Achievements in Renewable Energy

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Achievements in

Renewable Energy 2011-2014 USAID ProParque


Achievements in



2,075.17 Tn of CO have been avoided due to the reduction of deforestation by the declining use of wood by changing the traditional stove by new and improved stoves.

New improved stoves have been constructed.

620 (56.9 Kw)

Photovoltaic systems

have been installed and 415 (1.03 Kw) Solar lamps with cellular chargers have been sold by micro entrepreneurs which were trained by USAID ProParque.

Out of this 1,539 improved stoves and 264 (16.2 Kw) Photovoltaic systems have been installed with USAID ProParque funding , the rest were results of the business carried out by micro entrepreneurs trained by USAID ProParque with the help provided by USAID ProParque


Users were benefited with RE systems. 11,859 with improved stoves and 13,246 with either photovoltaic systems or solar lamps.


Local certified micro entrepreneurs of RE on different Sustainable Productive Landscape. 92 micro credits negotiated by micro entrepreneurs who were trained by USAID ProParque with 5 hired microfinance institutions.

The micro entrepreneurs assets have increased on average a L.19,005.97 a year.

37microfinance institutions interested in promoting RE systems were identified and put into contact with micro-entrepreneurs.


• 44 of all the micro entrepreneurs (9 of them being woman) received a course about reinforcement of business principles coping difficulties encountered in the development of their micro-enterprises. • 100 RE system suppliers were put into contact with micro entrepreneurs who were trained by USAID ProParque . • 42 Potential contractors were presented to micro entrepreneurs who were trained by USAID ProParque.

7 Manuals were created for the course of business in RE level 1 and 2 developed. 13 Sites were analyzed for their potential for Micro hydroelectric power plants.

3 Technical institutes (Instituto Técnico del Litoral Atlántico, Instituto Técnico Ramón Rosa and the Instituto Técnico 18 de Noviembre) and 1 University center (ESNACIFOR) were equipped to fuction as local ER centers.

93 students from these centers (38 of them women) were trained in how to build improved stoves, 137 students (18 of them women) were trained for Photovoltaic systems installations throughout the replicas carried out in RE established local centers.

8 Teachers from the equipped centers and 4 instructors from INFOP were trained to teach Business in RE level 1.

Other Workshops 30 participants were trained in how to install Tubular Biodigestors. 16 participants were trained in the construction of Micro Hydroelectric Power Plants.

3 Demonstrative biodigesters were installed for educational purposes.


Documents Guía de Buenas Prácticas


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• 1 Fast business weather diagnosis for projects for “Renewable Energy” elaborated in Honduras. • 1 Document about “Lessons learned on socialization of small hydroelectric projects” • 2 Regulations to determine the viability of small Hydroelectric projects in Protected Areas produced and approved for SERNA and ICF. • 4 Instruments for environmental management in projects of RE in protected areas. • Validation of the following documents of the New Model of environmental licensing. 1. Legal Overlapping and technical of the New Model of environmental licensing. 2.Socialization of the following documents the New Model of environmental licensing. 3. All the documents of the New Model of environmental licensing have been validated. • 1 Plan for the implementation of a payment system for environmental services in Proyecto Babilonia, PNSA. • The Production of flip chart and Guide for the teacher to develop educational campaigns about RE for the community. • 1Guide to good environmental practices for small Hydroelectric projects. • 1 Guide to Good environmental practices for small hydroelectric projects (Summary Version) was produced.


• Workshop of validation of the documents of the New Model of environmental licensing. • 3 Workshops with SINEIA’s in influential project areas to present the New Model of environmental licensing documents • 2 Basic concepts of RE and approval process workshops projects carried out with local authorities and UMAs of sustainable productive landscape Caribe. • 2 Workshops to present the “Guide to Good Environmental Practices for Small Hydroelectric Projects “ to SERNA ,ICF, AHPER and other key actors : one in La Ceiba , and another in Tegucigalpa. • 33 Municipalities , 7 government offices , 3 educational centers and comanagers of the project influential areas , they were presented with the materials for the community educational’s campaign and the summary version for Guide to Good Environmental Practices for Small Hydroelectric Projects. In addition copies were given to SERNAM and AHPER. • 26 Seminaries for community education about RE , with a total of 517 assisted (196 were women). • 27 Participants (8 women) trained in “Economic Valuation of “Environmental Impact”uy of these 27, 8 are woman.

21 projects (143.471 MW) with pending approved licenses or in process by SERNA because of contributions of the projects training and improved instruments and regulations. USAID ProParque


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