MAY 2011
Associates and Sisters Day 2011 will focus on...
The 2011 Associates and Sisters Day on June 11 will feature multiple presentations from Ursuline Sisters and Associates, with the focus on “Saint Angela as Peacemaker and Reconciler.” With our society seemingly committed to “divide and conquer” at every turn, it will be encouraging to hear the words Saint Angela spoke about striving for peace and reconciliation. She lived in a time of great upheaval and violence, one in which the opinions of women were rarely sought, but her words and actions carried great insight that we can still learn from today. Rather than have a keynote speaker this year, the Associate Advisory Board chose to enlist multiple voices to explore more facets of Saint Angela’s teaching concerning how we should treat “the least” of our society. Sister Michele Morek will lead the first session, “What Angela Teaches Us About Living as an Environmentally Friendly Christian.” Fresh off her internship with UNANIMA in New York City, in which she worked on clean water issues, Sister Michele will lead us in a reflection on Angela’s personal philosophy and writings, and will pose the question, “Was Saint Angela ‘Green’?”
In describing her talk, Sister Michele said, “Even if she didn’t belong to the ‘Brescia Citizens for Curbside Recycling Committee,’ or write letters for the ‘Save the Whales’ campaign, did Angela have an environmental spirituality that would fit our day? By using a little inductive and deductive reasoning, we will look at the life of this woman of the 15th-16th century and see if we can make a case for her 2011 membership in the Sierra Club.” The second session is, “What the Poor Teach Us About Being Christian.” Sister Jacinta Powers will lead this discussion, with assistance from Associates Mary Danhauer and Martha House. All three are nurses who have given their time to minister to the poor in places such as Jamaica, Haiti, and where they serve now, Mary and Martha in Owensboro, and Sister Jacinta in Memphis, Tenn., where she serves the working poor at the Church Health Center. In describing their presentation, Sister Jacinta wrote, “From the Rule of Saint Angela we hear the words ‘finally, we exhort each one to embrace poverty, and not only effective poverty of temporal things, but above all the true poverty of spirit by which man strips his heart of all affection and longing for created things, and of his very self.’ In Matthew 19:21 Jesus tells us, ‘If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to (the) poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’ What ‘possessions’ in our lives keep us from true gospel living? How do the poor teach us to live the Christian life? Together, let’s start the conversation of how Christ, through the poor, is calling us to a deeper transforming experience for us all.” Continued on page 3
Join us Saturday, June 11 for Associates and Sisters Day Angela Merici, Peacemaker and Reconciler
(1) What Angela Teaches Us about Being an Environmentally Friendly Christian (2) What the Poor Teach Us About Being Christian (3) What Angela Teaches Us about Living in Today’s Society as a Christian
PLEASE NOTE: A registration form can be found on the back page. A schedule for the day is on page 2.
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Associate Update
ASSOCIATES & SISTERS DAY 2011 Schedule Saturday, June 11, 2011 Mount Saint Joseph Conference & Retreat Center
“Angela Merici: Peacemaker and Reconciler” 8:00... Registration begins in Retreat Center Library (3rd floor) 9:00... Opening prayer – Karen Siciliano, OSUA 9:30...Session 1: “What Angela Teaches Us about Living as an Environmentally Friendly Christian” – Sister Michele Morek 10:45...Session 2: “What the Poor Teach Us about Being Christian” – Sister Jacinta
Powers, Mary Danhauer, OSUA, Martha House OSUA
Noon...Lunch in the Motherhouse Dining Room 1:30....Session 3: “What Angela Teaches Us about Living in Today’s Society as a Christian” – Associates and Sisters Panel 2:45...Young Daughters of Saint Angela presentation – Lisa Reilly, OSUA 3:15.... In Memoriam presentation 4:00... Mass & Commitments – Fr. John Vaughan, OSUA, presider
ASSOCIATE Update is published four times a year for the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999 Phone: 270-229-2006 • Fax: 270-229-4953 Website: E-mail: Director of Ursuline Partnerships: Mrs. Marian Bennett, OSUA Director of Spiritual Formation for Ursuline Partnerships: Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU Director of Mission Advancement/Communications: Dan Heckel, OSUA Communications Specialist/Graphic Design: Jennifer Kaminski Director of Mission Effectiveness: Sister Rose Marita O’Bryan, OSU Administrative Specialist/Website: Tiffany Orth Director of Development: Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU
e, the associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through the actions of our everyday lives. We commit ourselves to living the charism of Saint Angela Merici in union with and in support of the Ursuline community of Mount Saint Joseph.
May 2011
Letter from the director... Dear Associate Sisters and Brothers, Let’s get together at Mount Saint Joseph! Associates and Sisters Day is just around the corner on June 11. Our day together promises to be powerfulandthought-provoking.It could even change our lives! For many of us, this day is the one occasion we have to share prayer and laughter with sisters, associates, and friends together. It’s our chance to welcomenewassociatesandaffirmthosemakingtheir lifetime commitments. Let’s keep these sisters and brothers in our prayers as they take these steps with us, following the guidance of Saint Angela. Please take special note: The meeting place for Associates and Sisters Day has changed. We will gather in Conference Room A on the third floor of the Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. You’ll find the registration form on page 8. Here’s one more thought ... Mark your calendars and join us Aug. 27-28 as Sister Marietta Wethington leads an Angela retreat for Summer 2011. Watch our Mount Saint Joseph website for additional details. Deadline for registration is Aug. 15. See you soon! Marian Bennett, OSUA Director of Ursuline Partnerships
Coming retreats: “A Day Away with Angela” Saturday, May 21, 2011 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost $15 Lunch provided Registration closing soon! zzzzzz
A Summer Retreat with Angela Led by Sister Marietta Wethington Weekend of Aug. 27-28, 2011 Registration deadline: Aug. 15
May 2011
Associate Update
Coordinators of various Ursuline Associate groups gathered at Maple Mount on March 24 for their biannual meeting to discuss issues and share ideas. Pictured, seated: Carol Hill (Grayson County, Ky.) and Suzanne Reiss (Louisville). Standing, left to right: Judy Sims (Muhlenberg County, Ky.), Brenda Semar (Grayson County), Sid Mason (Western Ky.), Eileen Locke (Paola, Kan., South group), Jean Simpson (Muhlenberg County), Marian Bennett (director of Ursuline Partnerships), and Pat Wilson (Western Ky.). Joining via conference call were Harriet Jack and Joanne Thompson (Paola South); Janice Lawless and Rita Wilkus (Paola North), and Martha Little (Owensboro, Ky.) The next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 6.
• Owensboro Associates, Monday, July 18, Oct. 17, 6 p.m. • Louisville Associates, Saturday, Aug. 20, Oct. 15, 1 p.m. • Associate Advisory Board, Saturday, Sept. 24, 9 a.m. • Western Ky. Associates, Friday, Oct. 7, Nov. 4, 5 p.m. • Muhlenberg County Associates, Wednesday, July 20, 6 p.m. • Grayson County Associates, Wednesday, June 22, July 27, 9 a.m.
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Dear Friends, As we complete our year of prayer and reflection on change, this seems to be a good time to share with you a change that will happen in our office. At the end of June, I will be leaving the Office of Ursuline Partnerships as the director of formation. The decision was not an easy one and it has come only after a lot of prayer and discernment. This change allows me to focus more on my two other ministries, adjunct to Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center and pastoral care for our senior sisters in the infirmary. These years of ministry with all of you have been wonderful ones. Walking with you as you have pursued a deeper relationship with Jesus in the spirit and charism of Saint Angela has been a time of deep enrichment for my own life. Thank you! I will not be too far away and I’m confident that our paths will cross again. Thank you for the blessing you have been to me. In the love of Jesus and Angela, Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU
from front
The third presentation features a panel discussion titled, “What Angela Teaches Us About Living in Today’s Society as a Christian.” The participants will share their EVENTS experiences of people they interact with whose • Angela in Action submission deadline, May 20 lives are a good example of the Christian living • Spring Day of Reflection, Saturday, May 21 Saint Angela asked us to follow. Associates and • Register for Associates and Sisters Day by May 27 sisters in the audience will be encouraged to • ASSOCIATES AND SISTERS DAY, Saturday, June 11 break into groups to come up with an idea that translates into an action to pursue that fits in • Pentecost Sunday, June 12 • Jail Ministry, Owensboro Associates, Saturday, July 30, with Saint Angela’s call to be Christians. Panelists include Associates John Wood, Oct. 29, 9 a.m. Brenda Semar, Ed Cecil, and Lisa Day, and • Associate Summer Retreat, Aug. 27-28 Sisters Mary Ellen Backes and Mary Jude • Mount Saint Joseph PICNIC, Sunday, Sept. 11 Cecil. Each of the three presentations will last • Associate Coordinators meet, Thursday, Oct. 6, 2-4 p.m. one hour. At 4 p.m., we will celebrate initial • Associate Fall Commitment, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 4:30 p.m. commitments of new associates and those making their lifetime commitments during • First Sunday of Advent, November 27 Mass. Make your plans to attend and register “Food for the Soul, Memories for the Heart” now. n
Mount Saint Joseph cookbooks are still available for only $15 each! Contact Marian Bennett at 270-229-2006
Be sure to visit
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Associates Mary Hartz, left, Bernadette Howard, and John Howard listen during prayer and reflection in the chapel. Ten Associates visited on Jan. 27, the Feast of Saint Angela Merici, for prayer, lunch, and a tour of the Angela Oratory.
The Grayson County, Ky., associates met on March 23. Seated, left to right: Sister Marietta Wethington, Sister Clarence Marie Luckett, Carol Hill. Standing: Teen Robinette, Catherine Gawarecki, Violet Hamilton, Jean Gutierrez, Betty Stone, Brenda Semar.
Associate Update / M
Associates in the Bowling Green, Ky., area met Feb. 4. Front row: Carolyn and Bob Panchyshyn, Randall and Jeanne Lamastus. Back row: Sister Suzanne Sims, Martha Little, Sister Marietta Wethington, Father Jerry Riney.
BELOW: Associate Martha Little led a women’s prayer retreat March 1112 at Mount Saint Joseph Center.
Several Associates and Sisters attended the March 2527 Women’s Retreat at Mount Saint Joseph. Shown left to right: Melissa Tuley, Martha Little, Lisa Day, Sister Elaine Burke, Violet Hamilton, and Martha House.
Associate Anna Conn attended the March 11-13 Yarn Spinners Retreat at Maple Mount.
“A Tomorrow Filled With Hope...”
ear Associates, During the past year I have been able to meet with so many people who support our mission of education and Christian formation. This mission has led us to serve women, children, and men in a wide range of ministries. We continue to try to live out the counsels of Saint Angela which have been filled with hope for the past 476 years. As Associates, you share in that wonderful mission by your prayers and support. So many of you take part in our annual picnic, pray with us on special feast days, and come together in June to learn more about our mission. We are grateful for all you do. As director of Development for the Ursuline Sisters, I am meeting with some of our wonderful donors. Over the years they have been so generous in supporting the needs of our retired sisters and our Ursuline ministry. Many of you are among those donors. We are grateful for you. Your continued support is so appreciated. Sometimes people tell me they just don’t understand how people can work to raise money. They think it is so hard to
A group of Ursuline Associates and Sisters visited the Daviess County Detention Center on April 2 to offer support to the inmates.
ask for money. Yes, it is difficult sometimes but if we believe in our mission, how can we not ask? We are doing the work of Jesus to bring the Good News. Since some of our sisters work for small stipends or do not get full salaries, the whole community supports them. That is what community is all about. We need the help of many people to continue this support. It is so important to remember the words of Saint Angela, when we talk about our mission. She said, “Have hope and firm faith in God, for He will help you in everything. Pray to him, humble yourselves under his mighty power because, without any doubt, since He has entrusted this work to you, He will give you the strength necessary to accomplish it.” With Angela’s words before us we can move forward, knowing that there is hope for tomorrow. We have so many people like you to walk with us on our way. Have a wonderful summer. We hope to see you in June for Associates and Sisters Day. Sincerely, Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU, Director of Development
May 2011
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Y-DOSA chapters help spread charism of Saint Angela There are two chapters of the Young Daughters of Saint Angela, one in the Kansas City, Kan., metro area, the other at St. Mary of the Woods Catholic School in Whitesville, Ky. Kansas By Izabella Borowiak-Miller, Y-DOSA member
“In Y-DOSA, we have visited the old-age home in Louisburg, Kan. We went for Christmas and Valentine’s Day, passing out cards and cookies. “I love visiting them,” said Y-DOSA member Cindy Reilly. “It is so much fun!” said Y-DOSA member Amelia Guenther. Mrs. Lisa Reilly and Ms. Denise Heying delighted the whole old-age home with their delicious homemade cookies. The Y-DOSA group meets every second Monday of The Kansas Y-DOSA group the month. Y-DOSA is basically a group of Catholic conducted a Valentine Singgirls who help spread the Catholic faith. They have done A-Long at the Louisburg Candlelight Rosaries and said the rosary many times at the Rehabilitation Center. old-age home. Mrs. Carol O’Keefe started this club with LEFT: Y-DOSA members from Whitesville, Ky., Mrs. Reilly. The chapter planned a Mother-Daughter May collected change in baby Crowning and Candlelight Rosary May 4th to honor Mary.” bottles for the Birthright St. Mary of the Woods Center in Owensboro, Ky. Our school Y-DOSA began as a new club in August 2010. We are the second group in the world based on the first group in Kansas. We meet monthly with our principal, Sister Suzanne Sims, OSU. Our members (Silva, Breana, and Chassity) use the Angela prayer scarf to take turns leading our prayer time. At our meetings we do activities that help us learn more about Saint Angela Merici and plan service projects like she did in her life for girls who needed help. One of these was a visit to Birthright and St. Gerard Home in Owensboro to learn about their services for pregnant moms who need help. We used real baby bottles for every family in our school to collect change for two weeks. Birthright received over $200 plus some diapers and other useful items. “We love to do things for people if we are not doing sports or hanging out with friends.” (Are you interested in starting a Y-DOSA chapter in your area? Contact Marian Bennett to learn how.)
Keeping Angela as our constant companion By George Horishny, OSUA
There are many times when I have asked myself, “Why are you an Ursuline Associate?” This may trouble some, or even seem strange that a person who has made a lifelong commitment would ask himself this question. As I look over the past years of being involved with the Ursuline Sisters, it always seems to come back to the strength that I get from Saint Angela when I call upon her for guidance. I am thankful for the guidance she provides me even when I am not asking for it. She is my fellow traveler who I know is always right by my side, for which I am very grateful. Since becoming an associate, I have embarked on several tasks that I am sure I would not have attempted, had I not had her along with me. It is always a pleasure to know that I am a part of the Memphis Associates and can call upon any one of them for help or guidance. Saint Angela gives us the direction that we need to continue to seek out what we can do for others,
and not think we must be held to what has been done in the past. She gives direction for each of us to grow and seek out the best path for ourselves and to help others whom we know, and maybe more important, those whom we do not know. It means a lot to me to know that while each one of us is on a different path, we are still together as a group. We are a diverse group in Memphis, each of us seeking out the best trail for our talents. I have helped in small ways with the Dorothy Day House of Hospitality and Hope House on my own and as part of the group’s involvement. My wife and I are a part of the Diocesan Ministry with Gay and Lesbian Persons. We are also part of a Parents Support Group for Parents of GLBT children, along with the Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center. It is important for each one of us not to lose sight of the talents we have been blessed with. There is a strength in being an associate, and I am proud to be a part of this world wide group. George and Lorna Horishny became associates in 2000.
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2 3 4 5 6 8 10 6 1 17 0 2 21 22 24 6 2 27 28 29
Gary Mesnier Lois Nunnally Ruby White Connie Del Muro Lina Trujillo Gertrude Tyrala Nettie Castle Paula Graves Jeff Goldsmith Martha Little Mildred Shrewsbury Ann Collins Bobby Joe Christian Carol Jo Hogan Ramona McConnell Martha Ann Matthews Juanita Haskins Pat Sullivan Cletus Weidenbenner Rebecca Leonard Helen Pfeiffer Jim Wilkus Jo Morelli Fr. John Vaughan Perla Pike Karen Siciliano Phil Dees Elenita McConnell Suzanne Reiss Tony Butel Dee Carroll Raynell Prado Nannette Krasovic Carolyn Panchyshyn
Associate Update
2 Ione Deken Sara Scully 4 Donna Karcher Helen Miles Alice Powell 5 Lela Buettmann June Fowler Janice Lawless 6 Philomena Bollinger David Henderson Christopher Walls 7 Barbara Boatner 8 Sherry Duer Fr. Tony Shonis 9 Shirley Eckert Mary Jo Johnson 10 Harriet Jack Mary Lowry 11 Fr. Carl McCarthy 13 Loraine Hardy Gloria O’Hara Don Speaks 16 Mary Danhauer Dan Heckel Chico Irizarry Daughn O’Neill Mary Sandlin 17 Jean Dowdy Ann Leonard 19 Julie Holt Trudy Peak Jean Simpson 20 Sr. Ann Middlebrooks SEC Fr. Joe Nangle 22 Judy Krese 23 Raymond Morelli 24 Larry Denton 25 Suzanne Gochenouer 27 Sarah Bowling 30 Marjorie Cook 31 Gloria Adams Theresa Caffey Michael Conley Debby Ludwig Lorraine Luken Gustavo Paez Marilyn Paul
The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 1 Sandy Luz Marilyn Mischlich 2 Dale Holt 3 Bob Beam Jim Wilson 5 Barbara Goldsmith Betty Medley 6 Lisa Day JoAnn Lynch Nancy Mills 7 Dotty Liles 8 Dottie Clark Stephanie George Fr. Leo Reinhardt 9 Bob Lawrence Florence Lyon Ruth Wright-Welzen 11 Ruth Bittel-Nunez Bonnie Marks 12 Wilma Howard 15 Isabel Crenshaw Jacinta Garinger Don Hobbs 16 Shirlene Quinn Irene Rapier Marcia Stoller 17 Mary Ann Brown Michael Bufalini 18 Carol Hill Meghan Payne 21 Bruce Blandford 24 Sid Mason Doris Rommelfanger 25 Joyce York 27 Brenda Busick Mary Leda Rice 28 Juanita Burke Marty Darst Pat Riordan Joanne Thompson 30 Jean Murphy 31 Risë Karr
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Tell your associate group’s story in pictures! Please e-mail pictures by
May 20, 2011 We will put together a slide show for Associates and Sisters Day.
May 2011
Associate Update
In Loving Memory... Sister Dolorita Robinson, 88, died March 23 at Mount Saint Joseph, in her 69th year of religious life. She was a native of St. Mary, Ky. Sister Dolorita was known for her hard work, her deep spirituality, and her desire to help whomever was in need. An educator for 39 years, she taught and was principal in the Diocese of Owensboro, Ky., the Archdiocese of Louisville, and served in pastoral ministry at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Sunfish. At Mount Saint Joseph, she served as local superior and worked in crafts, as director of activities, and on the archives staff. Survivors include nieces and nephews, and the members of her religious community. Sister Helen Hermreck, 87, died March 27 at Mount Saint Joseph, in her 72nd year of religious life. A native of Scipio, Kan., Sister Helen was an Ursuline Sister of Paola, Kan., until the merger of that community with Mount Saint Joseph in 2008. She was a joyful, always gracious woman, who loved to read and to be outside enjoying nature. She was a teacher in Paola and Kansas City, Kan., Bartlesville, Okla., and in or near Sacramento, Calif. She was novice director for her community (195763) and was executive director of the Lakemary Center for those with special needs from 1968-69. She served in pastoral ministry in Placerville, Calif., from 1980 until her retirement in 2005. She moved to the Mount Saint Joseph Motherhouse in 2009. Survivors include three sisters, Fran Dennis, of Chester, Calif., Edith Foster, of Anderson, Calif., and Rose Perisot, of Chico, Calif.; her brother Everett Hermreck of Citrus Heights, Calif.; nieces and nephews and the members of her religious community. NOTE: Gifts in memory of a sister may take the form of donations to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356. Beatrice R. Porter, Henderson associate, died Wednesday, April 6, 2011, at 80 years of age. A member of Holy Name of Jesus Church, Bea sang in the choir and belonged to the Altar Society. Bea was a good cook and a caterer for many years. She was always willing to share her culinary knowledge and talents. She is survived by her daughter, Catherine and four sons, James, Allen, Frederick, and Kevin.
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’ For it is right and fitting that the mothers be an example and a mirror for their daughters. - Sixth Counsel
Saint Angela Merici
We Extend Deepest Sympathy To: • Sister Catherine Barber, whose brother, Aaron Barber, died Feb. 9. • Sister Luisa Bickett, whose nephew, Dennis Anthony Bickett, Jr., died Feb. 21. • Sarah Bowling, whose sister-in-law, Nancy Bowling, died Dec. 23. • Sister Elaine Byrne, whose brother John D. Byrne, Jr., died March 12 in Owensboro. • Annette Chavez and Sister Marie Bosco Wathen, whose sister and cousin, Barbara Mattingly, died Feb. 7 in an auto accident. • Bob & Sally Green, whose brother-in-law, James Harris, was killed March 6 in an auto accident. • Sister George Mary Hagan, whose sister-in-law, Jane Hagan, died Jan. 9 in Louisville. • Sister Catherine Kaufman, whose brother-in-law, Victor Rapp, died Feb. 1. • Sister Martha Keller, whose sister-in-law, Lisa Howard Keller, died Feb. 3. • Sister Lois Lindle, whose sister, Martha L. Henson, died Jan. 9 in Louisville. • John Little, whose uncle, Bill McBride, died Jan. 5. • Coreen Moore, whose brother-in-law, Earl Moore, died March 7 in Elizabethtown. • Sister Mary Sheila Higdon, whose great-nephew, Aaron Vandenberg, died Feb. 24. • Sister Maureen O’Neill, whose mother, Bertha O’Neill, died March 25 in Louisville. • Sister Dianna Ortiz, whose father, Pilar Ortiz, died April 1 in New Mexico. • Pat Wilson, whose brother, David Goodwill, died Feb. 9, and brother-in- law, Dawn Wilson, died Jan. 29. Coming this Fall: Ursuline Associate Book Study of “Also in Your Midst” by Martha Buser, OSU. Watch for details in the August Update!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Mount Saint Joseph Conference & Retreat Center - Conference Room A Registration 8:00-9:00 a.m. in the Retreat Center Library - 3rd floor
Please note new meeting location!
Name ________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________________________________ Phone ____________________E-mail _______________________________________
Lodging: q I need overnight accommodations on Friday, June 10 Meals: q Supper - Friday, June 10 q Breakfast -Saturday, June 11 q Lunch - Saturday, June 11 Special dietary needs:_______________________________ Note: Registration is required. Please include a $10 registration fee to help defray costs. Please make checks payable to Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. There is no charge for overnight accommodations on Friday, June 10 for Associates & Sisters Day.
Special room registration information: To help us accommodate the greatest number of people, we ask you to limit your room choices to the following guidelines: • All St. Ann rooms with twin beds are to be shared • All suites and St. Ann rooms with double beds are reserved for couples • All Bloemer Hall rooms are private rooms (no sharing)
Return this form by May 27, 2011 to: Office of Ursuline Partnerships, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount KY 42356 Or FAX it to: 270-229-4953 Or Register ONLINE at Questions? Call 270-229-2006 • E-mail