UPDATE November 2007

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Prayer, action carry on spirit of Saint Angela LEFT: Associates John and Bernadette Howard of Owensboro attend a virtual poverty immersion August 17-18 at Maple Mount. Associate Judy Gray and Sister Maureen Griner led the workshop. Associate Louise Leasor of Henderson also came.

World’s need for justice takes many forms


By Marian Bennett, OSUA

he Ursuline Sisters’ goal of “addressing poverty of body, mind and spirit, especially in women and children,” assumed human faces this summer through a series of three immersion experiences in Memphis, Louisville and Maple Mount. These were designed to graphically illustrate the breadth and reality of poverty. At Mount Saint Joseph, Associate Judy Gray presented facts and ideas, including: • There are about 1.2 million children who are homeless on any given night in the U.S. • Poverty is the biggest political blind spot and moral failure in the United States. • So many have too little, while many have too much. Associates Sisters Ann Middlebrooks and Ann Touchet, SEC, attended the Memphis event. Attendees toured both Hope House, a preschool for HIV positive children, and Dorothy Day House, an emergency lodging facility for homeless families. Participants said: • Hope House is a ministry living the gospel. • Dorothy Day House is breaking the homeless cycle, one family at a time. • Educational and emotionally moving experience... enabled me to see how my work can sensitize others to a part of the real world we often simply overlook. • This experience changed my life. In Louisville, Sister Grace Simpson accompanied a group to several locations, including Sister Visitor Center and the Healing Place. Attendee Sister Maureen O’Neill said, “This upsets my comfort zone, but in a good way, because it moves me to action.”

LEFT: Sister Ann Middlebrooks, SEC, with Jakeylah at the Dorothy Day House in Memphis. An associate from Shreveport, Louisiana, Sister Ann attended the poverty immersion in Memphis. RIGHT: Associate Sister Jeannette Touchet, SEC, and Sister Carol Shively, both from Shreveport, tour the Hope House Daycare Center during the Memphis poverty immersion August 31-September 1.

ABOVE: Associate Judy Gray holds Jakeylah at the immersion. Judy is co-director of the Dorothy Day House.

RIGHT: Training facilitator Martha Crabtree, right, hands paperwork to Associate Mary Hartz at the St. Benedict homeless shelter in Owensboro October 20. Mary signed up to be a shelter companion and to help with food preparation.

Sister Maureen Griner, who initiated the immersions, said, “This is just the beginning of an exploration to see what isn’t happening, especially in the places where we serve.” Additional immersion experiences are planned for rural Grayson County and other areas in 2008-2009. Immersions are just one way Ursuline sisters and associates serve through empowerment and contemplative presence to bring justice in the spirit of Saint Angela. Other places where Ursuline associates minister include: • St. Benedict Joseph Emergency Homeless Shelter in Owensboro, open during the winter • St. Joseph Church in Central City food pantry • Holy Name Church in Henderson baby closet • Associate Father Tony Shonis’ ministry for Hispanic families at Ellis Park racetrack during the summer • Sister Visitor Center, an emergency assistance and advocacy office in Louisville • The world’s poorest diocese: Mandeville, Jamaica Continued on page 5

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Associate Update

Letter from the director...

Dear Ursuline Associates, Candidates and Friends,

November 2007

Associate Advisory Board leading us into the future

Autumn is a wonderful time to give thanks - for sunshine and colorful leaves, for family gatherings and good food, for the guidance of Saint Angela who leads us always to the feet of Jesus. We give thanks for 25 years of sisters and associates working and praying together in Ursuline partnership. And I give thanks for YOU! For the times we share together and for the prayers we offer for each other -- may you be richly blessed! Mrs. Marian Bennett, OSUA Director of Ursuline Partnerships

Visit Saint Angela sites in Italy in 2008

Imagine yourself sharing the Holy Eucharist with others who love the Ursuline founder in the very place where she prayed for her Company and for us down the ages. Walk in the footsteps of Saint Francis of Assisi. You will feel you entered the Middle Ages and understand better why Saint Angela Merici became a third order Franciscan. Pray with Angela as you experience the small farmhouse where she was born and the fields where she heard the voice of God in her prayer.

JOIN THE URSULINE SISTERS IN THIS PREMIER PILGRIMAGE TO ITALY! Sister Marietta Wethington, director of spiritual formation for Ursuline Partnerships, and Fr. John Vaughan, associate, will lead us on this spiritual journey to Milan, Desenzano, Brescia, Florence, Assisi, Rome and more from May 27 through June 5, 2008. Contact Sister Suzanne Sims at 270-229-2008. Hurry! An early bird discount is available.

The Ursuline associate advisory board is leading us to exciting times together for sisters and associates. Current projects include planning the year-long 25th anniversary celebration of the associate program at Mount Saint Joseph beginning in 2008. Watch future issues of the Update newsletter for news of special programs and ministry opportunities. ABOVE: Members of the Advisory Board take a break from a recent meeting. Front row, left to right: Paul Gray, Memphis; Therese Fraize, Morganfield; Sister Mary Lois Speaks; Raywick. Back row: Jody Ziegler, Leitchfield; Sister Maureen Griner, Memphis; Director Marian Bennett; Spiritual Formation Director Sister Marietta Wethington; Mary Ann Schilling, Ferdinand, Indiana. ASSOCIATE Update is published four times a year for the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999 Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 Website: www.ursulinesmsj.org E-mail: associates@maplemount.org Director of Ursuline Partnerships: Mrs. Marian Bennett, OSUA Director of Spiritual Formation for Ursuline Partnerships: Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU Editor/Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski Administrative Assistant: Christi Bowman

November 2007

Associate Update

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Hello! Associate contact project successful

Jody Ziegler, Leitchfield

Carol Alvey, Owensboro

Helen Miles, Owensboro

Violet Hamilton, Leitchfield

Margie Hill, Owensboro

Carol Hill, Leitchfield



The Associate Contact Project conducted in September resulted in conversations with 169 associates throughout the country. Members of the Associate Advisory Board and the associate calling team worked over a period of weeks to reach out in friendship and the spirit of Saint Angela. Several associates were not reached due to wrong numbers or not being home at the time of the phone calls. If you would like to share your associate experience with us, call 270-229-2006 or e-mail associates@maplemount.org.

Associate e-mail addresses needed

Ursuline Partnerships likes to communicate by e-mail whenever possible. It’s a quick, easy way to stay in touch and saves money on postage. To share your e-mail address, please send your name and e-mail address to: associates@maplemount.org

Catherine Gawarecki, Leitchfield

Photo contributed by Jody Ziegler

Our Lady of Fatima Rally

A Public Square Rosary Rally in Leitchfield, Kentucky, was held to honor Our Lady of Fatima. Catholics in thousands of cities rallied on October 13, exactly 90 years since the miracle of the sun at Fatima. Many Ursuline associates from Grayson County are among those pictured above.

Louisville associates met August 18. Marian Pusey (candidate) and Associate Penny Burns wrap picnic mystery booth packages. Left: Susan Reiss and “Angel.”

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Associate Update / N

Associates at the Mount

Associate Pauline Goebel sorts lime green picnic T-shirts to give to the hundreds who volunteered to work at the annual picnic September 9. Above right: Associate Elaine Wood carries the Gospel Book into the Mount Saint Joseph Chapel during a pre-picnic Mass. Associate Gloria Cecil irons aprons that will be worn by picnic cooks and servers. She was inside Saint Angela Hall.

Associates Mary Jo Dodson and Coreen Moore price yard sale items in the Maple Mount gym for the yard sale picnic booth.

Grayson County associates helped organize a Christmas in July Craft Sale at Maple Mount in July. Seated, left to right: Violet Hamilton, Mary Jo Dodson, Carol Hill, Sister Mary Louise Knott, Coreen Moore and Erv Moore. Below right: Associate Mimi Rodriguez and visitor Helen Kanter stopped to smile at a reception for picnic volunteers.

Below left: Nebraska City Associates Clarence and Anna Mae Kaiser visited Sister Jean Stukenholtz Sister Rose Karen Johnson and Associate at the Mount Marcia Stoller sort quilt club tickets. October 29. They met Marian Bennett, third from left, and Sister Marietta Wethington, right. Sister Jean (inset) taught in Nebraska from 19972004. Photo by Sister Jean. Far left: Associate Gary Mesnier cooks hot dogs in the Fun Foods picnic booth. Left: Associate Amy Payne paints faces at the picnic. Right: Associate Melinda Prunty leads a session at a week-long Christian Leadership Institute in June at Mount Saint Joseph Retreat Center.

November 2007

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‘God’s arms were around us!’

Owensboro associates met October 29 at Saints Joseph and Paul Parish Hall. Row 1: Peggy Clark, Sr. Marietta Wethington, Sr. Michele Morek, Helen Miles. Row 2: Mary Hartz, Sr. Marie Joseph Coomes, Sr. Rosemary Keough, Mary Kennedy, Sr. Rose Jean Powers, Lola Whitesides, Fr. Carl McCarthy. Row 3: Sr. Suzanne Sims, Fr. Joe Mills, Sr. Fran Wilhelm, Jacinta Garinger, Sr. Cheryl Clemons, Sr. Mary Diane Taylor, Bernadette Howard, John Howard. Row 4: Fr. Leonard Alvey, Martha Little, John Little, Sr. Ann McGrew, Sr. Mary Timothy Bland, Sr. Joseph Angela Boone, Margie Hill, Sr. Helena Fischer. Left: Henderson and Union County associates met October 26. Front: Bobby Joe Christian, Sr. Marietta Wethington. Middle: Larry Denton, Jane Denton, Bea Porter, Wanda Gibson, Betty Christian, Louise Leasor, Sr. Marie Joseph Coomes. Back: Don Speaks. Sr. Alicia Coomes, Dotty Liles, Sr. Suzanne Sims, Sharon Speaks.

Ursuline Associate Carol Alvey, who made her lifetime commitment this year, was one of the victims of the October 18 tornado which touched down in Owensboro. Her one-story, brick home on East 3rd Street suffered extensive damage, but somehow, all of her precious possessions inside survived. The front porch roof collapsed, six windows were blown out, and there was roof and water damage. “Incredibly, nothing inside was damaged,” said Carol. “Statues that I collect, photos, even my fine china.” “I think as far as everybody in our neighborhood is concerned, we are most fortunate. There were no injuries, we lost no pets, and the property we lost can be replaced. I feel God’s arms were around us.” While her home is being repaired, Carol has moved into the Saints Joseph and Paul Good Samaritan House for refugees. n


Associate Brenda Semar led a weaving workshop at the Mount August 2-4, along with Associate Jody Ziegler and Debbie Webb. Associate Anna Conn, seated at right, sets up her weaving loom while Chris Kormelink and Becky Monetathchi check her progress.

continued from front

• Casa Ursulina in Chillan, Chile where Sister Ruth Gehres recently moved to help Sister Mimi Ballard and a group of associates teach support skills to impoverished women • Associates Father Carl McCarthy, Martha Little, John Little, and Carol Alvey help organize the Saints Joseph and Paul Church annual neighborhood Block Party • Gift basket fundraiser at St. Paul School in Leitchfield where Sister Anne Michelle Mudd teaches In ways large and small, sisters and associates work together to serve others. But we’ve only just begun! Many more needs and silent cries reach out to us. How can we help? Let us be contemplative in our efforts – take “a long, slow, loving look” around our world, and Saint Angela will lead us to the feet of Jesus and the answers to our hurting world. n

Associate Update

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Remembering Special Associate Days... December Birthdays:

January Birthdays:

3 Alfred Karcher 5 Lucy Adams 5 Melinda Prunty 6 Bishop John McRaith 7 David Grant 10 Larry Lynch Jr. 12 Marvin Giittinger 13 Jean Lonergan Hita Merchant 14 Fr. Ben Luther 15 Don Monaghan Arleen Naglich 16 Carola Pulgar Mary Lou Schaefer 17 Randy Lamastus Mary Teder 18 Patsy Claussen 20 Winnie Cohron Joe Welzen 21 Merle Weilbacher 22 Mary Hartz 24 Brenda Sauer Bob Whiting 25 Fanny Gonzalez Sue Menke Ruth Metschuleit 26 Bonnie Adams Betty Boren Ann Ruth Hayden Joan Perry 28 John Howard 29 Andy Chavez Leon Donahue 31 Janice Miller

1 Molly Jacques Mary Ann McGraw 2 Mary Helen Riney Janet Matyk 4 Fr. Aloysius Powers 5 Therese Fraize 6 Lois Bell Coreen Moore 7 Sheila Clark John Hancock John Little 8 Debbie Walker 9 Penny Burns Paul Gray Ray McGraw 10 Bobbie Laker 12 Maria Rose Galles 14 Edith Whitechurch 15 Mary Margis Georgann Stuck 16 Teressa Hayden 17 Paul Kordenbrock 19 Linda Perri 21 Bernadette Howard Carolyn Miller 23 Pat Davis 24 Dorothy Hughes 26 Midge Palm 27 BarbaraWeidenbenner 28 Larry Menke 29 Marilyn Beam Phyllis Troutman 31 Yolanda Moraga Polly Mouser

Lifetime Commitment Anniversaries in December:

Lifetime Commitment Anniversaries in January:

1990 1997 2004

Anna Dye Ada Bader Catherine Bockhold Shearon Harris Barbara Weidenbenner Lucille Weidenbenner Ray Weidenbenner Jo Morelli Raymond Morelli Sr. Agnes Ijoko, HHCJ

Please pray for these associates on their special days.

1988 1998

Sue Hudon Edna Marnell Maria Rose Galles

February Birthdays: 2 5 6 9 10 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28

Sarah Payne Rev. Phil Hoy June Irizarry Florence Thompson Therese Lawson Fr. Jerry Riney Teen Robinette Msgr. Bernard Powers Fay Higdon Gloria Cecil Gloria Henderson Mary Kennedy Anna Lesousky John Wood Margaret Tasaka Rosemary Schiavi Brett Stallings Marlene Monaghan Cecilia Curtis Jeanne Lamastus Joe Buckman Ray Weidenbenner Laurine Scott Mary Rose Shoemaker Rev. Carol Owen

Lifetime Commitment Anniversaries in February: 1998 Dottie Clark Joan Perry Rosemary Schiavi Mildred Shrewsbury Ruby White

Sign-ups for the next

Spiritual Direction Training Program

at Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center begin in January 2008. Eight weekly sessions take place on a quarterly basis from October 2008 through July 2010. Participants receive intense training in spirituality and spiritual direction and a certificate upon completion. For more information, please call


November 2007

Associate Update

In Memoriam... SISTER MARY DAVID THOMAS, OSU, 97, an Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph, died October 3 at Mount Saint Joseph in her 79th year of religious life. She was born in St. Louis, Missouri and grew up in Marion County, Kentucky. An educator for 49 Sister Mary David years, she taught at St. Peter of Antioch Thomas School, Waverly (1931-36), St. Raphael School, Daviess County (1938-39), St. Mary Magdalene School, Sorgho (1939-42), St. William School, Knottsville (1945-48), Sts. Joseph and Paul School, Owensboro (1952-54), St. Sebastian School, Calhoun (1958-62), St. Alphonsus School, St. Joseph (1962-63), and Clarkson School, Clarkson (1975-79). She taught in the Archdiocese of Louisville, and in Missouri, where she also served in parish ministry. From 1983 until her retirement in 1987, she ministered in health care at Mount Saint Joseph. Survivors include nieces and nephews, and the members of her religious community. The funeral Mass was October 5 at Mount Saint Joseph, with burial in the convent cemetery. Glenn Funeral Home, Owensboro, was in charge of arrangements. Gifts in memory of Sister Mary David Thomas may take the form of donations to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356. ***** Inés Gálvez, Chilean associate, died October 12 after a ten-month battle with cancer. Among her survivors are her mother, 94-year-old Laura, with whom she lived. Inés was one of the founders of the Dianna Ortiz Center for Women, (known as Casa Ursulina), Inés Gálvez in Chillan, Chile. She was among the first seven Chilean women to become Ursuline associates on March 13, 2001. She was described as “a ball of fire” in her volunteer work in knitting and yoga classes at Casa Ursulina. She also gave Reiki treatments to terminally ill patients and those with HIV through the local public health department. May she rest in peace. Que descanse en paz.

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Life and Prayer of Saint Angela Retreats in Owensboro, Leitchfield Owensboro associates held a retreat focused on Saint Angela September 23 at Maple Mount. Associate Martha Little (right) and Sister Marietta Wethington led the retreat. Below: Sr. Jean Gertrude Mudd, Sr. Marie Julie Fecher, Sr. Mary Evelyn Duvall, Sr. Jane Miriam Hancock, Martha, and Sr. Mary Mercedes Knott.

An October 12 Grayson County associate retreat focused on Saint Angela. Seated: Tracy Strother, Jean Gutierrez, Sister Clarence Marie Luckett. Left: Teen Robinette at the Grayson County retreat at Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Church, Clarkson, Kentucky.

Like to write?

If you are interested in writing an article for Update, let us know. We sometimes need help covering associate events.

We Extend Deepest Sympathy To: • Coreen Moore, OSUA, and Stella McClure, OSUA, whose uncle, Bernard Hill, died October 13 in Louisville

’ Have Jesus for your one and only treasure. - 5th Counsel

Saint Angela Merici

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Upcoming Events,,, • Friday, December 14 - Grayson County Associates Christmas Party, 10 a.m. • Saturday, December 22 - Winter Solstice Sunrise Celebration: Mount Saint Joseph Retreat Center • January 2 - Sign-ups begin for next Spiritual Direction Training Program (Fall 2008-Spring 2010) • January 8-10 - Grant Writing Workshops, Mount Saint Joseph Retreat Center • Saturday, January 12 - Associate Advisory Board Meeting, 8:30 a.m. • Wednesday, January 16 - Muhlenberg County Associates, 6 p.m. • Friday, January 25 - Henderson-Union County Associates, 4 p.m. • February 15-17 - Charismatic Conference: “Behold, I Do a New Thing,” Mount Saint Joseph Retreat Center • February 29-March 2 - Women’s Retreat with Sister Cheryl Clemons, Mount Saint Joseph Retreat Center • May 25 - Alumni and Ursuline Sisters Reunion, Lourdes High School in Nebraska City, Nebraska

Celebrate and share the miracle of Christmas The nativity set above was photographed in the Villa at Maple Mount

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