UPDATE August 2007

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Associates and Sisters Day emphasized ministries By Marian Bennett, OSUA

Associates Carol Hill, left, of Leitchfield and Coreen Moore, right, of Clarkson visited with their former teacher, Sister Alfreda Malone, on Associates and Sisters Day. Sister Alfreda taught in Grayson County.


Muhlenberg County was well-represented on Associates and Sisters Day. Front: Marcia Stoller, Brenda Busick, Gail Davenport. Row 2: Judy Sims, Marlene and Don Monaghan. Row 3: Sisters Rose Karen and Rose Theresa Johnson, Sisters Renée and Michael Ann Monaghan.

unday, July 8, 2007, was a day of many questions. Why would 172 women and men, some traveling great distances, give up a beautiful summer day to pray and study? Why would a 60-year-old woman spend her life ministering to persons of all ages and stations, and devote the last five years of her life creating a company of women whose influence has lasted over 500 years? What implication does this life have for us, Angela’s daughters and sons, in the 21st century? Associates and Sisters Day 2007 attempted to answer these questions as the leadership team of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph guided us with the theme, “Associates and Sisters Moving into the Future.” Congregational Leader Sister Michele Morek, Assistant Congregational Leader Sister Cheryl Clemons, and councilors Sister Barbara Jean Head, Sister Ann McGrew, and Sister Maureen Griner led the discussion, reviewing the community’s core values of service, empowerment, justice, contemplative presence and the spirit of

Sister Frances Miriam Spalding places an associate pin on Carol Alvey during a commitment ceremony on Associates and Sisters Day July 8. Carol was one of 13 who made lifetime commitments.

Angela Merici. They also examined the challenges facing those who attempt to minister in today’s world. Regional groups shared at their tables and then reported their ministry involvements to the entire assembly. Angela’s promise to expect great things as we move toward the future filled us with certainty and motivated us to find ways to address “poverty of body, mind, and spirit, especially in women and children.” For an afternoon treat, Sister Rita Klarer brought us “Mary Remembers,” her moving depiction of our Blessed Mother reminiscing in her later years about her Divine Son. For 25 associates, the highlight of the day was their commitment ceremony held during the closing liturgy. Twelve candidates made their first commitments, followed by 13 making lifetime commitments. Sisters and associates together pledged their lasting approval and support. As we concluded our day together, sisters and associates agreed, “It is so exciting and hopeinspiring to know that we are being led into this new future together.” 

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Associate Update

Letter from the director... Dear Ursuline Associates, Candidates and Friends,

As school bells begin to chime and fresh-faced students sharpen their pencils to return to their classrooms, it is a time of new beginnings. This is true for the Office of Ursuline Partnerships as well. I have begun working full time; and as Director of Ursuline Partnerships, I am responsible for all Marian Bennett, OSUA administrative functions of the associate program. Sister Marietta Wethington is now Director of Spiritual Formation for Ursuline Partnerships. As she has been in the past three years, Sister Marietta is responsible for all areas of associate spiritual formation. In addition, we are delighted to have Christi Bowman working with us as our full time assistant. Christi has been a part of the mission advancement ministry for a year and has just recently moved to full time. In spite of this change in our titles, our relationships with you and our love for you will not change. You will see no less of us. We will continue our traveling in order to meet as many of you as possible. Sister Marietta and I are partners in sharing the associate experience with you. We look forward to the falling leaves of autumn and the opportunity to share the spirit and charism of Saint Angela in our world. As we, associates and sisters together, move ahead into the future, it is our firm resolve to put into practice the goal set by the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph leadership team: “Wherever our members and associates minister, we will be recognized as leaders in addressing poverty of body, mind, and spirit, especially in women and children.” I wish all of you peace and joy as our sunny Kentucky summer draws to a close. Mrs. Marian Bennett, OSUA Director of Ursuline Partnerships

Visit us at www.ursulinesmsj.org

August 2007

Associate Michael Ziegler speaks at Ursuline Convocation

Ursuline Associate Michael Ziegler served as a responder at the July 12-15 North American Ursuline Convocation in Louisville. He spoke after Sister Cheryl Clemons, OSU, gave the plenary presentation, “Angela: the Michael Ziegler, OSUA Foundation and Promise.” About 300 sisters and associates from the U.S., Canada and Mexico attended. Michael was also videotaped for the Ursuline Sisters’ “Good to Great” DVD shown to sisters, associates and employees at meetings on June 9. On the DVD, Michael says, “The best definition I’ve heard of contemplation is that it is taking a long, loving look at reality.” Michael has been a pastoral musician for the Catholic Diocese of Memphis since 2003. He is director of the Institute for Liturgy and Spirituality. He has a master’s degree from Saint Meinrad School of Theology and is a graduate of the Spiritual Direction Institute offered by the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. Michael says that when he is around the sisters, “It is like being around somebody who calls to mind that God truly is present and therefore we have nothing to fear and that life can be lived in a way that involves happiness, involves peace, involves God.”

ASSOCIATE Update is published four times a year for the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999 Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 Website: www.ursulinesmsj.org E-mail: associates@maplemount.org Director of Ursuline Partnerships: Marian Bennett, OSUA Director of Spiritual Formation for Ursuline Partnerships: Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU Editor/Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski

August 2007

Associate Update

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Associates make first and lifetime commitments LEFT: Front row: Melinda and Eddie Prunty of Muhlenberg County made first commitments April 25 while Catherine Gawarecki of Grayson County made a lifetime commitment. Behind them are their contact sisters: Pam Mueller, Elaine Burke and Mary Louise Knott.

Attending the first commitment ceremony for Molly Jacques on Saturday, June 23 were, left to right: Sister Fran Wilhelm, Sister Elaine Burke, Sister Joseph Adrian Russell, Sister Michele Morek, Molly, Sister Marie Brenda Vowels, Sister Mary Mercedes Knott, and Sister Mary Angela Matthews. Molly made a trip from her home in New Mexico to visit the Mount and to make her first commitment.

ABOVE: Making their first commitments on Associates and Sisters Day were, front row, left to right: Elaine Wood, Judy Sims, Brenda Busick, Dotty Liles, Gail Davenport. Row 2: John Wood, Susan Reiss, Suzanne Reiss, Fr. Carl McCarthy. Back row: Marcia Stoller, Stephanie George, Mary Hartz.

Angela Pilgrimage May 27-June 5, 2008 with Spiritual Directors Sister Suzanne Sims, Sister Marietta Wethington and Father John Vaughan

Begin in Milan, fly home from Rome. Cost to be determined.

Interested in joining us? Contact Sister Suzanne Sims, OSU (270) 229-4103 ext. 284 ssims@maplemount.org 8001 Cummings Road Maple Mount, KY 42356

Quilt Club Memberships The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph stay busy making beautiful quilts. A new quilt is raffled each month. You can get 12 chances to win a quilt with our “Quilt Sister Jean Madeline Peake Club� annual memberships. To purchase your Quilt Club membership for only $20, call 270-229-4103,

ext. 278

Annual Quilt Club drawings begin October 1, 2007. Order tickets now to get 12 chances to win!

License No. 0290

RIGHT: Making their lifetime commitments were, front row, left to right: Carol Alvey, Carol Hill, Teen Robinette, Sara Scully, Gloria Cecil. Row 2: Gary Mesnier, Serafina Mesnier, Marlene Monaghan, Violet Hamilton. Back row: Ed Cecil, Mary Jo Dodson, Brenda Semar, Don Monaghan.

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Associate Update / A

Recent Associate Sightings...

ABOVE: The Central City/Muhlenberg County associates and guests met on June 20. In attendance were, seated: Judy Sims, Sister Rose Karen Johnson, Sister Rose Theresa Johnson, Don Adams. Standing (back): Les Stoller, Marcia Stoller, Elenita McConnell, Wanda Rickard, Laura Smith, Jean Simpson, Connie Clements, Bonnie Adams, Sue Hudoff, John Clements, Sister Marietta Wethington, April Schmitt (hidden), Gail Davenport, Vincent Schmitt, Brenda Busick. BELOW: The Louisville associates gathered on May 12. Enjoying the meeting were, front: Susan Scott, Susan Reiss, Lorraine Luken. Back: Marian Bennett, Leon Donahue, Penny Burns, Suzanne Reiss. They met at Penny’s house.

The Grayson County associates helped with a Christmas in July Crafts Sale at Maple Mount. Left: Mary Jo Dodson holds a pillow. Right: Violet Hamilton displays a cloth doll. Sisters and associates made the crafts.

The Owensboro associates had an informa lunch at a shelter at Legion Park in Owens 31. It was a warm but fun event! Pictured a Mary Kennedy, Sister Helena Fischer, Siste Timothy Bland, guest Lola Whitesides, and Moyer.

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The Henderson County associates met on April 7 at Larry Denton’s house. Present for the meeting were, left to right, Fraize, Bea Porter, Bobby Joe Christian (seated in front), F Shonis (back), Betty Christian, Sister Margaret Ann Aull, Ja Louise Leasor, Dotty Liles, Larry Denton.

August 2007

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We are happy to welcome our new associates! VICTORIA CECIL is Director of Religious Education for Blessed Mother Parish, Owensboro. A convert to Catholicism, she has a psychology degree from Kentucky Wesleyan College and is pursuing a masters in theology from Franciscan University. She hopes to “become a better person in my church, my family, and in society for having associated with the Ursuline Sisters.” Sister Alicia Coomes and Marian Bennett invited Victoria to join the Ursuline Associates. Her contact sister is Sister Marie Joseph Coomes. GAIL DAVENPORT of Central City, Kentucky, has been an active member of Saint Joseph Parish for nearly 30 years, yet she was baptized and joined the Catholic Church in 1999! She and her husband, Rick, have four sons. By nature an enthusiastic person, Gail is a leader in her parish and has served as religious education coordinator. She works at Greenville Hospital and is described as “a lovely mother, leader, friend and associate.” Sisters Rose Karen Johnson and Pauletta McCarty are her contact sisters. STEPHANIE GEORGE works in the affordable housing industry in St. Louis. Her life revolves around her family and people in need. All who meet her quickly see her kind heart, love for the elderly, and gift of compassion. She says, “I love to laugh and to make everyone around me laugh as well.” Associates Serafina and Gary Mesnier are her aunt and uncle. Becoming an associate is a way for Stephanie to help others deepen their relationship with God. Her contact sisters are Sisters Philomena Cox and Monica Seaton. MARY HARTZ is an active member of Precious Blood Parish in Owensboro, serving as eucharistic minister and co-director of the social justice committee. Completing the Just Faith program made her “more aware of my responsibility to all my brothers and sisters.” She and her husband, Joseph, have five children, six grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren. Mary is eager to share her gifts wherever they are needed. Bernadette Howard and Gloria Cecil invited her, and Sister Suzanne Sims is her contact sister. MOLLY JACQUES journeyed from Albuquerque, New Mexico, in June to make her first associate commitment at Maple Mount. She is a 1941 graduate of Sacred Heart Academy in Waterflow, New Mexico, where the Ursulines instilled “the importance of my Christian faith, getting along with people and forgiving.” Molly attended (and danced!) at the recent Waterflow reunion with her niece, Sister Sara Marie Gomez. Called “an exemplary mother and grandmother,” Molly volunteers at Birthright. Sister Clara Reid is her contact sister. FATHER JERRY RINEY has been associated with the Mount since birth and grew up here since his father, Joe Riney, was farm manager. He began serving Mass at age seven, and his first job was emptying trash when he was 10. He celebrated his 30th anniversary of ordination in 2005 and is presently pastor at Holy Spirit Parish in Bowling Green, Kentucky. It is said that, “Fr. Jerry’s joy, like Angela’s, is rooted in his deep conviction of his personal invitation to priesthood and sacramental ministry to and with others.” Sister Suzanne Sims is his contact sister. JUDY SIMS of Belton, Kentucky, made her first commitment in July. She and husband, Ric, are parents of three daughters and seven grandchildren, the latest, a granddaughter, just born in June. She is retired from Delta Airlines as an international reservationist. Judy and Ric are active members of Saint Joseph Parish in Central City and are instrumental in the operation of the parish’s food pantry. Many attest to Judy’s outgoing spirit and dedication to the needs of all people: “Her joy and enthusiasm are contagious.” Sister Rose Karen Johnson is Judy’s contact sister. MARCIA STOLLER is one of 11 children. She and Les, her husband of 45 years, have four daughters and eight grandchildren. They were active members of their former parish in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and are equally active in Saint Joseph Parish in Central City. They help in the parish food pantry. A cancer survivor, Marcia writes, “I never know why or what God calls me to. I trust Him and I hear a call to the associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph.” Her contact sister is Sister Rose Karen Johnson.

Associate Update

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Remembering Special Days... September Birthdays: 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 11

Judy Embry Ann Wilson Sue Hudon Fr. Joe Mills Betty Christian Gene Tritsch Gail Funk Anna Mae Kaiser Peggy Clark Brenda Semar 13 Mary Ann Childs 14 Joanne Mason Donna Szurgot 15 Judy Gray 18 Meg Synk Jody Ziegler 19 Nellie Coffman 20 Serafina Mesnier 21 Priscilla Archunde Francis Steffen 23 Irvin Hancock Barbara Hasenstab Nancy Richards Cathey Seaton 24 Rosann Whiting 25 Gerry Hasenstab 27 Sheila Blandford Agnes Fluech Joan Minks Sharon Speaks 28 Fr. Freddie Byrd Charlotte Paez 30 Maxine Beavin Eddie Prunty

October Birthdays: 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 29 31

Janet Kuper Albert Hayden Jean Gutierrez Jane Denton Patricia Jamett Margaret Trujillo Chavez Chris Geary Tom Payne Lena Dees Catherine Gawarecki Therese Allen Margaret Brasuel Pat Wilson Mary Ann Schilling Alice Albus Margie Hill Pete Pfeiffer Catherine Bockhold Anna Conn Shirley Hagman Sr. Theresa Murphy, SCN Ada Bader Margaret Gallegos Jerome Lee Alice Blazina Victoria Cecil Linda Lattus Evelyn Kehder Benjamin Head Rita Summers Audrey Durbin Mary Lyne Jean Steffen

Please keep this list and remember to pray for these associates on their special days.

November Birthdays: 1 Ed Cecil Mel Howard Louise Leasor 2 Dolores Polson 3 Claire Buckley Margaret Stenger 4 Will Payne 5 Fr. Phil Riney 6 Odelean Hill 8 Raquel Sepúlveda 9 Lorna Horishny 10 Kathy Kiper 13 Marilyn Terry 15 Carol Alvey 17 Al Coleman Bob Darst 18 Annette Stokes 20 Gary Riney 24 Donald Adams 28 Annette Chavez Sr. Jeannette Touchet, SEC 29 Inés Gálvez 30 Shirley Palmer

Lifetime Commitment Anniversaries in November: 1987 1988 1999 2005

Pat Davis Margie Hill Raynell Prado Florence Thompson Ann Leonard Marcella Critchelow Betty Medley

Lifetime Commitment Anniversaries in September:

Lifetime Commitment Anniversaries in October:

1989 Mary Rita Trittschuh 1990 Ione Deken Rebecca Leonard Janet Matyk Cletus Weidenbenner 1996 Anna Mae Kaiser Clarence Kaiser 1998 Agnes Fluech Doris Kolb-Hopkins 2006 Fr. Tony Shonis

1987 1990

Sarah Bowling Mary Kennedy Sr. Theresa Murphy, SCN Linda Perri Ann Collins Irvin Hancock Albert Hayden Teressa Hayden Mel Howard Jean Lonergan

1993 1996 1997 1999

Gene Tritsch Sr. Jeannette Touchet, SEC Marvin Giittinger Murilla Giittinger Helen Pfeiffer Pete Pfeiffer Catherine Roddy Gloria O’Hara Trudy Peak

August 2007

Associate Update

In Memoriam... FRANCIS ADRIAN BUMPUS, OSUA, of Madison, Tennessee, died April 22 at the age of 84. He was preceded in death by his wife, Marguerite Stewart Bumpus, who was a 1937 graduate of Mount Saint Joseph Academy. Adrian was retired from the retail business Adrian Bumpus after 41 years of service. He is survived by his children: Sister Mary Rose RSM, Judy, Tom, Jane, Joan, Diane, John, Patricia and Sister Maria RSM; 11 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. An active member of St. Joseph Parish in Nashville, Adrian was involved in the Renew program and the Knights of Columbus. In his End of Life statement, he said, “I would like to be able to say that through the prayers of the Ursulines and mine, we have helped each other to obtain eternal salvation and at the same time have guided others toward theirs.” The late Sister Helen Marie Pfohl was Adrian’s contact sister. MARY PAULINE HAYDEN, OSUA, died on November 15, 2006, at the age of 80. A native of Fancy Farm, Kentucky, Polly is survived by her sons, Charles Allen, Jimmie Dale and David Anthony, and her daughter, Elaine Marie, as well as nine grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Her husband, Charles, also an associate, preceded Pauline Hayden her in death on February 21, 1991. The late Sister Ethelreda Hayden was her contact sister. Polly retired from Obernester Glass Company in East St. Louis, Illinois, and was a former member of Holy Angels Catholic Church, where she was active in the Altar Sodality. At the time of her death, she was a member of St. Ann Catholic Church in Nashville, Illinois.

’ Make the greatest effort to live in the state to which you will have been called by God. - Saint Angela Merici Prologue to Rule

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LOUIS PEAK, OSUA, of New Albany, Indiana, died June 28 at the age of 75, while on vacation in Ohio. He is survived by Trudy Frey Peak, his wife of 53 years; his sons, Louis, Jr. and Wilbur, and his daughter, Michele, and nine grandchildren. He was an Louis Peak active member of Holy Family Catholic Church in New Albany, spending many years serving as Eucharistic Minister, Men’s Club member, and head of the parish trustees. Louis and Trudy became Lifetime Ursuline Associates in 1999. Sister Clarentia Hutchins, their contact sister, wrote of them:“Only words of praise for them can be found…I am sure anyone who comes in contact with them will feel the Spirit moving and a very deep aroma of love radiating from both.” FATHER CONRAN RUNNEBAUM, OFM, OSUA, died in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on May 5. A Franciscan priest for nearly 52 years, Father Conran ministered in Indian pueblos and rural communities in the Southwest. He worked with the Ursulines and said they“continue to be the BEST teachers I have ever known.” Described as“always kind and gentle,” Father Conran Father Conran’s contact sister was the late Sister Charles Marie Coyle; he made his lifetime commitment in 1997.

June Townsend

JUNE TOWNSEND, OSUA, a faithful Ursuline Associate since 1988, died February 26. She retired from General Motors Acceptance Corporation and was a member of Rosary Chapel Parish, Paducah. She shared community with Sister Mary Jude Cecil, who said she was“very much a community member.”

We Extend Deepest Sympathy To: • • • •

Fay Higdon, OSUA, whose mother, Therese Margaret Barr Higdon, died July 18. Peggy Clark, OSUA, whose nephew, Pat Bickett, died July 11. Bishop John McRaith, OSUA, whose niece, Shannon Moening, died in June. Diane Wilson, OSUA, whose father, T.O. Ballard, died June 7.

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Upcoming Events,,, • Date TBA - Immersion Experience in Leitchfield/ Grayson County with Sister Audrey Recktenwald, MSBT • August 23-25 - Immersion Experience in Louisville with Sister Grace Simpson, OSU • August 30-September 1 - Immersion Experience in Memphis with Sister Maureen Griner, OSU • Sunday, September 9 - Mount Saint Joseph Picnic • Wednesday, September 19 - Central City Associates, 6 p.m. • Sunday, September 23 - Associate Mini-Retreat, Mount Saint Joseph, 1 p.m. • October 5-7 - Marian Retreat with Msgr. Bernard Powers, Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center • Wednesday, October 17 - Central City Associates, 6 p.m. • Saturday, November 3 - Annual Alumnae Memorial Mass, 10:30 a.m. • November 5-7 - Thomas Merton Retreat, Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center • November 9-11 - Women’s and Men’s Retreat, Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center • Saturday, November 17 - Louisville Associates, 1 p.m.

37th Annual Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph

Picnic and Barbecue Benefit


Maple Mount, Kentucky

Sunday, September 9, 2007 Award-winning barbecue: Chicken, mutton, pork Serving 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Grand Raffle Prize $3,000

Silent Auction Booths - Crafts - Games

For the benefit of Retired Sisters

Volunteers Needed! Call 270-229-2008License No. 0290

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