Update Aug. 2014

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August 2014

VOL. XX, NO. 1

Associates and Sisters Day...“Jesus, Lover of Us All”


By Suzanne Reiss, OSUA, Lanesville, Ind.

or years I have attended Associates and Sisters Day and walked away thinking, “Gosh, what a great day ... best one ever!” This year was a great day, and yes, it was the best one yet. On June 14th, Ursuline Associates and Sisters gathered from across the miles to reconnect, re-energize and explore the topic: “Jesus, Lover Of Us All.” We began our day in prayer led by Sister Marietta Wethington. Following the prayer, Marian Bennett, coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships, introduced our keynote speaker, Sister Kathleen Condry. Sister Kathleen has been an Ursuline for 44 years and has been blessed to minister in Kansas during all that time. She served in leadership with the Ursuline Sisters of Paola, Kan., for 22 years, including as superior from 2002 until the merger with the Ursulines of Mount Saint Joseph in 2008. She was a teacher, principal and education administrator for 32 years before beginning a new career in 2009 as a pastoral minister at Church of the Nativity in Leawood, Kan., where she continues to serve today. Sister Kathleen has a wonderful sense of humor. She used that humor to capture her audience before moving into her talk that centered on the book “Lover Of Us All,” by Sister Martha Buser, an Ursuline of Louisville. Sister Kathleen’s talk focused on chapters 3 and 4 of the book. Chapter 3 explored the three main characteristics cited in Saint Angela Merici’s Decree of Canonization: Strength of character in repulsing

Sister Kathleen Condry, OSU, former superior of the Ursuline Sisters of Paola, Kan., gave a presentation to 85 people on Associates and Sisters Day on June 14 at Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. The day also included games, lunch, a panel of speakers, watching videos and attending Mass.

Sister Ann McGrew, right, a native of Grayson County, Ky., talks to associates from Grayson County on June 14. From right are Catherine Gawarecki, Jody Ziegler, Violet Hamilton and Coreen Moore.

temptation, Spirit of Penance and Reputation for Sanctity. She then went on to discuss three virtues that Angela Merici demonstrated to a “heroic degree,” which were: wisdom, prophecy and discernment of spirits. As you may recall, four lessons are created based on the main topic of Associates and Sisters Day. These lessons are shared through the various associate groups as well as being available online. Thus, in the coming months, you will be able to explore these topics in further detail. Over the past year, associate groups have been asked to consider several questions pertaining to the overall associate experience. This topic was explored in greater depth on Associates and Sisters Day, generating much discussion and copious notes were taken. The Associate Advisory Board will review these comments and recommend conclusions and next steps to be shared with the group at a later date. The next segment took a lighter turn. Associates and Sisters were invited to “share their story” (something others might not know about them, such as whether they had met a famous person or traveled to distant lands, etc.) This was a very interesting segment. Following lunch there was a panel discussion in which the panelists were asked to focus on someone they know with great strength of character and who it Continued on page 3

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Associate Update

A Note from Marian... Dear Associate Sisters and Brothers, After enduring a trying winter, it’s a blessing to look out my window to see the miracle of growth everywhere. Here on the Mount Saint Joseph campus, the corn is tasseling, tomatoes are ripening and new calves are romping in the field. There’s growth everywhere! I want to tell you about another form of growth here at the Mount. A new associate regional group is being born – Catherine Cox, Pamela Knudson and Linda Monaco of Kansas City, Mo., are founding members of the Belles of Saint Rita. They adopted the name in honor of Sister Mary Rudina (Rita) Klarer, who ministered at St. Patrick’s Parish for 12 years. She invited the women to consider Ursuline Associate membership and recruited Kansas Associate Carol O’Keefe to guide the group through their formation. Thus began the birth of our first new associate group in many years. Cathy, Pam and Linda made their initial commitments in June; Tammy Milbourn, the fourth founding member, will make her commitment in October. Meet them on Page 4. Elsewhere in this edition of Associate Update you will: • Meet Audrey Pierce Durbin, Ursuline Associate and graduate of both Mount Saint Joseph Academy and Junior College, a woman of faith and determination. • Read about Grayson County Associate Carol Hill’s trip to Jamaica with her St. Joseph Parish group. Every year during the associate commitment ceremony, we sing The Blessing of Saint Clare to our new associates: “May you always be with God wherever you may go, and may God be with you, always.” I wish the same for all of you. Marian Bennett, OSUA,Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships ASSOCIATE Update is published four times a year for the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999 Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 www.ursulinesmsj.org • Email: associates.msj@maplemount.org Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships: Marian Bennett, OSUA Director of Mission Advancement/Communications: Dan Heckel, OSUA Communications Specialist/Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski, OSUA Coordinator of Mission Effectiveness: Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan, OSU Administrative Specialist/Website: April Ray Director of Development: Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU

ASSOCIATE MISSION STATEMENT We, the associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through the actions of our everyday lives. We commit ourselves to living the charism of Saint Angela Merici in union with and in support of the Ursuline community of Mount Saint Joseph.

August 2014

Dear Friends, As I write this, I am sitting on a park swing in Owensboro watching the Ohio River flowing west and thinking how this view makes me think of Ursuline Associates. The river, like the Ursulines, is clearly a body with a rich mission and purpose, carrying its charism within to share among all who inhabit its flow and reside along its banks. I won’t even attempt to reflect on its broader impact across this nation and world; that would be another reflection. Perhaps the Ursuline Sisters are the river itself, and the Associates are those whom the river carries and touches. And our “Associates and Sisters Day” was a snapshot of that interaction. Imagine with me what I am seeing; and ask yourself where you are in this picture. The river looks clear today, but my view includes three deep bends and one island. I see a steady current, a few snags and much evidence of life within the river. Now the river is crowded with craft of all shapes and sizes; some have gathered in groups and some are alone; some are drifting or floating and some are working their way upstream; and some leave a rooster tail behind as they race over the whole face of the river. I see recreational craft and fishing boats, one significant houseboat and two full barge loads rounding the bend and heading upriver. I can see the deep power of the tugboats shepherding their immense loads of commerce and service. And the river itself flows under a blue bridge, past low-lying woodlands and one or two bluffs, in front of downtown crowds and around and through Owensboro’s busy Riverport. So, which are you? Was our Associate and Sisters Day an opportunity to share and recreate? Were you building the “blue bridge?” Were you reveling in the chance to spend time in prayer and reflection in the woods and on the bluffs? Were you navigating a load under the loving hand of Angela at the helm? Or were you simply submerged in, surrounded by and swimming within the River of Angela’s charism? I hope that you will find within this Update news, memories and reflections that will refresh and nourish. My river reflections just came to a quick end as I hustled back to the car for my binoculars. As the tug passed, I thought its name was OSU! “How incredible!” But the OS stood for “Orville Shearer” and I couldn’t read the U. So, while I prayed for the crew of the “Orville Shearer,” I remembered each of you and offered prayers of thanks for our OSU Associates. In Angela, Sr. Sharon Sullivan, OSU, Congregational Leader Now Available! A newly revised and updated Associate Handbook, with sections explaining governance, membership and responsibilities. Contact the Ursuline Partnerships Office for your copy. 270-229-2006

August 2014

Associate Update

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Mission Trip to Jamaica


In May, Father Steve Hohman, 10 fellow parishioners and I went on a mission trip to Mandeville, Jamaica. This trip has been a lifelong goal of mine. As a result of many heartfelt donations, the 12 of us were able to take a total of 18 suitcases filled with much Carol in Jamaica needed supplies for the people. Father Peter Njoroge was our contact and our first day was in the bush area where he works. Our first assignment was to build a house for a family of seven to eight who were living in two rooms, one of which had literally rotted away. It was on the side of a cliff. There was not enough room for all of us to work. Since the work had to be done in shifts, Father Peter invited some of us to go with him on visitations. Wow, what a wake-up call. We climbed hills and more hills, falling, getting up and climbing again. At the top we found an elderly man living in one hut, his son beside him in another and a grandson in yet another. They welcomed us with a smile and gratitude. Medical help or assistance is very hard to get. The requirement is to have a birth certificate or health card. Most were born in the bush, thus there is no supporting documentation. There is very little food. Cooking is done outside on an open fire. A few beans from local trees, roots and some potatoes go together in a pot to form a type of stew. On the way down the hill there wasn’t a dry eye among our group.

was that modeled character for them. Each panelist did an excellent job. Panelists included George Horishny from Memphis, Tenn.; Joanne Thompson from Paola, Kan.; Risë Karr from Hopkinsville, Ky., and Sister Mary Agnes VonderHaar from McQuady, Ky. Another new segment was introduced this year called “Test Your Ursuline Knowledge.” There was a series of 20 historic questions and answers relating to the Mount, Paola and Belleville. This proved to be a lot of fun. Recognition was given to Lifetime Associates and Associate Advisory Board members (current members, those stepping down and the new members coming on board). The “In Memoriam” presentation acknowledged those we have lost over the last year and a new presentation was added focusing on the “Happy Faces” at the Mount. These were both very heartwarming segments. And as usual, the day came to a perfect conclusion by sharing Mass together (Father Tony Shonis, OSUA, presiding), welcoming our new associates and acknowledging those associates making their lifetime commitment. Mark your calendars for next year’s Associates and Sisters Day, June 13, 2015. I guarantee it will be the best one yet! n

By Carol Hill, OSUA, Grayson County, Ky.

Read more about Carol’s experience: www.ursulinesmsj.org/associates

from front

Audrey Pierce Durbin is one-of-a-kind By Suzanne Gochenouer, OSUA, Owensboro, Ky.

When Sister George Mary Hagan invited Audrey Pierce Durbin to become an Ursuline Associate, Audrey had no idea that her interest and love for Mount Saint Joseph would double. Born in Leitchfield, Ky., into a devout Catholic family, she was the oldest of Audrey five children. Her first encounter with the Ursuline Sisters was in grade school. Audrey grew to a greater knowledge and love of Saint Angela Merici while attending senior year (‘39) at Mount Saint Joseph Academy and two years of college (‘41) at Mount Saint Joseph Junior College. Angela Merici’s interest in furthering education so impressed Audrey that the young woman became a teacher after appealing to the saint to help her. While at Mount Saint Joseph, Audrey met her future husband, Cyril Durbin, a Navy man who survived the attack on Pearl Harbor aboard the USS Nevada. Audrey taught at a small country school for three years before the couple moved to San Diego, where they remained until her husband retired. The couple had two boys, both of whom are

now married, and have blessed Audrey with four grandchildren. Cyril passed away in 1972, but Audrey hasn’t slowed down. She taught for 39 years at Fort Knox, Ky. Over the years, her work within the church includes RCIA, serving as a lector, teaching faith formation and working in the Altar Society. Audrey also taught baptism class and worked on the Tribunal in Louisville. Some of her current activities include keeping up with her kids and grandkids, playing bunco and reading fiction, religious or true-to-life stories. Audrey still finds time to work part time for the Red Cross registering people to donate blood, which she has done for 17 years. Audrey has always considered the Mount her second home, the backbone of her spiritual life after her parents passed away. Today she enjoys arriving for Mass at St. Brigid in Vine Grove, Ky., a half an hour early to have a conversation with God. She would like to see our church be more inclusive, inviting others to participate in small faith groups outside the parish. Audrey says she has tried her best, with God’s grace, to do what He wants of her. And she has a great big “thank you” for Saint Angela Merici, the Ursuline Sisters and the Ursuline Associates for their influence on her life.

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Associate Update

August 2014

Welcome New Associates! • Catherine A. Cox of Kansas City, Mo., has been a real estate agent since 1988 and is a member of St. Patrick’s Church. Following the sudden death of Bob, her husband of 45 years, Cathy cofounded the parish grief support group to minister to others dealing with the loss of a loved one. Her days are filled with work and church and helping her son, Michael, to raise Jaiden Ann, her 9-year-old granddaughter. Cathy finds joy in meeting and helping people and is described as a dependable woman who is always caring and kind. She is a member of the Altar and Rosary Society and takes Holy Communion to ill and elderly homebound parishioners. She was invited to consider being an Ursuline Associate by the late Sister Mary Rudina (Rita) Klarer; her prayer companion is Sister Marie Bosco Wathen. • Lawrence J. Guenther of Stilwell, Kan., grew up on a dairy farm near Paola with five brothers and six sisters. He has been employed by ADM Milling Co. for 26 years and is currently commercial director. His experience with Ursuline Sisters began early -- he was taught by Ursulines at Holy Trinity School, including Sister Marie William Blyth, who is now his associate companion. He and his wife, Lisa, are parents of Ben, Amelia and Jake and are involved in anything to do with their children: Young Daughters of Saint Angela, CYO sports and Boy Scouts. A member of the Knights of Columbus and That Man Is You (a Bible study for men), Lawrence is described as a “very spiritual and well-grounded man” who is “devoted to a life that honors the teachings of the Catholic Church.” He was invited to consider being an Ursuline Associate by Carol O’Keefe, who guided him through his associate formation. • Lisa M. Guenther is a wife (married to Lawrence Guenther) and mother (Ben, Amelia and Jake). Raised on a farm in Paola, Kan., Lisa uses her talents and experience to serve others with quiet confidence. She is co-leader of the Kansas Y-DOSA group and a board member for Jeremiah’s Stronghold Inc., a crisis pregnancy outreach program. In addition, she is founder and executive director of Birthday Celebrations, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing birthday parties for homeless children. Lisa is described as a woman who “works consistently to live her faith and be a good example to her family as well as those in her parish community.” After completing her formation with Kansas associate Carol O’Keefe, Lisa chose Sister Marie William Blyth to be her contact companion. • Pamela J. Knudson of Kansas City, Mo., describes herself as a housewife and caretaker who joined the Catholic Church in 1996 because, “I couldn’t say no to the Holy Spirit.” She serves St. Patrick Parish as

Those making initial commitments on Associates and Sisters Day were, from left, Linda Monaco, Pam Knudson and Cathy Cox, all of Kansas City, Mo., and Lisa and Lawrence Guenther of Stilwell, Kan.

Eucharistic minister, usher, lector and volunteer; she participates in a small Christian community, is a member of the Altar and Rosary Society and manages the parish prayer chain. Her goal is to keep the Ursuline presence alive in the Kansas City area. She and her husband Bob have been married 27 years; her daughter Laura has gifted them with two grandchildren. A woman of faith and integrity, Pam was encouraged by the late Sister Mary Rudina (Rita) Klarer to become an associate. Sister Marie Bosco Wathen is her prayer companion. • Linda L. Monaco of Kansas City, Mo., and her husband, Victor, have been married 43 years and have two sons and eight grandchildren. With a balance of assertiveness and humility, Linda is a woman who knows how to get things done. She is president of the St. Patrick Church Altar and Rosary Society, previously served as parish council secretary and organizes fundraisers to provide the hosts wine and candles for the parish. She is a Eucharistic minister to the sick and homebound, paying special attention to those who have no one else in their lives. Inspired with the late Sister Mary Rudina (Rita) Klarer’s encouragement, Linda wrote, “I want to continue Angela’s work in me.” Associate Carol O’Keefe coordinated her formation and Sister Marie Bosco Wathen is her prayer companion. “Southern Belle” and Ursuline Associate Marilyn Beam handed out bourbon balls and bluegrass seed at the Maryland to Kentucky and Beyond 2014 Reunion at St. Catharine College in Springfield, Ky., on June 27-29. The reunion unites descendants with ties to the “Kentucky Holy Land.”

Bud Smith Photography

Associate Debbie Dugger of Owensboro, Ky., made her lifetime commitment on June 14.

Reflective Moments Moments Reflective

By Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU

The Abundance of God

A few weeks ago I was watching the moon rise – a beautiful, glorious moon. There were a few stars in the sky. The stars took me back to my childhood and the farm in Casey County, Ky., where I grew up. In the evening I used to enjoy going out into the yard at night and looking up at the sky filled with stars twinkling brightly. Remembering the abundance of stars caused me to reflect on the abundance of God and how many ways I’ve experienced God’s abundance. The fields, the trees, the flowers, the beauty and the peace of this place here at the Mount remind me that our God is an abundant God who never tires of loving us. We see the abundance of God in nature around us. I recalled Associates and Sisters Day when we heard a panel of associates and sisters reflect on persons who have showed strength of character to them. I also reflected quietly on the associates we have and the abundance of gifts they bring to our community and how they live the charism of Saint Angela Merici as they spread the gospel of Jesus in their daily lives. How blessed we are to have such dedicated associates in our midst. The sisters in our community show me the abundance of God. Sisters who taught me and inspired me to be an Ursuline, the sisters who smile at me each day and offer their encouragement, the sisters in our infirmary who suffer without complaint and who offer their prayers and suffering for all those in ministry. I see the cemetery and my heart

is filled with gratitude for all those holy women – and men – who are buried there. Truly the abundance of God. Life at the Mount offers us an abundance of opportunities for spiritual growth and walking deeply into the heart of God. We come together every morning for Liturgy of the Hours and Mass, and in the afternoon we gather again for communal prayer. Recently we celebrated the jubilee of 12 sisters. Their combined years represented 950-plus years of service and faithfulness to God. Such an abundance. As I was watching the moon, it disappeared behind a black cloud. I couldn’t see it but I knew it was there. Isn’t that the way it is with God sometimes? God seems to disappear behind the dark clouds of our disappointments, discouragements and loss. It takes an abundance of faith, but we know God is there. So we wait patiently for God to return to our consciousness. Thank you, God, for your abundance in our lives. Reflection: Sit quietly and reflect on all the ways God’s abundance has blessed your life. You may wish to journal about your experiences or to write God a “thank you” letter. Scripture: Read Isaiah 55 and hear God invite you to come to the water, to drink and to eat even when you have no money. God tells us that we find our true satisfaction in God alone. What stirs in your heart as you read this? Spend some time sitting quietly and listening to God.

Support the Picnic Raffle...You could win $10,000! Dear Associates, We are in full preparation for the 44th Picnic for the Retired Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. The picnic is just around the corner. Thanks to those of you who are able to come and work with us each year. We could not have this great event without your support and help. This year we are having a raffle that we hope will generate lots of funds. The first prize is $10,000 and the second prize is a lease on a Toyota Corolla for two years. The rest of the prizes are money and a handmade quilt. Many of you already take tickets on the prizes and we truly appreciate your help. Will you help us sell more tickets by asking your friends and relatives to support this project? There is a form below that gives the information. All you have to do is copy it, fill it out or have your friends fill it out and send it back with money for your tickets. We can’t send the actual tickets in the mail. When the forms come in we fill the tickets out here and put them in the raffle container. We are trying to raise $70,000 this year on the raffle. Please return this form to: Sister Amelia Stenger (Last year we took in $64,000.) We are selling the tickets Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph for $5 each but we are hoping people will take a packet 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356 of four for $20. Will you help us please? If each of our Number of tickets requested: ($5 each)______ 425 associates can get someone to take $20 worth, we can Amount Enclosed: $______ generate at least $8,500. Name:________________________________________________ We are grateful for your prayers and we pray for you Address: _____________________________________________ each day. By working together, we can support these _____________________________________________________ wonderful women who have given so much to our community and to the Church for so many years. Phone Number: (________)_______________________________ God bless you for all you already do. We hope to see you Email: ________________________________________________ on picnic day, Sunday, Sept. 14, 2014. Make check payable to Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU, Director of Development

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Associate Update

August 2014

Happy fall Birthday, Associates! September 2 6 8 9 10 11

Judy Embry Fr. Joe Mills Betty Christian Gene Tritsch Melissa Tuley Anna Mae Kaiser Peggy Clark Brenda Semar 13 Mary Ann Childs 14 Di Ann Jenkins Joanne Mason Donna Szurgot 15 Judy Gray Laurie Hicks 16 Jackie Sommers 18 Jennie Barthol Meg Synk Jody Ziegler 19 Nellie Coffman Mike Haughton 20 Serafina Mesnier 21 Priscilla Archunde Francis Steffen 23 Barbara Hasenstab Nancy Richards Cathey Seaton 24 Beatriz Dansdill Rosann Whiting 25 Gerry Hasenstab Eileen Locke Kelly Roe 27 Sheila Blandford Sharon Speaks 28 Fr. Freddie Byrd Charlotte Paez Janet Rockers 30 Maxine Beavin Eddie Prunty

Angela: A Woman for All Times

How is Saint Angela Merici’s message as pertinent today as it was in her time?

Saturday, Aug. 9 10 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center $20 fee includes lunch


October 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 12

Janet Kuper Patty Wernel Jean Gutierrez Betty Girten Jane Denton Patricia Jamett Margaret Chavez Tom Payne Lena Dees Catherine Gawarecki Kriste Pickert Therese Allen Margaret Brasuel Carol O’Keefe Pat Wilson 13 Mary Ann Schilling 14 Alice Albus Margie Hill 15 Marie Hauser Betty Stone 16 Robert Greene, Jr. 17 Catherine Bockhold 18 Anna Conn Shirley Hagman 19 Jean Yackle 21 Mariita Rodriguez 22 Ada Bader Margaret Gallegos 23 Lee Jerome 24 Alice Blazina Linda Lattus 25 Evelyn Kehder 26 JoAnne Horstmann 29 Benjamin Head 30 Lisa Guenther 31 Audrey Durbin Mary Lyne Jean Steffen

The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph invite you to our 44th annual November 1 Ed Cecil Mel Howard Louise Leasor 2 Dolores Polson 3 Claire Buckley Bobby Smyth 4 Will Payne 5 Fr. Phil Riney 6 Odelean Hill 7 Joan DeBauge Karen Lasher 8 Raqúel Sepúlveda 9 Lorna Horishny 10 Kathy Kiper 13 Valentino Simpao Mary Ann Stewart Marilyn Terry 15 Carol Alvey 16 Lois Clark 17 Al Coleman 18 Annette Stokes 23 Dorothy Coatney 24 Donald Adams 28 Annette Chavez Randy Shelby Sr. Jeannette Touchet, SEC 30 Shirley Palmer

Get your 2014 Mount Saint Joseph Picnic raffle tickets - $5.00 each

You can win $10,000! • 2-year lease on a Toyota Corolla • $1,000 • Handmade Quilt • $500 • $250 • $100 Get your tickets from any Ursuline Sister or call 270-229-2009 or email april.ray@maplemount.org. Tickets also sold at the picnic.

Join us on Wednesday, Oct. 22 for our Fall Associate Commitment


PICNIC Sunday, Sept. 14, 2014 For the benefit of the retired Ursuline Sisters

Serving barbecue pork, mutton, chicken 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Yard Sale! Silent Auction! Crafts made by the Ursuline Sisters and friends! Cake Wheel • Bingo Pull Tabs • Adopt-a-Pet Hog Wild • Plants and Flowers • Inflatables Bottle Pitch • Holiday Decor • Ice Cream Burgoo • More!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! Call 270-229-4103 ext. 260

License #0290

Saint Angela Merici

We also advise frequent vocal prayer, through which the bodily senses are awakened. – Rule, Chapter V

In Loving Memory... Sister Mary Louise Knott, 84, died May 3 in her 53rd year of religious life. A native of Browns Valley, Ky., she was a teacher and parish minister, but was known in recent years for her wonderful sewing creations. There was always a snowman or a Raggedy Ann doll to brighten someone’s world. She taught in the Diocese of Owensboro, Ky., and the Archdiocese of Louisville, as well as in Nebraska and Missouri. She served at the Motherhouse in the infirmary, craft room and in hospitality at the Retreat Center. In 200708 she served as a sewing teacher and in a clinic in Jamaica. She was the contact companion for Associates Ola Higdon and Catherine Gawarecki. Survivors include five sisters, Alma (J. Richard) Gaw and Roberta Knott, Owensboro; Dottie (Larry) Elder, Sorgho; Rosita Libs, Evansville, Ind., and Kathleen (Mike) Boldrick, Santa Maria, Calif.; two brothers, Martin (Louise) Knott and Walter (Margaret) Knott, both of Owensboro,and nieces and nephews. Sister Clara (Joseph Clara) Johnson, 66, died June 12 in her 47th year of religious life. She was born in Owensboro. She was a kind and gentle woman, always concerned about caring for others. She fought an inspiring and brave battle with cancer with nary a complaint. She was a teacher, librarian and parish minister throughout Kentucky and in New Mexico. From 1993-2011, she was secretary/bookkeeper at Sister Visitor Center, Louisville. Survivors include six sisters, Mary Ann Kurz, Yvonne Fulenwider, Theresa Haire and Eileen Mattingly, all of Owensboro, Cecilia Harnden, Bradenton, Fla., and Dolores Hagan, Hudson, Ky.; and two brothers, Charles Gregory Johnson, Hawesville, and James Leon Johnson, Owensboro, and nieces and nephews. Sister Mary Rudina (Rita) Klarer, 88, died July 11 in her 68th year of religious life. She was a native of Louisville, Ky. She never let any obstacle prevent her from serving as God intended. She especially loved helping others overcome the difficulties in their lives, touched people with her portrayal of Mary as an older woman and wrote beautiful calligraphy. She was a teacher for 26 years in Kentucky and Nebraska. She then served the next 37 years in the Kansas City, Mo., area as a prison minister, retreat leader, hospital chaplain and in parish ministry. She retired to the Motherhouse in 2011. She was the contact sister for Associates Claire Buckley, Pam Knudson and Linda Monaco. She inspired Cathy Cox and Tammy Milbourn to become associates (Tammy’s commitment is expected this fall). Survivors include nieces and nephews. NOTE: Gifts in memory of a sister may take the form of donations to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356.

We Extend Deepest Sympathy To:

• Sister Alicia Coomes, whose brother-in-law, Dan Klaffer, died June 17 • Carol Jo Hogan, whose ex-husband, Jack Hogan, died April 8 • Lorraine Luken, whose husband, Bob, died June 20 • Mary Ann Schilling, whose brother, Edwin Schilling, died July 10 • Sister Amelia Stenger, whose brother, Al Stenger, died May 13 • Sister Fran Wilhelm, whose niece, Joan Minks, died June 17 • Sister Marie Carol Cecil, whose brother, Joseph Fred Cecil, died July 22

Teressa Alice Colburn Hayden, 92, died June 18 in Mayfield, Ky. One of eight children, she was born in Murray, Ky. She was a World War II Navy veteran, serving from 1943 to 1946 as a WAVE (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service). Teressa and her husband, Albert, met while working together at the Mayfield Employment Office following the war and married in 1948. They are survived by sons William Michael, Mark Anthony and Patrick Alan; and daughters Nancy Alice, Tena Marie and Mary Teresa. She and Albert made their lifetime associate commitments in 1990 with contact companions Sister Leander Burch and Sister Joseph Mark Hayden. Joan Marnell Minks, 66, died June 17 in Durant, Okla. A native of Hereford, Texas, Joni was a registered nurse, as well as an artist, quilter and gardener. She was a member of St. Williams Catholic Church and co-founder of St. Catherine’s Food Bank in Durant. She was described as “a woman of profound faith sharing her love and gifts with everyone she met.” Joni and her husband, Ursuline Associate Dr. Larry Minks, lived in six university communities during their 46-year marriage, including Brescia College where Larry led the School of Business. They made their lifetime associate commitments in 1990 with their contact companion, Sister Vivian Bowles. Joni was preceded in death by her mother, Associate Edna Marnell. Survivors include her son, Aaron, and daughters, Amanda and Joy, as well as her aunt, Sister Fran Wilhelm. Mildred Roby Shrewsbury, 93, died April 22. A native of Grayson County, Ky., she and her husband, Earl, had six children. She returned to school at age 50 to become a nurse. She enjoyed nursing for 15 years before retiring from Twin Lakes Regional Medical Center. She had the distinction of being the first Hospice nurse in Grayson County. Her survivors are sons William, Mark and Timothy, and daughters Barbara, Sharon and Judy, as well as 15 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. A member of Saint Joseph Church, Leitchfield, Mildred made her lifetime associate commitment in 1998 with her contact companion, Sister Ruth Mattingly.

If you have a smartphone, this QR code will take you to the ASSOCIATES page on our website!


Quilt Club

Tickets now available!

Get your Ursuline Sisters’ Quilt Club membership for only $20. You get 12 chances to win a homemade quilt! New monthly drawings begin Oct. 3, 2014. Find a form online:

Go to ursulinesmsj.org. Click on Help the Sisters, Quilt Club, Membership Information License No. 0290

Charlotte Paez fills Welcome to the Mount goodie bags for Associates and Sisters Day. The Owensboro associate group donated candy, lotion, small games and other items to share Ursuline hospitality with out-of-town associates who often travel great distances to attend Associates and Sisters Day. Associate Debbie Lanham helped stuff the bags.

Below: Associate Anna Conn of Morganfield, Ky., waves as she walks in the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph’s Get Moving at the Mount 5K Run/Walk on May 31. There were 14 associates among the 160 runners and walkers, and five associate volunteers. Plans are already underway for next year’s 5K Win Khine was a guest speaker on May 30, 2015! at the May 27 Owensboro Associates meeting. He is a caseworker/interpreter for the International Center of Owensboro. Listening at left is Associate Martha Little.

You can find more photos and a calendar of events online: ursulinesmsj.org

Associate Carol O’Keefe of Kansas leads a recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet at Mount Saint Joseph at the third annual Young Daughters of Saint Angela summit on June 18-21.

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