The New Mount Winter 2004-05

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w e N ^ Volume 1, No. 1

Extending the Mission of Mount Saint Joseph Academy and College into the 21st Century

Winter 2004 - 2005

Greetings from our Alumnae President Dear Alumnae, One hundred years ago, our Alumnae Association was born. We have weathered many years, many storms and many joys. As we embark on our second one hundred years, let s get together to celebrate! We are looking forward to seeing a great number of you on May 13 13,, 14 and 15 for the 100th Anniversary of the Mount Saint Joseph Alumnae Association. It seems that the majority of us only return for alumnae gatherings when it is our jubilee year, thus missing the opportunity to enjoy the company of our older and younger alumnae. I invite all of you to call some of your alumnae friends and encourage them to join us in a memorable weekend. Betty Cecil Medley We are working very hard with many dedicated alumnae to help make this 100th Anniversary of Mount St. Joseph Alumnae Association one of the best ever unforgettable! I look forward to seeing all of you there for this celebration. Please mark your calendars for May 13-15, 2005, and join us in celebrating the past, present and above all the future of our Alumnae Association. Sincerely, Betty Cecil Medley 81

WELCOME TO THE NEW MOUNT! While you were here at the Mount, you were inspired by the vision of Saint Angela Merici. That vision is alive today at Mount Saint Joseph in the sisters and their ministries, as well as within each of you. THE NEW MOUNT is a reminder of the New ^ richness that touched your life and an opportunity to MSJ reconnect with friends and classmates. May it also be a means to continue the ministry of Mount Saint Joseph Academy and College in your daily lives. Written especially for alumnae of Mount Saint Joseph Academy and College, this newsletter will be published twice a year. We hope you enjoy it! We invite your comments and suggestions.

The NEW Mount


Winter 2004 - 2005

KEEPING IN TOUCH Since July 2004, your Co-Directors of Ursuline Partnerships are Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU, and Marian Bennett, OSUA. We are charged with maintaining a momentum in communications and leadership for the future of the Academy and College Alumnae Association, as well as supporting the ministry of the Ursuline Associates. Ursuline Partnerships is a component of the Office of Mission Advancement for Mount Saint Joseph, which also includes the Offices of Vocation Ministry, Communications/Marketing and Mission Effectiveness. The purpose of the Office of Mission Advancement is to support the ministry of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph and to reflect the Ursuline values of simplicity, hospitality, justice and service.

Marian Bennett Sister Marietta Wethington

Please feel welcome to contact us at (270) 229-2006, or e-mail us at or For starters, here are some ways we’d like to be of service to you:

TRANSCRIPTS are available from MSJ Archives. Please send a written request (we need your signature) and a $5.00 check made out to Mount Saint Joseph for each transcript. Be sure to include where you want transcripts sent. Please allow two weeks. Send request to: ARCHIVES, Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356.

PRAYER NETWORK. Almost daily, we send out requests for prayers to a list of Ursuline Sisters, associates, and alumnae who have asked to be Gertie Hall Mayhew A’49 with Sister Mary Agnes (Patsy) VonderHaar on our prayer list. If you would like to be in this A’52, and Doris Bennett Hobbs A’52, happy jubilarians at the 2002 prayer network, all we need is your e-mail Alumnae Reunion. address. If you or a loved one needs prayers, just send your request to Sister Marietta or Marian. You may be assured that many people will be praying for your request.

DECEASED MEMBERS. Prayers will be offered for all deceased alumnae and their families, and (if you wish), alumnae deaths will be listed in this paper. Please contact the office with the alumnae’s first, maiden and/or married name, class year if you know it, and the date of passing. (If you have a photo that you’d like in this paper, we will be happy to print it.) Please don’t assume that someone else will notify us. We appreciate your help! New ^

i s published twice yearly by the Office of Ursuline Partnerships for alumnae of Mount Saint Joseph Academy and Junior College. CO-DIRECTORS OF URSULINE PARTNERSHIPS: Marian Bennett, Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU EDITORIAL ASSISTANCE: Sister Ruth Gehres, OSU 8001 Cummings Road Maple Mount, KY 42356

Winnie Cecil Riney A’37 displays her Maple Leaf Award with her daughter Olivia Ann Riney Roby A’58 at the 2002 Alumnae Reunion.

Winter 2004-2005


The NEW Mount

ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND SCHEDULE Friday May 13 4:00-7:00 Check-in/Registration/Pick up meeting materials (Center Lobby) 5:00-7:00 Wine and Cheese Reception (Center Courtyard) 7:30 Evening prayer in the Memorial Garden (Rain — Madonna Room) Saturday May 14 7:30-8:30 Continental breakfast (Center) 8:30-9:30 Check-in/Registration/Pick up meeting materials (Center Lobby) 10:00-12:00 Workshops & Other Activities “A Walk Down Memory Lane” with Sisters Annalita Lancaster and Vickie Cravens noon Cookout (Center Courtyard) 1:00-4:00 Tours/Visiting/Other Activities (Farm, Saint Joseph Villa, Museum, Angela’s Ark Flatboat, Shrines, Cemetery) 5:30 Mass with Bishop McRaith (Sunday Liturgy) followed by Banquet/Awards/Looking to the Future (MSJ Gymnasium) Sunday May 15 7:30-9:30 Continental breakfast (Center) 8:30-9:30 Check-in/Registration/Pick up meeting materials (Center Lobby) 9:30 Opportunity for Mass at Motherhouse Chapel (optional) 9:30-10:45 More Visiting or check out of lodging/prepare for departure 10:45-12:00 “State of the Alumnae Association” Address (Center Dining Room) followed by lunch in the Sisters’ Dining Room, featuring square pies! Please note that this is the tentative schedule...still in development!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW ! The Alumnae Anniversary Weekend won’t be complete without YOU! Your reservation form is on the insert following page 4 of this issue. HELP NEEDED! Many volunteers are needed to make the 100th Anniversary Alumnae Weekend a success. Why not join the fun? Contact Betty Medley, 270-683-1545 or or Marian Bennett in the Office of Ursuline Partnerships, 270-2292006, or PLANNING COMMITTEES Liturgy and choir Hospitality Lodging Food History/Heritage Special Recognitions Activities/Workshops Door Prizes Communications Let us know where you’d like to put your talents to work!

ANNIVERSARY CHOIR Tune up your vocal chords and round up that dusty musical instrument! The 100th Anniversary Mass on Saturday, May 14, will be accompanied by an alumnae ensemble directed by Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan ’60. Rehearsal will precede the Mass — watch for exact time.

CORE COMMITTEE Here are the members of the core committee for the 100th Anniversary Celebration: Sister Annalita Lancaster C’43, Joy Robinson Keller A’59, Sister Nancy Murphy A’59, Marianna Willett Robinson A’60, Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan A’60, Sally Murphy Buford A’64, Mary Margaret Drury A’66, Ruth Ann Bittel A’69, and Betty Cecil Medley A’81. For current news about these great volunteers, see page 4!

The NEW Mount


Winter 2004 - 2005

ALUMNAE ADVENTURES Sister Annalita Lancaster C’43 is director of mission effectivenness in the Mission Advancement Office at Mount Saint Joseph. Joy Robinson Keller A’59 is retired from BellSouth after working for 33 years. She serves as a catechist at Immaculate Parish, working with RCIA. She keeps the road to Lexington, Ky., busy as she goes often to visit her two grandchildren there. Sister Nancy Murphy A’59 is associate local community life coordinator at the Ursuline Motherhouse at Mount Saint Joseph. “In my spare time,” she says, “I usher at the RiverPark Center for concerts and musicals. Most recently, I had the opportunity to travel to Greece and Turkey for the ‘Following in the Footsteps of Saint Paul’ pilgrimage.” Marianna Willett Robinson A’60 sends this report: “About ten years ago, after raising our three children in Ohio County, Larry and I returned to our native Daviess County. Larry continues to practice accounting in Ohio County, and I retired three years ago from teaching middle school there. Our two married sons live nearby; our career-minded daughter lives in Ft. Lauderdale, a very nice place to visit. So far, we have been blessed with three young grandsons, and another grandchild is due next spring. Friends tell us that we are “eaten up with our grandkids,” and we are! What joy we find in our roles as Pops and Nana! We also enjoy traveling as well as diggin’ and plantin’ in our flower garden. I am happy to serve on the planning committee for the big MSJ Alumnae event for next summer because some of my fondest school memories are those I have as a boarding student there. Some dear friendships were formed at the Mount, and the Ursulines have a special place in my heart.” Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan A’60, after eight years as congregational leader of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, is on sabbatical and in discernment for the next ministry experience of her life. Sally Murphy Buford A’64 married Bill Buford on June 7,1969, and is presently employed at Kimberly Clark. She has four children: John is a music minister at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Newport News, Va. Christy, an English teacher at Trinity High School in Whitesville, Ky., is married to Roy Medlock and has two daughters, Riley, 4, and Carly Ann, 1. B.J. is employed at Home Depot in Owensboro. Jesse was employed with his dad, but is presently looking for other opportunities. Mary Margaret Drury A’66 has worked for the Diocese of Owensboro for 38 ½ years. She has never married, but has three nieces and nephews and six great-nieces and nephews whom she is close to. Sr. Pam Mueller A’68 is in her fifth year as director of the office of vocation ministry for the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. Sister Pam says: “Yes, I’m the vocation director for the community and I can hardly believe it myself! If you can find this hard to believe, please come to the 100th Alumnae Association celebration at the Mount and see for yourselves!” Ruth Ann Bittel A’69 taught high school Spanish/French/ English for 29 years in Kentucky. Now she is working at the Owensboro Centro Latino with Hispanics in western Kentucky. She is active at Blessed Mother Catholic Church, serving as eucharistic minister, lector, and hospital communion minister.

Also Celebrating 100 Years...! Sister Agnes Catherine Williams A’20 marked her 100th year of life with a big celebration on January 29. She was born in the same year as the Alumni Association! She is the oldest living Academy graduate. Born Mary Agnes Williams in Owensboro, she was one of eight children of Asa and Catherine Stengell Williams. She entered the community in 1925, the youngest of three siblings who became Ursuline Sisters. A beloved teacher, she ministered for 62 years in St. Joseph, Owensboro, and Marion County, all in Kentucky, and in Affton (St. Louis), Missouri. “Sister Aggie” lives in Saint Joseph Villa at Mount Saint Joseph, spending much time in prayer and helping to care for her dear “Sis,” Sister Charles Asa, who was 102 years old last June. Her third Ursuline sibling, Sister Joseph Marie, died in 1989 at 94.

Betty Cecil Medley A’81 is director of the Family Life Office of the Diocese of Owensboro. She is married with two children: Michael, 21, a junior at Western Kentucky University; and Jennifer, 19, a sophomore at Western Kentucky University. What’s been happening in your part of the world? New baby? New job? Retirement? Grandchildren? Travel? New location? New blessings? No real news, just enjoying God’s grace? This is YOUR page. Send us your news. We’ll be happy to share it. Alumnae Adventures will be published in each issue of The New Mount.

Winter 2004-2005


The NEW Mount

O U R P R AY E R N E T W O R K In today’s busy world, it’s good to take to pray with and for each other. Our E-Mail Prayer Network unites the sisters, alumnae and associates in prayer. We encourage you to join by contacting Sister Marietta Wethington ( or Marian Bennett ( We have been asked to include the following persons in our prayers: Those who have died: Ernestine Hamilton Barr, a 1950 graduate of Mount Saint Joseph Junior College, who died November 27, 2004. She is survived by Herman, her husband of 54 years, and her children Jim, Barbara, David, Joey, Joanne, Kay and Mary Lou. Ernestine was instrumental in the development of the Cursillo movement in Owensboro, an active member of Blessed Mother Church for more than 50 years, and a volunteer for many years in the RCIA and Landings programs. Cards of condolence may be sent to Herman at: 2612 Sunrise Drive, Owensboro KY 42303. May she rest in peace. Georgia Marie Warren McCarty, who died December 6, 2004. Georgia, who graduated from the Academy in 1944, was a lifetime alumnae member. She is survived by eight children: Larraine Hayden, Elaine Glenn, Patsy Wright, Mary Dowdy, Frank, Larry, Randy, and Kenny McCarty. Remember them in your prayer as well. Those who are ill: Bernard Grady, husband of Joyce Weikel Grady A’56 and father of Stephanie Grady A’80. Bernard suffered a stroke in December. Mary Ann Flood Lynch A’65, who is suffering from complications following hip surgery. Diane Blair Hodskins A’82, who is suffering from a brain tumor. Virginia Thompson Hardy A’46, who has been in the hospital.

I N F O R M AT I O N CALENDAR 2005 May 13-15 July 9 November 5

MSJ Alumnae Association 100th Anniversary Weekend Associates/Sisters Day Memorial Mass for deceased sisters, alumnae, faculty, Ursuline associates, and families (tentative date)

YOUR ALUMNAE OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer

Betty Cecil Medley A‘81 Betty Reardon Greaves A‘66 Phyllis Thomas Troutman A’63

At left: Sister Annalita Lancaster C’43 and Louise Fowler Gaddie A’45. At right:Tina Weber and Vickie Bickett Gibson. Both are 1974 Academy grads.

The NEW Mount


Winter 2004 - 2005

LOST ALUMNAE Please help us locate our lost alumnae. If you have a current address for any one of them, please notify us. If someone is deceased, we would appreciate knowing this, and the date of death. We remember all deceased alumnae in prayer. ACADEMY 1919 Lucy Spalding O’Donnell Audrey Wilkerson Ford 1920 Henrietta Baglan Harris Edna Newton Quinn 1921 Edith Driscoll Wortman 1922 Anna Evelyn Summerville Hazel 1923 Matilda Rodman Muir Minerva Rodman Bull 1924 Estelle Stroup Jones AND Birch 1926 Eula Warren Martin (C1928) Elizabeth Cooper Sweeney Irene DeVydler Davis Irene Osborn Anna Louise Vessels Downing 1927 Irene Nischon Schuemann 1928 Margaret Kunze Magenheimer Agnes Sheeran Beard Catherine Vessels 1930 Philomena Rechtin Lynch 1931 Dorothy Clark Hicks Juanita Clark Whitledge 1932 Avis Bitter Briedenbach 1933 Dorothea Warren Greenwood (C1935) Lorraine Bivins Johnston Mary Eileen Butler Brumleve Lorine Clark Gentry Alberta Dienes Beavin Virginia Hamilton Hamilton Mary Frances Rootz Frances Mary Catherine Trice Stryjak 1936 Lucy Marie Abell Mary Frances Cotter Anderson Elizabeth Edelen Borders Henrietta Smith Brown 1937 Kathleen Neel Kathryn Neely O’Connor 1938 Mary Ruth Brown Norris 1939 Adele Clements Margeneath Rosita Riney Warren Mary Edith Thompson Chase 1940 Emily Ballard Chandler Mary Elizabeth Brown Wildman Dalphine Dublin Jarboe Mary Elizabeth Fenwick Dauderman Mary Feuquay Carolyn Hamilton Felitsky Lurleen Jarboe Teresa Long Epherton Margaret Schoeter 1941 Bernice Malcom Dorman Elizabeth May Robinson 1942 Mary Catherine Clark Westerfield Marybelle Kennady Mary Rose Matthews 1943 Mildred Bumm Short Regina Mitchell Ramsey 1944 Martha Beaven Holland Mildred Mills Colantonio 1945 Catherine Belle Grimes 1946 Sara Delia Cunningham James W. Thompson 1947 Mary Werner Blair Bonita Williamson Travis 1948 Martine Stuart Greenwell 1949 Alberta Kuhn Balcartis Margaret Doris Thompson Scherm Ann Wills 1950 Asc. Clara Crouch Lilly Dorothy Dean Pike 1951 Ida Greer Lester Sybil Mattingly 1952 Louise Pryor 1953 Elizabeth Jane Dees Christian Lorena Erwin Peterson Mary Ann Essex Kinney Delores Scott Miller Ann Tichenor Weinstroer 1954 Anna Laura Beavin Haycraft Geraldine Russell Schroth Theresa Mae Thompson Carrico 1957 Mary Ann Doherty Causey Henrietta Ann Fulkerson Steiner 1958 Eileen Goetz Fulkerson Rose Ann Wathen Baker or Frizzell 1959 Beverly Bartley Goetz Mary Celeste Durbin Spalding Edna Marie Hagerman Blandford Eugenia (Jeannie) Thompson

1960 Madeline Churchill Lupitina Garza Shirley Redmond Theresa Amelia Stallings Hester Mary Irene O’Daniel 1961 Judith Ann Arnold Payne Nene Garza Lupintina Pamela Steerstedter Nolot 1962 Earlene Beavin Hart

Mary Phoebe Riney Ebelhar and Audrey Pierce Durbin, both A’39. 1963 Patricia Manion Fowler Kay Poat Brimm Martha Ann Williams Patton Martha Peacock 1964 Brenda Abello Bernadine Dees Ellersick Mary Harl Decker Unita Hayden Eva Elizabeth Head Rebecca O’Brien Barger Claire St. Hille Beets 1965 Catherine Davis Mary Ann Higgins Rosemary Jones Wallace Janet Leake Livers Carol Thompson Mattingly 1966 Rosemary Cecil Tilus Dreama Eanes Frances Grant Melone Gail Schmidt Mayer 1967 Barbara Bickett Posey Eleanora Ferazzoli Ivana Ferazzoli Barbara Henderson Mary Joyce Phillips Martha Ruiz Marilyn Simmons Schroeder Mary Sue Thompson Kathman Florine Twigg Kathleen Welz McNeary

1968 Rocio Alvarez Garcia Maria Antonini Marta Cordova Linda Hood Peggy Leibfried Cummings Mary Louise Mattingly O’Brien Isabella Mosquera Luz Elena Ordonez Carmen Ruiz Elsa Ruiz 1969 Yvonne Collins Phyllis Lord Griffin Mary Norris Loretta Robinette Stanley 1970 Deborah Abernathy Williams Claudina Anido Carta Theresa Ann Carter Alley Elaine Marie Hayden Robinson Mary Catherine Hobbs Blake Violet Elaine Jones Richards Lucy Marin Vicky Moriarity Polson Phyllis Newton Burnette Laura Porto Lucy Quinonez Ana Maria Ruiz Rebecca Stanton Aderhold Lupita Vergara Yunker Carol Wood Westberry Pat Wooldridge 1971 Kathy Grossman Dixon Kathleen Keel Riester Donna Mattingly Coleman Kathy Nelson Rose Laura Peters 1972 Mary Catherine Agosti Ruth Maria Arguello Hipp Linda Lee Kirchdorfer Stein Rita Fay Thomas Tanner Susana Maria Trevino 1973 Regina Philomena Brockman Barbara Eileen Sullivan Basham Gail Patricia Westry 1974 Patricia Araya Bridget Rose Garcia Donna Gayle Miller Gregory Judy Moran 1975 Odette Maria Rubinfield Alice Allen 1976 Catherine Ann Allard Brown Kathleen Marie Dick Jones Leslie Ann Dover Ingrid Antonia Maria Galloway Victoria Lynn Saltsman Lori Ann Speck 1977 Adella Maria Castillo Faye Bernadette Cecil Riney Teresa Perez Lisa Jadoun Stroud Curtis 1978 Maria Carolina Briceno Sandra Castillo Baez Margaret Frances Ford Mary Beth Linzmeyer Martha Montemayor

Those were the days! Academy Class of 1951

Winter 2004-2005


The NEW Mount

ACADEMY (continued) 1979 Anita Louise Bowling Karen Lynn Culley Danna Marie Sylvie Denise Grenon Busra Janekarnkit Audcharachavee (Michelle) Masupap Lynn Michelle Matsey Rosanne Matthews Mary Catherine Medley Ana Clemen Stadthagen Helena Conly Wright 1980 Maria del Milagro Avilis Valliya Janekarnkit Patricia Anne Linzmeyer Carmen Delores Zelaya 1981 Bonnie Sue Bates Deidre Ann Karen D’Amico Ann Marie DeMarco Beth Ann Parsley Johnna Lynne Schwartz Whitmore Diedre Ann Monica Slaughter Engler 1982 Karen Marie Flomerfelt Louise Rom Henigman Jill Hines Warren Annette Lee Kline Lark Shelley (Eulonda Michelle) Medley Hunt

Maria Ellena Wood 1983 Christine Anne Flomerfelt Dawn Cherylee Gifford Byrne Jayne Christina Grace Mary Michelle Guziewicz Angela Millicent Horn Tracie Jane Macaluso Maria Asuncion Morales Presa Ileana Margarita Peon Roche Diane Sagitto Dinorah Carolina Zamora Aquirre ACADEMY ASSOCIATE ALUMNAE 1984 Asc Mary Lee Hermann Asc Gla Kostun Asc Wendy Lecart Asc Pitina Molina

The Academy class of ‘58 celebrated their 40th jubilee with the quilt made by Helen Payne’s mother for her graduation. The blocks contain embroidered names of all the class members. Clockwise from left:Sister Cecilia Joseph (Mary Evelyn) Olinger, Beverly Greenwell Boeckmann, Helen Payne Hermann, Mary Anne Kevil, two hidden faces, Nadine Wathen Edrington, Theresa Hornback Walker, Sister Lennora Carrico, freshman homeroom teacher of the class of ‘58.

COLLEGE (continued) C1938 Mary Lucille Osborne Angela Walsh Nancy Martin Shirley Janice Woods C1939 Asc. Vera Fritz Helen Avildsen C1940 Rebecca Ruth Hines Carolyn Ayer C1941 Lois Farmer Golden Terry Catherine Lewis Virginia Mae Lazzaro C1942 Theresa M. Greenwell Corine J. Mendoza Julia Easton Virginia Irene Rousseau Nellie Santiago Gonzalez

C1943 Thomasine Ford Hesson Theresa Pearle Haynes Hassett C1944 Clara Champagne Marcellais Mary Ellen Stevenson Harrison C1945 Mary Lillian Settles C1946 Anna Beatrice Bottoms Daniel Cesarea Fernandez Nancy Lewis Loretta Long Ann Macke Ruth Ann Riley Bryant C1947 Asc Marie Krapf Mary Elizabeth McGee Monaghan C1948 Christeen Boyle Margaret Chavez Hattie Sandefur C1950 Forrest Bartlett Sarita Casas Bejarno Frederick Chapman Maria del Pilar Romero Carales Wanda Marie Thompson Davis

Maple Leaf Award recipient Mary DeVoy Kelly with Gertrude Hancock Martin at the 2003 Alumnae Reunion. Both are 1954 Academy graduates.

1985 Asc. Kathy Alderson Asc Pilar Berny Asc Amy Cates Asc. Theresa Flomerfelt Asc. Magdalene Gutierrez Asc. Paulina Chacon Martens Asc Joan Ruesewald 1986 Asc. Jackie Caldwell Asc Tonya Grace Asc Beatriz Molina Asc Christian Stevenson Asc Shannon Thompson Asc Michelle Welsch Asc Edith Lorraine (Edie) Wood

The Academy Class of ‘66 enjoyed getting together at the 2003 Reunion. From left: Cecilia Robinette McEldowney, Mary Margaret Drury, Susan Allgeier, Elaine McCarty Glenn, Betty Reardon Greaves, Anna Mattingly.

COLLEGE C1931 Nancy Basham Mae Warpbenberg Mary Ruth Shiver Virginia Egart C1934 Agnes Brown Alberta Wood C1935 Alice Carroll Fie Watson Chandler Nina Athalene Keelen Clara Evelyn King Marian Elizabeth Baird Margaret Adkisson Wynona Vanover C1936 Edith Joelle Brown Mary Bess Grabbe C1937 Elizabeth C. Martin Dorothy Allin Keelen Anna Mae Nethery Mary Josephine Skillman

Benita Payne Jolly’s seven daughters came to celebrate their mom’s 50th jubilee at Alumnae Weekend 2002. Benita is a 1952 Academy graduate.


Please help us update our mailing list. If there are errors in your address, please inform us so that we may correct them. See phone and e-mail addresses inside.

5, 13-1 Ma y 5 200


Anniversary The 100th Anniv ersary of the Mount Saint Joseph Alumnae Association! FOUNDING OF THE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION On June 20, 1905, an historic first was scored — the first meeting of the newly organized Alumnae Association of Mount Saint Joseph graduates.... Including the four members of the Class of ’05, forty young ladies had been accorded graduating honors. Mother Aloysius knew each one personally; in fact, she taught most of them in her classes — always there had been a strong bond of deep interest and devoted love. The election of the first officers resulted as follows: President: Vice President: Treasurer: Secretary:

Mrs. Annie Johnson Hardigg, 1880, Calhoun, Ky.* Mrs. Ellen Lancaster Kellenaers, 1891, Uniontown, Ky. Miss Ida Mai Hunter, 1904, Central City, Ky. Miss Hettie Willett, 1898, Fancy Farm, Ky.

From Born to Lead: Life of Mother M. Aloysius Willett, OSU, by Sister Eugenia Scherm, OSU, pp. 116-117. Photo from A Souvenir of Mount Saint Joseph’s (1907), opposite p. 25. *Annie Johnson Hardigg, first president of the Alumnae Association, also had the distinction of being the first graduate of Mount Saint Joseph Academy.

1. Miss Ida Mai Hunter 2. Mrs. Wm. Hardigg 3. Miss Hettie C. Willett 4. Mrs. Charles Kellenaers

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