UPDATE August 2006

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Twenty Make Commitment on Sisters and Associates Day


by John, OSUA, and Martha Little, OSUA

prayer to God on a ur journey daily basis — “send with the me.” Ursuline The afternoon Sisters began early session consisted of in life for both of us making this prayer — grade school to be and promise real. exact. John was taught Historically, the by the Ursulines emphasis has been at Immaculate for the associates to Conception School support the work of in Earlington, and the sisters. While Martha was educated this work will by the sisters at Sts. continue, there is a Joseph and Paul new emphasis on the School in Owensboro. sisters also helping to On July 8, our support the spiritual journey with the and charitable works Ursulines came being performed full circle as we Thirteen Ursuline Associates made their lifetime commitment at Mount by the associates. joined five others Saint Joseph during Associates and Sisters Day. Front row from left: This will provide making their first Jean Gutierrez, Grayson County; Carlene Braun, Grayson County; true collaboration in commitment, while Coreen Moore, Grayson County; Jacinta Garinger, Owensboro; Mildred every sense. 13 made their lifetime McDowell, Grayson County. Second row: Marilyn Beam, Louisville; Louise Leasor, Henderson; Carol Jo Hogan, St. Louis; Charlotte Paez, We broke up into commitment as Beaver Dam. Back row: Bob Beam, Louisville; Ola Higdon, Grayson geographic regions Ursuline Associates. County; Jody Higdon, Grayson County; Gustavo Paez, Beaver Dam. and discussed This wonderful the challenges day included prayer, and needs of our specific areas. Both sisters reflection, and two presentations by Father Timothy and associates were at each table. At our table Sullivan, a Paulist priest from Memphis. Father (representing the Owensboro area), we discussed Sullivan spoke on “Our Baptismal Call.” He reminded needs such as the homeless shelter, visiting the us that the waters of baptism are refreshing and homebound and nursing home residents, and cleansing. The baptismal waters help us to go with the organizing a list of all social and civic organizations flow of God’s love, and also challenge us to go against that are able to help those in need. After additional the tide of public opinion in order to live out Christ’s reflection, we decided that our number one priority teachings. would be intergenerational religious education. We Father Sullivan quoted Isaiah 6:5-8: Then I heard all saw a need for providing religious education the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? programs to all age groups. Who will go for us?” “Here I am,” I said, “send me!” As Ursuline Associates, we are all making the same continued on page 4

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Associate Update, August 2006

Making Love Visible...

Following Their Hearts: Mike and Pat Sullivan


by Sister Mary Jude Cecil, OSU

s I was preparing to go visit Pat and Mike Sullivan, to share memories of their lifetime commitment as Mount Saint Joseph Ursuline Associates, I glanced at my Saint Angela calendar on my desk and read: “Do something. Get moving. Be confident. Risk new things. Stick with it. Get on your knees. Then, be ready for Big Surprises!” (Prologue to the Counsels) Then I enjoyed an early summer morning in the Sullivans’ cool living room, listening to the memories that led them to be who they are today — two dedicated, faithful associates who indeed do something, get moving with confidence, take risks, stick with it, and have had many big surprises in their 49 years of married commitment to each other. No doubt they have been on their knees before the Lord during these years, asking his guidance. Some time ago, at St. Francis de Sales Church in Paducah, Pat and Mike met a woman wearing an associate pin of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth. After hearing her talk about her relationship with that community, they wondered whether the Ursulines of Mount Saint Joseph had such an association. Mike had about becoming Ursuline associates. They felt a stirring been a student of the Ursulines at St. Thomas More in their hearts then. Later, when Sister Suzanne invited School — many still remember him. Pat, taught by the them and offered to be their sponsor, they followed their Sisters of Charity at St. Mary Academy, knew little or hearts and began their journey with us when Sister Fran nothing about the Ursulines. Wilhelm was director of the program. When their daughter, Kathleen, was a sixth grader From the very start, the annual Mount Picnic became at St. Thomas More School, taught by Ursulines, Pat a priority and a passion for Pat and Mike. Asked what has and Mike organized a vocation field trip for the girls in kept them coming back every year to prepare for the big her class. They wanted the girls to experience the life event, they talked without hesitation about the wonder of the sisters, so they went to Mount Saint Joseph. Thus of feeling so welcome and so needed! Memories of the began a journey with the Ursulines that has only grown longer, confirming that the proof of a real friendship is its morning before the picnic — with all the preparations longevity. Both Pat and Mike said they kept being drawn near the old Bake Room — flooded out. Mike wishes back to that beautiful, peaceful, quiet Mount. For both, it he had counted the buckets and tubs of cabbage, onions, and potatoes hauled from the deep freeze area below the was like going home. Immediately, Pat said, she felt she hill, to the tables, to the kitchen! Pat recalls the warmth, was walking on sacred ground. They knew little history joy, fun, and laughter at the long tables with sisters, of our foundation. Yearning to learn more, they came associates, and other helpers, all milling around, working, back again and again. singing, and praying together through these days. She At this time, the Sullivans were very involved in said that the experience of the picnic is a continuation raising a family of three children and two grandchildren. of what she and Mike experienced that first time they Mike was lay director for the Cursillo movement in the arrived at the Mount. They were then and continue to Owensboro Diocese and working full time. Pat worked be deeply touched by the welcome, the acceptance, the in food services at St. Mary High School as well as love and the faithfulness of the Ursulines to them and to volunteering to help with fundraisers — auctions, turkey the many others who come to share their gifts with the dinners, and other efforts to help with the budget. Both sisters. have served on parish councils, school boards, and Both Pat and Mike talked about the evenings after community service projects. the work is done and the picnic is set to go. They love While working in St. Francis de Sales Parish, Sister gathering on the front campus near the chapel in groups Francis Louise Johnson often spoke to Mike and Pat

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Associate Update, August 2006

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Welcome to Our New Associates!

Michael Ziegler works for the Catholic Diocese of Memphis in the Office of Liturgical Music with the job title of pastoral musician. He is a teacher in the Institute for Liturgy and Spirituality. He helps his contact sisters, Sisters Maureen Griner and Margaret Ann Zinselmeyer, in many of their ministries, such as Hope House, Dorothy Day House, and Ministry to Gay and Lesbian Catholics. Michael recently completed the 2004-2006 Spiritual Direction Training Program at Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. Michael feels a real kinship with the spirit of Angela Merici and desires to meet with an intentional community for ongoing spiritual formation. Dorothy Liles was married 44 years and became a widow nine years ago. She has four children, eight grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. After

Following Their Hearts

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of associates and sisters — now dear friends — to talk, to remember, to laugh, to tell stories, and just to enjoy being together. There are no TVs, radios, or newspapers, Mike said — just the spirit of God in the hearts of those gathered to help. Both agree that all that the picnic entails has made deep impressions on them that will last a lifetime. They will continue to come, they said, not only to help, but also to receive more than they could ever give. Pat stated that to know they are loved sincerely by the Ursuline community is a gift for which they will be eternally grateful. They look forward to visits to the Mount because they are welcomed and loved for their presence there. They agree heartily that being Ursuline associates enriches their life together and their personal spiritual life, and it has deepened their desire to serve the Lord all the days of their life. We opened our time together with a prayer, and we sang our community song, “Make Love Visible,” written by Sister Maureen Griner, OSU, and Judy Gray, OSUA. In the name of the Mount Saint Joseph community, Pat and Mike, I want to paraphrase a part of this song to express our gratitude and love for . . . all you are and all that you do . . . . You have said “yes” to those you need to feed, knowing that God’s love is all that we need . . . . May God continue to bless your journey as Ursuline Associates as you make love visible to all of us who know, love, and appreciate you.n

retiring, she has volunteered for eight years at Holy Name parish office, where she attends Mass daily and is a charter member of the parish. She is a Eucharistic minister and a volunteer for RCIA. She was the Sophia Award recipient from Holy Name in 2005. Her contact sister is Sister Margaret Ann Aull.

Susan Scott has loved the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph since her first visit to the Mount in the mid ’60s. She spent over four years as a sister and has kept in close contact with her Ursuline friends over the years. She feels being an associate will bring her “full circle.” Sue is an elder in the Presbyterian Church where she chaired the Congregational Life Committee for two years and is active on various committees. She visits hospitals and the elderly regularly. “She truly makes love visible in so many ways,” writes Sister Maureen O’Neill, her contact sister. Dorothy “Chris” Denniston is a semi-retired special education administrator. A graduate of Mount Saint Joseph Academy, she entered community but felt God pulling her in another direction five years later. After a wonderful career as a special education teacher for 34 years, Chris retired in August 2004. She still works part time as an administrator. In recent years, Chris has reconnected with the Ursuline Sisters and has been welcomed with love and support. Her contact sisters are Sisters Miriam Medley and Judy Riney.

’ Act, bestir yourselves, have faith, make efforts, have hope, cry aloud to God with all your heart; then, without any doubt, you will see marvels. St. Angela Merici, Prologue to the Counsels

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Associate Upda

Photo G allery: S isters


Associates D ay 2006

Story continued from page 1 . . . . This proved the old adage that if you get a group of Ursuline Sisters together, at some point, a classroom is going to break out. Angela would be proud! The day concluded with a beautiful Mass and a ceremony celebrating the lifetime and temporary associates. We were all touched by the outreach of the sisters and look forward to a wonderful relationship for years to come. May the new journey begin‌. n

Seven Ursuline Associates made their temporary commitment on July 8. The new Associates are, front row from left: Sue Scott, Louisville; Michael Ziegler, Memphis; Chris Denniston, Louisville; back row: Anna Conn, Morganfield, Pauline Goebel, Louisville, Martha and John Little, Owensboro. Pat Wilson, of New Concord in Western Kentucky, spends a happy moment with Sister Mary Celine Weidenbenner.

Above: Getting to know each other is fun for Marian Bennett, Jody Ziegler of Grayson County, and Loretta Thien. Loretta is a CovenantMember(associate)of the Ursuline Sisters of Belleville, who merged with the Ursuline SistersofMountSaintJosephon October 21, 2005.

Above: Sister Grace Simpson, Pauline Goebel, and SisterMariettaWethingtonenjoytimetogether.Pauline, from Louisville, and Sister Marietta are sisters. Left: Bob Beam of Louisville was delighted to be reunitedwithSisterMargaretJosephAull,whowashis first-grade teacher (in the 1940s!) at St. Denis School in Louisville.

ate August 2006

Page 5 Left: Father Tim Sulllivan’s reflections on “Our Baptismal Call” proved inspiringandmotivatingforassociates and sisters. Right: Risë Karr and Betty Boren are delighted to reunite with Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan. The three have been friends for more than 10 years. Risë and Betty are from Hopkinsville.

Right: Anna Conn and Sister Mary Cabrini Foushee find time for a visit after the liturgy onSaturdayafternoon. Sisters Mary Cabrini and Eva Boone are Anna’s contact sisters. Anna, who is a new associate, is from Morganfield.


Also enjoying a visit after the liturgy are Sister Clarita Browning, Jacinta Garinger, and Sister Philomena Cox. Sister Clarita is Jacinta’s contact sister.


Top photo: Lorna and George Horishny and Barbara Goldsmith respond to Father Tim’s humor. Bottom photo: Stephanie George (candidate) and Tom and Amy Payne join in expressing their appreciation for the program.

Marian Bennett, OSUA (left), and Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU (right), co-directors of partnerships for the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, attended the 10th anniversary celebration of the North American Conference of Associates and Religious (NACAR) June 2-4 at Xavier University in Cincinnati. Religious and associates from Catholic religious communities from throughout the United States and Canada participated in the event. The theme for the biennial conference was “The Rivers of Living Water Flow From Within.” Also pictured are Louisville Ursuline sisters Jo Ann Haunz (next to Marian) and Sara Stauble.

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Remembering Special Days... September Birthdays:

October Birthdays:

2 Judy Embry 3 Ann Wilson 5 Sue Hudon 6 Fr. Joe Mills 8 Betty Christian 9 Gene Tritsch 10 Anna Mae Kaiser Gail Funk 11 Peggy Clark Brenda Semar 13 Mary Ann Childs 14 Donna Szurgot Joanne Mason 15 Judy Gray 18 Meg Synk Jody Ziegler 19 Nellie Coffman 20 Sera Mesnier 21 Francis Steffen Priscilla Archunde 23 Nancy Richards Cathey Seaton Irvin Hancock 24 Rosann Whiting 27 Sharon Speaks Agnes Fluech Joan Minks Fr. Conran Runnebaum Sheila Blandford 28 Charlotte Paez Fr. Freddie Byrd 30 Eddie Prunty Maxine Beavin

1 2 3 5 6 8

September Anniversaries of Acceptance:

22 years 20 years 19 years 18 years 15 years 14 years 13 years 11 years 5 years

Margie Hill Raynell Prado Pat Davis Helen Miles Dr. Larry and Joan Minks Msgr. Bernard Powers Mary Rita Trittschuh Jean Lonergan Pat Riordan Pauline Hayden Cletus Weidenbenner Carolyn Baseheart Don and Sharon Speaks Jerry Frey Sid Mason Agnes Fluech Kathy Kiper

Janet Kuper Albert Hayden Jean Gutierrez Jane Denton Patricia Jamett Tom Payne Chris Geary 9 Lena Dees 11 Catherine Gawarecki 12 Pat Wilson Therese Allen Margaret Brasuel 13 Mary Ann Schilling 14 Ann Hancock Pete Pfeiffer Margie Hill 17 Catherine Bockhold 18 Shirley Hagman 21 Sr. Theresa Murphy 22 Margaret Gallegos Ada Bader 24 Alice Blazina Linda Lattus 29 Benjamin Head Rita Summers 31 Mary Lyne Audrey Durbin Jean Steffen

Associate Update, August 2006

N ovember Birthdays: 1 Louise Leasor Mel Howard Ed Cecil 2 Dolores Polson 3 Margaret Stenger Claire Buckley 4 Will Payne 5 Fr. Phil Riney 6 Odelean Hill 8 Margaret Chavez Raquel Sepúlveda 9 Lorna Horishny 10 Kathy Kiper 13 Marilyn Terry 15 Carol Alvey 17 Bob Darst 18 Annette Stokes 20 Gary Riney 24 Donald Adams 28 Sr. Jeannette Touchet Annette Chavez 29 Inés Gálvez 30 Shirley Palmer

October Anniversaries of Acceptance: 21 years David and Jean Grant Fr. Phil Riney Mel Howard 20 years Janice Miller Marie Ritz 18 years Margaret Gallegos 16 years Gene Tritsch Fr. Aloysius Powers 15 years Annette Stokes 12 years Catherine Roddy 11 years Priscilla Archunde 10 years Gloria O’Hara 9 years Gary and Helen Riney 5 years Joe Welzen and Ruth Wright-Welzen 2 years Jean Bertram Sara Scully

November Anniversaries of Acceptance:

1 years Fr. John Vaughan 2 16 years ChicoandJuneIrizarry Joan Perry 11 years Marcella Critchelow Mary Rose Shoemaker Rev. Patricia Dawkins Mary Danhauer Willa Bloemer 5 years Joyce Firenza 3 years Teen Robinette Fr. Brian Johnson

To join our E-mail Prayer Chain, contact the Office of Ursuline Partnerships, 270-229-2006

mwethington@maplemount.org or mbennett@maplemount.org 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356

Associate Update, August 2006

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Spring and summer associate gatherings included (above left) Central City, June 14, with (front) Laura Smith, Marsha Stoller (guest), Sister Michael Ann Monaghan, Agnes Drea (candidate), Sister Renée Monaghan; (back) Sister Rose Theresa Johnson, Alice Powell (candidate) Elenita McConnell, Jean Simpson, Melinda Prunty (candidate), Sister Rose Karen Johnson, Dr. Eddie Prunty. Meeting in Glennonville, Missouri, June 20 (above), were (front) Sister Marietta Wethington, Margaret Hirtz (guest), Laura Lampe; (back) Ray and Barbara Weidenbenner, Ada Bader, Janet Kuper, Marian Bennett.

Enjoying an associate breakfast at Coreen Moore’s home in Grayson County, June 9, are Jody Ziegler, Sister Suzanne Sims, and Ola Higdon.

Prayer Requests Our sick: • Stella McClure, OSUA • Mildred Shrewsbury, OSUA • Tracy Strother, OSUA • Jack Daniels, Loni Daniels’

A June 10 Louisville gathering (left) included (front) Sisters Amanda Rose Mahoney, Marietta Wethington, Frances Miriam Spalding, with Lorraine Luken; (back) Penny Burns, Pauline Goebel. Meeting March 31 in Mayfield (above) were Father Tony Shonis, Pat and Mike Sullivan, Sister Mary Jude Cecil, Marian Bennett, Sister Mary Celine Weidenbenner, Risë Karr, Sister Marietta Wethington, Betty Boren, Sister Karla Kaelin, Pat Wilson, Sister Teresa Riley, Sid Mason.

• Betty Anne Adair, Mary Costello’s cousin • Nate Greve, fiance of Pat and Mike Sullivan’s granddaughter • Louis Allen Braun, Carlene Braun’s brother-in-law brother • Marilyn Helton, Suzanne • Mike Troutman, Phyllis Troutman’s husband Gochenouer’s sister • Martin Trujillo, Jr., brother May They Rest In Peace: of Lena Trujillo and Margaret Trujillo Chavez • Margaret Mount, OSUA • Thelma Bennett, Marian • Herbert Murphy, Suzanne Bennett’s mother-in-law Gochenouer’s uncle • Sarah Decker, Jean Simpson’s • Michael Pierce, Carol Hill’s niece brother-in law

May She Rest in Peace

Margaret Mount of Phillipsburg,

Missouri, died July 17, 2006, at the age of 67. Marge is survived by Richard P. Mount, her husband of 37 years; daughters Susan,Tracy, and Jennifer; and six grandchildren. An active member of St. Francis DeSales Church in Lebanon, Missouri, she became an Ursuline Associate in 2005. Her contact sister was Sister Renée Monaghan. She was a member of the Parish Council for Catholic Women and the Holy Fingers Quilting Club. In her End of Life Statement she wrote: “With God’s help and the inspiration of the Ursuline Sisters, I have become closer to God and drawn to His love by looking into the life of Saint Angela, who dedicated her life to teaching the young.”May she rest in God’s peace.

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It will be here before you know it!

MountSaintJosephPicnic Sunday, September 10

Make plans to volunteer, and be here toenjoythefood and the fun!!! Preparations Saturday morning ServingbeginsSunday at 11:30 a.m.

Cutting the cabbage with Gary and Bonnie

UpcomingMeetingsandEvents...  Louisville Area Associates Meeting — August 19. St. Angela Convent, 1731 Edenside Ave., 1 p.m. EDT  Belleville and St. Louis Associates Meeting — August 26. Ursuline Convent in Belleville, Illinois, 6 p.m. CDT  Owensboro area Associates Meeting — August 29, 5 p.m. CDT  Mount Saint Joseph 36th Annual Picnic for Our Retired Sisters — September 10. Serving begins 11:30 a.m. CDT.  Marian Retreat with Msgr. Bernard Powers — October 6-8. Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. Begins Friday 6 p.m. CDT.  Henderson/Union County Associates Meeting, — October 27. At Don and Sharon Speaks' home, 5 p.m. CDT  Louisville Area Associates Meeting, November 18. Time and place TBA.  Ministry of Today’s Catechist Retreat — November 3-4. Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. Begins Friday 8:30 a.m. CST  Thomas Merton Retreat — November 17-18. Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. Begins Friday 6:30 p.m. CST

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