w e N ^ Volume 3, No. 2
Extending the Mission of Mount Saint Joseph Academy and College into the 21st Century
Fall 2007
25 years ago, the phoenix rose from the ashes By Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU
Program celebrates its 25th ots of things can happen in 25 birthday. (Associates and Sisters years. Day will be July 19, 2008.) In late 1982 the leadership of Ursuline Sisters throughout the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint the world have always been known Joseph made a tough decision. for their ministry to women, mostly Mount Saint Joseph Academy, through academies they founded after 109 years of educating young to educate young girls. Ministry to women, would close its doors at women by the Ursuline Sisters of the end of the school year. In May Mount Saint Joseph continues today 1983 the last class graduated from through a newly articulated goal: Mount Saint Joseph Academy at Wherever our members and associates minister, we Maple Mount, Kentucky. will be recognized as leaders in addressing poverty Many people felt like that was a death, but as so of mind, body, and spirit, especially in women and often happens, the phoenix rose from the ashes. In children. early fall of 1983 Mount Saint Joseph Conference This goal grew out of a process, Good to Great, and Retreat Center opened and ministry continued that our leadership set in place and without missing a beat. Now we involved our sisters, associates, and see over 6,000 people attending In 2008, both Mount employees. We share this with you, a variety of programs offered in Saint Joseph Conference our College and Academy alumnae, the Center. Next year the Center and Retreat Center and to assure you that Mount Saint celebrates its 25th birthday. Joseph is still alive and vibrant. Twenty-five years ago the the Ursuline Associate We know that the 1,000+ leadership of the Ursuline Sisters Program celebrate alumnae are alive and vibrant and of Mount Saint Joseph made 25 years. a powerhouse of talent and gifts. another important decision, and the We invite you to learn more about Associate Program was born. The first associate made application the mission and ministry of the and was accepted in December 1983. Today we Ursuline Sisters and associates and, if you feel have over 375 associates who share the mission, called, to find a place with us where you might use the ministry, and the spirit of the Ursuline Sisters your gifts and talents in helping make the world a of Mount Saint Joseph. Next year the Associate better place, especially for women and children. n
Alumnae Memorial Mass set for Saturday, November 3
Sister Mary Eileen Howard, C’47, center, talked to twins Lorraine Hayden, A’67, left, and Elaine Glenn, A’66, at the 2006 Alumnae Memorial Mass on October 7.
The second annual Alumnae Memorial Mass is scheduled for Saturday, November 3, 2007 at 10:30 a.m. at the Mount Saint Joseph Motherhouse Chapel. This Mass remembers deceased classmates, faculty, family and friends of Mount Saint Joseph Academy. Mass will be followed by lunch with the Ursuline Sisters. Prayer intentions can be mailed to the Alumnae Office or e-mailed to alumnae@maplemount.org. For information or to RSVP, call 270-229-2006 by October 29.
The NEW Mount
Fall 2007
Keeping in Touch
Alumnae Officers Mount Saint Joseph Alumnae Association Officers for 2006-2008, left to right:
Vice President: Nancy Mills A’72 President: Betty Reardon Greaves A’66 Secretary/Treasurer: Mary Ford Vuncannon A’55
Ursuline Sisters who taught at Mount Saint Joseph Academy who are still alive and well... S. Mary Regina Boone S. Emma Cecilia Busam S. Lennora Carrico S. Mary Jude Cecil S. Cheryl Clemons S. Mary Durr S. Marita Greenwell S. Jane Irvin Hancock S. Mary Henning S. Mary Eileen Howard S. Clara Johnson S. Mary Kathleen Kaelin S. Rosemary Keough S. Catherine Marie Lauterwasser
S. Mary Angela Matthews S. Miriam Medley S. Jacinta Powers S. Francis Joseph Porter S. Patricia Rhoten S. Mary Diane Taylor S. Joan of Arc Walz S. Theresa Marie Wilkerson S. Margaret Ann Zinselmeyer Sister Catherine Marie Lauterwasser was the last principal of the Academy. Today she is assistant community life coordinator for the motherhouse.
Mount Saint Joseph Alumnae...
We need your e-mail addresses!
Please send your e-mail address to
alumnae@maplemount.org New ^
Dear Friends, Happy autumn! Here at the Mount we are enjoying some cool, crisp days that are a welcome change from the intense heat of summer. Our office of Ursuline Partnerships has welcomed a change as well. With a recent reorganization, Marian is now working full time as director of Ursuline Partnerships. My role is director of spiritual formation for Ursuline Partnerships. That means I now have more time to concentrate on experiences that you might want me to prepare and lead for you. I am available for days or evenings of prayer, for weekend retreats or individually directed retreats. If you are interested in these options, please let me know. You can reach me at 270-229-2009, mwethington@maplemount.org or mail: 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999. I wish you blessings for the days ahead and I look forward to seeing you at our reunion in May.
Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU Hello Dear Alumnae! As you can see from Sister Marietta’s letter, modifications have taken place in the office of Ursuline Partnerships. In order to enable Sister Marietta to concentrate on spiritual formation and leadership, I am now full-time director of Ursuline Partnerships. This office is responsible for the activities of Ursuline Associates, Mount Saint Joseph Academy and Junior College alumnae, and former members of the Ursuline community. As director, I oversee all office administrative functions including planning, organization and communication, as well as day-to-day operations. The reality behind these changes is that much remains unchanged! Both Sister Marietta and I continue to enjoy working with all of you and serving your needs. Helping you to stay in contact with each other and keeping you informed about activities and ministries of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph is our main purpose. Let me remind you of our Prayer Request Network – a worthwhile ministry and service. Contact me at any time with your concerns or suggestions. We are here for YOU. May Saint Angela Merici help you find peace and joy!
Marian Bennett, OSUA
Here are some ways the Office of Ursuline Partnerships can be of service to you: Transcripts are available from Mount Saint Joseph
Archives. Please send a written request (we need your signature) and a $5 check payable to Mount Saint is published twice a year by the Office of Ursuline Partnerships Joseph. Include your maiden name, graduation year and for alumnae of Mount Saint Joseph Academy and Junior College mailing address. Please allow two weeks. Send request Director of Ursuline Partnerships: Marian Bennett, OSUA to: ARCHIVES, Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Director of Spiritual Formation for Ursuline Partnerships: Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356. Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU Prayer Network. Send your prayer requests to Administrative Assistant: Christi Bowman alumnae@maplemount.org. Many people around the Editor and Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski world will be praying for your needs. 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356 Deceased Members. Please contact the office with Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 the alumna’s first, maiden and/or married name, class Website: www.ursulinesmsj.org year if you know it, and the date of passing. If you have E-mail: alumnae@maplemount.org a photo, we will print it if space allows. Thank you.
Fall 2007
The NEW Mount
Award-winning Alumnae
Mount Saint Joseph alumnae receive Maple Leaf awards
Marguerite Powers Thomas
Audrey Pierce Durbin
arguerite Powers Thomas A’46 and Audrey Pierce Durbin A‘39/C’41 accepted their awards at the annual alumnae reunion banquet May 20 at Maple Mount. Marguerite is a resident of an assisted living facility at Bridgeway Pointe in Cincinnati. She has had to overcome the hurdle of serious injuries suffered after a fall from her roof in 2000. She was named “Good Egg of the Year” by Catholic Digest magazine in 2005 for doing good works for others, including helping other residents at Bridgeway, preparing the altar for Mass, and leading the weekly rosary. She has two grown children. Audrey, a resident of Radcliff, taught in the Fort Knox educational system for 27 years and earned many awards for her teaching ability. She is a very active member of St. Brigid Church in Vine Grove. She also volunteers with the Red Cross and is a member of a sorority that helps wayward girls. She is an Ursuline Associate and attends many events at the Mount. The Maple Leaf award is given to alumnae who personify the values of their Mount Saint Joseph education in contributions to their local faith and civic communities and/or Mount Saint Joseph. n
Sister Dianna Ortiz, OSU, A’77 honored with War Peace Award Sister Dianna Ortiz, OSU, A’77, accepted the War Peace Award on behalf of the organization she founded, Torture Aboliton and Survivors Support Coalition (TASSC), at a reception in New York City on September 28. The theme of the reception was, “Taking On The Torturers.”
PAST MAPLE LEAF AWARD WINNERS 2000 Lillian Calhoun A’38 Mary Blandford Goetz A’37 Sr. Agnes Catherine Williams A’23 2001 Mary Danhauer A’71 Marjorie Weaver Slack A’53 Becky Morris Collins A’71 2002 Winifred Cecil Riney A’37 Margie Hardesty A’45 Mary Elizabeth Ruckriegel Berger A’55 2003 Phyllis Troutman A’63 Louise Fowler Gaddie A’45 Mike (A’44) and Theresa (A’46) McCarty 2004 Mary DeVoy Kelly A’54 Sr. Marie Julie Fecher A’40 2005 Mary Anne Kevil A’58 Margaret “Peg” Eileen Bourke A’48 2006 Joan Sherron Hofman A’51 Mary Lou Byrne Payne A’66
he War Resisters League honored Sister Dianna Ortiz, OSU, A’77 at its 42nd annual Peace Awards reception on September 28 in New York City. She accepted the award on behalf of the group she founded, the Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition (TASSC). TASSC provides resources to torture survivors. Based in Washington, D.C, it has launched a campaign to repeal the Military Commissions Act which, in effect, legalizes torture. TASSC has a Truth Speakers program designed to empower and involve torture survivors. The War Peace Award honors those who have taken leading roles in defense of human rights and whose work represents the league’s nonviolent platform of action. The other recipient of this year’s Peace Award was the Center for Constitutional Rights which advocates for those with the least access to legal resources. It has focused on the rights of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. n
Fall 2007
Cl Class of ’47 60 years
CLASS OF 1947 - Front, Kelly Hamilton Cobb , left, and Jacinta Tichenor Garinger. Back, left to right, Sister Clarita Browning, OSU, Sister Luisa Bickett, OSU, Joyce Warren, Sister Veronica Emmick (Carmelite Monastery in Baltimore, Maryland), Sister Eileen Howard, OSU. CLASS OF 1949 - Sister Elaine Burke, OSU, Betty Rummage Bickett, Gertrude Hall Mayhew, Sister Mary Angela Matthews, OSU, Sister Joan Walz, OSU.
Class of ’49 58 years
Class of ’72 35 years
CLASS OF 1972 - Front row, l. to r., Debbie Chandler Morin, Rita Thomas Tanner, Nancy Mills, Susan Bickett Bachmann, Dorothy Ford Riggs. Back row, Carolyn Thomas, Pat Schwartz Flaherdy, Patty Mattingly Arnett, Mary Ann Shewmaker Payne, Sarah Kranz.
CLASS OF 1957 - Front row, l. to r. Mar OSU, Virginia Ford Green, Mary Ann Do Smith Bruder, Mary Ellen Ballard Brown
t the 2007 Mount Saint Joseph alumnae weekend, three “girls” got together not only to recall their days at the Mount, but also to recall their friendship of 63 years. When Doris Bennett Hobbs, Ann Hall DeCapua and Sister Mary Agnes VonderHaar, OSU, found each other on campus May 19, they held their own reunion in the “dorm.” Thr The three of them sat on the beds in their room and Von Do took up where they left off The the last time. They shared tog news of their children, grandchildren, siblings and heal -- some they had news about and The Oct. 17, 2006 death of S them because she was the last of visiting with her – she always re teachers brought lots of laughs. demerit system in 1948-1952, Pa The three attended St. Brigid it was just a two-room school in friends and enjoyed over-nighter lived just a few houses apart. Do Doris was the better student and Joseph Academy after eighth gra calling, for even as a teen, she li in common were loving, faith-fil in church on Sunday. Ann named her first child af her family was raised, she traine at a clinic. Doris worked with Se home. She is retired and lives at 33 years and is still working in P Kentucky.
W Mount
lass of ’57
40 years
ry Ann Warren Knott, Lila Green Gehrke, Sister Vivian Bowles, oherty Causey. Back row, Sister Ann Patrice Cecil, OSU, Joyce n, Henriella Fulkerson Steiner, Matilda Sowders Adkins.
ree Academy alumnae -- Sister Mary Agnes (Patsy) nderHaar, OSU, Ann Hall DeCapua, center, and oris Ann Bennett Hobbs -- reunited at the reunion. e trio attended first grade together and graduated gether in 1952.
lth adventures. They recalled classmates d some they were hoping to see. Sister Martha Ann Cargile, OSU, affected f their Academy teachers, and they missed emembered them. Fond memories of other They agreed that if the Mount had had the Patsy and Ann would never have graduated. d School in Vine Grove, Kentucky, when n a church basement. They became fast rs at each other’s homes. Ann and Patsy oris lived on a farm in Hardin County. d was awarded a scholarship to Mount Saint ade. Ann had more boyfriends. Patsy felt a iked to go to daily Mass. But what they had lled homes. You found their whole families
fter her two friends, Patricia Ann. After ed to become a nurse. She still volunteers enior Citizens Care after her children left t Nazareth Village. Patsy taught school for Parish Ministry in Axtel and McQuady, - Sister Joan Walz, OSU
Fall 2007
Class of ’67
50 years
Circle of Friends
CLASS OF 1967 - Sister Claudia Hayden, OSU, Marty Bickett Frost, Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU, Barbara Castlen Erpenbeck.
ALUMNAE WEEKEND 2007: “A Wonderful Walk Down Memory Lane” By Marian Bennett, Director of Alumnae
n the rainy days of fall 2006, an intrepid group of your fellow alumnae began the planning for Alumnae Weekend 2007. President Betty Reardon Greaves ’66, Vice-President Nancy Mills ’72, and Secretary-Treasurer Mary Ford Vuncannon ’55, gathered with perennial planning committee member, Liz Ruckriegel Berger ’55, and staff members, Sister Marietta Wethington and Marian Bennett, to lay the groundwork for another celebration of YOU! And what a success it was! The theme, “Angela’s Spirit Lives Today…and Tomorrow” was chosen and committees went to work. Liz and her crew gathered and donated an amazing variety of door prizes. The nomination committee chose Maple Leaf awardees: Marguerite Powers Thomas and Audrey Pierce Durbin. Mary Costello and Phyllis Costello Bresnik arrived early to coordinate a smooth check-in process. And when May 19 finally arrived, 85 alumnae, as well as three husbands and two daughters, spent two sunny days roaming the halls and hills of Mount Saint Joseph, renewing friendships and sharing memories. From New York to Florida; from California to the Carolinas; from Louisville to West Louisville, alumnae from 13 states converged on this green patch in Western Kentucky. Beginning with Saturday’s evening vespers in the Chapel until the final award at Sunday’s banquet, alumnae from the classes of 1939 to 1982 enjoyed time together. Various comments capture their delight and gratitude: “A great day—one I will always remember”...“relaxing”... “restful”...“enjoyable”...“delightful”...“awesome!”...“a work of art”...“thank you to all who helped make this a beautiful day”... “I’m looking forward to next year.” Plans have already begun for Alumnae Weekend 2008: May 17-18. SAVE THE DATE! Election of new officers, the Maple Leaf Awards and a special observance of the past 25 years will highlight next year’s reunion. Address lists for anniversary class celebrations are available at no charge (270-229-2006 or alumnae@maplemount.org). The only requirement is that any updated information is shared with the alumnae office. n
Visit us online! www.ursulinesmsj.org
The NEW Mount
Fall 2007
Lost Alumnae If you have a current address for any of our Lost Alumnae, please notify us. If someone is deceased, we would like to know the date of death. We remember all deceased alumnae in prayer. Thanks to your help, we have ‘found’ several alumnae this year!!!
1919 Audrey Wilkerson Ford Lucy Spalding O’Donnell 1920 Henrietta Baglan Harris Edna Newton Quinn 1921 Ben Payne Edith Driscoll Wortman 1922 Anna Evelyn Summerville Hazel 1923 Marie Lush Grant 1924 Mary Buren Guidry Estelle Stroup Jones 1925 Lucetta Coats 1926 Irene DeVydler Davis Elizabeth Cooper Sweeney 1926 and C’1928 Eula Warren Martin 1927 Irene Nischon Schuemann 1928 Margaret Kunze Magenheimer 1930 Philomena Rechtin Lynch 1931 Dorothy Clark Hicks 1932 Avis Bitter Briedenbach Mary Catherine Hardesty Walker 1933 Mary Eileen Butler Brumleve Mary Frances Rootz Frances Lorine Clark Gentry Lorraine Bivins Johnston Mary Catherine Trice Stryjak 1934 Cleo Helen Marchal Campion Emily Wathen Ison 1936 Lucy Marie Abell Mary Frances Cotter Anderson Elizabeth Edelen Borders Anna Lee Parrott Mary Wethington Phillips 1937 Kathleen Neel Kathryn Neely O’Connor Edna Marie Spalding Lavina Stallings Freda Teder Generose White Helen Winfield 1938 Mary Ruth Brown Norris Mary Rita Stovall Stevens Lucille Schmitt Stull 1939 Mary Edith Thompson Chase Adele Clements Margeneath Estelle Hagan Oberst Frances Gowin Petersen 1940 Emily Ballard Chandler Mary Elizabeth Fenwick Dauderman Carolyn Hamilton Felitsky Mary Feuquay Dalphine Dublin Jarboe Lurleen Jarboe Margaret H. Schoeter Mary Elizabeth Brown Wildman 1941 Bernice Malcom Dorman Mary Margaret Clarke Heltsley Elizabeth May Robinson 1942 Mary Rose Cecil Matthews Marie Hazel Wathen Miller Mary Leo Alvey Thompson 1943 Regina Mitchell Ramsey Mildred Bumm Short 1944 Mildred Mills Colantonio Gertrude Darst Davis Martha Beaven Holland 1945 Joseph Earl Calhoun Catherine Belle Grimes 1946 Mildred Long Aukerman Sara Delia Cunningham 1947 Mary Werner Blair Bonita Williamson Travis 1948 Elizabeth Thompson Thomas 1949 Alberta Kuhn Balcartis Ida Jarboe Buffat Ann Wills 1950 Clara Crouch Lilly 1951 Ida Greer Lester Sybil Mattingly Dorothy Montgomery Payne 1952 Louise Pryor 1953 Elizabeth Jane Dees Christian Mary Ann Essex Kinney Lorena Erwin Peterson 1954 Anna Laura Beavin Haycraft Geraldine Russell Schroth Charlotte Ann Mattingly Tyler 1955 Faye Bell Nix 1956 Mary Roselyn Hayden Rappa
Georgann Kroll Stuck 1958 Viola Seely Fortner 1959 Mary Celeste Durbin Spalding 1960 Madeline Churchill Lupitina Garza Theresa Amelia Stallings Hester Mary Irene Lee O’Daniel Elizabeth Henning Payne 1961 Donna Keller Calhoun Nene Garza Lupintina Judith Ann Arnold Payne 1962 Carmina Villa-Rodriguez Kupersmith Julia Rittmeyer 1963 Kay Poat Brimm Robertina Filburn Martha Ann Williams Patton Martha Payne Peacock Sandra Rheinlaender 1964 Brenda Abello Rebecca O’Brien Barger Claire St. Hille Beets Susan Richeson Cain Nancy Calhoun Chappell Sidney Edwards Cole Mary Harl Decker Bernadine Dees Ellersick Linda Stenger Graves Unita Hayden Eva Elizabeth Head Margaret Wagner Huskey Betty Jane Stromberg 1965 Catherine Lynn Davis Mary Ann Higgins Martha Bell Johnson Janet Leake Livers Carol Thompson Mattingly Juatta Edwards McCain Wanda Jenkins Perry Carolyn Wiseman Rembold 1966 Teresa Huff Bringardner Jean Mattingly Gail Schmidt Mayer Sylvia Goetz McCauley Frances Grant Melone Rosemary Cecil Tilus 1967 Eleanora Ferazzoli Ivana Ferazzoli Barbara Henderson Mary Sue Thompson Kathman Barbara Bickett Posey Ellen Pickett Rajewski Martha Ruiz Marilyn Simmons Schroeder Florine Twigg 1968 Maria Antonini Debbie Lord Campisano Marta Cordova Peggy Leibfried Cummings Janice Coomes Devers Rocio Alvarez Garcia Linda Hood Isabella Mosquera Luz Elena Ordonez Pat Simmons Pickrell Carmen Ruiz Elsa Ruiz Veronica Hoerter York 1969 Yvonne Collins Christina Ransdell Fosaaen Phyllis Lord Griffin Imelda Glenn Madison Mary Norris Teresa Stenger Reale 1970 Rebecca Stanton Aderhold Theresa Ann Carter Alley Mary Catherine Hobbs Blake Phyllis Newton Burnette Claudina Anido Carta Carolyn Sue McCarty Howard Lucy Marin Laura Porto Lucy Quinonez Violet Elaine Jones Richards Mary Rittmeyer Elaine Marie Hayden Robinson Ana Maria Ruiz Catherine Ann Hayden Snyder Theresa Ann Janeczko Staph 1971 Anita Staples Bailey
Donna Mattingly Coleman Kathy Grossman Dixon Donna Jean Riney Habich WaNell Stallings Lanham Anna Lemming Laura Peters 1972 Margaret Calhoun Rita Kay Sammons Harrell Linda Lee Kirchdorfer Stein Susana Maria Trevino 1973 Barbara Eileen Sullivan Basham Regina Philomena Brockman Gail Patricia Westry 1974 Janet Meyer Calhoun Bridget Rose Garcia Anna Wethington May Judy Moran Judy Louise Jaggers Stoke Terri Wisneiski 1975 Alice Allen Odette Maria Rubinfield 1976 Catherine Ann Allard Brown Leslie Ann Dover Ingrid Antonia Maria Galloway Kathleen Marie Dick Jones Victoria Lynn Saltsman Lori Ann Speck 1977 Adella Maria Castillo Lisa Jadoun Stroud Curtis Teresa Perez 1978 Sandra Castillo Baez Mary Bowers Maria Carolina Briceno Doris Jeannie Thomas Cardi Margaret Frances Ford Mary Beth Linzmeyer Martha Montemayor 1979 Anita Louise Bowling Marie Sylvie Denise Grenon Busra Janekarnkit Audcharachavee (Michelle) Masupap Lynn Michelle Matsey Mary Catherine Medley Ana Clemen Stadthagen Helena Conly Wright 1980 Maria del Milagro Avilis Jacqueline Detrich Valliya Janekarnkit Patricia Anne Linzmeyer Carmen Dolores Zelaya 1981 Bonnie Sue Bates Deidre Ann Karen D’Amico Ann Marie DeMarco Diedre Ann Monica Slaughter Engler Vera Flores Beth Ann Parsley Johnna Lynne Schwartz Whitmore 1982 Louise Rom Henigman Dorothy Marie Drury Lindsey Jill Hines Warren Maria Ellena Wood 1983 Dinorah Carolina Zamora Aquirre Christine Anne Flomerfelt Jayne Christina Grace Mary Michelle Guziewicz Maria Asuncion Morales Presa Angela Millicent Horn Rice Ileana Margarita Peon Roche 1984 Huong Tran Carper Annette Dasso Mary Lee Hermann Gia Kostun Wendy Lenart Pitina Molina 1985 Kathy Alderson Pilar Berny Joanna Thomas Bingham Amy Cates Sherrie Clark Theresa Flomerfelt Magdalene Gutierrez Maria Hayden Inman Ingrid Vargas Lorenzane Paulina Chacon Martens Jacqueline Paulson Joan Ruesewald 1986 Jackie Caldwell Tonya Grace Beatriz Molina
Fall 2007
• • • • •
The NEW Mount
Please include the following alumnae, faculty and family in your prayers...
Sister Agnes Catherine Williams, C’23, died August 9 in her 82nd year of religious life. At 102, she was the oldest member of the community. An educator for 62 years, she taught at St. Alphonsus and Sts. Joseph and Paul Schools in the Owensboro area as well as in Louisville and Missouri. She also taught in the Speech and Hearing Clinic at Brescia College. Mary Alice Tinker “Queenie” Schmitt, A’32, 92, died October 11, 2006, in Louisville. Her husband, Curtis, preceded her in death. Their children are Vivian, Carolyn, and Curtis, Jr. Martine O’Bryan Ward, A’35, died July 4 in Oklahoma City. Daughters Mary Ivolou and Ursula Ann survive. Her husband, Norbert, died in 1999. A teacher for over 30 years, Martine Sister Agnes Catherine was a member of Brescia College’s first graduating class in 1953. Mildred Rose Yates Keal, A’44, died August 4 in Louisville. A registered nurse, she is survived by three sons, Donald, Ronald and R. Thad. Her husband of 54 years, Robert R. Keal, preceded her in death. Frederic “Larry” Chapman, C’50, died June 11 in Crestview, Florida. Survivors include his wife, B.J., and children, Cecilia, Joseph, Catherine, Vicki and Cheryl. He was retired from Modern Welding in Owensboro. Joy Brown Dunn Miller, A’51, died April 14. She is survived by her three children, Beth Dunn Corbett, Joe Ben Dunn and Kevin Dunn.
Sister Mary Irene Cecil, A’45, whose niece, Rose Mary Cecil Lucas, died September 4 in Owensboro. Sister Luisa Bickett, A’47, and Peggy Clark A’56, whose nephew, Patrick Allen Bickett, died July 11 in Calhoun. Sister Elaine Burke, A’49, whose sister-in-law, Mary Ann Burke, died August 19. Laura Coomes Baughn, A’54, whose husband, Robert Baughn, died September 5 in Evansville, Indiana. Marianna Willett Robinson, A’60, whose brother-in-law, Fred Wilkerson, died May 7 in Owensboro. Phyllis Thomas Troutman, A’63, whose husband, Mike, died April 10 in Raywick. Betty Pontorolo, A’66; Mary Linder, A’67 and Patsy Hock, A’69, whose mother, Francine Onley, died April 22. Barbara Castlen Erpenbeck, A’67, whose brother-in-law, Dean Whitehouse, died July 24 in Owensboro. Carolyn Graves Beam, A’70, whose husband, Walter, died August 5. Carolyn Sue Cecil, A’73 and Easie Wathen Cecil, C’50, whose aunt and sister-in-law, Betty Wathen, died March 8.
Picnic Helpers
LEFT: Margaret Powers A’78, left, Susan O’Bryan, right, and Susan’s daughter, Casey, set up a display for the silent auction. CENTER: Phyllis Troutman A’63, peels potatoes for potato salad. RIGHT: Nancy Mills A’72, chair of this year’s picnic, carries a stack of aluminum trays. The 37th annual Mount Saint Joseph Picnic and Barbecue Benefit took place Sunday, September 9, with the help of over 800 volunteers!
ROSA PALAZZO SCHMIDT A’51: Most of you know I rarely miss alumnae weekend. However, when I attended Joy Brown Dunn Miller’s funeral in Greensburg, Ky., I stepped in a hole and fell with such force on my hands and knees, I have been physically sick plus fracturing my thumb, chipping a bone. When one turns “39,” everything is harder to get over. Ha! I assure you, it shall not Vera Durant Fritz keep me down for long. I am doing everything Lost Alumnae continued 1940 Carolyn Porter Ayer the doctor tells me. This is a far cry from last year 1986 Christian Stevenson Rebecca Ruth Hines Shannon Thompson when I cruised to Europe as the guest of my good 1941 Lois Harrison Farmer Michelle Welsch Virginia Mae Peninger Lazzaro friend who works on the cruise ship. You are all in Edith Lorraine Wood Golden Hughes Terry my thoughts and prayers. I definitely MISS you! 1942 Margaret Earline Ambrose COLLEGE
1931 Nancy Basham Mary Ruth Shockley Shiver 1933 Genevieve Dorsey Slader 1934 Agnes Waters Brown Alberta Wood 1935 Margaret Rose Adkisson Marian Elizabeth Rodman Baird Alice Carroll Fie Watson Chandler Nina Athalene Keelen Clara Evelyn Roberts King Wynona Vanover 1936 Edith Jodelle Brown Mary Bess Grabbe Lucy Antionette Pike Willett 1937 Dorothy Allin Keelen 1938 Theresa Bowman Cambron Mary Lucille Mattingly Osborne Angela Walsh Shirley Janice Woods 1939 Helen Easton Avildsen
Fre Della Hancock Corine Jewett Mendoza Virginia Irene Rousseau 1943 Theresa Pearle Haynes Hassett Thomasine Ford Hesson 1944 Mary Ellen Stevenson Harrison Clara L. Champagne Marcellais 1945 Mary Fulkerson Mary Lillian Settles 1946 Ruth Ann Riley Bryant Anna Beatrice Bottoms Daniel Cesarea Fernandez Loretta Long 1947 Edna Yancy Arnold 1948 Ruby Faulkner O’Bryan Roberta Chavez Sewell 1950 Forrest Bartlett Sarita Casas Bejarno Maria del Pilar Romero Carales Wanda Marie Thompson Davis John Doolin Mary Frances Smiley Padan
SISTER MARY BRENDA (Rita Mae) WILLETT, A’51: Thank you for the newsletter which I receive regularly. I always scan it quickly to see pictures or names I recognize, then I go back and read it. I would like to come Alumnae Weekend, but I haven’t been well. God bless you!
ANN JENKINS CASPAR, A’62: I regret not being able to attend the reunion. We are daily grateful for our wonderful family – 2 boys, 2 girls, and our (soon to be) 6 grandchildren. I recently re-retired as an elementary principal. The school district keeps calling me and I keep saying “yes.” My husband, Bob, is a deacon at St. Martin’s in Flaherty, Ky. I love to scrapbook and travel. I would love to hear from you – especially my classmates. God bless you. abcaspar@altell.net
Please help us update our mailing list. If there are errors in your address, please inform us so that we may correct them. See phone and e-mail addresses inside.
*Please call ahead since shop hours may vary
Alumnae Reunion Weekend
270-229-0200, Ext. 410 Quilts (full size, baby) • Shawls made in Chile • Gifts Willow Tree • Rosaries • Jerusalem Stones
Tuesday-Saturday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.*
Mount Saint Joseph Book & Gift Shop ssims@maplemount.org
For information, contact Sister Suzanne Sims, OSU
We extend a special invitation to Mount Saint Joseph Academy alumnae, Ursuline associates and employees. with Spiritual Directors Father John Vaughan and Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU
May 17-18, 2008 Mark your calendars!
Mail to Nancy Mills, 711 Clay Street, Owensboro, KY 42302 For more information, contact Nancy at 270-691-6320
We hope to compile a book of Mount Saint Joseph alumnae recipes as a fundraising project in support of Ursuline ministries.
Gather your favorite recipes and memories!
May 27-June 5, 2008
Angela Pilgrimage to Italy
Calendar of Upcoming Events...
• Saturday, November 3 - Annual Alumnae Memorial Mass, 10:30 a.m. • Saturday, November 3 - Alumnae Weekend Planning Committee, 1:30 p.m. • Saturday, November 3 - Quarterly Spinning Gathering (spin, weave, knit, talk!) at the
Mount, 10:00 a.m. Lunch available for purchase. Next gathering February 2, 2008. • November 5-7 - Thomas Merton Retreat based on his book, New Seeds of
Contemplation, Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center • November 8 - Social Psychologist Diarmuid O’Murchu lecture ,“Justice Making in a
A “Circle of Friends” retreat will take place November 9-11.
Globalized World,” at Brescia University at 7 p.m., Sponsored by the Contemporary Woman Program • November 9-11 - A Women’s and Men’s Retreat (Circle of Friends) with Sister Cheryl Clemons A’69, Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center • November 16-18 - Converge on Fort Benning, Georgia for the Rally to Close the School of the Americas • November 30-December 2 - Ursuline Way of Life Weekend for single Catholic women ages 18-30 seeking to learn more about religious life. Contact Sister Alicia Coomes, 270-229-4103, ext. 214.