Ursulines Alive

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Ursulines Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph “Proclaiming Jesus through Education and Christian Formation�

Winter 2012 Vol. 11, No. 2


Centennial Celebration Social Justice Thank You, Donors

Serving in New York City and the UN

U r s u l i n e s


From our Congregational Leader Dear Friends, This year of presidential elections sent my thoughts and prayers in many directions. One of which was to ponder the various campaign slogans still active in my memory and to consider just what those slogans achieved. I found I could remember only a few – “I Like Ike,” “All the Way with LBJ,” and even “AuH2O” (Goldwater). But I couldn’t remember many others. According to Google, George W. Bush had four official slogans in 2000 and the only one I could remember hearing became the name of an education reform act. So few slogans remembered; yet we certainly have heard about the focus groups and the research and the investment of time that resulted in these campaign slogans and appeals for votes. But, in the end, how minimal their impact was in our lives and our actions. Then I remembered other slogans that seem not to have disappeared, but to have grown in power and applicability. These slogans emerged from substantially different venues. “If you want peace, work for justice” (That one came from Pope Paul VI; did you know that?) – and – variations of “Do unto others as you would have them do to you” (Gospel of St. Matthew 7:12). Now those are more than slogans. They are words to live by, words that challenge us to put those same ideas into our own vernacular and lived experiences. Saint Angela’s “slogan” draws us again and again to the feet of Jesus who will teach us the way to go. We Ursulines of Mount Saint Joseph remind ourselves in our mission statement that “sustained by prayer and vowed life in community,” we “proclaim Jesus.” Brescia University, with its Mount Saint Joseph roots, espouses “personal and social (societal) transformation through education.” These words are more than simple “campaign slogans for life;” they fuel the engines of our hearts and spirits, urging us to work to bring God’s justice, peace and love to the world around us. In this Ursulines Alive, we invite you to discover the varied ways the Ursuline Sisters do engage in and have, throughout our centennial of service, always engaged in works leading to a more just society that reflects God’s love and peace. Share with Sister Lou, our not-really-retired sister, who seeks ways to share Ursuline hospitality with love and peace. And we thank you with our hearts and prayers for the many ways each of you have supported us and contributed toward the realization of God’s kingdom among us. I wonder, across the ages, just what our slogan might become. And I pray for you God’s peace and love, Sister Sharon Sullivan, OSU Cover: Sister Michele Morek can see the Empire State Building from her apartment at 19th Street and Third Avenue in New York City. She is the coordinator of UNANIMA, a nongovernmental organization that works with the United Nations to help women and children, immigrants and refugees, and the environment. - Feature story photos by Dan Heckel The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph now have a company page on LinkedIn! LinkedIn says it is the world’s largest professional online network, with more than 187 million members in over 200 countries and territories. Search online with goodsearch.com and shop online with goodshop.com, and designate the “Ursuline Sisters of Mount St. Joseph” as your charity. Thank you! Ursulines Alive is published by the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, Maple Mount, Ky. Three issues are published each calendar year. EDITORS: Director of Mission Advancement/Communications.........Dan Heckel, OSUA Communications Specialist/Graphic Design.......................Jennifer Kaminski, OSUA MISSION ADVANCEMENT STAFF: Director of Development....................................................Sister Amelia Stenger Coordinator of Mission Effectiveness................................Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships................................Marian Bennett, OSUA Administrative Specialist/Web Developer..........................April Ray Mission Advancement Assistant.........................................Sister Catherine Barber 2

In this issue UNANIMA ......................................... 3-5 Ursuline Sisters a founding member of this United Nations organization Social Justice...................................... 5-6 2012 Centennial....................................6 Not Really Retired.................................7 Retreat Center News ...................... 8-10 Women’s Retreat: St. Hildegarde.......10 Obituaries............................................10 Bless You, Donors.......................... 11-19 Soli Deo Gloria ....................................20 We rejoice in the gifts of our sisters, given for the kingdom of God

Our Mission We, the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, sustained by prayer and vowed life in community, proclaim Jesus through education and Christian formation in the spirit of our founder, Saint Angela Merici.

Our PURPOSE Freeing and Nurturing Women and Children

OUR CORE VALUES • Prayer • Service • Empowerment • Justice • Contemplative Presence ...in the spirit of Saint Angela Merici

Contact Us Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road Maple Mount, Kentucky 42356 270-229-4103 Fax: 270-229-4953 info.msj@maplemount.org www.ursulinesmsj.org Follow us on Facebook... www.facebook.com/ursulinesmsj ...and Twitter: ursulinesmsj

By Dan Heckel, Mount Saint Joseph Staff

Sister Michele Morek sees international social justice up close When Sister Michele Morek began praying about her future after completing her term as congregational leader of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, she decided she wanted more than ministry to individuals. “I wanted to work for systemic change for the poor,” she said. “But I thought, ‘Where am I going to get a job like that?’” A year ago this month, she got that answer. Since Dec. 13, 2011, Sister Michele has been the coalition coordinator for UNANIMA, an international nongovernmental organization (NGO) of 18 religious communities that advocates on behalf of women and children (particularly those living in poverty), immigrants and refugees, and the environment. Its office is in New York City, just a few blocks from the United Nations, where it focuses its work. The Ursuline Sisters were one of the seven founding communities of UNANIMA, a name fashioned from anima, a feminine life principle of healing, caring and nurturing, and U.N., for the United Nations. Sister Michele splits her time between attending meetings at the U.N. and handling administrative tasks for the coalition, but earlier this year she was able to visit Brazil, Ireland and Philadelphia on behalf of UNANIMA. “We bring our members’ expertise to the U.N. We educate our members about activities and programs at the U.N.,” she said. “Education is a really important part of what NGOs are doing. NGOs have people on the ground who know what’s going on,” Sister Michele said. “We have sisters in Namibia who know what’s happening. The leaders of their country may be too far removed.” Being community leader taught Sister Michele how to work with other communities. “I understand the dynamics of religious communities,” she said. “It would be hard to do this if I weren’t a religious.” Sister Kathleen Ries, a Sister of Saint Agnes, is president of the UNANIMA board, and praised Sister Michele’s passion for the work. “She’s a very approachable person and very much respects the insights and contributions that others can make. Her communication skills are a part of what people appreciate.” Sister Kathleen was one of the people who interviewed Sister Michele for the job. “We are fortunate to have Michele,” she said. “I came out of the interview elated about her sense of mission and faith.” Among the wall hangings in Sister Michele’s apartment is this sign: “Come to the United Nations – it’s your world.”

Sister Michele with the United Nations building behind her. She attends meetings at the U.N. several times a week, sometimes every day.

World at the doorstep

Sister Michele works in a tiny Manhattan office with her assistant Morgan Jue, which they share with two other groups, the Congregation of Notre Dame and the International Presentation Sisters. The major emphasis for UNANIMA since its inception in 2002 is stopping human trafficking, and in the last five years, protecting the environment, especially water. Sister Michele introduced the UNANIMA board to Ursuline Sister Larraine Lauter’s group, Water with Blessings, which raises money for filters to provide clean water in poor countries. The board is excited to learn more. “If you focus on women, the issues come with them,” Sister Michele said. “Most of the poor are women and children, it’s mostly women who are trafficked, it’s women who are most affected by migration, and it’s women and children who carry the water. Everything is connected.” She attends other NGO committee meetings that have the most in common with UNANIMA issues. There’s a trafficking committee, a social development committee and a working group on poverty and climate change. Every word matters when trying to influence policy at the U.N., Sister Michele said. “We sit through boring meetings, but if a country’s representative says ‘water,’ or ‘climate change,’ we think that country might be on board with us. We approach their ambassadors to put language in,” she said. Two of the biggest events UNANIMA participates in are the Commission for Social Development in January and the Commission on the Status of Women in February. Sister Michele arrived in December 2011 immediately needing to get ready for both, and was greeted with an intern from Colombia who spoke no English. That’s when Google Translate came in handy. The Commission on the Status of Women has 50 countries involved in writing position papers and attempting to affect policy language. “We have a ton of people in for that,” Sister Michele said. “A haze of estrogen is all over Manhattan.” Sister Michele has a doctorate in developmental biology, and while serving as an UNANIMA intern in early 2011, she got to give an oral intervention at the U.N. on women and science. Continued on page 4


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Sister Michele prays before Mass at St. Agnes Church. The church is just a few blocks from her office, so she can attend daily Mass on the way to work.

representatives what other UNANIMA countries are doing. “You have to go back to your country to make change,” she said. “You have to teach your constituents to use local advocacy.” Special rapporteurs are dispatched by the U.N. to investigate human rights violations, and Sister Michele is able to tell member countries when they are coming. She goes to the U.N. several times a week, and when a commission is going on, every day. As UNANIMA begins its second decade, she believes it may need a refocus to give more attention to migration issues.

Rio Plus 20

The earth summit in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992 UNANIMA puts on one to two side events for the is when the idea of sustainable development came about, Commission on the Status of Women. Last year the side defined as “development that meets the needs of the present event was on hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” It’s a without compromising the ability of future generations to process energy companies use to destroy shale rock to meet their own needs.” This summer, Rio + 20 brought release trapped amounts of methane gas to sell. It does this world leaders together again, and Sister Michele was there by injecting fracking fluids with carcinogens and water among eight UNANIMA members. into the shale, which despite protests to the contrary by “Its goal was to produce a political document to shape the companies, seeps into the groundwater, Sister Michele global economic policy and set the global agenda until said. “The movie ‘Gasland’ shows people in Pennsylvania 2032,” she said. “It’s on everybody’s mind right now. Every lighting the water that comes out of their faucets,” she said. committee I’m on is talking post-Rio.” “We invited countries with large deposits of Marcellus Rio + 20 was June 13-22, the largest U.N. event ever Shale to attend.” organized. There were 192 countries represented by 50,000 The side event this February will be on preventing people. One of the speakers Sister Michele got to hear was human trafficking. “We’re bringing in some people from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Kenya and a Maryknoll Missionary to educate on Stop While some were disappointed with the outcome of the Demand,” Sister Michele said. The focus of the the summit, Sister Michele said the 50-page document Commission on the Status of Women will be violence produced “is full of pegs to hang things on to further against women, so trafficking will be important. development.” Among the successes were classifying food, The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph were water and sanitation as human rights; approving women’s the leaders in urging passage of Kentucky’s human empowerment and leadership; recognizing the rights of trafficking law in 2007. Human trafficking is a criminal indigenous people; and a commitment by nations to end activity whereby a person is subjected to forced labor or fossil fuel subsidies. “Hillary Clinton said this,” she said. commercial sexual activity through the use of force, fraud “The NGO community was instrumental in getting water or coercion. A bill passed the Kentucky House in 2012 declared a basic human right in Rio + 20.” to strengthen the law by establishing a special division Following Rio, Sister Michele came to Maple Mount within the state police to investigate human trafficking, and to celebrate Community Days and her 50th jubilee with the a victims fund so fines and asset seizures would pay for sisters. After that, she left for Ireland, where the Religious programs that serve children and other victims, but it was Sisters of Charity wanted her to speak to several groups, never called for a vote in the Senate. one on trafficking, one their leadership and the other a Sister Sharon Sullivan, congregational leader of group gathered for a community celebration. While there, the Ursuline Sisters and president of the Leadership she also met with a board member from the Holy Union Conference of Women Religious, Region 6, wrote a letter Sisters, and a Notre Dame of Sion sister who was working to hotel owners in Louisville, Ky., in time for the Kentucky on migration in parishes. She also met the leadership of the Derby this year, urging them to train their staffs and work Sisters of Saint Brigid during her five-day trip. with law enforcement to eradicate human trafficking during After returning, she went to Philadelphia to give a the Derby. Major events that feature out-of-town guests are presentation to the newest members of UNANIMA, the often prime locations for trafficking. Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. “One of my “There are a lot of UNANIMA communities running favorite parts of the job is meeting with sisters in member with trafficking in their own countries,” Sister Michele communities,” she said. “I say, ‘You are my boss, you tell said. “I don’t have to sell it. Trafficking is a very Sister Michele, right, and popular subject at the U.N. now.” her assistant, Morgan On Sept. 24, she got a call from a member of Jue, share this corner of a Parliament in Australia. “He asked if he could talk to small office in Manhattan me about trafficking,” Sister Michele said. “He said the with two other religious communities. Jue helps sisters told him he should.” with administrative tasks, Sister Michele tells countries with UNANIMA updates the website and 4

social media and is the staff expert on migration issues.

me what you want me to do.’”

Life in the Big Apple

Sister Michele’s four-month internship with UNANIMA helped her overcome her trepidation about living in New York, or she would not have considered taking the coordinator job. Watching her navigate the subway and bus system, and knowing which sidewalk fruit stand to choose, one would never know she’s not a native New Yorker. She lives in a 10th-floor apartment in Gramercy Park, owned by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, members of UNANIMA who offer a break on the rent. The rest is paid for by UNANIMA. She can see the top of the Empire State Building from her window. “Every new street I go down, I notice something new about the architecture,” she said. Her favorite buildings, both visible from her office, are the Flatiron and Chrysler. Her first learning curve when taking the job was handling the financial reporting, but by the third time she had to reconcile the books, she was doing it on her own. She was also mentored in her new role by a large NGO

community. There are 40 people in a group called RUN – Religious at the U.N. “We meet once a month and talk about what’s going on,” she said. “A lot of us were thrown into this. You learn one thing at a time.” For fun she visits the Natural History Museum or other museums, the zoo and botanical gardens. “When I got homesick in the spring and I just couldn’t stand to look at another building, I went to the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, they have a 40-acre wood where you can’t see a building,” she said. Her parish of choice is St. Francis Xavier, a Jesuit church with much diversity and a soup kitchen where she can volunteer. She attends daily Mass at St. Agnes, a small church on the way to her office. This is the first time Sister Michele has lived by herself in her 50 years as an Ursuline Sister. “After being at the U.N. and the busy streets, it’s nice to have this quiet nook,” she said from her apartment. “My life is one big adventure, this is another one.” n

Justice ministries are a focus for Ursuline Sisters While Ursuline Sister Eva Boone was watching the documentary “We Shall Not Be Moved: The Catholic Sisters of New Orleans,” about the women religious who continued their ministries following Hurricane Katrina in 2005, she was struck by the following comment by an Ursuline teacher in New Orleans. “We educate the girls so that they can change the world. Not just change it, but make it more human This Owensboro billboard, which Sister Eva Boone, left, speaks with and just. That is our ultimate goal.” encourages human rights for Ursuline Associate Charlotte Paez Sister Eva is the Peace and Justice Coordinator immigrants, was sponsored in part before a session of prayer ministry for the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, and by the Ursuline Sisters of Mount begins at the Daviess County Saint Joseph. It was advertised is chairwoman of the Peace and Justice Committee, Detention Center, Owensboro, Ky. from Sept. 17 - Oct. 14. which includes Sisters Fran Wilhelm, Rosemary Keough, Luisa Bickett, Mary Angela Matthews, Dianna Ortiz and Associate Mary Danhauer. “My duties are to support and educate the community in Justice is one of the five Core matters of peace and justice,” she said. Sister Eva spends much time on the Values of the Ursuline Sisters, and computer researching social justice issues to share with the community. “I look several of the sisters serve their for possibilities for us to be involved,” she said. “We need to explore how to main ministry in a justice field. make the world more peaceful and just.” Others use their time outside of The community donated money to post billboards around Owensboro their main ministry to serve social advocating more humane immigration policies, and sisters at the Motherhouse justice causes such as: are helping a local public school bag nutritional food for poor children to take • volunteering at homeless shelters home on the weekends. • completing taxes for the poor The community as a whole has embraced environmental efforts to be good • attending Right to Life events stewards of God’s creation. In 2008, the Ursuline Sisters were recognized as Kentucky’s representative in the national Sierra Club’s “Faith in Action” honor • praying for inmates on death row for exceptional faith-based environmental initiative. The sisters were honored • testing creek water for in 2011 with the KY EXCEL Champion Award by the Kentucky Department contaminants for Environmental Protection because they recycled 16,000 pounds of materials • visiting jail inmates between September 2010 and July 2011. • advocating for renewable energy For the sisters, social justice revolves around education. “Every classroom • trying to influence investments teacher is directly involved in justice ministry, for our students are educated to ask what difference they can make in the world, and each teacher ministers based on social justice directly to students in need,” said Sister Sharon Sullivan, congregational leader. • being trained to spot human See list of Social Justice Ministries on next page trafficking 5

Some of the Social Justice Ministries of the Ursuline Sisters...  Casa Ursulina. Sisters Mimi Ballard and Ruth Gehres work with impoverished women and families in Chillan, Chile, teaching them marketable crafting skills to earn income for their families. A new relationship is underway with a group called KidKnits, which is contracting with Casa Ursulina to buy their colored yarn to make children’s hats. (Learn more at kidknits.com)  Sister Visitor Center. Sisters Michele Ann Intravia, Grace Simpson, Maureen O’Neill and Margaret Marie Greenwell serve the poor in Louisville, Ky., by providing food, clothing and help with rent, utility bills and prescription medication. A walk-in clinic began in 2011, and the Ursulines donated to an empowerment fund.  Centro Latino. Sisters Fran Wilhelm and Rosemary Keough help Hispanic families navigate the often confusing steps of government programs, including health care, government assistance and translating.  Water with Blessings. Sister Larraine Lauter is raising money for filters that can turn undrinkable water into clean water in a matter of seconds. She shares office space with the Sister Visitor Center.  Catholic Charities. Sister Jane Falke greets immigrants in Kansas City, Kan., mostly those coming to the country from Burma, Bhutan, a few African nations and Iraq.  Riverplace Counseling Center. Sister Evelyn Latham offers drug/alcohol counseling in Anoka, Minn.  Church Health Center. Sister Jacinta Powers is a registered nurse at this Memphis, Tenn., facility, which calls on churches and the medical community to offer care and wellness education to the uninsured.  Dorothy Day House of Hospitality. Sister Maureen Griner is the director of this facility in Memphis that offers a home to keep families together as they try to regain their independence.  Hope House Day Care Center. Sister Margaret Ann Zinselmeyer is director of operations at this center in Memphis that serves children who are infected or affected by AIDS or HIV.  St. Vincent DePaul. Sister Clara Reid works in this Albuquerque, N.M., store that raises money for the poor.  UNANIMA. Sister Michele Morek is the coalition coordinator for this NGO in New York City.  Education for Justice Project. Sister Dianna Ortiz is the acting director of this group in Washington, D.C., that promotes outreach and education on Catholic Social Teaching and social justice issues.  Youth Villages. Sister Monica Seaton teaches in Memphis, Tenn., serving youth with severe emotional and behavioral disorders.

2012 Centennial Celebration with Louisville Ursulines he Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph celebrated their 100 anniversary as an independent community T Oct. 13 with the sisters who gave them their start, their “city th


cousins” from the east, the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville. The Ursulines of Louisville opened Mount Saint Joseph Academy in 1874. By 1895, an English-speaking novitiate was opened at Maple Mount for graduates who did not want to move to Louisville to enter the community. When an effort was put in place to close the novitiate at Maple Mount in 1910, the sisters petitioned Rome to become an independent community. That permission was granted on Oct. 12, 1912, creating the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. To celebrate the Centennial, the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville were invited to Maple Mount for Mass, lunch and bunco. More than 25 Ursulines from Louisville came, and were surprised when after Communion, they were each embraced with a prayer shawl by an Ursuline of Mount Saint Joseph. Sisters, Ursuline Associates and friends worked on the shawls all year so that every Ursuline of Louisville could have one. During his homily, Bishop William Medley of the Diocese of Owensboro talked about the human need to belong to a community larger than ourselves. “Today we gather under the Ursuline flag,” he said. “The real flag of the Ursuline Sisters is the cross of Jesus Christ.” “How beautiful you all look,” Sister Sharon Sullivan, congregational leader of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, told the sisters from Louisville. “You have been our

Sister Isabel Lehmenkuler, left, a Louisville Ursuline, smiles as Sister Marie William Blyth wraps her in a new prayer shawl at the Oct. 13 Centennial Mass. Nearly 100 shawls made by Mount Saint Joseph Ursulines, associates and friends were given to the Louisville sisters. RIGHT: Sister Lynn Jarrell, right, president of the Ursulines of Louisville, talks with Sister Annalita Lancaster prior to Mass. INSET: A lithograph of St. Joseph Hall given to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph from the Louisville Ursulines

mothers, our city cousins, our neighbors, our friends and our travel agents for the flatboat trip down the Ohio River. Yet we have always been sisters, sharing Saint Angela’s DNA, and sharing the mission of Christ.” Sister Lynn Jarrell, president of the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville, told the sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, “Your faithfulness has been an inspiration to the Louisville Ursulines.” She presented the sisters with a new lithograph of St. Joseph Hall, the first building at Maple Mount.

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Not Really Retired...

Sister Lou brings a smiling face to visitors Hospitality is a hallmark of the Ursuline charism. The first face of that hospitality for many friends and family of the Ursuline Sisters who visit Maple Mount is Sister Francis Louise Johnson. “I like to meet people, Sister “Lou” has been make sure they feel welcome, coordinator of the Guest then give them their privacy,” House since 2003. she said. She has been coordinator of the Guest House since 2003. “Most of the guests are relatives of our sisters. Some of our sisters can no longer visit their family.” The first thing visitors are likely to be told is to call her Sister Lou. “I’ve been Lou all my life. My father named me Jane Louise,” she said. She took Francis Louise as her religious name to honor her parents, Francis and Catherine Louise. “About 1980 I thought, ‘Sister Francis Louise is a mouthful.’ I like being called Sister Lou.” She was born in Waverly, Ky., but her family moved to the far western Kentucky town of Mayfield when she was 7 months old. After starting in public school, she transferred to St. Joseph School from 1947 until graduating high school in 1953. Her teachers there were Ursuline Sisters. “In the sixth grade, I asked my public school teacher what the word ‘destined’ meant, and she said it meant ‘what was ordained to happen in the future,’” Sister Lou said. “Then she said, ‘Like if you were destined to become a Catholic sister.’ I didn’t know why she said that, because she was a Methodist.” Sister Lou began thinking about it again at age 17, but she got a job with Bell Telephone after high school. That’s when God took over. “I’m very glad God moved in,” she said. “When I went to talk to the priest (Father Leo Dienes) about joining the convent, I said ‘I’m not sure I can do this.’ He said, ‘I always thought you’d make a good sister, but I didn’t think you would do it.’” Sister Jamesina Spain was visiting Mayfield, and Sister Lou went to see her to discuss joining the Ursulines. Her classmate Teresa Riley was there. “We both thought, ‘What are you doing here?’ Neither of us knew the other was considering joining,” Sister Lou said. She and Sister

Teresa both entered as postulants in 1954, and novices in 1955, making this their 57th year as sisters. The remaining members of their novice class are Sisters Marietta Wethington, Catherine Marie Lauterwasser, Marie Michael Hayden and Margaret Marie Greenwell. “She definitely loves the Lord,” Sister Teresa said. “She has a wonderful sense of humor. Lou is an all-around good person, very dedicated to God, religious life, the Mount and her family.” Sister Lou taught school from 1957-1984 in Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska and New Mexico. “I taught fifth and sixth grade, some seventh and eighth. I always taught very good children,” she said. “When I went to Farmington, N.M., near the Navajo reservation, I experienced multiple cultures. In Albuquerque I had seven or eight countries represented in class,” she said. “I really learned that children are children wherever you go.” Following her teaching career, she began working in parish ministry, first at St. Francis DeSales in Paducah, Ky., (1984-89), then at St. Aloysius in Pewee Valley, Ky., from 1989-2002. “I worked with RCIA, scripture study, senior citizens and took Communion to people in hospitals, nursing homes and their private homes,” she said. Her years in Pewee Valley were busy but happy times. “The people in the parish were like my family, they were very good to me,” she said. Several of her family members died during her years at St. Aloysius, “but I had a lot of love and prayer and support from the parish.” “I found with God’s help, I was able to minister to people who had a death in the family. It seemed like God just took over,” Sister Lou said. “I believe in relying on the Holy Spirit, on praying before you act, especially if you don’t know what to do.” When she isn’t reserving rooms for the Guest House, Sister Lou enjoys music, dining out, walking, sitting by the lake, visiting Owensboro’s RiverPark Center, playing the piano, reading, writing poetry or just praying quietly in the chapel. She loves living at the Mount. “It’s a wonderful place to live, I have more time to pray and more time to enjoy the sisters and friends,” Sister Lou said. “I feel very blessed.” Friends can write to Sister Lou at 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356. n CENTENNIAL SERVICE PROJECTS: The bonded group of Ursulines known as Pilgrims of Hope gathers for prayer at the Motherhouse on Nov. 6. They raised $100 to give to St. Alphonsus parish in St. Joseph, Ky., for a food drive. From left: Sisters Emma Cecilia Busam, Emerentia Wiesner, Marie Goretti Browning, Mary Irene Cecil, Catherine Barber, Marie Bosco Wathen, Nancy Murphy and Clarita Browning (Not pictured: Sister Rebecca White). RIGHT: Sister Mary Timothy Bland, a teacher for Owensboro Catholic Schools, holds one of the 100 books that were donated to the school by Ursuline Sisters and Associates.


A Ministry of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph

LEFT: Sister Julia Head, assistant congregational leader, accepts the Daviess County Fiscal Court proclamation declaring Oct. 12 “Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph Day” in honor of the Ursuline Sisters’ 2012 Centennial. The Fiscal Court met at the Retreat Center on Sept. 6.

Give Peace, Quiet, and Prayer a Chance

Our Visitors Are Saying...

The Runaway Quilters made their annual return to the Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center in September. A new group, the Trigg County (Ky.) Quilting Club, made its first retreat at the Center in late October. Here’s what a few of them had to say about Maple Mount: “It’s such a calming place. When I leave here, I feel so rejuvenated. I know I can handle anything. The staff is so wonderful, so caring.” Janie Blalock, Runaway Quilter from Georgia

Fifteen priests and Bishop William Medley of the Diocese of Owensboro, Ky., came to the Center Oct. 15-19 for a retreat with speaker Fr. Robin Ryan, a Passionist priest. Pictured: Fr. Dave Kennedy, left, and Fr. Julian Ibemere.

Janie Blalock, far left, and Christa Campbell use the Runaway Quilters week to reconnect each fall. The Academy of Young Leaders (82 students from four high schools in Daviess County, Ky.) had their annual retreat on Nov. 3-4. Here they practice skits in the gymnasium.

Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center Calendar of Upcoming Events - 2013

“The food is great, the views are great and it’s peaceful. The sisters are wonderful to us.” Judi Simmons, a Runaway Quilter from Highland, Ill. Judi Simmons


Yarn Spinning Day........................................................... Saturday, Jan. 5 Year of Faith Catechism Classes (Session 1).............Thursday, Jan. 10 Retrouvaille..........................................................Friday-Sunday, Jan. 18-20 St. Meinrad Retreat Week................................Monday-Sunday, Jan. 21-27 FEBRUARY

Come and See for High School Girls........................... Weekend of Feb. 1-3 Yarn Spinning Day........................................................... Saturday, Feb. 2 Catholic Engaged Encounter............................Saturday-Sunday, Feb. 9-10 Year of Faith Catechism Classes (Session 2)............ Thursday, Feb. 14 Women’s Retreat - Chapel Hill.........................Friday-Saturday, Feb. 22-23 MSJ Center Quilter Friends....................... Sunday-Wednesday, Feb. 24-27

“I love it here, it’s so peaceful and beautiful. I feel so free to do what I need to do.” Bev Hodge, Trigg County Bev quilter Hodge


Women’s Retreat with Sister Cheryl.............. Friday-Sunday, March 1-3 Yarn Spinning Weekend............................... Friday-Sunday, March 8-10 Year of Faith Catechism Classes (Session 3)......... Thursday, March 14 St. Martin Confirmation....................................................Saturday March 19 Spirit and Truth Women’s Retreat................... Friday-Sunday, March 22-24 Center-sponsored programs are in bold type and are open to the public. Please call to register. To register or to schedule your event, call Kathy McCarty 270-229-0206 • kathy.mccarty@maplemount.org The Retreat Center is located 12 miles west of Owensboro on Hwy. 56 8

“You can feel the Spirit here. The grounds are beautiful.” Rose Marie Robbins, Trigg Co. quilter Rose Marie Robbins

From the director...

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Spiritual Direction to begin in fall of 2013

Dear Friends of the Center, Looking out the office window I see the beauty of autumn and am aware of the Our Spiritual Direction Training Program is an falling temperatures that are a reminder opportunity to develop and practice the skills necessary that winter can’t be far behind. Likely by to learn the art of spiritual direction from a Catholic the time you read this, we will be in a new perspective, and in the spirit of Saint Angela Merici. church year as the celebration of Advent The rural setting of Mount Saint Joseph Conference begins. The new church year is closely foland Retreat Center offers the quiet and serene lowed by the coming of the new calendar atmosphere for prayer, discernment and contemplation Sister Ann year. As we look toward the upcoming year that is needed for this type of program. we are making plans for some new opportunities at Mount The program is designed for both experienced Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. directors and those who feel the call to begin this From October 2012 through November 2013, we celebrate ministry. Under competent supervisors, participants the Year of Faith. As we celebrate this Year of Faith, I challenge can learn and refine their skills. all of us to study what we believe and deepen our conviction. The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph realize We are aware of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, but the importance of following where God leads them. did you know that the United States Conference of Catholic Though they had hoped to begin the fifth Spiritual Bishops has published the United States Catholic Catechism Direction class in 2012, they are delaying its beginning for Adults? “It is an adaptation of the Catechism of the Cathountil Oct. 14, 2013 to allow more people to participate. lic Church, and it is presented to Catholics of the United Spiritual Direction is a two-year program during States… The text follows the Catechism’s arrangement of which participants will come together eight times content: The Creed; The Sacraments; Moral Life; and Prayer. for a weekly session from noon Monday until 1 p.m. The emphasis of this book is the Trinity, Jesus Christ, the Friday. During each of the eight weeks, participants Sacraments, moral principles, and the heritage of the doctors will enter into study, reflection and prayer around a and saints of the Church.” (Introduction of the U.S. Catholic topic fundamental to the understanding and practice of Catechism for Adults p. xviii) spiritual direction. There will be daily opportunities for The introduction concludes with this: “It is our hope that Eucharist, prayer and reflection. this United States Catholic Catechism for Adults will be an aid Classes will conclude with a retreat in July 2015. and a guide for deepening faith. … It can serve as an invitation For more information, visit www.ursulinesmsj.org for all the faithful to continue growing in the understanding of and click on Conference & Retreat Center, or contact Jesus Christ and his saving love for all people.” (Introduction of Sheila Blandford, 270-229-0269 or sheila.blandford@ the U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults p. xxiv) maplemount.org. With that in mind, I invite you to join us as we study and reflect on the catechism. It is our hope that our study will enable each of us to go deep inside and examine our most essential instincts, our yearnings for a connection with the God of love. To help us celebrate more fully the Year of Faith, Mount Saint Joseph We will be offering this opportunity the secConference and Retreat Center is offering ond Thursday of each month (excluding July) Study the an opportunity to study the United States throughout 2013. The first session will be Jan. Catechism Catholic Catechism for Adults. 10. The day will begin at 10:30 a.m. with regiswith us! tration. Sessions be end at 12:30 p.m. • Jan. 10 (first session) We hope you will join us for some or all of • Feb. 14 these sessions. • March 14 Second Thursday of each month May God bless each of you, • April 11 Note: We will not meet in July. • May 9 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. • June 13 Sister Ann McGrew, Mount Saint Joseph First session $15 - includes book & lunch • Aug. 8 Conference and Retreat Center Director Other sessions $10 - includes lunch • Sept. 12 LEADERS: Sister Ann McGrew, OSU MISSION: Mount Saint Joseph Conference and • Oct. 10 Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU Retreat Center offers and hosts programs in a rural • Nov. 14 environment of tranquility for people of all ages • Dec. 5 To register, call Kathy McCarty and faiths to nurture spiritual and personal growth, (270) 229-0206 or email kathy.mccarty@maplemount.org advance the arts, and promote lifelong learning.

Join us for the Year of Faith


Sister Cheryl’s 2013 Women’s Retreat

Sister Cheryl Clemons will interpret how a 12th century Benedictine nun and one of the newest Doctors of the Catholic Church can assist us today in recognizing God in our life, during her annual Women’s Retreat on March 1-3. “Recognizing God: Insights from Saint Hildegard, Doctor of the Church” will include a series of talks, prayer experiences, film clips, and quiet time for reflection and group discussions. Participants will be invited to follow Hildegard’s example – to do in the 21st century what she did in the 12th – to recognize God in insight and vision, in liturgy and prayer, in illness, in Scripture, in music, in authority, in nature and in friendship. The retreat begins at 7 p.m. on Friday and ends after lunch on Sunday. To register, contact Kathy McCarty at kathy.mccarty@ maplemount.org or 270-229-0206.

Left to right, Sisters Martha Keller, Kathleen Dueber, and Sharon Sullivan look at the new Ursuline Sisters’ display that will be used primarily for vocations. Vocation efforts for 2013 include a “Come and See” for high school girls on Feb. 1-3 and for young adult Catholic women on June 2830, and a “Come and Serve” week on May 31-June 6.

In the joy of eternal life Sister Rose Theresa Johnson, 81, died Aug. 10 at Owensboro Medical Health System, in her 64th year of religious life. She was a native of St. Lawrence, Ky. She was a wonderful primary grades teacher for 38 years in schools throughout Kentucky, a gentle, prayerful woman who enjoyed teaching her students to act out the parables. Since 1999, she served as a pastoral associate at St. Joseph Catholic Center, Greenville, Ky., where she was a great witness to God’s love for the people. She taught throughout the Diocese of Owensboro and in Louisville. She served in parish ministy in Marion, Eddyville and Caneyville, Ky. Survivors include four sisters, Sister Rose Karen Johnson, OSU, Greenville, Mary Howell, Owensboro, Alma Victoria Higdon, Clarkson and Mary Eveyleen Melton, Cedar Hill, Tenn.; and one brother, Frank Johnson, Evansville, Ind.; nieces and nephews, and the members of her religious community. The funeral Mass was Aug. 13 at Mount Saint Joseph. Sister Rita Redmond, 81, died Sept. 3 at Mount Saint Joseph, in her 63rd year of religious life. She was a native of Fort Scott, Kan. Sister Rita was an Ursuline of Paola, Kan., before the merger of that community with Mount Saint Joseph in 2008. She was a born teacher, and stayed in contact with students she had from 60 years earlier. She was a multi-tasker before that word was invented, and always looked for an opportunity to help someone in need. She taught school in Kansas from 1950-69, then worked with people with special needs from 1969-2001, much of that as coordinator of educational materials at the Lakemary Center in Paola. Survivors include the members of her religious community. The funeral Mass was Sept. 6 at Mount Saint Joseph, with burial in the convent cemetery. Sister Jean Richard Stukenholtz, 89, died Sept. 8 at Mount Saint Joseph, in her 70th year of religious life. Sister Jean Richard was a lifelong learner and a very spiritual person. She always had a smile on her face and a desire to help those in need. A native of Nebraska City, Neb., she was an educator for 49 years in Kentucky, New Mexico and Nebraska. She was the last Ursuline Sister to minister in Nebraska, a ministry that began for the Ursulines in 1918. Survivors include four sisters, Rosemary Anna Nelson, Renton, Wash., Leora Kuwitzky, Seattle, Joan Meyer, Avoca, Neb., and Kathleen Stukenholtz, Nebraska City; and two brothers, Lou Stukenholtz, Peru, Neb.; and Carl Stukenholtz, Perry, Iowa. Also surviving are nieces and nephews, and the members of her religious community. The funeral Mass was Sept. 12 at Mount Saint Joseph, with burial in the convent cemetery. Glenn Funeral Home and Crematory, Owensboro, was in charge of arrangements. Sister MIRIAM MEDLEY, 93, died Nov. 26 at Mount Saint Joseph, in her 73rd year of religious life. A native of Loretto, Ky., she devoted 53 years of her life to education. Sister Miriam loved to travel, loved angels and had a heart of gold to all those who knew her. She served as principal or teacher in nine Kentucky schools, including principal of Mount Saint Joseph Academy, Maple Mount (1960-66), and in Missouri. She was the librarian at Brescia College (now University) in Owensboro from 1987-94. She was a pastoral minister in Kentucky and New Mexico. She retired to the motherhouse in 1998 and was active in prayer ministry. Survivors include a sister, Kathleen Daugherty of Louisville, Ky., nieces and nephews, and the members of her religious community. The funeral Mass was Nov. 30 at Mount Saint Joseph, with burial in the convent cemetery. Glenn Funeral Home and Crematory, Owensboro, was in charge of arrangements.


Gifts in memory of a Sister may take the form of donations to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356

Thank you to our kind and generous donors! Dear Friends of the Ursuline Sisters, You are receiving this volume of Ursulines Alive between Thanksgiving and Christmas. This is a time for remembering all the things we have received and a time of waiting for the blessed events of Christmas. Gratitude is a big part of both holidays. At Thanksgiving, we give thanks for all the good things we have been given during the past year and throughout our lives. With Christmas, we are grateful for the wonderful blessings we receive though the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Giving thanks changes our lives. In a poem by Melody Beattie titled “Giving Thanks” she says, “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life… It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” By giving thanks for what we have been given, we come to realize how good God has been to us. We realize that we are rich in the things that count. You, our donors, are at the top of the list when we give thanks. We have so many friends scattered across the 50 states and even in a few foreign countries. Listed on the Founders...............$25,000+ Anonymous (2) Estate of Cartmell B. Wheeler Mrs. Dorothy Hughes

Benefactors...$10,000-24,999 Anonymous (2) Estate of Lajos Kalman Mary Speichinger

Patrons..............$5,000-9,999 Anonymous The Basilica of St. Joseph Parish Ms. Peg Eileen Bourke, C’48 Sr. Elaine Byrne, OSU, A’64U Mr. and Mrs. Bob Caspar Greater Kansas City Community Dr. & Mrs. David S. Zamierowski Foundation Ms. Nancy Wilson

Investors...........$2,500-4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coomes Rev. Bernard Leo Craycroft Mr. Michael Hardesty Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Lang Maxine Ann Staley Fund Mr. and Mrs. M. Tyson Needham Owensboro Grain Co., Mr. John Wright

Providers...........$1,000-2,499 Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Anonymous (2) Janet M. Baker and Robert Todd Mr. Richard G. Blond Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boeckmann Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Boone Mr. and Mrs. David Boswell Mr. and Mrs. George Briel Mrs. Bev Clemens

Sr. Vickie L. Cravens, OSUU Ms. Rebecca J. Donahue Mr. Kevin A. Dunn Sr. Helen Leo Ebelhar, OSU, A’51 Estate of Ms. Jane Fulton Ms. Janet Sue Evans Dr. and Mrs. Con J. Fecher Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Fiorini Jayne and George Flynn Ms. Jacinta C. Garinger, A’47 Jack and LaVerne Genetti Mr. and Mrs. John Gillcrist Mr. S. Lewis Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Haake Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Haire Mr. Bill R. Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hewitt Ms. Carolyn Larocco Sr. Clarence Marie Luckett, OSU Sr. Frances McDonagh, OSUU Mr. Gene J. Meyer Mr. David Mudd Leroy and Ann Mudd Mr. and Mrs. John Newcomb Mrs. Suzanne E. Reiss Mr. Juergen Schindler Mrs. Debra M. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Shrader Sr. Frances Miriam Spalding, OSU, C’40 St. Mary Parish, Fr. Martin Fox Genevieve Stelmach Sr. Mary Virginia SturlichU Rev. William J. Swift Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Trompeter Mr. and Mrs. William Ulrich Mr. and Mrs. Ben White Bishop Ken Williams Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wilson Mr. and Mrs. John Wimsatt Mr. and Mrs. John Wright Sr.

Sponsors...............$500-999 Anonymous (2) Col. and Mrs. Robert L. Algermissen

following pages are those who have shared their time, talent and treasure with us over the past fiscal year. You have stood beside us at our picnic. You have prayed with us on special days. You have written us letters and posted on our Facebook pages. And yes, you have shared your treasure with us. Without your support, we would not be able to help so many as we serve in our ministries. We would not be able to touch the lives of children and adults who need a comforting hand or food to sustain their bodies. We wouldn’t be able to teach children how to read or teach adults about God. You help us make a difference. For this, we are filled with gratitude. Thank you for your wonderful support and we humbly ask that you continue that support in the future. God Bless each of you. We hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a grace-filled New Year. Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU

Director of Development, Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph

P.S. Thank you for your gifts over the past year! The following names represent those who donated during our fiscal year July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. If any information is incorrect, please contact Sister Amelia Stenger at 270-229-2008 or amelia.stenger@maplemount.org. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Beam Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bibb Mrs. Gayle Bogard Mr. and Mrs. Al E. Bowling Sr. Emma Cecilia Busam, OSU Mr. and Mrs. James R. Carrico Philip and Karie Cecil Mrs. Betty Constantine, A’53 Sr. Darlene Denton, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Denton Eck, Schafer & Punke, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Gary Freeman Mrs. Susan Cagle Gentry, A’71 Karen and Tom Goebel Mr. Robert J. Graham Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Havelda Holy Childhood Church Mr. and Mrs. Bryce J. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. Kallman Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Van Lancker Rev. Joseph A. Lyon Mr. James D. Martin Mr. Robert E. McGlynn Mr. Jon A. Meyer Mr. Harold Miller Rev. Joseph Mills Mr. and Mrs. Ervin J. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Novacek Mr. Sam Pennington Ms. Julieanne M. Ray Mrs. Susan Reiss Mr. and Mrs. Gary RineyU Ms. Roberta Sue Robert St. Jerome Parish, Rev. Darrell Venters Dr. and Mrs. Mike Scherm Sr. Marcella Schrant, OSU Mary and Tony Seger Mr. Gregory A. Shondell Ms. Betty J. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Vanderheiden Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weil

Supporters............$250-499 Anonymous (2)

Acme Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Co., Inc., Mr. and Mrs. Al Mattingly Barbara Jean Allen Alles Brothers Furniture Co., Inc., Mr. Herman Alles Barret‑Fisher Co Inc, Mr. Jess and Mark Mattingly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bestgen Mr. Donald Bittel Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Bresnik Mr. James J. Casaert Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cecil Mrs. Cecile B. Driscoll E.M. Ford & Co., Rick and Steve Ford Mr. and Mrs. James D. Egger Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Gonsalves Mrs. Judith Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allan Hancock Mr. Donald K. Harmon Msgr. Jerome Hartlein Rose M. Hayden, Meichele A. Foster Dan and Sherri Heckel Mr. William D. Heinzig Doug and Dorothy Hood Ms. Eloise Hughes Dr. and Mrs. William Inkret Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Johnson Ms. Donna Jordan JRH Investments LLC, Mr. John Hess Ms. Carol Kalvelage Carol E. Kane Kappa Delta Phi, Ms. Mary Kay Bell Ms. Mary Anne Kevil, A’58 Knights of Columbus #1315, Fr. Ben Powers Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Lavigne Mr. and Mrs. Werner S. Lehnert Mr. and Mrs. Cosimo Lombardozzi Ms. Jill Luckett Bob and Lorraine Luken Rev. John E. MagelU Richard J. Massoth, Susan T. Masih Ms. Anna C. Mattingly, A’66 Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie D. Mays


Ms. Sylvia McCauley Ms. Anne McCowen Mr. Dennis J. McFarland Bishop‑Emeritus John J. McRaith Glen and Diane Meakem Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Meier Rob and April Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Moody Mr. and Mrs. Lance T. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Palmer Mr. John M. Pfannes Mr. Thuy V. Pham Rev. Phil Riney Mr. and Mrs. Garrick A. Rollert Saint Vincent De Paul Society Sts. Joseph & Paul Parish, Rev. Carl McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schroff Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Shortell D.D.S. St. John Berchmans Cathedral School St. Louis Cardinals, Ms. Kristin Livingston Mrs. Susan Ann Struna, A’66 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Summers Mrs. Monica L. Thompson, A’71 Mr. and Mrs. Willard O. Vetter Ms. Stephanie Warren Mr. and Mrs. James D. Weafer Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Whelan John A. and Patricia C. Williams Wright Implement, Mr. Ben Wright

Contributors.......$100-249 Anonymous (11) Advanced Eye Care, Dr. and Mrs. J. Frederick Litke Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Altman Mr. Mike Amann Mrs. Cornelia S. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Arth Ms. Patricia Ash Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baldwin Ms. Barbara Bath Mr. and Mrs. James Beaven Ms. Mary Rita Benson Susan M. Bentley Mrs. Mary Berger, A’55 Bernadette Jones Damily LLC, Bonita M. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Jerry F. Biscopink Ms. Carolyn Blanford Ms. Doreen Boisvert Ms. Betty A. Booker Ms. Mary Nell Bouvier Mrs. Sarah M. Bowling Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. James R. Brey Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Briney Ms. Josephine Browning Ms. Olive Buehler Mr. and Mrs. William Buford Ms. Phyllis E. Burgan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Burlew II Ms. Theresa Butler Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camarena Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carper Mr. Terry M. Cavanaugh Ms. Carolyn Sue Cecil, A’73 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cecil Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Cecil Mrs. Anna Sue Clements, A’61 Mr. Don Clements Dwayne and Marilyn Clemons Ms. Lillian A. Cloughley Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cook Ms. Beth Corbett Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Corbett Sr. Philomena Cox, OSU Mrs. Martha Crisp Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Curran Mrs. Anita M. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Merton E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Day Ms. Laura R. Denton Ralph and Diane DiTucci


Mrs. Judith Donley, A’65 Mr. Maurice S. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Durbin Jr. Mr. Charles P. Easley Ms. Marita Eckhart Mr. and Mrs. Donald Elder Elizabethtown Physicians for Women PSC Ms. Betty Ellis Mrs. Lupe Ellis Ms. Catherine J. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Quentin L. Fannin Mrs. Paula Fargen Mrs. Kay W. Fecher Sr. Marie Julie Fecher, OSU, A’40 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Fiete Ms. Margaret Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Reyburn W. Ford Ms. Martha Ford Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Fox Mr. and Mrs. William F. Froeschl Dolores Furtado Mrs. Louise Fowler Gaddie, A’45 Mr. James V. Gahlinger Robert and Maria Galles Mr. John Gallo Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gibbons Ms. Ann Gibbs Mr. David A. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gilles Glenn Funeral Home, Mr. Glenn Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Godecker Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goebel Mr. Raymond C. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Grady Rev. Joseph T. Graffis Knights of Columbus Mr. Dale Gray Mr. and Mrs. H. Steve L. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gray Mr. and Mrs. Carl Greenwell Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Richard Gruenewald Ms. Josephine A. Guerrant Mrs. and Mrs. Richard J. Hale Mrs. Mary C. Hale Troy and Carolyn Haleman Ms. Violet Hamilton, A’54 Jean and Rodney Hannes Mr. and Mrs. William Hardin Mr. Paul AS Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Hayden Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Hayden Mr. Donald A. Hayden Mrs. Frances Hayden, A’44 Ms. Karen Hayden, A’69 Mrs. Mary Louise Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hayden Mr. and Mrs. William Hayden Jr. Rev. Edward M. Hays Mrs. Mary E. Heininger Mr. and Mrs. Mark Heinz Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Heinzman Mrs. Mary M. Heng‑Braun Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hermreck Ms. Nola A. Hoffmann Kathy and James Houlihan Mr. and Mrs. Doug Howard Ms. Christena Huggins Mr. Bobby Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert P. Huhlein Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. James Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. James Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Janssen Onofre and Ruby Jaquez Kappa Delta Phi Sorority, Ms. Kathy Mayes Mr. Robert J. Kaps Rev. Thomas A. Kearns Mrs. Anita E. Kelel, A’40 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Kellerman Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Kendrick Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kierl Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Kladuson Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kleinman Knights of Columbus Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Knott

Mrs. Marieann R. Koehler Ms. Mari Lynn Korte Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Koscielny Ms. Sarah Kranz, A’72 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kreifels Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kresovsky Ms. Therese Martin Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lee Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lehan Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Leib Ms. Darlene Livers Mr. Robert J. Mace Jr. Ms. Mary F. Macke Dr. Michael J. Maher Jr. Mr. Timothy B. Mahoney Mrs. J.C. Malone Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Mangold Mr. and Mrs. Neil Manias Mariah’s Restaurant Mr. John Hamilton Martinson Mr. and Mrs. Ross Martinson Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Marx Mary Queen of Peace Craft Club Mather & Co. CPAs, LLC, Mr. Innes Mather Lawrence D. Mattingly Mrs. Sylvia Mattingly Mr. Romano L. Mazzoli Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. McCarty Sr. Pauletta McCarty, OSU, A’39 Cathy and Bridget McDonagh Mr. and Mrs. Ron McEldowney Mr. Joseph A. McLiney Mr. and Mrs. John Medley Jr. Bishop William F. Medley Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Mehmert Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mesnier Starranne Meyers and Cindy Keller Ms. Lola M. Miles Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Miller Mrs. Margaret C. Miller Ms. Mary Ellen Miller Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Minton Mr. and Mrs. Donnie R. Miracle Jr. Mrs. Janie Monaghan Dr. and Mrs. William T. Moore M.D. Ms. Iris Moreno‑Brown Dr. and Mrs. Jack Morgan Steve and Becky Morris Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mudd Sr. Susan Mary Mudd, OSU Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Murphey Kevin and Donna Murphy Dr. James Nalley, M.D. Mr. Wayne Nation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Neal Mr. and Mrs. Mark Neighbors Mr. and Mrs. William F. Noel Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Norrenberns Jane and Ray Nugent Mrs. Carol A. O’Keefe Orthopaedic Surgical Specialists PSC, Drs. Joseph and Felicity Polio Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Palmich Ms. Sarah L. Patterson Ms. Colleen M. Pattison Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Paul Mr. and Mrs. David F. Peake Ms. Frances Pearson Mrs. Linda Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Perez Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Pierson Mrs. Margaret Ann Posey Mr. and Mrs. William A. Powell Msgr. Bernard Powers Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pritchard Ms. Rose Ann Radzelovage Mr. and Mrs. Greg L. Reis Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Renth Mr. Daniel J. Reynolds Fr. Lawrence Ridgley Mrs. Norma C. Robinette, A’54 Ms. Marianna Robinson Mr. Bob Rogers Mrs. Susan F. Ryan Saint James Church Mr. Ernie Sampson Rev. Paul A. Scaglione Leo Schammel

Ms. Karen S. Schlicher Mr. John J. Schutz Ms. Susan J. Scott Bonnie R. Segers Mr. and Mrs. Mike Shay Ms. Rhonda Sherrod Rev. Martin Siebenaler Simcoe Family, Mrs. Barbara Simcoe Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sims Mrs. Mary Paula Skrivan Mr. and Mrs. John J. Slattery Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Smith Linda and Jack Smith Ms. Maryann Smith Sr. Rosanne Spalding, OSU Mr. Joseph L. Speak Mr. and Mrs. John T. Spies Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Spraley St. Catherine Alumni Association Ralph and Ernie Stanley Mrs. Jennie Staugas Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steffen Dr. Roberta Steinbacher Mary Rose Stephenson Tom and Sabina Streng Mrs. Agnes Warren Stuart, A’46 Mr. William B. Sturgis Ms. Kathryn Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sullivan Ms. Joan Teder Mrs. Mary Teder Texas Gas Transmission, LLC, Treasury Services Mr. John E. Thimesch Larry and Jorene Thoeming Mr. and Mrs. Randy F. Thompson Ms. Frances Kay Tichenor, A’62 Ms. Deborah F. Tiger Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tighe Mr. Ray Tretter Pam and John Tyndall Mr. and Mrs. Otis Vance Mr. Emerson Veler Mr. David R. Vowels Mr. and Mrs. Steve Walker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Waris Ms. Velma Warren Mr. and Mrs. John C. Waters Ms. Mary Jo Wathen Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Watts Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Weidenbenner Mrs. Lisa Weidenbenner Mr. and Mrs. David E. Weimer Mr. and Mrs. Bob Whiting Mr. and Mrs. Andy Whitlock Mr. and Mrs. Tom Whitsett Mrs. Charlotte M. Wiedel Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Wilbert Mr. and Mrs. William R. Willhaus Mr. and Mrs. Dwight M. Williams Ms. Elizabeth E. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Wink Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wink Ms. Rita Winkelmann Mrs. Sarah A. Ye Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Yoksh Ms. Mary E. Ziegler

Friends........................$1-99 Anonymous (50) Ms. Myriam A. Abeiga Ms. Florence E. Abel Mrs. Joan Abell Ms. Susan L. Abrash Ms. Maureen Adams Ms. Alice Albus Ms. Jennifer Alexander Alexander & Company PSC George and Betty Allard Mr. Joseph L. Allen Mr. and Mrs. William E. Allen Mr. and Mrs. John Allgeier Mrs. Jeanne F. Allin, A’44 Mrs. Carol Alvey Mr. Leon Alvey Mrs. Marietta Alvey, A’47 Robert and Mary Ann Alvey Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anasti UDeceased

Saint Angela Merici Heritage Society We are deeply grateful to these persons who, in life or in death, have named our community as the recipient of a planned gift. These generous benefactors of bequests, annuities, or estate gifts are signs of faithful stewardship, providing for our mission into the future. Saint Angela Merici, bless them with prayers, as we pledge our own. Anonymous (7) Joe PaulU and Kay Buckman Rev. Bernard Leo Craycroft Jacinta Garinger José Gomez Msgr. George H. Hancock Melba Hightower-Smith Barbara Houk Helen and FreddieU LeBlanc BennettU and Mary Sue Ligon Rev. Joseph A. Lyon Rev. Carl McCarthy Roger and Stella McClure Robert Mace Cletus and Dee Oberst HenryU and Dody Payne Hughleen A’45 and Kelly Riney Rev. C. Phillip Riney Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Anderson Ms. Patricia Archuleta Mr. and Mrs. Glen Armantrout Monica Armstrong and Donald Kapa Mr. and Mrs. Craig Arnold Ms. Gail Ashlock Ms. Marge Ashworth Mrs. Betty Sue Aubin, A’44 Ms. Cathy A. Audley Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Auer Mr. and Mrs. Drew A. Augenstein Mrs. Nancy Lee Austin Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Aylor Mrs. Susan Bachmann, A’72 Mrs. Betty A. Baer Ms. Rebecca B. Baird Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Baker Mr. Patrick R. Bales Mrs. Rachel M. Ballard Mrs. Meredith A. Banks Mrs. Marianna B. Barber Mr. Charles H. Bardsley Mr. Bert Barker Ms. Mary Ann Barnhart Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Barnthouse M.D. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Barr Ed and Sadie Barrass Ms. Catherine Bartholomew Mr. and Mrs. Willard Basham Mr. and Mrs. James J. Bates Jr. Carol and Dave Bauer Dr. and Mrs. Keith L. Baughman Ms. Laura Baughn Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Baumgarten Jr. Ms. Charlotte Baumgarten, C’46 Mrs. Carolyn Graves Beam, A’70 Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Beard Doug and Tammie Beasley Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bechtold Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Nels Becker Mr. Joseph E. Belden Ms. Dorothy A. Beletsky Mrs. Carol Ann Bell, A’60 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bell Ms. June D. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Benne Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bennett Mrs. Marian Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bentley Mrs. Elizabeth A. Berton Mr. and Mrs. R. Dennis Best Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bickett Dr. Beverly McAuliffe Bisig, A’62 Ms. Patricia A. Black Ms. Alice Bland Marjorie Bland Mrs. Monica Murphy Blandford, A’61 Rev. James Blazine

Joe and Sue Riney A’42 Susan J. Scott Karen Siciliano Mary Ann Smith Mary C. Thompson A’61 Barbara and Bertrand Trompeter


Sr. Elaine Byrne, OSU, A‘64U Sr. Vickie L. Cravens, OSUU Sr. Darlene Denton, OSUU Ms. Jane FultonU Mr. Michael HardestyU Mr. Lajos E. KalmanU Sr. Frances McDonagh, OSUU Mary SpeichingerU Maxine Ann StaleyU Sr. Mary Virginia SturlichU Mrs. Cartmell WheelerU Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bley Ms. Josephine Boling Ms. Beverly Bond Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bonella Margaret J. Boon Ms. Marian E. Boone Mr. and Mrs. Richard Booth Claudette E. Borchers, Geoffry W. Hetley Mrs. Nancy Bosler Mr. and Mrs. John Bossing Art and Patricia Bowker Mrs. Lynne T. Bowling Mr. Edward M. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. George W. Brabender Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Breidenthal Mr. James M. Brennan Ms. Doris Ann Brooks Ms. Brenda K. Brown Bro. Ignatius Brown, FSC Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Brown Mr. John B. Brown Mr. and Mrs. John R. Brown Bob and Rebecca Brown Mr. Robert W. Brown Ms. Rosemary H. Brown Don and Sharon Brown Ms. Kathy Browning Mary Elizabeth Bryant, Suzanne Vitale Mrs. Janiece S. Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. James D. Buche Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Bucklin Mr. and Mrs. Jim Buckman Mr. Thomas E. Buckman Mrs. Patricia S. Bueter, A’61 Mrs. Rita E. Burges Mr. William G. Burk Mr. James E. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burns Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns Mrs. Joyce Burris Ms. Pam Burris Mr. and Mrs. Pete Buser Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Butel Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Butel Mr. and Mrs. William Butzen Mr. and Mrs. Stephen I. Byrne Mrs. Carole M. Cada Ms. Karalee R. Cain Ms. Laurie Calaway Mr. and Mrs. Tom Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. Sherrell Calhoun Ms. Mary Ann Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. John A. Callewaert Tom W. Moore, Wendy M. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Max Canady Ann Canary Mr. and Mrs. John W. Carrico Mr. and Mrs. William S. Carrico Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Carroll

Ms. Gloria Carter Mrs. Donna M. Cartwright Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Cashman Mr. and Mrs. Joe Castanos Lloyd and Theresa Cauley Mrs. Aurelia Cecil Mr. Mike Cecil Mary Huberta Cecil Mary Ruth Cecil Mrs. Rose Therese Cecil, A’44 Sr. Patricia Centner, OSF Ms. Martha P. Chagnon Ms. Joyce Champion Ms. Jennifer Chaudoin Mr. and Mrs. Homer Chavers Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Chavez Mr. Flavio Chavez Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Cheshire Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Chorosevic Ms. Margaret Clabaugh Mrs. Cheryl Clark, A’80 Ms. Cindy Clark David and Jane Clark Harold and Anne Clark Ms. Marie H. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clark Mr. and Mrs. James R. Clater Mr. and Mrs. John R. Clements, III Mrs. Charlotte Clements Mr. and Mrs. John Ed Clements Mr. and Mrs. Mark Clements Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clements Jr. Ms. Paulette Clephas Mr. and Mrs. Gary Clifton Mrs. Carol J. Cline Mrs. Dolores Cloughley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cockrel Ms. Regina Coffey Ms. Edna Mae Cogswell Ms. Doris Ann Colgate Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Collins Ms. Patsy Collins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Columbia Computer Knights, Inc., Mr. Ed Beeny Ms. Ellen Mary Condry Ms. Mary E. Connors Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coomes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Coomes Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coomes Coomes Cedar Hill Farms, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Coomes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooper Mr. and Mrs. James A. Corsi Ms. Mary M. Costello, A’65 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Craig Ms. Sharon Craig Ms. Elizabeth M. Crawford Ms. Isabel Crenshaw Ms. Jayne Crisp Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Crisp Mrs. Marcella Critchelow Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Cruse Ms. Betty C. Culver Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings Mrs. Carolyn Marie Curran Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Curry D.M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Curtsinger Ms. Hughetta Dale Ms. Jean A. Daly Ms. Martha S. Danek Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dauber Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Daugherty Mrs. Joanne Ben David, A’65 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis Mrs. Elizabeth R. Dawley Ms. Delores E. Day Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ray Day Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. De Moss Ms. Norma Ann Dean Ms. Joanne M. DeBo Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Deibel Mr. and Mrs. Clemens L. Deken Ms. Mary Kathryn DeLodder Ms. Lee Martha DeMott Ms. Beverly J. Dempsey Mr. Gerald L. Denning, Ph.D Rev. Roy E. Dentinger Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dentiste Jane and Larry Denton

John and Lyndia Dew Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dickhaut Mr. and Mrs. David Diver Ms. Jeanne Dody Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Dossett Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Dougherty Mrs. Jan M. Dowell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Downs Mr. and Mrs. John D. Downs Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Doyle Ms. Mary Margaret Drury, A’66 Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Dueber Ms. Joni Dugan, Ms. JoAnne Somerville Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Dugan Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Dummer Mrs. Paula Dunahoo Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Duncan Sr. Catherine Durr Mr. and Mrs. Antone L. Dusil Ms. Catherine Duvall Mr. and Mrs. David C. Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Ebelhar Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ebelhar Mr. and Mrs. Rick Ebelhar Ms. Bobbie Edds Chester and Kay Edwards Ms. Rosalie Edwards Ms. Donna M. Effinger Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Egan Mrs. Shirley Egan Mr. and Mrs. Edmund R. Eglinski Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eisler Jr. Mr. George Elder Mrs. Mary C. Elder Mrs. Mary Frances Elder, A’43 Mr. and Mrs. Andy Elliott Ms. Mary Patsy Elliott Mrs. Marie M. Elmore Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emerson Mr. and Mrs. James K. Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Jesse R. Emerson III Mr. and Mrs. William Emmick Mr. and Mrs. Paul Enderle Mr. and Mrs. Alan Englehart Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Espy Ms. Susan Fackler Ms. Marguerite Fadhl Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Fain III Ms. Blanche Falk Mr. and Mrs. Gene Faller Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Faltermeier Ms. Leslie M. Fansler Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Feehan Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ferrara Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Feuerborn Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Fieldhouse Mrs. Betty Jean Filburn Mr. and Mrs. John W. Filburn Ms. Carolyn Filzer Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Finch Mrs. Ruth A. Finder Ms. Mary Ellen Finn Mr. Frank A. Fiorini Sr. Helena Fischer, OSU, A’60 Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Fischer Ms. Ann Fisher Sr. Angela Fitzpatrick, OSU Mr. and Mrs. James K. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Floyd Mrs. Deborah Foushee Mr. and Mrs. William S. Foushee Ms. Margaret Fowler Ms. Kathy France Mrs. Mary C. Francow Mr. and Mrs. George Frank Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Franke Mr. and Mrs. Robert B Frantz Mr. Ronald E. Franzen Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy L. Frederick Mr. and Mrs. John E. French Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Freund Mr. and Mrs. George Frey Ms. Gertie Frey Mr. and Mrs. Vince Frey Mrs. Kathryn R. Friedrich Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fuhrmann Mr. and Mrs. Don Fulkerson


Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fulkerson Mr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Fullmer Ms. Lee Furst Ms. Anna Gabriel Ms. JoAnn Gabriele Ms. Jean Gaffey Ms. Frances Gajano Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gallagher Ms. Eleanor Garcia Mr. Gilbert Garcia Ms. Mary Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Gardner Ms. Georgia Gaskill Mr. George Gates Mr. and Mrs. R. L. George Jr. Rev. John B. Gephart Ms. Judith K. Gerling Mrs. Vickie Bickett Gibson, A’74 Mrs. Nancy Gillespie Ms. Jill L. Giordano, J.D. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Gipe Ms. Mary Ann Gipson Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gladbach Mr. and Mrs. Gene Glenn Ms. Martha S. Glutting Mr. and Mrs. James T. Glynn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goben Dr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Godfrey M.D. Ms. Donna Marie Goetz Mrs. Mary Eulalia Goetz, A’37 Mrs. Louise Golemo GoodSearch Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gorman Mrs. Robert H. Gossett Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Grabill Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Graham Mr. and Mrs. David N. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Grauer Mrs. Marijane Green Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Greenstreet Joyce and Billy Greenwell Ms. Debbie Greenwell Mr. John C. Greenwell Mrs. Sandra Greenwell Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Greer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Greer Mr. and Mrs. George L. Gregar Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gregory Mr. and Mrs. John Grimes Rob and Janet Grinage Ms. Louise Grosko Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grosmaire Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Gruenenfelder Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Gruneisen Ms. Mary A. Guenther Mr. and Mrs. John R. Guffey Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Guilfoyle Ms. Ruth C. Gunsolley Mrs. Margaret Gutierrez Ms. Ellen C. Hagan Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hagan Hagan’s Outdoor Equipment, Mr. Frank Hagan Dr. Charles L. Hager Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haik Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Haines Ms. Ramona Haire Ms. Clara C. Hall Ms. Dorothy Ann Hall Mrs. Mary Hall Patrice Schmitz Hall Ph.D Ms. A. Cecelia Hamilton Mr. David Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hancock Ms. Barbara Handelman Ms. Rita Hanewinkel Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hannah Ms. Dorothy J. Hardesty Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hardesty Mr. Eric Hardin Hardin Memorial Hospital Mrs. Ruth Ann Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Harris Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harris Mr. and Mrs. Mill Hartlauf Ms. Mary E. Hartley 14 Mr. and Mrs. John Hartz

Mrs. Sharlene Hatfield Mr. Frank C. Hauber Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Hauber Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Haxton Ms. Elizabeth Thompson Hayden, A’57 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Hayden Ms. Susan Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Wm. David Hayden Michelle L. Hayes Mr. Robert L. Hayes Ms. Mary E. Hazzard Mrs. Mary Cora Head Ms. Diane Head Ms. Deborah Headrick Ms. Mary Heberlie Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Hedges Ms. Marilyn Heffernan Mrs. Marie Heimes Mr. and Mrs. Forrest A. Heintzman Ms. Linda Helm Ms. Helen Wilson Heltsley Mr. and Mrs. William M. Henderson Ms. Lynda Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hendrickson Mr. and Mrs. Francis Henning Ms. Nylene Henry Mrs. Dorothy Enright Herrmann, A’48 Mr. and Mrs. Tom R. Herynk Mrs. Rosemary P. Herzig Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hewlett H. F. Heying Jr. and Denise Heying Mr. and Mrs. Ted Higdon Mr. Thomas Higdon Mr. William Higdon Mr. and Mrs. William R. Higdon Mr. and Mrs. Tony Higgins Mrs. Susan Hightower Ms. Christine Hilbush Mrs. Carol Hill

InfoServ, Inc., Kevin L. Bruner Ms. Mary Ann James Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Jaworski Mr. and Mrs. Leo H. Jeck Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jenkins Tony and Laurie Jennewein Donna and Jay Jensen Ms. Patricia Jobe Dr. and Mrs. John E. Johnson, D.D.S. Ms. Kathleen Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Jolley Mrs. Alice M. Jones Dr. Laura B. Hancock, D.M.D. Ms. Mary Jones Paul and Marie Joseph Joseph L. Greenwell Funeral Home, Mr. Joseph L. Greenwell Mr. and Mrs. William J. Joyce Ms. Kathleen C. Judge Ms. Anna M. Jugan Cathy and Bruce Jung Mr. and Mrs. Bogdan J. Kaczmarek Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kaelin Mr. Marty Kaelin Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kaiser Mrs. Margaret Kaiser Chris and Jennifer Kaminski Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kampschaefer Mrs. Catherine E. Kane Kappa Delta Phi Sorority ‑ Gamma Chi, Ms. Phyllis DiRuzza Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kassly Mr. and Mrs. Damian J. Katzer Ms. Mary Katherine Katzer Ms. Betty Kaufman Ms. Rita McAnarney Keating Ms. Anna Keenan Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Keenan Ms. Kim Keenan

Please note that this list of names includes those who donated to Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center, the Guest House, the Retired Sisters, and Casa Ursulina in Chile. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wendell Hill Ms. Odelean Hill Ms. Veronica T. Hill Ms. Judith M. Hinchey Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hines Mr. and Mrs. John Hines Ms. Donna M. Hinton Mr. Robert Hirschfeld Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hobbs Ms. Elizabeth Hobby Mr. and Mrs. David Hock Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hodskins Mr. Alfred R. Hoedl Mr. and Mrs. Emil T. Hofman Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Holderman Ms. Joan Horan Edward and Susan Horvat Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hourigan Mr. and Mrs. James R. House Mr. and Mrs. Roy Houston Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Howard Mr. Barry P. Howard Earl and Carolyn Howard Ms. Ita Belle Howard Ms. Janie Howard Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Sr. Mary Eileen Howard, OSU, C’47 Ms. Nancy A. Howard Ms. Marthadene Howe, A’69 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hubbard Ms. Laverne Huber Mr. Henry Huckeby Ms. Sharon Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Huebener Mrs. Virginia Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Humble Mr. and Mrs. Norbert D. Hummel Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Hund Ms. Judith J. Hund Ms. Barbara Hurm Mr. John Hurm David and Barbara Hutchins Ms. Mary Kathryn Hutchison

Mrs. Catherine Keene Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Keene Mr. William Leslie Keene Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Herschel V. Keitel Ms. Mary C. Keith Mr. and Mrs. Francis V. Keller Ms. Judy Keller Sr. Martha Keller, OSU Mr. and Mrs. Martin Keller Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kellerman Mrs. Mary C. Kelly Mrs. Rita Kelly Ms. Mary Kennedy, A’49 Mr. Timothy Kerschen Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kieta Ms. Shirley A. Kietzman Mrs. Margaret Kimmel Mr. and Mrs. Kyle J. King Mr. Thurman R. King Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Kirby Loreen and Mike Kiskila Mr. and Mrs. James Klafeta Mr. Fred J. Klausing III Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Klee Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Klein Mr. John C. Klein Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Knott Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Knott Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kobler Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Koehler Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Koehler Jr. Ms. Ingrid E. Kokinda Bernice and Mary Ann Kollros Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kopper Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kormelink Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kracklauer Mr. Nicholas S. Kramerich Ms. Mary Lee Kratzberg Mrs. Marian L. Krausz Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Kreher Raymond and Kitty Kress Mr. and Mrs. John J. Krzysztow Ms. Eileen Kuchar Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Kuerzi

Paul and Sue Kuerzi Mr. Alfred N. Kueser Mrs. Carol A. Kunkel Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert E. Kuntz Mr. Paul Kurz Ms. Lisa Ladnier John and Bobbie Laker Mr. and Mrs. Scott LaMar Ms. Lori Lampe Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lancaster Mr. Kenneth G. Lanter Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lanz Ms. Mary Jo Lattus Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Lavigne Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lawrence Ms. Jacqueline Evans Lee Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Cletus M. Legleiter Ms. Linda Lehr Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Leintz Jos and Lenora Lesscher Mr. Steven D. Lester Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lewis Ms. Patricia A. Lewis Mrs. Dotty Liles Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Lindle Ms. Eileen Locke Mr. Lawrence L. Logel Mr. and Mrs. Frank Longmore Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Love Mrs. Lou Lovell Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lowman Ms. Maria K. Lui Mrs. Bertha M. Lutz Ms. Sarah Jane Lynch Ms. Martha Jo Lyne Ms. Mary E. Lyne Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lyon Ms. Mabel Macke Ms. Mary Mackenzie Mrs. Agnes Mader Mr. and Mrs. Ivan F. Mader Mr. and Mrs. John Mark Madison Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Magliano Ms. Mary Magner Mrs. Frances Stallings Mahoney, C’43 Ms. Mary Malecki Dr. James A. Maliszewski Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Malley Mr. and Mrs. John Mancinelli Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mann Mr. Nicholas L. Manoy Mr. Luke R. Marden Mr. and Mrs. Pedro A. Marin Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marksberry Ms. Ellen M. Marquart Mr. and Mrs. Peter Marquez Mr. John D. Martin Ms. Polly Martin Ms. Kay Martinovich Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mason Mr. and Mrs. James Mason Mack and Dolores Mattingly Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mattingly Ms. Modella Mattingly Mr. Glenn B. Matuszewski Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Matyk Ms. Patricia Maupin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. James P. Maxwell Mrs. Rowena McCabe Beverly and Jerry McCandless Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCarter Mr. and Mrs. John J. McCarthy Mrs. Peggy Murphy McCarthy, A’56 Mrs. Becky Henderson McCarty, A’70 Mr. and Mrs. John G. McClellan Mr. Will McClurken Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. McCrary Mrs. Nancy McCue Mr. James E. McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. McGovern Ms. Pauline B. McIlvoy Mrs. Norma J. McKee Ms. Marge McLaughlin Ms. Pat McMahon Mr. and Mrs. William E. Medina Mrs. Madonna A. Mergenmeier

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Merkt Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Mesnier Mrs. Ruth Metschuleit Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Metzger Mr. and Mrs. Charles Metzmeier Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Middaugh Mike’s Automotive, Mike Goad Ms. Helen Miles Mrs. Louise Miley Ms. Joann Millay Mr. Joseph Allen Millay Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Millay Ms. Betty Miller Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. Miller Ms. Marcella Miller Ms. Mary E. Miller Ms. Maureen Miller Mr. and Mrs. Norbert F. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mills Mr and Mrs. Jason Mills Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mills Mrs. Sheroll Minakes Ms. Mary Minden‑Zins Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Mischlich Mr. and Mrs. William G. Moehring Mr. and Mrs. William Molnar Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Moloney III Mrs. Mary R. Monahan Mr. and Mrs. James G. Monks Jr Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Montoya Mrs. Sue Montoya Mrs. Joan Moore Mr. and Mrs. John S. Moore Ms. Marlene Moore Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Moore Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Moore M.D. Mr. and Mrs. David N. Moose Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Morgan Mr. Philip Morris Mrs. Dorothy Weaver Morrison, A’55 Ms. Joan P. Morse Mrs. Frances Mouser Ms. Jill Mudd Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mueller Sr. Pam Mueller, OSU, A’68 Ms. Charlene Mueninghoff Frank and Jeannette Muldowney Mrs. Joyce Blandford Mullins, A’55 Ms. Sharon Mullins Mr. Blake B. Mulvany Ms. Barbara Muncy Ms. Kathleen J. Munson Mr. and Mrs. Alan Murphy Mr. and Mrs. C. Murray Murphy Ms. Estelle J. Murphy Ms. Susan L. Myrick Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Nall Ms. Gertrude Nally Mr. and Mrs. R. Hite Nally Mrs. Mary H. Nash NCO, Inc., Mr. James Nixon John and Cathie Necaise Ms. Rose Mary Neff Mrs. Marita S. Neichter Mr. and Mrs. David K. Nelson Mr. Ernest Nelson Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Nemec Mrs. Joyce Nettle Ms. Elizabeth A. Nick Mrs. Beverly E. Niemeier Tom and Betty Norrenberns Mr. and Mrs. Spencer W. Norris III Notre Dame Academy Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Nugent Ms. Marie S. Nunnally Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Carl O’Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Clifford O’Bryan Mr. and Mrs. H. Joseph O’Bryan Mrs. Margaret O’Bryan Mrs. Mary Lou O’Bryan Ms. Pat O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. R. H. O’Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. O’Donoghue Ms. Laurine O’Neal Mr. John O’Neil Ms. Daughn O’Neill Mrs. Rita O’Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O’Reilly

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. O’Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Don Oberhausen Mrs. Barbara Higdon Obermeier, A’65 Ms. Doris Oechsle Ms. Deborah Oelze Mr. Jim Oestreicher Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Ogle Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ogle Old Hickory Bar‑B‑Que, Jeff Moss Don and Cecilia Olinger Ms. Rose Olinger Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Olinger Ms. Dee Oliver Ms. Patricia Oltman Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Ordal Rev. Robert E. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Osgood Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Oswald Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Rev. Brad Whistle Mr. and Mrs. Colvin M. Owen Mr. Carl J. Pace Ms. Libby Pace Mr. and Mrs. Louis Palmer Mr. and Mrs. William D. Patterson Mr. Henry David Payne III Sr. Mary Gerald Payne, OSU Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Payne Mrs. Mary Jean Payne Mr. and Mrs. James F. Peak Ms. Arloa Pearcey Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Peine Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Pello Mr. John Pendel Ms. Linda M. Penn Mr. and Mrs. George Pennebaker Mr. and Mrs. John Perri Ms. Jacqueline Perry Mr. and Mrs. G. Alvin Peters Ms. Gladys Peters Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Petranek Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Pfeifer Mrs. Katie Bickett Pfeifer, A’66 Mr. Vernon G. Pickert Mr. Eugene Pike Mr. Matthew D. Pike Rev. Louis Piskula Mrs. Theresa Planac Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Plumb Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Podrebarac Mr. Eugene G. Podrebarac Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pohlgeers Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pontarolo Sr. Francis Joseph Porter, OSU Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Posadas Ms. M. Pauline Posey Mr. Michael Poss Mr. and Mrs. Terry Potts Mr. and Mrs. George C. Pretz Mrs. Pauline Pretz Ms. Leone Prewitt Ms. Mary E. Pritchett RET SGM Charles A. Puckett Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Purkis Ms. Irene L. Quigley Dr. and Mrs. John Michael Quinn M.D. Mrs. Eleanor T. Rapier Ms. Jan C. Rasmussen Mrs. Joan D. Rasmussen Rev. Robert E. Ray Mr. William E. Rayne Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Rearden Mrs. Irene I. Reece Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Reid Ms. Madge Reising Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Renfrow Mr. Ronald V. Repplinger Mr. and Mrs. Craig Reynolds Ms. Mary Patricia Reynolds Jeff and Tammy Rice Mr. and Mrs. David R. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ridgley Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Riedling Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riggs Mr. and Mrs. John M. Riley Ms. June Riley Mr. and Mrs. T. Edward Riney Joe and Sue Riney Mr. Thomas B. Riney Mrs. Patricia Ringswald, A’44 Ms. Annalou Ritchie

Have you returned your angel ornament for our tree in the Motherhouse Chapel?

If you did not get an angel annual appeal letter in the mail and would like one, contact Sister Amelia Stenger

270-229-2008 • amelia.stenger@maplemount.org

Mr. and Mrs. Norton B. Rixey Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roberts Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts Ms. Vivian Roby Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rocha Ms. Bernice D. Rockers Sr. Martina Rockers, OSU Mrs. Mary Ann Rockers Mrs. Christine Rodgers Ms. Eva M. Roeseler Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rogers Ms. Mary W. Roscoe Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Rosenstein Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Rottinghaus Ms. Conchita B. Rowch Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Rowe Mr. and Mrs. Stan W. Ruby Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rue Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rushton Mr. and Mrs. James B. Russell Mr. and Mrs. William A. Russell Jr. Mrs. Mary Lue Russler Ms. Katherine Rutherman Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephen Ryan

St. Stephen Cathedral, Rev. John Vaughan

Ms. Frances Saladino Margie Salerno, Emma Lee Hutchins Ms. Mary Salmon Mr. Daniel Salois Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Salois Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sanders Mr. James P. Sandlin Dr. and Mrs. Armando Sandoval LTC Jose Flavio Santillanes Ms. Mary Jane Sattazahn Mr. and Mrs. H. Gary Satterwhite Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Saunders Mr. and Mrs. George Sawyer Msgr. Dennis Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaffer Mr. and Mrs. Lester Schaick Mr. and Mrs. William E. Schecher Mary Hagman Schelling Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Scherman Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Scherman Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schickel Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Schissel Mrs. Lavona Schlicher Mark and Eileen Schmelzel Mr. and Mrs. Don K. Schmidt Mrs. Elaine P. Schmidtberger Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Schneider Ms. Karen Schneller Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Schnose Mrs. Agnes M. Schrant Schroeder & Schroeder Law Offices, P.C., Ms. Mary T. Schroeder Mr. Gerard Schulte Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schulte Mrs. Doris M. Schutz Ms. Laurine Scott Ms. Margaret Scott Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Scrivo Jr. Ms. Sara Scully Mrs. Beverly Seadler Mrs. Yvonne Seaton Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Seelbach Mr. and Mrs. John A. Semar Ms. Rose Sena Ms. Janice Sensing Mr. and Mrs. William Sercombe Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sharber Ms. Barbara Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. John Shigouri Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Shimshock Ms. Marian P. Shircliffe Ms. Elizabeth A. Shoeberle Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Shook Ms. Betty Shrader

Ms. Philma Siciliano Mrs. Genevieve Siebert Mr. and Mrs. John A. Silady Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Sils Jr., A’69 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sims Mr. Joseph V. Sixta Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Skees Sketch By Number, Tim and Mary Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Rondle L. Skimehorn Ms. Elaine M. Skoch Louis and Peggy Slapshak Ms. Evelyn M. Slayman Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Smith Ms. Elena G. Smith Mrs. Evelyn Smith Mrs. Laura R. Smith A’50 Mrs. Mary Smith Mr. and Mrs. Roger Smith Mr and Mrs Norbert Smith Mrs. Norma O. Smith Mr. Brad Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Smith Mrs. Tina Marie Smith, A’74 Ms. Bonnie Snyder Mr. Jack R. Solar Mr. Floyd Sorquist Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Spaulding Sr. Mary Lois Speaks, OSU, A’62 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Spielbusch Mr. and Mrs. Francis Spinner Bro. James Spooner Ms. Mary Jean Sprauer Ms. Janet St. Clair St. John Catholic Church and School Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stadtlander Jr. Ms. Sandy Stahl Ms. Alyson N. Stallings Ms. Barbara Stallings Ms. Betty Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Brett Stallings Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Stallings Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vance M. Stasevich Ms. Kathy Steckler Mrs. Donna Stengel Sr. Amelia Stenger, OSU, A’67 Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Stevens Ms. Jane Steward Mr. and Mrs. Perry Stiff Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stoerman Ms. Magdalena Stone Larry and Frances Strange Mr. and Mrs. George E. Strickland Mrs. Nancy Sturgill C’46 Mr. Jim Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. Summers Mr. and Mrs. Wesley G. Swann Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Swickard Mr. Ray T. Szwarc Carolyn and Paul Tapp Ms. Lois A. Tashjian Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Tatum Mr. and Mrs. Waitman Taylor Jr. Mrs. Helen F. Taylor Ms. Beverly S. Terrell Bill and Marilyn Terry Ms. Sue Thayer Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Dan Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Myles Thomas Mr. and Mrs. A. Mike Thompson Mr. Jim Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Lesley A. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Thompson Mrs. Noretta L. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Thomson Mr. and Mrs. Mark A.Thomson Ms. Debbie Tinker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Toon



Mrs. Mary Toon Mr. James A.Trapp Mr. Harold Travis Mr. and Mrs. Henry Triplett Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Trivitt Mr. and Mrs. James Trobaugh Ms. Delores Turnage Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Ubert Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Urban Ms. Joanne Urban Ursuline Sisters Ms. Shirley M. Valderrama Mr. Jerome C. Vandeven Mr. and Mrs. Marcin W. Varanka Mrs. Ann Vaughan Ms. Louise Vaughn Fr. Darrell Venters Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D. Verhaeghe Col. Jon D. and Angie Verlinde Ms. Martha Vittitow Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Vohs Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Vohs Ms. Mai P. Vuha Mrs. Victoria S. Vukcevich Mrs. Angela B. Waldrop Mr. and Mrs. Larry Walker Mr. and Mrs. John H. Walsh Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raphael L. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Walsh Mrs. Patti G. Walters Dr. and Mrs. W. Dean Walton Mr. and Mrs. George Walz Ms. Regina Walz, A’40 Mrs. Dorothy B. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wargel Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Warren Ms. Mary Ruth Warren, A’44 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wathen Ms. Patricia Wathen Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Wathen Mr. Thomas A. Wathen Bernadette and Harley Watkins Ms. Allison M. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Watson Ms. Bridget A. Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Raymond X. Weidenbenner Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Weidmann Ms. Susan M. Weitkamp Mrs. Patricia J. Wernel Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wethington Ms. Mary Alice Wethington Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Wethington Mr. Richard A. Wethington Ms. Rosemarie Wethington Ms. Mary C. Wetzel Mr. Drew Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whelan Mr. and Mrs. Freddy Whelan Mr. and Mrs. William H. Whelan Mr. and Mrs. David W. White Mr. and Mrs. John W. White Ms. Lola Fulkerson Whitesides, A’58 Ms. Carrie Wieder Ms. Florence Wieder Mr. Thomas B. Wilcox Ms. Veronica M. Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Wilkinson Jim and Jennifer Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson Mrs. Nellie M. Wilson Wilson Family Irrevocacable Trust, Don and Judy Webster Ms. Mary Dell Wimsatt Mary Teresa Wimsatt Mr. and Mrs. Melville P. Windle Mrs. Anne Y. Winterman Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wiseman Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wissman Mr. Edwin J. Wittman Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph J. Wolf Ms. Martha Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Wolken Alice Wondra Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Wondra Mrs. Samantha L. Wood Mr. Clarence A. Woodall III Mr. and Mrs. Brandon J. Woodrome Ms. Catherine Woody Mr. and Mrs. Lester P. Wuertz

Mrs. LaVerne Wurster Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Yarber Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Yates Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Yeager Mr. Joseph R. Young Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young Mrs. Ann F. Zeller Mrs. Jody F. Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Ziller Jr. Ms. Janet Zimmerer Ms. Lucille I. Zink Mr. Martin J. Zinser

Honors 2012 Jubilarians Sr. Cecelia Joseph Olinger, OSU, A‘58 Ursuline Sisters All Ursuline Teachers Mr. and Mrs. Bob Caspar Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Neal Charlotte Allen Mrs. Martha Crisp Jennifer Kay Luckett Angelini Ms. Jill Luckett Jo Ann Augenstein Mrs. Martha Crisp Sr. Margaret Ann Aull, OSU Ms. June D. Bell Patty and Rich Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Rottinghaus Sr. Jean Claire (Ballard), OSUU Anonymous Mary Orline Ballard Anonymous Friend Ms. Susan J. Scott Sr. Mimi Ballard, OSU Mr. and Mrs. Gene Glenn William Leslie Keene Jr. Mr. Juergen Schindler Sr. Catherine Therese Barber, OSU A. E. & Mary Ann Bowling L. A. Barber Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Al E. Bowling Sr. Mildred Barr, OSUU Joe and Sue Riney Richard Bartlett Mrs. Marguerite Fadhl Sr. Susanne Bauer, OSU Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Tom R. Herynk Sr. Marie William Blythe, OSU Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baldwin Sr. Eva Boone, OSU Ms. Jennifer Alexander Sr. Joseph Angela Boone, OSU Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Boone Mrs. Margaret Kimmel Sr. Elaine Burke, OSU Ms. Monica Armstrong, Mr. Donald Kapa Sr. Mary Jude Cecil, OSU Ms. Betty C. Culver Kathy and James Houlihan Centennial Anniversary Mrs. Frances Hayden, A ‘44 Sr. Kathleen Condry, OSU Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baldwin Church of The Nativity Women’s Club Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Sr. Raymond Dieckman, OSU Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Devocelle Mr. John C. Klein Sr. Mary Durr, OSU Sr. Catherine Durr Dr. and Mrs. William Inkret Jr. Sr. Marie Julie Fecher, OSU Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stadtlander Jr. Sr. Michael Marie Friedman, OSU Ms. Gail Ashlock Dr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Godfrey M.D. Sr. Ruth Gehres, OSU Mr. Juergen Schindler Sr. Sara Marie Gomez, OSU Rob and Janet Grinage Margaret Gray Ms. Mary Mackenzie Sr. Maureen Griner, OSU Mr. Lawrence L. Lynch Jr.

Sr. Charles Irene Hayden, OSUU Anonymous D. Karen Hayden Sr. Julia Head, OSU Ms. June D. Bell Mr. Philip Morris Rev. Melanie M Odom‑Groh Sr. Clara Johnson, OSU Ms. Susan J. Scott Sr. Rose Karen Johnson, OSU Anonymous Betty and Rondle Skimehorn Sr. Rose Theresa Johnson, OSUU Anonmyous Betty and Rondle Skimehorn Sr. Karla Kaelin, OSU Bishop Ken Williams Sr. Catherine Kaufman, OSU Ms. Rita Winkelmann Sr. Martha Keller, OSU Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Byrne Sr. Rita Klarer, OSU Rev. Edward M. Hays Sr. Mary Elizabeth Krampe, OSU Mrs. Mary Kaelin A‘48 Sr. Alfreda Malone Mr. Lawrence D. Mattingly Sr. Mary Patrick McDonagh, OSU Ms. Mary Rita Benson Ms. Rita Winkelmann Sr. Ann McGrew, OSU Ms. Monica Armstrong, Mr. Donald Kapa Sr. Miriam Medley, OSU Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kemper Sr. Susan Mary Mudd, OSU Mr. and Mrs. Mark A.Thomson Sisters from Paola, Kansas Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baldwin Ms. Doreen Boisvert Mr. and Mrs. Gary Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Rob George Sr. Jean Madeline Peake, OSU Anonymous Sr. Helen Marie Pfohl, OSUU Sue and Joe Riney Matt and Megan Reitz Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Wilson Sr. Joan Riedley, OSU Mary Queen of Peace Craft Club Sr. Judith Nell Riney, OSU Ms. June D. Bell Mr. Philip Morris Marc and Marilyn Rottinghaus Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baldwin Sr. Suzanne Sims, OSU Ms. Susan J. Scott Sr. Helen Smith, OSU Church of The Nativity Women’s Club Sr. Jean Richard Stukenholtz, OSUU Anonymous Friend Dolores Ann Mudd Thomson Mr. and Mrs. Mark A.Thomson Ursulines - Mount Saint Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Rob George Ursulines - St. Joe, Mayfield, Ky. Donald and Mary Ruth Elder Sr. Mary Matthias Ward, OSU Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Byrne Sr. Marietta Wethington, OSU Monica Armstrong, Donald Kapa Helen and Amos Whittaker Mrs. Martha Crisp Sr. Frances Mary Wilhelm, OSU Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Warren Ms. Velma Warren Sr. Margaret Ann Zinselmeyer, OSU Mr. Lawrence L. Lynch Jr.

MEMORIALS Jessie BattU Robert and Mildred Gilles William BaumannU Sr. Angela Fitzpatrick, OSU Christine and Louis BickettU Mr. Thomas E. Buckman Sr. Agnes Irene Bickett, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. O’Donoghue Joe and Sue Riney

Sr. Blanche Rita Bickett, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Gene Glenn Joe and Sue Riney Robert L. BlandfordU Mrs. Martha Crisp Joseph B. BlanfordU Ms. Carolyn Blanford Ann Mary BolandU Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bennett Sr. Mary Regina Boone, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Boone Mr. and Mrs. Gary Riney Joe and Sue Riney Sr. Aloise Boone, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Boone Monta Mae BoothU Robert & Mildred Gilles Douglas BorgmeyerU Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Butel Sr. Janette Bowling, OSUU A. E. & Mary Ann Bowling Sr. Charlesine Bowling, OSUU Joe and Sue Riney Sr. Adelaide Bowman, OSUU Mr. Edwin J. Wittman Clarence “Bud” BrangersU Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Yates Richard D. BrennerU Mr. and Mrs. Al E. Bowling Sr. Mary Denise Brown, OSUU Sue and Joe Riney Sara BrumleyU Mrs. Martha Crisp Mary Rose BryantU Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Wathen Bob and Mary Lou BuckmanU Mr. Thomas E. Buckman James & Dorothy Ann BuckmanU Mr. Thomas E. Buckman Sr. Henrietta BurchU Mr. and Mrs. David Blanford Sr. Leander Burch, OSUU Anonymous Louise Scott BurgeU Anonymous Clay BurnsU Mrs. Martha Crisp John ByrneU Mrs. Martha Crisp Sr. Elaine Byrne, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Alexander & Company PSC Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Altman Anonymous Friend Ms. Laura Baughn Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Beard Ms. Susan M. Bentley Ms. Josephine Boling Mary Elizabeth Bryant, Suzanne Vitale Mr. and Mrs. William Buford Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Tom Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. John W. Carrico Mr. Don Clements Coomes Cedar Hill Farms Mr. and Mrs. Merton E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Durbin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ebelhar Mr. and Mrs. Donald Elder Mr. and Mrs. Andy Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gregory Ms. Ellen C. Hagan Mr. and Mrs. William R. Higdon Ms. Donna M. Hinton Dr. Laura B. Hancock, D.M.D. Mr. Marty Kaelin Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Keenan Ms. Kim Keenan Mr. and Mrs. Francis V. Keller Ms. Sarah Kranz, A ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Lee Ms. Martha Jo Lyne Ms. Mary Magner Mr. and Mrs. John Mancinelli Mariah’s Restaurant Ms. Pauline B. McIlvoy Ms. Joann Millay Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mills

Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Moore M.D. Dr. and Mrs. William T. Moore M.D. Mr. and Mrs. C. Murray Murphy Mary Lou O’Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. O’Donoghue Mr. John Pendel Ms. Linda M. Penn Ms. Gladys Peters Mr. Matthew D. Pike Mr. and Mrs. William A. Powell Ms. Mary Patricia Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. T. Edward Riney Joe and Sue Riney Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Roberts Saint Jerome Parish Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sharber Ms. Alyson N. Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Toon Ms. Allison M. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Watson Mr. and Mrs. Andy Whitlock Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wilson Martha F. CampbellU Anonymous Friend Sr. Martha Ann Cargile, OSUU Mrs. Martha Crisp Joe and Sue Riney Sr. Carmencita CarricoU Anonymous Sr. Lennora Carrico, OSUU Advanced Eye Care Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Mr. and Mrs. George W. Brabender Mr. and Mrs. James R. Carrico Mrs. Mary C. Elder JoAnn Gabriele Ms. Kathleen C. Judge Ms. Vivian Roby Ms. Beverly S. Terrell Sr. Mary Corda Carrico, OSUU Anonymous Molly and Carl Greenwell Mary and Ed Riney Sue and Joe Riney Jack CartwrightU Ms. Ruth Metschuleit Dr. Francis A. and Ruth Rosalia Rieck CasparU Mr. and Mrs. Bob Caspar Martha ClapacsU Mrs. Robert H. Gossett Sr. Anna Bloemer ClareU Mrs. Donna M. Cartwright Isabel Russell ClarkU Mrs. Doris M. Schutz Mr. John J. Schutz Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Wilbert Becky CoffmanU Mrs. Martha Crisp Paul and Janie CoomesU Ms. Alice Jane Coomes Sr. Charles Marie Coyle, OSUU Family of Sr. Charles Marie Coyle Ms. Sarah Jane Kranz Rondle and Betty Skimehorn James W. CrispU Mr. and Mrs. Drew A. Augenstein Ms. Rebecca B. Baird Ed and Sadie Barrass Mr. and Mrs. James J. Bates Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coomes Ms. Jayne Crisp Mrs. Martha Crisp Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duncan Mrs. Lupe Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Vince Frey Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gilles Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Graham Mr. and Mrs. John Grimes Mrs. Ruth Ann Hardy Ms. Mary E. Hartley Dan and Sherri Heckel Ms. Helen Wilson Heltsley Mr. and Mrs. Scott LaMar Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lanz Mr. Steven D. Lester Mrs. Glenn B. Matuszewski Beverly and Jerry McCandless Mrs. Nancy McCue Mr and Mrs. Jason Mills

Mr. Wayne Nation Mr. and Mrs. David K. Nelson Ms. Marie S. Nunnally Mr. and Mrs. Colvin M. Owen Ms. Jacqueline Perry Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rue Ms. Janet St. Clair Mr. and Mrs. Chappell Wilson Ms. Charlotte Wilson Mrs. Nellie M. Wilson Wilson Family Irrevocacable Trust Ms. Louise Zachary and family Mary Grace CrispU Mrs. Martha Crisp Ada Corinne CulverU Ms. Betty C. Culver George DavisU Mrs. Martha Crisp Sr. Marie Claire DavisU Anonymous All deceased alumnae of the Ursuline Academy in Paola, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weil Josephine “Jo” DembnyU Ms. Evelyn M. Slayman Sr. Charles Ann DeNardi, OSUU Joe and Sue Riney Sr. Darlene Denton, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Anonymous Friend Mary Ann Barnhart Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Curran Ms. Laura R. Denton Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Denton Ms. Donna M. Effinger Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Fain III Ms. Debbie Greenwell Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Haines Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Harris Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mill Hartlauf Rose M. Hayden, Meichele A. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kampschaefer Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Kuerzi Mary Queen of Peace Craft Club Ms. Charlene Mueninghoff Ms. Kathleen J. Munson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Nall Notre Dame Academy Mr. John O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Perez Joe and Sue Riney Mrs. Beverly Seadler Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Seelbach Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Trivitt Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Wink Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Yeager Ms. Janet Zimmerer Lawrence P. DevocelleU Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Devocelle Sr. Mary Beatrice Donahue, OSUU Joe and Sue Riney Mable Ann Mattingly Donnelly A’58U Mr. and Mrs. Monty Fulkerson Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sanders Cecile B. DriscollU Sr. Angela Fitzpatrick, OSU Sr. Martina Rockers, OSU Sr. Mary Evelyn Duvall, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Al E. Bowling Mr. and Mrs. David E. Weimer Sr. M. Elizabeth DyeU Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weil Mary Helen EdelenU Anonymous Virginia EgartU Anonymous Mr. John F. Elder Christine ElderU Mr. and Mrs. Donald Elder J.C. EllisU Mrs. Martha Crisp Sr. Ruth Ann EssexU Mrs. Sandra Greenwell Mr. Eric Hardin Con and Marie FecherU Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stadtlander Jr. Mark FecherU Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stadtlander Jr.

Feldpausch FamiliesU Joan and Vince Frey Anita Flaugher, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Joe and Sue Riney Sr. Mary Clara FloydU Anonymous Frey FamiliesU Joan and Vince Frey Mary Margaret GaddisU Anonymous Ms. Sally Buford Mary Sue Schenk GilliansU Anonymous Friend Kevin GlynnU Ursuline Sisters Marge GodeckerU Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Fieldhouse Delores GoinsU Mrs. Martha Crisp Sr. Marita Greenwell, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Carl Greenwell Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kaelin Mrs. Ruth Metschuleit Joe and Sue Riney Ms. Mary Rose Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Wathen John A. and Patricia C. Williams Sr. Mary Clement Greenwell, OSUU Mrs. Mary Kaelin A ‘48 Tom GyurikU Ms. Rose Ann Radzelovage Mary Ann (Hagan) HallU Mr. and Mrs. Al E. Bowling Martha Jane Hager HamiltonU Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bentley Bernadette Jones Damily LLC Mr. and Mrs. James R. Clater Elizabethtown Physicians for Women PSC Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ferrara Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Gardner Dr. Charles L. Hager Hardin Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Kyle J. King Mr. John Hamilton Martinson Mr. and Mrs. Ross Martinson Mr. Harold Miller Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Donnie R. Miracle Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David N. Moose Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Purkis The Simcoe Family Mr. Emerson Veler Mr. and Mrs. Freddy Whelan Fr. Walter HancockU Mr. and Mrs. Donald Elder Mary Carol HanekampU Mrs. Martha Crisp Ira HardyU Mrs. Martha Crisp Charles Hayden IIIU Mr. Donald A. Hayden Ms. Karen Hayden, A ‘69 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayden Jr.U Mr. Donald A. Hayden Ms. Karen Hayden, A ‘69 Fr. Wilfred HaydenU Mr. Donald A. Hayden Sr. Mary Wilfrid Hayden, OSUU Mr. Donald A. Hayden Ms. Karen Hayden, A ‘69 Mrs. Pauline HaydenU D. Karen Hayden Sr. Charles Irene Hayden, OSUU Mrs. Carole M. Cada Donald A. Hayden Karen Hayden, A’69 Sue and Joe Riney Sr. Ethelreda Hayden, OSUU Anonymous Friend Joe and Sue Riney Sr. Joseph Mark Hayden, OSUU Sue and Joe Riney Sr. Mary Mercy Hayden, OSUU Anonymous Sr. Helen Hermreck, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander

Starranne Meyers and Cindy Keller Ms. Mary Minden‑Zins Ms. Frances Pearson Ms. Helen Robert Mr. and Mrs. Larry Walker Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weil Sr. Georgetta Higdon, OSUU Joe and Sue Riney Sr. Bertrand Hockstatter, OSUU Mrs. Joyce Burris Sr. Bridget HolzerU Mr. Kenneth G. Lanter Isabella “Izzy” HuhleinU Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert P. Huhlein Jr. Cory HurmU Mrs. Martha Crisp Mary Ellen JarboeU Anonymous Kelly JeffriesU Mrs. Martha Crisp Doris Thompson JohnsonU Ms. Carolyn Blanford Sr. Agnes Mary Johnson, OSUU Anonymous Jim JonesU Mrs. Martha Crisp Sr. M. Gregory Kaumans, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weil Carroll E. KemperU Sr. Angela Fitzpatrick, OSU Frances KennyU Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Butel William M. KirbyU Mrs. Carol J. Kirby Avarene KirkendollU Mrs. Martha Crisp Anna Teresa KlineU Mrs. Martha Crisp Anna Mae KnippU Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Butel Sr. Jamesetta Knott, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Anonymous Friend Ms. Alice Bland Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Francis Henning Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Knott Ms. Mary F. Macke Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mattingly Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Metzger Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Ogle Mr. and Mrs. Gary Riney Joe and Sue Riney Mrs. Mary Smith Ms. Louise Vaughn Mrs. Lisa Weidenbenner Mother M. Cecilia Koehler, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weil Sr. Mary Ann KrampeU Anthony & Angela Kaelin Joe and Sue Riney Kress FamilyU Catherine and Raymond Kress Mary KriviU Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Chorosevic Ms. Anna M. Jugan Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pohlgeers Mr. Joseph E. LancasterU Anonymous Friend Bobby LangU Mrs. Martha Crisp Dorothy LansfordU Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Butel Sr. Theodora Larson, OSUU Mr. Al O’Dell Robert E. LeachU Mrs. Martha Crisp Sr. Johanna Lechner, OSUU Lawrence D. Mattingly Sr. Theresa Ann Legeay, OSUU Anonymous Catherine Ruth LewisU Ms. Charlotte Baumgarten, C’46 George V. LiddyU Mr. and Mrs. William Buford Mr. and Mrs. T. Edward Riney Ed LogueU Ms. Marguerite Fadhl Patrick LuciusU Ms. Marguerite Fadhl

A’year or C’year: Mount Saint Joseph Academy/College graduate


Sr. Walter Louise Lush, OSUU Mrs. Mary Kaelin A ‘48 Joe and Sue Riney Mr. Drew Wheeler Sr. Henrietta Mackin, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. David Blanford Judy Cecil MartinU James and Kathy Houlihan Therese Martin MattinglyU Anonymous Stella MaupinU Ms. Jill Luckett Sr. Mary Celeste McCue, OSUU Kappa Delta Phi Sorority Sr. Frances McDonagh, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Mr. Mike Amann Ms. Patricia Ash Mrs. Nancy Lee Austin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Beck Mr. and Mrs. R. Dennis Best Art and Patricia Bowker Lloyd and Theresa Cauley Mr. and Mrs. James A. Corsi Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dauber Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dickhaut Ralph and Diane DiTucci Mr. Jim Finn Ms. Mary Ellen Finn Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. James K. Fletcher Ms. Anna Gabriel Msgr. Jerome Hartlein Holy Childhood Church Ms. Judith J. Hund Ms. Mary Ann James Cathy and Bruce Jung Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kaelin Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kassly Rebekah Mary Rose Kendrick Mrs. Marian L. Krausz Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Kreher John and Bobbie Laker Mr. Kenneth G. Lanter Ms. Linda Lehr Ms. Anne McCowen Cathy and Bridget McDonagh Mr. and Mrs. William G. Moehring Tom and Betty Norrenberns Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Renth Ms. Elizabeth A. Schoeberle Schroeder & Schroeder Law Offices, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schulte Ms. Laurine Scott Ms. Kathy Steckler Larry and Jorene Thoeming Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tighe Mr. and Mrs. James Trobaugh Mr. and Mrs. David E. Weimer Mr. Thomas B. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Brandon J. Woodrome McGovern FamilyU Catherine and Raymond Kress Mother Charles McGrath, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weil Roberta Mudd Carrico McIntyreU Bishop Ken Williams Sr. Charles Catherine Medley, OSUU Anonymous Diane and Mark Kemper Ron MehmertU Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Butel Alfred MengwasserU Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Butel Sr. Juliana Mick, OSUU Mr. John C. Klein Sr. Mary Philomena Mick, OSUU Mr. John C. Klein Hugh MillsU Mrs. Martha Crisp Patricia MuddU Anonymous Friend Mr. and Mrs. Al E. Bowling Sr. Eudocia Mudd, OSUU Anonymous Sr. Eileen Mullen, OSUU Mrs. Nancy Lee Austin Ralph and Diane DiTucci Ms. Anne McCowen Sr. Joseph Cecelia Muller, OSUU 18 Sue and Joe Riney

Billy MulliganU Mrs. Martha Crisp Dominick F. NajoliaU Sr. Angela Fitzpatrick, OSU Sr. Bertha Marie Nally, OSUU Anonymous Friend Joe and Sue Riney Sr. Agnes Leo Newton, OSUU Donald and Mary Ruth Elder Sue and Joe Riney Gerald OberstU Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gilles Mamadean OberstU Mr and Mrs. James W. Crisp Frances Mulligan O’BryanU Mrs. Martha Crisp Sr. Ursula Marie O’Bryan, OSUU Lawrence D. Mattingly Lucy O’DanielU Anonymous Friend Nora O’DellU Mr. Al O’Dell Bob OgburnU Mr. and Mrs. Al E. Bowling Jack O’HaraU Martha and Jim Crisp Albert J. OhmesU Sr. Angela Fitzpatrick, OSU Blair OldhamU Mrs. Norma O. Smith Mr. Brad Smith French OldhamU Mrs. Norma O. Smith Mr. Brad Smith Joyce OldhamU Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Butel Bob OsborneU Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Mr. and Mrs. Al E. Bowling Mrs. Martha Crisp Marjorie OsborneU Mrs. Martha Crisp Sr. Mary Jane Payne, OSUU Anonymous

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Russell Mrs. Doris M. Schutz Mr. John J. Schutz Ms. Elena G. Smith Ms. Mary Jean Sprauer Mr. Ray T. Szwarc Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Wilbert Betty Reisz Riney C’46U Ms. Charlotte Baumgarten, C’46 Charles “Charlie” RineyU Mr. and Mrs. William Buford Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ebelhar Joy and Frank Riney Mr. and Mrs. Gary Riney Joe and Sue Riney Sr. Mary Leon Riney, OSUU Vincent and Phoebe Ebelhar Joe and Sue Riney Garmin RoadenU Ms. Anna Keenan Glen RoadenU Ms. Anna Keenan Sr. Dolorita Robinson, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Anonymous Friend Joe and Sue Riney Sr. Mary Victor Rogers, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Gary Riney Joe and Sue Riney Philip O. RuplingerU Ms. Carolyn Blanford Russell FamilyU Louis & Barbara Wilbert Bert RussellU Anonymous Doris and C.A. Schutz Barbara and Louis Wilbert Sr. Joseph Adrian Russell, OSUU Joe and Sue Riney Mr. Juergen Schindler Mrs. Doris M. Schutz Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Wilbert Sr. Mary Henry Russell, OSUU Ms. Patricia Fieldhouse

A bequest is the most traditional way to provide significant help to the Ursuline Sisters. With a gift through your will or living trust, you retain full use of the gift property during your lifetime. Mr. and Mrs. Domenico PerriU Ms. Susan J. Scott Sr. Helen Marie Pfohl, OSUU Sue and Joe Riney Carolyn and Paul Tapp Ethelene PlummerU Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Butel Alfred PohlmanU Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Butel Augusta “Gussie” Powers A‘65U Sr. Martha Keller, OSU Sr. Jean Catherine Purdy, OSUU Joe & Sue Riney Sr. Elizabeth Ann Ray, OSUU Rev. Robert E. Ray Mr. and Mrs. Gary Riney Sr. Mary Rosaria Ray, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kaelin Rev. Robert E. Ray Joe and Sue Riney Mae Jean RayneU Mr. William E. Rayne James Anthony ReardenU Mrs. Martha Crisp Sr. Joseph Carmel Redmon, OSUU Anonymous Mother M. Thomas Reichert, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weil Judge Charles ReynoldsU Ms. Mary Patricia Reynolds Sr. M. Eugene Reynolds, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weil Martha Winifred Riedling A’31U Ms. Karalee R. Cain Mr. and Mrs. William S. Carrico Ms. Paulette Clephas Mrs. Mary C. Francow Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Godecker Mr. and Mrs. John Mark Madison Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. McGovern Mr. and Mrs. John M. Merkt Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Riedling

Mr. Juergen Schindler Ms. Doris M. Schutz John and Mary Schutz Louie and Barbara Wilbert Loretta RuthU Anonymous Chris RutledgeU Anonymous Sr. Magdalen Schammel, OSUU Mr. Leo Schammel Mother M. Jerome Schaub, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weil Sr. Ann Marie Scherman, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Butel Mr. and Mrs. Rob George Ms. Elizabeth A. Nick Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weil Clarence SchmidtU Sr. Angela Fitzpatrick, OSU Mary Ursula SchutzU Mr. and Mrs. James B. Russell Mrs. Doris M. Schutz Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Wilbert Mary T. SimsU Molly and Carl Greenwell Sue and Joe Riney Sue and Bryce Roberts Ms. Susan Scott Elizabeth C. SirridgeU Sr. Angela Fitzpatrick, OSU All deceased and former Ursuline Sisters of Paola, Kansas Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weil Carolyn SnyderU Mrs. Martha Crisp Sr. Jamesina Spain, OSUU Anonymous Mr. Joe Riney Bishop Ken Williams Sr. Cordelia Spalding, OSUU Joe and Sue Riney

Sr. Praxedes Spalding, OSUU Anonymous Sr. Agnes Cecilia Speak, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Joe and Sue Riney David Ruluff SpencerU Mr. Maurice S. Dunn Sr. Martha from Paola, Kan.U Mr. and Mrs. Greg L. Reis Mary Ruth StamperU Mrs. Ruth M. Metschuleit Charles SteeleU Mr. and Mrs. James W. Crisp Willa “Billie” SteinU Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gilles Robert L. StewartU Martha and James CrispU Sr. Helen Ann Stuart, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Don Fulkerson Ms. Lisa Ladnier Ms. Bonnie Snyder Mrs. Agnes Warren Stuart, A‘46 Ms. Mary Ruth Warren, A‘44 Ms. Catherine Woody Sr. Mary Virginia Sturlich, OSUU Ms. Margaret J. Boon Ms. Janet Sue Evans Ms. Louise Grosko Patrice Schmitz Hall Ph.D Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Podrebarac Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weil Carole TaylorU Mr. and Mrs. John Allen William “Buddy” TaylorU Mr. and Mrs. Al E. Bowling L. Ann ThomasU Lawrence D. Mattingly Mary Ellen ThompsonU Gary and Helen Riney Mr. Joe Riney Susan E. ThompsonU Anonmyous Walter & Bertha ThompsonU Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Yates Georgia TipmoreU Joe and Sue Riney Ursuline Sisters of MontanaU Ms. Mary Jean Niklas Ursulines, St. Joseph Mayfield Ky.U Donald and Mary Ruth Elder Sr. Mildred Berdelle Urynowicz, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weil David WaddellU Mr. and Mrs. Mark A.Thomson Ron Wadev Ms. Marguerite Fadhl Martin David Warren Sr.U Anonymous Ms. Mary C. Elder Brenda and Francis Keller Sue and Joe Riney Sr. Ancilla Marie Warren, OSUU Anonymous Sue and Joe Riney Jerry and Julie Warren Velma Warren & Family Sr. Bartholene Warren, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Gene Glenn Raymond and Kitty Kress Mrs. Agnes Warren Stuart, A ‘46 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Thompson Ms. Mary Ruth Warren, A ‘44 Sr. George Ann Warren, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Thompson Helen WarrenU Anonymous Ms. Mary Ruth Warren Sr. Mary Edgar Warren, OSUU Anonymous Jerry and Julie Warren Mrs. Velma Warren & Family William Roger WarrenU Mr. and Mrs. Don Fulkerson Ms. Mary Ruth Warren, A ‘44 Sr. Ann Victoria Wasylina, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Joe and Sue Riney Sr. George Marie Wathen, OSUU Sue and Joe Riney Ms. Nudie WeberU Mrs. Martha Crisp

Mr. Tom Vittitow Essentials Salon, Emily Fulkerson, Alicia J. Hamilton, Cathy Bennett King, Stacy Leslie, Leslie Ward, Amber Worth Excursions, Ms. Jaye Moseley Fancy Cupcakes, LLC Field Packing Co, Inc., Debbie Walker Gene’s Health Food, Inc., Gene and Nancy Clark Gifted Hand Gifts & Baskets Glenn Funeral Home, Mr. Glenn Taylor Golfland USA Golf and Hobbies Hagan’s Outdoor Equipment, Mr. Frank Hagan Haley-McGinnis & Owensboro Funeral Home, Mr. Mike Everly Hampton Inn Hayden’s Furniture, Mr. Larry Hayden HealthPark, Membership Director HealthPark, Mr. Brad Smith Holiday World and Splashin’ Safari, Ms. Lisa Bolin In Bloom, Ms. Jessica Finch International Bluegrass Music Museum, Ms. Gabrielle Gray J’s Liquor West Parrish, Mr. Jeff Sims J’s Liquors and Cheese Shop Kentucky Wesleyan College Kuntry Kutter & Gift Shop, Carl and Brenda Millay Kurtz Auction & Realty Co., Mr. Bill Kurtz Laws of Attraction Spa Limos By Knight, Mr. B.J. Burton Lotus Salon, Spa & Permanent Cosmetics Malco Theatre Inc., Ms. Camilla Lighton Maria’s Cruse Salon, Ms. Maria Toth, Ms. Robin Chappell and Ms. Sarah Long Mather & Co. CPAs LLC, Mr. Innes Mather Mike’s Automotive, Mr. Mike Goad Moonlite Bar B Q, Mr. Ken Bosley Mudd’s Furniture, Inc., Mr. Pat Franey Murphy Excavating, LLC, Mr. & Mrs. Gary Murphy Murphy’s Appliance Company, Mr. Keith Sherriff NTA Custom Jewelers, Mrs. Candy Oakes Old Hickory Bar-B-Que, Mr. Jeff Moss Owensboro Dermatology, Ms. Kathy Roby Owensboro Family Eye Care Center Owensboro Medical Health System, Mr. Jeff Barber Owensboro Symphony Orchestra, Gwyn Payne Packages Plus, Mr. Pat Osborne Papa John’s Pizza Party Paper Place, Mrs. Wilma Knott Raben Tire Sissybubs Sweets St. Louis Cardinals, Ms. Kristin Livingston Stallings Chiropratic Center, LLP, Drs. Jeffry and Brett Stallings Mr. Kenneth G. Lanter Sun Tan City Swan’s Landing Catering & Decor, Linda Clark ABC Bowling Green Auto Auction, Texas Roadhouse, Mr. Chris Blythe Mr. Jeff Greer The Earle, Mr. David R. Epling Action Pest Management, Brad Kirby Tony’s Carts, Mr. Tony Lytle Alles Brothers Furniture Co., Inc., Trison’s Gifts, Mrs. Jennie Clemons Mr. Herman Alles Tumbleweed Southwest Grill Anytime Fitness, Ms. Lisa Calloway Watkins Nursery B & J Sanitation, Mr. Jeff Wilson Welborn’s Floral Co., Mr. Carlos Knight Baker’s Rack, Mrs. Mary Dixon Baker West Daviess Co. Landfill, Mr. Mike Hamilton Barret-Fisher Co Inc., Mr. Jess and Wright Implement, Mr. Ben Wright Mark Mattingly Mrs. Joan Abell Carmen’s Skin and Body Care Ms. Charlotte Baumgarten, C’46 Carpet One Floor and Home Mr. & Mrs. Jerry F. Biscopink Casino Aztar, Ms. Angie Patton Ms. Joan Blume Charles Medley Distillers of Kentucky, Mr. & Mrs. David Boswell Ms. Barbara Poynter Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Bresnik Cheddar’s Casual Cafe Ms. Inez Brown Cheri’s Creations Inc., Cheri Middleton Ms. Josephine Browning Clark Chiropractic Clinic Ms. Olive Buehler Crandall’s Home Furnishings, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen I. Byrne Mr. Ken Crandall Ms. Carolyn Sue Cecil, A‘73 CRS One Source, Mr. Steve Frey Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cecil Culver’s Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cecil Diamond Lake Resort, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cecil Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Smith Ms. Mary Ruth Clark Diane’s Bakery Delights, Ms. Doris Ann Colgate Ms. Diane Roberts Ms. Betty Coots Domtar Mr. Victor Cosentino Edds Aesthetic Surgery Center, Ms. Ruth Carolyn Crawford Dr. Gerald Edds Mr. & Mrs. John Cummings Elizabeth Munday Center, Mrs. Rosemary Dowd Frank Wethington Sr.U Anonymous James WethingtonU Sadie and Ed Barrass Sr. Mary Bertha Wethington, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Gary Riney Joe and Sue Riney Sr. Robert Ann Wheatley, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Rob Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kaelin Linda WheelerU Mr. Drew Wheeler Sr. de Chantal Whelan, OSUU Beverly and Jerry McCandless Joe and Sue Riney Mr. Juergen Schindler Sr. Mary Emily Whelan, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Carl Greenwell Joe and Sue Riney Ruby WhiteU Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Minton Wilbert FamilyU Louis & Barbara Wilbert Sr. Theresa Marie Wilkerson, OSUU Anonymous Friend Joe and Sue Riney Sr. Dorothy Marie Willett, OSUU Beverly and Jerry McCandless Joe and Sue Riney Sr. Rosita Willett, OSUU Beverly and Jerry McCandless Joe and Sue Riney Lee and Nancy WilliamsU Bishop Ken Williams Sr. Agnes Catherine Williams, OSUU Joe and Sue Riney Ms. Mary Ruth Warren, A ‘44 Sr. Charles Asa Williams, OSUU Joe and Sue Riney Eleanor WilsonU Mrs. Martha Crisp Ray WilsonU Mrs. Martha Crisp Ms. Angela WimsattU Mr. and Mrs. John Allen Mr. and Mrs. Al E. Bowling Ms. Rose Ann Radzelovage Michael WingateU Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Butel Sr. Margaret Louise Yates, OSUU Catherine and Raymond Kress Sr. Carolita Young, OSUU Mr. and Mrs. Gary Riney Joe and Sue Riney Barbara ZacharyU Mrs. Martha Crisp Sr. Emily Zent, OSUU Ralph and Diane DiTucci Anna Gabriel


Ms. Mary Margaret Drury, A‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Duvall Ms. Judy Eves Mr. & Mrs. Juan Fernandez Sr. Helena Fischer, OSU, A‘60 Ms. Margaret Fitzgerald Drs. Vicki Frey and David Thompson Ms. Mary Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Rob George Mr. & Mrs. Paul Goebel Ms. Elaine A. Gokey Dr. and Mrs. Richard Gruenewald Mrs. Linda Gustin Ms. Debbie Hardy Sr. Marie Michael Hayden, OSU Mrs. Mary Cora Head Dan and Sherri Heckel Mrs. Melba Hightower-Smith Mrs. Carol Hill Ms. Janie Howard Ms. Eloise Hughes Ms. Ann Jacobs Ms. Susan Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Bill Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Kaelin Chris and Jennifer Kaminski Ms. Faye Kirtley Ms. Mari Lynn Korte Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lawrence Ms. Leona Lee Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Lindle Rev. Lawrence Lindle Mr. & Mrs. Cosimo Lombardozzi Mrs. Merline Long Ms. Sarah Jane Lynch Rev. Joseph A. Lyon Mr. & Mrs. Houston Marks Ms. Ellen M. Marquart Ms. Lena Marie Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Matyk Mr. & Mrs. Ron McEldowney Bishop William F. Medley Ms. Laura Merz Mrs. Ruth Metschuleit Ms. Nancy Mills, A‘72U Rev. Joseph Mills Ms. Iris Moreno-Brown Ms. Emily Morton Ms. Angela O’Bryan

Mrs. Carol A. O’Keefe Mrs. Teresa Reale Sr. Clara Reid, OSU Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Reilly Madge Reising Mrs. Susan Reiss Mrs. Suzanne E. Reiss Mr. & Mrs. Gary Riney Rev. Phil Riney Joe and Sue Riney Mrs. Norma C. Robinette, A‘54 Sr. Martina Rockers, OSU Mr. Bob Rogers Ms. Brenda Schinzel Ms. Susan J. Scott Mrs. Genevieve Siebert Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sims Mary Jean Sims Ms. Donna L. Smalls Mr. & Mrs. Roger Smith Mr. Jack R. Solar Sr. Frances Miriam Spalding, OSU, C‘40 Sr. Mary Lois Speaks, OSU, A‘62 Ms. Sandy Stahl Ms. Betty Stallings Sr. Amelia Stenger, OSU, A‘67 Mr. John Stenger Ms. Denise Stewart Ms. Joan Teder Mrs. Mary Teder Ms. Frances Kay Tichenor, A‘62 Ms. Phyllis Troutman Ms. Susan Vogel Mr. & Mrs. John H. Walsh Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Wethington Mr. & Mrs. William H. Whelan Mr. & Mrs. Ben White Mr. & Mrs. Tom White Ms. Doris Williams Ms. Annette Wimsatt Mr. & Mrs. Melville P. Windle Mr. & Mrs. John M. Wood Mr. & Mrs. John Wright Sr. Mrs. Jody F. Ziegler


Mr. Kenneth G. Lanter

AT&T United Way Texas Gas Transmission, LLC

Leaving a Legacy... Rosalyn Olinger lives in St. Louis, but grew up in a little town in southeast Missouri called Glennonville. The town was a Catholic settlement with a Catholic church and school, and a grocery that served as the town meeting place. She went to the public school staffed by teachers from Kentucky who happened to all be Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. At that time, the sisters were allowed to teach in the school because there were not enough teachers in the area. Rosalyn was one of 11 children in her family who attended St. Teresa School. In 1953, she was in the last class of the high school taught by the sisters because the state of Missouri ruled that the sisters could no longer teach in the public schools and the high school had to close. The elementary school continues to enroll children today. She remembers her teachers, Sisters Carolita, Charles Asa and Mary Charles. She said, “They taught us to do things right and to do them fast. I used that throughout my whole career at the telephone company.” Rosalyn’s sister, Sister Cecilia Joseph, serves in parishes in southeast Missouri. When asked why she included the Ursuline Sisters in her will, Rosalyn said, “I want to support my sister and her mission. The Ursulines continue to do great work. Over the years I have tried to do what I could with what God gave me. This is a way I can help.” Thank you, Rosalyn, for being a member of St. Angela’s Circle of people who remember the Ursuline Sisters in your estate plans. We are blessed to have friends like you.


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Soli Deo Gloria

We rejoice in the gifts of our sisters, given for the kingdom of God Ursuline Sister Mary Timothy Bland was named the Diocese of Owensboro, Ky., 2012 Catholic School Educator of the Year. She teaches second grade at the Owensboro Catholic K-3 Campus and has been a teacher for 44 years. “Sister Mary Timothy differentiates to meet the needs of individual students, and teaches each child they have their own gifts and talents from God,” said Principal Lori Whitehouse. The nomination included a letter from former firstgrade student, Kelley (Sims) Lambert: “My year with you was wonderful ... Without the strong start that you gave me ... without the knowledge that I knew that you thought I was good and smart and capable – my feelings about school and my life would not have been as positive.” St. James Elementary in Elizabethtown, Ky., where Ursuline Sister Michael Marie Friedman has been principal since 1990, was honored as a 2012 National Blue Ribbon School based on its overall academic excellence. It was one of 269 schools honored across the country, and one of five private schools recognized in Kentucky. “The Blue Ribbon Award is a validation for us that the strong work ethic instilled in students each day really pays off,” Sister Michael Marie said. “It is a good affirmation for the students and families, who have supported Catholic education. Everybody owns a little piece of that Blue Ribbon.”

Ursuline Sister Emma Cecilia Busam was honored Oct. 22 with the 2012 Kentucky Archives Month Certificate of Merit for Significant Service as an Archivist. The award comes from the Kentucky State Historical Records Advisory Board, which selects one person each October to honor during Archives Month. Sister Emma Cecilia took a collection of papers and other historical items and built an archive for the Ursuline Sisters beginning in 1983, following 38 years of teaching. In 1991, she became the archivist for the Diocese of Owensboro, Ky., the first person to truly occupy that position. When she retired in 2011, the Diocesan archivess became the “Sister Emma Cecilia Busam Archives.” Sister Emma Cecilia is a founding member of the Archivists for Congregations of Women Religious. Ursuline Sister Rose Jean Powers was honored with Brescia University’s Outstanding Alumnus Award for 2012. The award has been given since 1986 to honor an alum who has given outstanding service to the Alumni Association and/or Brescia University. Sister Rose Jean was a history professor at Brescia (1968-84 and 1989-92), in charge of residence halls (1971-84), campus minister (1989-97) and director of residential life (1993-2008). Now she serves as assistant in the campus bookstore.

Two Ursuline Sisters are serving in new ministries. Sister Monica Seaton (left) is now teaching elementary age students at Youth Villages, a private school dedicated to helping emotionally and behaviorally troubled children and families in Memphis, Tenn. She was most recently a special education teacher in the Daviess County (Ky.) Public Schools. Sister Marilyn Mueth (right) is now the librarian at Holy Trinity Catholic School in Fairview Heights, Ill. The school serves 247 students in grades pre-kindergarten to eighth. For the past 21 years, Sister Marilyn has been a teacher at St. James School in nearby Millstadt, Ill.

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