Fall 2004 Volume 3, No. 1
Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph Proclaiming Jesus through Education and Christian Formation
U r s u l i n e s
Ursulines Alive, Fall 2004 In this issue
Dear Friends, In this issue we celebrate transition and new life. As we ask God’s continuing blessing on the five Ursuline Sisters who have moved from community leadership into new ministries, we welcome those who have said “yes” to God and to us in accepting leadership positions for the next six years. We have asked Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan, who served as congregational leader for the past eight years, to share with us her own reflections on leadership in a religious community. Sister Rose Marita is currently enjoying a well-earned sabbatical, discerning God’s call to her for the future. We are grateful that she was willing to share her time of reflection with the readers of Ursulines Alive. Her reflections begin on page 3. In place of a short letter from the congregational leader — which will appear in future issues — we asked Sister Michele Morek, who took office on July 11, to share her insights about leadership. Her reflections, which also begin on page 3, are based primarily on the address she gave to the community on the day of her installation. This publication has begun a tradition, in the fall issue, of listing the many persons, businesses, and organizations whose generous support makes possible the ministries of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. In The Ursuline Way of Life — our constitutions — we read that “the power of the entire congregation united in the Lord is present in the ministry of each member.” We believe also that those who support and work with us are present wherever we are, reaching out to bring God’s love and care to those in need. And so this issue is a sign of our love and gratitude and the love and gratitude of those with whom we minister...together. Blessings in this beautiful season of autumn. May it bring you times of stillness and peace. It is an especially lovely time at Mount Saint Joseph. Please know that you are always welcome here.
Leadership for Growth ................... 3 Jesus is the model for those he calls to serve Leading in the Spirit of Angela Merici...3 The Pentecost fire came to rest on all of us In the Joy of Eternal LIfe .................. 4 Sister Teresita Pionke, GMHS, dies at Mount Saint Joseph Soli Deo Gloria ................................ 5 We rejoice in the gifts of our sisters, given for the kingdom of God Among Our Many Friends ................ 6 Thanks to just a few of our many partners in mission and ministry Angela Merici: Prophet of Hope ....... 7 North American Ursulines Celebrate in Pittsburgh In Deepest Gratitude ........................ 8 We thank all those who support our mission Ursuline Flatboat Adventure 2004 ... 16 A pictorial review of the highlights
Sister Ruth Gehres, OSU Editor, Ursulines Alive OUR MISSION
Ursulines Alive is published by the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, Maple Mount, Kentucky. Two Issues __ Spring and Fall __ will appear during the year 2004. Editor: Sister Ruth Gehres, OSU Photography and production assistance: Jerry Birge, Karen Heilers, Melanie Austin Mission Advancement Staff:
Sister Suzanne Sims, Director of Mission Advancement Sister Annalita Lancaster, Director of Mission Effectiveness Sister Pam Mueller, Director of Vocation Ministry Jerry P. Birge, Director of Marketing and Communications Sister Amelia Stenger, Director, Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center Marian Bennett and Sister Marietta Wethington, Co-Directors of Ursuline Partnerships Sister Ruth Gehres, Associate Director of Communications Karen Heilers, Melanie Austin, Kelly May, Administrative Assistants
We welcome your response to Ursulines Alive. Contact us at: Ursulines Alive, c/o Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount KY 42356. Phone: (270) 229-4103. Fax: (270) 229-4953. E-mail: rgehres@maplemount.org. Web site: www.ursulinesmsj.org. Cover photo: Sister MIchele Morek began a six-year term as congregational leader of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph with installation ceremonies on July 11, 2004. A native of Aztec, New Mexico, Sister Michele has served at Brescia College/University as professor of biology, chair of the math and natural science division, and academic dean/ vice president for academy affairs. She has been an Ursuline Sister for 41 years. 2
We, the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, sustained by prayer and vowed life in community, proclaim Jesus through education and Christian formation in the spirit of our founder, Saint Angela Merici. OUR VISION As Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, we will: • Commit ourselves to simplicity, hospitality, justice and service; • Reverence the values of our founding rural heritage; • Live and minister contemplatively as women of hope; • Witness gospel values through the charism of Saint Angela Merici; • Bind ourselves to one another in charity, celebrating and respecting the uniqueness of each person; • Invite and mentor new members; • Respond to the signs of the times and the needs of the Church and the world through collaborative relationships; and • Stand in prophetic witness to the world by living in right relationships with the earth and the human family to effect justice through systemic change.
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Leadership for Growth Jesus is the model for those he calls to serve by Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan, OSU
eadership is for the other. Rooted in the person and her gifts, it transcends the individual, influencing a group in a special way. Those called to leadership positions assume a generous share of responsibility for facilitating the interaction which is part of any group functioning as community. Leaders are initiators, enablers, and inspirers. The context of leadership in a religious community is further qualified by the tradition specific to each congregation. Leaders of our congregation, the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, are challenged by our founder, Saint Angela Merici, to lead others as she counseled the leaders of the Company of Saint Ursula to lead. We reflect on her vision.
Sister Rose Marita
I remind you to strive, with the help of God, to take hold of and plant within you this right conviction and humble sentiment: do not consider yourselves worthy to be leaders. Rather, regard yourselves as ministers and servants, reflecting that you have more need to serve them than they have to be served by you. (First Counsel) continued on page 4
Leadership Leading in the Spirit of Angela Merici The Pentecost fire came to rest on all of us by Sister Michele Morek, OSU
s the new Mount Saint Joseph leadership council and I began our new six-year term of office in July of this year, we were both excited and afraid…like a child on the first day of school, or like the disciples on Pentecost. When the day of Pentecost came it found them gathered in one place. Tongues of fire appeared…which came to rest on each of them. All were filled with the Holy Spirit…(and) began to express themselves in foreign tongues and make bold proclamations, as the Spirit prompted them. (Acts 2:1-4) Imagine how excited they must have been! And how fearful, too. After all, who were these people who were being asked to start a church, buck the system, and set out on a path that would lead to martyrdom for many of them? They certainly were not the scarlet-clad College of Cardinals, or a bunch of perfect saints, but a motley crowd of rough fishermen, tax collectors, and women of varied ranks and social classes. Photo at right: Congregational Leader Sister Michele Morek, seated left, is joined by her Council — Sisters Maureen Griner (seated right) and (standing from left) Barbara Jean Head, Cheryl Clemons, and Ann McGrew. continued on page 6
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Leadership for Growth continued from page 3
From the writings of Angela we can identify certain qualities desired by her for those who would lead the Company of Saint Ursula: prophetic vision, contemplative love, wisdom, loving ministry, watchful shepherding, careful service, discernment of the will of God, and embrace of the cross. Angela perceived the ministry of leadership of her Company as the most noble of all tasks. She counsels: …consider in what manner you must esteem your daughters, for the more you esteem them, the more you will love them; the more you love them, the more you will care for and watch over them. And it will be impossible for you not to cherish them day and night, and to have them all engraved in your heart, one by one, for this is how real love acts and works. And this charge must not be a burden for you; on the contrary, you have to thank God most greatly that he has deigned to see to it that you are among those he wants to spend themselves in governing and safeguarding such a treasure, his own. (Prologue to the Counsels) Leadership adapts to the people who are involved. Leadership, to be efficacious, also adapts to reality, to events, and to the times. Above all, leadership is creative. It is important for leaders of the 21st century to envision themselves as citizens of the world with a much larger field of vision and values. Building partnerships and alliances of all kinds is more important for today than it was in the past. Leaders place a high priority on developing and animating relational skills in themselves and others, forming a we that includes and vivifies community members in relationship to mission. Spirited leadership draws on much more than skills and competencies. As with religious life itself, there is always at work the more which is mystery, grace, and the power of God’s Spirit. At the core of leadership is the ability to reflect on, digest, and learn from one’s experience and to do so in solitude and in community. Leadership is always assessing the present moment in the light of the long-term life and character of the community. Decisions are made that take the total context of the present moment into consideration. Leadership always moves toward the religious act rather than that which is administrative.
Leadership takes place in a context of change. Leaders search for a balance between a community’s aspirations and its capacity to achieve. It is the role of leadership and of creative leadership to formulate the strategies for change and especially to accompany persons through these changes. Change requires time, resources, and personal energy. The deeper the change, the more is required in terms of time, resources, and energy for implementation. What is most important is growth in the leaders and in the members. The remarkable thing is that each and all of us have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change yesterday, we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. We are responsible for our attitudes. Attitudes are more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearances, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a leader; it will make or break a community. Victor Frankl has said that everything can be taken from us but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances. Members expect hope and trust from leaders. Hope is primordial, signifying that there are tomorrows that beckon and new possibilities. The future is built today, where the seeds for the better or for the worse are already sown. Everything depends on the
vision and the price leaders and community members are ready to pay to achieve it. We hear the voice of our founder, Angela, echoing in our hearts: Have hope and firm faith in God, for he will help you in everything (Prologue to the Counsels). Jesus, the Son of God, is the model for leadership. Jesus changed the distress of the disciples on the road to Emmaus into a new energy and a new desire to share with others in community. In these times of unceasing change, leaders, more than ever, need a deepening understanding of what it means to be called by Christ to serve. Leaders need to have a passion for the person of Christ and a desire to be where he is. “The Son of Man has come not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many” Mark 10:45. Again, we hear the voice of Angela: For in these perilous and pestilential times, you will find no other recourse than to take refuge at the feet of Jesus Christ (Seventh Counsel). And what does the cross teach us? The cross is not about suffering, the cross is about love. And when we love, we stretch out our hands in the form of the cross. We are capable of giving and receiving. Leadership is for the other. ! Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan served as congregational leader of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 1996-2004. She previsously served as a member of the Council, as vocation director, and in education and pastoral ministry.
In the Joy of Eternal Life Glenmary Sister Teresita Pionke, 87, died July 10 at Maple Mount. She came in 1994 to reside in Lourdes Hall, the former infirmary, and moved to Saint Joseph Villa with its completion in 2002. A native of Chicago, Sister Teresita was a member of the Glenmary Home Mission Sisters of America for 51 years. She ministered in small towns and rural communities in Ohio, Kentucky, and Georgia. She taught catechetics, visited the destitute, and was a hospital chaplain. She was the driving force behind the establishment of a training center and group homes for women in Burke County, Georgia. Sister Teresita is survived by her sister, Frances Pionke of Niles, Illinois, her Glenmary Community, and her many Ursuline friends. A memorial Mass was celebrated on July 21 at Saint Stephen Cathedral, Owensboro.
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Soli Deo Gloria We rejoice in the gifts of our sisters, given for the kingdom of God
Sister Margaret Ann Zinselmeyer, assistant director of Hope House Day Care Center, in Memphis, was recognized September 26 for her service as a professional caregiver in the HIV/AIDS community. Recognition took place during an AIDS Healing Service at Calvary Episcopal Church. Hope House director Betty Dupont said that Sister Margaret Ann “helped open the doors of Hope House over nine years ago, and she continues to open the minds and hearts of the Hope House children and their families today.” She described Sister as the guardian angel of the children and parents who come to Hope House — “a shoulder to cry on, a friend with a listening ear, and a financier to help them find the financial means to make changes in their lives.” Dr. Dupont said that “she is a Roman Catholic Sister in faith, but more importantly, she is a sister, a mother, and a friend in her heart to all.” Hope House is a nonprofit agency committed to familycentered, community-based, coordinated care for children ages six weeks through six years who are infected or affected by HIV and AIDS. Sisters Marita Greenwell and Marie Bosco Wathen received 30-year service awards at the Brescia University Awards Banquet on August 19. Sister Marita served as the longtime director of the university’s Contemporary Woman Program, for which she still directs noncredit seminars. She has directed the Parish Outreach Speakers Program, has served on the staff of the counseling center, and has been a member of the Ministry Formation Advisory Committee. Her many awards include being named Woman of the Year by the Owensboro Business and Professional Women’s Organization. Sister Marie Bosco served as associate professor of education and coordinator of the middle grades program. She developed the middle grades certification program, for which she was commended by the Kentucky Department of Education. She worked diligently in numerous accreditation processes, helped students with certification and suppported them in student teaching. Former students remember her as a person of inspiration, full of humor and insight and always ready to listen. Currently she works at Brescia as assistant in institutional research. Sister Sandra Elder has been appointed treasurer and business administrator of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. Previously she has served as assistant treasurer with the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catharine and director of finance for the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth. She holds an M.S. in Management and a B.S. in Business Administration from Brescia University.
Sister Mary Diane Taylor, chair of the Division of Fine Arts at Brescia University, recently displayed stained glass works as part of a faculty exhibit at the university. Sister Mary Diane’s work included eight pieces, most of which were represented by photographs, since they are already installed in various homes. Besides courses in stained glass, Sister Mary Diane also teaches printmaking, calligraphy, and art history. She is in her 38th year of full-time service at Brescia. Sister Mary Clement Greenwell received a 20year service award from the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). She has been one of several retired Ursulines who regularly visit the senior nutrition site in Curdsville — just two miles from the Mount, for meals, recreation, and crocheting of baby blankets for HANDS (Health Access Nurturing Development Services), which serves families with newborns. Now confined to a wheelchair, Sister Mary Clement no longer travels to Curdsville, but she continues to crochet blankets at home. A teacher for almost 50 years, Sister Mary Clement celebrated her 75th jubilee as an Ursuline Sister in 2002. We salute Sister Jane Miriam Hancock for her dedication of many years as an ambassador for the Mount picnic. This year alone, she sold over 28,000 raffle tickets — about half of all tickets sold — face to face to our Ursuline friends in central and western Kentucky. We are grateful for those persons who know our mission and support our retired sisters because of Sister Jane Miriam. We thank God for her good health, enthusiasm, and willingness to live “out of a suitcase” for many weeks each summer. She has been an Ursuline for 62 years and was a teacher for 50 years. Sister Martha Keller has been named to the Steering Committee of the Ursuline Society, representing the Western Triad that includes Ursuline communities in Belleville, Illinois, Paola, Kansas, and Maple Mount, Kentucky. She was appointed by the congregational leaders of these communities. The purpose of the Ursuline Society is to “create a new model of Ursuline community together,” and to “establish new patterns of relationship among us that will take us beyond collaboration and toward integration.” Members are the nine independent Ursuline congregations in the United States. Sister Martha is pastoral associate and director of faith formation for St. Stephen Cathedral Parish, Owensboro. continued on page 7
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Leading in the Spirit of Angela Merici continued from page 3
We, like they and like other leaders, are ordinary people sometimes asked or expected to do extraordinary things. But wait — all of us have been called, and it was on all of us that the fire of the Spirit rested. On July 11, in my opening address to the community, I asked the sisters to close their eyes and list the expectations they had of their new leadership — what they hoped we would do, what they hoped we would not do, what they hoped would happen in the next six years. Then I challenged them to ask themselves what they were willing to do to make their expectations a reality. Any group of people is a living system, and every living system has within it the energy, wisdom, and skills needed to function and grow. And every member of every group is responsible for making that happen. It’s up to the leaders to channel the energy, to free the wisdom, and to promote the skills of the group. Everyone has an image of what a leader should look like. What’s your image? A knight with upraised sword? A bearded, sandaled guru? Someone on a throne? I think perhaps the best leaders are invisible. You might not know they are there, but if they have done their job you can see the effects of their leadership in the group they lead. How will we know, at the end of our six-year term, whether we have been successful leaders? If we have been “midwives,” creating a climate where creativity flourishes and where gifts buried deep are brought to light. If we have been “cheerleaders,” empowering and encouraging
Among Our Many Friends... Ursuline Associate Bonnie Marks completes her third year as chairperson of the annual Mount Picnic, a benefit for the retired sisters. Her leadership and dedication remind us of those who accompanied Saint Angela in her ministry, giving good advice and working with her for the good of others. She has graciously shared her many talents and enlisted those of many others during these three years. The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph give thanks to God for Bonnie and her family. Associates Paul and Jean Thieneman graciously hosted more than 80 guests at a a cheese and wine reception May 11 at Ferd Grisanti’s Restaurant in Louisville to promote the Flatboat Adventure. Sister Suzanne is shown presenting the Thienemans with a token of appreciation during a brief program at the restaurant. The brother of Ursuline Sister Rosalin Thieneman, Paul sends a yearly gift — a truckload of fruit baskets from Paul’s Markets — to be raffled in the Fruit Booth at the Mount Picnic. 6
and keeping hope alive. If we have been “optometrists,” helping our sisters to see what a treasure our community has been in the past, to see the good we are doing in the present, and to see where we are being called in the future. Midwives, cheerleaders, and optometrists…rather odd images of leadership for you! Yet those three approaches to leadership can be found in the writings of our founder, Saint Angela Merici. Leaders of religious communities like the Ursulines and Angelines and other groups which claim Angela as their founder have the rare privilege of having a set of directives which were actually written just for them! Angela’s Counsels (addressed to the “Colonelli,” or leaders of her early Company) are a rich source of insight into the qualities of leadership that she valued. She wants her leaders to be INVISIBLE. “Do not consider yourselves worthy to be leaders. Rather regard yourselves as ministers and servants.” “Consider yourselves less than they.” She instructs them to be humble, tactful, and gentle; to lead by modeling virtue and by doing everything that is expected of the other sisters. Angela’s Counsels are full of words that would apply to MIDWIFE leaders: advice to be kind, gentle, compassionate, and advice on how to empower others. She must have been a real CHEERLEADER herself, for her writings are full of calls to support, encourage, and comfort. “Go often…and visit them,” she urges, and “lift the hearts” of the sisters. Finally, Angela was a great OPTOMETRIST leader herself, translating her childhood visions into a way of life for women that was revolutionary in the Church of that time. Yet she allowed her daughters the freedom to see and follow their own visions, telling them to “Do what has to be done,” and — one of the most notable lines in any of the original early religious rules — “If according to times and circumstances, the need arises to make new rules or do something differently, do it prudently and with good advice.” Even in the Old Testament (with all its wars and intrigue and violence) great leaders — even warrior leaders — are most commonly described as just, fair, wise, gentle, and humble…far from the image of the knight with upraised sword. And we who are Christian find in the person of Jesus the ideal of a compassionate healer and humble servant, who taught the best lesson on leadership with a towel around his waist before the last supper. Every one of us is called to leadership at some point, whether in our family, in a small group of friends, or in our church or civic communities. The lessons of leadership we find in Jesus or Angela are applied even by best-selling management authors Peter Drucker or Max DePree, and are aptly summed up by the Chinese philosopher Lao Tse, who said, “When the best leader’s work is done, the people say, ‘We did it ourselves!’” ! Sister Michele Morek is congregational leader of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. She was a member of the Council, 1992-2000.
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Angela Merici: Prophet of Hope North American Ursulines celebrate in Pittsburgh by Sister Suzanne Sims, OSU
ome 350 Ursuline Sisters and Associates of North America came together in Pittsburgh for the fourth triennual Ursuline Convocation, July 16-18, 2004. Those gathered celebrated the charism of Saint Angela Merici in three languages and a rich diversity of cultures and expression. This convocation energized gifts of prayer, faith sharing, ritual, song, and challenging speakers to engage the participants in reflection on “Saint Angela: Prophet of Hope for Our Day.” Mary McCormick, OSU, from the Youngstown community, provided an insightful presentation of Saint Angela’s time compared with our own. Sister Mary proposed that both times in social and church history call for the kind of prophetic imagination that Angela Merici put into the founding of the Company of Saint Ursula. Our Ursuline congregation, according to Sister Mary, can be a “natural habitat for nurturing prophetic voices” in our church and in our world. The “constructive” or prophetic imagination flourishes in an environment where persons reflect on and establish right relationships by endeavoring to acquire the skills of contemplative dialogue and remaining faithful to personal and communal prayer.
Ursulines of Mount Saint Joseph who participated in the 2004 Ursuline Convocation are, front from left: Sisters Pam Mueller, Nancy Murphy, Cecelia Joseph Olinger, Suzanne Sims. Back row: Sisters Vickie Cravens, Clarence Marie Luckett, Ruth Mattingly, Mary Angela Matthews, Jean Richard Stukenholtz, Clara Reid, Ann McGrew, Barbara Jean Head, Maureen Griner.
Thirteen Ursulines of Mount Saint Joseph attended the convocation. Several of them, reflecting on this experience, wrote that the sharing at their tables helped them to be more hopeful and excited about being Ursuline. They found it easy to meet and talk with other Ursulines, even though they had come as strangers to one another.. The spirit of Saint Angela present in the assembly helped some to experience her as more alive in daily life and very much in tune with the Scriptures. The gifts of Saint Angela’s charism among the differing congregations removed the normal barriers, creating spiritual bonds of trust, prayerfulness, and hopefulness for our shared future. ! Sister Suzanne Sims is Director of Mission Advancement for the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. She has served in congregational leadership, as a college president, in elementary and college education, and in parish ministry.
Soli Deo Gloria continued from page5
Sister Marie Julie Fecher was a recipient of the Maple Leaf Award during the annual Mount Saint Joseph Alumnae Reunion, May 1416. The award honors graduates of Mount Saint Joseph Academy or College who “are making a difference by their service to their church, Mount Saint Joseph, or the community at large.” An Ursuline Sister for 62 years, Sister Marie Julie ministered as a musician and teacher for 50 years, including 18 years at Brescia College. She continues to serve as liturgist and organist at the motherhouse. She was nominated for the award as a person who “shares her many gifts spontaneously and generously,” and one “whose greatest gift is empathy with the joys and pains of others.”
Sister Grace Simpson was honored for 20 years of service at a Louisville Catholic Charities staff recognition luncheon on September 3. As a caseworker at the Sister Visitor Center, Sister Grace interviews persons seeking help and leads a corps of volunteers in providing groceries, transportation, financial assistance, and many other services for the needy. “Grace goes beyond the call of duty in order that the poor receive what they need,” says Sister Margaret Marie Greenwell, a fellow worker at Sister Visitor. Sister Julia Marie Head, pastoral associate at Immaculate Parish, Owensboro, is the 2004 winner of the Bishop John J. McRaith Catechetical Award. Her pastor, Father Timothy Sweeney, OSB, recognized Sister Julia’s “almost total commitment to catechetical work,” noting that “she seems to be constantly thinking of ways to improve what’s being done.” In accepting the award, Sister Julia acknowledged the lifelong influence of her parents and grandparents, teachers, pastors, and fellow ministers.
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In Deepest Gratitude We thank all those who support our mission Each year we honor those whose stewardship of God’s gifts to them has blessed our congregation. We name them in this fall issue of Ursulines Alive as one way of showing our gratitude. As we list the following donors at various levels of giving, we gratefully acknowledge that every gift is important to our mission of teaching the Gospel of Jesus and Christian formation in the spirit of Saint Angela Merici. Your parnership in our ministry gives praise to our God. If we have made an error, please let us know so that we may correct it. We apologize if any names have been incorrectly placed or omitted. Please send corrections to: Sister Suzanne Sims, (270) 229-4103, extension 284, or ssims@maplemount.org. Gratefully yours in peace, signature Sister Suzanne Sims, OSU, Director of Mission Advancement
Saint Joseph Partners Annual Giving: July 1, 2003 — June 30, 2004 Founders: gifts of $25,000 or over Benefactors: gifts of $10,000-24,999 Patrons: gifts of $5,000-9,999
Investors: gifts of $2,500-4,999 Providers: gifts of $1,000-2,499 Sponsors: gifts of $500-999
Supporters: gifts of $250-499 Contributors: gifts of $100-249 Friends: gifts of $1-99
*Mount Saint Joseph Center Donor
**Community and Center Donor
Benefactors Therese Lawson Bob and Imelda Beam Patrons Peg Eileen Bourke C’48 Genevieve and Stanislaus+ Stelmach
Sr. Marie Bosco Wathen, OSU Nancy Wilson Sharon and Peter Wilson Robert and Clara Zoeller
Sponsors Agapita C’40 and Roque Abeyta Joseph and Rachel Ballard** Investors BKD Foundation Basilica of Saint Joseph Christine and Thomas Borders Sr. Mary Regina Boone, OSU** Al and Mary Bowling Ann O. Bresler Jeanne and Amos Brashear Christian Brothers Conference Cambron Chevrolet-Buick, Inc. Mary Sue and Bennett S. Ligon, Jr. Isabel Clark Saint Stephen Cathedral Parish Bernard Craycroft** Ann A’52 and Samuel DeCapua** H. R. Dempf Providers Acme Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Co., Inc. Karen and Thomas Goebel* Karen Hayden A’69 Bank One Investment Management Dr. W.D. and Margaret Higdon Beverly A’58 and Richard Boeckmann Myrna and Don Hinkebein Kathleen and Charles Daugherty Homes by Benny Clark, Inc. Paul and Carol Deringer Sr. Mary Clarentia Hutchins, OSU Robert and Kaye Dockson Independence Bank Ft. Knox Consolidated* Aurelia and William Inkret Hager Educational Foundation Molly Jacques Sr. Jane Irvin Hancock, OSU, C’47 Harry Roberts Plumbing and Heating Inc.** Kappa Delta Phi Knights of Columbus #3379 Gerald Hubbs Rev. Joseph Lyon** Hyland Filter Service, Inc. John and Karen Manning Knights of Columbus #1315 Marilyn and William Young Loomis Sayles & Company, L.P. Charitable Foundation Mercy Health Partners-Kentucky/Indiana Elizabeth C’37 and Raymond Martin** Helen Miles Anna Mattingly A’66* Rev. Joseph M. Mills Jon and Connie Meyer Morgan Keegan Sr. Marie Montgomery, OSU Newcomb Oil Co. Leroy and Ann Mudd Old National Bank On Site Eye Care, L.L.C. RBS Design Group Frances Pionke Sr. Joseph Adrian Russell, OSU, A’32 Ronald and Carolyn Proctor Mike and Patricia Sullivan** James Robinson Robert and Faye Thieneman Saint Mary Magdalene Parish Sr. Rosalin Thieneman, OSU Donald and Dianna Skeeters Ann Thomas A’59 Bobbie Smith Monica Thompson A’71 Drs. Vicki and David Thompson Bertrand and Barbara Trompeter Janet and Robert Todd Wasatch Advisors, Inc.
Cyril Uhing Wilkerson Plastering & Acoustics Inc. Mary Joan and Joseph+ Zink Supporters John and Therese Allen Mary Aughe* Alice Ann A’68 and Jerry Biscopink** Patricia O. and H. J. Bobzien, Jr. Juanita Burke A’50** Mildred Carrico A’61 Ann A’62 and Robert Caspar Carolyn Cecil A’73 Andrew and Helen Annette Chavez David Clark Patrick Coburn John and Robyn Davenport Marian and Kenneth Deardorff* Tony and Linda Dunkel** Sean Fleischman Sr. Mary Cabrini Foushee, OSU Rose and William Foushee** Martha Frost A’67** Ann Settles A’55 and Albert Gibbs** Christopher and Jennifer Glaser S. Lewis Guthrie Joe and Marie Hancock Nancy Hansen Sr. Charles Irene Hayden, OSU, A’30*+ Margie Hill Bruce and Mildred Horrom James and Kathy Houlihan Dan and Ann Klaffer Sarah Kranz A’72 Robert and Carole Lastufka Bernice Mattei Marilyn Mercer Gary and Serafina Mesnier Arleen and Mike Naglich** Clare A’46 and John Owdziej Sr. Jean Madeline Peake, OSU Susan and Louis Reiss Mary Rhodes Gary and M. Helen Riney T. Edward and Mary Riney A’66 Roberts Motor Sales, Inc.*
Saint Aloysius Church Rose and Stanley Sauer Mike and Janice Scherm Marion Shreiner A’69 Linda T. Skeeters Tel/Systems Inventory Management Martin Thieneman Teresa Thompson Frances Tichenor A’62 James and Bernadette+ Trapp Pamela and John Tyndall Ursuline Sisters Of Belleville Anna and Thomas Walker Nancy A’55 and George Walz Rose and David+ Warren* Mary Jo Wathen Charles and Barbara Whelan Pauline and Gene Wink Mark and Hazel Wurth Contributors Advanced Eye Care Robert and Margaret Algermissen Alternative Home Health Care Edna and James Angle* Terri Aull Edward and Susan Aylward Vincent Bailey Lawrence and Mildred Ballard III Teena Barber Bert Barker Barret-Fisher Co. Inc* Frederick and Margaret+ Barton David and Nancy Bell Mary Berger A’55 Stephen and Jean Berry Dennis Bickett Jr.* Patricia and Thomas Bishop Donald Bittel Mary Jane A’58 and Donald Blandford* Rosemarie and Bill Bogal-Allbritten Gladys and Al Boone Marvin and Dot+ Boone Doug and Sue Borders Betty Boren
Sr. Vivian Bowles, OSU, A’57** Joe and Pam Bowling Marcella A’63 and Thomas Brady Marilyn and Joseph Brookman Sharon and Don Brown** Josephine Browning F. Adrian Bumpus* James and Mary Burke Mike and Paula Burke Thomas Burke William Callis, D.M.D. Martha Campbell C’41 E. L. Capoferri Violet Cassidy Robert and Mary Caster Ed and Gloria Cecil Pamela Chapman* Raymond and Diane Charette** Cecil and Gene Chinn Dwayne and Marilyn Clemons Marie Collins A’75* Linda and Guy Connor, Jr. Betty Constantine A’53 Eleanor A’56 and George Cooke John and Vickie Cotthoff Council of Catholic Women Della and Gerald Craig Ruth Crawford Betty Culver** Elaine Currier Beth and Luke Curtsinger John Dant Anita and John+ Davis Anita M. Davis Louis and Martha Dawson Mary Jo DeAngelis A’41 Ione and Clemens Deken Rev. Roy Dentinger John and Virginia Dink, Jr. Dr. Peter and Lelea Doll Joseph and Linda Donahue Gene and Larry Dowdy Patrick and Ann Doyle Mary Phoebe A’39 and Vincent Ebelhar Raphael Ebelhar Teresa and Vince Edwards Rose Mary Egli Donald and Mary Elder Susan and David Elkow Shurilda and B. Embry Dr. J. Jerome and Paula Fargen Diane and Con Fecher, Jr. Kay and Mark Fecher Jeff and Donna Ferguson Pamela Fleitz George and Jayne Flynn Dorothy and Reyburn Ford* Rev. Meldon Hickey, Jr., OFM Joan and Vince Frey Louise Gaddie A’45** Maria and Robert Galles E. Maxine Gasser Mildred and Robert Gilles Gregory and Linda Gleis Marjorie Godecker Paul and Wilma Goebel Rev. Donald Goetz Joseph Goetz Joe and Clara+ Gomez Joyce A’56 and Bernard Grady Robert Grady* Ziba Graham, Jr.* Dale Gray Joseph and Paula Greenwell Leah Greer Aline and Don Greer Janet A’56 and Gerald Griffin Julie and Roger Gstalder, M.D. Sr. George Mary Hagan, OSU*
Merwyn and Joseph Hagan Victor and Barbara Hagman Rosco and Judith Hamilton Violet Hamilton A’54 David Hancock* Margie A’45 and Michael Hardesty** Cecilia and Phillip Harnden The Harpeth Hall School Robert and Michelle Harris Ann Hassett* Donald Hayden Gerald and Susan Hayden Mary and Delbert Hayden Bernadette A’62 and Jerome Henning** Phyllis and Daryl Henry Sr. Theresa Margaret Hite, OSU Edward and Karen Hodskins Norma and Edward Huber Tom and Mary Hunter Ann and Robert Hurst William and Lisa Inkret Chico and June Irizarry Margaret and Stanley Irvin J.J.&B. Hillard W.L. Lyons, Inc. Joanne and George Jenkins John L. Worth & Associates Walt and Ann+ Jordan Emil and Flora+ Kaelin Charles and Linda Kamuf Richard Kamuf Kappa Delta Phi Sorority Gerald and Sharon Karem Catherine Keene Imelda and Jay Kelly Mary Anne Kevil A’58 Regina King Knights of Columbus Council #6743 Patricia and Charles Knott Stacie and Marcus Koepke Raymond and Catherine Kress Paul Kuerzi Henry and Frances+ Labiche Robert and Mary Lancaster David Lanham Joyce and Ray Leigh Sr. Pat Leighton, GHMS Michael Lemm Rachel and Richard Levine Rev. Fidelis Levri, GHM Rose A’58 and Richard Lewis Mary Liggett A’40* Michael and Gloria Lindemann Patricia Livers C’46 Adele Lohman A’42** Lourdes High School Edwardine and Charles Luckett W. Lunsford Michael and Diana Lush John Magel John and Kathy Mardis James and Betty Martin James and Mary Mattingly Joseph and Thelma Mattingly Romano and Helen Mazzoli** Mary McCarthy A’40 Teresa McCowen Cecilia A’66 and Ron McEldowney Rev. Alan McIntosh Mary and James McKinzie Rev. Arnold Meiring Francis and Mary Mellen Jan and Joe Melton Ursula and Donald Metzger J. Gerth and Mary Aloysia+ Meyer James and Joan Meyer Jeffrey and Rosemary Miano Lisa Mitchell Donald and Joan Monaghan
Stella Montoya Mildred and Ervin Moore Jack and Betty Morgan Rebecca A’71 and Stephen Morris** Don and Janet Mott Polly and Wilson+ Mouser Joseph and Patricia Mudd David and Bonnie Mueller Sr. Rita Mullen, OSB Dr. John and Cynthia Mulligan Thomas and Mary Murray Marita Neichter** Raymond and Nina+ Nichols Becky Noel Leonard and Patty Norcia Mary and Joseph Nugent Herman and Maggie O’Bryan Ruby C’48 and Charles O’Bryan Rita Oliver Omico Inc. Anthony O’Reilly Drs. Joseph and Felicity Polio Owensboro Body Shop Owensboro Grain Company Rev. Julian Pank Walter+ and Lois+ Parenteau James Paxton Ron and Denise Payne Debra and James Peak Betty A’66 and Mike Pontarolo Carolyn Poston Ronald Presser PVF Supply Company Marie and William Quilty, Jr. Radiation Oncology P.S.C. Doris Raidt Robert Ray Dr. R. Douglas Reed Mary Regan Suzanne and Donald Reiss John and Margaret Reisz Rev. C. Phillip Riney Faye and Charles+ Riney Guy Riney Philip Riney Thomas Riney Rev. W. Jerry Riney Sr. Judith Nell Riney, OSU, A’65* Lawrence and Joyce+ Robbins Roberta Sue Robert Norma Robinette A’54 Marianna A’60 and Larry Robinson Joseph and Daisy Rocha Sam and Edith Rosen Sara and Thomas Royal Vicky and Neil Rudy* Rusher Construction Co., Inc. Richard Ryan Saint Alphonsus Parish Saint John’s Youth Group Saint Joseph Parish Saint Martin Parish Saint Mary High School Saint Paul School Joann and Francis Sattler Barbara and Frank Schnapf* Thomas and Virginia Schnellenberger Edgar Schulz Joseph and Charlann Schwan Susan A’62 and David Schwerdtfeger Susan Scott Brenda and John Semar Jeanette and Stephen Shaughnessy Marian Shircliffe Thomas and Mayra Short Rev. Martin Siebenaler William and Mary Skees Marjorie A’53 and Robert Slack Mary and Alexander Slouka Debbie and Daniel Smith
Saint Angela Merici Heritage Society This distinction of membership in the Saint Angela Merici Heritage Society is reserved for living persons who have either given the community a planned gift or told us of a gift in their estate plans. We owe a special debt of gratitude for this generosity in the form of bequests, charitable annuities, and other forms of charitable giving. We are blessed by their thoughtful stewardship. Anonymous Rev. Leo Craycroft Joe Gomez Frances and Bernard+ Head Rev. Joseph Lyon Raymond James Maras Cletus Oberst Rev. C. Phillip Riney Sue Thomas A’42 and Joseph C. Riney Susan J. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Trompeter
Bequests The following persons of faith now share in the Ursuline legacy in the company of Saint Angela and all our beloved dead. In life, they made a decision to share a bequest with us. Since their deaths, we ask God to reward them with eternal life, for their good works go with them. They shall “shine as stars for all eternity” (Daniel 12:3) for their support of the Ursuline mission and ministries. Mary O. Carpini Suzetta Ebelhar A’36 Jane Fulton
Ann B. Smith Cartmell Wheeler
Congratulations! We lift our hats and congratulate Father Phil Riney, brother of our late Sister Mary Leon Riney, who celebrates his 80th birthday November 5. Father Phil’s priestly ministry continues to touch many people, as he substitutes in parishes around the Owensboro Diocese and, during his winter vacation, in Florida. On weekdays he’s usually enjoying retirement in his home on Rough River Lake, where he nurtures a beautiful yard and hosts fellow priests for golf and cards. Your Ursuline Sisters wish you many more happy, health years, Father Phil. Happy Birthday! Joe and Sue Riney also celebrated 80th birthdays this summer, and their 60th wedding anniversary in September. Sue and Joe, our former farm manager, lived many years at the Mount and reared seven wonderful children here: Mary Jo Kirby, Louisville; T. Edward, Owensboro; Father Jerry, Holy Spirit Parish, Bowling Green; Janet Murphy, Owensboro; Bob, Dallas; Jane Gaffey, Aurora, Colorado, Maria Thompson, Owensboro; and Ann Culver, Atlanta. From his family Joe received a trip back to Japan, where he served in World War II. Sue’s daughters and daughter-in-law, Mary Rose, took her to Las Vegas. We thank Joe and Sue for their longlasting friendship with the Ursuline Sisters and ask God to continue to bless them as they enjoy many more years together.
U r s u l i n e s
Loretta Sommerhauser Donald and Sharon Speaks Leta A’39 and Joseph+ Speaks Margaret and William Stadtlander, Jr. Dolores Stallings Stallings Chiropratic Center, LLP* Karen Steckol, Ph.D. Robert Steele* Francis and Jean Steffen** Gerald Stith Pat and Marnita Strehl Catharine Stryjak Carl Stukenholtz Ron and Cissy Sullivan C. Waitman, Jr., and Pat Taylor** Joan Teder Mary and Urban+ Teder Earl and Mary Thieneman Dan and Sandra Thomas Sr. Mary David Thomas, OSU Michele Thomas, Ph.D.** Albert and Cloa Thompson** Lisa Thompson Mary Thompson Dolores C’50 and Francis Thomson Mary Tierney Barbara and Charles Tilford Judy Timko Dorothy Tipmore Phyllis A’63 and Michael Troutman Jean Tuggle William and Betty Ulrich Underwriters Safety & Claims, Inc. Ursulines of Cincinnati, Inc. Tom Voss David Vowels, Sr. Steve and Elizabeth Walker Cheryl Wanya Raymond and Barbara Weidenbenner** Robert and Ann Wethington Ann and Guy+ Whelan Donald Whelan Donald and Lois Whelan Sr. M. de Chantal Whelan, OSU, A’33 Sr. Mary Emily Whelan, OSU, C’39
Ike and Marianna Barber Francis and Kathleen White Ernestine C’50 and Herman Barr Geneva and Ben White Orville and Bernice Barr, Jr. James and Julie White Albert and Dorothy Barth Mildred Whittington Sr. Agnes Catherine Williams, OSU, A’23 G. Michael and Terri Barton Carolyn and Bill+ Baseheart Wilmes Windows Mfg. Lola and Willard Basham* Vance Wilson Barb Bath* Wayne and Diane Wilson Frank Batillon Mary Wimsatt Charlene and Harry Baumgarten Yvonne Wimsatt Dr. James and Gail Baumgarten Frances and Charles Wirth Kenneth and Mary Baurle William and Shannon Wright Mary and Gabriel Becker Ruth and Joseph Wright-Welzen Mary A’37 and Bernard Becker The Yardley Group Elizabeth Belcher A’65 Joseph Young James and Joan Bell Mary Rose Zink Malcolm and Nancy Bell Arthur and Mary Zinselmeyer Joanne Benim Margaret and Michael Bennett Friends M. Elaine Berlejung Mary and Marion+ Abell Judy Bickett Joyce and Rob Alexander Marietta and James Bickett Ronnah and Tracy Alexander Jean Biedermann A’41 Betty A’44 and George Allard Cyril Birge Joseph and JoAnna A’57+ Allen** + Jerry and Mag Birge Curtis and Barbara Alvey Joseph and Jill Birge Herman and Emogene Alvey Robert and Barbara Birge Mary and Charles Amback Pete and Hazel Bissaillon Martha Anderson Dolores Black Helen Anselm Fannie Blackburn Dr. Cecilia Arbuckle Patricia and Dean Blair Jennifer Armendarez Terry and Carol Blake Peter and Maureen Armendarez Joseph and Claudine Blandford Ruby Armstrong Robert Blandford Rose Austin Carolyn Blanford Rebecca Autry Lana Blow Ann Averill Jill Boitnott Kenneth and Joan Aylor Pete and Mary Bono Ada Bader Catherine and Paul+ Booker I. Elliott Badger Marian and Joe+ Boone Alice and Charles+ Bagot Martha Boone Carolyn and John Bair Mary and Garland Boone Patricia and Roger Baker Richard and Faye Booth Patricia Baldwin Luke and Mary Borger Bobby and Rosalie Ballard Linda and A. Borton Thomas and Mary Ballard Paulette and Larry Boswell Sr. Catherine Barber, OSU
Raymond and Mildred Boubek Stephen and Rosa Bourg Agatha and Royce Bowden E. Thomas Bowers Lynne and Joseph Bowling Martin Bowling Sarah Bowling Doris and James Bowman Warren and Blanche Boyle Mary Braden A’45 James and Mary Brand Margaret and John Braun Robert and Mary Breedlove Monica and Edward Breitholle Mary Breslin James and Mary Brey Shirley Brickler Sue and Ed Brodt** Angela Brown Bob and Rebecca Brown** Brenda Brown John Brown John and Betty Brown Mary A’57 and William Brown Rebecca and William Brown William and Opal Brown Kathy Browning Mary and Michael Broyles Faye A’77 and Joel Bruce Michael and Sarah Brumley James and Emma Brumlow Bernice Brunner Mary Bryant** Charles and Gwen Buckman James and Dorothy Buckman Myrtle and Marion Buckman Sharon Buckman* Patricia Bueter A’61 Sally A’64 and William Buford Danny and Debbie Bullock Nancy Bumm* Sr. Mary Naomi Buniff, RSM* Alfred Burke Colleen and William Burke Carol and Gene Burns Emilia Burns
Special Recognition: In-Kind and Matching Gifts In-Kind Gifts Sharing comes to us in many forms. These persons have provided goods and/or services for our community in a variety of generous ways from July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004. Marcy Allman Applebee’s Grill and Bar Atlantis Health Club, Inc. Billy Bader Baker’s Rack Basilica of Saint Joseph Frances Beamer Beyond the Brim Jerry and Mag Birge Josephine Browning Sr. Mary Irene Cecil, OSU, A‘45 Crossmark Danhauer Drug Co Design Institute of America, Inc. Mary Margaret Drury A‘66 Judy and Walt Edin ETC. Rachel and Keith Evans Excursions Executive Inn-Rivermont
Frank’s Plumbing & Heating Garden Gate Nursery & Florist, Inc. General Glass Company, Inc. Gene’s Health Food Glenn Funeral Home Carmen and Thomas+ Goetz Great Harvest Bread Betty Greaves A‘66 Greenwell-Chisholm Printing Co. Hayden’s Furniture Sr. Barbara Jean Head, OSU Karen and Thomas Heilers David and Sara Hemingway Jennie Lynn’s Florist & Gifts John Allen Painting Roger and Marian Jones Anthony and Angela Kaelin Kentucky Mirror and Plate Glass Co. Kidstop Children’s Boutique Sr. Rita Klarer, OSU, A‘41 Sr. Mary Louise Alvey, OSU Ed Lohman N.D. Malco Theatre Inc. Raymond Maras Bonnie and Houston Marks Gertie Martin A ‘54 Cecilia A‘66 and Ron McEldowney Merry-Go-Round Messenger-Inquirer
Sr. Betsy Moyer, OSU Virginia Moyer Myanza Books and Gifts New Trends Inc. Sr. Rose Marita O’Bryan, OSU, A‘60 O’Charley’s Restaurant Office Depot Oney’s Shoes Owensboro Heart & Vascular Owensboro-Daviess County Regional Airport Johnny Payne Peak Bros. Bar-B-Q Presley’s Country Jubilee Progress Printing Rebecca’s Gift Gallery Sr. Clara Reid, OSU Sue A‘42 and Joe Riney Rev. C. Phillip Riney Norma Robinette A‘54 Saint Mary High Development Office Mary Ann Schilling Sister Mary Angela Shaughnessy, SCN Sr. Suzanne Sims, OSU, A’66 Jack Solar Sr. Frances Miriam Spalding, OSU, C’40 Sparkle Brite Car Wash Sr. Mary Lois Speaks, OSU, A’62 Michael Spears
Sally Stanley Sr. Amelia Stenger, OSU, A’67 John and Elaine Sullivan Sun Windows T.G.I. Friday’s Target Sr. Mary Diane Taylor, OSU Mary and Urban+ Teder Paul and Jean Thieneman Thriftway Inc. Georgia Tipmore Judith Ward, A ‘60 Rose and David+ Warren Welborn’s Floral Co. What A Country Theatre William and Patricia Whelan Brad Wilkerson YMCA of Owensboro & Daviess County Kim and Chuck Zurcher
Matching Gifts Your gift to the Ursuline Sisters may be doubled if your employer has a matching gift program. Please let us know if we can help you with this request. First Data Corporation Texas Gas
F a l l Thomas and Pamela Burns** Lorraine Butcher Rosemary and Leonard Byrne Mary Byron Imogene Caldwell Mary Calhoun Judith and Bob Calley Christa and Kevin Campbell Ruth Campbell Barb Carper* Irl Carper James Carrico James and Barbara Carrico Mildred and Joseph Carrico Beverly and Virgil Carter Terry and Jean Carver* Norvin Casper, Jr. Ana Castillo, Ph.D. Joseph and Kaye Castlen Angelo Catania Catherine Spalding School Donald and Charlotte Cecil Easie and Tommy Cecil Hugh Cecil Kevin and Angie Cecil Sr. Mary Carol Cecil, OSU, A’50 Rose A’44 and Martin+ Cecil Mary and John Cerniglia Gary and Mary Chladek Bobby and Betty Christian** Danny and Joyce Clark Gene and Nancy Clark Margaret Clark Pamela Clark Phillip and Linda Clark Rose and Al Clark Sherma Clark* Pat and Sylvester Clark, Sr.** Mary Clarke Carmel and Odaline Clemons Teresa and Gary Clifton Regina Coffey Constance and Frank Cogswell Winnie A’69 and Gene Cohron* Lowell Collard* Patsy Collins Mark and Lisa Collom Commonwealth Industries, Inc. Joseph Conkling Alice Coomes William and Rose Coomes Mary and Michael Cooper Robert and Deedie Cooper Beth Corbett Mary C’40 and Bernard Corbishley Rosemary and John Cowart Anthony and Margaret Cox Jane and Martin Cravens Lynda and Neil Crawford Kimberly and William Crowdus Thelma and Ben Crump Thomas and Rose Curtsinger** Jacqueline Dale Martha and G. Daly Rev. Richard Danhauer Debra Daniel Joan A’75 and Andrew Dant Karen A’73 and Phillip Dant Nancy and Clifton Daugherty Ruth and James Dauley Gail and Richard Davenport Daviess County Lions Club* Daniel and Patricia Davis Lisa Day Joanne Debo Joyce A’60 and Nicholas DeCarbo* Mary Delcher Evelyn and Shelby+ Denton** Troy and Rochelle Dickerson Mary and Gerald Dickerson
Angela DiMeo Rita Dimick Helen Dink Charlene and David Diver Ann and Stephen Diver-Stamnes Catherine Dodson Randall and Janice Donahue Carolyn and Joseph Downs Joan Downs Corine Drury Anne and Ronald Dugan Robert and C. Dugan Barbara Duncan** Audrey A’39 and Cyril+ Durbin Jane Durbin Catherine Durr Fred and Elizabeth Dyne Kay Edwards Charles Easley Daniel and Sharon Ebelhar Jeffrey and Margie Ebelhar John and Mary Ebelhar Mary Ebelhar A’71 Nora Ebelhar** Sidney A’51 and Clarence+ Ebelhar* Stansell A’46 and Kenneth Ebelhar* Lawrence and Mary Edelen Rosalie Edwards John and Shirley Egan Michael and Patricia Egan Elizabeth and Perry Elder Joseph and Mary Elder M. Bonnie Elder Margie and Robert Elder* Mary and John+ Elder Nancy Elliott Carol Embry Rosemary Emmick William and Phyllis Emmick Mary Endicott A’41 Brenda England* Melinda Engle A’63* Alan and Rebecca Englehart* Mary and Thomas Englert** Carolyn and Paul Etienne J.K. Farmer Alice and John Faulkner Joseph and Dora Fidel* First Data Corporation Ursa and George Flores Rose A’51 and Charles Floyd* Mary and Raymond Fluhr Focolare of Chicago Rose Fogle Mary and Dennis Fontana Gail and Virgil Ford* Martha Ford* June Fowler Fox Haven Farm Susan and Robert Frederick Valerie Frederick Madge Freels* Pamela and Robert French George and Margaret Frey Gertie Frey Kathryn and Leo Friedrich Loretta and Trees Friend Carlene and John Gabe Margaret Gallegos** Ethel and Louis Gant Jacinta Garinger A’47 Jo Ann and George Gates, Jr. Salem and Eva George Stephanie George John Gephart Alena and Ralph Gilbreath Thomas and May Gipe Charles and Kathleen Girten Jason and Isabelle Givens Frank and Ruth Glazer**
Suzanne Gochenouer Donna Goetz Mary Goetz A’37 Barbara and Patrick Gorman Robert and Mary Gossett Gerald and Susanna Gough Paula A’73 and Larry Gray Betty Greaves A’66 Roger and Mary Green Dorothy Greenwell Eugene and Connie A’46 Greenwell * John Greenwell* Judy A’59 and Richard Greenwell* Sr. Margaret Marie Greenwell, OSU, A’57* Richard and Kristin Greenwell Theresa and Mark Greer Maria and Alex Griego Margaret Guilford Gilbert and Margaret Gutierrez Thomas Gyurik Mary Jean Hagan** Raymond and Kathy Hagan** Verna and Joseph+ Hagan Eula and Francis+ Hagman Shirley Hagman Hair Productions Clara Hall Jacinta and Lawrence Hamilton Ruby J. Hampton A’54* Franklin and Agnes Hancock Rev. Walter Hancock Kenneth and Delores Hanks** Mary A’79 and John Hannah Antoinette Hanson Raymond and Doris Haragan* Ann Hardman A’52 Debbie Harper Mary Harris Beverly and Ralph Harrison Jean Harrison* Bruce and Ingrid Harvey Sharlene Hatfield Charles and Virgie Hayden David and Paula Hayden Imogene Hayden A’54** Paul and Sarah Hayden Robert Hayden Rosalyn and Joe Hayden Sherri Hayden* William Hayden William David and Paula Hayden Bruce and Sue Hayes Cyril and Mary Head Frederick Head Neil Head Paula and Mark Heckman* Mary A’52 and J. Hefron* Karen and Thomas Heilers Marie Heimes William and Helen Hein* Forrest and Marian Heintzman** Jennifer and David Heintzman Mark and Rita Heinz Berenice and Richard Henchey Patsy and John Hendricks Mary and George Hengen Johanna Henry Roy Henry Jenni A’67 and John Herfel Tom and Valerie Hewlett Janice and Anthony Higdon Mildred A’53 and Joseph Higdon Sr. Rose Higdon, SL, A’35 James Hill Mary Hinton Lisa Hobbs George and Vi Hoffman Lois Hoffman** Joan A’51 and Emil Hofman*
2 0 0 4
June and Randall Hogan* Marianne and Leonard Holt Holy Spirit Hermitage George and Lorna Horishny Marie and John Hourigan Barbara A’53 and James House Alice and Charles Howard Bernadette and John Howard* Gail and Raymond Howard John Howard Randall Howard Robert Howard Sr. Rose Ann Howard, SCN, A’54 Laverne Huber Robert Huber Mary and Steve Hudnall Heather and James Huggett Dorothy and Charles+ Hughes Mary Hulse Kathleen and Robert Hume, Jr.* John and Oralia Hurm Darlinda Hurst Barbara A’71 and David Hutchins* Emma Hutchins Francis and June Hutchins Immaculate Conception Church Dorothy Irby Mary and Gary Jacobs* Lillian and John Raymond+ Jarboe Irene and Clarence Jenkins Horace Jenkins Janice and Ronald Jeter Betty Johnson James Johnson Joseph and Alice+ Johnson* Virginia Johnson William and Patricia Johnson Beverly and Lawrence Johnston John and Susan Jones* Louise Jones* Joseph L. Greenwell Funeral Home* Elizabeth and A.J.+ Kaelin** Leonard and Mary Kaiser Margaret and Neil Kallman** Raymond and Catherine Kamer** Martha A’61 and James Kamuf Ronnie Kamuf* Ruby Kane Judy Kapelsohn Vivian and Daniel Kapono Dr. J. Michael Kavolus William Keene, Jr. Gary and Joyce Keibler Brenda A’59 and Francis Keller** Rose Keller Mary A’54 and Elmer Kelly Rita and Charles Kelly Mark and Diane Kemper Mary Kennedy A’49 Sr. Rosemary Keough, OSU, A’56 Beverly and Paul Keyser Florence Killian Mildred Killmeier I.B. and Mary Kirkpatrick Faye and Larry Klee Joan and James Klein Knights of Columbus, Claryville, Ky. Knights of Columbus No. 4473 Sr. Jamesetta Knott, OSU Kenny Knott* Mary A’57 and Bill Knott Sr. Mary Louise Knott, OSU Nellie Knott Thomas and Ann Knox Mary Kollros Catherine and Arthur Kopp Raymond and Catherine Kramer* Charles and Teresa Krampe Helen C’50 and Jack+ Krampe James and Patricia Krampe
U r s u l i n e s
Honoring the Living Frequently we receive messages from former students, alumnae, colleagues, friends or family members of one of our Ursuline Sisters, asking that we accept a gift in her honor or in honor of someone else whom they admire. This form of thanksgiving for the life and ministry of the living is humbly accepted and deeply appreciated. Sr. Mildred Barr, OSU Ernestine C’50 and Herman Barr Sr. Agnes Irene Bickett, OSU Mary Wimsatt Mrs. Frances H. Bickett Martha Frost A’ 67 Sr. Luisa Bickett, OSU Martha O’Neill Sr. Mary Timothy Bland, OSU Judy Kapelsohn Sr. Eva Boone, OSU Doris A’ 49 and Ray O’Daniel Sr. Joseph Angela Boone, OSU Marian and Joe Boone Sr. Mary Regina Boone, OSU Marian and Joe Boone Sr. Vivian Bowles, OSU Kathryn and Leo Friedrich Sr. Elaine Burke, OSU Imelda and Bob Beam Alfred Burke Juanita Burke, A’ 50 Wade Northington Barbara and Frank Schnapf Sr. Mary Irene Cecil, OSU Rose, A’44 and Martin+ Cecil Sr. Mary Jude Cecil, OSU Laura Lambert Zita Miles Cissell Mary and Joseph Nugent Sr. Cheryl Clemons, OSU Elizabeth Whitlock, A’ 79 Sr. Mary Beatrice Donahue, OSU Marvin and Dot+ Boone Sr. Michael Marie Friedman, OSU Angela Brown Sharon and Mark Trew Sr. Sara Marie Gomez, OSU Joe and Clara+ Gomez Sr. Maureen Griner, OSU Lawrence Lynch, Jr. Sr. George Mary Hagan, OSU William Wooldridge Sr. Jane Irvin Hancock, OSU Marie Collins A’75 Sr. Jane Miriam Hancock, OSU Marie Collins A’75 Frances and J. E. Mouser Mr. P. J. Hayden Catherine Spalding School Sr. Charles Irene Hayden, OSU Karen Hayden A’69 Sr. Michele Ann Intravia, OSU Nancy Elliott Gary and Serafina Mesnier John and Cynthia Mesnier Sr. Rose Karen Johnson, OSU Betty and Rondle Skimehorn Sr. Rose Theresa Johnson, OSU Betty and Rondle Skimehorn Jubilarians 2003 Sr. Cecelia Joseph Olinger, OSU, A’58 Sr. Judith Nell Riney, OSU, A’65 Sr. Rosemary Keough, OSU Carolyn Cecil, A’ 73 Sr. Annalita Lancaster, OSU Dick Knight Welborn’s Floral Co. Sr. Walter Louise Lush, OSU Michael and Diana Lush Fred Mattingly T.12 Alex Mattingly
Pat Mattingly T. Alex Mattingly Marion Mulligan Mattingly A’38 Barret-Fisher Co., Inc. Jess and Mark Mattingly Rosa Lee Fogle McCarty Greg and Leah McCarty Anita McNulty Donna and Patrick McNulty Ms. Carol Medley William and Opal Brown Solemia Mocer Marea Pendel Sr. Emma Anne Munsterman, OSU Philip and Annette Skees Sr. Dianna Ortiz, OSU Carolyn and John Bair Ana Castillo, Ph.D. Gigi and Michael Portner Sr. Jean Madeline Peake, OSU Nancy Hansen Sr. Teresita Pionke, GHMS Frances Pionke Sr. Elizabeth Ann Ray, OSU Robert Ray Sr. Teresa Riley, OSU Elaine and John Wood Sr. Joseph Adrian Russell, OSU Jeanne and Amos+ Brashear Isabel Clark Michael and Patricia Egan Phyllis and Daryl Henry Mary Wimsatt Sr. Suzanne Sims, OSU Carolyn and John Bair Sr. Mary Lois Speaks, OSU Kim and Chuck Zurcher Sr. Mary Diane Taylor, OSU Carolyn Cecil A’73 Teachers of Sts. Joseph and Paul John and Oralia Hurm Sr. Mary Agnes VonderHaar, OSU Alice A’68 and Jerry Biscopink Susan A’52 and John Stevenson Sr. Marie Brenda Vowels, OSU Janet and Robert Todd Donna and Martin Wisehart Sr. Mary Matthias Ward, OSU Raymond and Diane Charette Don and Linda Pate Sr. Bartholene Warren, OSU Susan and Louis Reiss Sr. Mary Celine Weidenbenner, OSU Raymond and Barbara Weidenbenner Sr. Marietta Wethington, OSU Paul and Wilma Goebel Sr. Mary Bertha Wethington, OSU H. R. Dempf Sr. M. de Chantal Whelan, OSU George and Jayne Flynn Dorothy Irby Sr. Theresa Marie Wilkerson, OSU Elizabeth Whitlock, A’ 79 Sr. Dorothy Marie Willett, OSU Tony and Linda Dunkel Edward and Connie Schickel Sr. Rosita Willett, OSU Tony and Linda Dunkel Sr. Agnes Catherine Williams, OSU Bernice Brunner Dorothy Irby Doris and John Smith Sr. Margaret Ann Zinselmeyer, OSU Lawrence Lynch, Jr.
Rosemary Kranz A’50 Betty and Louis Krapf Mildred Krapf Frances and Douglas Kreifels Wanda Kuegel* Jeneta and Tony Kuppe Mary and Thomas Kurz Richard Kurz* Laura Lafronza Raymond and Leola Lafser Laura Lambert John and Edna Lanham Kenneth Lanham Doris Lattus Janice and Ralph Lawson Louise Leasor Helen and Fredrick LeBlanc Anna and Terry Lee Joanne and Joseph Lehmann Mary and Charles Leibfreid Beatrice Lennox** Juanita and G. Lentini Anna Leonard Rebecca and Lawrence Leonard Rev. John Lesousky Catherine Lewis C’41 Janice Lewis James and Margaret Lincoln Antoinette Linville Little Flower Altar Society John Locklin, Jr. Jean L. Lonergan Lou Lovell Lawrence Lynch, Jr. Mary Lyne Mary and Alvin Lyon Tom and Jackie Maddox Frances Mahoney C’43 Mary and Joseph Mahoney Savas and Rose Mallos Charles Mann, Jr.* Thelma and Fred Marksberry** Jacqueline and L. Marshall Gertie A’54 and J. Pete+ Martin, William Martin Matilde Martinez Margaret Mattingly Opal and Merriell Mattingly Sr. Ruth Mattingly, OSU T. Alex Mattingly Janet and Kenneth Matyk Bill and Louise Maupin Florence and Henry Mayer Geraldine and Roy Maynard Dennis McBroom Frances McCarthy Anthony and Sandra McCarty Carolyn A’71 and John McCarty Greg and Leah McCarty Mary McCarty Dottie and John McCellan Jeanette McCroy James McDaniel* Charles and Alice McDonald Samuel and Paula McIntyre* Keith and Melody McKay Kathleen McKee Mary+ and Robert McMillen, Jr. Donna and Patrick McNulty Mary McRay Betty and William Medina James and Sarah Medley Louise Medley Geneva (Midge) Meehan John and Geraldine Meiners* Hita Merchant Jo A’49 and Edward+ Merrick John and Cynthia Mesnier Ruth Metschuleit Mary and Charles Metzmeier
David Mikulcik Brenda and Carl Millay Virginia Millay Joy A’51 and Walter+ Miller Barbara Mingus Yelonda Mitchell Eloisa and Felipe Molina-Dodge June Monaghan Sr. Michael Ann Monaghan, OSU* Donald Monin Fannie Montoya Hugh Moore Jane Moore John Moore* William and Jean Moore Betty Moorman A’58** Bragg More Teresa Morgan C’45 Teresa and C. H. Morgan Michelle Morris Margaret Moseson Mary and Geroge Motiff Frances and J. Mouser Sr. Anne Michelle Mudd, OSU Geraldine Mudd Joyce and Leo Mudd Sue and John Mudd William Muller John and Mary Mulligan Louise A’49 and John Mulligan Alan and Linda Murphy Rosalene Murphy Sr. Nancy Murphy, OSU, A’59 Susan and Jack Mutter Irene C’39 and Theodore+ Nalley Ronald and Catharine Nelson Shelia and Michael Newman Walter and Thelma+ Newman Newman Center WKU Alicia Newton Andrew Nguyen Jane Nolkemper Wade Northington* John and Rose O’Brien Anna O’Bryan Carl and Martha O’Bryan David and Trafta O’Bryan Elizabeth O’Bryan Frances A’44 and Paul O’Bryan Jenny and Michael O’Bryan* Margaret O’Bryan Mary and Eddie O’Bryan Betty O’Cana Doris A’49 and Ray O’Daniel* Patsy O’Daniel Joe and Larraine O’Donoghue Don and Cecilia Olinger Rosalyn Olinger Sr. Cecelia Joseph Olinger, OSU, A’58 Mary O’Mara Martha O’Neill Roger and Kathryn Ordal** Marianne O’Rourke A’67 Wanda and Jack Osburn Karen and Steven Osgood Owensboro Family Medicine Patrick Padgett Agnes and William Palm Miriam Pank Margaret+ A’42 and Carl Paris Don and Linda Pate Linda Payne M. Ethel Payne A’43* Sherman and Charline Payne Stephen and Beverly Payne* Vickie Payne* Sr. Mary Gerald Payne, OSU Judy and Ronnie Peach Marea Pendel** Geraldine and James Pennington
F a l l Linda and John Perri Perry County Memorial Hospital* Dorothy Person Gerald Peterson Phil and Tama Pecoraro Edward and Grace Pickett Janice and Eugene Pike Carol and Richard Pittman Judy and Ron Platt Dolores Polson* Rev. Paul J. Portland, SDS Gigi and Michael Portner Terry and Theresa Potts Frances Powell* Julia Pratt Ruth and Robert Pritchard* Andrew and Evelyn Pulito Margie and John Pulliam Dana and Michael Purdy Daniel and Nancy Purdy Robert Purdy Jenny and Bill Pyland Quality Beers Distributing Co., Inc.* Shirlene Quinn Wallace Quinn Rose Radzelovage Alicia and Michael Rafter Sarah Raible Mary Louise Raleigh Felipe Ramos Rev. Bertrand Rapp Emmett and Ruth Ratterman Martha and Richard Ratterman Antonella and Weldon Ray Gerald and Lucille Ray** Teresa A’69 and Ralph Reale Margaret Reddicks Christopher and Janet Reid Juliana Renfro Arlene and Francis Renn Michele Renn Patty and Charles+ Reynolds Roxie Reynolds Joseph and Jean Rhinerson Jeff and Tammy Rice John and Sarah Riedel* Mary and Joseph Riggs David and Becky Riney* Margaret Riney Mary Edna A’45 and Thomas Riney Michael and Frances Riney** Robert Riney, Jr. Sue A’42 and Joe Riney** Marnell and Mary Riney Robert and Patricia Riordan Flint and Julia Roberson Sr. Dolorita Robinson, OSU, A’42 Mary and Raphael Roby Anna Rogers Lillian Rogers C’44 Rose Rogier Peggy Romios A’66 Mary Roscoe Josephine Rowan Mary and James Roy John and Ruth Royster** Joe and Virginia Rudy Hugh and Ann Rumage Eugene and Mary Russell Tom Russell William Russell Mary Russler Dan and Jean Ryan Saint Columba Parish Saint Mary Parish Saint Peter of Alcantara Parish Saint William Church Geraldine Saiz Margie Salerno Bernard Sand
Carole A’68 and William Sanders Patsy Sanders* Lt. Col. Jose Santillanes Deborah Sapp H. Gary and Patricia Satterwhite Joan and Tom Scales Jennifer Schaaf Cecilia A’52 and Robert Schade Eugene Schadler* Frank A’48 and Doris Schadler Lester and Helen Schaick** Kathryn Schellinger Martha and David Schepers Marilyn and Douglas Scherer Edward and Connie Schickel Nancy Schmeal Wayne Schmid Joseph and Gladys Schmidt Rosa A’51 and Don+ Schmidt Joy Schmitt Irene Schnefke Joyce and William Schneider Mary and Claude Schneider Joseph and Shirley Schneringer Sr. Catherine Schoenborn, GHMS Rita C’41 and Herman+ Schrecker** Cathy Schuster Doris Schutz Barbara and James Schwartz LaVerne Schwartz James and Anna Scott Sr. Rita Scott, OSU James and Agnes Scully William and Betty Seay Mary A’63 and August Seely Patsy Shelton* Virginia Sherrard J. and Evangeline Siady Hanri and Lale Sidem James and Sheila Sills Mary A’69 and Theodore Sils** Clifford and Mercedes Simmons Marie Simmons A’41 Barbara Simon A’61* Nicholas Simon Joseph Simpson Michael and Geraldine Simpson Lois and William Sims** Sr. Suzanne Sims, OSU, A’66 Sisters of Mercy Philip and Annette Skees Joyce Skillman Betty and Rondle Skimehorn Stephan and Mary Paula Skrivan Doris and John Smith Jeanne Smith Laura Abell A’50 and William Smith Linda and Gary Smith Elizabeth and John Socha Sons of Divine Providence Floyd Sorquist Dorothy and Bernard Spalding Florence Spalding Josephine and Bill+ Spalding Wilma and Bruce Spaulding* LaVerne and Charles Speaks Sr. Mary Lois Speaks Marion and John Spiess James Spooner Edward and Agnes Stallings Francis Stallings Gertrude Stallings Harold Staples Jennie Staugas Lois Stayton Willa Stein Lorena Stephen Mary and L.W. Stevens Susan A’52 and John Stevenson*
Lahoma Stinnett Annette Stokes Alec Stone Joseph and Nina+ Strehl Rose A’45 and George Strickland Susan Struna A’66 Steven and Judy Summers Bill and Marilyn Terry** Sue Thayer Jimmy and Theresa Thomas Linda and Robert Thomas Catherine B. Thompson A’29 Catherine and Albert+ Thompson Dennis Thompson J. Allen Thompson* Joseph and Mary Thompson Joseph and Ruth Thompson Laura and James+ Thompson Louise and Ernest Thompson Randy and Doris Thompson Thomas and Cecelia Thompson Mark and Tammy Thomson Georgia Tipmore The Tire Mart Theresa Thomas Renee and Michael Toomey June Townsend** Harold Travis* Sharon and Mark Trew Mathew and Lisa Tripp Mary Trittschuh Jim and Lucille Trompeter Melissa and Thomas Troutman Delores Turnage Charlotta Ubelhor Michael Uebelhor Mary and Robert Ulrich Jean A’31 and L. Van Meter* Jerome and Charlene+ Vandeven Martha Vittitow Michael and Dianna Vittitow Sr. Marilyn Vollmer Carolyn and William+ VonderHaar Mary VonderHaar Rena Vowels Patricia and William Voyles Mary Vuncannon A’55 Dale and Flossie Walker Nancy and John Walsh Regina Walz A’40 Dorothy and Kevin Ward Arthur and Delores Warnecke Sr. Bartholene Warren, OSU John and Regina Warren Marty and Martha Warren Shirley Warren A’72 Stephanie Warren A’73* Edward and Mildred Washer Bernard Wathen Joan Wathen
Saint Angela Merici Founder, the Company of Saint Ursula
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John and Doreen Wathen* Thomas Wathen David and Helen Watson Agnes Watts A’53 Libby Weatherby-Hoard Don and Mary Weaver Sr. Mary Celine Weidenbenner, OSU, A’62 Louise and George Weldon Sara West Frank and Sandy Wethington Richard Wethington Sr. Robert Ann Wheatley, OSU Darleen and John Whelan James and Mary Whelan William and Patricia Whelan Elizabeth White Mila and Marcus Whitler Elizabeth Whitlock A’79** Rosella A’49 and Thomas Whitsett* Mike Wiedemer Thomas and Kathleen Wigington Louis and Barbara Wilbert Laura Wilkerson Donald and Janice Wilkinson** Debbie Willett Sr. Dorothy Marie Willett, OSU, A’40 Sr. Rosita Willett, OSU, A’36 Louise and Raymond Williams Judy and Dale Willingham 1400 Willow Council of Co-Owners, Inc. Ann Wilson Lilly and Jack Wilson Patricia and Robert Wilson** Mary Wimsatt Rosella and Isaac Wimsatt Thomas and Patty Wimsatt* Linda A’59 and Charles Winchell Kenneth and Mary Winters Donna and Martin Wisehart Mary Withrow Fran Wolz Elaine and John Wood William Wooldridge** Mary A’69 and H.M. Wooten Lucille Wright Shelby Wright Claire and Charles Yarber Mark Yaste Carol Young* Kathy A’70 and Harold Young Linda Young Mamie and Richard+ Young Catherine C’39 and Arthur+ Zech Dorothy Zerga Dorothy Ziegler A’40 Elizabeth Ziegler Robert and Ann Zimlich Lucille Zink William and Julie Zink Gloria and Fred Zinobile
Ultimately, our trust is in God’s providential care. However, like Saint Angela in her time, we depend on the support of many people. Angela moved around northern Italy helping those in need, depending on others of means to sponsor her travel, her living expenses, and her ministry on behalf of the poor, especially the youth of her time. In 2003-2004, we depended on your annual donations listed here to carry out our many ministries to the poor, the marginalized, and those whose lives need the touch of God’s love and mercy in Kentucky and seven other states, as well as in Chile, South America. Sister Suzanne Sims Director of Mission Advancement
U r s u l i n e s
In Loving Memory Kindly remember in your prayers our deceased Sisters, Associates, Alumnae, and friends whose names have been enrolled in the Book of Remembrance in the Ursuline Motherhouse Chapel. Each month a Mass is offered in the Chapel for all of these, for those who are grieving, and for those who have honored the deceased through our Memorial Program from July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004. Sr. Agnes Louise Abell Louis W. Dawson Sr. Frances Marie Abell Mary Abell Sr. Mary Damien Abell Mary Abell Raymond J. Kress Charles Algermissen Col. Robert L. Algermissen All Ursuline Teachers Louis W. Dawson Delbert Hayden JoAnna M. McDaniel Allen A’57 Joseph L. Allen George Alvey Herman Alvey Gertrude Alvey Herman Alvey Mrs. Mildred Ammons Michael Lemm Margaret Kelly Angle Maj. James L. Angle Debra Sue Aull George Frey Dottie Axmau Gene Burns Mary Irene Stallings Bannowsky Frances Stallings Mahoney C’43 Margaret Kurz Barton Frederick B. Barton Jo Ann Beam Debbie Willett Cynthia Louise Warren Bickett Tom Voss Shirley Warren A’72 Dennis A. Bickett, Sr. Shirley Warren A’72 Mr. Lawrence B. Bickett Martha Bickett Frost A’67 Mr. Henry Bickett John Owdziej Mrs. Henry Bickett John Owdziej Antoinette Birge Cyril Birge Jerry and Mag Birge Joseph J. Birge Bob Calley Douglas E. Scherer Robert S. Birge Mary Ann Blandford Raymond Kamer Rob Boarman Dean Blair Fred Boone Dean Blair Jessie Boone Edward Cecil Joseph Bill Boone Catherine Keene Bill Voyles Sr. Aloise Boone Catherine Keene Rev. Robert Bowling Little Flower Altar Society Sr. Janette Bowling Joseph G. Greenwell Bill Brey James R. Brey Sr. Jean Martin Brey James R. Brey
Sue Brey James R. Brey Sr. Victoria Brohm Forrest A. Heintzman Sr. Mary Denise Brown John Brown Crystal Bruening Sr. Agnes Catherine Williams, OSU, A’23 Sr. Michaelene Brumlow Bill Wright Dr. Jules Brunner Bernice Brunner Bill Burke Michael W. Burke Sr. Charles Borromeo Calhoun Dorothy Calhoun Ziegler A’40 Stuart MacDonald Campbell Kevin Campbell Harold Carrico Gerald and Susan Hayden Judy Carrico James P. Carrico Sr. Mary Corda Carrico Terry Blake Hair Productions, Inc. Rebecca Andriot Stephan Skrivan Sr. Anne Rita Cash Mark Yaste Cerniglia Family John M. Cerniglia, Jr. Sr. Joseph Ursula Cissell James P. Carrico Donald P. Metzger Mrs. Maureen S. Clark Sylvester Clark, Sr. Ms. Kristine Conn Thomas G. Murray Lois Cope and Family Walter Parenteau+ Sr. Mary Jean Cotter I. Elliott Badger Sr. Charles Marie Coyle Louis Gant Ronald D. Jeter Sr. Sylvester Craycroft Jerome P. Henning Mary Curtis Micael Ray Day Barbara Dant John W. Dant Lois Dauley James K. Dauley James Richard Davis, Sr. Al Clark Elizabeth T. O’Bryan Kathryn A. Schellinger Robert Slack Suzanne Onley Davis Betty and Mike Pontarolo Ruby Vowels Dink John H. Dink, Jr. Mary Lois Drury and Family Walter Parenteau+ Maurice Ebelhar Paul O’Bryan Sr. Mauritia Edelen Gerald S. Craig Families, Loved Ones and Bear James F. Bowman
Audrey Fischer William and Sally A’64 Buford Mary Goetz A’37 Paula Hayden Mr. and Mrs. James G. Johnson Martha Kamuf Charles and Teresa Krampe James and Patricia Krampe Ruth Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scales Cathy Schuster Shelby Wright Bill Fischer Pamela K. Clark Sr. Ruth Helen Flaherty J. Fred Mattingly Sr. Robert Angela Fleischmann Jerry F. Biscopink Gerald S. Craig Sean Fleischman Opal Mattingly James R. Roy Sr. Mary Clara Floyd Leigh Land Surveys Mr. and Mrs. Ray Leigh Edgar Fulkerson Don Brown Margaret Fulkerson Don Brown Frank Gibson Carol Embry Mrs. Clara Gomez Joe Gomez Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gomez Matilde G. Martinez Michael Lee Hagan Edward Hodskins Sr. Mary Wilfrid Hayden Louis W. Dawson Mrs. Pauline Hayden Karen Hayden A’69 Sr. Charles Irene Hayden Fred H. Dyne John M. Faulkner Pamela Jean Fleitz Donald A. Hayden Karen Hayden A’69 Jay Kelly Mary Ann Knott A’57 Marilyn Mercer Ron Platt Carolyn H. Poston Joe Riney Joseph A. Schneringer Thomas Ray Walker Mary Jo Wathen Joan Wink Sr. Joseph Mark Hayden Hair Productions, Inc. Rebecca Andriot Robert E. Hayden William C. Hayden Lisa Hobbs Michael Newman Joe and Sue A’42 Riney Mary Hearth Robert Harris The Hefron Family Mary Edna Hefron A’52 Victor Heimes Marie Heimes Sr. Miriam Hinton Mary Rose Bryant Sr. Rosina Hinton Mary Rose Bryant Alicia Mahoney Hoerter A’39 M. Elaine Berlejung Richard Boeckmann, Sr. Debra Daniel Charles P. Easley Robert L. French Ann S. Hassett
Mark Heckman Randall S. Hogan Raymond C. Howard Gary Jacobs Gerald M. Karem Kenneth Lanham Marita S. Niechter Saint William Church Sharon A. Benton Jeanne L. Smith Sr. Bridget Holzer Joseph V. Schwan Regina Hulse Mary Jean Hulse Joan Hume Dr. Robert D. Hume, Jr. Sr. Mary Grace Hutchins Emma Lea Hutchins Margie Salerno John Janiak Gloria and Ed Cecil Wanda Janiak Edward Cecil Ann M. Jordan Walt Jordan A. J. Kaelin, Jr. Elizabeth J. Kaelin Elmer Kaelin Emil A. Kaelin Joseph Kapono Daniel Kapono Tilghman Keeling Sr. Mary Jude Cecil, OSU, A’50 Rita Kibby Charles E. Kelly James Knott Charles C. Knott Virgil Knott Charles C. Knott Dick Kranz Marion Shreiner A’69 Lacy Kranz Marion Shreiner A’69 Kress Family Raymond J. Kress Frances Hustedde Labiche Dr. Henry M. Labiche Alice Lewis Teresa Lewis Morgan C’45 Raphael Lewis Teresa Lewis Morgan C’45 Sr. Aquina Losson Robert C. Hurst Mary Louise Medley Lynn Jason Givens Mike Madden George Allard Malone Family John M. Cerniglia, Jr. Isabella Mammen Mildren Krapf Judy Cecil Martin A’61 June Townsend Sr. Mary Ambrose Martin Louis W. Dawson Raymond T. Martin Elizabeth Martin C’37 Grace Mattingly J. Fred Mattingly Sr. Carmelita Mattingly Bob Beam Sr. Mary Lucy Mattingly I.B. Kirkpatrick Sr. Therese Martin Mattingly Mark Yaste Sr. Rose Lima McClure William L. McCarthy Sr. Mary Celeste McCue Kappa Delta Phi Sorority Kimberly Jones Dora Lee McFadden Don Brown
F a l l McGovern Family Raymond J. Kress Frances Willett McGregor Hita Merchant Albert and Ada Medley Family Sr. Jean Madeline Peake, OSU Sr. Charles Catherine Medley Mark A. Kemper Louise Medley Sr. Wendelin Milton Jeffrey D. Miano Dave Mudd Gerald Wayne Smith J. C. (Chris) Murphy Andrew K. Dant Guy E. Riney Janet Murphy Shirley W. Brickler Alice Murray Thomas G. Murray Daniel Murray Thomas G. Murray Edna Newcomb Catherine Keene Sr. Agnes Leo Newton Mary Rose Braden A’45 Sr. Joseph Volk Newton Mary Rose Braden A’45 Sr. Josepha Newton Mary Rose Braden A’45 Sr. Virginia Mary Nichols Anna R. Leonard Raymond V. Nichols Natalie Hope Nugent Ray Nugent Jason O’Bryan Lester Schaick Sr. Mary Albert O’Bryan Thomas Burns John C. Howard Dr. John S. Mulligan Marita S. Niechter Sr. Ursula Marie O’Bryan Rose Therese Cecil C’44 Sr. Carolyn Marie O’Harrow Bill and Marilyn Terry Harry Padgett Bruce W. Spaulding Martha Ann Padgett Bruce W. Spaulding Rev. William H. Pank Miriam E. Pank Joe Paulin Thomas G. Murray The Payne Family John M. Cerniglia, Jr. Sr. Mary Cecilia Payne Stephan Skrivan Helen Pecoraro Tama and Phil Pecoraro Jamie Pence Beverly and Ralph Harrison Kalety Anna Pendel Marea Pendel Sr. James Marie Pfeffer Constance P. Cogsell Sr. Helen Marie Pfohl Sarah Bowling Sr. Jean Catherine Purdy Dana and Michael H. Purdy Nancy and Daniel J. Purdy Robert D. Purdy Sr. Dolorosa Purdy Robert D. Purdy Sr. Ephrem Purdy Robert D. Purdy Sr. Mary John Purdy Robert D. Purdy Marie Dilger Quilty Arlene and Francis C. Renn Bobby S. Renfro Juliana Renfro
David Rhinerson Joseph P. Rhinerson Charles “Charlie” Riney Jennifer L. Armendarez Maureen and Peter X. Armendarez Bittel Investments Don Bittel Dolores Black Paulette and Larry Boswell Sally A’64 and William Buford Angie and J. Kevin Cecil Rose and Thomas A. Curtsinger Barbara A. Duncan Daniel and Sharon Ebelhar Jeffrey and Margie Ebelhar Vincent J. and Mary Phoebe Ebelhar Loretta and Tress S. Friend William David and Paula Hayden James and Heather Huggett Martha and Jim Kamuf Richard Kamuf Francis V. and Brenda Keller Tim and Beth Ann Kramer Dennis McBroom Anthony J. and Sandra McCarty Keith G. and Melody McKay John M. and Mary Mulligan Paul and Frances A’44 O’Bryan Faye Riney Gary and Mary Helen Riney Guy E. Riney Sue A’42 and Joe Riney Thomas M. and Mary Riney Doris and Frank A’48 Schadler, Jr. James W. and Barbara Schwartz Marie Cecil Simmons A’41 Edward B. and Agnes Stallings Tel/Systems Inventory Management Fred and Gloria Zinobile Sr. Mary Leon Riney Mary B. Aughe Jill Giordano Boitnott Ron and Ann Dugan Jim and Lucille Trompeter Veva Rivera Molly Jacques Mrs. Joyce Robbins Lawrence H. Robbins Kathleen Rummage Shirley Warren, A’72 Sr. Mary Henry Russell Amos L. and Jeanne Brashear Robert J. and Mary Caster Marjorie Godecker Daryl and Phyllis Henry Daniel W. and Debbie Smith Rosemary D. Schrode Knights of Columbus George Schrode Mrs. Jean Schulz Edgar J. Schulz Sr. Mary Oderic Settles Albert and Ann Gibbs Sr. Laurine Sheeran Louis W. Dawson Elizabeth M. Simpson Joseph P. Simpson Mark Sims William R. and Lois Sims Mary T. Sims Vince and Theresa Edwards Delores Turnage Sr. Margaret Sipes Louis W. Dawson William Skillman Joyce Skillman Jennifer Lea Smith Joseph A. and Dora Fidel Shalyn Smith James R. and Mary Jane Brey Jerry Southerland Rose Mary Fogle
Sr. Jamesina Spain William and Betty Ulrich Sr. Mary Boniface Speaks Herman and Ernestine C’50 Barr Emma Kathleen Severs Stallings Francis Stallings Mary Ruth Stamper Ruth Metschuleit Forrest E. Stokes Annette Stokes Sr. Mary de Sales Thomas Anna R. Leonard Hazel Mudd Thompson C.H. and Teresa Morgan Teresa B. Thompson Sr. Joseph Therese Thompson Louis W. Dawson Lawrence P. and Mary Paul Edelen Gerald L. and Janet Griffin Ed and Connie Schickel Marty Tilford Charles and Barbara Tilford Col. James H. Tinsley Richard A. and Judy Johnson Ralph D. and Janice Lawson Mary Tinsley Ralph D. and Janice Lawson Anna Ruble Toon Gerald and Susan Hayden Bernadette Willett Trapp James A. Trapp Ursuline Sisters Educators Gary F. and Mary Chladek Mary Pat VonderHaar Dr. William P. VonderHaar 1400 Willow Council of Co-Owners, Inc. Mary Byron Sr. Mary Jude Cecil, OSU, A’50 Danny M. and Joyce Clark Mary Catherine Clarke Daniel and Patricia Davis Joanne M. Debo Mary Joan Wooldridge Delcher Gregory and Linda Gleis Roger J. and Mary Ailleen Green Laverne Huber Antoinette Linville W. Bruce Lunsford, FN Savas and Rose Mallos Joy Marie Miller A’51 Patrick T. Padgett Andrew R. and Evelyn Pulito Ella June Townsend Mary Pat VonderHaar Mrs. William VonderHaar Martin David Warren, Sr. Martha Anderson Sue Batman Dennis A. Bickett, Jr. Donald and Mary Jane Blandford A’ 58 Don Brown Mr. and Mrs. William L. Buckman Les and Nancy Bumm Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bill Clark Thomas A. Curtsinger Daviess County Lions Club Bonnie McElroy Barbara A. Duncan John and Mary Ann Ebelhar Mary Ann Ebelhar A’71 Sidney Jean Ebelhar A’51 Kenneth and Stansell Ebelhar Robert E. and Margie Elder Mary C. Elder Thomas W. and Brenda England Melinda Dant Engle A’63 Mr. and Mrs. Reyburn W. Ford Virgil L. and Gail Ford Eugene M. and Connie Greenwell Richard P. and Judy Greenwell Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hayden, Jr.
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William and Helen Hein John and Susan Jones Russel C. and Lou Jones Elizabeth and A. J.+ Kaelin Ronnie Kamuf Mr. and Mrs. Francis V. Keller Kenny Knott Wanda J. Kuegel Richard Kurz Charles Mann, Jr. Fred and Thelma Marksberry James E. McDaniel Samuel J. and Paula McIntyre Vickie Payne Perry County Memorial Hospital Mary K. Smith Robert W. and Ruth Ann Pritchard Quality Beers Distributing Co., Inc. David and Becky Riney Guy E. Riney Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riney Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rudy Eugene Schadler Patsy Shelton Barbara Clark Simon A’61 Robert H. Steele Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Thompson J. Allen Thompson Tire Mart of Owensboro L. E. and Patsy Van Meter Tom Voss Rose Warren Stephanie Warren Sr. Ancilla Marie Warren Tom and Mary Hunter Sr. Mary Edgar Warren Tom and Mary Hunter Cecelia Wathen Bill and June Johnson Joseph A. Wathen Bernard L. Wathen Sr. George Marie Wathen Rebecca L. Autry Patricia O. Baldwin Al and Dorothy Barth Thomas and Marcella Brady Myrtle and Fabian Buckman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Conkling Suzanne Gochenouer Edwardine and Lawrence Luckett Romano and Helen Mazzoli Betty and William Medina Louis and Margaret Moseson Jack and Wanda Osburn Joe and Sue Riney Mr. and Mrs. George Wathen Thomas A. Wathen Sr. Margaret Ann Wathen Anna R. Leonard Sr. Dorothy Ann Whelan Rita Dimick Sr. Mary Emily Whelan, OSU, C’39 Kathleen C. White Randy White Everitt Wilson Gerald and Susan Hayden Rita Wilson Gerald and Susan Hayden Wimsatt Family Mary Dell Wimsatt Kent B. Winters Kenneth and Mary Winters Sr. Margaret Louise Yates Raymond J. Kress Jack M. Yoffey Adele Y. Lohman A’42 Mr. Richard C. Young Mamie Young Susan Zoller Jo Ann Merrick
Ursuline Flatboat Adventure 2004
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In August 1874, five Ursuline Sisters boarded a flatboat in Louisville to begin a journey downriver to establish a school and, eventually, a new religious community at Maple Mount. In August 2004, a group of Ursulines of Mount Saint Joseph reenacted this journey, to educate the public about the community and its mission, about religious vocations, and about Kentucky history in the late 18th century. The travelers were welcomed everywhere they landed. Schoolchidren followed the journey via computer. Media from coast to coast covered the trip. Photos: 1)Captain John Cooper, flatboat builder and captain, guides the boat into Cloverport, Kentucky. 2)Morning prayer on the river. 3)A large crowd welcomes the travelers to Owensboro. 4)Sister Michele Morek, with Maple Mount founder Father Paul Joseph Volk (Father Brian Roby) speaks to dignitaries and friends at the Owensboro reception. 5)A happy group of Ursulines sings the Magnificat. 6)Sheila and Bruce Blandford, descendant of the family who welcomed the first Ursulines to their new home. 7)Like their predecessors, the travelers arrived at the Mount in a mule-drawn wagon. 8)This monument on the front campus commemorates the pioneer Ursulines’ first meal: watermelon and buttermilk.