UPDATE November 2008

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Angela leads us to new life By Carol O’Keefe, Paola, and Marian Bennett, Maple Mount

Change is often difficult. Newness can be frightening. But change brings new life, new horizons, new inspiration. Since 1912, the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph have followed Saint Angela Merici’s pilgrim way, reading “the signs of the times,” and acting. On the Feast of Saint Ursula, Oct. 21, 2008, Ursulines stepped out in courage and faith once again, with the merger of the Mount Saint Joseph and Paola, Kan. communities. Ten Ursuline Sisters from Belleville, Ill., arrived in 2005; now 23 Ursuline sisters join us from Paola. So it is with Ursuline Associates. We welcome the bright possibility of 101 new associates from Paola, just as we were blessed by the 33 associates from Belleville who joined us on our journey with Saint Angela. Since 2005, Belleville associates have continued to meet to reflect on Angela’s guidance and inspiration. Led by Sister Dorothy Helbling, they come together to share prayer, reflection and fellowship. In a recent issue of Associate Update, Owensboro associate John Little wrote, “What the Spirit has in store for the future is unknown, but God will lead us to new wonders and opportunities of spreading the vision of Saint Angela and the Good News.” At gatherings in August and October, Paola associates echoed that thought and formulated plans to remain true to the

Among the 30 people who joined Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan, far left, for a retreat in Paola, Kan., in October were Dan Lawless, Joanne Thompson, Carol O’Keefe, Dale Holt, and Sister Marie William Blyth.

spirit and charism of Saint Angela by forming small faith communities to pray, share and study Angela. Tony Butel said, “Saint Angela is pointing the sisters and associates to broader opportunities and urges all to trust and pray.” Lisa Reilly agreed. “Things are going to open up for us in ways we can’t even imagine,” she said. Associates and Sisters Day is scheduled for June 27, 2009. On that special day, sisters and associates will gather to renew their relationship of spirit and mission. Associates will join to form a seamless new creation. As we strive to live the Gospel mandate, and as we work to learn from Saint Angela, every day is new and every day is a beginning. We walk together in the Pilgrim Spirit of Angela!

LEFT: Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph Chapel, Maple Mount, Ky. RIGHT: Statue of Saint Michael in front of the Ursuline Sisters of Paola Motherhouse, Paola, Kan.

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Associate Update

Letter from the director...

November 2008

Ursuline Associates win 2008 Sophia Awards

Dear Ursuline Associates, As days grow shorter and leaves begin to fall, change is in the air here at the Mount and for our country, too. A new president will lead us into the future and new sisters and associates join us from Paola, Kan. We’re happy to welcome all of you with this special edition of our newsletter. We hope you enjoy it! These are days when our hearts turn to Thanksgiving and our many blessings. I give thanks especially for all of you, our associates. In your devotion to your vocational call, in the seemingly insignificant acts of kindness and love you show every day, you carry the spirit of Saint Angela. Although you may not be aware of it, you make a difference Elaine and John Wood in someone’s life and I applaud you. This year marks the 10th anniversaryoftheSophiaAwards May you be blessed as you bless others, in the Diocese of Owensboro, Ky. These are awards from the people of the parish to a senior Mrs. Marian Bennett, OSUA citizen or couple who have Director of Ursuline Partnerships shown themselves to be role models of their faith in Our Web site is updated each week. their parish and community. Sophia is a Greek word Check it out! www.ursulinesmsj.org meaning wisdom. The award Margie Hill was named by Father Joe Mills who was a member of the ASSOCIATE Update Diocesan Committee on Aging. is published four times a year for the Associates This year four Ursuline of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph Associates were among those 8001 Cummings Road honored with the awards: Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999 Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 Web site: www.ursulinesmsj.org E-mail: associates@maplemount.org Director of Mission Advancement/Communications: Dan Heckel Director of Ursuline Partnerships: Mrs. Marian Bennett, OSUA Director of Spiritual Formation for Ursuline Partnerships: Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU Administrative Assistant: Christi Bowman Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski Web Site: Tiffany Orth



e, the associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through the actions of our everyday lives. We commit ourselves to living the charism of Saint Angela Merici in union with and in support of the Ursuline community of Mount Saint Joseph.

Elaine & John Wood

of Barlow, Ky., members of St. Mary’s Parish in LaCenter, Ky., made their first associate commitment in July 2007. John Teen Robinette and Elaine have five children and eight grandchildren. Natives of Missouri, they were educated by Ursuline Sisters. Margie Hill of Owensboro, Ky., is a member of St. Stephen Cathedral Parish, Owensboro. She made her lifetime associate commitment in 1987. Norma “Teen” Clemons Robinette of Clarkson in Grayson County, Ky., is a member of St. Augustine Parish, Grayson Springs. She made her lifetime commitment as an associate in July 2007.

Congratulations to our winners!

November 2008

Associate Update

Father Leonard Alvey, OSUA celebrates 50th Jubilee Brescia University President Father Larry Hostetter, right, speaks at the podium as Father Leonard Alvey stands at left. A celebration for Father Leonard’s 50th ordination as a priest took place Sept. 21 in Brescia’s chapel and Campus Center. Ursuline Associate Father Leonard has served at Brescia for more than 35 years. Father Leonard Alvey studies a new wooden statue of Saint Thomas Aquinas, patron saint of Catholic schools, at Brescia. It will be placed in the Campus Center once a pedestal is complete.

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Retreat Center Rededication

Sister Evelyn Craig, IHM, and Ursuline Associate Martha Little, far right, sing “Now Thank We All Our God” at Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center’s Aug. 10 rededication ceremony. Sister Evelyn is director of spiritual programs at the Center, and Little is a Center board member. Little also led a prayer at the event.

New Advisory Board

New Associate Advisory Board members: Sister Nancy Murphy, OSU, graduated from Mount Saint Joseph Academy in 1959 and became an Ursuline in 1960. She is a clerk for the Retired and SeniorVolunteer program Father Leonard at Southwestern Illinois College in photos taken by Sister Nancy Belleville, Ill. Tami Schneider, Western Ky. Catholic Murphy Mike Sullivan is a member of the Western Kentucky associates and th was formerly volunteer chairman of the Mount Saint Joseph picnic. Mike was educated by Ursulines at St. Thomas More School in Paducah. He Celebrate the present with meetings concentrating and his wife, Pat, made their lifetime on the Ursuline core values and the new Ursuline commitments as associates in 1992. presentation, “The Journey Continues.” Michael Ziegler is a member of the associates in Memphis, Tenn. He • January & February 2009 – “Angela Merici: Model Mike Sullivan made his first commitment in 2006. of Listening to God in Daily Life” Retreats: Michael is a pastoral musician in • Jan 31 at Central Presbyterian Church, the Office of Liturgical Music at the Louisville, led by Associate Mary Ann Schilling Catholic Diocese of Memphis. and Sister Ann McGrew New members replace departing • Jan 31 in Glennonville, Missouri, led by members Sister Mary Lois Speaks, Associate Janet Weidenbenner Kuper and Sister Jody Ziegler, and Therese Fraize. Mary Sheila Higdon Remaining on the board are Sister • Feb 7 in Grants, N.M., led by Associate Velma Maureen Griner, Marian Bennett, Paul Dees and Sister Mary Matthias Ward Michael Gray, Mary Ann Schilling, and Sister To attend, contact Marian Bennett: 270-229-2006 Ziegler Marietta Wethington.

25 Anniversary Celebration Continues...

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Associate Update / N

LEFT: Associate Catherine Gawarecki, second from left, waves to the camera on picnic prep day Saturday, Sept. 6. Associates were helping the Ursuline Sisters cut up potatoes and cabbages. LEFT: Associate Amy Payne cheers while working in the new pig race booth at the 2008 Mount Saint Joseph picnic.

2008 Picnic

ABOVE LEFT: Associates Carolyn Butler of Owensboro, center, and Dotty Liles of Henderson, right, volunteered in the goody jar booth at the picnic. ABOVE RIGHT: Associates Suzanne Reiss of Louisville and Betty Stone of Grayson County sort T-shirts for picnic volunteers.

Associate Lorraine Luken of Louisville, right, helps picnicgoers select packages in the mystery booth.

LEFT: Associate Nancy Mills speaks to volunteers during picnic weekend. She served as chairperson of the picnic.

A hearty THANK YOU to all those associates who prayed, sorted, lifted, cooked, and helped in many other ways with the 38th Annual Picnic! Your grateful Ursuline Sisters

Associate Laura Smith of Muhlenberg County, second from left, signs in at the volunteer registration booth at the Mount Saint Joseph picnic. To her right (hidden) is Associate Cammy Frey of Owensboro.

Associate Gary Riney money while selling lu He was helped by Sist right.

November 2008

Associate Mary Danhauer drives a truck while Sister Helena Fischer talks on the twoway radio on picnic day Sept. 7.

y of Owensboro, left, counts unch tickets at the picnic. ter Susan Mary Mudd,

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All the Way from Chile... By Sister Ruth Gehres, OSU

The Ursulinas prayer group gathered Oct. 15 to celebrate the life of associate Inés Gálvez, who died Oct. 12, 2007. Row 1, l to r - Nora Cea, Sister Mimi Ballard, Meche Filipi, Evelina Salas*. Row 2 – Andrea Martin, Julia Matson, Caryn Olsen, Kristy Calaway (these four are long-term volunteers here), Sister Ruth Gehres, Clarina Henríquez, Yolanda Moraga*, Mirta Muñoz, Raquel Sepúlveda* (behind Evelina), Olga Cabrera, Carola Pulgar*, Sonia Pradenas*, María Eugenia Cofré. *Current associates. Absent was Associate Paty Jamett. (Yes, those ARE onions hanging on the wall!)


y first year at Casa Ursulina ended Oct. 31. I begin a new year amazed at all I have learned. First, a new language... at least I’ve made a beginning of deciphering Chilean Spanish, which has its own unique challenges. I’ve learned new ways of doing things, new ways of looking at things. I’ve learned that it’s possible to get through the winter without central heating, and to eat more beans and less meat. I’ve learned, through experience, that public transportation can be more practical than driving a car...and much less expensive. I’ve learned to shop at tiny corner shops where a person can buy one egg, one aspirin, one carrot, or one cigarette. And I’ve become a part of a new community ...the women of Casa Ursulina. Living so close to them has taught me that people who are poor...and who will probably always be poor ...can be creative, joyful, and determined beyond what I had ever imagined. And they can also be generous, reaching out in compassion to neighbors and friends who need physical help or just someone to listen. At Casa Ursulina, giving is a way of life, and all share in it. Since its founding 11 years ago, this ministry has grown to include close to 200 women in classes and workshops, and many others...especially women and children... who come to the door because someone told them they will find help here. The house has been enlarged several times, and again we are looking for a way to create more space. The founders of Casa Ursulina were one Ursuline Sister...Sister Mary Elizabeth (Mimi) Ballard...and seven Chilean women, who in 2001 became Ursuline associates. All of

these women are still at the core of the Casa Ursulina community...including Inés Gálvez, who died last October, and whose memory is still very much alive in the hearts of all who knew her. Some of these first Chilean associates serve on the coordination team...about 20 women who work with Sister Mimi to manage the programs and activities of the house. When there’s a special project, like the recent “peña,” an annual party for more than 200 guests for the benefit of Casa Ursulina, these women are here getting the house ready, cooking and serving well into the night, and helping with a formidable cleanup operation. There are many who say “yes” whenever they’re called on to help. Our associates are always among them. Wednesday evening finds the “Ursulinas” gathering for their weekly meeting. This group includes our first associates as well as other faithful women who have a special interest in being together for prayer and reflection...then a light snack and conversation. Soon these women will also become Ursuline Associates. When I look at the history of Casa Ursulina and what is happening here today, I think of the parable of the leaven. It’s a woman’s parable: The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed with three measures of wheat flour until the whole batch was leavened (Matthew 13:33). The spirit of the first eight women has spread, over and over again, through the whole... a blessing to all who come here. n

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Associate Update

Remembering Special Associate Days... January Birthdays:

December Birthdays:

3 Alfred Karcher 5 Lucy Adams 5 Melinda Prunty 6 Bishop John McRaith 7 David Grant 10 Larry Lynch Jr. 12 Marvin Giittinger 13 Jean Lonergan Hita Merchant 14 Fr. Ben Luther 15 Don Monaghan Arleen Naglich 16 Carola Pulgar Mary Lou Schaefer 17 Randy Lamastus Mary Teder 18 Patsy Claussen 20 Winnie Cohron Joe Welzen 21 Merle Weilbacher 22 Mary Hartz 24 Brenda Sauer Bob Whiting 25 Fanny Gonzalez Sue Menke Ruth Metschuleit 26 Bonnie Adams Betty Boren Ann Ruth Hayden Joan Perry 28 John Howard 29 Andy Chavez Leon Donahue 31 Janice Miller

Lifetime Commitment Anniversaries in December: 1990 Anna Dye Ada Bader Catherine Bockhold Shearon Harris Barbara Weidenbenner Lucille Weidenbenner Ray Weidenbenner 1997 Jo Morelli Raymond Morelli 2004 Sr. Agnes Ijoko, HHCJ 2007 Fr. Brian Johnson Bobby Smyth

1 Molly Jacques Mary Ann McGraw 2 Mary Helen Riney Janet Matyk 4 Fr. Aloysius Powers 5 Therese Fraize 6 Lois Bell Coreen Moore 7 Sheila Clark John Hancock John Little 8 Debbie Walker 9 Penny Burns Paul Gray Ray McGraw 10 Bobbie Laker 12 Maria Rose Galles Helen Kanter 14 Edith Whitechurch 15 Mary Margis Georgann Stuck 16 Teressa Hayden 17 Paul Kordenbrock 19 Linda Perri 21 Bernadette Howard 23 Pat Davis 24 Dorothy Hughes 26 Patricia McGannon Midge Palm 27 BarbaraWeidenbenner 28 Larry Menke 29 Marilyn Beam Phyllis Troutman 31 Yolanda Moraga Polly Mouser

Lifetime Commitment Anniversaries in January: 1987 1988 1998


Mary Leda Rice Sue Hudon Edna Marnell Maria Rose Galles

Angela Merici’s Journey of the Heart by Mary-Cabrini Durkin. Led by Associates Peggy Clark and Martha Little. Meet at 6:30 p.m. in Owensboro the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Begins Jan. 13, 2009. To sign up, call Marian Bennett: 270-229-2006. Note: Mary-Cabrini Durkin will speak at Associates & Sisters Day in 2009


February Birthdays: 2 Sarah Payne 5 Rev. Phil Hoy 6 June Irizarry Florence Thompson 9 Therese Lawson 10 Fr. Jerry Riney Teen Robinette 13 Msgr. Bernard Powers 14 Fay Higdon 15 Gloria Cecil Gloria Henderson Mary Kennedy Anna Lesousky John Wood 16 Margaret Tasaka 20 Rosemary Schiavi 21 Brett Stallings 22 Marlene Monaghan 23 Cecilia Curtis 24 Jeanne Lamastus 26 Ray Weidenbenner 27 Laurine Scott Mary Rose Shoemaker 28 Rev. Carol Owen

Lifetime Commitment Anniversaries in February: 1998

Dottie Clark Joan Perry Rosemary Schiavi Mildred Shrewsbury

November 2008

Associate Update

Page 7 Associate Stella McClure, center, along with Chris Geary, left, and Sister Mary Louise Knott, hold up handmade items at the Ursuline Craft Sale Oct. 20 at Maple Mount. Associates made baked goods to sell. The sale benefited the Diocese of Mandeville, Jamaica.

In Loving Memory... Sister Joseph Adrian Russell, 94, an Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph, died Aug. 3 at Mount Saint Joseph, in her 75th year of religious life. She was a native of Louisville. She had a smile that could light up a room. An educator for 48 years, she taught at St. Elizabeth School, Curdsville (1935), St. Paul School, Sister Joseph Leitchfield (1947-50), and St. Raphael Adrian Russell School, Daviess County (1952-53). She taught in other Kentucky schools, in Missouri, and in New Mexico, where she ministered for more than 30 years. She also served in the Mount Saint Joseph Shop (1986-89), and as tutor and outreach minister for Christ the King School and Parish, Madisonville (1992-2001). She retired in 2001. Survivors include two sisters, Isabel Clark and Martha Riedling, both of Louisville, several nieces and nephews, and the members of her religious community. The funeral Mass was Aug. 7, at Mount Saint Joseph, with burial in the convent cemetery. Gifts in memory of Sister Joseph Adrian Russell may take the form of donations to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356.

Ursuline Craft Sale Yarn Spinning Gathering... Ursuline Associate Brenda Semar, left, spins yarn while Associate Anna Conn, right, crochets during a yarn spinning gathering at the Retreat Center Aug. 2.

We Extend Deepest Sympathy To:

• Stephanie George, OSUA, whose father, William George, died July 4 in St. Louis, Mo. • Odeline Hill, OSUA, whose sister, Teresa Mae Gilpin, died Aug. 25 in Elizabethtown, Ky. • Jerry Birge, OSUA, whose father, Cyril Birge, died Oct. 2 in Jasper, Ind.

A Prayer for Our President... O Jesus, in your holy name, we lift up our president to you. We give thanks for the democracy alive in our country and for the freedom to worship you. Help all those in positions of power and authority to govern wisely and for the common good of all. Amen.

’ How can you know that those who to you seem worthless and unattractive will not be the very ones to show the greatestgenerosityandto be the most pleasing to His Divine Majesty? - Eighth Counsel

Saint Angela Merici

From Thanksgiving to Epiphany...may your holidays be blessed.

Lord Jesus, Master of both the light and the darkness, send your Holy Spirit upon our preparations for Christmas. We who have so much to do seek quiet spaces to hear your voice each day. We are your people, walking in darkness, yet seeking the light. To you we say, “Come Lord Jesus!” Amen. - Excerpted from Advent Prayer by Henri J.M. Nouwen

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Mark Your Calendars

Wednesday, Nov. 19, Muhlenburg County Associates, 6 p.m., St. Joseph Church, Central City Friday, Nov. 21, Henderson & Union County Associates, 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 27, Give thanks! Monday, Dec. 1, Owensboro Associates, 5:30 p.m., Sts. Joseph & Paul Friday, Dec. 5, Grayson County Associates, 10:30 a.m., St. Augustine Saturday, Dec. 6, Associate Advisory Board, 10:30 a.m., St. Francis de Sales Church, Paducah Sunday, Dec. 14, Advent afternoon of reflection, Paola, Kan. Wednesday, Dec. 17, Muhlenburg County Associates, 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 25, Nativity of Our Lord Friday, Jan. 9, Western Kentucky Associates, 5:30 p.m., Mayfield Tuesday, Jan. 13, Book study group, “Angela Merici’s Journey of the Heart,” Owensboro. Next dates: Feb. 10 and March 10. Wednesday, Jan. 21, Muhlenberg County Associates, 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 31, Associate Retreat: “Angela Merici: Model of Listening to God in Daily Life,” 9 a.m.-1 p.m., St. Theresa School, Glennonville, Mo.; Central Presbyterian Church, Louisville Saturday, Feb. 7, Associate Retreat: 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Grants, N.M. Saturday, Feb. 14, Associate Retreat: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Paola, Kan. Sunday, March 1, Lenten afternoon of reflection, Paola, Kan.

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