The New Mount Fall 2008

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w e N ^ Volume 4, No. 2

Extending the Mission of Mount Saint Joseph Academy and College into the 21st Century

Fall 2008

Sister Jane Irvin filled role of mother, even matchmaker By Dan Heckel, Mount Saint Joseph Staff

dance holds a special memory for Kim (Clemons) Haire A’79. “Sister Jane Irvin always wanted every girl to attend the junior/senior prom. My senior year at the Mount, I was one of three girls who decided we would not go to the prom because we did not have dates. Sister Jan e Irvin Ha Sister Jane Irvin A ncock, cademy do rm mother let us know that if we wanted to go to our prom then we should go, with or without a date. This was a big event in our lives and she thought we should definitely attend. Eventually, we gave in and decided we would go ‘stag,’” Haire said. “Just a couple of days before the big evening, Sister Jane Irvin told us that she had a surprise for us…she had found us dates! None of us were too excited about the idea of having blind dates for our senior prom, and we almost backed out of going. The evening of the prom, the young men came out to the Mount and she introduced each of us to our date (turns out, she had matched us up by height). I’ll never forget her beaming face as she watched us girls being escorted to the gym that night … I don’t think any parent could have been Sister more proud or happy for us! “The prom went along as well as could be expected, Jane Irvin but as the evening wore on, I realized I was enjoying ck co Han the conversation and the sense of humor of my friend’s r te and Sis date. We continued to talk throughout that evening and Jamesetta the conversation hasn’t stopped yet. Phil and I celebrated th Knott help our 25 wedding anniversary in May. Thanks, Sister , in Archives Jane Irvin – I guess you knew what you were doing all along!” n 2008

Diane (Blair) Hodskins recalls that during her years as a boarding student at Mount Saint Joseph Academy, Sister Jane Irvin Hancock C’47 always had the room on the top floor of the dorm with a window to the fire escape. “None of us could be trusted with it,” Hodskins said with a smile. That’s just one memory she had about Sister Jane Irvin, who was dean of boarding students from 1975-1983. She was considered a second mother to many girls who were away from home for the first time. “We had all these ghost stories about how the place was haunted,” said Hodskins, a 1982 graduate. “She taught us a prayer to ward off evil spirits.” Sister Jane Irvin said her favorite thing about being dorm mother was getting the girls to do as she directed. “I wanted them to make something out of themselves,” she said. “They’d come in and talk to me about their boyfriends, or a teacher they thought was too hard on them,” said Sister Jane Irvin, who is retired to the Motherhouse and works part-time in the Archives office. “I’d tell them, ‘She’s not being too hard on you, she wants what’s best for you.’” Dances took place monthly at the Academy, and the girls held car washes to raise money. Part of Sister Jane Irvin’s job was getting the girls away from the boys and back to work, she said. “They were very good girls, they did what I asked,” she said. “They knew if they didn’t I wouldn’t let them go to the dances.” One

Alumnae Memorial Mass will be Saturday, Nov. 8 The third annual Alumnae Memorial Mass is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 8, 2008 at 10:30 a.m. at the Mount Saint Joseph Motherhouse Chapel. This Mass remembers deceased classmates, faculty, family and friends of Mount Saint Joseph Academy and College. Mass will be followed by lunch with the Ursuline Sisters. Prayer intentions can be mailed to the Alumnae Office or e-mailed to alumnae@ Also, please let the office know if you are aware of alumnae who passed away in the previous year. For more information and to RVSP, call 270-229-2006. RSVP by Oct. 15, 2008.

The NEW Mount


Fall 2008

Keeping in Touch Mount Saint Joseph Alumnae Association Officers for 2008-2010:

Alumnae Officers:

Mary • Carolyn • Nancy • Paula

President: Nancy Mills A’72 Vice President: Carolyn Sue Cecil A’73 Secretary: Paula Chandler Gray A’73 Treasurer: Mary Ford Vuncannon A’55

Hello everyone! I hope your summer has gone well and you’re enjoying seasonable fall weather. It was great to see so many of you on Alumnae Weekend. It’s hard to believe we have a little over six months before we gather again in May 2009! But first, mark your calendars for the Mount Saint Joseph Alumnae Memorial Mass, which celebrates the lives of our classmates, faculty members and families who have passed away. The Mass will be Saturday, Nov. 8 at 10:30 a.m. in the chapel, followed by lunch with the sisters. Among plans for my term as your president, I have two publications in mind. Many people have expressed a wish to have a copy of Watermelon & Buttermilk, a cookbook compiled by sisters, alumnae and Ursuline Associates about 15 years ago. I’m doing my best to make that wish a reality. The second publication is a dream of mine: a cookbook, memory book and storybook combined. I want to include “Mount Stories,” tried and true Mount Girl favorite recipes and any bit of trivia you know about MSJ. For example: did you know All Saints Avenue got its name because Father Volk buried saint medals under the trees he planted? To make this project work, I need your help. Pick up your pen or fire up your computer, and share your favorite story, memory or recipe. I am willing to bet that before you finish writing, there will be a smile on your face and in your heart. Mail directly to me at 711 Clay Street, Owensboro KY 42303; or e-mail to alumnae@ It is my hope that any proceeds from the sale of the cookbooks will allow the Alumnae Association to continue to follow in Angela’s footsteps by making donations to the many works of the Ursulines.

Nancy Mills A ’72

President, MSJ Academy Alumnae Association

New ^


Alumnae Visitors ABOVE: Sister Amelia Stenger A’67 and Mary Margaret Drury A’66 pose with Bishop John J. McRaith near the Rosary Walk bench at Mount Saint Joseph given in honor of his 2007 25th anniversary as bishop. LEFT: Sister Amelia sits with Jacinta Garinger A‘47 C‘69 on the bench donated in honor of Jacinta’s family. The visitors were attending the Aug. 10, 2008 rededication of Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center in celebration of its 25th anniversary.

Here are some ways the Office of Ursuline Partnerships can be of service to you: Transcripts are available from Mount Saint Joseph

Archives. Please send a written request (we need your

is published twice a year by the Office of Ursuline Partnerships signature) and a $5 check payable to Mount Saint for alumnae of Mount Saint Joseph Academy and Junior College Joseph. Include your maiden name, graduation year and

Director of Ursuline Partnerships: Marian Bennett, OSUA Director of Spiritual Formation for Ursuline Partnerships: Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU Administrative Assistant: Christi Bowman Director of Mission Advancement/Communications: Dan Heckel Communications/Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski Communications/Web Site: Tiffany Orth 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356 Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 Website: E-mail:

mailing address. Please allow two weeks. Send request to: ARCHIVES, Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356. Prayer Network. Send your prayer requests to Many people around the world will be praying for your needs. If you would like to join our prayer network, please let us know. Deceased Members. Please contact the office with the alumna’s first, maiden and/or married name, class year if you know it, and the date of passing. If you have a photo, we will print it if space allows. Thank you.

Fall 2008


The NEW Mount

Award-winning Alumnae

Dorothy Walz Jackson A’45 (right) with her nominator, Sister Joan Walz, OSU, A’49

Jean Spalding Allen A’55 (left) with her nominator, Liz Berger A’55

Joy Robinson Keller A’59

(right) with her nominator, Sister Julie Marie Head, OSU, A’60

Mount Saint Joseph alumnae receive Maple Leaf awards Three Mount Saint Joseph alumnae received the Maple Leaf Award at the May 18 alumnae reunion banquet: Dorothy Walz Jackson, Academy’45 and Junior College’47, retired as a medical technologist with over 50 years of service. She and her late husband, Jim, were active members of Immaculate Parish in Owensboro and had eight children, four of whom are still living. The moral values and deep convictions that were nurtured at Mount Saint Joseph have remained with Dorothy and enabled her to face life’s challenges. She is grandmother to 11 grandchildren and is frequently on the road to visit them. In addition, she enjoys traveling and ballroom dancing. Dorothy was nominated for the Maple Leaf Award by her sister, Sister Joan Walz, who said of Dottie, “She has been true to her faith, church, profession and community…I am unashamedly proud of her.” Jean Spalding Allen, Academy’55, was amazed to receive a Maple Leaf Award. She said, “The Maple Leaf Award was a shock. I do what I can for my family, neighbors, friends and community—which in my opinion is not much. I often wish I could do more.” Jean is the devoted mother of five, and was active in their education as a teacher’s helper and 4-H leader. She retired from O’Bannon Publishers, and in recent years cared for her husband who has back problems and blindness associated with diabetes. She is devoted to the Blessed Mother and the rosary and reaches out to others, despite personal illness, including cancer surgery and heart problems. Liz Berger A’55, her nominator and classmate, said, “We are blessed to have Jean as our alumnae sister.” Brenda Joy Robinson Keller, Academy’59, is married to Frank Keller and is a retired BellSouth employee. She is active in several Telephone Pioneer activities, particularly the Christmas Wish program, where she spends hours on the phone making sure each individual receives what is most needed. She serves on numerous committees in her home church, including RCIA and scripture study, and devotes considerable time as coordinator of sponsors for adults and youth preparing to receive Easter sacraments. Joy was a member of the planning committee for the 100th anniversary of the MSJ Alumnae June 2, 2008 Association. Sister Julia Head, Dear Marian,* pastoral associate and director of religious education at Immaculate Just a note to let you know how very Parish, nominated Joy and says of enjoyable alumna weekend was for me, but her, “She is gracious and generous really I think I can speak for all of our class. with her time and energy” and It was so well organized and everything flowed “personifies the values of her Mount so smoothly. One could just feel the love and Saint Joseph education.” Nadine

good will. All of you have done an amazing job. When I arrived home I did not have my questionnaire regarding my thoughts on the weekend. If you have one, you can just mark everything EXCELLENT and sign my name. Again many thanks for your hard work. Best wishes and prayers from an old MSJ “girl.”

Nadine Wathen Edrington A ’58 Lanesville, Ind.

*Marian Bennett, Director of Ursuline Partnerships

The Maple Leaf Award is given annually to alumnae who personify the values of their Mount Saint Joseph education by contributions to their local faith and civic communities and/or Mount Saint Joseph. An anonymous panel of alumnae chooses awardees from nominations submitted by alumnae and faculty.

Class of ’48 60 years

Class o

CLASS OF 1948: Front row, from left: Mag Molohon Kaelin, Betty Long Fruehstorfer. Back row: Jean Mattingly Murphy, Katherine Roby Thomas, and Dolores O’Bryan Smith.

Class of ’44, ‘48

Class of ’46 62 years

50 yea

CLASS OF 1946: (left) Martha Taylor, and Theresa McCarty, along with her husband, Mike McCarty, Academy Class of 1944 /College Class of 1948. CLASS OF 1963: (right) From left, Sister Karla Marie Kaelin, Lila Frederick, Phyllis Troutman.

Class of ’63 45 years

CLASS OF 1949 (left): F Mary Kennedy, Sister Ma Matthews, Gertie Hall M Back row: Sister Joan Wa Elaine Burke.

Class of ’47 61 years

Class of ’49 59 years

CLASS OF 1947: (left) Sister Clarita Browning and Jacinta Tichenor Garinger.

Class of ’8 25 years

It’s not too late to get your annual Ursuline Quilt Club members Only $20 for a year. One drawing is held each month for a new handmade quilt. To purchase your Quilt Club membership, call 270-229-4103 ext. 278

LOOKING FOR THE LOST ALUMNAE LIST? It is now on our Web site at under Alumnae. Ch

Class of ’68 40 years

CLASS OF 1968: Front row, from left, Sarah Olges Holden, Sister Pam Mueller, Ramona Vowels Haire, Brenda Greenwell Wallace; Back row, Carole Caummisar Sanders, Rita Molohon Beckman, and Alice Cecil Biscopink.

of ’58


CLASS OF 1958 (above): Front row: Dorothy Jean Blincoe Rosales, Mary Therese Fraize, Betty Moorman, Joyce Stallings Wimsatt, and Olivia Ann Riney Roby. Second row: Eileen Goetz Fulkerson, Mary Jane O’Bryan Blandford, Sue Mary Thomas, Mary Theresa Hornback Walker, and Nadine Wathen Edrington. Third row: Bernadine Dockemeyer Edwards, Joan Murphy Froehlich, Bertha Alvey Shelton, Helen Payne Hermann, Margie Byrne Rode, and Beverly Greenwell Boeckmann. Back row: Betty Fulkerson Wiggins, Martha Helen Thompson Howard, Louise Fogle Payne, Mary Anne Kevil, and Lola Fulkerson Whitesides.

Front row: ary Angela Mayhew. alz, Sister

Mount Saint Joseph Academy Reunion

heck it out!

42 years

CLASS OF 1966: Elaine McCarty Glenn, Sister Suzanne Sims, Mary Margaret Drury and Phyllis Costello Bresnik. Elaine and Mary Margaret were making their 42nd consecutive reunion.

May 17-18, 2008

Class of ’73 58 years

Class of ’73



Class of ’66

35 years

Veteran Alumnae

CLASS OF 1973: Paula Gray, Stephanie Warren, Maria Rivera, and Carolyn Sue Cecil.

Above left: The youngest alum present at the reunion was Cindy Kaelin Light, A’83. Above: The most veteran alumnae at the reunion were Sister Frances Miriam Spalding, age 89, College Class of 1940, and Audrey Pierce Durbin, Academy Class of 1939, and College Class of 1941.

The NEW Mount


Fall 2008

Alumnae Adventures Helen Dolores Schram Wilson A’41: In informing the Mount of Helen’s death, her daughter, Helen Hubley, wrote, “She attended her 25th and 60th reunions, brought me to the 25th and my sister Mary Virginia to the 60th. She kept in touch with many of her high school friends over the years and was known affectionately as “Swifty.” Although she told me she earned the nickname by going up and down stairs so quickly, I think it really was because she talked so S L O W L Y, being from the Mississippi Delta.” Mary T. Elliott Toon A’48: I’m sorry I had to miss our alumnae reunion. I had a granddaughter graduating from high school, and I’m not keen on traveling any more. I thank God, my parents and the good sisters for the four years I attended the Mount. Pray for me and my family. I still live at home on our farm close to Fancy Farm, Ky., as my spouse Leon died in 2001. I would love hearing from you, my dearest classmates. Gertrude Hall Mayhew A’49: I went to Yankee Stadium in New York City for Pope Benedict’s Mass on April 20, 2008. I rode on one of the six buses from the Louisville Archdiocese – 1,722 mile round trip. It was a great experience and such a blessing to be in his presence. Rosa Palazzo Schmidt A’51: There are two reasons I wasn’t able to attend Alumnae Weekend. I had minor surgery this spring – plus my grandson graduated from high school that weekend, so I could not miss that! I stay very busy. I tutor one day a week in our local school, helping students with reading difficulties – hoping to make a bit of difference. I take communion to two lovely ladies in the assisted living home. Naturally, I have to stay and visit a while. They are delights! I travel as often as the opportunity presents itself. My youngest son and I spent eight days in Waikiki in January, having been flown there by my oldest son, the pilot. He often takes me on some of his trips, even to Munich for Christmas last year. How blessed I am! Of course, one of my biggest blessings shall always be the wonderful education I received at Mount Saint Joseph. I pray you had a great reunion and know that I was there in spirit! Marianna Willett Robinson A’60: Incorruptible bodies of saints, tours of holy sites, the Sistine Chapel, Pope Benedict XVI, ancient Basilicas, La Scala Santa (the Holy Stairs), Italian cuisine, world-famous gelato, countless relics of saints, Mass at renowned Basilicas, excavations beneath St. Peter’s Basilica, art works of the masters, the Pieta...This is a short list of the highlights of a 10-day pilgrimage to Italy that I was privileged to make, through arrangement with the Ursuline Sisters. There were 23 travelers, including five Ursulines. We were fortunate to attend an audience with the Holy Father. Prior to addressing the throng, he rode around the open-air arena in the pope mobile. Our group was situated near the wide aisles enabling us to get some close-up photographs of Pope Benedict XVI. He wore a warm, kind smile as he waved to the cheering crowds. Our summer pilgrimage to Italy was a blessing and the journey of a lifetime.* SISTER Mary Lois Speaks, OSU A’62: I am into my second decade at Marion County High School, serving “at-risk” students who are sent to “In-School Detention.” There are always calls for pastoral listening, the sick to visit and pray with/for, ongoing spiritual direction sessions by request, plus the local and Ursuline community involvements. I love the rolling hills and quiet green of my residence and surroundings: country-loving girl that I still am. There is SO much to be grateful for and too much to pray for, but I try to be aware of both areas! Phyllis Thomas Troutman A’63: To be honest, I am still adjusting to my husband’s death and working hard to keep my business sound. The rising cost of propane is a headache. Our shop continues to be a “welcome center” and as my girls call it, “Dr. Phil’s Matchmaker Service and Listening Center!” We hear lots of family and personal stories from patrons (friends) every day and do what we can to help everyone passing through our doors. Since Mike’s cancer and my daughter’s cancer, we have made it part of our work routine to send out “support” cards to cancer victims. It’s all tiring, but rewarding to be “MSJ Presence,” doing Gospel witness, while making a living. 1 Mary Danhauer A’71: I returned from Jamaica July 5. Not wanting to be lazy or could it be, I needed money to live on, I went to work at the McAuley Clinic in the Daniel Pitino Shelter, Owensboro. The clinic serves the poor who have no insurance. I feel guidance from God led me to this job. I worked at the clinic before as a volunteer. The staff is talented and dedicated. I feel that the number of patients we see will never get to the 50-70 a day I was seeing in Jamaica, but each one is as needy. They have been shunted from one office to another and lost all hope when insurance ran out. I am grateful there is a place like the clinic and that I have been placed here to serve. It is good to be back home among family and friends. A piece of my heart remains in Jamaica. I watch weather reports of hurricanes, hoping the next one will miss all my friends. I am changed by my Jamaica experience. I am a better person for having been in the presence of such poverty. God is at work everywhere!





1. Sister Fran Wilhelm with Sharon Fieser Castelan ’68 in Temple City 2. Sister Fran with Alice Mayo Roberts ’65 in Hanford 3. Marian Bennett with Teresa Buckman Ashley ‘37 and Lenora Buckman Begley ’44 in Fresno 4. Marian with Ann Wathen Lewis ’58 in Vacaville 5. Mary Costello ’65 and Phyllis Costello Bresnik ’66 with Marian in Moor Park


*See complete Italy pilgrimage story at

Fall 2008


The NEW Mount

In Loving Memory

Please include the following alumnae, faculty and family in your prayers... • Sister Joseph Adrian Russell, OSU A’32, died Aug. 3 at age 94 in her 75th year of religious life. She had a smile that could light up a room. A native of Louisville, Ky., she earned her secondary education at Mount Saint Joseph Academy, followed by higher education at Brescia College, Sacred Heart in Louisville, and Catholic Teacher’s College in Albuquerque, N.M. An educator for 48 years, she taught in Curdsville (1935), Leitchfield (1947-50), and St. Raphael School, Daviess County (1952-53). She taught in other Kentucky schools, in Missouri, and in New Mexico, where she ministered for more than 30 years. She also served as tutor and outreach minister for Christ the King School and Parish, Madisonville (1992-2001). She retired in 2001. • Marjorie Long Keegan A’38 died Oct. 20, 2007, in Louisville. After a long teaching career, Marjorie retired from the Jefferson County Public School System. She was a devoted parishioner of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish and a member of the Altar Society, Queen’s Daughters and the Nazareth Home Auxiliary. She is survived by William, her husband of 60 years, and eight children. • Martha F. Campbell C’41 died June 4 in Louisville. She is survived by her sister, Mary Jo Campbell Jenkins A’42, and nieces and nephews. She retired from Kirk and Bloom and volunteered for the Nazareth Home. • Mildred Rose Yates Keal A’44, died Aug. 4 in Louisville. A registered nurse, she is survived by three sons, Donald, Ronald, and R. Thad. Her husband of 54 years, Robert, preceded her in death. • Helen Schram Wilson A’41 died March 27 in Clarksdale, Miss. She was preceded in death by Joseph, her husband of 47 years, in 1997 and is survived by daughters Helen and Mary Virginia. Helen worked as Deputy City Clerk in Clarksdale, her hometown, until her retirement. She was active in St. Elizabeth Church’s Altar Society and Ladies Auxiliary, the Women’s Club and the extension office. (See additional note in Alumnae Adventures.) • Joy Brown Dunn Miller A’51, died April 14. She is survived by her three children, Beth Dunn Corbett, Joe Ben Dunn and Kevin Dunn. • Elizabeth Maxine Riney Cecil A’42 died July 4 in Owensboro. High-spirited and sociable, Maxine was a member of St. Alphonsus Church and enjoyed entertaining, playing cards, square-dancing and playing the piano. She is survived by Marion, her husband of 65 years, and eight children, including daughters Mary Fogle A’62, Alice Biscopink A’68, Janice Taul A’78, and Betty Medley A’81, and sisters, Dorothy Marie Getchel A’37, Mary Phoebe Ebelhar A’39 and Beverly Cambron A’53; and her sister-in-law, Sister Mary Irene Cecil, OSU A’45. • Louise Riney Clark A’49 died April 21 in Owensboro. She retired as an engineering secretary for General Electric Company and volunteered at the Owensboro Help Office. Louise’s survivors include her sisters, Victoria White A’42, Marilyn Kurz A’54 and Bernice Bertke A’56. Her husband, William, preceded her in death in 1994. • Rose Mary Dockemeyer Thompson A’50 died July 2 in Owensboro. She is survived by her husband, Bill, and two sons and two daughters, as well as her sisters Janice Warren A’47, Margaret Kelly A’53, Bernadine Edwards A’58 and Maye Hayden A’64.

WE EXTEND OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY TO: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Sister Martha Molohon, OLVM, A’42, Magdalen Kaelin A’48 and Mary Lucy Hines A’51, whose sister, Frances Louise Molohon, died May 19 in Owensboro. Mildred Payne Clark A’46, whose husband, William T. Clark, died June 28 in Owensboro. Other survivors include his sisters, Joan Clark A’47, Anna Lou Bergevin A’52, and Nancy Walz A’55. Maureen Payne Semones A’49, whose husband, Charles Semones, died in Louisville. Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan A’60, whose aunt, Anna Marie Oberst Davis, died Aug. 28. Ruth Ann Carrico A’64, whose aunt, Theresa Helen Coomes, died in March. Sister Maureen Griner A’64, whose sister, June Guidice, died Aug. 14. Catherine Pfeifer A’66, Marty Frost A’67, Mary Lawrence Baltes A’68, and Ellen Flynn A’72, whose mother, Frances (Fanny) Hayden Bickett, died Aug. 29. Sister Suzanne Sims A’66, whose aunt, Dorothy Howard Sims, died April 23 in Owensboro. Ruth Bittel-Nunez A’69, whose mother, Mildred Bittel, died June 14 in Owensboro. Sister Cheryl Clemons A’69, whose father, Carmel Clemons, died July 18 in Louisville. Shirley Warren A’72 and Diane Bickett A’74, whose nephew, Robert Anthony Bickett, died March 21. Tina Weber Smith A’74, whose father, Jack Weber, died June 11.

ALUMNAE ADVENTURES (continued) SISTER JACINTA POWERS A’72: In 2007 Ursuline leadership set a goal (based on the book “Good to Great”) to address poverty of body, mind, and spirit, especially in women and children. That challenge ignited a fire within our hearts, and six Ursulines and an associate traveled to the Diocese of Mandeville in Jamaica to investigate starting an Ursuline ministry. We found a need, and now two of us, Sister Betsy Moyer and I, will travel to Jamaica LEFT: Sally Murphy Buford A’64, helps with Bingo at the 38th annual Mount Saint in September to test the waters of this new Joseph Picnic to benefit the retired sisters on Sept. 7. RIGHT: Gertie Hall Mayhew Ursuline initiative. The Catholic grade A’49, right, buys a lunch ticket from Gary Riney and Sister Susan Mary Mudd. school in Mandeville will be blessed with the presence of Sister Betsy, and we will live in the school convent. At this time it is unclear how I will use my gift of health care education. However, one sign from the Holy Spirit is the name of the school: Mount Saint Joseph.



Please help us update our mailing list. If there are errors in your address, please inform us so that we may correct them. See phone and e-mail addresses inside.

We are seeking a qualified person to lead our development efforts to ensure the continued support of the many vital ministries in which the Ursuline Sisters serve. Alumnae of Mount Saint Joseph Academy know firsthand the impact the Ursuline Sisters have on the lives of so many people. That knowledge is essential to celebrate with our supporters and to develop new friends. To learn more, contact Dan Heckel, director of Mission Advancement: 270-229-4103, ext. 200 or e-mail

Do you want to help the Ursuline Sisters in their goal of freeing and nurturing women and children?

Sign up today at!

ected despite

Staying conn

the miles!

Mount Saint Joseph Alumnae Message Forum

Alumnae Reunion Weekend

May 16-17, 2009 Mark your calendars!

Mail to Nancy Mills, 711 Clay Street, Owensboro, KY 42303 For more information, contact Nancy at 615-347-2631

We hope to compile a book of Mount Saint Joseph alumnae recipes, memories, and trivia as a fundraising project in support of Ursuline ministries.

Gather your favorite recipes and memories!

Calendar of Upcoming Events... • • • • • • • •

Friday-Sunday, Oct. 17-19, Spiritual Accompaniment: Studies of Henri Nouven, Retreat Center Friday-Sunday, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, Marian Retreat led by Msgr. Bernard Powers, Retreat Center Saturday, Nov. 1, Yarn Spinning, Retreat Center Saturday, Nov. 8, Alumnae Memorial Mass and Luncheon, 10:30 am, Chapel Saturday, Nov. 8, Alumnae Weekend 2009 Planning Meeting, 1:00 pm, Saint Angela Hall Friday-Sunday, Nov. 21-23, Thomas Merton Retreat: Bridges to Contemplative Living, Retreat Center Friday-Sunday, Dec. 5-7, Biblical Families: Their Stories, Our Stories, Retreat Center Saturday & Sunday, May 16-17, 2009, Alumnae Weekend

Betty Moorman A’58, left, visited with her former teacher, Sister Mary Eileen Howard, at the May 17-18, 2008 Alumnae Reunion. Over 120 alumnae attended the reunion at Maple Mount.

Look for more Alumnae Reunion photos online:

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