Biodiversity Conservation Achievements
2011-2014 USAID ProParque
Biodiversity Conservation Achievements BIOLOGICAL MONITORING
Training sessions ICF, MOCAPH and Municipality Officials
Co-managers and research centers Alliances signed with universities.
Received training on ecological integrity and monitoring and research plans.
Received training on the application of the Methodology of Conservation Plans.
In addition
Conservation Plans based on threat analysis using the Open Standards for Conservation methodology.
• The Technical Guide for Evaluating Ecological Integrity in Protected Areas was approved by ICF. This guide enables simple, practical, reliable and fast evaluation of the conservation status of protected areas. • Ecological integrity benchmark in 8 protected areas. • 10 protected areas with monitoring and research plans, which will be used to promote alliances that foster biological monitoring. • Strengthening capacities to ICF and MOCAPH to assess the ecological integrity of protected areas.
Private Nature Reserves
With management plans approved by ICF. 2,583.13 has under effective conservation
Strengthening of REHNAP chapters of Lago de Yojoa, Gracias, La Ceiba and La Esperanza. In total, 25 active members registered in REHNAP.
training sessions
Private owners, consultants and ICF officials. Trained in the development of management plans in private nature reserves and the application of technical guide for registration of private nature reserves.
Approval of the guide for registration of private nature reserves, allowing a continuation of the declaration of private reserves.
• 10 grants implemented totaling
• 3 protected areas have Public Use Plans, which define strategies and actions to promote tourism and environmental education.
US$ 585,612.12
• Two bird watching towers and improvement of 7 km of trails at Cerro Azul Meámbar National Park.
• The processes of land registry and regularization at Montaña de Celaque and Nombre de Dios National Parks have been finalized with the following results: o 851 usufruct contracts identified. o 34 usufruct contracts granted. o 3,273 beneficiaries. o 21,494 ha. of the nucleus zone registered in IP on behalf of the Honduran government and recorded in the catalog of Inalienable Forestry Public Patrimony.
In addition
• 3 management plans (Lancetilla Botanical Garden, Sierra de Agalta National Park and Guisayote Biological Reserve) updated by applying new development tools for management and thematic plans. • Management effectiveness benchmark in 10 protected areas, which assessed the management plans and their implementation, as well as compliance with co-management agreements. • 8 co-management agreements signed using the new guide for co-management agreements, which clarifies the roles of the co-managers, municipalities and other key actors.
• 6 technical guidelines approved by ICF, which contribute to improving the management of SINAPH protected areas: a) Management Effectiveness, b) Marine, Coastal and Freshwater Ecosystems; c) Preparation of Management Plans and Thematic Plans for Protected Areas; d) Co-management Agreements; e) Harmonization of Management Categories in Protected Areas; f) Guide for Land Registry and Regularization in Protected Areas. • 768 people, including representatives from MOCAPH, ICF, Municipalities, INA and IP participated in training events and workshops to strengthen capacities in protected area management and the application of technical tools: a) Systematization of co-management experiences in FUCSA and PROLANSATE; b) Land Registry and regularization in protected areas; c) Management plans and thematic plans; d) Environmental interpretation of public use plans; and e) Effectiveness of co-management agreement management and evaluation.
Achievements in
Payment for Environmental Services
• During the year, ProParque reactivated activities of Payment for Environmental Services (PES). For the reactivation process, a multi-criteria analysis helped to clarify and revitalize the activities by identifying potential areas to implement PES. • The country’s background and limitations were identified to define the intervention and support strategy in order to strengthen the capacity of actors to obtain financial resources. • Procedures were established to guarantee that funds raised are invested in reducing threats and rehabilitating target watersheds. • 5 commitment agreements were signed for the establishment of Payment for Environmental Services mechanisms that have positive impacts on the protected areas where they are located: PANACAM, 2 in Sierra Agalta, Celaque Mountain and the southern area of Pico Bonito. • 11 training sessions for Water Management Committees, MEUs and Local Boards were held on the subject in different locations. In addition, the subject was incorporated into the training modules of the Municipal Environmental Units. • The "First Great Public Political Forum on the Conservation of sub-watershed Ucha-pa-Pimienta" was held in Olanchito; the forum’s conclusion was to assign annual L.2,000,000.00 for watershed management. • There was coordination with government offices, municipalities, cooperation agencies and banks, co-managers, Water Management Committees, community associations and different civil society organizations and NGOs. USAID ProParque