Back to School - August 2015

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Back to School

This is the time of year when we get to start over. We head out to buy school clothes and supplies. We start setting our alarms to get ready for those early mornings, and we start gathering information on the best products and services for our kids. Our Do South® experts have done a lot of the work for you! In

Perfect. This group accepts 20 students, led by Mollie Armour.

this section, they'll show you several educational opportunities,

Rehearsals begin this fall on Mondays. "We are expecting to have

great after-school programs, facilities designed to help your kids

a banner year as we celebrate our 10th season!"

when they need it most, and even a series of lessons that will teach your children social skills that will serve them for a lifetime.

Friddle Dentistry has two main locations, one in Fort Smith and one in Van Buren. There are also two school-based clinics inside the Lavaca

Dr. Rosilee Russell, Executive Director of the UAFS Academy of

and Mansfield Schools. All four locations treat adults and children.

the Arts, is excited about the upcoming school year. They have some big productions planned, such as The Addams Family,

Dr. Cody Friddle says the top three habits of kids with good

Mulan, Alice in Wonderland, the Youth Symphony Orchestra,

checkups include:

Broadway our Way ( musical theatre follies presented by Academy faculty). "Those are just a few great shows coming

1. Staying away from sugary foods and drinks. If a child is going

this season to celebrate our 10th anniversary," Rosilee says.

to drink something with sugar in it, it's best to do so during a


meal. It's not always the amount of sugar that causes decay, it's "The academy offers after-school group classes. The Youth

the amount of time that sugar stays on the teeth that leads to

Orchestra rehearses every Monday evening from 6-8 pm,

the most destruction of tooth structure.

while the teen theatre company rehearses on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-9pm. Children’s groups from art classes to

2. Brushing at least twice daily and preferably after meals.

musical theatre to show choir rehearse after school on various

Especially when children are in active orthodontic treatment, it is

afternoons at 4pm.

important to brush teeth after lunch, even if that means taking a toothbrush to school.

"One new offering is the Teen A Cappella—an auditioned group of teens grades 7-12 who love to sing, based on the hit movie Pitch

3. Flossing before brushing teeth at night. Many children come

Fort Smith Public Schools fast facts: There are 26 schools,

between their teeth there is a large cavity. This is many times

approximately 1,200 educators and educational administrators,

only detectable with an x-ray. Flossing helps remove the food

and last year there were 14,707 students including Pre-K.

particles that get trapped between teeth when eating. Even good brushing habits will be ineffective at removing these

Lori Griffin, AR Master Principal, Ballman Elementary, Sharla

particles and preventing tooth decay.

Whitson, Principal Bonneville Elementary, and Peggy Walter, Principal Fairview Elementary, have this advice for helping your

Delanna Taylor, owner of Inscriptions, says her customers love

child get ready for kindergarten:

monogrammed backpacks for every age, from the Mother's Day Out crowd on up. There are also lunch bags. "Having the ability

1. Read with your child, practice counting objects up to 100, writing

to pick out an item that you love, and having your name or

name, zipping and buttoning clothes, as well as tying shoes.

monogram on it, makes it truly yours," Delanna says.

2. Let them have creative play and time to make things out of everyday household items, such as paper towel rolls, cotton

The Jon Hart line is trending for the high school and

balls, etc. It will help prepare them for STEM activities.

college set. Customers can pick out the color they want

3. Because there could be up to 20 children in a kindergarten

and have it personalized. Also big with this crowd are

classroom, talk about sharing, taking turns, listening to the

personalized bathroom/vanity storage items, laundry bags,

teacher and doing what they're asked to do.

cosmetic and storage bags, throws, pillows, towels, and

4. Show enthusiasm when your child talks about the school day.

umbrellas. Delanna says everyone loves that each product

Children pick up on their parents' feelings and emotions.

can be personalized — making it unique. Tailgating items

5. Spend time each day talking to their student about their school

with U of A, OU and OSU logos are big sellers. Once you

day. Ask more open ended questions such as, “What did you learn

have everything you need for your kids, don't forget those

today? What was your favorite part of the day and why?”


to my office with healthy looking teeth, only to find out that

back-to-school gifts for teachers.



Sharon Blentlinger, Principal at Immaculate Conception

message of Jesus Christ. This is coupled with a strong academic

School, couldn't be prouder of their school, where 46% of

program. We teach our students to model after Jesus by serving

the instructional staff have advanced degrees and average

others. We demonstrate that by setting aside days where all our

more than 17 years of service. "We're a Blue Ribbon School

students serve in some way. It culminates in a ‘U-Serve’ week

as recognized by the Department of Education, the only

just before spring break where our older students serve in a

elementary school in Fort Smith, public or non-public, to have

regional, national and international location."

this distinction, and the first Catholic school in Arkansas to have received this recognition," Sharon says. "IC is a Leader

Last year, 300 students attended Union Christian Academy.

in Me School, which integrates the 7 Habits of Highly Effective

"The graduation rate is 100%, and many students will graduate

People by Steven Covey, into our school community. This

with college credits thanks to an agreement with UAFS that

program teaches leadership, self-responsibility, and many

allows Union high school students, beginning in tenth grade,

other important lifelong skills for successful people."

to take concurrent college classes at a greatly reduced cost, earning both high school and college credit. These credits are

IC has a preschool beginning with 18-month-old toddlers. The

transferable to nearly any four-year institution."

elementary program has approximately 17 students in each class, and they have two classes at each grade level, from

Arkansas Virtual Academy is a tuition-free, public school. Those

kindergarten through 6th grade. "Our school also has an after-

who are eligible also receive a loaner computer and subsidized

school care program and a summer program for both preschool

Internet access.

and elementary students."


"At ARVA, your child has the benefit of a powerfully effective Paul Bridges, Superintendent of Union Christian Academy,

student team—a collaboration between curriculum experts,

is honored to lead this private school. "Students at Union

teachers, counselors, senior school leadership, the school

Christian learn about God, our reliance on prayer and the gospel

community, and you," Scott Sides, Head of School, says.








"In fact, as a parent (or the responsible adult), you have a role

Law and Gospel are used to enable each student to reach their

that is so important we call you the 'Learning Coach' or 'Mentor.'

potential and become responsible and productive adults. It is a very loving and forgiving place to be each and every day.

"The student team works hand in hand, providing support,

Smiles are everywhere!

encouragement, and a gentle push, when needed. Together, we inspire your child to believe in his or her own abilities—removing

"We also provide a well-rounded education in the context of

barriers to reaching the potential within."

a Christian worldview. Students master fundamental skills in reading and math while exploring interests and skills in history,

The difference is “dramatic,” says Laurel Barrette, Director

science, music and art and lifetime fitness and health.

of School Counseling Programs. “Too many kids get put in a box. Students may be tracked into one group with one level of

"All students receive both art and choral music instruction

courses, even if their strengths vary by subject.

each week. Every fifth and sixth grade student plays a band instrument. We have a drama club for grades 4 – 6 that is

“A really important thing we’re able to do is look at the individual

involved in producing two musical performances each year as

student in an accepting, open-minded way. We’re able to put

well as a group of one-act plays."

together a customized plan and meet kids’ needs, without them having to worry what other people think.”

Fort Smith Montessori School serves those from PK3 through


the 6th grade. Jessica Hayes, head of the school, says they're Dr. Philip Frusti, Principal of First Lutheran School, which serves

branching out in the near future. "We are making plans to

preschool through 6th grade, says education is a team effort.

expand through at least 8th grade beginning in the fall of 2017,

"Our teachers and support staff, our parents, and our students

with the potential for 9th as well. We are not a pre-school or

all work together for the benefit of each child whom God has

daycare, though. The school day for our 3-and 4-year-olds is

created with unique gifts and abilities. It is a place where both

very similar to that of our elementary students.





The school is even offering free lunches to all students. "We

lessons. Therefore, we can give them the time they need

are very excited to be the first school to offer free lunch for

independent of the other children in the class. Children who

all attending students. Our hot lunches are cooked fresh daily

are quick learners have the ability to continue moving in the

with whole and organic ingredients, whenever possible. This is a

curriculum without waiting on others to catch up. Children who

$500-600 annual value to our families."

need more time can take that time without feeling rushed or like everyone is waiting on them. There is a lot of fluidity between

If you'd like to tour the school, call 479.646.6003 to make an

the classrooms as well for quick learners or students who need


that extra time." University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Chancellor Paul B. Beran is Harvest Time Academy is open to those 3 months through the

excited about the start of the fall session. Students will have

6th grade. Rev. Sean Sloan, Teaching Pastor-Harvest Time, says

access to the new Windgate Art and Design building, a 100

he's happy to be part of such a great organization. There were 160

percent privately funded, 58,000-square-foot building that

children in their preschool last year. This is the first year for the

houses educational programs that were previously spread across

academy to offer elementary classes.

five buildings. Inside is a film theater, numerous art galleries for


"Our goal for our students is mastery of the materials and

both professional and student artwork, and professional-quality Rev. Sloan and the Harvest Time congregation see the program as

photography and video facilities.

a ministry. "Believing our students deserve more and our society is experiencing a deficit in quality leaders, we have opened this

"In fall 2016 we plan to open our new Recreation and Wellness

ministry with the full backing of Harvest Time to develop this

Center," Chancellor Beran says. "The 47,000-square-foot

generation of Christ followers and future leaders. We are providing

building will feature a rock climbing wall, two basketball

Christian education as close to cost as possible without additional

courts, four volleyball courts, and additional space for

fees for books, registration, etc. The tuition you pay is all you pay."

multipurpose use.




"Whether you’ve already landed your dream job or are hoping

"Eighty-seven percent of graduates from the spring 2014 semester

to advance in your career, earning your Bachelor of Science in

have either found employment or are continuing their education

Organizational Management will set you apart in the job market.

in graduate school. Additionally, many of our academic programs

With an OM degree from JBU, you’ll be equipped with the key

boast 100 percent graduate and job placement rates. Those

skills that so many employers seek when hiring managers: critical

numbers validate the work we do here at UAFS and reinforce that

thinking, effective communication and rational decision-making."

we prepare students for the next step of their lives." Jennifer Kistler, Executive Director of The Gregory Kistler Kelly DeWitt, Admissions Counselor at John Brown University,

Treatment Center, says their mission is to provide support and

says their one-class-at-a-time approach to earning a bachelor's

learning opportunities in the community for children and adults

degree is perfect for those already in the workforce. "If you want

with developmental disabilities and to provide all individuals an

a classroom experience but don't have time in your schedule

opportunity for a full and productive life through therapy services.

for taking classes during the day or multiple nights per week, consider John Brown University's Organizational Management

One of those services is helping young children with

program," Kelly says. "Designed for working professionals,

developmental issues get ready for school. "Children who

you can finish your bachelor's degree in about 20 months by

have any type of developmental concerns are at risk for falling

attending class just one night per week in Fort Smith (across

behind in their education potential. With the help of physical,

from Central Mall, on Waldron Road).

occupational, and speech-language therapists, the Kistler Center


While the buildings are impressive, so is the university's record.

can help a child acquire essential prerequisites for school.” "With our accelerated program, you can utilize the college credit and skills you've already acquired to finish your bachelor's

If you believe your child is having difficulties playing, learning,

degree faster. You take one class at a time, allowing you to

communicating, or moving, speak with your doctor. The doctor can

focus on one subject before moving on to another.

assess the situation, and can refer your child to Kistler Center, if needed.



Dan Beam, who co-owns Flame Gymnastics with Laura Beam,

Shirley Skulman, Director of the Fort Smith Junior Cotillion, is

offers classes for kids from 12 months to 18 years. Besides

on a mission to help kids feel confident in every social situation.

the physical benefits, gymnastics also teaches confidence,

"We are consumed with the obvious things for our children’s

patience, mental toughness and time management. "Most

progress such as sports, musical training, entertainment, etc.,"

all skills learned during gymnastics training are beneficial

Shirley says. "The thing being missed is that manners, etiquette

when children participate in a wide variety of other sports,

and the other social things that cotillion teaches our children, is

including baseball, softball, football and swimming, just to

the glue that can help them in all of the above things. It helps

name a few," Dan says.

them bond, get along and progress with more ease in all of their endeavors because everything comes down to dealing and

Flame is part of the USA Gymnastics Member Club, which means

interacting with people. When they know how to treat other

they are required to do background checks on coaches, staff

kids and adults with respect and confidence, it compounds their

is trained through the USA Gymnastics Educational University,

development into adulthood.

and they maintain both accident and general liability insurance, which covers their students.

"Fort Smith Junior Cotillion eases your children into social situations, interactions with their peers, and subtly teaches them

"August 5, 2015 marks our 30th anniversary," Dan says.

manners, not to mention some fun and classic forms of dancing.

"In that time we have earned the reputation as being the

So, as the slogan says, "Just Do It", and enroll them in cotillion.

premiere facility in the River Valley for parents wanting

You and your children will not regret it!"


the finest for their children in gymnastics and tumbling instruction, on either the recreational or competitive level.

Brandon Morrison, owner of BodyTailors Personal Training, can

We are very proud to not only produce high-caliber athletes,

help you get back in shape after a summer of vacations and

but also to help develop high-caliber young men and women

parties. They offer 30-minute classes, limited to 24 people. There

who go on to be successful in life."

are several classes that can accommodate almost any schedule.




"We use a combination of weight-bearing, suspension and

grade, as well as course work for students that are pursuing

bodyweight training, along with good old-fashioned cardio,"

a GED. When a student comes to Valley, we contact their

Brandon says. "We start everyone in a foundations class

school and get a course schedule so we can design their

where they must demonstrate they are capable of performing

course work here to match what they will be going back

basic exercises with correct form before moving into a more

to. When the student returns to their school, we send a

advanced class. This will ensure that we don’t overwhelm

report card with grades that are factored into their grades.

new clients just starting and that we don’t slow down

This allows the school to use grades for work completed

more advanced clients. Each class is a safe but challenging

while the student was at Valley, rather than loading them

workout in a team setting. With 23 years of helping hundreds

down with missed assignments.”

of people get in shape, I have found that most people have a tendency to achieve greater results when held accountable in a fun, energetic atmosphere in a group of their peers." If you


would like to set up an appointment for a fitness assessment, call Brandon at 479.310.6820.

We had such a great time putting our Back to School section together. And we're already working on our Fall Fun Special

Valley Behavioral Health System staff is trained to work

Advertising Section for September! It will include fall festivals,

with children who are having a wide array of issues. If a

vacation destinations, hunting and fishing locales, outdoor fun,

child needs to stay at Valley, they don't have to worry about

and a ton of information from our experts that will make you

missing school. Kasey Loyd, the Director of Education, says

want to get out and explore.


their teachers take pride in being part of the team that cares for their patients. "Valley Behavioral Health has a

If you're a business owner looking to advertise, give Do South a

team of teachers that hold Arkansas Teachers Licenses. We

call at 479.782.1500 or 479.459.6672. We'd love to talk to you

offer classes for students from Pre-School through 12th

about how we can help you grow your business.



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