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Achievements in


2011-2014 USAID ProParque


Achievements in


Activities carried out in coordination with the REDD+ subcommittee, USAID-ProParque 2012-2014

Knowledge about governance • More than 50 people graduated from the REDD + Virtual Course focused on gender issues, a virtual platform available for free replication. • First national safeguard workshop with 62 people participating, representing 7 organizations of indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples.

+ 112

Support to MRV • Design and development of forest inventory database for the purpose of estimating carbon stocks. • 12 members of the MRV workgroup participated in information exchange workshops and implementation of REDD + actions of other USAID projects and Central American regional projects.

First database integrating local and national information.

REDD+ Informative material distributed

• Publication of the first biannual bulletin regarding actions of the REDD+ Subcommittee, 2012-2014. • At least 12 USAID ProParque bulletins with information about REDD+ preparatory actions available online. • 6 publications in the form of presentations and posters about REDD + analysis in the country. • Material in easily-understood language regarding the basic concepts of REDD + preparatory activities. • Awareness raising materials - training communities about climate change and carbon value: Illustrated Story, flipchart and facilitator's manual delivered to trainers of 19 representatives of the UMAs in municipalities with jurisdiction in partner national parks (NP) with the aim of increasing REDD+ capacities, 5 co-managing NGOs of NP, 3 representations from universities and representatives from SERNAM and the regional ICF.

LOCAL SCOPE REDD+ Capacity building in 4 NP, La Tigra, Sierra de Agalta, Cerro Azul Meámbar, Montaña de Celaque

Estimation of forest carbon stock

A participatory process to make the first estimates of carbon stock values in the country’s national parks with international standard criteria was carried out, and local capacities to carry out estimates were developed. The following was provided: a DTIM tool for forest inventory designs; cost estimates using the FRIED tool; information was given to local communities for inventory development; a field manual with plots designed for estimating carbon in three sources with a defined quality control procedure; a program design for data recorders and analysis for final report.

The project has produced 4 forest carbon inventories.

LA TIGRA No. Carbon source 1 Trees Árboles 2 Madera muerta gruesa Coarse dead wood Fine dead wood 4 Tocones altos High stumps Saplings 5 Latizales Foliage 6 Hojarasca Twigs-Foliage 7 Ramitas-Hojarasca Total LA TIGRA No. Carbon source 1 Árboles Trees Coarse dead wood 2 Madera muerta gruesa Fine dead wood High stumps 4 Tocones altos Saplings 5 Latizales Foliage 6 Hojarasca Twigs-Foliage 7 Ramitas-Hojarasca Total

Tm/ha 92.1033 5.9047

% 91.7 5.9

0.0974 0.5393 0.9346 0.4696

0.5 0.9 0.5 0.1



Tm/ha 46.0905 3.6115

% 88.4 6.9

0.0669 0.6892 1.1038 0.4769

1.3 2.1 0.9 0.1



CELAQUE No. Carbon source 1 Trees Árboles 2 Madera muerta gruesa Coarse dead wood Fine dead wood 4 Tocones altos High stumps Saplings 5 Latizales Foliage 6 Hojarasca Twigs-Foliage 7 Ramitas-Hojarasca Total AGALTA No. Carbon source 1 Trees Árboles 2 Madera muerta gruesa Coarse dead wood Fine dead wood 4 Tocones altos High stumps 5 Latizales Saplings Foliage 6 Hojarasca Twigs-Foliage 7 Ramitas-Hojarasca Total

Tm/ha 92.2471 6.0448

% 89.6 5.9

0.1193 1.0823 2.4561 0.7226

1.0 2.4 0.7 0.1



Tm/ha 131.9320 13.5795

% 88.8 9.1

0.0953 0.8308 1.1894 0.5915

0.6 0.8 0.4 0.1



Identification of at-risk carbon polygons


Co-managers Community Academy ICF COPECO

Capacity building.


Sub activities Analysis of satellite images.


Socialization of results and priority participation of polygons.

Future scenario modeling skills with IDRISI. Specific information about forests through socioeconomic studies, changes in vegetable coverage, polygons with a high-risk of deforestation.

Design of socioeconomic surveys. Collection of primary information. Course and manual preparation of IDRISI Final Report of carbon projects

An IDRISI Forest manual was made available which included local examples of its use. 19 representatives of national MRV, co-managers and the ICF were trained on its use. With the actions undertaken and the capacity building carried out it can be concluded that USAID ProParque has contributed to improving REDD+ capacities in a total forest area of:

155,781.01 hectares USAID ProParque


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