Ursuline Associate Update

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Associates and Sisters Day was full of inspiration

By Lorna Horishny, OSUA of Memphis, Tenn.

“Inspire: 1, to influence, move or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration; 2, to exert an animating, enlivening or exalting influence on; 3, to spur on.” The definition above was lifted and edited from the online Merriam-Webster website and one has to admit, those who were fortunate enough to attend Associates and Sisters Day on June 9 at Mount Saint Joseph found just that inspiration. From the opening talk by Sister Maureen Griner on “Risk-Taking Models” for spiritual risk-taking to the final presentation by Associate Lisa Reilly on “Y-DOSA,” and the loving closing segment “In Memoriam,” we were abundantly inspired and blessed with the Holy Spirit’s presence as person after person shared their stories of spiritual risk-taking and the blessings that will follow. Sister Maureen started us off with an excellent call to witness and conversion with her personal reflections on a life spent answering God’s prompting to live a life of fullness and fearlessness in doing His work on earth. As she said, “Fear is inevitable, but trust in God makes all things possible.” Her closing quote was indeed uplifting to me: “The sign of God is that we are led where we did not mean to go.” It occurs to me that being truly Christian and playing it safe just don’t go well together. The second session by Karen Siciliano (nicknamed “Karen Angela” by Associate Martha Little) permitted

us to see into a life of continual discernment in answering God’s call. “Karen Angela” shared her lifelong search for meaning and direction through an early attraction to the Franciscan and Ursuline charisms, to finally achieving her goal as a member of the secular institute established by Mary-Cabrini Durkin, “The Company of St. Ursula.” After lunch, Sister Martha Keller put a different spin on cultivating vocations with a call to “Promoting a Culture of Vocations.” Her four suggestions to “Pray, Evangelize, Mentor and Invite,” with their examples and direction, offered a new take on a modern call to vocations that is so important and can seem such a daunting task in our noisy, secular-focused world. Session three was a lively panel by six Ursuline Associates who generously shared their journeys through lives of holy and inspired risk-taking. Peggy Clark, Owensboro; Carol Hill, Grayson County; Joanne Mason, Hancock County; Marcia Stoller, Muhlenberg County; Carol O’Keefe, Kansas, and Elaine Wood, Western Kentucky, offered insights into their experiences and the joys of spiritual risk-taking. Ladies, we salute you, and thank you, moderator Dan Heckel, for giving them free rein. They were awesome. Lisa Reilly, a Kansas associate, showed a beautiful presentation on “Y-DOSA” (Young Daughters of Saint Angela) and the 11 girls who presently belong. The organization has made great strides in the last three years as they endeavor to provide girls ages 11 to 18 with the inspiration to follow the charism of Angela Merici. Y-DOSA’s sponsors hope to establish charters for new Continued on page 3

Speaking on “Risk Taking” on June 9 were, left to right: Associates Peggy Clark, Owensboro; Carol Hill, Grayson County; Joanne Mason, Hancock County; Carol O’Keefe, Kansas; Marcia Stoller, Muhlenberg County, and Elaine Wood, Western Kentucky.

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Associate Update

Dear Associates, It will soon be a year since I took the position of coordinator of spiritual formation for Ursuline Partnerships. The year passed very quickly and I regret that I did not get to meet many of you on a personal level. Attending your associate meetings did not happen due to various circumstances. Since being present in the office, I have come to appreciate all the work that is done “behind the scenes” by Marian Bennett, the very capable Associate Advisory Board and all those connected to the associate program. They work so selflessly in the spirit of Saint Angela to keep this program alive and well. In my prayerful discernment about remaining in the position, I feel that my gifts are needed elsewhere in the community. After the Associate Prayer Day on Aug. 11, I will be involved in other ministries. I wish to thank each and every one of you whom I have met, for your prayerful support, gentle kindness and patience. May the Lord continue to send us many spiritual-minded people, like you, who could carry on the Spirit of Angela in their homes and workplaces to bring about a more peaceful society which the world so desperately needs. May God’s Spirit breathe on you and strengthen you on your faith journey, with Angela’s courage and high hope. Sincerely,

August 2012

A Note from Marian...

Dear Associate Sisters and Brothers, It’s time to celebrate! Thirty years have passed since the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Anniversary Joseph responded to the urgings of the Second Vatican Council and our sister-associate relationship was born. As the years flew by, our numbers grew. Belleville and Paola associates joined us, and now over 400 women and men of all ages continue our journey together. Our lives may have changed in 30 years, but our goals remain the same: to share our gifts with one another, to lend a helping hand, to strive in sister-associate partnership as Angela Merici leads us to the feet of Jesus. Yes, it’s time to celebrate! But how do we celebrate a 30-year-old gift, a gift that grows more beautiful every year? How will we commemorate our 30-year adventure? A goal for our 2012–2013 associate year is RENEWED MEMBERS and NEW MEMBERS. Let us renew and refresh the commitment we made to Angela and to one another by handing on the gift we’ve received. • Do you know someone who may be waiting to meet Angela Merici by becoming an Ursuline Associate? Offer your gift of Angela’s guidance and inspiration to a person in your family, church or workplace. • Support young women with a Young Daughters of Saint Angela (Y-DOSA) chapter in your area. Sister Mary Sheila Higdon • Invite an interested person to your next associate gathering or share a short drive in the countryside to experience the beauty and peace of Mount Saint Joseph. ASSOCIATE Update • Reach out to associate members in need of prayer is published four times a year for the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph and encouragement. Perhaps some can no longer attend 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999 group gatherings; perhaps they’ve moved far from Mount Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 Saint Joseph or ill health keeps them homebound. Extend Website: www.ursulinesmsj.org Ursuline hospitality with a phone call or a cheerful note. Email : associates.msj@maplemount.org I’m sure you have more great ideas to commemorate Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships: Mrs. Marian Bennett, OSUA our Ursuline Associate call to holiness. I invite you to Director of Mission Advancement/Communications: Dan Heckel, OSUA join me to plan a memorable and meaningful anniversary Communications Specialist/Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski, OSUA Coordinator of Mission Effectiveness: Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan, OSU year. Contact me any time with your thoughts or Director of Development: Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU suggestions. In Angela’s love, ASSOCIATE MISSION STATEMENT


e, the associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through the actions of our everyday lives. We commit ourselves to living the charism of Saint Angela Merici in union with and in support of the Ursuline community of Mount Saint Joseph.

Marian Bennett, OSUA

Need ARCHIVES? Contact Sarah Patterson: 270-229-4103 ext. 302 or sarah.patterson@maplemount.org or Sister Pat Rhoten, ext. 303. Read the new “Memories from the Mount” blog! http://ursulinesmsj.org/archives-blog

August 2012

Associate Update


Formation plans taking shape Formation plans for 2012-13 are being completed based on the theme of “Angela as Risk-Taker, Open to the Spirit.” Some associate groups may have already discussed the first plan on how fear keeps us from taking a spiritual risk. The second plan for this fall will deal with how the Holy Spirit has been present in our lives, and how we’ve responded to the challenges of taking a spiritual risk. The third and fourth plans will be available after the first of the year. Associates who do not have a group to meet with, but who would like their own copy of the formation plans, please contact Marian Bennett.

Sister Angela Fitzpatrick, left, spends time with Associates Theresa Benkeser, center, and her sister Mary Benkeser at the “Kentucky Derby in Kansas” fundraiser dinner and auction for the Ursuline Sisters on May 5.

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Left to right, Mary Helen Nash, Associate Marianna Robinson, Sister Catherine Barber, and Associate Suzanne Reiss attend a Titanic-themed dinner on April 14 on the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the ship. The event was a fundraiser for Theatre Workshop of Owensboro.

It’s not too late to join the 2012-2014 Spiritual Direction Training Program at Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. The first session begins the week of Oct. 22. Contact Sheila Blandford at 270-229-4103 ext. 804.

from front

groups of young girls in all areas of Ursuline Associate membership. The day’s activity in the Conference and Retreat Center was finished by a lovely slide series of the Ursuline Sisters and Associates who left us this last year to dwell with God, wonderful friends who will be dearly missed. Last but not least, our weekend ended in the Chapel with the exciting addition of four new associates and nine associates making lifetime commitments during the 4 p.m. Mass celebrated by Bishop William Medley. n

Sister Alfreda Malone recently enjoyed a meal and fellowship with some of her former students at the home of Coreen & Erv Moore. She taught school at Peonia, (Grayson County), Ky., during the mid 50s. Left to right: Father Ed Bradley, Louise Patterson, Martha Witten, Pete Hill, Coreen Moore, Alfred Grant, Tommy Clemons, and Sister Alfreda.

Charlotte Paez is Angela’s support staff By Suzanne Gochenouer, OSUA

Lifetime Associate Charlotte Paez is enthusiastic about her relationships with Saint Angela Merici and God. Married 33 years to Gustavo, this mother of four girls loves Angela’s call to community and to share a mission, and savors the connection with likeCharlotte minded people. “I’m not the boss. I’m support staff,” Charlotte said. “I’m happy being a follower.” Charlotte is speaking of her job as a bilingual program assistant with the Kentucky Cancer Program, but reveals God inspires her to be a servant. “Saint Angela said to leave our homes and help people where they are,” she said. Following Angela’s direction, Charlotte is grateful for the opportunity to educate women, share hospitality and volunteer in social justice concerns pertinent to today’s world.

Though impressed with the work of Sister Fran Wilhelm and Sister Luisa Bickett in the Hispanic community, when she was invited by Sister Rosemary Keough to be an associate, Charlotte didn’t want to be involved in anything her husband could not share in. They decided together to become associates. At Holy Redeemer Parish in Beaver Dam, Ky., Charlotte is on the cleaning committee; leads faith formation for penance and Holy Communion; and is a Eucharistic minister and lector. She’s the contact person for the Owensboro Associate ministry at the Daviess County jail, doing readings and meditations, and finding music. Charlotte works in the yard sale at the Mount Saint Joseph picnic, and participates in the Ursuline prayer chain. An avid reader, Charlotte finds ways to weave her Scripture studies into crafts and poetry on her path to spiritual growth. Her mantra? “God loves me, even though I’m imperfect.”

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Welcome New Associates!


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Michelle Hayes, a native of Valparaiso, Ind,. is a member of St. Joseph Church in Central City, Ky. She retired from the U.S. Postal Service following a 28-year career as a rural mail carrier. She enjoys making rosaries and unselfishly lends a hand wherever she is called to serve. She supports the Mount Saint Joseph Picnic in many ways, selling raffle tickets in the weeks leading up to Picnic Sunday and gladly lending a hand at the Silent Auction booth. Michelle brings a spirit of joy as she shares her talents working with the poor, providing meals for an elderly neighbor, and always attempting to be a peacemaker. Sisters Rose Karen and Rose Theresa Johnson introduced Michelle to the Ursuline Associates and continue to serve as her contact companions. Di Ann Jenkins, of Louisville is a member of St. Bartholomew Church. After a 33-year career with YUM! Brands, she uses her experience and energy at the parish, serving as a Eucharistic minister, member of the RCIA team and head of the bereavement committee. A people person with a bright smile and outgoing personality, Di Ann enjoys attending Louisville associate gatherings with her sister, Associate Sharon Rose and her contact companion, Sister Maureen O’Neill. She told us she likes the idea of being a member of a large connected community that is “far reaching and outreaching.” She is described as “a woman of faith with a strong devotion to the Blessed Mother and the rosary” and “a faithful participant for the work of the Lord.”

Associate Update /

Jennifer Kaminski grew up in Bardstown, Ky., and is Communications/ Graphic Design Specialist for Mount Saint Joseph’s Mission Advancement department. Her family is a member of Immaculate Parish, Owensboro, where Jennifer is a Eucharistic minister. She is a Hospice volunteer and secretary of the Friends of the Daviess County Public Library. She recently became a member of the Owensboro Associates Jail Ministry visitation group. Jennifer is a dedicated wife to her husband, Chris, and mother to her two teenage children, Claire and Peter. A positive and intelligent woman, she is patient and calm with a winning smile and is glad to share her creative talents. Working at Mount Saint Joseph with the Ursuline Sisters attracted her to the spirit and joy of Angela Merici and she is eager to learn more about Angela, the church and spiritual growth. Sister Marietta Wethington is her contact companion. Kathi Latta of Owensboro is a retired teacher of special needs children. A former pastoral associate for the Diocese of Owensboro, she recently completed her master’s degree in theological studies at St. Meinrad School of Theology. She grew up in Norwalk, Conn., and retired in 2003 after 29 years of teaching in the Owensboro Public School system. Kathi is an enthusiastic woman, a seeker for new knowledge and new experiences and a willing volunteer. At Blessed Mother Church she shares her widespread gifts and interests as a member of the social justice committee, the prayer blanket ministry, represents the parish as ecumenical advocate, and serves as 6th grade catechist in the parish religious education program. She volunteers with CASA, Birthright and the Owensboro hospital and recently joined Mount Saint Joseph’s vocation advisory board. She told us, “Angela’s spirit is present and is leading us forth on this holy and marvelous adventure. I sincerely wish to be part of this.” Sister Martha Keller is her contact companion.

Are you following the Ursuline Sisters? • WEBSITE: www.ursulinesmsj.org • FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/ursulinesmsj • TWITTER: www.twitter.com/ursulinesmsj • YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/user/ UrsulineSistersMSJ • BLOGS: http://ursulinesmsj.org/blogs • E-ZINE: Register on our website to receive the Pilgrimage e-zine at your email address! • MAGAZINE: Available by mail & online

Those making their lifetime commitment as associates on June 9 are, first row from left, Valentino Simpao, Sally Greene and Bob Greene; second row, Anna Conn, Paul Parker and Stephanie Render; back row, Larry Lynch, Dan Heckel and Lisa Day.

We have a new Associates brochure! Ask for copies if you would like to help spread the word about our group.

August 2012

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Y-DOSA Summit builds community and friendship Young Daughters of Saint Angela members from Kansas and Meet me in Whitesville, Ky., gathered in St. Louis on June 22-23 for the first Y-DOSA St. Louis! Summit. This is an account of the weekend by Associate Lisa Reilly, who The Kansas leads the Kansas chapter. Y-DOSA group “Each chapter left at 7 a.m., to meet at the old Cathedral at 11 to begin the Summit. We started out under the Arch by praying together and having a picnic. The girls were shy at first but soon picked partners and it didn’t take long before everyone was fast friends. “Some girls went to the top of the Arch, some toured the museum. After that we left for the new Cathedral. We had a wonderful tour. We were lucky enough to be part of a benediction service in the Blessed Sacrament chapel. After that we had Mass. It was the feast day vigil of Saint John the Baptist. The cantor was amazing in the cathedral. The girls were impressed. “After that we made our way to the Ursuline Academy. We set up in the gym and started our spaghetti dinner. We ate in the tapestry garden on the lovely grounds of the Academy. Everyone chatted and laughed Sister Suzanne until dark. The Kansas chapter went over to the chapel to set up a Sims, center, leads a prayer service candlelight rosary. Everyone gathered and prayed. Afterward, Sister Suzanne Sims (who leads the Whitesville chapter) presented me with a silk Saint Angela prayer scarf as a gift from the Kentucky chapter to be used as a prayer tool during our meetings. “Everyone headed to bed in the gym (some stayed up until the wee hours). The next morning, we had a great breakfast. Then the Kentucky chapter had a prayer service for everyone. We gathered around a statue of the young Angela in the courtyard. The prayer service was centered on spiritual adoption of an unborn child in danger of abortion. Sister Suzanne was wonderful. All the girls were moved. We then announced that the next Summit would be at the Mount. The girls can’t wait. Community was definitely built.”

To start a Y-DOSA chapter in your community, contact Marian Bennett, (270) 229-2006. BELOW: Lisa Reilly, left, and Carol O’Keefe, back right, with the Y-DOSA girls in St. Louis.

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Associate Update

Happy fall Birthday, Associates! September 2 6 8 9 10 11

Judy Embry Fr. Joe Mills Betty Christian Gene Tritsch Melissa Tuley Anna Mae Kaiser Peggy Clark Brenda Semar 13 Mary Ann Childs 14 Di Ann Jenkins Joanne Mason Donna Szurgot 15 Judy Gray Laurie Hicks 18 Jennie Barthol Meg Synk Jody Ziegler 19 Nellie Coffman Mike Haughton 20 Serafina Mesnier 21 Priscilla Archunde Francis Steffen 23 Barbara Hasenstab Nancy Richards Cathey Seaton 24 Beatriz Dansdill Rosann Whiting 25 Gerry Hasenstab Eileen Locke 27 Sheila Blandford Joan Minks Sharon Speaks 28 Fr. Freddie Byrd Charlotte Paez Janet Rockers 30 Maxine Beavin Eddie Prunty

October 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 12

Janet Kuper Patty Wernel Jean Gutierrez Betty Girten Jane Denton Patricia Jamett Margaret Chavez Tom Payne Lena Dees Catherine Gawarecki Kriste Pickert Therese Allen Margaret Brasuel Carol O’Keefe Pat Wilson 13 Mary Ann Schilling 14 Alice Albus Margie Hill 15 Marie Hauser Betty Stone 16 Robert Greene, Jr. 17 Catherine Bockhold 18 Anna Conn Shirley Hagman 19 Jean Yackle 21 Mariita Rodriguez 22 Ada Bader Margaret Gallegos 23 Lee Jerome 24 Alice Blazina Linda Lattus 25 Evelyn Kehder 26 JoAnne Horstmann 29 Benjamin Head 31 Audrey Durbin Mary Lyne Jean Steffen

August 2012

Help the Sisters celebrate their Centennial!

The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph November 1 Ed Cecil Mel Howard Louise Leasor 2 Dolores Polson 3 Claire Buckley Bobby Smyth 4 Will Payne 5 Fr. Phil Riney 6 Odelean Hill 7 Joan DeBauge Karen Lasher Al Massoth 8 Raqúel Sepúlveda 9 Lorna Horishny 10 Kathy Kiper 13 Valentino Simpao Mary Ann Stewart Marilyn Terry 15 Carol Alvey 16 Lois Clark 17 Al Coleman 18 Annette Stokes 20 Gary Riney 23 Dorothy Coatney 24 Donald Adams 28 Annette Chavez Sr. Jeannette Touchet, SEC 30 Shirley Palmer

Get your Mount Saint Joseph Picnic raffle tickets - Only $2 each ! You could win: A week’s stay at a beach house in Pensacola, Florida! (with

travel stipend) • $3,000 • $1,000 • $500 • Handmade Queen-size Quilt • 32” Haier LCD HDTV • Set of Lenox China Get your tickets from any Ursuline Sister or call 270-229-4103 ext. 279 or email dan.heckel@maplemount.org. Limited amount available at the picnic. If you have Silent Auction or Yard Sale items that you could donate for our picnic, please let us know! We can also use new handmade crafts for our Crafts booth.

invite you to our 42nd annual

PICNIC Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012 For the benefit of the retired Ursuline Sisters

Serving barbecue pork, mutton, chicken 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Yard Sale! Silent Auction! Crafts made by the Ursuline Sisters and Friends! Cake Wheel • Bingo Pull Tabs • Adopt-a-Pet Fish Pond • Plants and Flowers • Inflatables Bottle Pitch • Holiday Decor • Ice Cream Burgoo • More!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! Call 270-229-4103 ext. 260

License #0290

August 2012

Associate Update

In Loving Memory... Sister Mary (Sr. Cornelia) McNellis, 102, a member of the Sisters of Loretto, died July 23 at her home in Kansas City, Mo. She taught in parochial schools for more than 50 years in Missouri, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and Kentucky, retiring in 1980. After her retirement she worked in Montessori programs and in the Department of Social Ministries of Catholic Charities. She officially retired a second time in 1991, but continued to work for peace and justice. In 2000 she was selected to be the Kansas City Citizen of the Year and was recognized at the Mayor’s Annual United Nations Event. She served on the boards of the UN Association Board, World Federalists, League of Women Voters, Interfaith Peace Alliance and Catholics for Justice. She became an Associate of Paola in 1983, prior to the 2008 merger with Mount Saint Joseph. She said that she “always knew God loved her and forgave her.” Her contact companion was Sister Judith Osthoff. Sister Lennora Carrico, 96, died May 4 in her 74th year of religious life. A native of Fancy Farm, she had a wonderful gift of compassion, and sent out lots of birthday cards. She loved University of Kentucky basketball. An educator for 34 years in Kentucky, she also served in outreach ministry in Grayson County, Ky., and as a Hospice volunteer at Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, Owensboro (1979-85). At the Motherhouse she ministered in personal and pastoral care, the gift shop, and as an annalist. Survivors include two sisters, Anna Elliott, Fancy Farm, and Dot Willett, Calvert City; a brother, Bob Carrico, Cincinnati; nieces and nephews, and her religious community. Sister Lennora was the contact companion for Carol Hill of Leitchfield. Sister Mary Virginia Sturlich, 96, died May 9 in her 65th year of religious life. She was born in Kansas City, Kan., after her parents immigrated from Austria. An Ursuline Sister of Paola before their merger with Mount Saint Joseph in 2008, she ministered to the Paola community for 60 years. She cared for the ill and the elderly at the Paola Ursuline Academy/Motherhouse (1953-71). She ministered in child care at the Lakemary Center, serving children and adults with developmental disabilities. From 1978 until moving to Maple Mount in 2009, she did housekeeping and

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We Extend Deepest Sympathy To:

• Sister Mary Celine Weidenbenner and her brothers, Associates Cletus and Ray, whose brother, Wilfred J. “Wil” Weidenbenner, died March 29. • Sister Ruth Gehres, whose sister-in-law, De Etta Gehres, died April 10. • Jeanne Lamastus, whose father, Andrew Caswell, died April 10. • Sister Mary Timothy Bland, whose brother-in-law, Rick Bottom, died April 22. • Teen Robinette, whose nephew, Norman Clemons, died April 30. • Therese Allen, whose brother, Bob Osborne, died May 9. • Sue Donahue, whose brother, Michael Vitittow, died May 15. • Nancy Mills, whose uncle, Carl Mills died May 29. • Mary Costello, whose great nephew, Charles Brooks, died June 13 (and Charles’ father died in March). • Sister Rebecca White, whose sister, Mary Kathleen New, died June 18. • Brenda Busick whose sister-in-law, Brenda Simpson, died June 20. • Norma Jean Witten, whose husband, Shelby, died June 20. • Gustavo Paez, whose aunt, Gisela Leon died July 3. • Sister Margaret Ann Aull, whose brother, Marvin Aull, died July 6. • Phyllis Thomas Troutman, whose brother, Jimmie Thomas, died July 8. • Sister Suzanne Sims, whose aunt, Gertrude Stallings, died July 27. • Sister Melissa Tipmore, whose sister, Joyce O’Hagan, died July 30. • Philomena Booker Bollinger, whose mother, Catherine Young Booker, died July 30. • Sisters Michael Ann and Renee Monaghan, whose sisters Agnes Drea of Central City, Ky., and Kathleen LaBuda of Farmersville, Ind., both died Aug. 1.

’ Hold them all in your love and bear with them all equally. - Eighth Counsel

Saint Angela Merici

laundry at the convent. Survivors include a sister, Mary Sullivan of Overland Park, Kan., nephews and her religious community. Sister Virginia was the contact companion for Judith Hancock of Somerset, N.J., and Marie Hauser of Roeland Park, Kan.

NEW! If you have a smartphone, this QR code will take you to the ASSOCIATES page on our website!

2012-13 Quilt Club

Upcoming Associate Meetings...


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Don’t miss these other events... License No. 0290





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n er

Tickets now available!

Now is the time to purchase your Ursuline Sisters’ Quilt Club membership for only $20. You get 12 chances to win a homemade quilt! New monthly drawings begin Oct. 5.

270-229-4103 ext. 279

• Memphis, Tenn. - Sept. 15, Oct. 20, Nov. 17, Dec. 15 and Jan. 19, 2013 • Louisville, Central Presbyterian Church - Oct. 27, Dec. 15 • Kansas (North) - Sept. 19 • Owensboro, St. Pius X Parish Hall - Oct. 15 and Jan. 21, 2013 • Western Kentucky - Oct. 13 • Associate Advisory Board meeting - Oct. 20 • Associate Coordinators meeting - Oct. 25

• Reflection Day of Prayer (Women in Early Church) at Retreat Center - Sept. 7 • Mount Saint Joseph 42nd BBQ PICNIC for the retired sisters - Sept. 9 • Reflection Day of Prayer (Mary in the Gospels) at Center - Oct. 5 • Owensboro Associates Jail Ministry - Oct. 6 from 9 a.m.-10 a.m. • Fall Associate Commitment at Maple Mount - Oct. 17 • Marian Retreat with Msgr. Bernard Powers at Center - Oct. 19-21 • First class of new Spiritual Direction Training Program - Oct. 22-26 • Picnic Leftover Sale - Oct. 24 • Reflection Day of Prayer (Spectacular Women) at Center - Nov. 2 • Alumnae Memorial Mass at Maple Mount - Nov. 3 • Fall Women’s Retreat: Experiencing God through Forms of Prayer - Nov. 10-11 • Thomas Merton Retreat with Rev. Dan Phillips at Center - Nov. 16-18 • Advent Day with Msgr. Bernard Powers at Center - Dec. 13

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