Ursulines Alive Summer 2019

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Ursulines Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph Proclaiming Jesus through Education and Christian Formation

Summer 2019 Issue No. 49


Pastoral Care in Saint Joseph Villa 2019 Jubilarians National Speakers Coming to Retreat Center

Ursulines Part of Brescia’s Future

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From our Congregational Leader Dear Friends, The Ursuline Sisters have been involved in education since Saint Angela founded our community in 1535. Our methods may have changed but the dedication has always been the same. Our mission is to help educate children and adults in whatever way we can. One of the major ways our Ursuline community has supported higher education is through Brescia University. Brescia began as the Mount Saint Joseph Junior College here at Mount Saint Joseph in 1925. It moved into Owensboro, Ky., in 1950 and continues to educate young people and adults in regular classroom settings and online. Brescia is preparing its 2020-2025 Strategic Plan that will take it into its centennial celebration in 2025. Its overarching theme will be to embrace the most pronounced directive of Jesus to love one another and to apply Brescia’s educational perspective and interpretation of that directive to empower students to be the leaders they were created to be. The plan hopes to break down barriers the students face in the classroom and the community. In order to do this, the university is beginning a special initiative entitled “Onward, Brescia! Stepping into Our Second Century.” The lead article in this issue of Ursulines Alive highlights some of the Sisters who are a part of the Brescia University community. We are grateful for their work and pray for them, along with the president, Father Larry Hostetter, the faculty and the staff who continue the mission of education and Christian formation. God bless all of you.

Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU, Congregational Leader Brescia College/University Class of 1974

MAKING BLANKETS AT BRESCIA... A crowd that included 13 Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, some Brescia University staff and more than 50 Brescia students made short work of a service project on March 17 in Brescia’s dining hall. They made 10 no-sew fleece blankets to donate to local Burmese families and Crossroads of Hope, an emergency shelter for women and children in Owensboro, Ky. The work was followed by prayer and pizza. The service project was done to help celebrate National Catholic Sisters Week (March 8-14). Pictured: Sister Vivian Bowles, left, Sister Monica Seaton, second from right, Sister Marcella Schrant, right, and two of the students hold up a finished blanket. Ursulines Alive is published by the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, Maple Mount, Ky. Three issues are published each calendar year. EDITORS: Director of Mission Advancement/Communications....... Dan Heckel, OSUA Communications Specialist/Graphic Design..................... Jennifer Kaminski, OSUA MISSION ADVANCEMENT STAFF: Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships............................... Doreen Abbott, OSUA Director of Development.................................................. Carol Braden-Clarke Communications and Development Specialist................. Maggie Hatfield Mission Advancement Assistant....................................... Sister Mary McDermott Mission Advancement Assistant....................................... Sister Marcella Schrant Contributing Writer........................................................... Sister Ruth Gehres Contributing Writer........................................................... Sister Marietta Wethington 2

COVER: The Moore Center, Brescia

University’s newly remodeled student center in Owensboro, Ky., was completed in 2017. A new classroom building and residence hall are now under construction. Photo by Wendell Thompson. RIGHT: Ursuline Sister Helena Fischer, registrar for Brescia, meets two students transferring to Brescia from Murfreesboro, Tenn., during registration on July 1 in the Moore Center. BOTTOM RIGHT: Sister Pam Mueller, director of campus ministry, left, and Sister Cheryl Clemons participate in Founder’s Day at Brescia on Jan. 29.


Brescia University................................... 3-5 Powerhouse of Prayer............................... 7 Pastoral Care........................................... 6-7 2019 Jubilarians...................................... 8-9 Sister Spotlight.......................................... 9 Donor Highlight...................................... 10 Obituaries................................................ 10 Soli Deo Gloria......................................... 11 Ursuline Convocation.............................. 12 Conference and Retreat Center........ 13-15 Escape to the Mount Fundraiser............ 16

OUR MISSION We, the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, sustained by prayer and vowed life in community, proclaim Jesus through education and Christian formation in the spirit of our founder, Saint Angela Merici. • • • • •


Prayer Service Empowerment Justice Contemplative Presence ... In the spirit of Saint Angela

CONTACT US Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road Maple Mount, Kentucky 42356 270-229-4103 Fax: 270-229-4953 info.msj@maplemount.org www.ursulinesmsj.org • Facebook: facebook.com/ursulinesmsj • Instagram: Ursuline Sisters of MSJ • Twitter: twitter.com/ursulinesmsj • YouTube: UrsulineSistersMSJ

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Sisters at Brescia University share in the excitement of the future Sister Betsy Moyer, helping with registration, assists a new student from eastern Kentucky on July 1. Sister Betsy serves the Education Department as director of the Curriculum Resource Center, field placement coordinator and office manager.

Commitment to Growth and Virtue, and Promotion of Servant Leadership,” Sister Betsy said. Since 2016, 31 private colleges in America have either closed or merged, according to Insidehighered. com. Facing lean times of its own at the turn of the 21st century, Brescia has bucked the national trend and is pursuing a challenging pattern of growth. The eight Ursuline Sisters who serve there are key players in that growth. fter 12 years of being taught by Ursuline “There is excitement about the future,” Sister Cheryl Sisters in Nebraska, Betsy Moyer moved to Clemons said. As vice president of Academic Affairs, Owensboro, Ky., 50 years ago to enroll as a she said that campus construction is the most visible freshman at Brescia College. sign of growth, but it’s just an external symbol of what’s “I had no idea what Brescia stood for, but I knew growing inside. deep down that the Ursuline heritage was visible and “The master’s of business administration is revamped alive here,” she said. “Brescia College felt right to be completely online,” she said. “We have and was right for me.” “You can’t new master’s programs in clinical psychology Sister Betsy has been an Ursuline Sister for and in communication sciences and disentangle 48 years and began serving at Brescia – which disorders for speech-language pathologists. the Ursulines became a university in 1998 – seven years There’s a great deal of need for both.” from Brescia. ago in the registrar’s office. She now serves In 1925, the Ursuline Sisters began multiple roles in the Education Department Our DNA is here.” the Mount Saint Joseph Junior College –Sister Sharon Sullivan – as director of the Curriculum Resource on the campus at Maple Mount as a way Center, as field placement coordinator and to provide training for teachers. In 1944, office manager. While there are fewer Ursuline Sisters President Franklin Roosevelt signed the GI Bill into law, serving at Brescia now, the sisters who built Brescia are promising the men and women who served in World not forgotten, Sister Betsy said. War II up to $500 of free tuition for college or trade “You can feel the Ursuline spirit and detect their school. It made higher education available to the middle presence, just stop and look around, in the hallways and class for the first time. classrooms of the science, education, business, social In 1950 the Ursuline Sisters decided to make their work and library buildings on campus,” she said. “They junior college coed and move it to Owensboro. They are alive and moving among us … supporting, praying, called it “Brescia” for the Italian city where Saint Angela and encouraging those who stand in their places. These Merici founded the Company of Saint Ursula in 1535. women gave their all to form a college of faith-based Saint Angela urged her sisters to change with the signs education, to make a difference.” of the times, and that’s been a Brescia staple for years. “Brescia stands on the “You can’t disentangle the shoulders of many Ursulines, Ursulines from Brescia. Our and the men and women of DNA is here,” said Sister today who believe in the Brescia Sharon Sullivan, a professor Difference: Respect for the and coordinator of the special Sacred, Devotion to Learning, education program. “By continuing to claim and expand Sister Pam Mueller, director of Campus Ministry at Brescia, helps our reliance on our Ursuline students transferring to Brescia fill roots, it helps to go forward. As


out paperwork in the Moore Center on July 1.

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Sister Cheryl Clemons, left, vice president of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean, answers questions for a new student registering on July 1.

long as we are working with students, I think we will need to continue to articulate the Ursulines, whether the Ursulines are here or not.” Brescia launched “Gateway to Our Second Century,” a $10 million capital campaign, in October 2014. The goal was surpassed a year earlier than anticipated and served to fund the renovation of the Moore Student Center, which opened in September 2017, and the C.E. Field Center for Professional Studies, which should be completed in January 2020. As a result of its largest freshman class ever in 2018, the university is completing construction of a spacious residence hall on the north end of campus to welcome students in August 2019. Another $3 million special initiatives campaign titled “Onward, Brescia!” was announced this summer. Sister Sharon recalled a story in one of the Boxcar Children books to explain Brescia’s ability to survive the lean times. The Alden children are flummoxed because the beans they are trying to raise won’t grow. After some investigating, they learn the beans keep being dug up each night to see how much they’d grown. “We allowed the beans to stay planted,” Sister Sharon said. “It’s the beans that the Ursulines planted that keep growing and will for many years.” The sisters serving at Brescia are quick to praise the leadership of Father Larry Hostetter, an Ursuline Associate who has been Brescia’s president since 2007. “Father Larry is our greatest promoter of Saint Angela and the Ursuline heritage,” said Sister Barbara Jean Head, senior accountant at Brescia. “He sets aside a day to honor the Ursulines and began the Spirit of Angela Award for two students each year. At graduation, students mention Saint Angela in their speeches.” “No one is more Ursuline than Father Larry,” Sister Cheryl said. “He makes no apologies for supporting Ursuline values.” Sister Pam Mueller, director of Campus Ministry, and Sister Judith Nell Riney, director of the Father Leonard Alvey Library, Sister Barbara Jean Head, center, senior accountant at Brescia, goes over a student account with Cindy Haight, student accounts clerk, and Dale Cecil, senior vice president of Business and Finance. 4

serve both at Brescia and in leadership for the Ursuline Sisters. “There’s been a change in the culture,” they said in an email. “Across time there has been a ‘reclaiming’ of Brescia’s roots and mission as well as ongoing opportunities to celebrate BU’s Ursuline heritage. The focus is on educating students within the context of forming them in the liberal arts as well as in the Christian/Catholic traditions and the wisdom passed down from Saint Angela Merici. Father Larry has been a key person in grasping the mission of Brescia and articulating it within the context of the total university. As the first nonUrsuline president, he understands very well and appreciates who Saint Angela was and how her love of God and others translates into a particular philosophy of education that values the total person.” Alex Wink graduated from Brescia in 2019, the year she won the Spirit of Angela award. Having the Ursuline Sisters on campus helps set Brescia apart from other colleges, she said. “Seeing the sisters on campus helps remind students that this isn’t any old school,” she said. “There’s a long tradition here with the Ursuline Sisters. The students all know it, during orientation we talk about the roots.”

Online Classes Part of the growth in Brescia’s enrollment is through online classes, which began in 2007 as a way to adapt to the changing times. The same thing happened in 1980, when Sister deChantal Whelan realized not all those who wanted a college degree could earn one during the week, Sister Cheryl said. That’s how Brescia began Weekend College to meet an underserved population. “Online classes now serve that same population,” Sister Cheryl said. “It allows us to reach people at a distance. There were 30-40 students this year who came to the Brescia campus for the first time to graduate. It’s so fun to see them hug a professor they’ve only seen on a computer screen.”

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Sister Helena Fischer is the registrar and has served at Brescia for 32 years. There are more than 1,000 students attending Brescia each semester, the highest number since the 1960s. “We still meet with and register on-campus students for their first semester,” Sister Helena said. “This is part of our hospitality charism of welcoming them and making them feel comfortable with their first steps into the next phase of their life. Over half of our students are now online. Online counselors have orientation calls with them. It thrills us to know that such degrees as online pastoral ministry and social work are enabling students out in other states and the military to get prepared to provide services needed in their localities.” Sister Helena’s greatest excitement is watching the graduates walk across the stage to receive their diplomas. “Those who cannot attend are given the same recognition by having a livestream ceremony with their names being announced,” she said. “This means so much to them and their families who have supported them in pursuing their degrees.” Sister Sharon said the evolution of the online program was very Ursuline. “It was taking something we did well already, and making it more accessible,” she said. “Brescia held onto one of its strengths – building community. We insisted there be face-to-face time with the online classes. One of the earliest winners of the Spirit of Angela award was an online student.” The Moore Center was dedicated Sept. 8, 2017 as a student center which includes a dining hall, gym, walking track, weight room and spirit shop.

Making St. Angela Proud

Saint Angela would be proud of Brescia because it promotes servant leadership and builds character and integrity in its students, Sister Betsy said. “The faculty and staff respect and care for the good of their students, assisting them in ways that make a difference in their lives and the lives of others,” she said. “Brescia continues to give a solid foundation to those who come.” Sister Pam and Sister Judith Nell cite the Ursuline Center for Teaching and Learning as an Ursuline response to current needs of students, faculty and staff. It strives to meet all educational needs in an integrated fashion, serving the whole person through professional advising, tutoring and other learning resources. It strives to help faculty and staff with professional development. They also point out Brescia’s robust study abroad program, sports programs that focus on “learning, athleticism and integrity,” and an expectation of servant

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The C.E. Field Center for Professional Studies is under construction at Ninth and Frederica streets. It is scheduled for completion in January 2020. It will house the Charles Albert Reid School of Business (William H. Thompson Center for Business Graduate Studies, not-yet-named School of Education, and Marilyn Younger Conley School of Social Work), as well as a 150-seat auditorium, art gallery, a small chapel, a digital studio for innovative learning, and computer labs.

leadership as areas that would make Saint Angela proud. College students face much stress these days, and Sister Barbara Jean believes that beyond the Ursuline Sisters’ roles at the university, their simplicity of life has a positive effect on the young people. “There’s a calmness, a peacefulness that we project. We don’t even think about it,” she said. “That spirit comes from our prayer life and our life in community. That all plays a part in how we respond to students and coworkers.” With Brescia’s growth comes challenges – some with physical space, but others with facing a devaluation of a liberal arts education. “There’s a belief that if education is valued, it should be job-related training,” Sister Cheryl said. “One problem with that is, the job we are training you for may not exist in 10 years. More than that, human life is more than practical skills. It’s about being creative, pursuing truth, recognizing that there’s more to life than a job. Work should be part of human life, not all of it,” she said. “If you teach people how to think, they can learn to do any job.” There are faculty and staff who have devoted their lives to serving the needs of students at Brescia, Sister Cheryl said. That’s the Ursuline influence that needs to continue. “Reaching out to unmet needs, incorporating Sister Sharon Sullivan, left, coordinator and professor of special education at Brescia, service – helps a student register for classes on July 1. those things have always been part of Ursuline education and they are still important at Brescia,” she said.n –By Dan Heckel, MSJ Staff 5

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Visiting with senior sisters helps continue Angela’s wishes For the more you esteem them, the more you will love them; the more you love them, the more you will care for and watch over them. And it will be impossible for you not to cherish them day and night, and to have them all engraved in your heart, one by one, for this is how real love acts and works. Saint Angela Merici Introduction to the Counsels


rsuline Sister Alfreda Malone knows that Sister Marie Bosco Wathen enjoys her apples peeled. So, she peels apples for her. She knows Sister Fran Wilhelm can’t move very fast since she’s been confined to a wheelchair, so when she sees Sister Fran in the hallway of Saint Joseph Villa, she’ll ask, “Do you need a driver?” “I think she takes me somewhere every 10 minutes,” Sister Fran said with a smile. Sister Alfreda moved back to Maple Mount in 2009, and from 2010-18, ministered as an assistant in the community archives. Her current ministry is to visit sisters in the Villa, the long-term care facility at Maple Mount – where Sister Alfreda is also a resident. “I just love to be of service to others while I can,” Sister Alfreda said. “I’m available when anybody needs me. If I can do something for them, I will. I’ll be in that shape one of these days.” At 95, Sister Alfreda is as spry as a woman half her age. She knows she’s blessed to be so mobile, so she is on the lookout for ways she can help other sisters. “It makes me feel good to do this,” she said. “The sisters can’t do some things for themselves. They don’t want to call an aide because they think it’s too minor. I do some chores and see what they need.” Two of the sisters she helps have a similar ministry. Sister Marie Bosco has helped the sisters in the Villa for several years, although she is cutting back now as she turns 95. “If I see somebody who needs help, I’m going to help them if I can,” she said. “It’s part of our mission.” “Suppose somebody had a hard time walking down the hall, I would


Sister Alfreda Malone, left, visits with Sister Marie Bosco Wathen in her room at Saint Joseph Villa. The two went to school together for 12 years in Marion County, Ky. “We were tomboys together,” Sister Alfreda said. RIGHT: Sister Rose Karen Johnson, second from left, sings a hymn for Sister Amanda Rose Mahoney, left, Sister Clara Reid, center, and Sister Marie Julie Fecher, right, in Saint Joseph Villa on July 26. She likes to sing such hymns as, “The Lord Receive,” and “For Those Tears I Died.”

encourage them to use the railing,” Sister Marie Bosco said. “In the early days, they’d have me repair something that was broken, such as a rosary. If they had trouble with their computer, they’d ask for my help.” Sisters Alfreda and Marie Bosco were classmates growing up in Marion County, Ky., and still talk about those old times during their visits. “We were tomboys together” at St. Joseph Elementary School, Sister Alfreda said. “We played in the backyard and the boys always got to play in the front yard on the ball diamond. I asked why we never got to play on the ball diamond. Sister told me to get there first. We ate our lunch faster one day and we got the ball diamond,” Sister Alfreda said. Sister Marie Bosco said Sister Alfreda was quite the baseball player. “Alfreda could knock it over the school,” Sister Marie Bosco said. “I could just knock it over the outhouse.” Sister Fran also has a ministry to the sisters in the Villa since she moved to the Mount in 2018. “I want to get acquainted with the sisters I’ve barely known over the years, because I was out on mission,” she said. “I would like to share a lot of what I’ve learned over the years. I’d like to pray with them, just try to enrich their lives.” Randy Shelby, director of pastoral care for the sisters in the Villa, said, “I Sister Alfreda Malone, standing, takes Sister Fran Wilhelm on a stroll across the Maple Mount campus in June. “She pushes me someplace every 10 minutes,” Sister Fran said with a smile.

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Powerhouse of Prayer

Mother of Jesus still looking out for Sister Mary Gerald This feature highlights the efforts of those Ursuline Sisters who minister in the “Powerhouse of Prayer” and lift up those who ask for prayers throughout the year.

think it’s important to the community that their sisters benefit from the camaraderie they get from other sisters.” Sister Rose Karen Johnson began visiting sisters in the Villa after she moved there in February 2019. “I sing to them. They seem to enjoy it,” Sister Rose Karen said. She was used to singing to patients about the love of Jesus in the hospital in Muhlenberg County, Ky., where she served for 20 years. She’s received a positive response from the sisters she has visited so far. “Sister Emerentia (Wiesner) asked me to get a family photo from the shelf. She wanted to talk about her family,” Sister Rose Karen said. Since moving to Maple Mount from Kansas in 2015, Sister Marcella Schrant has made a habit of visiting the sisters in the Villa on holidays with a gift of candy. It’s an idea she got from her days as an elementary school teacher. “I just felt they needed some attention,” she said. “I wish them a happy holiday and give them a piece of candy.” Orange slices are a popular choice. “It gives them a little sense of someone coming in to say ‘hi’ to them,” Sister Marcella said. “Sister Rose Marie Craycroft doesn’t come out of her room much, but she always has a big smile when I come to see her.”n

“Lights for Liberty: A Vigil to End Detention Camps,” brought thousands of people to locations worldwide on July 12, including Owensboro’s Legion Park, to protest the inhumane conditions faced by migrants at the border. Among the crowd in Owensboro were Sister Luisa Bickett, Sister Alicia Coomes, Sister Dianna Ortiz, Sister Suzanne Sims, Sister Rebecca White, and Ursuline Associates Mary Danhauer, Jennifer Kaminski and Randy Shelby. Danhauer founded Nonviolent Owensboro which co-sponsored the event.


rowing up in a large family in the highly Catholic town of Knottsville, Ky., Sister Mary Gerald Payne was always praying. “I think it’s very important,” she said. “Even as a child, I Sister Mary Gerald with her statue prayed to Mary, the of Saint Therese of Lisieux mother of Jesus. I would talk to Mary – I had a little statue. I felt like she really talked to me. I’ve had a great devotion to Mary.” That devotion was so strong that when Agnes Florence Payne joined the Ursuline Sisters in 1953, she wanted to make sure she had “Mary” as part of her name. “Mary has looked out for me all these years.” Sister Mary Gerald was a teacher for 48 years in Kentucky, New Mexico and Missouri. Since 2003 she has made wonderful crafts for the Mount Saint Joseph Gift Shop and now has added the Powerhouse of Prayer to her ministries. One of her favorite prayers is the Memorare, which begins “Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help or sought your intercession, was left unaided.” “Whenever I walk into the chapel for Mass, ‘Jesus, Mary and Joseph’ is what I first think about,” she said. Living at Maple Mount allows her to take part in morning prayer and evening prayer with the other Ursuline Sisters, as well as daily Mass. “I like to pray in the chapel,” Sister Mary Gerald said. “I pray the rosary every day by myself at 3 p.m.” She also prays before she goes to bed each night. “I think about the people in my family,” she said. “I pray for our sisters who have to do the most work.” She has a statue of Saint Therese of Lisieux in her room. “When I was a child, I knew a lot about the saints. I think she’s faithful,” Sister Mary Gerald said. “I feel like my prayers are answered.” Friends can write to Sister Mary Gerald at 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356.n 7

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Meet our 2019 Jubilarians! Seven Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph are celebrating jubilees of religious life this year. One sister went to heaven during her jubilee year – Sister Celine Leeker (70th jubilee).

75 years Sister Marie Montgomery was born in St. Lawrence, Ky. She served for 55 years as teacher, principal and parish minister in Kentucky, Missouri, New Mexico and Arizona. In Kentucky, she taught at St. Thomas More School, Paducah (1948-55); St. Charles School, Lebanon (1955); St. Paul School, Leitchfield (1956); St. Alphonsus School, St. Joseph (1960-62), and St. Columba School, Louisville (1962-69). In Missouri, she taught at Seven Holy Founders School, Affton (1946-48) and St. Teresa School, Glennonville (1996-97). Sister Marie spent many years as an educator in New Mexico. She taught at Sacred Heart School (1956-58, 1973-91) and Sacred Heart Catholic Academy (1993-94) in Farmington, as well as Sacred Heart Academy, Waterflow (1958-60). She also taught at Immaculate Conception School, Cuba (1997-98). She served as principal and teacher at St. Joseph School, San Fidel (1969-73) and returned as a teacher (1991-92). For two years, she was a parish minister for Sacred Heart Parish, Farmington (1994-96). She also served as parish minister for St. John the Evangelist Parish, Houck, Ariz. (1992-93). Altogether, she ministered in the Southwest for 40 years. Her final teaching position was at St. Francis of Assisi School, Gallup, N.M. (1998-2007). She is retired at the Motherhouse and active in the Powerhouse of Prayer. 60 years Sister Cecelia Joseph Olinger is a native of Glennonville, Mo. She taught at Precious Blood School, Owensboro, Ky. (1961-63), Holy 8

The 2019 jubilarians gather for a celebration on July 14 in the Motherhouse Chapel. Seated in the front row, left to right: Sister Clara Reid (60th), Sister Marie Montgomery (75th), Sister Cecelia Joseph Olinger (60th). Standing, left to right: 40-year Jubilarians Sister Rebecca White, Sister Larraine Lauter, Sister Mary McDermott and Sister Alicia Coomes.

Cross School, Holy Cross, Ky. (1963-65), Immaculate Conception School, Hawesville, Ky. (1965-66), St. Romuald School, Hardinsburg, Ky., (1966-73), St. Margaret Mary School, Louisville (1973-78), Sacred Heart School, Poplar Bluff, Mo., (1978-84), Christ the King School, Madisonville, Ky., (1984-86), St. Joseph School, San Fidel, N.M., (1986-91) and St. Aloysius Gonzaga School, St. Louis (1996-98). She was a teacher, librarian, and in charge of liturgical music at St. Anthony Zuni Indian Mission, Zuni, N.M., (199195). She was a pastoral associate at St. Jude Parish, Clinton, Ky., (19982003), and parish life coordinator for the Tewa Missions in Espanola, N.M., (2003-2009). She served in outreach in Benton, Ky., (20092011), and from 2011-2015, she was pastoral associate for three Missouri parishes: St. George in Van Buren, St. Catherine Siena in Piedmont, and Our Lady of Sorrows in Williamsville. She was director of religious education at St. Peter of Alcantara Parish, Stanley, Ky., (2015-17). She is currently a postmaster, quilter for the Quilt Club and coordinator of the Guest House and Bethany at the Motherhouse in Maple Mount. Sister Clara Reid is a native of Holy Cross, Ky. She taught at Blessed Mother School, Owensboro, Ky., (1961-64), St. Joseph School, Mayfield, Ky. (1964-71), St. Charles Borromeo School, Albuquerque,

N.M., (1971-80, and 1989-2011), and served as a substitute teacher in the Diocese of Santa Fe, N.M. Schools (2011-12). She was principal at St. Pius Tenth School, Owensboro (1981-85) and St. Teresa School, Grants, N.M. (1985-89). She led the kindergarten and day care at St. Pius Parish in 1980-81. She served as a clerk in the St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store in Albuquerque from 2012-2014. She is retired at the Motherhouse, where she serves as an information receptionist and is active in the Powerhouse of Prayer. 40 years Sister Alicia Coomes is a Henderson, Ky., native whose ministries have all been in Kentucky. She was a nurse in the Motherhouse infirmary at Maple Mount (198286, 1987-90, 1993-96, 2009-10) and director of nursing (1999-2002). She was youth minister at St. Joseph and Holy Spirit parishes, Bowling Green (1986-87). She was pastoral associate at St. Mary Parish, LaCenter (1996-99), and pastoral associate and parish nurse at Blessed Mother Parish, Owensboro (20032006). She was director of Vocation Ministry for the Ursuline Sisters (2007-10), and director of the Temporary Professed (2009-12). She was pastoral associate for St. William Parish, Marion; St. Francis Borgia Parish, Sturgis; and St. Ambrose Parish, Henshaw (2010-18). Since October 2018, she is director of

Local Community Life at the Motherhouse. Sister Larraine Lauter is a native of St. Petersburg, Fla., but grew up in Louisville. She taught at St. Bernard School, Louisville (1981), St. Francis of Assisi School, Loretto, Ky. (1982), Cathedral School, Owensboro, Ky. (1982-83, 1985-87) and Trinity High School, Whitesville, Ky. (1987-90). She was a pastoral minister at St. Columba Parish, Lewisport, Ky. (1990-92), then pastoral associate and liturgist at Precious Blood Parish, Owensboro (1992-2002). She was executive director of Migrant Immigrant Shelter and Support in Owensboro (2002-2006). She served in Hispanic ministry and as minister of Social Responsibility at Church of the Epiphany, Louisville (2006-2012). Since 2012 she has served as executive director of Water With

Blessings in Louisville. Sister Mary McDermott, a native of St. Louis, taught at Immaculate Conception School, Hawesville, Ky. (1986-87), Lourdes Elementary School in Nebraska City, Neb. (1987-91) and Sacred Heart School, Lincoln, Neb. (1993-96). She was librarian at St. Ann School, Morganfield, Ky. (1996-97). She was an administrative assistant at Brescia University, Owensboro (2005-06). She has served in numerous ministries at the Motherhouse in Maple Mount, including hospitality and reception at the Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center (1991-92, 2007-13), director of the Center Shop (1992-93), hospitality in the chapel (19972004) and Motherhouse information receptionist (1997-2005, 2013-present). She is also an assistant in the Mission

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Advancement office. Sister Rebecca White, a native of Glennonville, Mo., served as a nurse and co-director of health care in the Motherhouse infirmary in Maple Mount (1981-85, 1988-93), then was director of the Contemporary Woman Program and an instructor in Women’s Studies at Brescia College/University in Owensboro (1995-2001). She has served in internal ministry at the Motherhouse since 2004, including as an information receptionist. She is currently an assistant to the archivist and coordinator of the Angela Oratory. Jubilarian congratulations may be mailed to: Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road Maple Mount, KY 42356

REPAIRING NORTH CHAPEL WALL Workers with Structural Systems Repair Group from Cincinnati began preparing the north wall of the Mount Saint Joseph Motherhouse Chapel for repair on July 23. Over the years, water has caused some masonry movement and the rusting of support steel. Structural Systems–which has experience working on historic structures–will remove the brick and insert a support beam. Their work is expected to last three months, then other contractors will work for another three months. Access to the chapel during construction will be through the Ursula and Lourdes automatic doors. Guests should use the ramp on the west side (above the piazza) to access the side door.

Sister Spotlight: Sister Marie Julie Fecher Meet Sister Marie Julie, vegetable soup connoisseur and lover of music Z Favorite Food: Vegetable soup. “I love the taste of homemade vegetable soup that has been

simmering on the stove for a few hours.” Z Favorite Flower: Violet. “I love violets because they are shy just like I was when I was a child.” Z First Job: Music teacher at St. Edward School in Jeffersontown, Ky. “I taught music for 50 years and even gave private lessons.” Z Favorite Month: October. “I love October because that is my birthday month and because a lot of saints have feast days during this month.” Z Best Piece of Advice She Was Ever Given: “As you get older, you realize that life is not about yourself and your possessions, it is about the lives of the people you have touched and preparing yourself for the next journey – to heaven.”

–By Maggie Hatfield, Mount Saint Joseph Staff 9

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Friend of the Ursulines shows her support for years of kindness Since Clara Evrard and her husband moved to their home in Owensboro, Ky., in 1960, she’s rarely spent a week without contact with an Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph. Her five children were each taught by Ursuline Sisters at nearby Immaculate Parish School. Then from 1979-1988, Clara was the parish secretary at Immaculate, where she Clara Evrard in her home in got to know Sister Marie Goretti Browning and Sister Julia Head. Later in the 1990s, Owensboro, Ky. she worked temporarily at the parish and got to know Sister Clarita Browning. “The Ursulines are all so warm and so caring,” Clara said. “They’re just beautiful ladies.” Clara walks to Mass on Sundays at Immaculate, and still volunteers at the parish at times, where she is reunited with Sister Julia and visits with Sister Margaret Ann Aull, both of whom minister at Immaculate. Clara’s long association with the Ursuline Sisters is why she believes it’s important to be a consistent donor to the community. “They have been so good to me, so kind,” Clara said. “When Sister Clarita was in her 80s, she still had a job at the Mount. That impressed me. I would like to see the sisters continue.” Clara’s children are now ages 54 to 61 and she spends most of her time at home. But she continues to support the Ursuline Sisters to show her gratitude for the kindnesses the sisters showed her through the years. “If you had any kind of problem, you could count on a sister to listen and offer advice,” Clara said. “When my husband died in 2003, Sister Julia took me to the grocery so many times while I was trying to get used to living alone.” The Ursuline Sisters continue to minister in six states, Washington, D.C., and in Chile, South America. Whatever their ministry, they continue to follow the teaching of Saint Angela Merici, to respond to the signs of the times and serve the needs of the communities where they serve. A donation to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph helps to support those sisters in ministry, who seek to make the world a better place through kindness and compassion for all.

In the joy of eternal life SISTER MILDRED KATZER, 100, died May 19 in Richmond, Kan., in her 82nd year of religious life. She was an Ursuline Sister of Paola, Kan., prior to their merger with Mount Saint Joseph in 2008. A native of Garnett, Kan., she liked making nun dolls and teaching Vacation Bible School. Sister Mildred taught for 59 years in Greeley, Kansas City and Overland Park, Kan., and in Tulsa, Okla. From 1999-2019, she visited the sick in St. Therese Parish in Richmond, Kan. Survivors include the members of her religious community; a sister, Rita Jackson of Ottawa, Kan., and nieces and nephews. The funeral Mass was May 23, with burial in the Ursuline Cemetery in Paola, Kan. SISTER ROSE MARITA O’BRYAN, 77, died June 10 at Mount Saint Joseph, in her 58th year of religious life. She was a native of Owensboro, Ky. Sister Rose Marita had a smile awaiting all those she met. She was known for her leadership skills and her deep love of the Ursuline charism of Saint Angela Merici. She was a teacher and religious education coordinator in St. Louis until she was elected councilor on the Ursuline Leadership Council from 1976-84. She was director of vocations, postulants and the contact program (1984-90), and then served as a pastoral associate at Sacred Heart Parish in Hickman, Ky. (1991-96). She was elected major superior of the Ursuline Sisters from 1996-2004, then served as coordinator of Mission Effectiveness (2005-2016). She was director of the Contemporary Woman Program at Brescia University (2005-16). Survivors include the members of her religious community; two brothers, Joe (Maggie) O’Bryan of Owensboro and David (Trafta) O’Bryan of Louisville; and nieces and nephews. The funeral Mass was June 13, with burial in the Motherhouse cemetery.

Memorials to an Ursuline Sister may take the form of donations to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356. 10

Soli Deo Gloria

Community Days

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We rejoice in the gifts of our sisters, given for the kingdom of God Sister Eva Boone, Sister Michael Ann Monaghan, and Sister Mary Celine Weidenbenner did an impromptu dance during the July 10-13 Community Days at the Mount.

Sister Nancy Murphy, left, visits with Sister Marilyn Mueth.

Sister Julia Head, left, Sister Francis Louise Johnson, center, and Sister Karla Kaelin enjoy some camaraderie.

Sister Margaret Ann Aull, left, and Sister Rosanne Spalding enjoy ice cream.

Sister Grace Simpson, left, Sister Dianna Ortiz, seated, and Sister Larraine Lauter met up in the dining room.

Sister Monica Seaton, left, and Sister Stephany Nelson wear matching shirts.

• Sister Larraine Lauter was awarded an honorary doctorate in Divinity from Providence (R.I.) College on May 19, for her work in bringing clean water to impoverished nations with her ministry Water With Blessings. “I used to dream of a Master’s in Divinity, but never imagined a doctorate. I’m truly just riding on the Sister Larraine receives her dedication of 96,000 mothers honorary doctorate in divinity and the entire community of from the Rev. Brian J. Shanley, #WaterWithBlessings,” Sister O.P., president of Providence Larraine said. Sister Larraine College in Rhode Island. serves in Louisville, Ky., where Water With Blessings is headquartered. The ministry connects water filters with Water Women across the globe who sign a covenant and commit to God that they will provide clean water for their families and their communities. Now in its 10th year, Water With Blessings has grown to 72,000 Water Women in 45 countries. Sister Larraine is celebrating 40 years as an Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph. The following Ursuline Sisters are pursuing new ministries in the coming year. • Sister Mary Timothy Bland taught full time for 50 years and then served as a substitute teacher for the Owensboro (Ky.) Catholic Schools. She is now ministering as assistant to the archivist at Maple Mount. • Sister Helen Smith is now serving as the Mount Saint Joseph Gift Shop manager. She also continues in her role as a member of the Leadership Council. • Sister Rose Jean Powers is now a Mount Saint Joseph Gift Shop attendant. She also continues in her role as sacristan at the Motherhouse. Below: Sister George Mary Hagan is happy to be an Ursuline Sister.

Sister Betsy Moyer, left, knows Sister Elaine Burke is always in a good mood if someone is serving ice cream.

Thanks to Sister Ruth Gehres for taking these photos!

Sister Paul Marie Greenwell, left, and Sister Ann Patrice Cecil are all dressed up to attend the Mass honoring the sisters celebrating jubilees on July 14. 11

North American Ursuline Convocation Angela’s Family...

Every three years since 1992, Ursuline Sisters from across the United States, Canada and Mexico gather for the Ursuline Convocation, a chance to reconnect with each other and the roots of their Ursuline heritage. The 2019 Convocation was held in the Drury Plaza Hotel in St. Louis from July 25-28. There were 19 Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph and Associates who attended, including four who led breakout sessions – Sisters Cheryl Clemons, Larraine Lauter and Michele Morek, and Associate Doreen Abbott. The keynote speaker was Sister Teresa Maya, a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word of San Antonio. A native of Mexico, Sister Teresa is serving simultaneously as congregational leader for her community and as president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. Ursuline Associate of Mount Saint Joseph Karen Siciliano, left, and Ursuline Sister Mary Ellen Backes, both of Springfield, Ill., share a laugh after visiting the display tables on July 26.

Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph Pam Mueller, dressed as Saint Angela Merici, hands a seed to one of the Ursuline Sisters from Mexico as part of the opening prayer ritual July 25. Sister Pam handed a seed to someone at every table, who were to plant it in a pot on their table as the participants chanted “You shall be like a garden, like a deep spring where waters never fail.” Right: Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph Cecelia Joseph Olinger, left, talks with keynote speaker Sister Teresa Maya during a break on July 26.

Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph Ruth Gehres, right, looks over the Ursuline Convocation quilt with Catherinanne George, who serves in campus ministry at Brescia University in London, Ontario, Canada. Sister Ruth is a former president of Brescia College in Owensboro, Ky. The quilt was made of quilt squares of all Ursuline communities that attended the first convocation in 1992.


The 19 Ursuline Sisters and Associates from Mount Saint Joseph gathered for a photo following the Convocation banquet on July 27. Seated, from left, are Sisters Mary Henning, Cecelia Joseph Olinger, Nancy Murphy, Marcella Schrant, Suzanne Sims and Mary Ellen Backes; standing, from left, are Associate Janice Arth, Sister Ruth Gehres, Associate Joanne Thompson, Associate Dan Heckel, Associate Doreen Abbott, Associate Karen Siciliano, Sister Larraine Lauter, Sister Elaine Burke, Sister Michele Morek, Sister Pam Mueller, Associate Renee Schultz, Sister Cheryl Clemons and Sister Angela Fitzpatrick.

A Ministry of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph

Give Peace, Quiet and Prayer a Chance Students from Owensboro Catholic Schools 4-6 Campus work on a craft at the Retreat Center during their May 7 annual day of prayer.

Take the old with the new Dear Friends of the Retreat Center, Does “newness” make for the best? Look at how old the Cursillo movement is, and yet it is forever new. Even as those same talks are given over and over, the persons making the Cursillo are hearing them for the first time. It is new, fresh and the best. Often those giving the talk wish it could be different, and it is then that one shares their own spirituality in the talk. As I look over the “old” things that make up our calendar, I know it is good because those coming have not heard the message. They will leave the Retreat Center with a renewed heart and mind, ready to face the daily grind of the week ahead. Think of all the Engaged Encounters and Retrouvailles that the diocese has offered and each one is different … same message, different people. Let us remember in prayer each person who will come to our Center or some center to take some downtime with their God. Let us all remember the importance of taking that time to be with God. Bob Wicks, the author of many books, says that if we only give God two minutes of time each day it is so good. His wisdom tells us that if we take two minutes there will be a time when we need four and on and on. If we aren’t taking those two minutes, let’s get in the habit of pulling aside for just two minutes and then let us come together and share our experience. We will inspire one another. “Newness” is good. It offers challenges to all of us. It sometimes takes the “old” and turns it into new ways of thinking, new ways of serving, new ways of acting and new ways of being. So, let us not just look at something and say “that is new, I don’t want to be associated with it” or just the opposite and say, “it has to be new if I am taking part in it. I am tired of the old.” Let us be open. Let us trust. I leave you with a short story which sums this up. Once, I said to a sister that I was surprised that she made a certain retreat. She said, “It is rather surprising, don’t you think? But I listen and then I leave behind what I don’t want and take home with me what I do want.” There seems to be a lesson for all of us to follow. Thank you for who you are and all you do for us. Sincerely in Saint Angela,

Sister Mary Matthias Ward, OSU

Executive Director, Mount Saint Joseph Conference & Retreat Center

Rebecca McCubbins, left, and Martha Sedberry, right, take close-up photos at Maple Mount during the “Contemplative Photography: Seeing with the Eye of the Heart” May 11 retreat. Participants at “Awakening the Soul with Creative Arts” search for magazine photos that “speak” to them as they prepare to make a SoulCollage® card on June 15. Left to right are Stacy Green, Lea Vollmer, Maryann Joyce, Monica Krampe and Karen Stewart. Ursuline Associate Mary Teder, left, does delicate embroidery work on a flowered quilt during the MSJ Quilting Friends retreat week March 2-6. The quilted items are usually sold to benefit the Ursuline Sisters.

Father Ray Clark, right, plays the guitar during his “Exploring the Psalms” May 8 Twilight Retreat at the Center. He and co-presenter Deacon Ken Bennett also provided resource material to help everyone pray better using the Psalms. 13

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–By Dan Heckel, Mount Saint Joseph staff

Two nationally known speakers coming to the Retreat Center

“Engaged Leadership: Listening and Leading with Purpose, Meaning and Joy” Sept. 13-14 with Dr. Diane Millis


n an unforgiving culture that rewards the next completed task, many people don’t use the words “leadership” and “joy” in the same sentence. Diane Millis believes that should change. “We should be on the lookout for what brings us joy,” she said. “People don’t reflect on the high times unless we ask them about those times. Our default is plowing onto the next thing. We need to assume there is joy to be found.” Millis is one of two nationally known speakers coming to the Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center this year. On Sept. 13-14, she’ll present “Engaged Leadership: Listening and Leading with Purpose, Meaning and Joy.” On Nov. 1-2, Father John Dear, longtime nonviolence activist, author and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, is leading “Jesus the Peacemaker: Following Jesus on the Path of Peace and Nonviolence.” Maryann Joyce, who joined the Retreat Center as assistant director in 2018, said she saw a need to engage a wider audience in the spirituality and programming of the Center. “I began asking staff at the Mount, the diocese and others I met what the needs are of the greater Owensboro community and how might we address the spirit of those needs?” Joyce said. “We are looking for community collaborations and connections to create and offer engaging new programs that benefit the heart and soul of the tri-state community.”

Engaged Leadership Joyce met Millis at a national conference and saw how engaging and informative Millis came across. When she realized that Millis had written about the spirituality and heart of leadership, Joyce saw an opportunity to create a program that could help the Center meet its goal of connecting to employees, small business owners and nonprofit leaders who had never been to the Center. “We want to invite people to come here, slow down, walk the beauty of our grounds, and participate in a worthwhile program that will benefit them in their 14

“Jesus the Peacemaker: Following Jesus on the Path of Peace and Nonviolence” Nov. 1-2 with Father John Dear

everyday life,” Joyce said. “Deeply engaged leadership is not just for people in positions of leadership,” Millis said in a phone conversation. “We all have the capacity for leadership. I’d love to have parents at the retreat who are looking to cultivate their leadership.” “Engaged leadership is connecting with our core,” she said. “I’m a person of faith. Being a Christian, my core is the Holy Spirit. Other people may say their core is their heart or spirit.” She quoted the theologian Howard Thurman, who was a spiritual director for Martin Luther King, saying, “We all have this sound of the genuine within us. We have to keep listening to the sound of the genuine.” Millis leads three to four retreats or talks each month, and also teaches at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. She has a doctorate in family studies, following degrees in communications and theology. She is also a spiritual director and author, and will be discussing her book, “Deepening Engagement: Essential Wisdom for Leading with Purpose, Meaning and Joy.” She has a passion for helping people share their stories. “That’s always been one of my gifts. I’ve always had a curiosity of what makes people tick,” she said. “In communications, there is only so far we can go with skills. We have to have substantive things to share. It’s been said that our brains are narrative organs. I’ve always been interested in deepening relationships, and the best way to do that is through stories. Our stories are never done.” There will be something for all audiences at the retreat, which begins at 5:30 p.m. on a Friday and ends at 4 p.m. Saturday. “The introverts will have their time for introspection. The extroverts will have their interactions,” she said. “We need one another to understand how God is working in our lives.” She is also hoping for an intergenerational mix of participants.

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“I see the wisdom of the older generation, and also the wisdom of my 27-year-old son,” she said. “This retreat will offer a chance to support one another. It’s helpful to be in the company of people with the same aim in mind.”

said. “For me, that means trying to be nonviolent to ourselves, nonviolent to all people, nonviolent to all creatures and creation. It means doing our part in the global grassroots movements of nonviolence for a new world without war, injustice, nuclear weapons, poverty or environmental destruction. Jesus the Peacemaker “Our retreat will offer us time to reflect on our own peacemaking journeys in light of Jesus the peacemaker, The desire for community collaborations and the and how we can deepen our commitment as peacemakers synchronicity of the Spirit is what Joyce credits for the in these turbulent times,” Father Dear said. “We will connection with Father Dear. explore a new kind of spirituality of active nonviolence “I saw a good deal of positive energy around the new in the tradition of Gandhi, Dorothy Day, Dr. King and initiatives of Nonviolent Owensboro and saw this as a Archbishop Romero. It’s a ‘dangerous holiness’ that natural fit for the Ursuline values of justice and peace,” is not just a private practice but a public campaign of Joyce said. nonviolence, one that seeks to disarm and Father Dear is a leader in the Pace e Bene “We will explore transform our immoral culture of violence (“Peace and All Good”) organization that a new kind of and war into something new – a new culture teaches nonviolence. He will reflect on the life of nonviolence and peace.” spirituality of of Jesus from the perspective of nonviolence active nonviolence.” Father Dear rejects the notion of practiced by Mahatma Gandhi and Martin nonviolence being a passive attitude. –Father John Dear Luther King Jr., and invite participants to “There is nothing passive about this life ponder how they can become more nonviolent. of Christian nonviolence. It is a call to public action, “I’ve always been amazed by Gandhi’s statement as Cesar Chavez once told me,” Father Dear said. “It that ‘Jesus was the greatest person of nonviolence in means obeying the teachings of Jesus: ‘Put down the history, yet the only people who don’t know that Jesus is sword. Take up the cross. Love your neighbor. Love your nonviolent are Christians,’” Father Dear said via email. enemies. Offer no violent resistance to one who does evil. “If Gandhi is right that active, creative nonviolence – as Seek first the Kingdom of God and God’s justice.’ organized grassroots movements of love and truth – is the “The nonviolent Jesus was not passive nor silent, and best hope for humanity, and Jesus was the fulfillment of as we face our culture of permanent war, injustice and nonviolence, then we have to rethink our entire Christian catastrophic climate change, neither can we be,” Father lives in light of active nonviolence. Not only is war no Dear said. “During the retreat, we will focus on Luke 10, longer justified, not only are we forbidden to kill, but we where Jesus sends the 72 disciples out into the culture of are sent as peacemakers ... to disarm the world.” violence as ‘lambs into the midst of wolves’ to proclaim This program will begin at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1, God’s reign of peace, and discuss how we have been and go until 4:30 p.m. Saturday. doing that during our lives, and how Jesus is calling us “This weekend, we will reflect on the life, teachings, anew to do that.” death and resurrection of Jesus from the perspective of Those interested can register for these and other active nonviolence, to understand his way of nonviolence retreats online at ursulinesmsj.org/retreat-center or call more and how we might best individually and globally put his active nonviolence into practice,” Father Dear (270) 229-0206 or email retreatcenter@maplemount.org.

Following Jesus: God loves us IN SPITE OF... Weekend of Oct. 18-20, 2019 Friday evening to Sunday lunch

The ordinary men and women of the Gospels can teach 21st century Christians a LOT about God’s love! They reveal that God loves us NOT because we’re perfect but because we’re chosen. Participants will be $ $ invited to reflect on what these Gospel men and women can teach us. Fee: 190 single$ or 320 double occupancy or 90 for commuters. Retreat Director Note: This is a co-ed retreat for men and women. Deduct 10% if paid by Sept. 18. Sister Cheryl 270-229-0206 • retreatcenter@maplemount.org Clemons Or register online: https://ursulinesmsj.org/ registration-form-for-sponsored-programs 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356 15

8001 Cummings Road Maple Mount, KY 42356-9998 270-229-4103 www.ursulinesmsj.org info.msj@maplemount.org

Invest in the mission Over the past few months, through various events, people have shared stories of their school years and the lifelong impact that being taught by Ursuline Sisters has had on their life. Hearing the stories makes the Ursuline Sisters’ mission of education come to life and shows that education doesn’t always take place in the classroom – it happens all around us. Hearing those stories confirmed the need for this mission to continue to impact future generations. We invite you to join us in investing in this vital mission. Escape to the Mount Weekend gives us the chance to come together for a common purpose. Last year the Ursuline Sisters touched the lives of over 500,000 people through education, visiting the homebound, faith formation and providing for those in need. Your participation will make it possible for many others to experience the love of Jesus Christ through the sisters’ ministries in the spirit of Saint Angela Merici. Join us on Saturday, Sept. 7 for Trivia from 4-7 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 8 from noon to 3 p.m. for Quilt Bingo. We will have the Mount Raffle Drawing on Sunday at 3 p.m. This weekend is a chance to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the Mount and join the fun and fellowship. We encourage you to invite your friends and neighbors to support the mission of the Ursuline Sisters. Register your Trivia team at $25 per person for up to 10 people per team with proceeds going to support the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. Refreshments will be served. Prizes will be awarded to the Top 3 teams. Tickets for Quilt Bingo are $25, which includes lunch and one bingo card. Additional cards may be purchased for $1 per game, or $2 for large quilts. Mount Raffle tickets can be purchased for $5 per chance to win a grand prize of $10,000, as well as other cash prizes and a handmade quilt. Go to our website to purchase tickets or register for the Escape to the Mount Weekend at www.ursulinesmsj.org. We are grateful for your support to carry on the mission that will continue to make a difference. –Carol Braden-Clarke, Director of Development

Join us for a fun-filled Escape to the Mount Weekend!

Saturday, Sept. 7, 2019 4 p.m.-7 p.m. Play trivia to win prizes! Enjoy snacks, drinks, beer, wine.

$25 per person

Teams: 4-10 players, Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place

Sunday, Sept. 8, 2019 12 p.m.-3 p.m. Play bingo to win quilts! Enjoy lunch and drinks.

$25 per person

Buy extra Bingo cards for $1 or $2 each, depending on size of quilts. Half-pot tickets available. Seating is limited. Events are located in the air-conditioned gym. Buy your Trivia or Quilt Bingo tickets online in advance: ursulinesmsj.org/escape-to-the-mount-weekend or mail a check payable to Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, Development Office, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount KY 42356.

Don't forget your raffle tickets!

Get your $5 Mount raffle tickets for a chance to win $10,000, a quilt, and other cash prizes! Drawing Sunday at 3 p.m. For more information, contact Carol Braden-Clarke: 270-229-2008 • carol.braden-clarke@maplemount.org License 0290

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