UPDATE August 2008

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2008 Associates Day was a silver celebration By John Little, OSUA


Dream…A Vision…A Reality. In 1983, the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph embarked on an exciting opportunity to invite laity and clergy to join in their quest to continue the mission of Saint Angela Merici. The Ursuline Associates started out with humble beginnings, but 25 years later, more than 400 women and men throughout the world have joined them. On July 19, approximately 174 Ursuline Associates and Sisters came together at Mount Saint Joseph to celebrate 25 years of ministry together. The day began with prayer and song. This was followed by a presentation written by Sister Cheryl Clemons titled, “Scrapbooks, Lighthouses, and Spaceships.” Due to the death of Sister Cheryl’s father, Sister Michele Morek and Marian Bennett offered the presentation. The inspirational presentation focused on the writings of Saint Angela, who challenged the community members in her time (and each of us today) to live in harmony. Saint Angela said we were not to have discord (“the deadly plague”), but instead must take our differences and live in concord, which involves a spirit of charity and peace. After the talk, several participants took the opportunity to reflect on the words and challenges of Saint Angela. The afternoon session was highlighted by a special ceremony that recognized the eight women who have served as directors of the Ursuline Associate program during the past 25 years. All of the directors were present. They are: Sister Fran Wilhelm, Sister Mary Lois Speaks, Sister Elaine Burke, Sister Marie Bosco Wathen, Sister Marita Greenwell, Cecilia McEldowney, Sister Marietta Wethington, and Marian Bennett. This was followed by a presentation showing the events that have been planned, or are in the planning stages, for the upcoming year as we begin the next 25 years. The day ended with Mass celebrated by Fr. Tony Shonis, which included a ceremony for those making their temporary and lifetime commitments as Ursuline Associates. New Dreams…New Visions…New Realities. God has blessed the Ursuline community and those of us who have been connected to them through this wonderful relationship. What the Spirit has in store for the future is unknown, but God will lead us to new wonders and opportunities of spreading the vision of Saint Angela and the Good News. If you know of anyone who wants to be a part of the next 25 years, please have FIRST commitment class – The eight people who made their first commitments him or her call the Office of Ursuline on July 19: (Front row, l-r), Jean Murphy, Jerry Birge, and Mag Birge; (Back row) Helen Partnerships at 270-229-2006. n Kanter, Karen Siciliano, Paul Parker, Nancy Mills, and Betty Stone.

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Associate Update

August 2008

Letter from the director... Dear Ursuline Associates, near and far, Our anniversary year has begun! Over 170 associates and sisters gathered on July 19 to enjoy the beginning of our year-long celebration of the past, present and future. In the comingmonths,you’llreceivemorenews of special events and blessings as we grow together in work and word. I know you’ll enjoy photos of the Associates and Sisters Day elsewhere in this newsletter. And for even more photo memories, be sure to check out our associate Web page at ursulinesmsj.org. Here’s some more good news. You will soon find a special package just for you in your mailbox. Thanks to the guidance of the Associate Advisory Board and the artistic talents of board member Therese Fraize, every associate and every sister is receiving a celebration calendar to capture memories and record anniversary events. We hope you will enjoy seeing familiar faces, scenes and events on every page. Our E-mail Prayer Request Network continues to grow, averaging 100 prayer requests per month. I invite you to share its benefits. We witness every day the rejuvenating power of prayer. To share your prayer needs, simply contact us by phone, mail or e-mail. May you find blessing in every day, and know God’s love through the intercession of Angela Merici. Mrs. Marian Bennett, OSUA ASSOCIATE Update is published four times a year for the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999 Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 Web site: www.ursulinesmsj.org E-mail: associates@maplemount.org Director of Ursuline Partnerships: Mrs. Marian Bennett, OSUA Director of Spiritual Formation for Ursuline Partnerships: Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU Administrative Assistant: Christi Bowman Director of Mission Advancement/Communications: Dan Heckel Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski Web Design: Tiffany Orth ASSOCIATE MISSION STATEMENT e, the associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through the actions of our everyday lives. We commit ourselves to living the charism of Saint Angela Merici in union with and in support of the Ursuline community of Mount Saint Joseph.


Ursuline Sisters, Associates attend shrine meditation walk

A group of Ursuline Associates joined many Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph for dinner and a meditation walk on a beautiful evening June 23 at Maple Mount. About 25 associates from as far away as Louisville and Central City gathered at 5 p.m. in the Mount Saint Joseph dining room. Bernadette Howard, director of the Owensboro associates who hosted the gathering, prayed the blessing prior to the meal. The group enjoyed picnicthemed food like hamburgers, hot dogs, and potato salad. The associates brought delicious desserts to share. Afterward, the visitors and sisters met on the piazza to begin the meditation walk. Booklets titled, “Shrines on the Campus of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph Motherhouse” were used as a guide. Sister Annalita Lancaster, who wrote the booklet, read from the opening prayer, “In the spirit of Saint Angela Merici, founder of the Company of Saint Ursula, we begin this journey of the heart.” Two Ursuline Associates, Ruth Bittel-Nunez of Owensboro and Catherine Gawarecki of Leitchfield, carried candles to lead the procession. The first shrine on the walk was Christ the King, which sits on the front grounds of the former Mount Saint Joseph Academy. At each shrine, Marian Bennett, director of Ursuline Partnerships, read from the booklet, and Sister Marietta Wethington, director of spiritual formation for Ursuline Partnerships, read a reflection. Ursuline Associate Father Joe Mills The next places speaks with Sister Joseph Angela Boone during the meal served in the of prayer were the dining room prior to the walk.

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Associate Update

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Lifetime Commitments

Congregational Leader Sister Michele Morek, far right, leads a ceremony for lifetime commitments for associates during Associates and Sisters Day on July 19 at Maple Mount. SHRINE WALK from page 2

statue of S a i n t Joseph, the marker paying tribute to the first five Ursulines, the Father Paul Joseph Volk memorial, and the Memorial Wall. Next was Our Lady of Fatima, which overlooks the front valley, and Saint Agnes, a strong Christian who was martyred at the age of 12. Our Lady of Prompt Succor was the next stop on the journey. This shrine was built to fulfill a pledge made by the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph when pleas to Our Lady made by two Ursulines resulted in their ship safely reaching shore in the midst of a violent hurricane. The final visits of the evening were to the crucifix and cemetery. LIFETIME commitment class At the closing, the sisters broke out The 10 people who made their lifetime commitment as Ursuline Associates on July 19: (Front row, in song (“Magnificat�), providing a l-r) Barbara Boatner, Mary Teder, Ruth Metschuleit, and Gloria Adams; (Back row) Don Adams, serene ending to the shrine walk. Debbie Walker, Carolyn Butler, Elenita McConnell, Wanda Rickard, and Jean Simpson.

Welcome to Our New Associates...

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Associate Update

August 2008

JERRY and MARGARET “MAG” BIRGE, of Owensboro, Ky., have been affiliated with the Ursuline Sisters for nine years. Jerry served six years as Director of Communications for the Ursuline Sisters, and Mag often volunteered during those years, especially as a member of the flatboat project committee. Mag served on the board of LaPlaza when Sister Larraine Lauter was director, and both husband and wife became interested in the mission of the Ursulines. They are active members of Precious Blood Parish. Their contact sisters are Sister Amelia Stenger and Sister Pam Mueller.

HELEN KANTER of Indianapolis, Ind., retired from teaching after 39 years and is a former Ursuline Sister. Her colleagues at school talk of her unfailing devotion and compassion for her students and her willingness to always lend a listening ear to family, friends, or anyone who needs help. She has two sons, two stepdaughters and two grandsons. Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan is her contact sister. NANCY J. MILLS, of Owensboro, shows an untiring desire to help the Ursuline Sisters in any way she can. She was taught by Ursulines in grade school, graduated from Mount Saint Joseph Academy and attended Brescia College (now University), so she understands the Ursuline mission well. She is serving as president of the Alumnae Association and is the chairperson of the Mount Saint Joseph Picnic to Benefit the Retired Ursuline Sisters. Sister Rosemary Keough is her contact sister.

JEAN MURPHY, of St. Joseph, Ky., has been connected to the Ursuline Sisters since she was a little girl coming to visit her aunt, Sister Paul Joseph Mattingly. She was taught by Ursuline Sisters in grade school and graduated from Mount Saint Joseph Academy in 1948. She worked for a decade during the 1980s in the Motherhouse infirmary, and has always felt a close bond with the sisters. She is a member of St. Alphonsus Parish. Her contact sister is Sister Catherine Barber. PAUL PARKER, of Cleaton, Ky., has been a Christian all his life, but converted to Catholicism when he married his wife, Barbara Jo, in Louisville. He became very involved in his church, serving as an usher, coaching youth basketball and working the summer picnics. He moved back to Muhlenberg County in 2004 to care for his mother, and began attending St. Joseph Church in 2006, where he met Ursuline Sisters Rose Karen and Rose Theresa Johnson, who are his contact sisters. KAREN SICILIANO, of Springfield, Mo., first came to know the Ursuline Sisters when she was a member of the inaugural class of the Spiritual Direction Institute in 2004. She continues to study the teachings of Saint Angela Merici, and is a member of In Sieme, the bonded group of Ursuline Sisters Amelia Stenger, Pam Mueller, and Mary Celine Weidenbenner, who serve as her contact sisters. She is co-chairwoman of the education committee in St. Joseph Parish, where she also teaches religious education and coordinates the RCIA program. BETTY STONE, of Leitchfield, Ky., is very active in her parish, St. Joseph Catholic Church, where she’s a Eucharistic minister (including to the homebound), lector, head of the prayer chain, and a member of the Divine Mercy group and the Altar Society. She also sends cards to those who are ill or grieving. Her association with the Ursuline Sisters is fairly recent, but she feels inspired by their work and by Saint Angela Merici. Her contact sister is Sister Clarence Marie Luckett.

August 2008

Associate Sara Scully, center, poses with Sister Fran Wilhelm, left, and Marian Bennett at Pier 39 in San Francisco.

Associate Update

Associate Angelina Glomb greets Sister Fran in Cerritos, Calif.

California, Here We Come!

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Marian, left, and Sister Fran enjoyed the hospitality of Associate Sue Hudon, right, in San Jose, Calif.

Sister FranWilhelm and Marian Bennett spent 11 days in June visiting Ursuline Associates and Mount Saint Joseph Academy alumnae in California. Sister Fran and Marian, director of Ursuline Partnerships, logged over 2,000 miles, covering much of the state from San Juan Capistrano in the south to Vacaville in the north. In addition to enjoying true Ursuline hospitality at every stop, they enjoyed the visual grandeur of the rugged California coastline and the exotic experience (to a Midwesterner!) of fruit trees and flowers growing in backyards and on roadsides. Sister Fran ministered in California from 1975 until 1983 Associate Mary Margis, right, and Peggy Chavez Tasaka when she returned to Maple Mount to begin the associate (a graduate of Waterflow Academy in New Mexico), center, lunch with Sister Fran on a hot day in Palm Desert, program and to continue the ministry of the Jyotiniketan Prayer shared Calif. House began by Sister Carolyn Marie O’Harrow, OSU. While out west, Sister Fran was a councilor for the Charis Missions in La Puente and director of Charismatic Renewal for the Diocese of Orange County in Anaheim.

Claire Buckley, left, an Ursuline Associate, shared a laugh with Sister Fran and Marian in Orange, Calif.

Ursuline Associate Joan McKinnon, left, and her son, David, enjoyed their visit with Sister Fran in Garden Grove, Calif.

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Associate Update/Au

Associates and Sisters Day 2008 On July 19, 174 Ursuline Associates and Sisters gathered at Mount Saint Joseph to share their spirit and love for Saint Angela Merici, and welcome new associates or those making permanent commitments. Here are some of those who shared in the joy: LEFT: Gloria Adams, left, of Hawesville, Ky., and Sister Clara Reid, of Albuquerque, N.M., visit in the gymnasium. Gloria made her lifetime commitment.

The past and present directors of the Assoc their hands in blessing and sang a tribute, right are Marian Bennett, Sister Fran Wilh Burke, Sister Marie Bosco Wathen, Sister M Sister Marietta Wethington.

Sister Barbara Jean Head chats with Pat Wilson, of New Concord, Ky., during a break.

Sister Ann McGrew, left, tries to keep cool with a fan as Carolyn Butler, of Owensboro, smiles. Carolyn made her lifetime commitment and Sister Ann was her contact sister. LEFT: Associate Sue Scott makes a comment during the activities. LEFT: Ed Cecil, of Owensboro, chats with Sister Mary Lois Speaks, of Raywick, who completed her term on the Associate Advisory Board. RIGHT: Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan enjoys a break in the action with Shirley Hagman of Hawesville, Ky.

Sister Mary Jude Cecil, left, catches up with Dotty Liles of Henderson, Ky. Visit us online www.ursulinesmsj.org

Our Web site is updated often!

Debbie Walker, of Louisville, who made her lifetime commitment, talks with Sister Francis Louise Johnson during a break.

Associates Marilyn and Bob Beam of Louisville greet Sister George Mary Hagan.

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Sister Michele Morek, congregational leader, speaks into the microphone while giving the presentation “Scrapbooks, Lighthouses, and Spaceships.” The candles in front represented joy, hope, grace, peace and love.

ciates were recognized as the crowd lifted “Standing on the Shoulders.” From left to helm, Sister Mary Lois Speaks, Sister Elaine Marita Greenwell, Cecilia McEldowney, and

Debbie Walker carried the processional cross while Associate Carolyn Butler carried the lectionary for the Associates Day Mass. RIGHT: Sister Clarence Marie Luckett, left, of Caneyville, Ky., visits with Jean Gutierrez, of Clarkson, Ky., before the program.

Carol Hill, of Leitchfield, Ky., Sister Marie Joseph Coomes, Owensboro, and Elaine Wood of Barlow, Ky., share a laugh before the program began. BELOW: The crowd gathers in the gymnasium.

Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph Maple Mount, Ky.

38TH ANNUAL PICNIC Sunday, Sept. 7

To Benefit the Retired Ursuline Sisters

Serving times: 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Award Winning Barbecue: Chicken, Mutton, Pork, Burgoo Ursuline Associate Pauline Goebel of Louisville

Raffle Tickets Only $2 Each NOW AVAILABLE! Grand Prize $3,000

Sister Mary Matthias Ward, left, stops to talk with Associate Mary Ann Schilling of Ferdinand, Ind.

Silent Auction - Booths - Crafts - Games Get your tickets from any Ursuline Sister or call: 270-229-4103 ext. 278

Please Join Us at Our Picnic!

License #0290

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Associate Update

August 2008

Associates lead poverty immersion in rural Kentucky county Two Ursuline Associates led a poverty immersion June 24-25 in their small county where the residents have learned to work together to help the poor. Associates John and Elaine Wood worked with Sister Alicia Coomes to direct an immersion for Ursuline Sisters and Mount Saint Joseph staff in Ballard County, Ky. Only 8,767 people call Ballard County home in far western Kentucky, and 20 percent of those people live in poverty. It was one of two poverty immersions in June, with the other in Owensboro led by Sister Suzanne Sims. Others attending in Owensboro were Sisters Mary Celine Weidenbenner, Barbara Jean Head, and Nancy Murphy, as well as Mount Saint Joseph employee Jennifer Kaminski. Attending the Ballard County immersion with the people pictured at right were Mount Saint Members of the Ballard County poverty immersion, from left, Sister Marietta Wethington, Marian Bennett, Sister Marie Joseph Joseph employee Dan Coomes, Associates John and Elaine Wood, Brother Eddie Heckel and Fr. Julian Bromley (pastor of Grace United Methodist Church), Sister Teresa Ibemere. Riley, and Sister Alicia Coomes gather at the confluence of the The immersion Mississippi and Ohio rivers. centered on St. Mary Parish in LaCenter, where the Woods attend, Sister Teresa Riley ministers and Fr. Associate Elaine Wood explains the Julian serves. A decade ago, when Sister Alicia and Fr. Brian Roby were ministering St. Mary Food Pantry at the Ballard at St. Mary’s, they decided there was a need for a central location for distributing County poverty immersion. food. “I thought we could make it happen at St. Mary’s,” Sister Alicia said. In 2007, the food pantry served 1,756 families, which included 1,993 children. The immersion also group visited the Ballard County Senior Center, and heard from a representative of a family resource center, a school nurse, and the director of “His House,” a clothing store using its proceeds for imminent needs such as medicine, rent, and utilities. It was apparent to all the attendees that whatever successes the people of Ballard County have in combating poverty, they owe much of it to networking, compassion for others, and a belief in service rather than turf battles. n

Associate Mary Danhauer returns from Jamaica, cruises for a cause in February Ursuline Associate Mary Danhauer has returned to Owensboro from Jamaica, but she’ll set sail for Jamaica again in February. Mary, an advanced registered nurse practitioner, spent three years working with the poor in Jamaica. She is now the fulltime provider at the McAuley Free Clinic, which provides medical treatment and prescription drugs for people without medical insurance in Owensboro and Daviess County. Mary will briefly return to the Diocese of Mandeville, Jamaica as part of “Hope Across the Ocean” Cruise with a Cause. Mandeville is a sister diocese with Owensboro, and where Ursuline Sisters Jacinta Powers and Betsy Moyer plan to begin a new ministry this fall. Mary will join Faith in Travel on Feb. 1-8 for a Western Caribbean Cruise from Galveston, Texas. During a port of call, passengers can take supplies to the Mandeville people. For each cabin booked, Faith in Travel and Royal Caribbean will donate $125 to the Mandeville Diocese. To join the cruise, call 270-389-1002.

ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS of the Ursuline Society Communities Meet in Toledo July 21-23 Carol O’Keefe, left, co-director of associates in Paola, Kansas, and Sister Marie William Blyth, right, director of associates in Paola, shared ideas with Marian Bennett, center, at the Associate Directors meeting at the Ursulines of Toledo Motherhouse in Toledo, Ohio. The Ursuline Sisters of Paola will be merging with the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph later this year.

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Associate Update

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Murilla Giittinger. In the evening, Dorothy and Tom Funke welcomed us to their newly remodeled home and deck. Many stories were told! It was a perfect evening. Sunday, May 25, was a fitting highlight. At Mass, Father Michael McCabe introduced us and praised the Ursulines of Mount Saint Joseph to the heavens. After Mass, all were welcome to come to the hall and get reacquainted. A banquet at noon was another opportunity to greet former students, their parents, and co-workers. There was hardly time to eat -- too many people to talk with. After the banquet, there was a reception that went on Hosts for the Ursuline reunion in Nebraska City, Neb., on May for hours. Kathy Henner came all the way from 23-26 included Clarence and Anna Mae Kaiser, back left, and California to be there! Murilla Giittinger, third from left, and her husband, Marvin, far A very special treat was a video presentation right. The Giittingers hosted an associate meeting with Sister of many of the sisters who could not make the Maureen, Sister Mary, and Marian Bennett (seated in front). long trip. It was lovely! My final treat was the In 1918, the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph began renovated Grotto to Our Lady of Lourdes. It is truly ministering outside Kentucky for the first time when they astonishing to see what they have accomplished began teaching in Nebraska. Ursuline Sisters ministered over a period of three years! Many people have there until 2004, when Sister Jean Richard Stukenholtz dedicated bricks for the grotto; you will be thrilled retired to the Motherhouse. On May 23, Sister Jean Richard to know that the brick in the prime position, right and Sisters Maureen O’Neill, Vickie Cravens, Mary Angela in front of the statue of Mary is dedicated to: “The Matthews, Mary McDermott, and Rita Klarer, along with Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph.” Marian Bennett, director of Ursuline Partnerships, returned to We Ursulines have not been forgotten! All that each Nebraska City for a reunion and Associates meeting. of you did over the years, and all that our Associates are The following is Sister Rita’s account of the trip... now doing, will not be forgotten. Deep gratitude to all who made this journey of love possible! n It was a sad day for all of us who have ever been privileged to live with, work, pray, laugh, love and grow with the people of Nebraska when the last Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph left. And it must have been a joyous, if uncertain, journey for the first Ursulines who arrived there. Eventually, we had many missions there, and so very many Ursulines. Believe me, we have not been forgotten! The question I heard was, “Is there any chance of having an Ursuline presence in Nebraska City again?” Let me tell you, an Ursuline, especially of the Mount Saint Joseph variety, would be welcomed with open arms. After Mass on May 24, we broke up into groups, going to Paul and St. Benedict and Lourdes, even if we didn’t quite make it to Plattsmouth and Lincoln. One Dorothy Funke, far right, coordinated the Ursuline reunion in Nebraska City with her husband, Tom, front. Front, left to right, Sister Maureen O’Neill and Tom (with special event that afternoon was host dog, Pepper). Back: Sisters Mary McDermott, Jean Richard Stukenholtz, Mary the gathering of many of our Angela Matthews, Rita Klarer, Vickie Cravens, and Dorothy. Associates at the home of Marv and

Nebraska Reunion


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Associate Update


Associates’ Special Days to Remember September Birthdays: 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 3 1 14 15 18 9 1 20 21 23 24 25 27 28 30

Judy Embry Ann Wilson Sue Hudon Fr. Joe Mills Betty Christian Gene Tritsch Gail Funk Anna Mae Kaiser Peggy Clark Brenda Semar Mary Ann Childs Joanne Mason Donna Szurgot Judy Gray Meg Synk Jody Ziegler Nellie Coffman Serafina Mesnier Priscilla Archunde Francis Steffen Irvin Hancock Barbara Hasenstab Nancy Richards Cathey Seaton Rosann Whiting Gerry Hasenstab Sheila Blandford Joan Minks Sharon Speaks Fr. Freddie Byrd Charlotte Paez Maxine Beavin Eddie Prunty

Lifetime Commitment Anniversaries in September: 1989 1990 1996 1998 2006

Mary Rita Trittschuh Ione Deken Rebecca Leonard Janet Matyk Cletus Weidenbenner Anna Mae Kaiser Clarence Kaiser Doris Kolb-Hopkins Fr. Tony Shonis

October Birthdays: 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 29 31

Janet Kuper Albert Hayden Jean Gutierrez Jane Denton Patricia Jamett Margaret Trujillo Chavez Chris Geary Tom Payne Lena Dees Catherine Gawarecki Therese Allen Margaret Brasuel Pat Wilson Mary Ann Schilling Alice Albus Margie Hill Pete Pfeiffer Betty Stone Catherine Bockhold Anna Conn Shirley Hagman Sr. Theresa Murphy, SCN Ada Bader Margaret Gallegos Lee Jerome Alice Blazina Victoria Cecil Linda Lattus Evelyn Kehder Benjamin Head Rita Summers Audrey Durbin Mary Lyne Jean Steffen

November Birthdays: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 13 15 17 18 20 24 28 30

Ed Cecil Mel Howard Louise Leasor Dolores Polson Claire Buckley Bobby Smyth Margaret Stenger Will Payne Fr. Phil Riney Odelean Hill Raqúel Sepúlveda Lorna Horishny Kathy Kiper Marilyn Terry Carol Alvey Al Coleman Bob Darst Annette Stokes Gary Riney Donald Adams Annette Chavez Sr. Jeannette Touchet, SEC Shirley Palmer

Lifetime Commitment Anniversaries in November: 1987 1988 1999 2005

Pat Davis Margie Hill Raynell Prado Florence Thompson Ann Leonard Marcella Critchelow Betty Medley

Lifetime Commitment Anniversaries in October: 1987 Sarah Bowling 1993 Mary Kennedy 1996 Sr. Theresa Murphy, SCN 1997 Linda Perri 1990 Ann Collins Irvin Hancock Albert Hayden Teressa Hayden 1999 Mel Howard Jean Lonergan 2001

Gene Tritsch Sr. Jeannette Touchet, SEC Marvin Giittinger Murilla Giittinger Helen Pfeiffer Peter Pfeiffer Catherine Roddy Gloria O’Hara Trudy Peak Joe Welzen Ruth Wright-Welzen

Do you want to help the Ursuline Sisters in their goal of freeing and nurturing women and children? We are seeking a qualified person to lead our development efforts to ensure the continued support of the many vital ministries in which the Ursuline Sisters serve. Ursuline Associates understand well the faith and spirituality that guides all the decisions of the Ursuline Sisters. That knowledge is essential to celebrate with our supporters and to develop new friends. To learn more, contact Dan Heckel, director of Mission Advancement: 270-229-4103

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Associate Update

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In Loving Memory... Joseph Paul Buckman, Sr., of Roseville, Calif., 85, died May 29. Kathryn M. Buckman, OSUA, his wife of 62 years, survives, as well as his children Peggy, Paul Jr., Marcy, Michael, Stephen, Denise, Doug, Elaine and Patty. Joe Paul served in the Navy prior to and during Word War II, was at Pearl Harbor on the U.S.S. Maryland when it was attacked by the Japanese, and served on both the U.S.S. Pittsburg and U.S.S. Fern in that war. He later rejoined the Navy and retired after serving our country for a total of 20 years. Joe also worked for and retired from the Fremont Unified School district having worked there for 20 years as a custodian and gardener. Joe Paul was famous for his stories and jokes (practical and otherwise). Because of his example, his children and grandchildren all have a wonderful sense of humor and a love of and appreciation for family and music. He played the piano, keyboard, accordion, and harmonica and always filled his home with music. His sister was Sister Joseph Benjamin Buckman, OSU, now deceased. Loretta Mae Rapp Thein, 80, our associate from Collinsville, Ill., and a good friend of the former Belleville Ursulines, died June 9. A native of East St. Louis, Ill., Loretta Mae was a memberofImmaculateConception Catholic Church, Columbia, Ill. An outgoing and cheerful woman, she attended Associates and Sisters Loretta Mae Rapp Thein Day at the Mount in 2006 and was active with the Belleville associates. Her husband, Willis, preceded her in death in 2003. Loretta is survived by two sisters and two brothers, all of whom reside in Illinois, as well as 18 nieces and nephews.

’ Let them set their hopes on high and not on earth. - Fifth Counsel

Saint Angela Merici

Ruby Lee White of Leitchfield, Ky., died July 24 at the age of 92. She and her late husband, Emmett, were the parents of three sons, Joseph, Kenneth and John; and five daughters, Janice, Marty OSUA, Catherine, Phyllis and Rita. A lifelong Ruby Lee White member of St. Joseph Church and a founder of the parish prayer chain ministry, Ruby was also active in the Legion of Mary and the Altar Society. Her funeral was July 26, followed by burial in the church cemetery. Her contact sister was Sister Ruth Mattingly.

We Extend Our Deepest Sympathy To: • Jody Ziegler, OSUA, whose father, Carl C. Rixman, died May 28 in Louisville. • Ruth Bittel Nunez, OSUA, whose mother, Mildred Wedding Bittel, died June 14 in Owensboro. • Betty Cecil Medley, OSUA, whose mother, Elizabeth Maxine Riney Cecil, died July 4 in Owensboro. • Norma “Teen” Robinette, OSUA, whose brother, Carmel Clemons, died July 18 in Louisville.

“SisterCare” Seeking associates interested in the following projects: • Gardening on the Mount Saint Joseph grounds • Sitting with sisters during their time in the whirlpool to assure their safety If you can help, call Pat Williams



Save the Date!

2008-09 Quilt Club Memberships Available

License No. 0290

• Aug. 16 – Louisville associates meeting,

Central Presbyterian Church, 1 p.m.

• Aug. 20 – Muhlenburg County associates

meeting, St. Joseph Church, Central City, 6 p.m.

• Sept. 7 – Annual Picnic for Retired Ursuline Sisters • Sept. 26-27 – Associate Advisory Board Sister Mary Cabrini Foushee

The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph are busy making beautiful quilts. A new quilt is raffled each month. You can get 12 chances to win a quilt with our “Quilt Club” annual memberships. To purchase your Quilt Club membership for only $20,

Call 270-229-4103, ext. 278

Annual Quilt Club drawings begin Oct. 1, 2008. Order tickets now to get 12 chances to win!

meeting, Mount Saint Joseph, 5 p.m.

• Oct. 10 – Western Kentucky Associates

meeting, Sid Mason’s home, Mayfield, 5 p.m.

• Oct. 15 – Muhlenburg County Associates

meeting, St. Joseph Church, Central City, 6 p.m.

• Oct. 18 – Louisville Associates meeting •

Nov. 4 – GO VOTE!

• Nov. 5 – Fall Associate commitment Mass,

Mount Saint Joseph Chapel, 4:30 p.m.

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