauline and Adia, smile before the hike.

Symbil and Pauline, hiking and having fun!

Pauline and Symbil, eager to get going.

Beautiful Barclay Lake.



Tim Jackson, is a nationally syndicated cartoonist, illustrator and graphic designer. Monthly, he creates original illustrations specifically for Urban Life Northwest.



By Bartley Felder

Is there a baby language whereby infants are able to communicate with each other orally and does that language transcend nationalities? A very smart 8th grader wondered if the seemingly nonsensical babbling of babies is actually a language which allows American babies for example, to intuitively understand and communicate orally with babies from other countries in their unique baby way. Are we, who are perpetually mastering our native tongues, clueless and dismissive of this “language” because we have not focused on deciphering whether or not this babbling has a formal language structure? Is it too far-fetched in the development and maturation of the human body to surmise that the genes for language starting from a common origin in all humans are similar for a given period of time before they differentiate? When babies start out gurgling and “ga-ga-ing” and “goo-goo-ing”, our native tongue tells us to repeat one of our learned words to them, thereby dismissing their sounds. So by the time baby is about 9 months old and is possibly learning his second language which we reinforce with rewards etc. his original tongue has been put on the back burner. I guess this theory allows a lot of us to enjoy movies such as “Look Who’s Talking” whereby adults put their own thoughts and expressions into the actions and antics of the not-yet-speaking infant. Yes, it is cute and amusing, but are we missing something? Do babies really know something we don’t? If, according to Pam Schiller in her book The Complete Resource Book for Toddlers And Twos, children can acquire a vocabulary of 3,000 words by age 5 with the right experiences, (which is 60% of the estimated average adult vocabulary) I am led to conclude that children must be building on a language foundation that is already in place and not starting from scratch. I’m sure the next time an infant hears the phrase, “... not yet talking”, they will probably say, “Excuse me, but how loud must I get before you hear me?” Bartley Felder is a native of Washington D.C., has a BA degree in Anthropology, who has traveled the globe and loves to write. 17


By Cherita Raines MD, MPH With the start of school there is renewed concern over the H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu). The following are a few of my favorite frequently asked questions with accompanying answers. What is H1N1 virus and why is it sometimes called “swine flu”? H1N1 is a new influenza virus causing illness in people. This virus was originally referred to as “swine flu” because laboratory testing showed that many of the genes in this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs (swine) in North America. However, further study has shown that this new virus is very different from what normally circulates in North American pigs. How does H1N1 virus spread? H1N1 virus spreads the same way seasonal flu spreads; which is person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with influenza. Sometimes people can touch contaminated objects, with flu virus on it, and then touch their mouth and nose. What are the signs and symptoms of this virus? The symptoms of H1N1 flu virus include: fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. A significant number of people who have been infected with this virus also have reported diarrhea and vomiting. How severe is illness associated with H1N1 flu virus? While most people who have been sick have recovered without needing medical treatment, hospitalizations and deaths from infection with this virus have occurred. About 70 percent of people who have been hospitalized with this H1N1 virus have had one or more medical conditions previously recognized as placing people at “high risk” of serious seasonal flu-related complications. This includes pregnancy, diabetes, heart disease, asthma and kidney disease. What can I do to protect myself from getting sick? Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Try to avoid close contact with sick people. If you are sick with flu-like illness, the CDC recommends staying home at least 24 hours after your fever is gone.

• • • •

What are warning signs for urgent medical attention? In Children: Fast or trouble breathing, bluish or gray skin color, not drinking enough fluids, severe or persistent vomiting, irritability that child does not want to be held, and flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever or worse cough. In Adults: Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, pain or pressure in chest or abdomen, sudden dizziness, confusion, severe or persistent vomiting, and flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever or worse cough. Are there medicines to treat H1N1 virus infection? Yes, however, since most people get better without medical intervention, these medications are usually reserved for sever illness. Please call your physician’s office or visit www.cdc.gov for more information. *Dr. Raines is a practicing physician at the UW’s Roosevelt Family Medicine Clinic in Seattle, WA.



Our 2009 Dream Wedding Contest was a huge success! With the help of our sponsors and a panel of judges, our Dream Wedding Package of over $3500.00 was awarded to Eboni Anglin & Chase Wilkerson. On September 19th, the dream became a reality, our couple tied the knot and became Mr. & Mrs. Wilkerson. The wedding was beautiful! We are so proud of this couple and especially our sponsors. All but one of our sponsors kept their commitment. The one that failed to keep their commitment was replaced by a last minute sponsor—Boss Limousine. Thank you so much Boss Limousine for stepping in when our original sponsor dropped the ball. Special thanks again to all of our sponsors: 1. L’Wood Photography Beaux Arts Studios (Photos) Morfey’s Cakes (Wedding Cake) Merchant’s Paper & Design (Invitations) Brown Shugar Designs (Wedding Planning) KC Flowers (Bride & Groom flowers) Dabbs Productions (Mobile DJ Service) Discover Yourself with Bonnie Gantt (Bridal Make-up) Marie Haggin Accessories (Jewelry for Bride) Boss Limousine (Limousine service)

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Dabbs Productions Mobile DJ Service

Check out the dynamic photos from this exciting and anticipated wedding.

Starla L. Fitch with Mr. & Mrs. Wilkerson

**Photos by L’Wood Photography/Beaux Arts Studio



By Dr. Lora-Ellen McKinney Mark Jones is a large man. He’d be imposing if you did not notice his yoga pants, surprising and tiny ponytail and quietly smiling eyes. So, after a minute, you realize that this big guy is a teddy bear; which absolutely suits the man he has become. He has a number of formal titles in the Sunyata Group (http://ow.ly/rZ9P ), an organization that promises to be an enlightening presence in the world. A trained engineer, Mark is a “strategic thinking partner” and “systems architect” “specializing in the optimization of individual and organizational value, performance, and contribution to increase: social and economic effectiveness and efficiency” for a variety of non-profits and companies. This is very fancy language for his basic goal, which is to create healthy organizations and a peaceful world. Mark comes to this blend of business and the spiritual quite naturally. His father was a college educated engineer, psychologist and musician; his mother was a professional fashion model and musician. They raised him to be independent and thoughtful. As a small child, he was raised in Jewish neighborhoods and attended a private Catholic academy. However, he also attended schools where punishment was meted out for shows of excessive “colored” intelligence. Mark learned important lessons from his parent’s responses from the country’s changing social and political landscape. “When I was a child, my family transplanted itself from the womb of the east coast to the canvas of the Northwest. A very “practical” America — cities with many vacancies, but no houses to live in. (This was) a world of limited vocabulary: "We're sorry, this house is no longer for sale" (due to steering / blockbusting / redlining). As a child I watched in wonder the true manifestation of “equal protection of the law”. I learned the difference between “values” and “ideals” (values-in-action).” “My parents refused to be “redlined”, so we ended up living thirty miles from the city in a heavily forested area called a rural suburb in unincorporated Snohomish County adjacent to the city of Lynnwood. No people of color; no people of Semitic heritage; no people of Asian background. A "yoga practicing Native American" family, an "Irish" family, and now a "colored" family in a newly developing "white neighborhood". As a result, today, Mark lives on his own Walden Pond (http://ow.ly/rZiB), on ten acres surrounded by trees, ponds, eagles, hawks, herons, ducks, deer, horses, cows, coyotes, and bobcats. A Buddhist by personal choice and study since he was eight years old, Mark, born in 1958, grew up in a very supportive family. “My parents and spiritual teachers were my most important influences. My parents encouraged me to really explore and engage the world and my inner experience. And they trusted themselves and other teachers to provide me with a practical action-oriented spiritual foundation. I discovered my “purpose-driven” life at an early age — to reduce suffering in the world. And my parents accepted and supported my calling. They even accepted my statement someday I would become vegetarian, a life practice that would last the rest of my life — which I did in 1972. I feel that I have been blessed by parents who loved me unconditionally, trusted me to become me, provided the environment and tools that I needed to thrive in the world; taught me how to attract, discern, and learn from great teachers!” 20

Among these great teachers is now an extraordinary world leader and beloved man of peace. In 2001, Mark visited His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in India. In 2000, His Holiness had previously met with one of Mark’s colleagues – an educator and administrator – and suggested that the friend’s legacy was to “teach the children peace.” Mark needed a specific response to how one might “teach peace.” When he met with the Dalai Lama the next year, he asked how one might do something as vague as teach peace. Mark was told that to teach peace required the following components: First: Teach and Embody Sympathy – establish a connection between oneself and others; Second: Teach and Embody Empathy – psychologically put oneself in the place of others; Third: Teach and Embody Compassion – unconditionally hear, see and love others. The Dalai Lama challenged Mark with an assignment to create a practice that would help people behavior their way to peace. He suggested that such a practice might be based on the third insight related to teaching peace. Embedded in this view is that all people want to be Heard, Seen and Loved – in that order. It is a statement so simple that only a holy man could reveal it. From this blessing, Mark formulated the H-S-L (Heard, Seen, Loved) Practice as a way of inviting people to engage compassion in their everyday lives. The Heard-Seen-Loved Practice that he now teaches through the Sunyata Group. It is a life legacy practice that provides a diagnostic and response approach for developing sympathy, empathy and compassion. As diagnostic work, it allows people to identify where they need to heal. It requires releasing our fears and letting go of anger, the emotions that are likely to get unleashed when we don’t feel heard, seen, or loved. If we are honest, most of us can admit that many Mark Jones sitting with the Dalai Lama in 2001 times when we are frustrated and angry, it is because we feel misunderstood, confused, not heard by those with whom we are trying to communicate, and most importantly not loved or not worthy of being loved. The H-S-L Practice is also designed to stimulate our multiple intelligences; though it challenges us on every level, it invites our full engagement in everyday life in a way that causes us to celebrate who we are and to find the best in each other. Hearing, seeing and loving one another is not particularly easy. Mark Jones learned early that anger was non-productive. His parents gave him permission to find the spiritual support to live a life that gave him peace and happiness. His experiences of the social injustices of the 1950’s and 1960’s led him to work on projects designed to combine social engineering with spiritual quests. And the Dalai Lama helped him combine what had been a complex set of goals into something basic: All people want to be Heard, Seen and Loved – in that order. Mark is working to make certain that we know how to do that. For more information about the H-S-L Practice and the Sunyata Group visit www.sunyatagroup.ws/tikiwiki_2-0/tiki-index.php?page=H-S-L+Practice&bl=y.

*Lora-Ellen McKinney, Ph.D. is an expert in community health, social services, social justice and education. She heads her own consulting firm and is a published author.

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Roasted pumpkin seeds have a nutty flavor and are packed with protein and fiber. Pumpkin seeds are delicious toasted and salted, but they're even better flavored with sweet and savory spices.

1. Rinse pumpkin seeds under cold water and pick out the pulp

and strings. (This is easiest just after you've removed the seeds from the pumpkin, before the pulp has dried.) 2. Place the pumpkin seeds in a single layer on an oiled baking sheet, stirring to coat. If you prefer, omit the oil and coat with non-stick cooking spray. 3. Sprinkle with salt and bake at 325 degrees F until toasted, about 25 minutes, checking and stirring after 10 minutes. Let cool and store in an air-tight container. *For a sweet & spicy twist, try adding 1/2 teaspoon of pumpkin spice, 1/4 teaspoon salt and 3 or more tablespoons of white sugar (sweeten to taste). This will give your seeds a sweet yet spicy taste. Great for your next Halloween party.


What do you know about Halloween? Answer these 5 questions correctly and win a $5.00 gift card!

September 2009

1. The first Jack-o-Lanterns were made out of what?


2. Why are the colors orange and black associated with Halloween?

C. Davis, Seattle, WA K. Thomas, Portland, OR

3. What is the most popular chocolate candy bar for Halloween?


4. Mexico celebrates a version of Halloween, called what?


5. In what country did the jack-o-

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

lantern originate?

The first 3 persons to answer correctly will receive a $5.00

gift card!

Submit your answers via email to KIP@UrbanLifeNW.com. Please include your name and mailing address so that we may send your prize.


**Winners will be announced in our November 2009 issue.**

Francis Bellamy The 13 original colonies. Out of many, one George Washington 1924

October 2nd and every Friday night in October – Remember being born? Starting shortly after the main performance - Enchanted April, enjoy the comedy of Soloman Davis, at Taproot Theatre. Davis, an award-winning storyteller and comedian, takes you from fits of laughter to gentle tugs at the heartstrings as he spins his tale from birth to baptism and everything in between. Time: 10:15 pm, Dates: October 2, 9, 16 & 23, Location: Taproot Theatre, Cost: $10 for this show only or $8.00 if viewing both shows. For more info click on the link www.taproottheatre.org. (SEATTLE) October 9th - Big League Dreams 11th Annual Gala and Auction to celebrate Atlantic Street Center’s 99 years of service to the community. This fundraiser helps support programs which serve more than 3,000 low income kids and families of color in Seattle each year. All proceeds from the event will support our life changing programs. Featured Guest Speaker - Carver C. Gayton, PhD, Founding Executive Director of the NW African American Museum & Civic Leader, Location: Washington State Convention & Trade Center Skybridge, for more info call (206) 329-2050 or click on the link ascinfo@atlanticstreet.org (SEATTLE) October 9th – 11th - Willkommen Oktoberfest Northwest, You want brats and beer? You've got it - plus pretzels, schnitzel, strudel and a whole list of other authentic German treats! Don't forget to wash all that great food down with a brew or two - or three or four! There will be live authentic German entertainment, activities for the entire family, and a whole lot more! Location: Puyallup Fair and Events Center, for more info click on the link http://www.oktoberfestnw.com/ (PUYALLUP) October 10th – Bill Wright Day! Fifty years ago, Seattle native William (Bill) A. Wright won the US Amateur Public Links championship in Denver, becoming the first African American to capture a prestigious USGA national title. A ceremony to commemorate that historic victory and honor Wright’s contributions to the game of golf will be held at noon Saturday, at Jefferson Park Golf Club. The 73-year old honoree, who still teaches golf several days a week, will conduct a free junior golf clinic following the ceremony. For more info call (206) 725-0688 (SEATTLE) October 15th – November 15th - Obama On My Mind, opens on Oct. 15th at the Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center. This entertaining musical comedy, directed by Jacqueline Moscou, is bound to be one you’ll remember fondly for many years to come. For more info call (206) 387-1177 (SEATTLE) October 22nd – 25th – See the Spanish Harlem Orchestra live at Jazz Alley. Since their arrival in 2000, Spanish Harlem Orchestra (SHO) has established itself as a standard bearer of contemporary Latin music. Directed by world-renowned pianist, arranger, and producer Oscar Hernández, the thirteen-member all-star ensemble has reintroduced the classic sounds of New York City Salsa to music lovers worldwide. Set times Thursday through Saturday at 7:30pm and 9:30pm and Sunday at 7:30pm. Doors open at 6:00pm on Thursday and 5:30pm Friday – Sunday. For more info click on the link - www.jazzalley.com. (SEATTLE) November 5th - For networking and community activism attend First Thursday Seattle, Location: Rainier Vista Boys & Girls Club, Time: 6:00 pm. For more info call W. Larry Williams at (206) 852-8145 or email info@firstthurdayseattle.org. (SEATTLE)

October 16th – 18th - Hood River Valley 27th Annual Harvest Fest 2009, This event features over 80 craft and artisan booths, entertainment, food and locally grown produce. Afterward tour the scenic Hood River Valley and Fruit Loop activities. To get a map with directions to all the activities, call (800) 366-3530 or click on the link - www.hoodriver.org. (HOOD RIVER) October 17th & 18th - Gorge Fruit & Craft Fair, Featuring the best of the Columbia Gorge! Find fruit and produce at the height of the region's harvest season, along with a wide variety of arts and crafts created by Gorge artisans. Food, local wines, fun and activities in a scenic, park-like venue. It's a great way to celebrate the Columbia River Gorge's famous harvest season! Free admission. Location: Hood River County Fair Grounds Wy'East & Summit Rds, for more info call (541) 354-2865 or click on the link www.hoodriverfair.com (ODELL) November 3rd - Urban League of Portland is having their Equal Opportunity Day Awards Dinner. Join us for our annual event to celebrate our programs, our progress and our fortitude. Location: The Oregon Convention Center, Portland Ballroom Time: 5:30pm to 9:00pm For more information contact Eli Liliedahl-Allen, Fund Development Officer for information regarding advertising, sponsorship, and tickets email Eli@ulpdx.org, call (503) 280-2611 or click on the link www.ulpdx.org. (PORTLAND)


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month


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