But why “change?”
By Paul and Judy Gray, Ursuline Associates in Memphis, Tenn.
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his year, the Ursuline Associates Advisory Board chose the topic of change for reflection and discussion at gatherings of associates and sisters. Materials have been prepared and sent to all associate coordinators, to promote a common focus. Change is a rather obvious choice this year when: p a newly elected leadership Council begins its six-year term of service to the Ursuline Community; p the whole Roman Church is facing the changes in the Third Edition of the Roman Missal; p many families are faced with unexpected change because of illness, job loss, financial difficulties, and subsequent distress in relationships. Change affects everyone, no matter what age, what faith, what level of spirituality. It is obvious that Saint Angela handled much change in her life. We can learn from her. For example: p while new leadership teams do bring new ideas and energy, they also seek to approach their ministry conscious of a respectful continuity with the past; p while we will initially stumble over some of the new wording in the revised Roman Missal, we will try to adjust because we will certainly continue to gather for the celebration of the Eucharist; and p while families are struggling, they are also learning that, through prayer for an increase in trust and faith, and through clinging together, they will get through this current economic crisis. Eventually, we come to learn that we can either allow change to happen “to us,” or we can work with change as a positive aspect of life. So, change can be welcomed. At Associates and Sisters Day, Sister Cheryl Clemons delivered a thought-provoking talk, thoroughly exploring the theme of change and its many implications. Now, associate groups have embarked on a year-long reflection on the theme. Some associate groups have already had their first reflection on change. What might we hope to discover? At the very least, by year end, we will be well aware that change is a constant. Because God is engaged in bringing about the fullness of the Reign of God, and because that fullness is not yet present, we know that change will continue to be needed. And while we may not always recognize the value of the
Spelling Bee Champs!
The “Ursuline Associates” team won first place at the Oct. 2 community Spelling Bee in Owensboro, Ky. The event was a fundraiser for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library chapter in Daviess County, which provides books for children birth to age 5. The team won on the word, “pastime.” Team members, seated, Ursuline Associate Mag Birge, Sister Cheryl Clemons, Director of Ursuline Partnerships Marian Bennett. Standing: Mag’s daughter Joan Little and Ursuline Associate John Little (no relation).
transformation that God brings, we know that ultimately it is for our good and the good of the world. From the very beginning of the Company of Angela, change has been a necessary component of Ursuline life. Angela reminded her sisters, and us, that we should be ready “to change if circumstances call for it.” And, of course, they always seem to; actually, the survival of the Ursuline way of life has depended through the centuries on this ability and willingness to change. Because life changes, those who want to continue to live must change. The challenge is to be in tune with God so that we can discern change as it comes, choosing to cooperate with what God is doing. As Saint Angela faced changes in her time, she learned an important principle that she had the wisdom to share. Whatever changes loomed in her life, she knew that she could always face them from the familiar, Continued on page 3