USANA E-Magazine Volume 2 2022

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Last Chance To Earn Ignition Bonus / 02

Do Not Miss The Last Chance To Ignite Your Business With

10% BONUS!! Distributors Joining Date

Last Date To Earn Ignition Bonus

WEEK 1 : 19 February 2022 (3:00 pm) - 26 February 2022 (2:59 pm)

21 May 2022 1:59 pm

WEEK 2 : 26 February 2022 (3:00 pm) - 05 March 2022 (2:59 pm)

28 May 2022 1:59 pm

WEEK 3 : 05 March 2022 (3:00 pm) - 12 March 2022 (2:59 pm)

04 June 2022 1:59 pm

WEEK 4 : 12 March 2022 (3:00 pm) - 19 March 2022 (1:59 pm)

11 June 2022 1:59 pm

WEEK 5 : 19 March 2022 (2:00 pm) - 26 March 2022 (1:59 pm)

18 June 2022 1:59 pm

WEEK 6 : 26 March 2022 (2:00 pm) - 02 April 2022 (1:59 pm)

25 June 2022 1:59 pm

WEEK 7 : 02 April 2022 (2:00 pm) - 09 April 2022 (1:59 pm)

02 July 2022 1:59 pm

WEEK 8 : 09 April 2022 (2:00 pm) - 16 April 2022 (1:59 pm)

09 July 2022 1:59 pm


Contents / 03

New 3-Star Diamond Director • Anne Tan

Last Chance To Earn Ignition Bonus


2022 New Convention Awards

2021 USANA Malaysia Annual Awards

Congratulations On Your Incredible Success

New 3-Star Diamond Director • Anne Tan

New 1-Star Diamond Directors • Dr. Lim Shu Ly & Ho Jiann Yuan

New Diamond Director • Cathy Khu

New Emerald Directors

New Ruby Directors

New Gold Directors

New Silver Directors

Cover 02 03 04 06 15 16 18 21 24 29 32 34

Disclaimer: This magazine is issued by UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. While all reasonable care has been taken in preparing this magazine, no responsibility or liability is accepted for errors of fad or opinion expressed herein. Opinions, projections and estimates are subject to change without notice. This magazine is for information purposes only, the content of this magazine are not made with regard to the specific health objectives, financial situation or the particular needs of any particular person.


UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd Unit M2-2 & M2-5, Vertical Podium, The Vertical Business Suite, Avenue 3, Bangsar South 8 Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Content approved for Malaysia. Copyright: UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Copyright in all materials, text, articles, images and information contained herein is the property of and may only be reproduced with permission of an authorised signatory of UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Copyright in materials created by third parties and copyright in these materials as a compilation vests and shall remain at all times copyright of UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd. or save with the express prior written consent of an authorised signatory of UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. USANA magazine is published by UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. for USANA Independent Distributors

2022 New Convention Awards / 04




Honors the Distributors with the top year over year Commission Volume Point (CVP) growth.

Recognizes the Distributors with the highest Sales Volume Points (SVP). Skyrocketing sales equal sensational commission checks.

Growth is key for success. And the winners of this celebrated award are those

To attain the Sales Leader Award,

Distributors who grew this year’s sales

USANA’s top 25 Distributors are

dramatically over last year’s CVP. The top

those who earned the most SVP from

25 Distributors with the greatest growth

personally sponsored Distributors

win this prestigious recognition with the

and Preferred Customers enrolled

top Distributor earning the President’s

during the qualification period.


2022 New Convention Awards / 05

Qualification Period : 2022 Global Convention

03 July 2021 – 01 July 2022

2023 Asia Pacific Convention 2023 Malaysia Grand Celebration

01 Jan 2022 – 31 Dec 2022



Given to the Distributors with the most personally sponsored Distributor rank advancements.

Rewards the Distributors with the highest CVP growth in their first 52 weeks.

Leadership starts with you. And your ability

This coveted award is reserved for first-

to help other Distributors reach new heights

year Distributors who have exceeded

is what the Community Leader Award is all about.

expectations with phenomenal initial sales and growth. Recipients of this

Every personally sponsored Distributor

award are the top 25 Distributors who

who rank advances from Sharer to Silver

have earned the most CVP for their

Director earns you one point. If your

first 52 weeks.

personally sponsored Distributor skips a rank between Sharer and Silver Director,

The Rising Star Award recipient with the

you’ll receive one point for each pin level.

top CVP is crowned Rookie of the Year.

2021 USANA Malaysia Annual Awards / 06





Jasmine & Jun Wei

Vincent Tan

Low Chee Loong

Ruby Directors & Executive Gold Directors

Executive Gold Director

Executive Gold Director

4. Poon Wai Lit / 5. Jaq Sebastian / 6. Ashley Mah & Caleb Ho / 7. Annjoe Tan Yen Joe 8. Fion Koh / 9. Boey Tan / 10. Eva Yu

2021 USANA Malaysia Annual Awards / 07





Lee Wee Lim

Sarah Tan & Sean Tan

Siok Kuan & Kai Yang

Executive 3-Star Diamond Directors

Gold Directors

Emerald Director

2021 USANA Malaysia Annual Awards / 08





Sarah Tan & Sean Tan

Vincent Tan

Lee Wee Lim

Executive Gold Director

Emerald Director

Executive 3-Star Diamond Directors

2021 USANA Malaysia Annual Awards / 09





April Kua

Karen Cheng

Tee Wui Ken

Ruby Director

Silver Director

Silver Director

2021 USANA Malaysia Annual Awards / 10





Sarah Tan & Sean Tan

Anne Tan

Shamea Koo

Executive 3-Star Diamond Director

Executive Ruby Director

Executive 3-Star Diamond Directors

4. Bryan Tan / 5. Vincent Tan / 6. Lilo Lye & Jia Hao / 7. Angela Goh / 8. Jasmine & Junwei / 9. Gan Siong Boon 10. Edwin Lim & Florence Khoo / 11. Lim Ying Ting / 12. Wen Taipei / 13. Wong Chi Teng / 14. Tan Kai Ling 15. Poon Wai Lit / 16. Ariestt Tan & Duar Jo Yee / 17. Vincent Wong & Syntiea Ng / 18. Janet Ting 19. Low Chee Loong / 20. Koh Jia Yi & Wong Eng Kiat / 21. Connie Yee Chai Chen / 22. James Tan & Susan Lim 23. Evon Cheok / 24. Alex Tan CE & Ean Nee Ng / 25. Cindy Teo

2021 USANA Malaysia Annual Awards / 11





Anthony Ang & Tina Li

Lucas Lim & Jane Leow

Sarah Tan & Sean Tan

Executive 4-Star Diamond Directors

Executive 11-Star Diamond Directors

Executive 3-Star Diamond Directors

4. Anne Tan / 5. Wen Taipei / 6. Ng Kok Soon & Foong Poh Chee / 7. Liew She Chit / 8. Angela Goh 9. Ice Chai & Peter Lee / 10. Lilo Lye & Jia Hao / 11. Cindy Teo / 12. Dr. Lim Shu Ly & Ho Jiann Yuan / 13. Annie Low / 14. Shamea Koo / 15. Pua Melisande / 16. Alvin Yow & Michelle Chong / 17. James Tan & Susan Lim 18. Ariestt Tan & Duar Jo Yee / 19. Chen Soon & Dr. Seng / 20. Edwin Lim & Florence Khoo / 21. Gan Siong Boon 22. U K Chai & Moon Lim / 23. Alvin Siew & Samantha Koh / 24. David Tee & Irene Tan / 25. Cathy Khu

2021 USANA Malaysia Annual Awards / 12


Izabella Ho Emerald Director & Executive Ruby Director

2021 USANA Malaysia Annual Awards / 13



Liew She Chit Executive 3-Star Diamond Director

2021 USANA Malaysia Annual Awards / 14



Leadership Award


Anthony Ang & Tina Li Executive 4-Star Diamond Directors

Congratulations On Your Incredible Success / 15


incredible success! Period : 16 October 2021 – 28 February 2022















New 3-Star Diamond Director • Anne Tan / 16

ANNE TAN New 3-Star Diamond Director

Ordinary Girl With Extr aordinary Determination! It’s been an amazing 3 years of roller-coaster ride at USANA and I wish to share some tips on how to achieve success, based on my experiences. Firstly, we must IDENTIFY OUR REASON AND TEAMMATES’ REASON for doing the USANA business. Without a strong reason, we’ll quit when we face challenges and dismiss the business as unsuitable. We will definitely encounter problems in our business journey. But knowing our reason will carry us through difficult times. It will also help us be passionate about learning the benefits of USANA’s products and marketing plan, so that we can enthusiastically share this business.

New 3-Star Diamond Director • Anne Tan / 17

Next is to TAKE ACTION by sharing the business. But before taking action, let’s correct a misconception – many people mistakenly think that they must be good speakers or have big networks or selling skill to be successful. No. What’s far more important is learning to treat people well and respecting them. Remember that USANA is a relationship/people’s business. Once we have the right attitude towards people, then we can take action to share the business. Once people start joining your team, you may think that you’ve achieved success. No, not yet. The next tip is transferring what you’ve learned to your teammates and not leave them to survive alone. Only by passing on what you’ve learned to your teammates can your network multiply. During the process above, it’s normal to face rejection or negative response from your teammates. The important factor that will determine your success is – your response to the rejection. Don’t be affected by rejections or negativity; instead, analyse the problem and think about how to improve. The only way you can fail in USANA is quitting and not being willing to learn from the successful ones. If USANA has created so many successful life-changing stories with the same products and marketing plan, you too can succeed. Finally, stop asking opinions from people who have not succeeded in this business. How can they give you the correct answers when they’ve failed in the business? You won’t ask Dato’ Lee Chong Wei to teach you how to play football, will you? Achieving success and maintaining it require hard work. But you have the support of the company and team leaders to walk this roller-coaster journey with you. Why choose to be unsuccessful all alone by yourself? Lastly, I’m just an ordinary girl when I started my USANA business. All I had was the “determination of a mirror” – it never loses the ability to reflect, even if it’s broken into pieces. Wishing everyone an Amazing Team & Amazing Journey!

有着非凡决心的平凡女生! 回顾过去三年起伏跌宕的USANA之旅,我想 在此和大家分享我在成功路上的经验与心得。 首先,我们必须搞清楚自己和队友从事 USANA事业的原因。如果没有一个明确的理 由,当我们面临挑战时,我们自然而然会轻 易放弃并认为自己不适合从事这样的业务。 其实,创业路上一定会遇到各种问题。唯有 目标明确,并且理由清晰的时候,我们才会 有动力去克服各种难关,认真学习USANA产 品和市场计划的各种好处,热心地把这份业 务分享出去。 接下来就是积极行动分享业务。很多人都错 以为成功的必备条件是拥有好的口才、庞大 的组织或厉害的销售手法。其实,更重要的 是一人待人处事的能力,懂得以礼待人。记 得,USANA是以人为本的事业。当我们能够 以正确的态度对人时,我们就可以采取行动 分享业务了。 你或许以为有人加入团队就是成功了。其实 不,还差远呢。随着队友的加入,你必须把 你所学到的一切传授给他们,而不是让他们 孤身作战。只有当你把所学到的都传授给队 友时,你的组织才会倍增壮大。 在这些过程中,难免会遇到队友的拒绝或负 面回应,而你怎么去对待这些拒绝和负面回 应,都是决定你成功与否的关键因素。所 以,别被拒绝或负面情绪所影响。反之,分 析问题并认真思考如何改进。在USANA,失 败的唯一方法就是放弃,不愿意向成功者学 习。试想想,既然USANA的产品和市场计划 造就了这么多成功者,你当然也可以成功! 最后,不要再向那些仍未成功的人询问意 见。如果他们失败了,他们又如何给你正确 的答案呢?你该不会请拿督李宗伟教你踢足 球吧? 成功需要努力,持续成功更需要努力,但是 公司和团队领导将会与你同在,一起奋斗直 到成功。你又何必孤军奋战呢? 我在开始USANA业务的时候只不过是一个 平凡的女生,但我却拥有像镜子一样的决 心——拥有不会失去的反射能力,即便它已 破城碎片。 祝愿大家旗开得胜,带着最棒的团队展开最 精彩的旅程!

New 1-Star Diamond Directors • Dr. Lim Shu Ly & Ho Jiann Yuan / 18

DR. LIM SHU LY & HO JIANN YUAN New 1-Star Diamond Directors

New 1-Star Diamond Directors • Dr. Lim Shu Ly & Ho Jiann Yuan / 19



I am a postdoctoral researcher, majoring in cancer and infertility. I used to be sceptical about health supplements and I only believed in pharmacotherapy or medical treatment. But then we met 慧婷博士, who shared with us about USANA and its highquality supplements.

我是一名研究癌症和不孕症的博士后。一直以来,对于健 康问题,我只相信药物治疗,对营养品没有信心。后来, 感恩慧婷博士的介绍,让我们认识了USANA和它的优质保 健品系列。

My family and I began to take USANA products to support our health and we soon noticed and felt the difference. My husband, Jiann Yuan, an open-minded engineer, then insisted that we should do the USANA business. Honestly, I wasn’t fully on board with his decision initially because he already had a good job and a promising future. I also felt that we needed more than just quality products to achieve business success; we needed role models that we can follow. For this, we are grateful to have met the right team. Seeing all these leaders of high calibre and their successful achievements gave us the confidence that as long as we follow their footsteps, step by step, we will achieve the life and results we want.

我和家人开始服用USANA产品维持健康,并渐渐体验到身 体方面出现理想的变化。我的丈夫,建缘,是一位思想开 明的工程师。在他的坚持下,我们开始了USANA 事业。 其实,起初我并不是很支持他的决定,毕竟他已经拥有一 份很好的工程师工作,前景明朗。此外,说到做生意,我 们不仅仅需要质量好的产品,更要有正确的学习对象。因 此,我们非常感恩能够遇到这么棒的团队,也因为看到了 团队里一群优质的领导人和他们在这个事业里的成就,让 我们更有信心遵循他们的脚步,一步一脚印地实现我们想 要的生活和结果。

Taking the plunge


With confidence and faith in the team, we began to build our team in Malaysia. We went all out to recruit, retain and educate our team members, and we kept improving, upgrading and innovating our action plan. Eventually, we began to have a team of like-minded and enterprising members. Together, we embarked on the quest to achieve our dreams.

带着对团队的信任,我们开始在马来西亚建立起自己的小 团队。一路从进人,留人,育人方面去行动,不断完善、 更新和提升自己的行动计划。积极的行动力让我们收获了 一群有目标,想要改变并有执行力的伙伴。就这样,我们 带领着大家往想要的结果去努力。

There will surely be ups and downs in the process, but as long as we persist and move in the right direction – that is, help people achieve health and make the change they want in life – the results and rewards will commensurate with our blood, sweat and tears.

打拼过程中肯定有酸甜苦辣,但只要我们往对的方向去坚 持和行动,到最后所获得的成果绝对会回馈我们现在的努 力。什么是对的方向?很简单,就是让要健康的人重拾健 康,让要改变生活的人在这里得到他们想要的结果。

Arriving at this milestone is a testament of our persistence and more importantly, set the example for our team members. Step by step, we have accumulated our experiences and increased our capability to lead our team to charge forward together. It has always been our belief that our team will copy and duplicate whatever we don’t know and don’t do. So, we must keep moving forward and improving ourselves in order to help more people succeed. Becoming 1-Star Diamond is the beginning of another stage of our journey. We will strive to pass on our experiences to more people and help more families to live better lives. Lastly, we want to take this opportunity to thank the important people who form the best support system ever – teacher Anthony and 小茹老师 and our team members. Thank you! We will continue to work hard to impact the lives of others.

完成这个里程碑是给我们的坚持一个交代,更是给伙伴们 一个榜样。我们一步一脚印地走过来,累积了经验才更有 能力去带领大家一起走下去。我们始终相信,你不懂得和 做不到的,团队也会跟着复制下去。所以,我们一定要坚 持行动和提升自己,这样才能积蓄更多的经验帮助更多人 成功。 完成1星钻石董事也象征了另一个阶段的开始。我们会继 续努力把经验传承,让更多的人和家庭过上更好的生活。 最后,我们想借此机会感谢一路上给予我们大量帮助和支 持的重要人物,他们是Anthony老师和小茹老师,感谢系 统的帮助和团队的伙伴们。感恩有您们同行。我们会继续 努力,一起用生命影响生命。


DR. LIM SHU LY & HO JIANN YUAN New 1-Star Diamond Directors

New Diamond Director • Cathy Khu / 21


New Diamond Director

New Diamond Director • Cathy Khu / 22

CATHY KHU New Diamond Director


tronger ogether


Overcoming Challenges I used to be an ordinary girl living an ordinary life. I had no complaint about life, although deep down in my heart, I wished I could go from nobody to somebody. But I never found the way forward or made a breakthrough. Then, I became a mother and this finally gave me the push and direction I needed as I wanted to become my children’s role model. So, when my younger sister shared with me about the USANA business shortly after I gave birth, I seized the opportunity immediately. Over the past four years, I have overcome many challenges – from time management to family objections, people’s judgement, mindset change, learning how to give, and overcoming mental stress. Finally, I managed to outdo myself, all thanks to my wonderful team. As the saying goes, we are stronger together.

New Diamond Director • Cathy Khu / 23

BUILDING ON SUCCESS Last year at the Grand Celebration, I celebrated the achievements of Emerald & Executive Ruby Director and the Top 25 Growth for the Asia Pacific Growth. As I stood on stage and gave my sharing, I was moved by the thunderous applause and joyful cheers from the live and online audiences. It was like a dream. I couldn’t believe that I, the quiet and timid girl back then, could achieve something so enormous. As if this was not enough, I spoke confidently on stage! What a miracle! When I first started the USANA business, all the higher ranks seemed impossible to reach, let alone the Diamond Director level. But I could not have done this without my amazing team of comrades. Together, we have supported one another through storms and calm seas. They had high hopes of me becoming a Diamond Director, to be the pride of the team, and I’ve not let them down. Last year, when I brought home my Emerald and Ruby Director gems, my super-excited son asked, “Mommy, now that you have the green emerald colour, what will you get at your next level?” I answered, “Diamond”. His eyes lit up and he asked me when I would bring home the Diamond. Even children know there is a next level to be achieved, so how could I be content with my small achievements? I told him that I would try my very best to become a Diamond. And I did! Every rank advancement is a challenge that helps us grow. The road to becoming a Diamond has challenged my leadership, pushing me to become better and more introspective, while reminding me to always remain humble and grateful. I owe my success to every team comrade, the USANA top management and my biggest supporter – my family. A big thank you to every one of you.

克服所有困难 曾经我是一位没有生活目标的平凡女生,总觉得平淡是福。尽管如此,我也知道自己的内心深处其实不甘平凡,只不过一直都没有 方法和自我突破的方向。为人母之后,我终于明白为母则强的道理,找到了动力和方向去突破自己。我要成为孩子的榜样,与孩子 同步成长。所以,当妹妹在我生了小孩不久后和我分享USANA事业时,我立刻抓住了机会。 在过去四年里,我克服了种种的困难,从时间管理到家人的反对、旁人的眼光、心态的调整、学习付出和克服心理压力。最后,我 终于超越和战胜自己。这一切也归功于我亲爱的团队,因为大家走在一起所以我们变得更强大了。

掌声响起时 去年,我站在表扬大会的舞台上接受翡翠兼高级红宝石董事和亚太增长25强的荣耀。当我站在台上致辞分享时,台下的掌声和线上 伙伴们的欢呼令我感动不已。那一刻,我实在难以相信我真的做到了,当年那个文静怕陌生的女生,如今竟然可以站上USANA大舞 台接受表扬和在台上自信地说话!那感觉实在是太棒了! 还记得我的USANA事业刚起步时,我认为各个位阶都遥不可及,更不敢奢想成为钻石的一天。如果没有遇见这么棒的一群战友,我 绝对不可能有今天这番成就。我们大家肩并肩互相扶持,陪伴着彼此经历每一个阶段。我也知道团队战友们也一直都在期待着这一 年我能把钻石摘下来给团队一份荣耀。感恩我没让他们失望。 去年,当我把翡翠及红宝石带回家时,儿子迫不及待地想要摸摸它们,接着问我,“妈咪,你拿到Green colour Emerald 后,next level是什么?”我就回答说是Diamond。儿子顿时眼睛一亮,问我什么时候会把Diamond带回家。即使小孩都知道有下 一个位阶钻石,我又怎么能够局限于我目前的能力呢?我答应儿子我一定会竭尽所能把钻石给摘下,而我真的办到了! 其实,每一个位阶的挑战都是一种成长。挑战钻石之路更是提升了我的领导力,督促着我不断地检视自己,时刻保持谦卑及感恩的 心。我非常感恩拥有团队每一位战友,USANA公司高层及我最亲爱的家人。感谢您们一直以来都给予我最大的支持。谢谢您们。

New Emerald Director / 24

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 16 Oct 2021 - 28 Feb 2022 Recognition

Angie Cheah I never imagined that I would become a successful career woman. My husband passed away suddenly when I was seven months pregnant with my daughter. I was devastated but I was determined to become a supermom and a successful career woman to support and be a role model to my daughter. She’s my “drive”. After years of hard work, I finally made it.

我从不曾想过自己会成为一名成功的事业女性。我的丈夫在我 怀孕七个月的时候忽然离世了,当时我非常伤心,但我也清楚 知道我必须要更坚强才能成为女儿的后盾及榜样。女儿成为了 我的动力去成为一名女强人和超级妈妈。努力多年后,我终于 站在成功的舞台上。

I’m very grateful for my core team members in my USANA journey. As my team grows, I feel a greater sense of responsibility and I’m determined to lead my team to success because they have put their trust in me. For a team to thrive, we need patience, diligence, and love. In addition, we need trust – when we trust one another, we can maximize the team’s performance and achievement.

我很感恩我的创业路上有着一群核心伙伴和我一起打拼。随 着团队日渐壮大,我的责任心也变得更重大,而我的使命就是 要带着每一位相信我的伙伴一起走上成功的舞台。在这个过 程中有三颗心缺一不可,那就是耐心,用心和爱心。信任也很 重要,因为只有互相信任才可以让团队的力量发挥到最大的限 度,取得最大的成就。

Time management is crucial too. It is human nature to stay in our comfort zone, so we leaders must lead by example by always reminding and pushing ourselves to achieve our weekly goals. We must adopt an empty cup mentality and never stop learning. Over the past 5 years, I’ve transformed into an all-round leader, thanks to the guidance from the company and my team. You can only do so much when you are on your own; but with a team of like-minded people, the possibilities are endless. In this business, teamwork and system are the keys to success and achieving our goals more easily. For this, I want to thank my leaders Alvin Yow, Dr Seng, Zheng Chen and Desmond for their guidance; and Izabella Ho, Viki Ho, Qianki Yap, Joyce Lam, Cloey Lee for their dedication to the team. Through you all, I’ve learned that determination and faith will help me overcome the toughest challenge. Together, we will soar to greater heights!

除此之外,时间管理也非常重要。人很容易会掉入舒适区。作 为领袖,我们必须要时时刻刻地鞭策自己以达到每个星期的目 标,以身作则绝不妥协。我们必须不停地学习,时刻保持空杯 的心态。 在过去的五年以来,感谢公司的栽培以及团队所给予我的帮 助,让我从一名什么都不懂的家庭主妇摇身变成了一位全方位 的领袖。一个人可以翻山越岭,但是一群人就可以移山填海, 这说明了团队和系统的重要性。为此,我要感谢领导们Alvin Yow、Dr Seng、Zheng Chen 和 Desmond 的辅助;感谢 团队核心领导们 Izabella Ho、Viki Ho、Qianki Yap、Joyce Lam 和 Cloey Lee对团队的付出。希望在今年我们一起再创 高峰,韧性到底、携手并进!

New Emerald Director / 25

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 16 Oct 2021 - 28 Feb 2022 Recognition

Izabella Ho When I started my USANA business, I knew I would be successful, but I didn’t expect it to happen so soon! I spent six years climbing the corporate ladder to become a manager. So, I was amazed by USANA’s full-speed highway to success!

一开始加入USANA时,我就有信心自己会成功,只是万万没 想到这么快就取得这一番成就!以前在职场,我花了6年的时 间才攀爬到主管位置。所以,USANA事业的成功速度实在令 我惊叹!

I started my USANA business so that I could be a fulltime mother to my daughter without sacrificing my career. Now that I have become Emerald Director, it’s not about me but my network and partners. It was they who have helped me to unleash my potential to overcome all challenges and made me who I am today. My biggest hope now is to become more capable and have more resources to help more partners.

起初,我是因为想要全职照顾女儿的同时又不想放弃个人事业 而开始从事USANA。如今来到翡翠董事这个位阶,这份事业 不再是关于我个人,更是关乎到组织和伙伴的成就。是他们 给了我动力和激发我去克服各种困难,才造就了今天的我。 我希望接下来我会变的更强大,拥有更多的资源去帮助更多 的伙伴。

I’ve always wanted to be the master of my own time, to have the power to decide when I want to do what I want to do. Prior to joining USANA, I thought the more money I earned, the more time I would have. So, the only way to have more time was to work hard and earn big bucks. But USANA has changed my perspective and broadened my horizons. It’s all about priority.

一直以来,我的梦想就是能够做自己时间的主人,掌控时间自 由决定什么时候做什么事。在还没加入USANA前,我以为赚 更多钱就会有更多的时间。所以,要有更多的时间,唯一方法 就是努力工作挣更多的钱。加入USANA后,我的思维格局完 全颠转,一切都在于放对优先次序,梦想自然会实现。

My achievements today are not the results of individual but team effort. For this, I want to thank my mentors and leaders Desmond, Alvin Yow and Dr Seng for their guidance and dedication to the team; and my core leaders, Kandy Yap, Wei Wei, Pinky and Xinyu for their efforts in growing our team.

我今天的成就并不只是我个人努力,更是团队的合作所造 就的。为此,我要感谢我的领导 Desmond、Alvin Yow 和 Dr Seng 对团队的教导和付出。还有,感谢我的团队核心领导 们 Kandy Yap、Wei Wei、Pinky 和 Xin Yu 对团队发展的努 力与付出。

If you’ve been thinking hard about whether to seize this USANA opportunity, just remember thinking about the problem won’t solve it, taking action will. So, think no more. At USANA, you will have the best support from the company and the network!

如果你徘徊已久,对USANA这个机会依然犹豫不决,记 得:“想”是问题,“做”是答案。别再想了,行动吧!在 USANA,你将得到公司和组织最好的支持!

New Emerald Director / 26

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 16 Oct 2021 - 28 Feb 2022 Recognition

Sharon Chua Rui Jin I’ve always wanted a sustainable career with a stable income, but I never considered direct selling. Then, my sister Vivien Chua shared with me about the power of direct business, and I discovered the beauty of this business.

我一直都希望能够找到一份可长远发展、收入稳定的事业,但 我却从不曾考虑过从事直销。直到妹妹Vivien Chua和我分享 USANA事业之后,我才恍然大悟直销的魅力。

Like many people, I had a tough beginning. Fortunately, I found the right company and people. USANA is a supportive company and has quality products and an excellent team of leaders. Now, I want more than just a sustainable career with USANA; I want to share this career of happiness with others.

像大多数人一样,我在创业初期也遇到了许多问题。庆幸的 是,我找到了对的公司和伙伴。USANA是一个拥有庞大支持 网的公司,拥有优质的产品和优秀的团队领导。在这里,让我 不单纯只想拥有长远发展的事业,而是要把这份幸福分享给身 边更多朋友。

USANA is very different from other MLM companies. The company goes the extra mile to support its distributors and members. Besides its continuous efforts in developing quality products for the customers, USANA has also been coming up with better incentive programs and training to help us grow our business and income.

USANA与其他直销公司非常不同。在这里,我深深感受到公 司对于直销商和会员的宠爱。除了不断研发新产品让顾客们受 惠,公司也不断地为直销商提供更好的奖励计划,给予培训并 协助我们扩大业务和增加收入。

As I progress and become a better leader, I realize it’s important for me to delegate, to give my team members the opportunities to act independently, make mistakes and grow. By delegating, we can see our team members’ strengths and value, and strive for more resources for the team. I want to take this opportunity to thank my parents and family, Global Galaxy founder Mr Anthony Ng & Ms Karen, Dr Shuly & Jiann Yuan, Mr Jason Lim and Vivien Chua, as well as my comrades and customers. Thank you for your trust, guidance, and support. Despite the challenging times, I’ve not lacked support and systematic guidance from the team. I will continue my journey by living up to USANA founder Dr Wentz’s vision and Global Galaxy’s principle of “good heart, filial piety, help others”. No one can decide your life but you. Have faith in yourself and let your light shine for others!

随着我不断进步并成为更好的领导者,我发现敢于放权给伙伴 独立行动,让他们有犯错进步的机会很重要。通过放权,我们 才能看到伙伴的实力和他们的自身价值,为团队争取更多资源。 在此,我要感谢我的父母和家人、Global Galaxy 创办人 Anthony Ng 和 Karen、Dr Shuly 和 Jiann Yuan、Jason Lim 和Vivien Chua,还有我的战友们和顾客们。感谢您们的信 任、教导与支持。疫情前后或许变化多端,但是您们不断给予 系统化栽培伙伴与支持,非常感恩。 未来,我会带着USANA创办人华斯博士的愿景以及Global Galaxy【行善.行孝.助人】的宗旨继续发展下去。别人给不了 你一辈子,但是自己可以。所以,不要轻易否定自己,靠近光 并成为光。让自己成为一束光,就能照亮自己所到之处!

New Emerald Director / 27

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 16 Oct 2021 - 28 Feb 2022 Recognition

Vivien Chua Rui Ting After finishing secondary school, I left to study in Singapore on a scholarship, which bonded me to stay and work in Singapore for some time. At that time, I was uncertain about my career, but I knew deep down that I didn’t want an ordinary 9-to-5 working life and spend my youth living a rat race without time freedom.

中学毕业后,我因拿到奖学金只身前往新加坡留学,而毕业后 必须履行奖学金合约留在新加坡工作。当时,我并不确定自己 的选择是否正确,但是心深处我确实不向往毕业后朝九晚五的 生涯,不希望我的青春都在为工作无谓地忙碌。

I was 17 years old when I met my mentor Jason Lim. He asked me what I wanted to accomplish, and I immediately replied, “Go home.” I meant that literally as I couldn’t go home to see my parents whenever I wanted to because of my studies and bond. So, I decided to start my USANA business right away as preparation for my career path after graduation.

遇到伯乐Jason Lim时,我才17岁。当时,他问到我当下有什 么想要达成的?我马上回答说,“回家”。“回家”两个字听 起来简单,但对于在新加坡留学和履约的我来说确实是非常的 困难。所以,我在念书时就决定开启USANA事业,布局我人 生毕业后所要走的路。

The USANA journey is a challenging one. However, the USANA career helps us succeed faster so it’s only fair that it is challenging. Whenever I face challenges, I always remind myself of my reason for starting my USANA journey – my parents. They are my biggest motivation to keep pushing. At USANA, I’ve learned that a successful leader is calm and composed, humble and modest. My life is a journey of learning, discovering, and becoming better. Success is not about winning or defeating people, but about how many people we’ve helped. Remember, the best way to do good is not through giving alms but by leading the way. Lastly, I want to share this moment of glory with my team Global Galaxy, my mentor Jason Lim, Dr Shuly & Mr Jiann Yuan, system founder Mr Anthony Ng & Mrs Karen Chen, fellow leaders and my parents and siblings, Ms Sharon Chua & Mr Ryan Chua. Thank you for leading the way and helping me to make the most of my youth.

USANA的创业之路是充满挑战的。不过,正因为USANA可帮 助我们更快地取得成功,路上挑战重重当然也在所难免。挑 战当前,我总会想到在马来西亚等我的父母,提醒自己从事 USANA的初衷。父母是我坚持下去的最大动力。 在这里,我学会一位成功的领袖要按耐得住寂静,也要懂得从 掌声中走出来。按耐得住寂静是本领,再从掌声中走出来是本 事。我觉得人生就是不断学习、发掘和精进自己的过程。成功 不在于我们赢了多少人,而是在于我们帮助了多少人。记得, 行善最好的方式不是施舍而是引路! 最后,我要把这份荣耀献给我的团队 Global Galaxy、我的伯 乐Jason Lim、Dr Shuly和Jiann Yuan、系统创办人Anthony Ng 和 Karen Chen、各地区领导人、以及我的父母和手足 Sharon Chua 和 Ryan Chua。感恩有您们照亮了我的青春, 让我的青春不再平庸。

New Emerald Directors / 28

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 16 Oct 2021 - 28 Feb 2022 Recognition

Wong Chi Teng

New Ruby Directors / 29

NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 16 Oct 2021 - 28 Feb 2022 Recognition

I worked in a multinational company based in Penang for three years. It was my first job. In fact, I started as an intern there and was later offered fulltime employment after graduation. I worked in the accounting department and the workload was heavy. Working overtime was a norm and I Annjoe Tan Yen Joe sat for long hours in front of the computer screen. I came across USANA products like Estropro and Visionex and began taking the products to support my health. When I went for a checkup with my gynaecologist, I was recommended to take Estropro. My confidence in USANA products shot up and from then on, I began to share about USANA with the people around me. It was my personal experience and increasing health awareness that made me start my USANA business. I believe where there are people, there will be demand for health maintenance. My biggest dream is to have my parents retire earlier and enjoy life, and I believe I can do it at USANA, step by step. When life gives you the chance to achieve something, remember to give it your best shot because that, my friend, is how we grow to become better!

I’ve always wondered what my life would be like if I had rejected USANA products and its business. Would I enjoy better health, have more time to spend with my family and dare to dream bigger like I do now? The answer is: NO. Before I started my USANA business, I was a typical businessman who spent more time running my business than looking after my James Yeoh & Sharon Tan family and health. During that time, I had to manage everything – from equipment to coffee, cakes and gourmet food. Because of work stress, social activities, and entertainment, my weight once shot up to 120kg. I was in poor health and that badly affected my performance. Thankfully I came across USANA. My health and lifestyle has transformed into a better version of me. I even began to pursue my long-lost hobbies and dreams. Now, I go to the gym every day and I take my family for outings and camping. I spend more time with my growing kids, and I also get to visit my parents in their hometown regularly. I dream of that day when I will build my ideal home, a place where the young ones can dream big, and the old ones can retire with peace of mind. I believe that at USANA, everything is possible if you are bold enough to dream and go all out for it!

在加入USANA之前,我在槟城一家跨国企业工作三年。那 是我的第一份工作。事实上,我从毕业实习到后来上班都是 在同一间公司。

我常常在想,如果当初我拒绝USANA产品和事业,我现在的生 活会是怎样?我会比以前更健康吗?我会比以前有更多时间陪伴 家人吗?我会比以前更敢想敢做吗?答案是:不会。

我隶属会计部门,工作量很大,必须长时间对着电脑,加班 熬夜也是家常便饭之事。我接触到USANA产品如女宝和视 力宝。我开始服用这些产品维持个人健康,而当我去做妇科 检查获得医生推荐我服用女宝时,我对USANA产品的更是 信心大增,并开始和身边的人分享USANA。

在还没有从事USANA之前,我是一个典型的生意人,每天只顾 着做生意,不注重健康也忽略了家人。每天,我的生活围绕着咖 啡豆、咖啡器材、蛋糕、美食和咖啡馆。我的工作压力大,再加 上频繁的应酬,导致我的体重更是一度飙升到120公斤。我的健 康极差,严重影响了我的生活和工作。

正是我的个人使用经验再加上不断提高的保健意识,让我顺 势开始了USANA事业。我相信有人在的地方就有保健的需 求。我最大的理想就是让父母可以提早退休享受生活,而我 相信在USANA,我一定可以一一解锁自己的目标。愿大家 把握生活给我们的每一个机会,并尽自己最大的力量去实现 它,因为那个过程叫做成长,加油!

接触USANA后,改变了我的健康和生活方式,也重拾了舍弃已 久的兴趣和梦想。现在我每天都会去健身房报到,也常常带家人 去郊游和露营,陪伴孩子成长也常常回家乡探望父母。 我梦想有一天,我会拥有梦寐以求的理想家园,一个能让年轻人 创造梦想和老人家安居乐业的家园!在USANA,只要你敢想并 全力以赴,你的梦想定能实现!

New Ruby Directors / 30

NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 16 Oct 2021 - 28 Feb 2022 Recognition

After being in the advertising industry for 6 years, I decided to take a leap of faith to open an F&B café. What I didn’t know was that being my own boss required far more time, effort, and money. I led a very hectic life and being in the café everyday didn’t give me the time freedom that I thought a boss would get.

Joanne Lie

Before opening my café, my health had started deteriorating due to the long and stressful hours in the advertising line. It got worse when I opened my café.

I was introduced to USANA. My good experience with the products prompted me to study the company and its background. I was amazed by the founder’s vision and mission. I learned that USANA’s unique compensation plan would give me a stable income to fulfil the time and financial freedom I wanted. Remember – growth and comfort do not coexist. The only thing that is stopping you from moving from where you are to where you want to go is your comfort zone. Don’t let fear make your decisions for you. The toughest climbs always lead to the best views. It will be worth it in the end. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. There is no impossible but it’s “I am possible”! Lastly, I wish to thank the USANA and Global Galaxy leaders for their help and guidance to me.

在广告业打滚六年后,我决定告别打工生活,开了一家咖啡店 自己当老板。没想到当老板更没时间,需要花更多精力和金 钱。我的生活忙碌,每天在咖啡店忙东忙西的,当老板根本毫 无时间自由可言。 其实,在开咖啡店之前,我的健康已经大不如前,这都是因为 在广告行的工作时间长且压力大所致。没想到,开了咖啡店之 后,我的健康每况愈下。 在机缘巧合下我接触到USANA。良好的使用经验促使我进一 步了解公司的背景。USANA创办人的愿景和使命令我叹服。 经过一番了解,我发现USANA的奖励计划可帮助我达到稳定 的收入和我所向往的弹性工作时间。 记得,成长和舒适是不能共存的。唯一阻止你前往所要抵达的 地方就是你的舒适区。别让不安和恐惧替你的人生做选择。山 如人生,爬山虽累,但是山顶的风景最美,坚持下去定有所 获。所想皆所愿,所愿皆所得。只要相信,一切皆有可能! 最后,我要感谢USANA和Global Galaxy领导对我的帮助和 指导。

I was in the beauty line, focusing on distributing body care products. I usually started my weekdays with a simple breakfast and a nice cup of coffee at my favourite cafe. Caffeine helps to boost my energy level and kickstart my day as I planned, executed, and monitored my daily, weekly, monthly, Megan Eyo and yearly goals. At the weekends, I would hit the gym to burn some calories and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I started taking USANA products and found them very helpful in providing balance to my mind, body, and soul. Before I joined USANA, I wasn’t happy with my job as it couldn’t give me the direction in life and satisfaction that I craved for. After joining USANA, I was delighted to find that I can add value to every individual I know while building my career at the same time. My dream is to help more people to unleash their true potential to the highest level possible. A dream we dream alone is only a dream. A dream we dream together is reality.

我曾经从事美容业,主要经销身体护理产品。我通常会 在一家我经常光顾的咖啡厅享用简单的早餐,喝一杯香 浓的咖啡开启我的日程。我认为咖啡因让我更有精神活 力和有绩效地规划、执行和实现我的每日、每周、每月 和每年的目标。每逢周末,我会去健身房锻炼身体,尽 量保持一个健康的生活方式。 我开始服用USANA产品并发现这些产品有益于我的身心 灵平衡。 在加入USANA之前,我并不是很满意自己的工作,认为 它无法满足我所追求的人生方向和满足感。加入USANA 之后,我惊喜发现原来在建立个人事业的同时,我还可 以为身边的有人添加价值。我的梦想就是帮助更多人释 放他们的真正潜能,把潜力发挥到淋漓尽致。 一个人或许难以实现梦想,但是一群人追逐共同的梦 想, 一定能实现。

New Ruby Director / 31

NEW RUBY DIRECTOR 16 Oct 2021 - 28 Feb 2022 Recognition

I was a piano teacher cum resident singer prior to joining USANA. Back then, my health deteriorated due to my hectic lifestyle. My poor health soon began to affect my work performance and I had to cut down on my workload so I could rest more and recuperate. Naturally, my income was affected as well. As a piano Voon Yean Yiin teacher or a resident singer, I was basically living from hand to mouth. With reduced workload, I had more time to spend with my family – a luxury back then because of my busy work schedule. Unfortunately, having more family time also meant losing income. For a long time, I struggled to achieve the best of both worlds – having time and money. I am very fortunate to have found the USANA business when I am still young and have loads of energy to go all out and work the hardest I can, to achieve what I want to achieve. At USANA, I’ve gained health and found the way to upgrade and improve myself. Be brave to make the right choice when facing difficulties and challenges. Only by stepping out of your comfort zone can you challenge the impossible and become a better version of yourself.

在加入USANA之前,我是一名钢琴老师兼驻唱歌手。 因为工作操劳过度,健康每况愈下,影响了工作表现。 为了修养身子,我不得不减少工作量,而这也导致我面 对“手停口停”的窘境。 工作少了,我陪伴家人的时间自然也多了,然而相对的, 我的收入却大大地减少了。在很长的一段时间里,我竭尽 所能实现时间和金钱两全其美的状态,却始终无法如愿。 不过,我还是很幸运的能够在还可以拼搏的年纪与 USANA事业结缘,收获了健康的同时也让自己增值。 希望大家在面对困难和挑战的时候可以勇敢做出对的选 择,跳出舒适区才能挑战更多的不可能,才能遇见更好的 自己。

New Gold Directors / 32

NEW GOLD DIRECTORS 16 Oct 2021 - 28 Feb 2022 Recognition

Choridwen Tan Yi Chin

Clarisse Lew

Connie Hii

Evon & Charles

Fanny Phang

Izizah Loo

Jane Tan

Jessica Yeoh

Koe Yuen San

Lim Jia Xin

Lo Jiayi

Michelle Chan Mei Jing

New Gold Directors / 33

NEW GOLD DIRECTORS 16 Oct 2021 - 28 Feb 2022 Recognition

Michelle Tan Fu Xi

Ng Tian Nee

Ngo Sinn Er & Lau Ting An

Reina Ning Xin

Susan Chew Shu Zhen

Tai Soon Chee

Tammy Chen

Teresa Tee

Tiffany Lee

Vanessa Yeo

New Silvers Directors / 34

NEW SILVER DIRECTORS 16 Oct 2021 - 28 Feb 2022 Recognition

Adel Soon Ying Wen

Joyce Wong

Sui Jing Yoo

Chan Eu-Yean

Kam Kei Leh

Tan Chee Shen

Chee Chi Chuin

Kong Xin Ying

Teh Wei Ting

Cherlynn Lim Shee Ning

Lai Pay Tiin

Theng Theng Looi

Chew Mee Gee

Lau Ting Ting

Vivian Beh Sze Ting

Chia Jia Sin

Law Chu Moe

Wendy Law

Choi Man Sei

Lee Guat Fang

Wei Hong Er

Chong Ming Yee

Liu Wen Yee

Wei Liang Aaron Khaw

Choo Ju Zhean

Loh Mee Ling

Wei Siang Ong

Constance Ng

Maggie Liang

Winny Woon Nee Loh

Edwin Yokechun

Michelle Low Yue Ning

Wong Mei Hung

Fang Yue Ching

Mun Hon Chow

Yap Siew Wei

Fenny Tan

Nurmuliani Mohd Faizal Chew

Goey Tai & Chester Tang

Ong Chong Fu & Lee Sze Yin

Goh Geok Sang

Ooi Pei Ying

Goh Jian Tat

Pang Sin Mui

Iris Tan Xin Yee

Shivaranjani & Sharvienraaj

Jie Yi Kuek

Siew Zoo Tsai

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