Ursulines Alive Fall 2006

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Fall 2006 Volume 5, No. 1

Women of Casa Ursulina Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph Proclaiming Jesus through Education and Christian Formation

U r s u l i n e s


From Our Congregational Leader Sister Michele Morek, OSU

In this issue

Dear Friends,

Friendship and Solidarity ............. 3 Chilean women walk in the footsteps of Angela Merici

About three years ago I had a dream, and it’s still just as fresh as the morning I awoke. In the dream I saw circles of people, holding hands and moving in large interconnecting circles (like the ones on the Olympic flag). They were facing outward, not focusing on themselves. As one “knows” things in a dream, I knew that each circle was composed of Mount Saint Joseph Ursuline Sisters, Associates, and others who join with us to do the work of God—and I knew that they were dancing with joy as they looked outward toward the needs of the world. On the cover of this issue is one of those circles in real life: a “circle” of women gathered to advance the ministry of Casa Ursulina in Chillán, Chile. As in my dream, the circle includes Sister Mimi Ballard, some Ursuline Associates, and their co-workers. And as you will read in this issue, they look outwards to the needs of their community, joining joyfully in a dance of Christian witness. Elsewhere in this issue are listed other “circles,”—you our donors, partners, coworkers—who hold hands with us, joining in the dance and helping support our ministries. You make the circles bigger, and the dance more dynamic. We truly appreciate your help. May you find joy in your participation! Remember the old song, “Let the Circle Be Unbroken?” that is our prayer and our blessing for you.

Chile ................................................ 7 Chile’s geography, history, and economy make it unique among Latin American countries Ursuline Partners in the Teaching Mission of Jesus ............................. 8 Your generous spirit compels us to thank God — and you In the Joy of Eternal Life Our sisters go before us in faith....13 Evaluation Sheet ............................15 We invite you to help us move forward Soli Deo Gloria .............................. 16 We rejoice in the gifts of our sisters, given for the kingdom of God

With deep appreciation, Sister Michele Morek, OSU Congregational Leader, Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph Our Mission Ursulines Alive is published by the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, Maple Mount, Kentucky. Three Issues are published each calendar year. Editor: Sister Ruth Gehres, OSU Photography and production assistance: Jerry Birge, Jennifer Kaminski, Melanie Sears Mission Advancement Staff: Sister Suzanne Sims, Director of Mission Advancement Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan, Director of Mission Effectiveness Jerry P. Birge, Director of Marketing and Communications Marian Bennett and Sister Marietta Wethington, Co-Directors of Ursuline Partnerships Sister Ruth Gehres, Associate Director of Communications Melanie Sears, Christi Bowman, Administrative Assistants Jennifer Kaminski, Administrative Assistant/Graphic Designer









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Cover photo: These women volunteer their gifts and their time in the ministry of the Dianna Ortiz Ursuline Center for Women — Casa Ursulina — in Chillán, Chile. They 22 are: 1)Erika, 2)Raquel, 3)Nieves, 4)Ursuline Sister Mimi Ballard, 5)Liliana, 6)Inés, 7)María Erica, 15 16 8)Ana María, 9)Edith, 10)Evelina, 11)Doris, 12)Miryam, 13)Olga, 14)Dominga, 15)Cata, 16)Sonia, 17)Carola, 18)Lorena, 19)Yolanda, 20)Marcela, 21)Meche, 22)Clarina. Ursulines Alive editor Sister Ruth Gehres, who spent the month of March at Casa Ursulina, describes the women and the spirit of this unique ministry in this issue’s feature story.

We, the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, sustained by prayer and vowed life in community, proclaim Jesus through education and Christian formation in the spirit of our founder, Saint Angela Merici. Our vision As Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, we will: • Commit ourselves to simplicity, hospitality, justice and service; • Reverence the values of our founding rural heritage; • Live and minister contemplatively as women of hope; • Witness gospel values through the charism of Saint Angela Merici; • Bind ourselves to one another in charity, celebrating and respecting the uniqueness of each person; • Invite and mentor new members; • Respond to the signs of the times and the needs of the Church and the world through collaborative relationships; and • Stand in prophetic witness to the world by living in right relationships with the earth and the human family to effect justice through systemic change.

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Friendship and Solidarity

Chilean women walk in the footsteps of Angela Merici

by Sister Ruth Gehres, OSU


ust a few years ago, Casa Ursulina was only a dream — a deep desire in the hearts and minds of Ursuline Sister Mary Elizabeth (“Mimi”) Ballard and seven other women in the city of Chillán in central Chile.

Susana and Antonela, her granddaughter, women of Casa Ursulina.

Today, close to 200 women of Chillán experience the fulfillment of that dream in their daily lives at the Dianna Ortiz Ursuline Center for Women. Here the women work together to develop resources for their personal and economic growth. And here they find a spiritual home in the tradition of Ursuline founder Saint Angela Merici.

The center, affectionately known as Casa Ursulina (Ursuline House), stands in the midst of the Población Vicente Pérez Rosales ­— a “neighborhood” of approximately 17,000 persons which to American eyes looks like a vast government housing project. It is a place where poverty and struggle are a daily fact of life. When the ministry began on this spot in 1997, Casa Ursulina was a boxlike structure housing a kitchen/dining room, two bedrooms and bath — all in less than 400 square feet. This tiny building provided living space for Sister Mimi and workspace for the growing number of women who gathered for classes in the kitchen/dining room area and behind the house in two makeshift shacks. Since 1997, the building and the ministry have expanded every year. Through support from the Ursuline Sisters and their many friends and from the generosity of Sister Mimi’s family, friends, and parish, as well as through several grants, space has grown to hold more and more participants and programs. On a typical class day, with busy women filling every corner, the house still seems small and crowded. But space isn’t a problem for the women of Casa Ursulina. Caught up in the spirit of community that is at the heart of this ministry, they treasure the blessing of being here, working and growing together. continued on page 4

The Dianna Ortiz Ursuline Center for Women is one of eight duplex houses that fill one block in a sprawling población in Chillán, a city of about 150,000 persons.The Center is named in honor of Ursuline Sister Dianna Ortiz, a missionary in Guatemala who in November 1989 was abducted, tortured, and raped by agents of the Guatemalan government. Today Sister Dianna is executive director of Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition International (TASSC), based in Washington, D.C.


U r s u l i n e s


An Ursuline Call Growing up in a large, lively Catholic family in the small town of Fairfield, Kentucky, Mimi Ballard had Ursuline teachers through 12 grades. Already in the second grade, she felt God’s call to be an Ursuline Sister. In high school at Mount Saint Joseph Academy, she felt a conflicting call — a call to be a missionary. “I started thinking about Maryknoll,” she remembers.

Women in a basic sewing class watch attentively as Dominga, their teacher, explains how to make a pattern. An accomplished seamstress, Dominga donates one day a week to teaching at Casa Ursulina. There are no printed patterns — the women learn how to measure themselves and to create patterns from scratch. There are no textbooks, so attention to the teacher and careful note taking are a must in every class.

But in 1965, the first Ursulines of Mount Saint Joseph were missioned to Chile and Venezuela, as the community responded to the Church’s call for American religious to serve the people of Latin America. “That solved my problem,” Sister Mimi says with a smile. In 1966, she entered the novitiate at Maple Mount. As a novice in the late ’60s, Mimi listened eagerly to stories of new Ursuline ministries in South America, especially in Chile. Her heart was already moving in that direction. After seven years as a successful kindergarten and elementary teacher, Sister Mimi received a “yes” to her persistent requests to be missioned to Chile. In June 1978, she arrived in Chillán to live and work with Sister Luisa Bickett, who had served in parish ministry in Chillán for three years and had worked in Chile since 1965. The “parish” church — actually a small mission of a larger parish — was the Chapel of the Divine Teacher, in the Población Vicente Pérez Rosales The two Ursulines lived among the people in typical población housing — a tiny house with unreliable plumbing and electricity.

Clarina (right) helps Evelina cut out pieces for a blanket she is making for her baby. Donated used clothing is dismantled and used for this project, which is required of all members of the Sewing for Infants class. During the previous year, Evelina participated in the program for pregnant teenagers. She is now enrolled in several classes at Casa Ursulina. Clarina, a generous and gifted seamstress, gives much time and energy to the work of the Center.

Sister Mimi spent eight happy years in Chillán. Then other ministry needs took her to Guatemala, Mexico, and back to the States. “But I was always missing Chile,” she says. August 1993 found her back in Chillán, again serving as parish minister, but now listening to a new call that was leading her toward ministry with women. A New Vision This ministry — the seed of Casa Ursulina — began in a small room in the home of Carola Pulgar, who had been an energetic, dedicated participant in youth ministry groups during Mimi’s earlier service in Chillán. Carola was now a wife and mother. Mimi, who had learned needlework and sewing at home, and Carola, a gifted craftsperson, began creating beautiful items to sell at fairs in and around Chillán.

The kitchen/all-purpose room provides just enough space for more than 25 women in the needlework class. Sister Mimi is standing in the background. 4

The two discovered an eager market for their products. More women came to join in the work and in the new continued on page 5

community that was forming around it. Eventually, with Mimi, the group numbered eight. The women, and the supplies they needed for crafts and needlework, had outgrown the little room in Carola’s home. They began to envision something new, “a house, a center, that would make it possible for us to invite more women into the community and to help them learn skills to support themselves and their families,” Sister Mimi remembers. Sonia Pradenas, one of the original eight women, describes the spirit of those days: “Someone had a dream — a dream of working in community, doing something for others, around work, around prayer — sharing the spirit in all. In the beginning, the dream wasn’t very clear. We opened ourselves to new possibilities.” By 1997, through a campaign carried out by Sister Suzanne Sims through the Ursuline community, and a gift of $5,000 from Mimi’s home parish — St. Joseph in Bardstown – the Ursuline congregation was able to purchase half of a duplex house in the población. Mimi and the core group transformed this limited but promising space into the Dianna Ortiz Ursuline Center for Women. The response was immediate — the number of programs and participants has never stopped growing — up to 190 during the current year. As in the beginning, all of the women who teach the courses and help in any way in the ministries of Casa Ursulina are volunteers. They are grateful women who joyfully share what they have learned. Yolanda Moraga, one of these volunteers and a member of the original group, describes Casa Ursulina as “a coming together, a gathering in community. We want to give,” she says, “and people come because they see that we are here to give.” Giving is a spirit that moves like leaven among the women of Casa Ursulina. In the Spirit of Angela Merici

Childcare is available to all women while they are in class at Casa Ursulina. Well-used donated toys usually come without batteries and other important parts, but the children are creative, and the volunteer caregivers keep them busy and happy.

“My name is Agustina . . . .” Sister Mimi coaches students in her English class as they introduce themselves, in English, to the group. Participants in this large class range from elementary-school children to senior citizens.

You must take care to have your daughters come together from time to time . . .[so]they might . . . meet each other as loving sisters, and thus, talking over spiritual matters, rejoice together, and together encourage each other, which will be no small help to them. In these words from her Eighth Legacy, Saint Angela Merici expresses the spirit of friendship, compassion, mutual respect and support that was at the heart of her own ministry to women and her new foundation, The Company of Saint Ursula. From Angela’s time and place — mid 16th-century Brescia, Italy — this spirit has spread through more than four centuries of Ursuline service on six continents. Today’s Ursuline Sisters follow Angela in a diversity of ministries with God’s needy ones, particularly women and children. Experiencing life at Casa Ursulina, one feels very close to Angela’s founding inspiration. Amistad y solidaridad — friendship and solidarity — are words one hears often at Casa Ursulina. In the orientation meetings at the beginning of the program year, Sister Mimi and the veteran members of the community remind one another to be alert to the needs of those who are there for the first time. “Don’t leave anyone on the continued on page 6

On Monday afternoons about a dozen women meet for the Voluntary Workshop, recycling used materials into clothing and blankets for persons in greatest need. “Jesus manifests himself in the poor,” Mimi tells these volunteers, who are encouraged to share their creativity and rejoice that their work is helping others. Obviously enjoying this work are (from left) Inés, Raquel, Lorena, and Yolanda. Lorena is Yolanda’s daughter. The other three women are among the seven Ursuline Associates who, with Mimi, were the founders of Casa Ursulina. 5

Living areas like this are found within a few blocks of Casa Ursulina. Here there is no indoor plumbing, and the primitive houses provide meager shelter during the cold, rainy winters. In most cases, several generations of a family live in one or two rooms. Providing a pleasant space for a new baby is a major challenge in such a home. Education is available for all Chilean children, though schools in the poblacións lack adequate books and supplies. Children often miss school when parents send them out to beg — or, as they grow older, to steal — to provide for their families. Social service assistance for the poor, as we know it in the United States, is practically nonexistent in Chile. Crime — including drug dealing — can become the solution of choice for a destitute family. Sister Mimi and the women of Casa Ursulina continue to reach out to women in these poorest areas of the población. Inspiring perseverance is difficult, however, since these women have known nothing but day-to-day subsistence throughout their lives. The program for pregnant teens offers a particularly good opportunity to help young women to grow into a more responsible and positive way of life.

doorstep,” Mimi says, urging them to “share and be friends.” Each year, experienced members bring new members — relatives, friends, neighbors. Special needs are addressed. Each participant is asked to pay 1,000 pesos — about $2 — to register, plus 500 pesos per month. These fees provide income for the purchase of materials and for house maintenance. But if a woman cannot afford to pay, the fees are quietly waived. In an economy with a minimum wage of $200 per month (often for considerably more than eight hours of work per day), a few pesos can mean a decent meal for the family. Nurturing Practical Skills Programs at Casa Ursulina center around the needs of the women and the skills of the monitoras — the volunteer teachers. Classes include various kinds of sewing and needlework — crocheting, tatting, embroidery, knitting. As their skills develop, many of the women are able to sell their products and to invest the income in materials and equipment. A sewing machine for the home is a major investment that allows a person to contribute substantially to the support of her family. Painting on wood, cloth, and glass, and crafts like doll making, jewelry, and macramé interest these bright, creative women. Currently Sister Mimi is working toward beginning classes in weaving, since Chile offers a strong market for handmade scarves and shawls. There are also classes in relaxation and exercise, personal development, and family life, cooking, hairdressing, and English. Courses are scheduled every year or less often, depending on demand. A program for pregnant teenagers — offered every year — offers physical, psychological, and spiritual support for

young women preparing to give birth. Most often a girl in this deprived area can expect little or no support from the father of her child, and her family situation is likely to be economically and psychologically unstable. Sister Mimi and women of Casa Ursulina, working with the public health department, give these expectant mothers a healthy preparation for the birth and care of their babies in areas such as nutrition and breast feeding, a pleasing physical environment for the baby, and the relationship of mother and baby with others in the family with whom they will live. Nurturing stability and a mature, responsible approach to birth and childcare is a major goal of this program. The Ursuline Circle In everything, the spirit of this ministry is collaboration — working together. The women speak of “our Casa Ursulina,” and Mimi reminds them often that it is truly “our house.” Sister Michele Ann Intravia, who served with Sister Mimi at Casa Ursulina from 2003 to 2005, was most impressed by “the dedication of the women to the success of Casa Ursulina, and the willingness of the teachers and other volunteers to serve — year after year — without expecting anything in return.” Gathered together with “Madre Mimi,” the women of Casa Ursulina commit themselves to being truly Ursuline. They share their time, their skills, and their lives with intense determination and generosity. Prayer for the community, and for the needs of each one, is integral to the ministry. “For us, this is a personal commitment,” Carola Pulgar says. “It is to feel ourselves connected to a larger group, to feel welcome in a great circle.” This great, living circle continues to unite the followers of Angela in proclaiming Jesus and serving God’s people today in Chile and throughout the world. n

Would you like to be a partner in supporting the ministry of Casa Ursulina? Tax-deductible gifts may be made through the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. For information about possibilities, please contact Sister Suzanne Sims, Director of Mission Advancement, 270-2294103, ext. 284, or ssims@maplemount.org. A photo presentation of Casa Ursulina is available. Contact Sister Ruth Gehres, 270-229-4103, ext. 404, or rgehres@maplemount.org. 6

F a l l Nora and Sister Mimi put the finishing touches on angels crafted for sale at Chilean fairs and at the Mount Saint Joseph Shop. Angels and other crafts are available for sale elsewhere by request.

Italo is eager to show his love for Meche, his grandmother. Meche, who can decipher patterns by sight, produces exquisite crocheted work.

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CHILE With its 2700-mile Pacific seacoast, Chile is the longe st north-south country in the world. But nowhere is its width more than 150 miles. From north to south, Chile’s climate varies from the extreme heat and dryness of the Atacama Deser t to the frigid, wild beauty of Patagonia — a maze of lakes, islands, glaciers, and mountains. From almost anywhere in Chile the snow-capped Andes, with more than 50 active volcanoes, can be seen and enjoyed. Close to 90 percent of Chile’s 16 million people live in the fertile Central Valley, with 40 percent in Greater Santiago. Traveling the 250 miles south from Santiago to Chillán, one sees spacious vineyards and fields of corn, wheat, potatoes, sugar beets, fruits and vegetables. Summers in this area are dry and temperate, winters cold and rainy. Snow, falling only on the mountains, is essential for irrigation during the dry summers. Among Chile’s most important expor ts are copper, timber, wine, and fresh produce. Chile’s history is a tale of war and conquest. In the 1540s, Spanish invaders began centuries of pushing back the indigenous Araucanian people and establishing a European colony.

Trini demonstrates her skill in painting on cloth.

Since the early 1800s, when it won indep endence from Spain, Chile has been a democracy — except for 1973-1990, when the military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet brought a period of brutal political repression and human rights violations that still haunt the memories of the Chilean people. In January 2006, Chile elected its first woman president, Michelle Bachelet, a physician with solid experience in government. Approximately 70 percent of Chileans are Catholic. The people are of mixed race, descendants of unions between the Spanish conquerors and the indigenous peoples.

Joanna was a participant in the program for pregnant teenagers at Casa Ursulina. She and her son, Juan, live very close to the area shown in the photo on page 6.

One of the most stable of the Latin American countrie s , Chile has made outstanding economic progress since 1 9 9 0 . At the same time, it is marked by extreme social ineq u a l i t y, with one of the worst distributions of income in Latin A m e r i c a . 7

U r s u l i n e s


Ursuline Partners in the Teaching Mission of Jesus Your generous spirit compels us to thank God — and you Thanks to you, our mission from Jesus to teach the Gospel in the charism of Saint Angela Merici, our founder, is alive and well. We cherish you as our collaborators — our co-laborers — for mission. Your gifts to us, between July 1, 2005, and June 30, 2006, listed here enable 177 Ursulines to continue our service as women religious in Christian formation and education. The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph thank you with our gift of daily prayer for you. We are deeply grateful for your financial support and the trust you place in us. If you find an error in this listing, please contact me so that we may make a correction. We apologize if any names have been incorrectly placed or omitted. God bless you. Sister Suzanne Sims, OSU, Director of Mission Advancement ssims@maplemount.org + (270) 229-4103, extension 284 FOUNDERS Anonymous Dorothy Hughes Benefactors Coleman Family Foundation Patrons Peg Eileen Bourke C‘48 Merwyn and Joseph Guy Hagan Genevieve Stelmach Investors Rev. Alcuin E. Greenburg Mary Sue and Bennett S. Ligon, Jr. Saint Joseph Parish Ron and Cathy Tisch Sr. Marie Bosco Wathen, OSU Robert and Clara Zoeller Providers Beverly A’58 and Richard Boeckmann Sr. Mary Regina Boone, OSU Stephen D. and JoAnn Boone George and Faye Briel Fischer-Bauer-Knirps Foundation Joe Gomez Hospital Sisters -Third Order of St. Francis Independence Bank Onofre and Ruby Jaquez Carolyn Larocco Loomis Sayles & Company, L.P. Gene J. Meyer Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center Sr. Bertha Marie Nally, OSU, C‘40 John and Sally Newcomb Owensboro Grain Company Precious Blood Parish Saint Mary of the Woods Parish Mike and Patricia Sullivan Bertrand and Barbara Trompeter Ursulines of Cincinnati, Inc. Sponsors Janet M. Baker Tom Bulleit Philip Cecil Delfinita and Flavio Chavez Diane and Con J. Fecher, Jr. Chris and Jennifer Glaser Paul and Wilma Goebel S. Lewis Guthrie Nancy J. Hansen Phyllis and Daryl Henry Bruce and Mildred Horrom Aurelia and William Inkret, Jr. Molly Jacques 8 Kappa Delta Phi

James and Joan Meyer Rev. Joseph Mills Mount Saint Joseph Alumnae Leroy and Ann Mudd Theodore W. Nichting O.D. Sharon Rosso Saint Stephen Cathedral Parish Donald and Dianna Skeeters Joseph H. Stith Carl Stukenholtz Ken Williams Cyril Uhing Sr. Mary Bertha Wethington, OSU

Violet Hamilton A‘54 Anice and Allan Harl, Jr. The Harpeth Hall School Mary and Christopher Havelda Kathy and James Houlihan Kappa Delta Phi Sorority Sr. Catherine Marie Lauterwasser, OSU Wilson L. Logan John and Karen Manning Anna C. Mattingly A‘66 Jon and Connie Meyer Helen Miles Irene Rapier

Saint Angela Merici Heritage Society We are deeply grateful to these persons who, in life or in death, have named our community as the recipient of a planned gift. These generous benefactors of bequests, annuities, or estate gifts are great signs of faithful stewardship, providing for our mission into the future. Saint Angela Merici, bless them with your prayers as we pledge our own. Anonymous (4) Mary Orline Ballard+ Beatrice Barnes+ Rev. Leo Craycroft Jane Fulton+ Paul P. Gannon+ Joe Gomez Msgr. George H. Hancock Bernice Kollros+ Rev. Joseph Lyon Roger and Stella McClure Supporters Col. Robert L. and Margaret Algermissen Arlene Ally Atmos Energy Corporationon Barret-Fisher Co. Inc Stephen and Jean Berry Patricia and H. J. Bobzien, Jr. Phil and Velma Dees Ann Dempf Juan C. Gomez

Raymond James Maras Rev. Carl McCarthy Cletus and Dee Oberst Henry and Dody Payne Rev. C. Phillip Riney Kelly and Hughleen Thompson Riney A’45/C’47 Joseph C. and Sue Thomas Riney A’42 Susan J. Scott Bertrand and Barbara Trompeter Cartmell Wheeler+ Rev. C. Phillip Riney Marianna Robinson A’60 Rusher Construction Co., Inc. Saint James School Debbie and Daniel W. Smith Pam and John Tyndall David R. Vowels Lois and Donald Whelan John A. and Patricia C. Williams Pauline and Gene Wink

contributors Alles Brothers Furniture Co., Inc. Maj. James L. and Edna Angle Edward and Susan Aylward Mildred and Lawrence Ballard II Bert Barker Patrick A. Beavin David and Nancy Bell Mary Rita Benson Helen and Herman+ Bickett Alice Ann A’68 and Jerry Biscopink BKD Charles J. Bonow, Jr. Marvin and Dorothy+ Boone Mary and Al E. Bowling Ronnie and Mary Orline Briney Rita M. Bryant Phyllis E. Burgan Paula and Michael W. Burke Emilia and Joseph Burns Cambron Chevrolet-Buick, Inc. Martha Frances Campbell C‘41 Robert and Ann Caspar A’62 Carolyn Sue Cecil A‘73 Mary H. Cecil Edward and Gloria Cecil Robert Cecil Mary and John M. Cerniglia, Jr. Billy John Chambers, Jr. Ray and Diane Charette Charlotte Clements Dwayne and Marilyn Clemons Patrick Coburn Betty C. Culver Jacqueline B. Dale John and Robyn Davenport Anita M. Davis Ann A’52 and Samuel De Capua Virginia and John H. Dink, Jr. Ned and Delores Dollar David and Karen Drake Tony and Linda Dunkel Charles P. Easley Chester and Kay Edwards Catherine J. Evans Kay W. Fecher Joyce Firenza Sally M. Floberg Jayne and George Flynn Rose and William S. Foushee Alberta and Charles Fox Joan and Vince Frey Drs. Vicki Frey and David Thompson Robert and Maria Galles John Gallo

F a l l Nancy Gavin Joyce and William Godfrey Gerald Gonsoski Joyce A’56 and Bernard Grady Dale and Susie Gray Norman Greenberg Greenwell-Chisholm Printing Co. Joseph L. Greenwell Funeral Home Janet and Gerald L. Griffin Vincent and Deborah Grisanti Barbara and Victor Hagman Rosco and Judith Hamilton Marie and Joe Allan Hancock Gerald and Susan Hayden Donald A. Hayden Mary Louise Hayden Margie Hill Odelean Hill Holy Name School Doug and Dorothy Hood Barry P. Howard Thomas and Sharon Jablonski Jasper Desk Company, Inc. Benita Payne Jolly A‘52 Walt Jordan Emil A. Kaelin Catherine Keene Doris and Martin Keller William and Carol Kirby William and Therese Knowlton Paul and Sue Kuerzi Gertrude Kurz C‘50 Dr. Henry M. Labiche, Jr. Robert and Mary Lancaster Sharon Lane Therese Martin Lawson Leigh Land Surveys Lawrence L. Logel Adele Y. Lohman A ‘42 Kathy and Bill Lowman Ann H. Maney Edna Marnell Bernice Mattei Helen and Romano L. Mazzoli Dennis J. McFarland Robert and Diane McGrew Rev. William Medley Rev. Arnold J. Meiring Helen and Fred J. Meister Francis and Mary Mellen Gary and Serafina Mesnier Frank and Julieta Michalski Mildred and Ervin J. Moore Betty and Jack Morgan Cynthia and John S. Mulligan Murphy Excavating, LLC Jane and Ray Nugent John and Clare Owdziej Paul and Jolyn Owens Liliosa G. Padilla Anthony Russell Patterson Peggy Paxton Ed and Barbara Pettigrew Kenny and Maria Pierson Frances E. Pionke Drs. Joseph and Felicity Polio Betty and Mike Pontarolo Daniel and Nancy Purdy

Susan Reiss Suzanne E. Reiss Rev. W. Jerry Riney Pauline Roesch Charles D. Rucks Sr. Joseph Adrian Russell, OSU, A‘32 Saint Patrick’s Church Emily and Joseph Michael Sandoval H. Gary and Patricia Satterwhite Joann M. Sattler Schrecker Supply Co. Inc. Daniel T. Sedillo Margie Seip John and Brenda Semar Dr. and Mrs. Naseeb L. Shory Barbara Payne Shroyer Rev. Martin Siebenaler Mary and Stephen Skrivan Laura and Bill T. Smith Margaret and William H. Stadtlander, Jr. Jennie Staugas John and Susan Stevenson Elizabeth Jane Strohmeier A‘48 Ron and Cissy Sullivan Texas Gas Ann Thomas+ A‘59 Teresa B. Thompson Sally and Donald Thompson Thomas and Cecelia Thompson Monica L. Thompson A’71 Dolores C’50 and Francis Thomson Mary Lynn Tichenor A ‘67 Frances Kay Tichenor A ‘62 Mary K. Tierney Pasquina Todd James A.Trapp Debbie Unseld Douglas P. Vowels Margaret Malone Walker+ Mary Jo Wathen Cletus and Lucille Weidenbenner Catherine Lyvers Welle C‘49 Robert and Ann Wethington Cecilia Wheatley Deborah and Anthony Whelan Sr. M. de Chantal Whelan, OSU, A‘33 Charles K. and Barbara Whelan Carrie Wieder Mary Wimsatt Laura J. Wimsatt John L. Worth & Associates Jennie Wright Bill and Shannon Wright Claire and Charles Yarber Mary Rose Zink Joan Zink friends Ronnie and Karen Adkisson Renea Akin Paul Alexander Tracy and Ronnah Alexander Diane Aljets George and Betty Allard Genny Alley Leon Alvey Robert and Mary Ann Alvey Lila Mae Archuleta

Priscilla Archunde Ronald and Melesia Atchley Kathleen Atwood Caroline and Ruben Avila Kenneth E. and Joan Aylor Lydia Babos Ada Bader Martin and Darlene Baeza Sherry Bailey Patricia O. Baldwin Bobby and Rosalie Ballard

Bequests These women have been faithful stewards of God’s manifold gifts. They have shared God’s abundance with us. Now they share God fully. May they “shine like bright stars for all eternity” (Daniel 12:3).

Mary Orline Ballard Beatrice Barnes

Eddie and Rachel Ballard Mary Orline Ballard+ Thomas J. and Mary Ballard Ike and Marianna Barber Diana Barela Albert and Eleanor Barnum Bernice and Orville Barr, Jr. Jeanene M. Bartlett Carolyn Baseheart Frank and Jean Bataillon Sue Batman Rene and George W. Bauer, Jr. James and Gail Baumgarten Imelda and Bob Beam Sheila and James Beaven Daniel and Josie Becker Mary and Gabriel Becker Linda and David Beckman Joan and James Bell Malcolm and Nancy Bell Michael and Margaret Bennett Margaret Bice Marietta and James M. Bickett Robert A. Biel Cyril Birge Jerry and Mag Birge Harold and Wilma Bittner Nickie Blake Robert Blandford Blessed Mother Parish Mary and Pete Bono Catherine Booker Marian E. Boone Joseph Boone Paul L. Bougeant

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Royce and Agatha Bowden Esther Bowers+ Lynne T. Bowling Sarah Bowling Doris Clements Bowman Blanche Boyle Earlene Boylls Brahm Trucking Service Jean and Tom Breen Monica and Edward Breitholle Ann O. Bresler Sue and Ed Brodt Marilyn and Joseph Brookman Marie S. Brossart Mildred Brown Brenda K. Brown Margaret and Jerry Brown Bob and Rebecca Brown Rev. Benedict J. Brown Josephine Browning Claire Buckley Janet McHaley Burns Leonard and Rosemary Byrne Jacqueline Caldwell A’82 Edwin and Theresa Callahan Gloria Calovini Diane and Jim Cambron II Patricia and Glenn Campbell Inez and Alan Carter Norvin Casper, Jr. Suzan I. Castaneda Bob and Mary Caster Galicana and Valentin Celi Mary and Tony Chacon Joe and Polly Chavez Cecil and Gene Chinn Rose Clark Pat and Sylvester Clark, Sr. Louise Clark Catherine Cleveland Regina Coffey Lowell Collard Harley Collins Lisa and Randy Collins Patsy Collins Alice J. Coomes Paul and Liz Coomes Beth Corbett Lindell and Mary Cornelison Ned and Nancy Couch Council of Catholic Women Margaret Cowley William Craig, Jr. Elizabeth M. Crawford Ben and Thelma Crump Elaine M. Currier Rose and Thomas A. Curtsinger Patricia Daic Margaret E. Davis Lisa and Michael Ray Day Mary Jo Osborne DeAngelis A‘41 Richard and Diane Dembowski Joyce Denczek Rev. Roy E. Dentinger John and Lyndia Dew David and Lalie Dick Joyce Biddle Diehlman Charlene and David Diver

Key to Donation Levels and Annotations Founders: gifts of $25,000 or over Benefactors: gifts of $10,000-24,999 Patrons: gifts of $5,000-9,999

Investors: gifts of $2,500-4,999 Providers: gifts of $1,000-2,499 Sponsors: gifts of $500-999

Supporters: gifts of $250-499 Contributors: gifts of $100-249 Friends: gifts of $1-99 +Deceased 9

U r s u l i n e s


thanks to special friends Dorothy Hughes of Elizabethtown, Kentucky, and her sister, Sister Marita Greenwell, OSU, of Maple Mount, are family to one another since both of their parents are deceased. We deeply appreciate their gifts to the Ursuline Sisters this year. They humbly attribute these gifts to the generosity of their parents. Their shining witness of faith, devotion, and good stewardship are edifying to all of us. We deeply appreciate the Greenwell Family for its partnership in our mission.


Patrick and Ann Doyle Eddie J. Dugas, Jr. Glenna Dunn Otho and Mary Durbin Dennis Durbin Sr. Mary Durr, OSU Sr. Catherine Durr Marjorie Early Joe and Joan Earnshaw Nora Marie Ebelhar Larry and Margarita Edelen Lawrence and Mary Edelen Rosalie Edwards John and Shirley Egan Patricia and Michael J. Egan Mary Frances Elder A‘43 Mary and Donald Elder M. Bonnie Elder Marie M. Elmore Carol Embry Rosemary Emmick Douglas and Michelle England Rebecca and Alan Englehart Beatrice and Leo Esquibel Anita Jean Everitt Marguerite Fadhl Rev. Timothy W. Farrell Emma Ferran Rachael A. Ferson Dora and Joseph A. Fidel John W. and Agnes Filburn Gabe Fiorella Randy and Brenda Flaherty John and Julie Franchini Johnnie and Lucy Franchini Gertie Frey Kaye Fulkerson Karen Fultz Charlotte Garcia Christine Garcia Daniel and Josephine Garcia Ed and Janet Garcia Gilbert Garcia Lorence and Barbara Garcia Santos and Kim Garcia Steve Garcia Rev. John B. Gephart Ralph and Alena Gilbreath Mildred and Robert J. Gilles Al and Fonciene Giordano Suzanne Gochenouer Donna Marie Goetz Dan Goldberg Msgr. Leo Gomez Amador and Irene Gonzales Ann Gordon A‘62

Robert and Mary Gossett Carol Gott William and Rita Graham Larry and Paula Gray Linda Greathouse Maureen and Carl Greenwell Donald L. Greer Mauricio and Leona Grijalva Rob and Janet Grinage Roger and Julie Gstalder Gilbert and Margaret Gutierrez Lura Bayne Habich Verna Hagan Mary Jean Hagan Raymond D. Hagan Ruth Ann Halicks Helen M. Hall Clara C. Hall Natalie Halley Mary and Lawrence A. Hamilton Billy and Theresa Hancock Irvin Hancock David Hancock Rita Hanewinkel Kenneth and Delores Hanks John and Mary Hannah Margie Anne Hardesty Ann K. Hardman A‘52 Jean Harrison Larry and Jeanie Hatch Charles and Virgie Hayden Joe and Rosie Hayden Matt and Patricia Hayden Martha and William Hayden, Jr. Mary Hayden Rebecca A. Hayes Robert L. Hayes Mary and Cyril B. Head Sr. Lorene Heck, OP Marie Heimes John and Patsy Hendricks Marie and Jerome P. Henning Delores R. Henry Thomas D. Hewlett Susan Hightower Leona Himelapack Anna M. Hines Elaine and Louis Hinton Maxine M. Hinton Beverly and Mike Hirsch Dan and Beth Hjalmarson Elizabeth Hobby George and Vi Hoffman Gretchen Hohenberg Holy Trinity and St. Joseph Parishes Alice and Charles Howard

Doris and Robert Howard Earl and Carolyn Howard Ita Belle Howard Jean and William Mark Howard Randy and Pamela Howard Raymond and Gail Howard Mark and Jean Hubbard Joyce Hughes Dale and Rinelda Hunt Darlinda Hurst June and Francis Roy Hutchins William C. and Lisa Inkret Felix and Lydia Jacquez Marge Jaquez Lillian Weafer Jarboe Mary Jo Campbell Jenkins A‘42 Ruth Ann Johns John and Margaret Johnson Kathleen Johnson Louis and Suzanne Johnson Paula C. Jolly Edward and Mary Kaelin Leonard and Mary Kaiser Margaret and Neil Kallman Charles and Linda Kamuf Carole Kanith Kappa Delta Phi - PSI Gamma Chapter William and Marjorie Keegan Anna Keenan Jim and Grace Keenan William Leslie Keene, Jr. Mark and Diane Kemper Charles and Janet Killick Mildred Killmeier Donna M. King Wanda Kirby Ed Kirkpatrick Nola Kisters Joe and Patty Klaus Patty Kline Knights of Columbus #131 Ingrid E. Kokinda Bernice and Mary Ann Kollros Mary Jane Kondracki Raymond and Mary Konieczny John and Joyce Kotarek Mildred Krapf Clifford and Jean Kreifels Raymond and Kitty Kress Tony and Jeneta Kuppe August and Lucia Kvech Terri and Charles Lahugh Robert and Carole Lastufka Doris Lattus Margaret Laugel Eddie and Helen Leblanc Ollie Lee Legends Golf and Soccer Leroy and Evelyn Lehan Bea Lennox Darlene M. Lenocker Sonny and Juanita Lentini Anna V. Lesousky Jos and Lenora Lesscher Donna K. Liebert James Lierman Anna Ligons Marie Little Donna and Victor Lobato Mary Lovato

Lou Lovell Santiago and Amy Lucero Diana and Michael Lush Michael and Margarita Macedo Erlinda Maestas Lawrence B. Maher J.C. Malone Elizabeth Martin C‘37 Frank and Laurie Martinez Marnie Martinez Freddie Martinez Matilde G. Martinez Tony and Teresa Martinez Diane R. Mattern Sr. Mary Angela Matthews, OSU, A‘49 Mack and Dolores Mattingly Modella Mattingly Anita May Rowena McCabe Ann Marie McCarthy Peggy Murphy McCarthy A‘56 Ann McCowen Denise and Mike McCoy James E. McDaniel Cecilia and Ron McEldowney David and Mary McJoynt Robert B. McMillen, Jr. Cecilia O’Bryan Medley Geneva G. Meehan Nell A. Meize Betty Merti John P. and Cynthia Mesnier Mary Jane and Charles Metzmeier Bill and Barbara Meyer Lola M. Miles Betty and Norbert Miller Joy Marie Brown Miller A‘51 Gloria J. Mingus Mischel Monuments, Inc. Bob and April Mitchell Shirley Moffenbier Donald and Joan Monaghan Claresia W. Montoya Clara Montoya Tim and Marcia Montoya Robert Montoya Hugh D. Moore Teresa Lewis Morgan C‘45 Steve and Becky Morris Lillian Morrissey Joan P. Morse George and Mary Motiff Frances Mouser Dave Munsterman Henry Munsterman Murphy’s Appliance Company Gary and Debbie Murphy John and Priscilla Myers Arleen and Mike Naglich Irene B. Nalley C‘39 Dolores Nanninga Cathie Necaise Mike Newcomb Walter Newman John and Beverly Newton Jane Nickerson John and Rose O’Brien

Center Donor Recognition Please note that the names of donors to Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center were printed in the September issue of the Mount Saint Joseph Center News.

F a l l Anna R. O’Bryan Paul and Frances O’Bryan Bro. Thaddeus Ocso Doris Oechsle Steve Oelze Leo and Earlene Olguin Sharon and Leon J. Olinger Roger E. and Kathryn Ordal Maria and Michael Overton Joann Schmaltz Louis and Shirley Palmer Rev. Julian F. Pank Rosemary Park Rita and Steven Patti Linda Payne Rosemary Payne Henry and Dody Payne Arloa Pearcey Frank Pecoraro Joseph and Georgia Pecoraro Pam and Morris Pelzel Rose Penticoff Linda and John Perri Juanita Peters Irene K. Phelps John and Naomi Pike Robert and Lynne Pope Bro. Carroll Posey, CSC Shirlene Quinn Alicia and Michael Rafter Mary Louise Raleigh Ida M. Raley LaVerne Raque Gerald and Lucille Ray Donna J. Read Margaret R. Reddicks Janet and Christopher Reid Agnes Reineke John and Margaret Reisz Charles and Henrietta Renk Mary Patricia Reynolds Michelle Rich Margaret Richmond Terry and Lynn Ridgeway Joseph Reuben Rigel Dayle Riley Thomas E. Riley Thomas and Mary Riney Thomas B. Riney Larry and Benita Riney Joyce Ripley Margaret M. Rixford Terry and Pat Roach Donald and Judith Robbins Lawrence H. Robbins Raymond and Frances Roberts Eldred and Eulaine Robertson Sharon L. Roddy Kevin O. Rodolph Keith Rodolph Aggie Roehrig Susan Roehrig-Quick Mike and Elizabeth Rogers J. Kenneth Rogers Matilda Romero Alex and Elizabeth Romero Mary W. Roscoe Mary J. Rose Rex and Suzan Rosenbaugh Francisca and Robert Ross James and Mary Roy Eugene and Mary Russell Rick and Cindy Ryan Joseph Norman Ryan Charles Saiz Geraldine Saiz St. Columba School - Class of 1930 Eileen A. Salazar Ben and Toni Samora Daniel and Aida Sanchez

Gregorita Sanchez Dora Sanchez Patsy A. Sanders William H. and Carole Sanders Manuel and Olivia Sandoval LTC Jose Flavio Santillanes Stanley and Rose Sauer Dave Schechinger Mary Hagman Schelling Connie and Ed Schickel Robert and Donna Schmidt Claude and Mary Schneider Rev. Ed Schnur Elizabeth Schwan Yvonne Seaton Pat Sexton Sr. Mary Angela Shaughnessy, SCN Jeanette and Stephen Shaughnessy Robert J. Sherman James L. Shumaker Lale and Hanri Sidem Janet L. Simmons Nicholas X. Simon Sr. Grace Simpson, OSU, A‘56 Amber and Marty Sims James and Twila Skidmore Therese M. Sloane Owen and Helen Smith Jack Solar Floyd Sorquist Southern Star Josephine M. Spalding Sr. Rosanne Spalding, OSU Bruce and Wilma Spaulding Charles and Laverne Speaks Leta Speaks A’39 William and Shirley Spurrier Gertrude T. Stallings Willa K. Stein Helen Steinmetz Mark R. Stelling Donna Stengel Stephanie and Chris Stone James and Marie Strickler Catharine Stryjak Imogene Stull A‘54 Michael and Virginia Sullivan Margie Sweeney Carolyn and Paul Tapp Lois A. Tashjian Mary Anne Taylor Joseph and Rose Marie Taylor Sue Thayer Sandra and Dan Thomas James E. Thompson Jr. Jim Thompson Mary C. Thompson Cloa and Mike Thompson Tammy and Mark Thomson Dorothy E. Tipmore Harold Travis Ralph and Virginia Trotter Mary Louise Truitt A ‘48 Delores Turnage Sara Uveges Henrietta Valdez Lionel and Leoba Valdez Eddie and Florence Valdez Bonifacio and Ruby Vallejos Jerome and Thelma+ Vandeven Johnathan A. Veeder Henry and Mary Ellen Villanueva Joann and William A. Vincent Tamara and Kenneth Vogler Patricia Voyles Joan Walsh Gayle Waltmon Regina Walz A‘40 Cheryl Wanya Dorothy B. Ward

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honoring the living The persons’ names listed below in boldface type have been recognized by others whose names are listed below the honorees. These Ursuline Sisters, groups, or individual men and women have made a difference in the lives of others who show their appreciation in this kind way. As our Ursuline motto states: Soli Deo Gloria! Sr. Margaret Joseph Aull Pasquina Todd Mary Wimsatt Sr. Mimi Ballard William Leslie Keene, Jr. Linda and John Perri The Bickett Children James and Marietta Bickett Sr. Joseph Angela Boone Catherine Keene Sr. Mary Regina Boone Gladys and Al Boone Catherine Keene John and Karen Manning Sr. Vivian Bowles Dr. Marilyn and Joseph Brookman Bob and April Mitchell Joy M. Brown Beth Corbett Sr. Elaine Burke Paula and Mike Burke Catherine J. Wright Sr. Martha Ann Cargile Rosemary Payne Sr. Mary Beatrice Donahue Rebecca J. Donahue Sr. Mary Durr William and Aurelia Inkret, Jr. William and Lisa Inkret Sr. Marie Julie Fecher William and Margaret Stadtlander, Jr. Sr. Michael Marie Friedman Anna C. Mattingly, A ‘66 Saint James School Sr. Ruth Gehres Bob and April Mitchell Sr. Margaret Marie Greenwell Marita S. Neichter Sr. Jane Miriam Hancock Frances Mouser Robert I. Hancock, Jr. Marie and Joe Allan Hancock Sr. Mary Sheila Higdon Ellen Koch

Ward’s Trend House Furniture Arthur and Delores Warnecke John and Regina Warren Bernard L. Wathen Patricia Wathen David and Mary Ann Webster Edward Welsh Marge and Mark C. Wempe Kelly Wesney Richard A. Wethington Juanita White Russell and Nancy White Florence Wieder Richard and Diana Wiggins Barbara and Louis J. Wilbert Norma and John Wilkerson Donald and Janice Wilkinson Dorothy L. Willett

Sr. Michele Ann Intravia Thomas and Sharon Jablonski Gary and Serafina Mesnier John and Cynthia Mesnier Jubilarians 2005 Sr. Cecelia Joseph Olinger, OSU, A’58 Sr. Annalita Lancaster Motherhouse Community Stephanie and Chris Stone Sr. Miriam Medley Mark and Diane Kemper Sr. Jean Madeline Peake Sheila and Jim Beaven Nancy J. Hansen Sr. Joseph Adrian Russell Patricia and Michael Egan Phyllis and Daryl Henry Pasquina Todd Barbara and Louis J. Wilbert Sr. Rita Scott Roger and Julie Gstalder Sr. Grace Simpson Cecil Anne and Eugene Chinn Sr. Mary Angela Shaughnessy, SCN Sr. Laurita Spalding Daryl Hagan Sr. Mary Lois Speaks Darlinda Hurst Ursuline Teachers From St. Edward James and Joan Bell Dolores Ann Mudd Thomson Mark and Tammy Thomson Sr. Mary Matthias Ward Rebecca A. Hayes Sr. Ann Victoria Wasylina Velma Warren Family Sr. Marietta Wethington Phyllis E. Burgan Irene K. Phelps Richard A. Wethington Sr. Mary Bertha Wethington Marita S. Neichter Sr. Agnes Catherine Williams Mary Wimsatt Sr. Carolita Young Marjorie Early

Raymond and Ruth Willett Judy and Dale Willingham Jim and Jennifer Wilson Ann H. Wilson Mary Dell Wimsatt Mary S. Withrow Catherine J. Wright Lucille Fogle Wright Joseph Welzen and Ruth Wright-Welzen James Wurzbach Ann Fayrene Yaste Kathy and Harold Young Catherine Zech Patricia Zeller Arthur and Mary Zinselmeyer Gary and Polly Zuniga


U r s u l i n e s


Book of Remembrance The names of the deceased whose lives have inspired gifts to the Ursuline Sisters are written in a large Book of Remembrance in the Motherhouse Chapel. In this way, the Sisters are reminded to pray by name for your loved ones who have died. Once each month, the Book of Remembrance is placed near the altar during a Mass offered for all whose names are written in it. Sr. Mary Damien Abell Marjorie Early Raymond and Kitty Kress Sr. M. Lawrence Abell Laura and Bill Smith Sr. Mary Otho Abell Laura and Bill Smith All Ursuline Teachers Margie Anne Hardesty JoAnna M. McDaniel Allen Joseph L. Allen Clarence, Carrie and Wendell Alvey Leon Alvey Sr. Ann Vincentia Abell Laura and Bill Smith Ben Baker Gerald and Della Craig Mary Orline Ballard Jim and Peggy Alvey Anonymous Dorothy Ballard James and Lois Ballard Lynne T. Bowling Alex Briney Ronnie and Mary Orline Briney Mary Salsman-Buckley Joe and Jenny Buckman Karen Bullock June S. Cannon James and Betty Carothers Laine F. Casciola Jean Cecil Jim Cecil Martha H. Clark Shari Clark Catherine and Keene Clements Susan Dawson Barbara Dodman Mary Louise and Kenneth Fletcher Sr. Michael Marie Friedman, OSU, A‘64 Friends Henry and Barbara Greenwell Lucy Greenwell Marlene and Steve M. Greenwell Sr. Margaret Marie Greenwell, OSU, A‘57 Marie Grigsby Lucia and Richard Guthrie Miriam and W.P. Hagan Lawrence and Mary Ellyn Hamilton Darrell and Beth Hawkins Robert W. Heaton, Sr. Ruth Hicks Donna S. Hurst Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jemley, Jr. Sr. Clara Johnson, OSU William and Maxine Keene Trudie and Donald R. Mattingly Joseph and Nancy Neel John and Sally Newcomb Thomas and Catherine Newton Linda and John Perri

Joyce T. Pyle Lisa and Joey Riley Susan J. Scott Michael and Judith Sewell Geraldine and Michael H. Simpson Joseph P. Simpson M. Helen Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Spalding Mary and Joseph B. Spalding Martha and James Stiles Gail Taylor Rose Marie and Joseph P. Taylor Kenny and Shirl Thomas Teresa B. Thompson Ann and Henry Triplett Debbie Unseld Bill and Theresa Walker Jenny and Martha Willett Cecilia B. Beaven Della and Gerald Craig Family of James A. Bell James and Joan Bell Antoinette Birge Cyril Birge Anthony G. Bittel Donald Bittel Fr. James T. Blandford James E. Thompson Jr. Margaret Blanford Blair Rose Mary Fogle Borgia Blanford Della and Gerald Craig Fabian Blanford Della and Gerald Craig Joseph B. Blanford Carolyn Blanford Sr. Lucille Blincoe Susan Roehrig-Quick Sr. Richarda Blincoe Susan Roehrig-Quick Sr. Aloise Boone Catherine Keene Sr. Janette Bowling Ned and Nancy Couch Sr. Jean Martin Brey James and Mary Brey Sr. Mary Denise Brown Marianna and Ike T. Barber Mary Rose Bryant Jane and Pete Barnett Helen and Robert Brodt Myrtle and Fabian Buckman Dorothy Hughes Edwardine and Charles Luckett Jack and Wanda Osbourn Marty and Julie Thomas Pat Thomas Paul Wathen Raymond and Jacquelyn Wathen Thomas A. Wathen

Joe Caldwell Beverly and Richard Boeckmann, Sr. Judy Carrico James P. Carrico Sister Charlotte Joann M. Sattler Ms. Ruby Coater James Coater, Sr. Sr. Jean Bernadine Collard Ed and Mary Jo Sims Margaret Coomes Catherine J. Bickwermert Sr. Charles Marie Coyle Grace and Jim Keenan Ann Fayrene Yaste Ms. Patricia Craig Larry Devocelle Ada Corinne Culver Betty C. Culver Rita DeMaio Dr. Henry M. Labiche, Jr. Ruby Vowels Dink John and Virginia Dink, Jr. Anna Catherine Donahue Rebecca J. Donahue Christine E. Harris Della Mae Edelen Della and Gerald Craig Christine Elder Don and Mary Ruth Elder Krampe and Fogle Family Lucille Fogle Wright Mark Fecher Margaret and William Stadtlander, Jr. Sr. Mary Clara Floyd Ray and Joyce Leigh Ms. Martha Gammon Kathryn A. Harding

Remembering Ursuline Relationships If you are an Ursuline Associate, or an Alumna of Mount Saint Joseph Academy and/or College, you can help us at the time of your death if your obituary mentions these relationships. Please consider talking with family members in this regard. Deceased Gomez Families Molly Jacques Brian Graham William and Rita Graham Family of Lura Habich Lura Bayne Habich Mary Frances Hancock Joe Allan and Marie Hancock Charles Hayden III Donald A. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayden, Jr. Donald A. Hayden C.S. Hayden Family Joan Zink Fr. Wilfred Hayden Donald A. Hayden Sr. Mary Wilfrid Hayden Donald A. Hayden Mrs. Mayola Hayden Regina Coffey Sr. Raphael Hayden Mary Louise Hayden Sr. Charles Irene Hayden Donald A. Hayden Victor Heimes Marie Heimes

Have you considered . . . 12

Faye Huber Po and Paul Goebel Regina and Terry Hulse Mary Jean Hulse Ms. Jane Hundley Rita Kelly Sr. Mary Grace Hutchins Emma Lee Hutchins Margie Salerno and Emma Hutchins Jeanette Hutchison John C. Greenwell Ann M. Jordan Walt Jordan Sr. Paul Joseph Alena and Ralph Gilbreath Alma Buechler Kaelin Emil A. Kaelin Elmer Kaelin Emil A. Kaelin Flora Ann Kaelin Emil A. Kaelin Margaret Kaiser Mary and Leonard Kaiser Charles E. Kelly Rita Kelly Stephanie Peek Kirk Nancy Gavin Mrs. Cecelia Kirkpatrick Frances Mouser Kress Family Raymond and Kitty Kress Richard Kunnen John and Virginia Dink, Jr. Frances Hustedde Labiche Dr. Henry M. Labiche, Jr. Mary Catherine Lewis Mary Hagman Schelling

naming the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph in your will or other estate plans? Please call Sister Suzanne if you’d like to discuss these possibilities.

Doug Ligons Anna Ligons Isabella Mammen Mildred Krapf Sr. Myra Martell, RSM Rita Kelly Dorothy Willett Massey James A.Trapp Sr. Martin Gertrude Mattingly George and Barbara Beard Barbara and Patrick T. Gorman James R. Loyd Judy C. Thomas Cecilia Whelan May Trish and Bill Whelan John May, Jr. Anita May Sr. Mary Celeste McCue Nancy L. Marsh McGovern Family Raymond and Kitty Kress Sr. Charles Catherine Medley Mark and Diane Kemper Wayne Miller Joy Marie Miller, A‘51 Tom and Marion Milton Jeff and Rosemary Miano Elizabeth Ann Mischel George and Mary Motiff Sr. Joseph Cecelia Muller Beverly and Richard Boeckmann, Sr.

F a l l Ms. Rene Beth Munsterman-Jones Rev. Theodore G. Tempel Theodore A. Nalley Irene B. Nalley, C ‘39 Anna Kathryn Ward Newcomb Mike Newcomb Natalie Hope Nugent Jane and Ray Nugent Gerald Oberst Dennie and Marie Davis James and Patricia Davis Margaret and George Frey Mr. and Mrs. Dale Irvine Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Irvine Margaret Irvine David and Trafta O’Bryan Robert and Marge Slack Lucy O’Daniel Anonymous Barbara Buckman Joe B. Mattingly Harry Padgett Bruce and Wilma Spaulding Martha Ann Padgett Bruce and Wilma Spaulding Bill Pennington Linda Pennington Sr. Helen Marie Pfohl Carolyn and Paul Tapp Mary Louise Truitt, A ‘48 Lucy Pillow Patsy and Dr. John Hendricks Sr. Jean Catherine Purdy Ronnie and Karen Adkisson Daniel and Nancy Purdy Robert D. Purdy Sr. Dolorosa Purdy Daniel and Nancy Purdy Sr. Ephrem Purdy Daniel and Nancy Purdy Sr. Mary John Purdy Daniel and Nancy Purdy Sr. Mary Leon Riney Gerald and Susan Hayden Mrs. Joyce Robbins Lawrence H. Robbins Sr. Mary Victor Rogers Betty Kunz J. Kenneth Rogers Dan and Jean Ryan Joseph L. Rudy Joe Rudy Philip O. Ruplinger Carolyn Blanford Sr. Mary Henry Russell Phyllis and Daryl Henry Debbie and Daniel W. Smith Pasquina Todd Barbara and Louis J. Wilbert Father Paul Sattler Joann M. Sattler Frank Sattler Joann M. Sattler Sr. Agnes Sean Alena and Ralph Gilbreath Joseph M. Seaton Yvonne Seaton Viola Seward Nora and Felix J. Darcy Sr. Mary Carl Sherron Alena and Ralph Gilbreath Mark Sims Lois and William R. Sims Mary T. Sims Delores Turnage Helen Dorothy Medley Solar Jack Solar Sr. Jamesina Spain Ken Williams Mr. Andrew G Swift Florence Killian

Sr. Jean Teresa Taylor Ed and Mary Jo Sims Joseph and Corinne Sphire Teaff Ann Teaff L. Ann Thomas Gay Abernathy Fred and Joan Ballard Pam and Thomas Burns Mary Geneva Cambron Louise D. Grady Rita Hanewinkel Nancy L. Henderson Eunice Luckett Lawrence D. Mattingly Emma O’Bryan William K. Ralston Julieanne M. Ray Beatrice Rowe Patricia Ryan Edward L. Shannon Charlenia H. Tyler Beverly Tway Wagner Bill and Theresa Walker Steve and Debbie Walker Mary Jo Wathen Catherine B. Thompson Lynne T. Bowling Sr. Joseph Therese Thompson Lynne T. Bowling Lawrence and Mary Paul Edelen June and Francis Roy Hutchins Georgia Tipmore Nancy and Frank Burden Dorothy and Gene Fleischmann Bob and Connie Hood James and Patricia Jarnagin Debbie and Larry Murphy Joe and Sue Riney Pat and Mary Anne Spalding Jennifer Woodward Bernadette Willett Trapp James A.Trapp Helen Trogden Rose Therese Cecil, A‘44 Sr. Mary Bernice Uhing Cyril Uhing Ursuline Sisters in Nebraska Rev. Alcuin E. Greenburg Sr. Ancilla Marie Warren Tom and Mary Hunter Velma Warren Sr. Bartholene Warren Raymond and Kitty Kress Susan Reiss Suzanne E. Reiss Cecelia and Thomas H. Thompson Sr. George Ann Warren Cecelia and Thomas H. Thompson Sr. Mary Edgar Warren Tom and Mary Hunter Velma Warren Alice Wathen Bernard L. Wathen Sr. George Marie Wathen Norvin L. Casper, Jr. Sr. Charles Asa Williams Alice and Jerry F. Biscopink Lawrence and Mary Paul Edelen Dorothy Ann M. Hall Ms. Angela Wimsatt Laura J. Wimsatt Joseph William Wimsatt, Sr. Laura J. Wimsatt Joseph William Wimsatt, Jr. Laura J. Wimsatt Mary Wright Gloria J. Mingus Sr. Margaret Louise Yates Raymond and Kitty Kress Al Zink Family Joan Zink

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In the Joy of Eternal Life The union of prayer which exists among us continues after we enter eternal life. Through prayer, the bond of love which unites us forms a vital link with those who have died. (From The Ursuline Way of Life)

Sister Mary Emily Whelan, 88, an Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph for 67 years, died August 26, 2006, at Mount Saint Joseph. She was a native of Howardstown, Kentucky. Her sister, Sister Dorothy Ann Whelan, who died in February 2003, was also an Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph. Sister Mary Emily was an educator for 58 years, teaching at St. Charles School, Lebanon, Kentucky, 1941-50, and St. Columba School, Louisville, 1950-56. From 1956-58, she served as librarian at St. Bernard Academy, Nebraska City, Nebraska. For 41 years, Sister Mary Emily ministered at Brescia College/University in Owensboro. She was one of the four pioneer Ursulines who established and developed the Brescia library after the college relocated from Mount Saint Joseph to Owensboro in 1950. After serving in the library from 1959-89, she took the position of administrative assistant in the Brescia Counseling Center, where she worked from 1989 until her retirement in 2000. “Brescia University was blessed by the long and valuable ministry of Sister Mary Emily,” Brescia president Sister Vivian Bowles reflected. “I especially appreciated the time that she served as our administrative assistant in the Counseling Center when I was director. Sister was always a lady, a professional, an inspiring religious, and a caring friend. All of us who knew her will miss the blessing she was to our lives.” Survivors include nieces and nephews, and the members of her religious community. The funeral Mass was celebrated August 30 at Mount Saint Joseph, with burial in the convent cemetery. Gifts in memory of Sister Mary Emily Whelan may take the form of donations to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356.

Memorial Gifts If your heart leads you to write your obituary — or that of a loved one — to include the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph as a beneficiary of a memorial, please let us know. We have brochures with sympathy cards and envelopes enclosed — if these materials would be helpful to you at the death of a loved one. Wherever you live, we will be happy to ship the materials to you, or directly to the funeral director of your choice. 13

U r s u l i n e s


IN-KIND GIFTS Many persons, businesses, and families bring gifts to us at Picnic time and year round to provide for so many of our needs for goods and services. Our hearts overflow with prayers of thanks for all. Advance Auto Parts Athletics Association Baker’s Rack Barret-Fisher Co Inc Karen Beavers Blessed Mother Parish Blossoms Maternity and More Bluegrass Interiors Bob Luegers Motors Wendell and Mary Bryan Booth Bowen Tire Co Brescia University Bright Star Nursery Edward and Gloria Cecil Crosley Radio Corporation Daviess County Farm Services Don Eckstein Ms. Rose Mary Egli Essentials Salon Etc... Excursions Executive Inn-Rivermont Famous Bistro Frank’s Plumbing & Heating Supply Joan and Paul Fritz Gallery 412 Garden Gate Nursery & Florist, Inc. Garden Interludes Gene’s Health Food General Glass Company, Inc. Glenn Funeral Home Suzanne Gochenouer Great Harvest Bread Betty Greaves A‘66 Jean Gutierrez Hagan’s Outdoor Equipment Hayden’s Furniture Karen and Tom Heilers Carol Hill Lorna and George Horishny Hubert Powers Photography Jasper Seating Co. Jennie Lynn’s Florist & Gifts Roger I. Jones, O.D. Optometrist Joni’s Flower Garden Kentucky Mirror and Plate Glass Co. Kentucky’s Best K-Mart Bennett and Mary Sue Ligon Krempp Lumber Company Dr. Ed Lohman, N.D. Jeanne Meeks Ruth Metschuleit Carl and Brenda Millay Mudd’s Furniture, Inc. Sr. Jean Gertrude Mudd, OSU Murphy’s Appliance Company

Learn more about the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph on our web site: ursulinesmsj.org

Nails Couture and Day Spa NTA Custom Jewelers Mary Loretto O’Bryan Mary Ballard O’Bryan-Mackey A’33 Owensboro-Daviess County Regional Airport Owensboro-Daviess County Tourist Commission Owensboro Heart & Vascular Owensboro Family YMCA Owensboro Medical Health Systems Owensboro Music Center Packages Plus Paint Headquarters Party Paper Place Peak Bros. Bar-B-Q Pepsi-Cola General Bottle Inc. Pet Food Center Plaza Hair Design Porter Paints Margaret Mary Powers A‘78 St. Louis Rams Rebecca’s Gift Gallery RiverPark Center Norma C. Robinette A‘54 Tim Rohleder Mary Ann Schilling Susan J. Scott Ed and Mary Jo Sims Sharon and Donald R. Speaks Stallings Chiropratic Center, LLP John and Elaine Sullivan Tammy’s Cake & More Sr. Mary Diane Taylor, OSU The Earle The Gallery Tennessee Titans Football Texas Roadhouse Drs. Vicki Frey and David Thompson TWO Theatre Workshop of Owensboro US Bank Wal-Mart #0701 Judith Faye Ward, A‘60 Watkins Nursery What A Country Theatre Geneva and Ben White Your Source

Corrections . . . . In the summer issue of

Ursulines Alive, please note two corrections in the story about “Honey” on page 8. The woman holding baby Johnny in the photo is his godmother, Irina Wasylina, a native of the Ukraine who is now Ursuline Sister Ann Victoria. Also, the Stelmachs’ oldest son, Thaddeus (Todd), was born in Austria.

A Family Tradition Many donors, including these and other family members of Sister Mimi Ballard, contribute annually to the Ursuline mission in Chillán, Chile. Last December 31, Mrs. Mary Orline Ballard (insert) entered eternal life, leaving her family of 13 children to carry on the family traditions. These daughters of Mrs. Ballard pose with Sister Suzanne Sims at this year’s Mount Saint Joseph Picnic, a traditional pilgrimage to the Mount for their family. From left, Patty Fox, Sally Goben, Orline Briney, Sister Suzanne, Mary Wimpsatt, Dee Clark, Susie Walker, and Ottie Ballard. We thank God for the life and faith of Orline “Lonnie” Ballard and ask God to give her eternal rest. One of her final good deeds included a gift to the Ursuline Sisters in her will.

A Reunion in New Mexico! Graduates, former students, and friends of Sacred Heart Academy, Waterflow, and Saint Thomas/Sacred Heart School, Farmington, will reunite next summer. Mark your calendars now for JUNE 1-3. Exact details are still in the planning stages. For more information, contact Cruz Garcia at 505-325-0139, or Patricia Baca at 505-3269197.

Evaluation Sheet for

Ursulines Alive

Please help us by identifying yourself as ___Ursuline Sister ___ Ursuline Associate ___ Graduate of Mount Saint Joseph College/Academy ___ Relative of Ursuline Sister(s) ___ Friend of Ursuline Sister(s)/Community ___ Other ___________________________

Since fall 2002, ten issues of Ursulines Alive have been published by the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. The purpose of our magazine is to inform you, our readers — and friends old and new — about the Ursuline Community, our mission, and our ministries, and to invite you to be partners with us in our work of proclaiming Jesus through education and Christian formation. Will you please take a few minutes to complete the following evaluation of Ursulines Alive? With your help, we will move forward in making this publication better and stronger. Thank you. (You may detach or photocopy this page and send in the envelope provided in the magazine, or fax to 270-229-4953.) =========================================================================== 1. I read Ursulines Alive

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Soli Deo Gloria

We rejoice in the gifts of our sisters, given for the kingdom of God This year Sister Mary Bertha Wethington reached two remarkable milestones: her 100th birthday and her 80th jubilee in religious life. Born April 24, 1906, Zelda Catherine was one of 12 children of Albert and Mary Bertha Wethington in Clementsville, Casey County, Kentucky. She entered the Ursuline novitiate in 1926. An educator for 61 years, Sister Mary Bertha taught and served as principal in Kentucky and Missouri for 45 years. From 1972-88, she was coordinator of Saint Angela Educational Center in Louisville. In 1988, she began a full-time quilting ministry. creating many exquisite quilts for the annual Mount Saint Joseph Picnic and the Ursuline Quilt of the Month Club. Sister Sheila Anne Smith (oval insert) is the recipient of an Angela’s Ark Grant that makes it possible for needy students to participate in the tutoring program which she offers in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Sister Sheila works one-on-one with students from kindergarten through grade 8, “with subjects ranging from phonics to language arts and social studies to algebra — and anything else they may need,” she says. She enjoys watching her students progressing in school “and seeing their self-esteem and confidence grow as their grades improve.” Mothers and children in the photo are, from left, Alexandria and Elizabeth Gallegos (kindergarten), Clara and Avelina Rimbert (grade 2), and Gudalupe and Trevor Sutton (grade 5). Angela’s Ark grants, which support Ursuline ministries, are funded through donations received for the Ursuline Flatboat Adventure in August 2004.

Sister Joseph Angela Boone is the 2006 recipient of the Father Charles Saffer Alumni Hall of Fame Award given annual by Brescia University to an alumnus or alumna who, through a lifetime of personal achievement, has personified the University’s ideals. A 1962 Brescia graduate, Sister Joseph Angela is Chancellor and Director of Administration for the Diocese of Owensboro — a position she has held since 1989. Her teaching experience includes seven years as a member of the mathematics faculty at Brescia, where she also served as dean of women. From 1970-89, she was treasurer and business administrator for the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. In addition to her dedication to her work for the diocese, Sister Joseph Angela quietly reaches out to many needy persons in the Owensboro area. Sister Martha Keller has been appointed coordinator of the Vocation Team for the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. Sister Martha’s responsibilities will include communication with women who express interest in the Ursuline Community and “walking with” those who wish to explore membership in the community. She will continue in her position of pastoral associate and director of faith formation for St. Stephen Cathedral Parish in Owensboro. She has served previously in vocation ministry at Mount Saint Joseph, and in pastoral ministry at St. Sebastian Parish, Calhoun, St. Charles, Livermore, and St. Anthony, Browns Valley; and at St. Romuald, Hardinsburg. She has been a teacher at Owensboro Catholic High School, St. Pius Tenth School, Owensboro, and Immaculate Conception School, Hawesville, where she also was principal. Sister Martha is a native of Whitesville. Anyone seeking information about Ursuline vocations may contact Sister Martha at 270-689-0165 or mkk@mindspring.com.

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