Hyderabad Metro: India’s Exclusive and Successful Metro Rail Project Under PPP Model
mproving infrastructure is the key to India’s and other developing country’s growth and development. Public Transport mechanism in a highly populated country like India is often complex and has to operate in framework of strict rules and regulations by the Government. Any successful model in public transport is a significant achievement. Hyderabad Metro Rail Project is definitely one such unique PPP model that would set an example to the world and boost the economy of the country. Better infrastructure always attracts investors globally. Accelerated urbanization will continue for quite some time to come, and definitely there is a drastic need for an efficient Public Transport System both in existing cities and Metros or new Metros which will come up. As such there seems to be a very good potential for Metro Construction in India for immediate as well as in near future. It will be challenging to put up an efficient Mass Public Transport System
like Metro Rail Project in existing cities and Metros due to various factors like congested roads, heavy density of traffic, Inadequate suitable land etc. However, planned new cities with transport as backbone having Metro will be ideal, provided, futuristic planning is properly done, not remaining myopic which has been the hallmark of urban Infrastructure in India in the recent past. Metro Rail is considered to be modern, safe, green and reliable Public Mass Transport System and as such will be very much favoured. Hyderabad Metro Rail Project is the “World’s Largest Public-Private Partnership Project in the Metro Sector”. Cities are modern day nerve centres of growth. They are magnets for capital and for large, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic groups of people. Cities can generate an energy that can transform communities and accelerate the pace of progress. Metros as Mass Rapid Transport Systems (MRTS) are enablers that help cities to realize their full potential for growth and
Urban Transport Infrastructure // JANUARY 2020
development. Hyderabad Metro Rail Project is the world’s largest PPP projects in the Metro Sector. It is a pioneering concept adopted for the first time in the world. L&TMRHL has taken a quantum leap from the concept of client & contractor to the role of a concessionaire. L&TMRHL is a harbinger on the global platform of metro rail and has opened new vistas for the Indian economy. Our O&M model has similarity to the Hong Kong and other metros where Transit Orientation Development (TOD) plays a significant role. The other features include Intra Modal transportation (Physical, operational, fare integration). Emphasis is on Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) and customer satisfaction. Our main focus is on life cycle costing, development of an efficient and lean organization for O&M and building its capability in a structured manner. WWW.URBANTRANSPORTNEWS.COM