Vol. 40, Issue 3
Ursuline Academy of Dallas
roger staubach dallas cowboys legend successful businessman former Ursuline father current Ursuline grandfather Presidential Medal of Freedom Winner.
The Bear Facts
School News
The Bear Facts
What I Learned From International Career Day By SARAH HUI ‘20
the female voice.
Featured on Pages 12-13
Even though you and I may never hold an “international career,” each one of us is a member of a global society. Thanks to our technological advances, we are linked to people thousands of miles away through the media, commerce, the environment, education and international relations. Because of this, global awareness is important. The Dallas World Affairs Council organizes International Career Day every year as an opportunity for high schoolers to explore their options and learn about international career paths. On Tuesday, Nov. 27, 14 girls from Ursuline’s Junior World Affairs Council and Global Advisory Council attended and listened to a variety of speakers at the event. Opening presentations, breakout sessions with speakers, resource booths and a unique opportunity to listen to two U.S. ambassadors made up the busy day. The ten guest speakers covered a diverse range of international careers, including human rights advocacy, engineering, law and environmental conservation. I listened to a foreign service officer, the editor of the Dallas Morning News,
a doctor and professor of emergency medicine, a CEO of a consulting firm and the president of ConnecTeach, a non-profit focused on education. No two speakers were alike,
wonderful opportunities to learn outside o f the classroom, as they involve putting things into
Courtesy of Sarah Hui ‘20
practice rather than just the study of them. They are surefire ways to figure out what you do not what to do in life, at the very least. The second point was to read books, articles and magazines, and read them as often as Courtesy of World Affairs Council possible. but each one engaged, Reading the educated and inspired me. news was a reNo matter the speaker, a few points curring appeal. It might be seemed to be repeated often. One was expected of the editor of a news organizato explore internships. Internships are tion to encourage high schoolers to read
the news, but the educator, the foreign service office and the two U.S. Ambassadors all firmly recommended it. Lastly, multiple speakers reinforced the necessity of challenging your own beliefs. Doing so is possible through reading and listening to those with opinions different from your own, something both the foreign service officer and the Dallas Morning News editor advised. Bhavani Parpia, the president of ConnecTeach, took it one step further: “To examine and challenge your own beliefs, you must spend time with people of different viewpoints,” Parpia said. Only through doing this can you see the root of the issue and avoid being blinded by prejudice. It is easy to be blinded by prejudice when your society is made up of many others who look, act, and seem different. Yet, as U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker was quick to point out, the hall that day was filled with young people of all colors, religions, and backgrounds. From different schools in the area, we all gathered together to learn. The possibility of the future was mirrored by each of us – people within a diverse nation working together, nations within a global society supporting each other. International Career Day may be an event for those who want to decide what their job will be as an adult. But it also teaches far more valuable lessons and imparts far more effective advice for any young person growing up within a society that extends across the globe .
LIGHTS. CAMERA. STUDENTS. ACTION. The time has come once again, and another group of seniors have taken over the stage. One Acts, an annual production put on by the Jesuit and Ursuline Seniors, are short skits written, directed and compiled into two nights of laughter and community as the seniors enjoy their last taste of high school life. These two days not only showcase students’ acting compassion, but also a sense of what Jesuit and Ursuline represent: family and fun. It’s a special moment where peers, loved ones and school faculty can relax and laugh together. “When I’m on stage, all of my personal anxiety is gone, and I am my true self. I didn’t know anyone in my cast beforehand, but over the past few months, we’ve become family,” said Bryan Bowling of Jesuit’s Class of 2020. One Acts opens on two nights each with different performances. Opening night showcased the professionally-written plays and started with “Drugs are Bad” by Jonathan Rand. It gave a great kick start. Continued on Page 9
The Bear Facts
Start the Semester off Strong slate. One way to start off a new semester on a strong note is to save all Netflix and TV for the weekends. Netflix is a huge time waster, and it can be difficult to stop watching it, leading to stress and late nights due to procrastination. Simply waiting to watch that next episode or movie until the weekend can save students from the imminent pressure that comes from procrastination. According to Psychology Today, “Your level of stress affects what you do. When distracted by stresses, you are likely to put more things off and suffer from a procrastination accumulation effect. This is where you feel stressed, put things off, and then feel stressed thinking about what you have left undone. As you do this, you leave more things undone and feel overwhelmed. This is a classic vicious
cycle,” and Netflix can be a huge factor in this procrastination cycle, so it is best to save it for the weekend and focus on schoolwork. Also, an essential part of a strong school year is getting the most out of a planner. As Ursuline students, we all know how necessary our planners are for keeping up with due dates, assignments, and even extracurricular activities. At the start of a new semester, take the time to go through each class’s syllabus and write down all important dates, so that tests and projects are not surprises. One way to take this system a step further is write down different time slots to begin working on that project or studying for that test, so that in the end there is less to be done because it was all completed in little chunks. As soon as the semester begins, begin working on upcoming assignments in
advance, and try not to save anything for the last minute. When something is rushed, it can be difficult for students to produce their best work in a time crunch. Spreading out work leads to decreased stress. Although this may be an old habit from the fall semester, start off the new year in control of your homework, dispatching with bad habits which formed at the beginning of the year. It is difficult to break old study habits, but utilize the new semester to incorporate improved approaches to schoolwork. Finally, approach the new semester with a positive attitude. Nothing brings down productivity and increases stress more than complaining and negative thoughts about school. Returning to school from break, especially after Christmas, is very difficult, but a hopeful attitude can ease the transition into a new semester, and set the tone for the rest of the school year.
national anthem as well as his Nike ad and dinner was served as everyone ate together, Serena Williams’ French Open contro- but afterwards a game was played. versy. All students were split up and put into Though Kapernick was trying to shed two circles, one circle inside of the other. light on serious social issues by kneel- Then, similar to speed dating, participants ing during the national anthem, many were given one minute to answer a stated thought his kneeling was disrespectful question without interruptions before the when Kapernick was only kneeling to other person answered. According to a PCA stand up against black violence. student, “We get to bond with people we The scandal of Serena Williams’ French didn’t know which was a really nice experiOpen, followed by the racist and sexist ence and then to be heard.” political cartoon resulted in a backlash Questions started out on a lighter note such towards the artist for his white-washing as favorite movies and why, and then proof her opgressed ponent, and to focus a p p a r e n t “Many students could relate to put- on PCA’s Jim Crow DA DYO features he ting on a different face for school to t h e m e gives his fit in and, consequently that topic was for the drawing of night: Serena. focused on almost the entire allotted w h a t After the does it time.” group dismean to cussions, be a sothe meetings end with all students giv- cial justice advocate? ing feedback to the DADYO student leadAfter close to ten circulations, all stuers, “There are so many diverse people in dents went back to their tables to have a room. So many like-minded people,” a more intimate conversations led by a PCA first time DADYO member said. “Every- student. one was so brave to speak their minds.”To In November, Jesuit hosted DADYO with conclude Ursuline’s DADYO, a few con- the theme of misrepresentation of cultures structive criticisms were given. “We need in today’s society through media. The first more devil’s advocates,” Ursuline senior presentation, led by Jesuit seniors, focused Kerry Gleim said as everyone agreed that on old programs and movies containing throughout group discussions participates outdated racial stereotypes. An example were simply “aggressively agreeing with scene we watched was Shun Gon, the Chieach other.” nese cat in Disney’s Aristocats and characThe second DADYO, hosted for the ters from Disney’s 1941 “Scrub me Momma first time at PCA, brought a new way of with a Boogie Beat.” beginning DADYOs than before. Similarly, The second group talked about popular
School News
DADYO Takes on Issues Fall semester of 2018 has been the setting for a great number of insightful DADYOs ranging from topics of teen social media use to racial injustices onscreen and in our country. DADYO, Dallas Area Diversity Youth Organization, run completely by students, has just wrapped up its meetings for the year with the final meeting at St. Marks Dec. 11. Though the African American Awareness club, most commonly known for their Fresh Prince of Bel Air episodes played during black history month along with famous black role models’ quotes on the announcements, technically hosts the meetings, all students and faculty are encouraged to join. Thus far, the fall DADYOs have been held at Ursuline, Prestonwood Christian Academy, Jesuit College Preparatory School, and St. Marks in Dallas. Though each meeting introduces a new topic of discussion, every meeting starts with a shared meal to get to know the other students. To start things off at the beginning of the DADYO season, Ursuline hosted the group with the topic of injustices at home and on the field. As commonly done at meetings, the AAA leadership team split the room of students into two groups to make discussions more civilized. Group one focused on the Botham Jean tragedy which had happened earlier in the month of September where African American Botham Jean was shot inside of his own apartment by a white, woman police officer. Group one discussed plot holes in the stories told by shooter Amber Guyer and how this tragedy affects the black community. The second presentation focused on Colin Kapernick’s controversial act during the
Mr. Girard Takes Nazi Germany Outside Classroom
New year, new semester, new you. This phrase may be trite, but it still rings true for Ursuline students. A new semester is the ideal opportunity to improve study habits and increase productivity. After Christmas Break, it can be difficult to re-adjust to the stress of school. However, there are numerous little changes that students can implement into their daily routines to decrease stress and excel academically at the start of the semester. First, treat the new semester as if it were a new school year, and come into the year refreshed and energized, just like after summer break. One effective way to do so is to buy new school supplies. Purchasing some fresh pens or maybe a fun binder can make returning to school more exciting. Additionally, reorganizing class materials and cleaning out dirty backpacks helps students get on the right track for the hectic spring semester by decluttering unnecessary trash and papers for a clean
The Bear Facts
rappers and books that are currently representing their black culture. For example, the new movie and book, “The Hate You Give” was analyzed as the main character Starr mentions that she needs two personalities to get through her life in her predominately white private school and at home. Many students could relate to putting on a different face for school to fit in and, consequently that topic was focused on almost the entire allotted time. “If I want to keep friends, I need to keep quiet about certain issues,” a senior at Ursuline said. Finally, to end the night, the conversation focused on our opinions on affirmative action and whether some viewed it necessary. To wrap up the year, St. Marks hosted the final 2018 DADYO meeting with the topics of dress code discrimination, cognitive dissonance, intersectionality, inherent biases, and social media’s impact on the LGBTQ+ community. After a quick acknowledgement to the staff and students involved in St. Marks’ student diversity club, the 40 plus students were split into five groups to discuss each topic. The dress code discrimination discussion was met with a lot of enthusiasm from students who felt as though their school’s dress codes were unfair. “Who’s to say what shows too much?” an Alcuin junior said. When asked if professional workplaces should have strict dress codes, most students agreed with a Greenhill senior, that dress codes tend to “violate people’s liberties to express themselves.” Many other topics were addressed during the DADYO meeting, as the group looked forward to 2019.
An educational trip to Germany and Poland, chaperoned by Mr. Girard, Mrs. Ide and Dr. Surmiller, is soon to be a reality. The two-week long trip is set for the summer of 2020 and will focus on both Mr. Girard’s Inside Nazi Germany class and Dr. Surmiller’s Church History class. It is open to students who have taken either class, and the three are working to see if those who graduate in 2020 may go. The trip’s premise began when Mr. Girard wondered how he could provide his students with learning experience outside of school. “My opinion of education is that you can only do so much within the four walls of the classroom,” said Mr. Girard. Mr. Girard approached Social Studies Department Chair Mrs. Ide and Dean of Academics Mrs. Smith with the idea of traveling, and the three met late last school year to talk over the possibilities. Mrs. Smith approved the academic trip and discussed next steps with the two history teachers. As Mr. Girard and Mrs. Ide began to plan, Dr. Surmiller learned of the undertaking. As Dr. Surmiller had been planning his own trip, the three teachers decided to join forces and work on one combined travel trip. Mr. Girard is glad for the collaboration as it means that more than 15 students may be taken with the three chaperones. He also noted that adding church history will not only be rewarding for Dr. Surmiller’s students, but also serve to defuse the emotional weight of visiting former concentration camps.
“To walk into Auschwitz is way more powerful than just reading about it,” said Mr. Girard. He hopes that by walking around in cities of the Holocaust, his students can imagine what it was like and walk away with a different perspective. The three teachers have already booked airline tickets for their scouting trip in February, a mere two months away. “Things have moved rather quickly,” said Mr. Girard, making the trip all the more exciting and real.
While in Europe, the teachers will explore options for hotels, restaurants, and places to visit with students. The three will also meet with site coordinators from Academic Programs International, a study abroad company that Ursuline partners with for trips beyond the global department. The API coordinators will be translators and help with logistics such as transportation and tickets. Cities on the tentative itinerary include Munich and Nuremberg in Germany, and Kraków in Poland. In Munich, the
birthplace of Nazism, students may visit Dachau, Our Lady of St. Mary’s Church and Marienplatz Square. In Nuremberg, they may see the Nazi party rally grounds and the Frauenkirche (“Church of Our Lady”). In Kraków, they may visit Auschwitz, the Wieliczka Salt Mines, Wawel Castle and Jasna Góra Monastery. Other potential sites include a large lake outside of Munich or places in the Alps such as Neuschwanstein Castle and the Kehlsteinhaus, Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest. “The itinerary is completely up in the air, but these are some specific sights [that] we are researching,” said Mr. Girard. Ursuline is the fourth school Mr. Girard has worked for, but the first to allow him to teach a course on Nazi Germany. The history behind Holocaust has been a passion of his since he was an undergraduate student. As he is now finishing up his master’s degree in Holocaust studies, it is fitting that he is doing so while planning the new trip and teaching the elective. Inside Nazi Germany is not a required course, and Mr. Girard is grateful that his students have both chosen the elective and worked hard in class. As a teacher, he said that his students have enriched him the most. His students’ own passion for the new subject matter is partly where the Nazi Germany trip originates. “Sharing understanding on a topic that’s difficult but meaningful is the biggest thing for me,” said Mr. Girard, “Visiting a [concentration] camp won’t make the question of “How did it happen?” any easier to explain…[but it] could shape many students’ lives.”
The Bear Facts
‘bubblegum pop’, from layering sugary-sweet lyrics with upbeat tempos to covering himself in fluorescent colors, starting at his bleached-blonde hair. In 1987, Michael re-debuted himself with his first solo album, Faith, illustrating a more serious and grown-up side of him not yet seen. With lyrics invoking personal and emotional aspects, the state-of-the-art dance record put the world into an international frenzy, selling over 14 million copies. Michael immersed himself further into a lifestyle of fame and fortune, with the help of many Billboard hits, such as “Faith”, “Freedom! ’90”, “Father Figure”, and the iconic, “Careless Whisper”. While many refuse to see Michael as anything more than a pretty-boy pop star, he held talent beyond measure. His raw talent was extremely over-looked due to his pop star label and the surface-level lyrics in many of his pop songs, especially during Wham!’s earlier days. As many are thought to contribute little to the production of a song, George did not fit this norm. Michael composed and produced every song released under his name and even his band’s name. He wrote every song, rarely accompanied by a co-writer. At the age of 17, he wrote “Careless Whisper”, one of the most successful pop songs of all time, inspired by romance movies he watched while working a summer job at a movie theater. Aside from writing, Michael also played the majority of the instruments recorded in his songs, such as guitar, keyboard and bass. Underneath every façade presented on stage, Michael was simply an artist. Similar to every artist, he strived for his work to become historical. As one of the most prominent figures in the music industry for decades, his music touched the lives of many, and his legacy will be continued through all those he’s inspired for as long as time will tell. “There are stars out there who think success is more important than anything else. But genuinely, I am only really passionate about my music”. -George Michael
Nikki Haley Resigns At Year’s End By BROOKE NORMAN ‘20
Nikki Haley, the woman who served as the 29th United Nations Ambassador since early 2017, resigned from her position in early October. Having assumed office in 2011, she became the first female governor in South Carolina. She leads a
legacy in South Carolina as the first minority to hold the specific office of governor in that state. Her immigrant parents incorporated Sikh, their religion, into Nikki’s daily life during her childhood. Finding Christianity to be her true religion later in life, she remains active in her parents’ culture and attends Sikh services in respect. Named as one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people of 2016, she has impacted the lives of many people both in the United States and globally; in addition, she provided an additional eighty-five thousand jobs to the people of South Carolina. During her time as governor, she removed the Confederate battle flag waving over the statehouse land. She led the state as governor with compassion, kindness and understanding for all citizens. She had a difficult time growing up due to her rare background, and never allowed her
difficulties to back her down, by discovering and engaging in politics at a young age. In her later years, she studied and graduated with a major in accounting at Clemson University. President Donald Trump selected her as the ambassador to the United Nations and secured her position in January of 2017. In the beginning of her career, she involved herself in threats from Russia, Iran and North Korea. Bold, she always spoke her mind on her views. “Women should be heard, they should be dealt with... And I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way, they have every right to speak up.” Here, she comes forward on her views about sexual assault, quoting all women should have the right to speak up and be heard. At the end of last year, she stepped down from her momentous position, and the president picked former Fox news anchor Heather Nauert to fill the
Courtesy of The New Yorker
Reflections from Number Twelve
Remembering George Michael On Dec. 25, 2016, George Michael lived what would truly be known as his “Last Christmas”, with the legendary artist passing at the mere age of 53. To many, George Michael is best known as an 80’s era popstar; he was the striking front-man of Wham!, the pop sensation, and one powerhouse of a solo artist. Pop star is an understatement for describing someone as passionately in love with music and internationally successful as Michael. There is much more to remember Michael for, aside from his fame, wealth and his prominent position on Billboard’s charts. Born in Edgeware, North London, in 1963, Michael jokingly stated that work was the religion of his mother and father (George Michael: Talk without prejudice). The work ethic inspired by his immigrant Greek father somewhat contrasted with Michael’s desire to pursue music, igniting his urge to be a musician. Favoriting albums such as Peter Gabriel’s first solo album, Elton John’s Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy and David Bowie’s Aladdin Sane began Michael’s infatuation with music. While studying at Bushey Meads School in London, Michael was introduced to Andrew Ridgley, whom he instantly clicked with, as the two shared the yearning to transform their dreams of being musicians into reality. The duo became Wham!, oblivious to their future of becoming teen sensations. In 1982, Michael and Ridgley signed a record deal with Innervision Records after submitting a demo recorded in Ridgeley’s living room. Engraved with insanely catchy rhythms, boyish charm and Michael’s soulful voice, Wham! mania was widespread; by the end of 1983, Wham! was one of the top five acts in Britain. The world was slowly falling in love with Michael. After four years of dominating the Billboard charts, releasing two critically-acclaimed albums and one compilation and selling 25 million records, Wham! took its final bow in 1986. Through Wham!, Michael created the essence of
The Bear Facts
position. However, Haley will continue to pose as a role model to young girls interested in pursuing a career in international relations representing the idea that any girl can achieve whatever she puts her mind to.
Present at the Army-Navy game in 1962, Dallas Cowboys Legend, successful Kennedy did the coin toss and visited the businessman, former Ursuline father, Navy locker room after the game to meet and current Ursuline grandfather. That Staubach and the other players. description fits only one man: Roger President Kennedy was Staubach. He can now add set to do the coin toss Presidential Medal of for the Army-Navy Freedom Winner to game the following the list. year, but tragStaubach is edy struck the no stranger Friday before to receiving the game, and prestigious the president awards like was assashis Heisman sinated in trophy and Dallas. The Super Bowl game was VI Most almost called Valuable Playoff. er Award, but most of these “It was rehave come from ally one of the most football achievememorable games I’ve ments. This award felt ever played different. It encompassed his time serving in the Courtesy of ‘20 Hailey Mentgen in because the game was played on behalf of the Navy, his successful footKennedy family. We ball career, and the real really had a good year that year, and we estate firm he built. ended up in a tough game against Army. “The medal is not just what I We won 21 to 15,” Staubach said. achieved. It’s a combination of my life As star Navy quarterback, Staubach as far as my hard work and the people appeared on the cover of Time magazine that supported me during the different in October of 1963 and was set to appear parts of my life. What I learned from on the cover of Life magazine as “the sports had a lot to do with the PresidenHoudini of the backfield” until the magatial Medal—it taught me the hard work, zine pulled his cover at the last minute the perseverance, the teamwork that is to print a special issue honoring John F. just as important in business as it is in Kennedy after his death. football. I have the medal hanging here To Ursuline students, Staubach seems in my office right next to the Heisman to have been right in the middle of histrophy. It really represents my business life, my athletic life, and also my military tory, especially since he served in the Vietnam War after graduating from collife,” Staubach said. lege instead of immediately beginning his On November 16th, Staubach’s wife pro football career. Staubach served as Marianne, their five children, and 15 a logistics supply officer supporting the grandchildren, including three current Ursuline students, accompanied Staubach Marine Corps in the I Corp Area in South Vietnam. At the time, his wife Marianne to the White House to watch President was not thrilled about him going overseas Trump award the Hall of Fame quarto war, but Staubach felt he had to serve. terback with the Presidential Medal of He found returning home to be one of the Freedom. Two weeks after his family’s exciting trip, Staubach took time to fill in most difficult parts. “It became a very unpopular war and the details of his exemplary life. it wasn’t the troops at fault. They were Early Life doing what their country asked them to As a high schooler in Cincindo. A lot of people protested and took it nati, Ohio, in the early sixties, Staubach out on the troops, and I still remember played baseball and football, but he did how terrible that was. The good news tonot play his signature position until his day is that I think a lot of people learned senior year when his coach decided to from that. The men and women that take a chance on him. Without that are in the armed services are there to do coach’s influence, Staubach’s life may what their country asks them to do and have gone in a completely different to protect this country,” Staubach said. direction. Dallas Cowboys “Our coach in high school thought After his time in the Navy, Staubach that the other guys [on the team] lisjoined the Dallas Cowboys in 1969 and tened to me and that I had a good arm spent the next eleven years playing for from playing baseball. Through being America’s Team. Staubach described a quarterback, I found my place and I the Cowboys when he joined as “a good really enjoyed being a leader and having team that could not win the big games.” a big role in the offense. I don’t think Staubach began as the backup quarterwe would be talking right now if I had back, but eventually became a starter and stayed as a wide receiver,” Staubach said. led his team to its first Super Bowl win in Navy Football 1972. After playing quarterback in high “I’ve never seen Coach Landry more school, Staubach was recruited by the excited than after winning that Super Naval Academy. He soon became the Bowl because now nobody could say that star of the Navy’s football team, breaking he couldn’t win the big games. I was Navy records and winning the Heisman part of a team with players I had watched Trophy his junior year. when I was still in the service like Bob During Staubach’s time in college, Lilly and Lee Roy Jordan.” former president and former Navy Throughout Staubach’s football career, Lieutenant John F. Kennedy was in office.
the Cowboys never had open offices, and try to a losing season, went win business. It had some to the playoffs ten out similarities with football of eleven years, played because you are always in the Super Bowl five on edge in football and times, and won twice. getting ready for the next One of Staubach’s most game. In business, [the memorable plays was game] kind of keeps going against the Minnesota on and on and on. If I Vikings in the conferdidn’t have the excitement ence championship of building a business, I game in ’72. With less think I would have missed than a minute left, Staufootball even more.” bach threw a 50-yard Staubach also devotes touchdown pass that his time to charitable orCourtesy of Mad Men Art came to be known as the ganizations like United Way “Hail Mary” pass. of America, the Children’s Scholarship “We went to the Super Bowl that year Fund, and Allies in Service. His Catholic and the reason was that at the Minnesota faith has remained central to his life, and game we were behind 14-10 in the fourth he can often be spotted attending mass at quarter. That’s when I passed to Drew St. Rita Catholic Church down the road. Pearson, and he made a heck of a catch, Family Life and we won the game. After the game, Family has always played a major role the reporters asked me what I was think- in Staubach’s life. Staubach and his high ing, and I said I closed my eyes and said a school sweetheart Marianne have been Hail Mary,” Staubach said. married for 53 years. Gracie Grimes ’19, Alan Page, another reHailey Mentgen ’20, and Emma Grimes cipient of the Presiden’21 are Staubach’s current Ursuline tial Medal of Freedom, grandchildren. played football, and Mentgen describes her grandfalike Staubach, went on ther as hard-working, big-hearted, to great success as a humble, and kind. Although she federal judge after his has great respect for him, she also athletic career. Page enjoys his humorous side. She played on the Minnesota shared how Staubach has a Vikings as a member of special smirk he the Purple People gives his grandEaters defensive children when he line against sees them from Staubach across the room in the “Hail or at church. Mary” pass Staubach game. He even made his sat next to grandchildren Staubach laugh at his awards at the ceremony. awards “When he was ceremony, on stage getting his and the two award, I was in the former playback row looking ers reminisced right at him and he about the old made this face at days. Page complained about me. I love that bethe legendary “Hail Mary” pass cause even when that won the game almost 50 he was on years ago. stage receivStaubach Retail Services ing an award, Staubach achieved he was still being great success in goofy with his business after his grandkids,” Menfootball career. tgen said. While still Staubach Dallas’s quarended the interview terback with valuable advice in 1977, to his Ursuline grandStauchildren and their bach peers: “You not only started his epon- take out of ymous real estate life, but you give firm. He did not have back. You’ve got to to worry as much about have that balance. If football nostalgia since you live your life with running a business a balance, you work rerequired similar energy ally hard and accomplish a and determination. lot and do some good things, “I was building a but you have to also rememreal estate firm and my ber that the things you do affect adrenaline was pumping all other people. the time there, too, in order to build a company, Courtesy of Fortune
The Bear Facts
The Bear Facts
is also designed for maximum visibility, eliminating high tables and stacks of cups that might limit people’s ability to sign to each other. The new location also involves deaf people in more ways than baristas and customers. “One entire wall, for example, is covered by a multi-colored mural commissioned by Yiqiao Wang, a deaf artist and Gallaudet faculty member,” according to The Washington Post. Additionally, it features a unique mug designed by a deaf artist Jena Floyd. According to a Starbucks news post, Jena is still in disbelief that her work will be so exposed and public. It also strives to extend job availability for the deaf, hard of hearing and all people
proficient in ASL. “Any disbelief that a deaf person could take on a management or executive role is precisely the kind of stigma Starbucks and deaf community advocates aim to combat,” says Rachel Siegel of The Washington Post. The opening of such a location by Starbucks is an indication of the importance of extending accessibility of common spaces to all people. The location was thoughtfully designed down to the most miniscule details, reflecting well on Starbucks as a corporation. “We know that with our size and scale comes great responsibility and we see that there is an opportunity to make a meaningful difference,” said Starbucks Mid-Atlantic Regional Vice President Camille Hymes of Starbucks.
Courtesy of Fox News
Bringing Hope to Homeless Children By EMILEA MCCUTCHAN ‘20
Over 1,100 homeless children sleep on the streets each night, right here in Dallas, Texas. These children have no access to clean clothes, school supplies, diapers and other crucial necessities their parents struggle to buy. Hope in these situations seems scarce, but one organization is helping to bring hope and crucial necessities to families, especially children, in need. That organization is Hope Supply Company. Hope Supply Company, formerly known as Captain Hope’s Kids, was founded in 1989. At first, Hope Supply Company served as a “clearinghouse of donated resources,” according to their website. The organization grew to focus on aiding mothers and their children, as Dallas in the 1990s hosted the fastest growing homeless population for mothers and their children. Focusing on the mother and children they serve, Hope Supply Company rebranded themselves and dedicated themselves to a new mission: meeting the grave needs of the underprivileged by providing crucial necessities such as supplies and programs to improve their lives. Hope Supply Company has achieved this goal of helping children and still strives to better the lives of every person that is in need. To date, the organization has provided over $3.2 million of supplies to mothers and their children in need. Over 40,000 diapers are distributed weekly to their many partner organizations, including Genesis Women’s Shelter, Dallas CASA and Family Gateway. Overall, they serve
60 organizations by providing desperately-needed supplies to families. They also give supplies to transitional living centers, school districts and state agencies. Besides diapers and hope, Hope Supply Company also provides necessities one would usually take for granted. Many girls do not have access to clean,
However, many families struggle to afford these items for their children. Hope Supply Company believes “education breaks the cycle of homelessness.” Therefore, they have also made it their mission to provide these necessary school supplies to ensure each child is prepared to learn and reach their greatest potential. Be-
sanitary products. However, Hope Supply Company is changing that by providing hygiene boxes. The boxes are stocked with toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, hairbrushes, band aids, hand sanitizer and more. School supplies, backpacks and uniforms are something we take for granted each day.
Courtesy of Hope Supply Co. schooling, having hobbies and recreational activities is vital. Hope Supply Company offers yearround activities during holidays and during school. Over Spring Break, children can release their inner-cowboy at their Spring
language and diversity,” says Tommy Horejes, the Associate Provost of Student Success and Academic Quality at Gallaudet University, in an article for Fox News. This collaboration extends specifically to the staff of baristas at the new location. All baristas employed are proficient in ASL, no matter their level of hearing. Those who are deaf wear special green aprons which are embroidered with the ASL finger-spelling of “Starbucks.” Those that are hearing, but proficient in ASL wear the traditional green apron with an “I sign” pin, an aspect which is available to any Starbucks barista worldwide who is proficient in sign language. The store also incorporates a high level of technology which traditional locations do not, all geared toward improving the experiences of those with hearing deficiencies. A tech pad gives customers the option to sign their order or write it down and a large screen notifies when drinks are ready. The space
Hidden Meanings: Children’s Stories Tell Tales
Not Just Another Starbucks: A Sign of Inclusion For most, the Starbucks ordering experience is not one which requires much thought or attention. One walks into the store, up to the register, orders a drink, gives their name, waits to hear it called by a barista and leaves the Starbucks caffeinated but generally unaffected. Consider this instead: walking into the Starbucks unable to complete the ordering process because none of the baristas know American Sign Language (ASL). This is not the same experience to which most are so generally accustomed. Starbucks is working to eliminate this experience as a possibility and to make their chain accessible to all people. With the opening of the new Starbucks Signing Store in Washington, D.C., in October 2018, Starbucks is extending their stores “to create a melding of worlds and the best possible experience for partners and customers alike, whether they are deaf, hard of hearing, or hearing,” according to the Starbucks website. The store is down the street from Gallaudet University, an institution for deaf and hard of hearing students. This location is just one of the thoughtful aspects of the new store. “It goes way beyond just a collaboration between Gallaudet and Starbucks; this is an opportunity to really show the importance of the value of culture and
Break Cowboy Camp. Or, they can have a fun day at the Summer Splash for Hope at Hawaiian Falls. To celebrate the beginning of school, the Back to School Event gets children ready to learn. And for the Christmas season, Holiday Hope on Wheels brings crafts, games, and other activities for children to get them into the Christmas spirit. And obviously, the most important holiday of all is birthdays! Hope Supply Company provides birthday boxes: gift-wrapped shoeboxes filled with little gifts, like toys and small crafts and activities. Hope Supply Company leaves no detail behind and spares no expense when it comes to bringing the necessities to children, whether it be products or the happiness of a birthday or holiday. Hope Supply Company branches out past the borders of Dallas. They have recently instated September 24th-30th as Diaper Need Awareness Week, to help bring attention to the vital issue of diaper needs. They have also reached out to Target and have become a Target Red nonprofit. Hope Supply Company is continuing their dedication to mothers and children by branching out to help bring awareness to the need for diapers, hygiene items, and other necessities we often take for granted. To help Hope Supply Company, you can volunteer to help at their warehouse. They are an approved Ursuline philanthropy on x2vol. You can also sign up on their website or find out more information about them at hopesupplyco.org.
As children, we often read books and watched movies for the entertainment. Their surface level possessed the simple significance of bringing smiles and imagination to a child, but, what if they meant so much more? What if we were just oblivious when we read them? Often, we cannot identify with or understand an idea because we have not gone through it. We can read about problems in textbooks and sympathize, but it is not until these issues personally impact our lives that we can truly empathize. The authors’ use of realistic underlying themes of these kids’ books allows them to modify our perspectives of the stories we were once sure we knew by heart. They can now hold two meanings for us; one when we first read them as young kids without a fear or care in the world, and one when we are reading them to our own children, having survived trial and hardship. These children’s books mean so much more as adults simply because life happens. Our experiences allow us to feel on a level previously not possible because we see beyond the fluff of the pretty pictures and fun characters. So
why do we call them children’s books when, really, they directly relate to adults? The Giving Tree The Giving Tree embodies the theme of self-giving love and the selfishness of humanity. The tree gives all it has to the boy, providing for him in all stages of life until he is nothing but a stump. The boy, always dissatisfied, returns to the tree asking for more. Even when he is only a stump, he continues to give to the boy as a seat in his old age. We journey alongside the two as the boy ages and takes from the tree, which is always willing to help out his old friend. Now, that we can truly understand the tree’s sacrifice, we are too old to go back and play with the tree once again. We can only carry it with us as we move forward. Oh, The Places You’ll Go Dr. Seuss books automatically bring rhyme and animation to mind. As a child, you probably concerned yourself more with the rhythm of the words and the vibrant images than the story’s
message. Seuss instills a theme of confidence into the reader throughout the story. He warns about the lonely times and the ups and downs but encourages the reader to persevere and create his own path. The repeated message of belief in oneself resonates with an older crowd after being beaten down by hardships a n d the judgment of others.
The Little Engine That Could In this story, the Little Engine has to make it over the mountain to deliver its toys. However, the weak Little Engine lacks belief in itself and implores assistance from the bigger engines that all refuse. Sadly, the Little Engine does not make it over the mountain. But, after trying its very best, the Little Engine is content with its effort. This story values hard work and positive thinking, emphasizing the idea that effort is what counts.
talks about how we must step outside of our comfort zones to explore and take advantage of all life has to offer. Finally, the Prince teaches us that not all decisions are to be made with logic; rather, we must make decisions with our hearts. We hold onto memories of these books as fond ones of happy stories, but these books’ meanings alter as we mature as individuals. They also help remind us of the simple lessons of love and friendship we can often forget and dismiss as unimportant as adults. So, go back and reread your childhood favorites, who knows what you’ll learn?
The Little Prince The Little Prince reminds readers of being a child. Not in a nostalgic form, but rather, in a manner that begs the questions, why do we and do we ever really grow up? Let your imagination run wild like it did before life and education taught you how to act and think. It also
Courtesy of Pinterest
One Acts Bring Students’ Creativity to Jesuit Stage By SARAH NGUYEN ‘20
Continued from Page 2 This act provided great laughs as its plot revolved around a parent-teen relationship but with a twist. The parents’ expectations of their son were atypical of the usual lectures and ideals. This high schooler’s parents scorned and discouraged his good habits such as getting good grades, having respectable dating habits and getting accepted into a good college. At one instance, the boy admitted, “I am sorry, but I can’t do the things you want me to do like drugs or sex. This is my life, so I’m going to continue to get good grades, and next year I will attend Duke… and you can’t do anything to stop me from my decisions.” After the boy admits his “unacceptable” decisions and stomps off, the boy’s parents deliver a comical resolution suggesting their manipulative nature into shaping their son’s good habits. Afterwards, the show continued with “Nuclear family” and “2B or Not 2B” which were both entertaining acts. The audience’s attention stayed glued to the stage throughout the performance. “The Still Alarm” followed and was by far one of the best acts of the night. Not only was it unique and well-acted, it was also fun. The storyline takes place in a hotel where a fire slowly engulfs the building, but a businessman and a businesswoman react with indifference. While most people would panic and think of a solution when lives are at stake, the two people casually dealt with the issue with humorous, temporary so-
lutions. For example, as the temperature in the building rises, the woman does not jump out the window or call for help, but instead calls room service for a
The day kicks off with “Real Fake Wrestling,” an act that teaches one to accept oneself as the main male character learns that love is more important than
Courtesy of Sarah Nguyen ‘20 glass of cold water. After this act, “The Accident,” a play within a play about a snazzy director and his desperate attempts to keep the show alive, kept the show at its peak as real humans replaced props. By the end of the first day, the One Acts concluded with “Check Please,” and taught a lesson regarding true love and the process of finding the right one. The next day showcased studentwritten shows. Giving students the opportunity to display their creative sides, the audience got a feel of some of the newest trends and younger people’s perspectives.
his ego. Afterwards, other showcases like “Danger Close,” “Have You Ever Hit a Kid in the Face with a Knife Before,” and “Writer’s Room” followed. Seceding these continuous entertaining acts, the cast performed “Elevator Speech,” an act about a shy boy who learns self-confidence. As he rides up to the top floor of his apartment building, he decides to ask the incoming residents for advice to change himself. However, at the end of the ride, he realizes that he does not need to change himself for others because real friends and loved ones will love one for oneself. This a significant les-
son that people in general must realize. The next act “No Self-Serve” was confusing, yet one of the most entertaining acts of the night. Based around the “Necking” game in which a student will slap an unsuspecting classmate across the back of the neck, a boy becomes obsessed with this game. At first, this game may seem pointless, but it also delivers an important message: life is like a game. One wants to eventually win the game of life, but one should not take it to the extreme where loved ones are being pushed out of one’s life, because in the end it will take you out as well. This result is also shown as the main character takes himself out in the end in attempt to get the perfect score. Ultimately, after both days of performances, Driver’s Ed provided the perfect closing. People claim that “Driver’s Ed” was the most amusing performance of all. This statement is indisputable. As these driving students take their test, their substitute teacher shares his driving experiences and imparts preposterous lessons such as how to run from the police and how to pay attention as he pursues a “beautiful woman” and simultaneously deals with his wife in the passenger’s seat. One Acts is not only an amusing performance demonstrating students’ talents and creativity, but as Sophia Tran of Ursuline’s Class 2020 said, “One Acts was a place to live, love, and laugh.” In the end, One Acts was worth one’s Friday and Saturday and is a show worth catching next year.
Global Features
The Bear Facts
The Bear Facts
be applied to the debris floating through the waves of our ocean. Although we do not always see trash and debris at the beach, the ocean is sadly full of pollution, It is what we do not see, the broken down microplastic and nanoplastic trash that poses the biggest threat to
not only marine life, but to us. Plastic can never fully break down, but it can decompose to tiny microscopic pieces. When it is ingested by marine life, “microplastic particles can physically damage organs and leach hazardous chemicals,” says an article in Scientific American. Additionally, in recent discoveries, scientists have begun to find plastic in the reproductive systems of fish and in the blubber of seals. It does not take rocket scientist to come to the conclusion
that plastic in a reproductive system can only end poorly. Also, think about every time you go to a seafood restaurant and order fish. There is no way of knowing the fish has ingested microplastic, so how can you be sure that you are not ingesting that microplastic as well. If you are not convinced that pollution is not a real problem, there are millions of articles online further proving the negative effects of pollution and its effects on our future children. Aside from recycling, you can help the environment by reducing your use of plastic. Rather than using a plastic straw to drink your beverage, just simply sip it or use a paper straw. Rather than using five to six plastic bags at the grocery store, keep reusable bags in your car that you can simply bring in with you. Rather than letting the water run for five minutes while you a’re cleaning your dishes, simply turn the sink off. All of these are fairly simple solutions to day-to-day problems that could help change our world and make it a better place for future generations. Believe me, caring about the environment is well worth your time and your effort.
Ursuline has celebrated a “Global Day” for over a decade now, challenging Ursuline girls to be aware of their global landscape. Each day has always included both varied speakers and a delightful global market full of potential Christmas gifts. But beyond the charm of unique international products, the market has a more serious and altruistic face. The humanitarian cause has been a part of Global Day from early on in its tenure. Since 2008, Ursuline has sent
Courtesy of Sarah Hui money raised from the global market to St. Catherine’s Girls Primary School in
Featuring Our Beneficiaries... By MS. NIPP
Ms. Kane at the Miramar School
Colegio Ursulino Miramar
“The first is a photo of Ms. Kane in Peru at the Miramar school – the second is a photo I took on my first visit to Colegio Ursulino Miramar. The third is a photo of a young girl receiving a donated backpack from donations that we sent to St. Catherine’s – She’s with Sr. Anne Onyancha, the principal at St. Catherine’s. Last is a photo of Sr. Anne and Sr. Grechen from St; Catherine’s – they are holding a photo of the girls from UA’s Art club a few years ago. Every year they receive a donation from our Art club from the sale of Intramural T-shirts. And every year they receive a photo of the UA students in the club which Sr. Anne proudly displays in her office for all to see.”
you by teachers since grade school, and it may sound trite, but take a moment and reflect upon how often you actually recycle. Majority of the time, people are so used to throwing their trash away that it does not even occur to them to drop their debris in the blue bin. But if everyone on the planet took a few seconds out of their day to place recyclable items in the correct bin, we could make a serious impact on the pollution on our planet. Why should you care about pollution? Pollution is a broad term many people struggle to comprehend. When you think of pollution, you may think of the trash you see lying on the ground. In reality, pollution is a very serious issue that applies to nearly every aspect of our lives. Think about the air you breathe in day to day for a moment. Cars are driving 24/7; therefore, cars are emitting vehicle exnot have to be a “crazy haust into the air 24/7…and environmentalist” to you are breathing this air make a difference. Now, into your lungs 24/7. Polluzealous environmentalists tion is not just found on our are inspiring in the fact that street corners, it is found in they passionately our air, and it is starting to afpursue what they care about. fect our health. Breathing polBut, you do not have to go luted air has been proven to put banging on your neighbors’ you at a higher risk for asthdoors to make a difference. ma and other respratory And if you are worried diseases. about being labeled as a The environment is “crazy environmentalist,” related with your there are various simple ways health, so taking you can make a difference care of the world and a profound impact. around us, we are For starters, you can also taking care of begin by recycling. I know our own bodies. this term is probably one Pollution can also that has been shouted at Courtesy of Google Images
Global Features
Global Market Benefits Great Causes
Why You Should Care About the Enviroment The issue of the environment has often been a topic that many may have rolled their eyes at or even ignored. Unfortunately, the people banging at your door to speak to you about climate change often misrepresent what “caring for the environment” looks like. You do
St. Catherine’s
Nangina, Kenya. The girls’ school is always in need of assistance for the tuition of orphaned girls that otherwise would not be able to attend. Ursuline’s global trip to the bordering country of Uganda also participates in aiding St. Catherine’s, along with the art club and student council. When the delegation travels to Uganda, muchneeded items of backpacks, shoes, socks and underwear fill suitcases to the brim. Handmade greeting and Christmas cards, school supplies, bedding and equipment have all made their way to the girls in Kenya. “Funds from selling intramural shirts and Catholic Schools Week are also sent at the end of each school year,” said Ms. Nipp, head of the global program. The second school that the global market benefits is also a primary school. Known as Colegio Ursulino Miramar, the school is in Peru and run by Ursuline
sisters, much like Colegio Santa Ursula, Ursuline’s sister school. While in Peru, Ursuline’s global department purchases souvenirs and trinkets to be brought back to Dallas and sold on Global Day. The profits that they garner complete the cycle, returning to Peru and the nuns of Colegio Ursulino Miramar. Ursuline began helping the primary school six years ago. Located in an impoverished area of Lima, the children there need uniforms and food that their families cannot otherwise afford. “The Ursuline Sisters feed the children themselves to make sure they have at least one good meal a day,” said Ms. Nipp. Although the Sisters do not receive many donations, they must account for the expenses of maintaining the school of about 400-500 students. Besides benefitting two schools, the global market is Ursuline’s response to a recent appeal for help from Ursuline Sisters based in crisis-stricken Venezuela. The appeal came from Sr. Brenda Ferreira O.S.U. and was passed to the Central Province, U.S.A. of the Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union by Sr. Elisa Ryan O.S.U., who knows Sr. Brenda personally. Ursuline Dallas is part of the Central Province, and many of the 40 provinces of the Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union around the world are sending aid. Since the economic crisis struck Venezuela severely in 2014, people who have not already left the country continue to face the harsh consequences of hyperinflation. The annual inflation rate reached 83,000% last July, according to the opposition-controlled National Assembly, Venezuela’s legislative body. Due to the inflation, food is a luxury to most Venezuelans. “When people go to buy bread, if there even is bread available, they have to bring along an enormous pile of Venezuelan money,” said Ms. Nipp, as she indicated the size of a large stack of cash with her hands. In June, a million bolivars were only worth 29 U.S. cents, according to Condé Nast Traveller. Extreme poverty has risen by 40 percent, and in the slums of the country, children are the most vulnerable to hunger. Mothers and children scavenging for food in landfills are a common sight, said BBC reporter Vladimir Hernandez. Families simply cannot afford to buy food as what is available is far too expensive. More and more children are living on the streets, as they leave home to escape abusive parents or because there are too many mouths to feed at home. The problem of feeding their children has forced pregnant mothers to make
inconceivable decisions, giving up their babies for adoption or sending away grown children to live with strangers. These Venezuelan children have not lost hope for the future. One boy interviewed by Hernandez said that he wants to study hard someday in order to help anyone who has had to beg like he has. The Ursuline sisters in Venezuela have been giving out food and clothing to the people in their neighborhood and providing shelter to those that need it. They have also been coping with governmental persecution of Catholics and the poor. Because U.S. dollars are more
valuable than any other currency in Venezuela, the money raised from the global market will go a long way to support the sisters, and through them, the people of Venezuela. “I am so glad you all are going to help them,” said Sr. Lois Castillon, O.S.U. By shopping in the global market, finding the perfect Christmas gift becomes more than just that. At the heart of it, it is finding the people around the world and building up their hope.
Courtesy of Sarah Hui ‘20
The Bear Facts
The Bear Facts
What Are Healthy Relationships? By GRACE RISINGER ‘20
Courtesy of Sarah Hui ‘20
‘War on Boys’: Implications of Language By JACKIE THOMAS ‘20
As many Ursuline juniors learn each year in AP Language and Composition, style can make or break a writer’s point, convey their attitude and express their argument more clearly to the audience. This rings true whether in Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle or the ReMarker’s recently controversial “Kavanaugh and the War on Boys”— devices reveal tone, tone reveals the author’s attitude, and attitude reveals the piece’s underlying message. And what is this not-so-hidden meaning within “War on Boys?” Let’s take a closer look at Wallace White’s argument through his rhetorical and linguistic choices used throughout his article to find out. Of course, the most logical place to begin is with White’s word choices. Diction throughout the entire piece forms a decidedly dramatic, agitated tone, and there are too many examples to fully examine here, but some specific terms warrant discussion. Some of White’s most notable diction concerns boys’ apparently inevitable natural transgressions. Take, for example, “tomfoolery.” The connotation of the term brings to mind a 5-year-old playfully feeding his asparagus to his dog under the kitchen table to avoid vegetables, not the complicated issues of relationships or sexual assault. In this way, White constructs a lighthearted tone surrounding boys’ supposed innate propensity toward mistakes, conveying an ultimate message that the “stupid things” boys do are harmless and even beneficial. Later, White also calls the consequences of manly romantic conquest sometimes “self-destructive.” This term reinforces his earlier carefree, even playful, tone by emphasizing boys’ only victims as themselves in their “drive to pursue love.” While not referring to rape, White’s diction implies
boys’ previously described transgressions have no real negative impact on others, making an enormous generalization over all male mistakes to support his message. In the area of boys’ utter lack of control over their minds, bodies, wills and actions, White uses words like “unbridled,” “untamable,” and “indominable” [sic]. These terms, all meaning impossible to control, subdue, or constrain, convey an impassioned and outraged tone and White’s resulting point that males are simply unable to function independently from a set list of aggressive, “masculine” traits. Next, White uses a pattern of language to refute the idea of boys’ actions being criticized or limited, accusing his opposers of “curtail[ing]” or “inhibit[ing]” American masculinity. Meaning “depriving” and “impeding and hindering natural behavior” respectively, these word choices add to White’s accusatory tone and begin his rhetoric of men as victims of both their nature and women’s insistence to restrain them. Beyond diction and language, White’s devices and structures expand his argument and reveal his message in deeper detail. One such structure is passive voice, which enables White to paint boys and men as victims without mentioning who carries out the supposed victimizing. As a result of passive voice, he avoids naming who “calls [men] a myriad of names,” “call[s] [Kavanaugh] a rapist,” or teaches boys “that their masculinity needs to be curtailed.” This purposeful shift of focus strengthens White’s consistent narrative of boys as victims of faceless aggressors like their apparent innate character.
White also uses implied procatalepsis, or acknowledgement of and rebuttal to objection, to convey his point, saying, “…boys will do stupid things sometimes. And that’s ok. Yes, let boys make stupid mistakes.” Here, White implies the objection that boys should control themselves and use foresight and morals to consider consequences before their actions, and, while he offers no specific reasoning for his rebuttal, his slightly patronizing tone formed by straightforward language characterizes this hypothetical objector as ridiculous and unfounded. To build his emotional, angry voice of victimization throughout his piece, White uses parallelism and anaphora, where he repeats words and phrases or mirrors structures between statements to give these areas emphasis and emotional crescendo. For example, White pointedly introduces a paragraph, “Boys can’t experience essential parts of their lives. They can’t be themselves.” Parallelism in this phrase, in the repetition of “can’t,” highlights White’s perceived unfair restriction of male rights and identities. Similarly, in a concluding statement, White stresses, “The drive, the impulsiveness, the aggression.” This structure once again serves to build the passionate, angry tone, emphasizing supposed inherent male qualities being
threatened. “Kavanaugh and the War on Boys” delivers a treasure trove of rhetorical and stylistic devices that we as readers can use to decipher White’s point behind the bluster. Putting together his diction, structure and rhetoric, White’s overall tone is offended and resentful. However, the effect of this tone, though obvious with analysis, is surprising considering his opening sentence: “Boys will be boys.” White’s overall message, perceived through language, is not that boys will be boys; rather, his insistence on boys’ utter submission to a list of antiquated “masculine” traits reinforced by his devices provides a far different takeaway: boys will be no one. Chock-full of bravado and self-defined masculine aggression, White’s op-ed strips away all individuality, identity and uniqueness from boys and men, reducing them to objects at the mercy of their biological “unbridled” need to express “tomfoolery” in a blind “drive to pursue love.” The aforementioned not-so-hidden meaning? Boys are supposedly incapable of acting as intelligent, decisive humans. According to White and his language, boys will not be boys. Apparently, boys will be no one, no identity at all.
Contrary to the belief expressed in “Kavanaugh and the war on boys,” it is extremely possible for boys to be in relationships without the looming fear of “being called a rapist.” In fact, it is more than a possibility; understanding what relationship abuse is, how this abuse effects relationships and what makes a healthy relationship are the first steps in putting a stop to this mentality. Relationship abuse comes in many forms; it is not always a slap or a kick. There are five different types of abuse: verbal, emotional, financial, spiritual and physical. Verbal abuse makes a partner feel insulted and belittled. Examples of verbal abuse are constant name-calling, yelling, or even spreading rumors. This type of abuse causes a partner to believe that the abuser does not support him or her. This abuse can happen through social media just as harmfully as it can through spoken word; according to Genesis Women’s Shelter, 1 in 4 dating teens is abused either online or through text by their partner. Emotional abuse is very similar to verbal abuse. Emotional abuse can range anywhere from criticizing language to refusing to communicate. It can cause partners to lose sight of themselves, resulting in a loss of confidence, canceling plans with loved ones and losing interest in old hobbies. Although financial abuse does not particularly relate to high-school relationships, it is the most common type of abuse seen in domestic violence cases. Abusers controlling money and how it is spent as well as denying partners the ability to work are examples of this type of abuse. Spiritual abuse uses religious practices to rationalize abusive behavior or to manipulate partners. Additionally, abusers will prevent partners from practicing their desired religious beliefs. This type of abuse causes partners to become submissive; abusers magnify partner’s sins or weaknesses while minimizing their own. Those spiritually abused are more likely to believe it is their fault, as reported by Genesis Women’s Shelter. Every .09 seconds, a woman is assaulted. Physical abuse is violent abuse that includes punching, reckless driving, using weaponry and attempted murder. The effects of this type of abuse are
most easily seen eye to eye, as many victims of physical abuse are left with bruises or other types of scarring. Physical abuse leads to fear, depression and sometimes alcoholism. Following the five types of abuse and their effects, Loveisrespect.org defines “open, honest and safe communication” as the key parts to having a healthy relationship. How does one lead a healthy relationship? There are five guidelines to maintaining a healthy, loving relationship: speak up, compromise, be supportive, each other and respect each other’s privacy. Everyone is going to disagree on something; it is simply human nature. Instead of letting disagreements or other issues took a toll on a relationship, do not be afraid to speak up. It is best to maturely discuss issues at hand, rather than holding it in. Again, disagreements are a natural part of any relationship. When disagreeing in a relationship, it is important to find a way to compromise. When compromising, think about resolving issues in a fair and balanced way. Unlike emotional or verbal abuse, healthy relationships focus on building each other up, rather than putting each other down. Offering support to one another is a very simple, yet effective way of expressing care. Reassure and encourage each other! Mutual respect is essential in healthy relationships. For example, a partner may dislike their partner’s favorite television show. Both of their opinions have value. It is best to make an effort to keep significant other’s ideas in mind. Additionally, respect each other’s privacy. Healthy relationships require space, and it is not healthy to share everything or be together constantly. Knowing what the five types of abuse are and the effects they have are the first steps in building a healthy relationship. Through speaking up, compromising, being supportive and respecting each other and each other’s privacy, it is possible for boys to be in loving relationships, in which they will not have to fear being called a rapist.
Sports & Wellness
The Bear Facts
The Bear Facts
Featured: Abigail Mihalic ‘20 and Isabella Mihalic ‘18 Courtesy of Abigail Mihalic ‘20 ever. The Texas A&M Aggies have had a fairly successful season thus far, which is due in large part to new head coach Jimbo Fisher. For the past couple of months “since A&M hired Fisher, the Aggies have been out to make the relationship with LSU less one-sided and become a perennial contender to win the SEC title,” said Sportsday. The tension between A&M and LSU’s football teams dates back to early 2018. In fear that A&M would gain one of the top recruits in the country, LSU gave its defensive coordinator and head coach,
for many reasons. Texas A&M’s receiver, Kendrick Rogers, was the highlight of the Aggie team after he scored a thirdovertime miraculous “[haul] in with one hand while drawing an obvious pass interference penalty. A two-point conversion -- also caught by Rogers -- tied the game at 49 and sent it into its fourth overtime” and two touchdowns. Other highlights include the LSU Tigers giving Orgeron a Gatorade bath after mistakenly assuming they had a game-ending inter-
ception, Texas A&M’s seventhovertime 17-yard touchdown (from Mond to Davis), and Rogers’ game-winning two-point conversion and fourth
scoring play of the game. In fact, the Nov. 24th game was so crazy, Fisher could not even wrap his head around what happened. “I lost track of overtimes, I ain’t gonna lie…They said seven, I guess, [if] that’s what y’all say it was,” he said. Both teams’ scores combined result in 146 points, which is the most points ever scored in any FBS game. 84 of the 146 points were earned throughout the seven overtimes. Previously, Texas A&M has also won 74-10 versus TCU in 1986. “Those are the schools’ two highest totals since 1925. LSU’s 72 points were the most A&M allowed since its infamous 77-0 loss to Oklahoma in 2003.” TAMU students filled the stadium, showing off their school spirit as they yelled “BTHO LSU!” while waving white towels in the air. Without a doubt, Texas A&M versus LSU was a memorable game, whether you watched it at home or at Kyle Field. For Aggies all over the world, Nov. 24th, 2018 will be a date cherished and remembered forever. As for the LSU Tigers, however, better luck next time.
Piecing Together Benefits of Cold Season By SARAH NGUYEN ‘20
Cold weather brings shivers. Cold weather makes noses leak. It forms goosebumps all down the body, and it can make people ill. But there are benefits to the cold season… First, the cooler temperature boosts your brain productivity and helps with memory recollection. Recent research proves that people complete tasks more effectively when the atmosphere is cooler rather than warmer. During the winter, people are also more motivated when resolving issues or solving cognitive problems. With this knowledge, create a music playlist composed of favorite songs, grab a workout buddy, set ten minutes aside and enjoy the benefit of a brief walk around the neighborhood. A simple walk has the power to reduce stress and make one’s day.
During the winter season, people also burn more calories as the body puts in more effort to maintain its temperature. According to Stacy Tucker, a natural health expert and founder of Alemda Labs, “Bodies use a consid-
erable amount of energy to keep us warm and humidify the air we breathe when we’re out in the cold.” However, people should not lower their home temperatures to unhealthy settings because they want a quick way out of a workout. In accordance to physical health, brown fat also increases in the winter. Regular human fat and brown fat differ drastically. Most human fat has a white appearance, while brown fat is packed with mitochondria fat cells that burn energy and produce heat in the body. Furthermore, during the warmer seasons, pollen is most prominent and triggers allergies. In contrast, flowers and pollen are not as present during the winter. This factor is a major win for those who suffer from nonstop sneezing and constant nose-rubbing. This blessing gives those victims a break. Besides cooler temperature in relation to minor disturbances, fatal diseases and viruses are less active. For instance, mosquito-caused diseases such as malaria and West Nile are less
likely to strike because these pests hibernate during winter. If one rolls side to side in one’s sleep out of discomfort, this discomfort most likely occurs whenever one sleeps in a warm setting. In comparison to warmth, cooler temperatures promote restful sleep. Cooler weather is better for the heart. It can make daily workout routines more invigorating, as the heart pumps oxygenated blood. More oxygenated blood comes from the body’s hard work in maintaining a constant body temperature. Frankly, winter also has beauty benefits. When one obtains an injury, one usually treats it with ice packs; the coldness enhancing blood circulation. Thus, as the cold surrounds the body, this condition reduces the likelihood of puffy eyes and facial swelling. It provides a fresher, livelier look. On the other hand, when the summer air is excessively dry, people tend to feel like the worst version of themselves. The arid weather can dry your skin out and quickly drain energy. Additionally, research has scientifically proven that cool seasons make people happier. Researchers in Poland conducted a study to determine the
direct correlation between stress levels and temperatures. Scientists found that the stress hormone cortisol, which makes people irritable, is lower during winter and rises in summer. The high level of cortisol
explains the rise in violence during hot summers. Scorching heat can leave one deflated or moody, thus leading to high production of cortisol. Experts advise that exercising outdoors in cold weather increases the release of endorphins, a euphoria-evoking hormone. As the body burns energy and maintains body health, it naturally lifts one’s mood. Constant coughs and tough freezing winds should not be the sole association with winter. Winter can be of equal or more benefit than the other seasons.
Ed Orgeron, “a massive raise to keep A&M from prying him away” earlier this year. Regardless, A&M ended up recruiting him. As if there was not already enough tension between the teams, the A&M Aggies beat the LSU Tigers for a four-star quarterback in February for Fisher’s first signing class. In addition, the LSU Tigers have a seven-game winning streak (including all six meetings since A&M’s first SEC season back in 2012) against the Aggies. The Nov. 24th game, however, had the potential to change this. The Aggies worked extremely hard to beat LSU, given that they aspire to be an abiding competitor for the coveted SEC title. “You kind of need to beat a team for it to be officially a rivalry,” A&M junior tight-end Jace Sternberger said. “We’re trying to change that this weekend.” Because both LSU and A&M consider Texas and Louisiana as part of their recruiting footprint, there is plenty of natural conflict between the schools, explained Sportsday. The Nov. 24th game was exciting
Sports & Wellness
A Missing Piece, Found
Aggies Beat LSU Tigers 74-72 in 7 Overtime Game On Nov. 24th, Texas A&M beat Louisiana State University with a final score of 74-72 in the highest-scoring, busiest, and craziest Football Bowl Subdivision game
There was a time when Ursuline’s library had no jigsaw puzzles, but who remembers that? Hailey Neuhoff ‘20 cannot. The many pieces of different puzzles have meaningfully changed her time at Ursuline for the better. To some, jigsaw puzzles may seem archaic or something that can only be found in a nursing home. Yet these challenging games have positive effects on a variety of people. The mental stimulation that solving a jigsaw involves is used to help both aging seniors and people suffering PTSD. These same benefits can also help high school students. Sitting down to solve a jigsaw puzzle is an effective
meditative routine. It lowers a person’s breath rate, heart rate and blood pres-
sure, said Nicole Osmond, founder of Piece by Peace Puzzles, a puzzle-selling business aiming to help people with mental illnesses. As a form of relaxing meditation, puzzles are also a successful way to help high school students reduce stress. “It is a de-stressor,” said Neuhoff, “I usually come in [to the library] during my free and spend the whole time doing a puzzle.” Puzzles provide an energizing challenge for the mind to focus on, allowing the brain to take a break from the day-to-day anxieties of life. “I’m
completely focused [on the puzzle] and I don’t have to think about anything else.
The world happens around me, but I don’t pay attention to it,” said Neuhoff. The mental challenge of a jigsaw puzzle exercises the brain in a way that requires logic, short-term memory and visuospatial abilities. Solving a puzzle also entails thinking creatively, not just logically, to find the solution. “I noticed that as I do more and more puzzles, it’s easier and I can match and recognize patterns faster,” said Neuhoff. According to Susan Jimison Vitek, editor of Mind, Mood, & Memory, a publication that focuses on the latest developments in mental health, exercising
the brain frequently with jigsaw puzzles makes it nimbler and healthier through the connections made between neurons. These effects are advantageous for students who use their minds every day at school to learn. Neuhoff’s friend, Angelita de los Munoz ’20, has no doubt that the
library’s jigsaw puzzles have helped Neuhoff tremendously with her stress. “And her grades got higher,” Munoz added. While the number of jigsaw puzzles a person completes does not have a direct correlation to IQ, puzzles will improve stress and perhaps even cognitive ability. Every year, these last couple of weeks before Christmas break foretell increased pressure on every student, as assignments and tests must completed before the semester ends. Rather than getting distracted by a Netflix show while taking a “break,” consider working on a puzzle to de-stress, improve your thinking, and avoid a regrettable, screen-induced migraine .
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The Bear Facts
Bohemian Rhapsody Takes Stage by Storm By ISABELLA JAAR ‘19
Countless hits, millions of fans, an undying legacy; the British 1970s band Queen redefined classic rock with songs like “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “We are the Champions,” and “Another One Bites the Dust.” Queen’s music is not only still relevant among popular culture today, but also, it comes with a powerful story. Starring Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury, the film Bohemian Rhapsody finally brings Queen’s jawdropping story to the big screen. Without a doubt, the film would have been incomplete without the incorporation of the rest of Queen’s members: Brian May (Gwilym Lee), Roger Taylor (Ben Hardy), and John Deacon (Joseph Mazzello). Admittedly, I had minimum knowledge on Queen and their story Courtesy of IMB prior to watching the film. Of course, I knew a few major details, given that my parents are big fans. Regardless, I did not know what to expect going into the theater. This changed after watching the movie; I had been captivated by the story and was instantly yearning to learn more. Bohemian Rhapsody is a film, and not every detail is 100 percent accurate. Yet, it beautifully captures the essence
of Queen’s story, accurately depicting several major events and occurrences. “My favorite part of Bohemian Rhapsody was watching the Live Aid concert near the end of the film. The way it was filmed made me feel like I was at a concert, not a movie theater,” explained Sarah Hui ’20. Malek openly revealed how challenging it was for him to take on the role of Freddie Mercury, whose legacy is val-
Mercury’s entire story, Malek explained that “It’s never going to be perfect in fulfilling the story of a man who we could make countless documentaries about and countless miniseries about” (Smoothradio.com). Bohemian Rhapsody highlights the many stereotypes Mercury destroyed through his music and his experiences. “He, and the band, they brought down every convention of what music should be and how human beings should act in public. He’s a revolutionary in that he just refused to be ued segregated or marginalized by in any way,” said Malek. There are several aspects of Bohemany. mian Rhapsody that especially Howresonated with viewers. ever, “[He] “The cast and crew did a ultimately really great job in portrayfound himself ing Freddie Mercury’s life channeling Mercury’s without being too intrucharismatic stage presence so sive and personal. much so that toward the end of shoot- My favorite part ing the film, he asked the costume de- of the movie was signer to make his character another seeing how sequin leotard, this time in ruby red” perfectly each (Npr.org). Many have praised Malek’s actor resemperformance as Freddie Mercury. bled their reFrankly, it is no surprise that he is spective band expected to receive an Oscar for his member; the stellar enactment. casting was Although many critics and viewextremely ers have complained that Bohemian well done,” Rhapsody does not fully reveal Freddie said Grace
Risinger ’20. “Creating this film was the perfect way to honor and preserve both Freddie Mercury and Queen’s legacy, though it is idealized at times. Rami Malek was definitely the perfect actor for this part,” added Jackie Thomas ’20. Bohemian Rhapsody has been labeled as the “Now HighestGrossing Music Biopic Ever,” as it has attracted viewCourtesy of Mental ers from Floss all ages and backgrounds. Since its release on Nov. 2nd, 2018, Bohemian Rhapsody has made approximately $401.2 million, prompting uproar among Queen fans everywhere. The film not only exceeded my high expectations, but also helped me understand the true emotions and inspiration behind Queen’s songs. Ultimately, Queen has entered the spotlight once again, and it probably
Courtesy of Bonanza
‘Teen’ Movie Casting: Sneaking Away Self-Confidence By BETHANY ROBERTS ‘20
As much as everyone loves the popular TV shows Pretty Little Liars, Gossip Girl, Vampire Diaries and Riverdale, they all possess the same, major dilemma: the relatable teens they portray are adults. The shock that comes from learning Nina Dobrev was 24 in Vampire Dairies has been the same shock that has hit screen-lovers for decades. John Travolta in Grease was 24. Rachel McAdams in Mean Girls was 25. While some argue the casting is harmless, the unseen efCourtesy fects on teen of mom.me viewers are deeply psychological. Barbara Greenberg, PhD, a clinical psychologist and teen and family expert, says teens unknowingly “engage in comparison” due to the “spotlight effect,” the false belief that everyone is looking at them all the time. A teenager is anything but a passive viewer. Casting actors in their 20s can complicate an already challenging time for teens. Adults have a more consistent appearance and which cause still-developing teens to internalize messages of incessant perfection. According to Barbara Greenberg, PhD, a clinical psychologist and teen and family expert, this message can “lead to all kinds of body-image and social-comparison is-
sues and we know that social comparison can be a thief of joy.” However, the natural maturity and poise of the older actors could cast a better role model. “Role modeling is the best form of learning,” said Greenburg. The natural elegance of actresses within the show and outside the show casts a model for teens to mirror. However, maturity is not always idolized. The mental effect of skewed casting is
Courtesy of JustJared and Pinterest
a two-way street. Older female characters are often cast as extremely older women, painting a negative picture of maturity. “In their teens, they get a message of perfection, and as they get older, they’re getting a very inaccurate depiction of what an older, maturing woman looks like” says Greenburg. Considering Hollywood’s perspective, casting directors experience the setbacks to casting a minor. Casting a minor includes the requirements of a guardian on-set
at all times and the rule of maximum hours on-set. Stereotypically, Hollywood actors are thankful to receive any role, but recently Lili Reinhart spoke out about the comfortable trap of teen roles. Reinhart spoke with Teen Vogue about her plans after Riverdale. “I don’t want to do another high school story,” she said. She continued to discuss the limitations she feels in playing a high-schooler. “I think in order for me to feel that I’m pushing myself and growing as a performer, I need to kind of do things that are a little bit more adult and maybe things Courtesy of that are more MSN grounded, because Riverdale is so over-the-top and very fast-paced and everything is so dramatic,” she said. Is Hollywood limiting the potential of talented actors by continuously assigning and creating teen roles for adults? Perhaps, but the real importance rests on the public to recognize this reality. The significance of accurate casting is up for debate, and recognizing the unrealistic expectations of beauty and lifestyle presented on TV is important to keep in mind.
The Bear Facts
The Bear Facts
Where to Find the Best Hot Chocolate in Dallas By EMILEA MCCUTCHAN ’20
When the days are short and the nights are cold and long, nothing sounds better than a cup of hot chocolate. Hot chocolate has been warming people for 2,000 years, since the ancient Mayan civilization. Originally, it was spicy with the Mayan’s addition of chili pepper. It was not until the 1500s when sugar replaced the chili pepper and became the wonderful holiday drink we know and love today—some enjoy this holiday beverage warm or frozen. Plus, hot chocolate actually has health benefits including bettering concentration and mood. What better way to improve your mood and concentration than with some warm, chocolatey goodness from these shops around Dallas? Whether you prefer your chocolate hot or frozen, these hot cocoa places are the way to go. White Rock Coffee, who recently opened a new store on Preston and Royal Road and has historically served the Northeast Dallas area for years, offers a variety of coffees and pasties. However, their hot chocolate is the star of the café. The café uses the Guittard Chocolate Company’s chocolate to create this super sweet hot chocolate. The company has been making hot chocolate for over 150 years, plenty of time to perfect it! Starbucks, a staple for Christmas and holiday drinks, located all over Dallas, offers both peppermint and regular hot chocolate. Both are rich and chocolatey, but the peppermint one has a minty taste. Plus, Starbucks has a variety of milk options, including dairy-free op-
tions like almond milk and coconut milk, which is perfect if you cannot have dairy but still want to enjoy deli-
offers a hot chocolate that is a family secret. The chocolate they use traces its origins back to 1925. In 1925, Rinaldo and
Courtesy of Cravings of a Lunatic cious hot chocolate. Also located on Preston Road and Royal Road is Eatzis. Known for their delicious salads and opera music, Eatzis
Ezilda Torre visited family in Lucca, Italy. They returned home to San Francisco with an important hot chocolate recipe to create with authentic flavored syrups.
That same chocolate recipe is used at Eatzis. Unlike other hot chocolate spots, they use vanilla to enhance the chocolate flavor. It is one of the most distinct flavors of hot chocolate out of the entire list. If you like a subtler hot chocolate, Eatzis has the perfect hot cocoa for you. Neuhaus Café and Chocolate Shop offers a lot of chocolate in its storefront on Preston and Royal Road. Their hot chocolate is similar to a mocha, as they add a splash of coffee to their customblended hot chocolate. It is the perfect hot chocolate for the morning, when you might need a boost of caffeine. Drip Coffee Company, located on Lovers Lane, offers a variety of coffees for its customers, but their hot chocolate sets them apart from other coffee places. They use Dutch chocolate to create their hot chocolate, which is crafted to be paired with espresso to give it a kick. They, too, offer dairy-free milk options like almond milk and coconut milk so everyone can enjoy hot chocolate. Last, but not least, is Royal Blue Grocery in Highland Park Village. Royal Blue Grocery is the perfect place to drink a hot chocolate while studying, as they have an upstairs area filled with tables and chairs for all your studying needs. Each of these hot chocolate spots offers their own unique spin on hot chocolate. Whether it is with coffee, espresso, or just some whipped cream on top, each of these hot chocolate places offers the nostalgic taste of this wintertime neverage.
Egg Overtakes Kylie Jenner for Most Likes on Instagram By ALESSIA WELCH ‘21
On January 4, 2019, a picture of an egg was posted on Instagram under the username world_record_egg. 9 days later it became the most-liked Instagram photo by beating Kylie Jenner’s birth announcement. 11 days later the photo of the egg has over 43.5 million likes. Yes. A photo of an egg. The egg is not an expensive, rare egg. There is no celebrity in the photo endorsing the egg. There was no famous mind who had millions of supporters behind the egg. It is just a regular egg, brown with speckles and shaped as any normal egg would be. Actually, as of now the identity of the mastermind behind the egg is still unknown. Regardless, the Instagram account has taken 2019 by storm. Created with the sole purpose to post a picture that will become the most-liked photo on Instagram, this account has garnered over 6.5 million followers in less than 2 weeks. As stated in their bio, their goal was to surpass the previous most-liked photo who had been posted by none other than Kylie Jenner. Jenner’s post which had over 18.1 million likes was the first ever released photo of her daughter Stormi and was posted February 6, 2018. Less than a year later, her record has been doubled and the likes keep coming in, leaving little hope for anyone wanting to surpass the egg’s current record. Not only does this post make an egg a world-record holder, it also demonstrates
the ability of the internet to come together. Now, the number of people who have liked this post well-surpasses the population of Canada and Ireland combined. The egg has started a revolution. Hundreds if not thousands of world_record_(something) accounts have been created in hopes of being pushed into
stardom. These accounts are trying to surpass the amount of likes the egg has, or beat some other record such as most comments on a post. But the original world_record_egg account who has recently been Instagram verified is now entering a mysterious Phase 2. The account’s owner wrote that “it doesn’t end here.” Some Instagram
Courtesey of Instagram users theorize the egg plans to tackle the world record of most-comments on a photo. But only the anonymous account owner knows what lies ahead as they said, “we are only getting started.” Most recently the account has released egg merchandise. You can purchase a simple t-shirt with the text “I liked the egg” for $19.50.
The Bear Facts
The Bear Facts
Gigi Hadid wearing Everlane
These brands, along with well-established brands like Patagonia, pledge to make their products with the health and wellbeing of the planet and their employees in mind. Most are Fair Trade Certified and promise sustainable ingredients that last without posing a threat to the environment. Materials like organic cotton, organic linen, recycled textile materials and even artisan-made fabrics commonly make up sustainable garments, as opposed to synthetic polyester that releases methane during its decomposition process. Sustainable fashion products are also bought and sold to be kept longer than one season or one year; these garments are high quality and made to last in consumers’ wardrobes for years to reduce massive waste in the textiles industry. To preserve human well-being alongside the environment, sustainable brands pay employees living wages, and many brands invest in their workers, providing on-site training and even education or occupational aid for workers in impoverished areas. Also, to avoid massive human and environmental disasters, sustainable brands like Reformation even build and run their own green factories, where safety and eco-friendly practices are at the forefront, from the garments, to the workers, even to pens and paper used on-site. The sustainable fashion movement has taken off in recent years, and we can all do our part to help it along. Donating to organizations like Greenpeace, which has successfully campaigned for more transparency and sustainability from big-name fashion brands, can instill long-term change in the industry. Also, practice
in the landfills, all the while releasing harmful gases into the atmosphere. As shown in The True Cost, a documentary detailing the damage of fast fashion and necessity of sustainable fashion as the moral alternative, the laborers for fast fashion companies work long hours in terrible conditions for nearly nothing in countries like Bangladesh, where the minimum wage is far below a livable salary and laborers are too desperate for work to effectively protest and demand better conditions for fear of losing valuable jobs. Countless factory accidents serve as heartbreaking proof of the inhumane, unsafe conditions for third-world garment workers. For example, an eightstory Bangladeshi building in the Rana Plaza containing five different fast fashion clothing factories collapsed on April 24, 2013, killing 1,134 laborers. Heartbreakingly, refusal by companies and owners to adequately observe building codes and safety caused his humanitarian disaster. Instances like the Rana Plaza disaster have grown all-too-common, as corporations value commercial profits and efficiency above human lives. Enter sustainable fashion. In the years since the tragedy at Rana Plaza and as response to similar human rights violations by fast fashion companies, brands like Everlane, Reformation, PACT, Eileen Fisher and Outdoor Voices, among many others, have emerged to solve issues running rampant in the fashion industry.
Summarizing 2018: Toxic
Sustainable Fashion: A Trend With a Cause Over the past few years, this term has become a buzz-word in the fashion community. But what really is sustainable fashion, why is it such an impactful idea and what can we do to get involved in the movement? To understand sustainable fashion, we must first understand the problem it’s solving: fast fashion and the waste it produces. Fast fashion brands, including mass-production, low-cost fashion stores like H&M, Forever 21 and Zara, use huge sales along with huge stock to entice consumers to buy and rebuy entire wardrobes every month. This “buy, discard and rebuy” environment has dangerous implications for both the enviCourtesy ronment and the of Atlanta laborers producing CW69 these garments. According to the United States EPA, 10.46 million tons of textile waste ended up in landfills around the world in 2014 alone, a staggering figure with environmentally-fatal consequences. Synthetic materials used by most fast fashion brands to save money in production take hundreds of years to decompose once
sustainability by making clothes lastrather than throwing away torn or stained clothes and repurchasing a new product, go the extra mile to mend or repair, or at least recycle, the garment to reduce Earth’s over-10 tons of annual textile waste. Change fashion buying habits! Rather than ordering a slew of cheap products every month, invest in highquality, long-lasting, sustainable garments or visit thrift stores and flea markets to give pre-owned clothes longer lifespans. Sustainable fashion brands have begun the revolution against immoral fast fashion Courtesy corporaof Pop tions, but Sugar consumers must bring the effort to fruition. Customers have the power to save the environment and their fellow humans from needless loss caused by toxic fast fashion.
Reformation’s Vix Dress
Describe the year in a word. For such a tumultuous year, summing up 2018 in one word is an undoubtedly difficult task. Oxford Dictionary has declared “toxic” the word of the year. The Oxford dictionary defines toxic as “poisonous.” According to their site, the word “first appeared in English in the mid-seventeenth century from the medieval Latin toxicus, meaning ‘poisoned’ or ‘imbued with poison.’” Oxford judged “toxic” to have “lasting cultural significance” as it has become an “intoxicating descriptor for the year’s most talked about topics.” The searches for “toxic” increased by 45% in 2018. The collocates of the word of the year, the words habitually used in pairing with toxic, represent the year’s most popular topics. The top ten collocates include: chemical, masculinity, substance, gas, environment, relationship, culture, waste, algae and air. Oxford explains “toxic chemical’s” significance by correlating it with the significance of the nerve agent poisoning of a former Russian intelligence agent and his daughter. The rising concern of such chemicals spiked “international attention.” Toxic waste, toxic substance and toxic gas became rising concerns in the wake of US hurricanes. Toxic waste rose in public awareness when people began speaking out against businesses burning
toxic waste, particularly in India. The release of toxic gases due to this issue became a global concern in October 2018 when the World Health Organization published its report into the quality of air breathed by children worldwide. The report described this pollution as ‘toxic air’, plainly and potently signifying its poisonous nature, and with the aid of international media coverage, served to consolidate the association of toxicity and poor air quality in the lexicon. Toxic waste left its mark infamously in Florida. Algae was the ninth-highest collocate for 2018. Since toxic algae blooms in massive numbers when fertilizer-laden agricultural runoff sits in warm water, the problem became a focal point during the midterm elections. In fact, this was the first time America has seen an environmental issue as the main focus of an election campaign. The term “toxic environment” in 2018
is not limited to pollution. Demands of proper pay and reasonable hours along with the rise of the #MeToo movement have caused an uprising within many workplaces. Oxford specifically mentions the “mass walkouts at Google, the fashion mogul Philip Green’s disgrace, and the accusations of the Speaker of the House of Commons for misusing his official powers to cover up allegations of bullying in Westminster.” Toxic masculinity, although seemingly insulting, describes the society’s “acceptable” gender behavior of men. Social commentary increased drastically on toxic masculinity in 2018, comparing “watershed events” such as the rise of the #MeToo movement, the hearing of Brett Kavanaugh and recent media attention to dangerous fraternity hazing. The shortlist contains words providing commentary on the social and political issues of 2018; among the list are techlash,
Courtesy of DesignTAXI
gaslighting and overtourism. Techlash is defined as a strong and widespread negative reaction to the growing power of technological companies. This term originated in the Silicon Valley, specifically to describe Facebook. Facebook’s recent controversy surrounding their façade of privacy also fueled the fire behind the public’s reaction. Gaslighting is defined as an action of manipulating someone by psychological means into accepting a false depiction of reality or doubting their own sanity. Oxford said this term “emerged from the psychotherapist’s notebook to feature widely in discussions across the public realm, aided in part by growing public sensitivity to the importance of mental health and wellbeing.” This term was most commonly used in 2018 in a political context, describing the UK’s manipulative treatment of Brexit with the public and President Trump’s extensive accusations “fake news.” Overtourism is defined as an excessive amount of tourist visits resulting in damage to the local environment and historical sites and in poorer quality of life for residents. The mass protests across Europe due to this issue also created feelings of “tourism-phobia” and “antitourism.” Toxic, combined with its collocates, perfectly describes political and cultural issues of 2018.
Beauty Industry Coins New Term By KATE JANSON ‘20
Government Shutdown Hits Americans By KATHARINE BALES ‘22
Since Dec. 22 of 2019, there has been a partial government shutdown because President Trump and Congress disagree on funding the Mexican border wall. Nine federal departments have closed, and citizens nationwide are experiencing the extreme disadvantages that the inoperability has brought about. According to an article released by NPR Station, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officers will work in spite of the shutdown but without pay. Meanwhile, air traffic controllers, who give directions to in-flight airplanes, are also working unpaid and often miss work due to a lack of motivation. CNN released that these furloughed workers will affect unemployment rate for the month of January. Once again published by CNN, 41% of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) employees are inattentive because they cannot get paid. As a result, food inspections will be less frequent and could easily affect the quality of American groceries. Despite trying its best to adjust to a smaller staff, the agency worries about the possible health risks to Americans from uninspected food products. Cheryl Monroe, a furloughed worker in the FDA Detroit lab, stated that the shutdown is an inconvenience for both employees and the American public in general. She worries about the improb-
ability of a compromise between President Trump and Congress, telling CNN, “A lot of us live paycheck to paycheck. I don’t see a compromise anytime soon. This one scares me.” Due to a limited budget during this shutdown, most national institutions are now closed for an undetermined period of time. The New York Times recounted Marci T. House’s experience trying to visit American museums after flying from Vancouver, British Columbia. Tourist attractions that she had anticipated visiting, such as museums, galleries, monuments, and the National Zoo, were not in operation at the time of late-December visit. To give an overview of the shutdown’s effects, The New York Times summarized the national institutions that have either suffered or closed. The Grand Canyon has not closed completely, but registration, check-in, and check-out are not available. At many national parks that have not closed, the park employees themselves are responsible for maintaining trash, restroom facilities, and visitors’ centers – all without pay. In a separate article released on Jan. 10, The New York Times brought to America’s attention the number of unpaid federal workers if the shutdown persists. If it does not end by Jan. 11, the twenty-first day of the shutdown,
800,000 people will not receive paychecks in January. By Jan. 12, the shutdown of 2019 will become the longest in American history, the second longest shutdown lasting 21 days in 1995. United States government agencies, organizations, and public sites have been dysfunctional for almost three weeks,
causing Americans financial stress and removing their focus from the proposed border wall. Federal workers, visiting December tourists, and air safety employees have suffered through the effects. Both President Trump and Democrats have reached a gridlock, and are working to reach a compromise.
Courtesy of USA Today
“Clean Beauty” is a current buzzword, as beauty companies are starting to consider the ingredients that go into their products. Even before clean beauty was a trend, beauty companies with foresight chose clean and healthy ingredients. Companies like bareMinerals, Beautycounter, Tata Harper, and Juice Beauty are paving the way for beauty that is as effective as it is good for your skin. These companies do not just keep our skin safe and healthy, but also started a clean beauty trend. Whether you are looking to change your beauty routine or are wanting a few new products, these six, recommended by Allure, are the perfect place to start. For example, bareMinerals is a company focused on clean beauty for the past 23 years. Since its launch, bareMinerals products have been full of skin-improving and pronounceable ingredients, and free of harmful ones. Specifically, their loose powder foundation has been a staple for years. This product is made with only five ingredients, probably the shortest list you have seen in a while. The five simple ingredients offer SPF 15 sun protection and a lightweight but buildable coverage. Also, it comes in 30 different shades. Next comes Beauty Counter. One of their first products was a facial oil which they launched way before similar products were popular. It contains antioxidants like Vitamin C to help brighten skin, and seven other nourishing oils such as grape seed oil and black currant oil to keep skin silky and hydrated. This product is an essential for the winter months to keep your skin healthy and nourished. Mascara is the one product we seem to always use. When we are going for a no makeup look, we usually just throw on some mascara and call it a day. The products we use most need to be clean, and a truly clean beauty routine means including every product. This all-natural version of mascara from Juice Beauty will inspire everyone to use natural mascaras. It is formulated out of candeilla wax, a vegan alternative to beeswax which works to ensure clump-free, fallout-free lashes. Face masks are still trendy today, and they have various benefits including glowy skin, moisturizing, brightening, and so much more. The Resurfacing Face Mask from Tata Harper works like an at-home peel, with white willow extract and pomegranate enzymes to get rid of dead skin cells. The skin looks more radiant after 30 minutes and even better if it is used weekly. Primer is a necessity for any glam makeup look, as it ensures a good base for all the products that are about to go on the face. Jessica Alba’s Honest Beauty was founded based upon the ideal of clean makeup and skincare. The matte primer is made with bamboo powder and rice and rosemary extracts to control oil and prep the skin. Her Glow Form Primer also gives the skin a glowy look. For the makeup minimalists out there, this is the foundation for you. RMS Beauty’s lightweight, simple foundation is the key product in your makeup bag. A brush can be used to cover the entire face or use your fingers to help conceal imperfections. It comes in 16 shades from “Lightest Alabaster” to “Deep Espresso Chocolate.” The growing trend of clean beauty is a reminder to remain mindful of the ingredients in the makeup that we put on our faces every day. Hopefully these products are an encouragement to start noticing exactly what goes into our makeup, and to get rid of harmful ones and start fresh. Courtesey of HeidiSwapp
The Bear Facts
The Bear Facts
Effects of Dismission to verbally express their newfound thoughts on the indifference of the matter through comparisons. For example, One may complain to you about getting a bad test grade,
focusing on.” For the person undergoing the problem it often feels as if his or her feelings are no longer valid and that they have been abandoned and forced to fight their
Courtesy of Har per ’s Bazaar
governments’ role in period poverty, the issue of the pink tax has become more and more polarized. However, the biggest leap backward the U.S. could take after a series of small victories would be to fall into party politics over this issue. Women’s ability to find and afford necessities for not just their comfort, but their health, should be far from a new controversial political debate. And yet, some have attempted to insert partisanship into this simple issue of women’s health and financial equality. Of course, repealing a tax on an entire class or products statewide certainly has financial ramifications. According to The Nevada Independent, eliminating the 6.85 percent sales tax on menstrual products will cost the state between $ 6 million and $8.5 million each
year. As large as those figures seem, they are not staggering enough to halt this necessary move, as Nevada voters agreed. In fact, the loss of tax income from the pink tax only accounts for around 0.17 percent of the state’s budget, according to Forbes. Subtracting the five states that have no sales tax along with the now ten that have now repealed the luxury tax on menstrual products, the pink tax remains in thirty-five state in the United Statesincluding Texas. Citizens must be willing to confront their representatives and demand that they represent women’s rights by introducing legislation to repeal the pink tax and treat menstrual products as what they are: health products and necessities. Not as Democrats or Republicans, not as men or women, not as Texans or Nevadans, but as humans concerned with half the population’s right to financial equality, we must fight for our entire nation to be free from this antiquated, discriminatory tax by destroying stigmas and bringing awareness, traction and support to this common-sense issue. Nevada’s recent move to leave the pink tax behind shows certain progress in the United States toward respect rather than stigma, but America still has a way to go.
When people think of feminists, Emma Nations messenger of peace, a Nobel Watson is one of the first to come to Peace Prize holder, and in 2014 she became the youngest Nobel Laureate mind. She is dedicated in to spreading this belief and she uses her platform ever. for a change for good. “We realize the importance of our Watson was elected as a UN women voices only when we are silenced.” Goodwill Ambassador, and created Yousafzai is determined to speak a campaign called #HeForShe, up about her opinions. Her that supports men advocating for movements help shape society gender equality. and change it for the better. Maggie Rogers, 24-year-old Emma Watson is also singer, encourages people to vote. known fir her activism. The This young artist encourages actress is determined to spread people to use their voice and befeminism and help others no liefs to vote and use their rights matter what people say or try to make a difference. Rogers sells to do to stop her. “Call me a a line of her tour t-shirts that ‘diva’, call me a ‘feminazi’, call read, “Maggie Rogers wants you me ‘difficult’, call me a ‘First to vote.” Maggie Rogers tweeted, World feminist’, call me what“there’s nothing more essential than ever you want, it’s not going to stop me from trying to do the right participating in our election this nov. this limited-edition tee is available thing and make sure that the right at all shows before the election + thing happens. Because it doesn’t just affect me, it affects all the pre-order online at link in bio (will ship later this wk). proceeds to other women who are in benefit @WhenWeAllVote”, dethis with me, and it afscribing the meaning behind the fects all the other shirt. Rogers encourages fans men who are in Malala Yousafzai Emma Watson when on tour to go vote and use Courtesy of Feminism in India this with me, too.”
The definition of an activist is a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change. For many years, America would look at men and think that they were the only ones to meet this definition. Through the years, women have begun to rise up and make a difference, despite the obstacles and hardships. Malala Yousafzai, well-known woman activist, is a great example of a woman who rose up despite her obstacles. Yousafzai encouraged and fights for girls’ education. She was even shot by the Taliban for standing up for her beliefs, but that didn’t stop her. 20-yearold Malala Yousafzai now is a published author, a United
their voice to shape America. There are so many women activists that are becoming more and more prominent. By this happening, more people are become motivated and inspired to go out and make a change in their community, country, and society. It is the little things that make a big difference. Let these women inspire you to go out and make a difference. Speak your voice and opinions. By doing things like started organizations and clubs through your school, that is an incredible way to make a difference. All you have to do is stand up for what you are passionate about.
of InStyle
their problems without feeling the need to address them. This feeling can often be referred to as marginalization, which as defined by the Oxford Dictionary is, “treatment of a person, group, or concept as insignificant or peripheral.” However, while marginalization often refers to groups of people (regarding their races, gender, social status, etc...), the danger of dismissing other’s feelings is applicable to everyone. Syracuse University completed a study on the impact of dismission reporting that, “it can have a negative impact on students’ psychological, emotional and physical health. Some possible psychological and emotional responses to marginalization include: anger, anxiety, paranoia, depression and hopelessness.” This study shows the significant health risks associated with being told that their problems do not matter and should not be focused on, isolating the person undergoing these problems from the rest of the world. Courtesy of Times Higher Education In general, remember that everyone is different, and the only appropriate problem alone. response should come in the form of supThese dismissions can come from a port and understanding. No matter how variety of ways, but they all have the small the issue, everyone deserves to feel same negative impact. While they are that their emotions are valid and that usually meant to offer perspective on a their problems matter in the world. To situation, they instead make a person end marginalization and dismission is to feel unimportant and suffer through boost happiness and confidence.
to affordably access period products. Some call for nationwide repealing of the pink tax. Some, including Claire Coder, call for even more drastic action. Claire Coder, actress, activist and founder of Aunt Flow, a company dedicated to getting free menstrual products in all American public bathrooms, said, “I am concerned about the greater conversation. I believe that... tampons and pads [should] be viewed the same as toilet paper. They are both necessities that respond to basic bodily functions...Menstrual products should be offered in all public bathrooms at no charge...” Recently, with the Scottish move to provide free menstrual products in public buildings sparking debate over federal
American Menstrual Equity: Progress and Setbacks In the Bear Facts’ October issue, Bethany Roberts wrote “The Problem with Period Stigma,” in which she detailed challenges women encounter in the face of inflated prices and crippling stigmas surrounding menstrual products. The article also discussed the various ways different countries, especially Scotland, states and organizations were and are working toward menstrual equity. Two months later, progress has occurred here in the United States. In the November 6 elections, Nevada became the tenth state to repeal a luxury sales tax on essential menstrual products like tampons and pads, dubbed the “pink tax.” This legislative step, taken in past years by Florida, Minnesota, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut, shows the U.S.’s movement in the right direction away from stigmatized gender discrimination and toward solutions for period poverty. Giving menstrual equity a brighter spotlight than it has ever had before in this country thanks to new legislation like Nevada’s has encouraged conversation from organizations, politicians, celebrities and common Americans alike about what to do to solve and eradicate period poverty, or impoverished women’s inability
one may even be very upset about this grade. On the other hand others may think, “why is she so upset about this, it’s only one grade. There are so many other people who have gotten worse grades, and as a whole there are so many bigger problems she can be
The Rise of Women
The conversation drones on, concerning problems that one may not find relevant or interesting. One may think, “why should I care” or “at least they aren’t...” or “that is such an overreaction.” For problems that would have less of an impact on us or that some do not consider valid, many tend to dismiss them as having little importance. However, the dismission of others’ feelings ushers in an onslaught of unattended feelings of isolation and a lack of self-worth. As individuals, everyone experiences different issues, and in response to these issues everyone has different reactions. Nonetheless, the most important natural reaction to these problems sprout from the social needs of humans, the desire to feel accepted, comforted and loved. Specifically, in terms of problems and answers, the need for others is seen when we turn to our friends, family and other acquaintances for support. To seek this support is to overcome loneliness, to find comfort, to discover that we belong and to validate our feelings. However, in today’s society of constant judgement, the listener of these problems often finds that the problems being recounted to them are insignificant when compared to others that they are aware of or have faced. Through these comparisons it is easy to dismiss the problems as unimportant, often leading people
Maggie Rogers Courtesy of MaggieRogers.com
Born between 1995 - 2012? By SARAH NGUYEN ‘20
“Oh, they’re so lazy! They don’t know the meaning of hard work! They have it so much easier than we did when we were their age!” If you are of Generation Z, those born between 1995 and 2012, you unfortunately have heard these words before. To an extent, it has become your norm. But although older generations make claims and assumptions regarding Generation Z’s “laziness,” is it necessarily true? In contrast to the beliefs of older people, being a young person in today’s age can be very challenging. Yes, it is indisputable that this time and age have reached a completely new level of advancements in technology and improvements in economy, but our modern circumstances lead elders to falsely infer that Generation Z has an endless array of opportunities automatically laid out and within grasp, which is not the case. iGens, kids from the social media era, face more pressures than previous generations. There is social pressure to be educated.
Back then, college was considered was a choice. If one decided a path other than college, this choice would not seem like a soon-to-be-homeless act; non-college graduates could still make a sufficient living. Nowadays going to college not only provides one with an excessive knowledge but also suggests reliability and acts as a leverage for high position jobs. For example, there are distinct levels of respect and titles between PhD and a master’s degree. The “Doctor” title in front of one’s name demonstrates the four-year education difference and opens the doors to a new level of reverence. Additionally, there are social expectations when it comes to love and marriage. In our modern world, everyone is expected to have a partner. If you are single, you are a loser, and people assume you are “unlikeable.” The overall image is that there is something wrong with you. In this world, you must get married. Throughout generations the pressure has further increased to get involved with a significant other. The stresses of a relationship eventu-
ally ripple into the “having kids” pool. There is a lot of stress and pressure on young adults. Once a couple gets married, they are frequently asked the same question. “Can we expect kids in the near future?” Moms and dads long for the day to become grandparents, to feed their future grandkids, and to pick them up at school. However, these illusions can add up to the tension to have kids. If the couple does not want children, people see them as odd, selfish, and poor. Having children and bearing this responsibility is a lifelong obligation. Thus, it should be acceptable for some people to just not want kids. Throughout humanity’s existence, wealth has always distinguished social status. Nowadays your salary frankly describes who you are and your past. A stranger does not need to personally know you in order to automatically make assumptions. For instance, if you are a homeless beggar, passing cars assume that you are too lazy for a job and addicted to some type of cheap drug. People then predict that every homeless person begs for money.
Yes, money equals power and nice things, but it also allows creates a rift between the attitudes towards rich and poor. When you do not have money, more wealthy people can treat you as less of a person. Modern society has created the expectation that everyone must be uniform in order to be “normal.” In our set of eyes, having a phone is a norm. As time progresses, the age of kids owning a phone gets younger and younger. Since their peers own phone, kids then run home to their parents pleading for the same item. Not everyone can afford this type of opportunity. Because of money’s and luxurious items’ prominent roles in our lives, Generation Z has become the first generation whose lives are saturated by mobile technology and social media which adds to their constricting lives. Generation Z is not lazy. They could work hard. As the world evolves, more and more stresses arise regarding wealth, love and education that make their lives not as easy as other generations but even harder.
looking back on the first semester By EMILY PARRISH ‘19
Last semester of senior year, it’s all downhill from here. College acceptances begin to roll in and you begin to realize that this time next year, you will be somewhere completely different. You start to feel more special and every tradition begins to mean a little bit more. And once Christmas break passes, with only one semester left, life won’t slow down. Enjoy your time at Ursuline and don’t wish it away because it goes by faster than you think. August brought the last orientation, and although orientation is not my favorite part of Ursuline, the nostalgia started to settle in. I put on the blue shirt, blue socks, and I finally gained my senior status. A few days after orientation is the first day of school and the Dad’s Club puts on the best breakfast with everything from donuts, to chicken-mini’s, to bagels. It’s your last first day of high school and you begin to wonder how on earth the time flew by so fast. Your mom posts on Facebook and although you’re embarrassed, you sigh and think about how she won’t be taking that picture next year on your college campus. September meant football games and a new tradition of themes at the Jesuit games. From blue out, to Hawaiian, to white out, the theme games were executed to perfection. Despite not having the best football season, the games brought all grades of Jesuit and Ursuline together. From my perspective, I loved seeing everyone participating in the themes and becoming spirited and involved. I hope theme games will continue for years to come! October: Homecoming! Whether you are going to Cistercian, Jesuit, or both, you are in a costume. For Jesuit, costumes are strictly for seniors, making the dance a little more special to us. Homecoming felt more laid-back, allowing for my friends and me to enjoy it a little bit more than before. From Boo and Sully, to Lilo and Stitch, even to the Kennedy’s, the couples-costumes were adorable. To top off Homecoming was the football game, where seniors get different mums! The white mums stood out in the crowd and are a sweet memento from senior year. Despite Nov. 1st possibly being the most stressful day on campus for seniors, with the first round of deadlines due, November was one of the best months so far. November meant competition between grades was at an all-time high. The month began with a senior powder-puff win which was the catalyst for an endless supply of class pride and spirit. And after much preparation, Intramurals was upon us. Intramurals is easily the best time of the year with your entire grade coming together to produce something amazing. Freshmen were the Frosh Who Saved Christmas, Sophomores were The Office, Juniors were Firefighters, and Seniors were Disco. Every grade went all out in their green, yellow, red, or blue, screamed till their throats were sore, and left it all on the court. It is impossible to do justice to Intramurals in a few sentences, but this one was more special than the past years for sure. December flies right by in anticipation of Christmas break, but for seniors it seems to go by even faster with Snowball right around the corner. Between finishing up the last, first semester and prepping for the upcoming dance, December is packed. Then, right before Christmas break, is the most special dance of an Ursuline girl’s high school career. Snowball not only lives up to its hype but is even greater than the rumors. Unlike other dances, Snowball begins with a line of handshakes from teachers and is spent with your class alone, making it one of the most intimate and unique dances. Reflecting on the year so far, I cannot sum up every event, but the little details of senior year have made it the best. From picking cupcakes for Snowball Court to Senior Latte Day, being a senior makes you feel more loved and special than ever before. As the gnawing feeling of “lasts,” settles in, I never want senior year or my time at Ursuline to come to an end.