UPDATE Reflective Moments Nov. 2010

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Reflective Moments Moments Reflective Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph

November 2010

The purpose of Reflective Moments is to offer you a way to incorporate the spirit of Saint Angela Merici into your own lives. We hope that it enriches you spiritually.

Hold Fast to Dreams By Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU


ecently I read the Langston Hughes poem, “Dreams.” The poem caused me to reflect on my dreams and the dreams of others. What were Jesus’ dreams? What were Angela’s dreams?

Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. – Langston Hughes

To know Jesus’ dreams I went to the gospels. I believe Jesus dreamed of a peaceful world. “Peace is my farewell to you, my peace is my gift to you.” John 14:27 Jesus dreamed of a world where people could live without fear and without troubled hearts – where people could trust. “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” John 14:1 “Fear is useless; what is needed is trust.” Luke 8:50 Jesus lived in a world where everyone would know and live in unity with God. “Father, may they be one as you are in me and I in you. I pray that they may be one in us.” John 17:21 The miracle stories in the gospel tell us of Jesus healing people of physical and spiritual illnesses and providing them with what they need – food, bread, living water that they never thirst again. Jesus restored people to life: his friend, Lazarus, and the only son of the widow. He invited women to discipleship and empowered them for ministry. I believe Jesus dreamed of a world where people lived with equality.

I believe Angela dreamed of a world much like the world of which Jesus dreamed. In Renaissance Italy, women were not allowed to make their own choices about how they lived. The patriarchs of the family chose for them. Angela dreamed of a world where women could choose for themselves. Angela did not want to enter a monastery nor marry. She wanted to dedicate her life to God as a single woman in the world, serving wherever she saw a need. Her dream led her to found the Company of Saint Ursula on Nov. 25, 1545. Angela dreamed of a peaceful world. That peace started in her own heart and her own company. Continued on back

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“Wherever they are, they should seek to spread peace and concord.” 5th Counsel “My last word to you, by which I implore you …is to live in harmony, united together, all of one heart and one will.” Last Counsel Angela dreamed of a Church reformed. “Pray and get others to pray that God not abandon his Church, but reform it.” 7th Counsel What are your dreams?

For Your Reflection

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Sit quietly with Angela and Jesus. You may want to play some quiet music to help you arrive at silence deep within. Share your dreams with Jesus and Angela. Listen quietly as they speak to your heart. Perhaps you would like to draw your dream or ritualize it in some manner. Ask Jesus and Angela to give you courage to pursue your dreams.

An Intentional Minute... Stop and focus your attention for one INTENTIONAL MINUTE By Marian Bennett, OSUA

Prayer for Dreamers We pray for the dreamers of this life, O God, for those persons who imagine new possibilities, who long for what others cannot perceive, who spin dreams of wonder and majesty in their minds. Defend them from ridicule and harsh criticism, from self-doubt and lack of faith in their dreams, and from abandonment of this call to make things new. Grant that from their dreams may come forth blessings for humankind to enrich the quality of life and the wonderment of us all. Amen. – from Prayers From our Hearts

GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD – HIS MERCY ENDURES FOREVER “Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts.” ~ Psalm 105:1-2

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” ~ Meister Eckhardt

Join us as we pray for one another! Send your prayer requests for friends and loved ones to the E-mail Prayer Network. Write the Ursuline Partnerships office, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356 Call 270-229-2006 • E-mail associates.msj@maplemount.org

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