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Special Birthday Treat


MALAYSIA MAY 2023 • VOLUME 1 KDN: PP 15622/01/2013 (032144)
birthday month.*
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for all preferred customers!
Berlin • Asia Pacific Growth 2024 / 02
Contents / 03 Contents Special Birthday Treat for all Preferred Customers! Cover Berlin Asia Pacific Growth 2024 02 New Ruby Directors 07 Achieve Healthy Skin, Confident Glow with Celavive! 14 Outstanding Mentor Alliance 04 USANA 3 Core Product Packages 10 New Silver Directors 09 Contents 03 New Gold Directors 08 Leadership Summit @ Istanbul 15 Grand Slam 06 Introducing New Member Experience Packs 12 Publisher UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd Unit M2-2 & M2-5, Vertical Podium, The Vertical Business Suite, Avenue 3, Bangsar South 8 Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Disclaimer: This magazine is issued by UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. While all reasonable care has been taken in preparing this magazine, no responsibility or liability is accepted for errors of fad or opinion expressed herein. Opinions, projections and estimates are subject to change without notice. This magazine is for information purposes only, the content of this magazine are not made with regard to the specifc health objectives, fnancial situation or the particular needs of any particular person. Content approved for Malaysia. Copyright: UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Copyright in all materials, text, articles, images and information contained herein is the property of and may only be reproduced with permission of an authorised signatory of UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Copyright in materials created by third parties and copyright in these materials as a compilation vests and shall remain at all times copyright of UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd. or save with the express prior written consent of an authorised signatory of UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. USANA magazine is published by UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. for USANA Independent Distributors

2023 USANA Malaysia Outstanding Mentor Alliance

Outstanding Mentor Alliance / 04
Recognition Qualification Period 31 Dec 2022 (3:00pm) – 30 Dec 2023 (2:59pm)

Mentors, who focus on duplication and cultivate key talents, are willing to impart practical experience, inspire one’s potential and help others develop and grow.

The “USANA Malaysia Outstanding Mentor Alliance (OMA)” is to create and provide a success navigation system and roadmap to immediate Grand Slam Achievers, Gold Directors to even Star Diamond Directors. It is to build momentum, guide them to achieve exponential growth, and lead them to continuity and persistence in the business.


1st Milestone

calendar year. The achiever will become the USANA Malaysia

3rd Milestone

All Gold Directors (who are not eligible to f ght for Grand Slam) to Star Diamond Directors

4th Milestone


ACHIEVEMENTS Executive title at the rank title

ACHIEVEMENTS Rank advance from the current rank title ACHIEVEMENTS AP Growth

• Will be invited as VIP and recognized in the USANA Malaysia Grand Celebration

• Will be invited to the OMA Special Luncheon with the Management Executives

• OMA Pin with year

• Exclusive OMA Cape

• Special OMA Plaque

Year Scenario A Scenario B 2023 Unlock the 4


2025 Carry OMA title + Unlock the 4 milestones in the same year

2026 Carry OMA title

Terms & Conditions :

Carry OMA title + Failed to requalify

OMA title expired + Requalify in the same year

Carry OMA title

1. Achiever can carry the title of “Outstanding Mentor Alliance Member” for 1 year (unlock all 4 milestones in 2023, carry the title for a whole year in 2024) •

2. After the expiration of “Outstanding Mentor Alliance Member” status (one full calendar year), re-qualification is required • 3. If they still manage to unlock all 4 milestones in 2nd year, they will keep their title and will be extended for another year. • 4. If did not requalify, then the OMA title will be expired. • 5. They could requalify at any time in any year. • 6. Example:

Outstanding Mentor Alliance / 05
“Quarterly Rising Star Incentive” or “Leadership Summit” Star Mentor (at least 1 time) Incentive
Unlock the 4 milestones 2024 Carry OMA title + Unlock the 4 milestones in the same
• OMA Certi f cate
Grand Slam / 06


20 Nov 2022 – 14 Jan 2023 Recognition

Before joining USANA, I had the ordinary 9-to-5 job, earning just enough to make ends meet. I spent most of my leisure time window shopping – admiring the things I like from the shelves and behind the windows, but couldn’t afford to buy. In addition, I had a very low self-esteem because of my sensitive and dry skin problem. Actually, it wasn’t really that big of an issue. The problem was that I didn’t have the skincare knowledge and lacked the means to invest in products that suit my skin type.

USANA has changed all that. Through this business, I’ve learned that all of us, no matter how ordinary our background is, have the same opportunity to live the fullest life. The secret is to intentionally share and help people with complete sincerity. The USANA business is not a job where you get paid for work. Here, hard work pays off. It’s a platform for us to gain health, time, and wealth, to realise our dream.

As my skin problem improved through using USANA products, my confidence grew. And with improved confidence came the will to continuously change for the better so that both of us can live our dream lifestyle.

Now, we aspire to inspire more people, especially those who lack confidence and courage, to make the change they need, to create and improve their self-worth. We humans have unlimited potential, and there is no obstacle that is big enough to stop us from reaching our goal.

加入USANA之前我是一位典型的朝九晚五族,每个月赚着仅够 糊口的微薄薪资。闲空时,我总是喜欢去逛商场,隔着橱窗欣赏 着我喜欢的物品,望梅止渴,只看不买。此外,皮肤敏感干燥的 问题也让我变得非常自卑。如今回想起来,我的皮肤问题也不是 很严重,只是当时缺乏美容保养知识,也没有能力投资在适合自 己肤质的产品。

接触USANA后,一切都变了。在这里,我学会背景再平凡的 人,都被给予同等的机会去创造丰硕的人生。成功的秘诀就在于 真诚的分享和帮助人们的一颗心。USANA并不是一份工作,而 是一个赋予我们能力去圆梦的平台。在这里,所有付出和努力最 终会为我们带来健康、时间和财富方面的回报。

使用USANA产品后,皮肤改善之际也让我变得更有信心。自信 大增也赋予我力量去改变和追求我们所要的生活方式。

如今,我们的梦想是帮助和激励更多欠缺自信和勇气的人做出改 变。我们相信人类没有极限,困难再大也无法阻止我们去成为心 目中的那个人。

I was an aesthetic practitioner and used to run my own beauty business, which meant doing everything myself. Eventually, the hectic work affected my health, which led me to USANA products for health support.

I talked about the products with the people around me. It was very fulfilling to just share about the products with people in need. I‘d never felt such happiness. I then realised that it’s because I was doing something very meaningful (helping people). Through the USANA business, I learned about health care, met mentors and friends, and built my own team. I am enjoying the freedom and flexibility of running a business while living the lifestyle I want – something I had to forgo when I was running a traditional beauty business.

I love travelling and long for the freedom and ability to travel to as many places as I can. I couldn’t do this in the past because I had no support for my business and I couldn’t stop my business for a long time, or I would lose customers and money. But building my team and USANA business has given me the support I need to enjoy life the way I want. Thanks to the company, the education system and business model, Elite Team, Anthony & Tina, I am able to realise my dream and accelerate success!

从前的我是一名微整师,经营着自己的医美事业。自己当老板 不简单,很多事物都需要亲力亲为。繁忙的工作和精神压力最 终导致我的健康亮起了红灯,而我也因为保健需求而开始服用 USANA产品。

我自然而然地把产品分享给身边有需求的人,没想到这个简单 的动作却让我感到前所未有的满足感和幸福感。我这才发现当 中的原因是因为我在做着一份很有意义的事情(帮助人们) 。USANA这个事业平台不但让我学会了养生,更是让我结识了 许多良师益友,建立了自己的团队。现在,我享受着之前传统 美业所无法给我的弹性时间和财务能力,过上我一直向往的生 活方式。

我是个很爱旅行的人,但以往的我根本无法放下事业到处游 玩,毕竟手停口停,不仅会流失客户更会流失收入。但是在这 里,我所建立的团队和USANA事业却让我有能力实现我要的 生活方式。这一切都得感谢公司还有公司的系统教育、事业模 式,以及Elite精英团队、Anthony及Tina老师的支持,让我得 以圆梦和加快成功。


New Ruby Directors / 07
Trillion Khoo Jocelyn Tan & Louis Peh


New Gold Directors / 08 20 Nov 2022 – 14 Jan 2023 Recognition
Jonni Marie Yong Sasaa Lee Jenny Wong Jia Fong Wernix Teo Yuhan & Boon


20 Nov 2022 – 14 Jan 2023 Recognition

Alvin Lkg

Angela Tan

Branden & Jol

Chai Lee Foo

Chen Siew Mee

Chew Horng Koh

Chew Lang Tan

Chian Huei Ngo

Chong Bi Shi

Chong Siew Eng

Chong Xuan

Chong Xuan Goh

Cindy Lim Pei Suan

Cynthia Wong

Elfy Tan

Genny Lai Yin Yin

Grace Ong & Adrian Yeo

Haylee Tee

Hebe Heng

Hiu Shui Ling

Irene Sow

July & Eaden

Kelvin Lee

Khaw Chan Hao

Koay Lam Keong

Lau Yen Ling

Leow Zhe Yuan

Lim Yuli

Loh Kah Ling

Lovyer Pang Yu En

Lynette Lee

Ma Yi Ling

Magdelin Teo

Ng Yen Ling

Rocher Lim

Sau Yuan Lai

Tan Kwang Mei & Toh Wei Ting

Tan Wah Heong

Tay Wei Min

Thee Yeong Lim

Thye Chiou Lin

Vallen Chai Hong Jian

Venice Wy Yann

Victor Tai

Vionne Lee

Vivienne Lim

Voon See Tham

Wanwen Chong

Wilbin Yeoh

Wong Hui Lin

Wong Wei Wei

Xuewen Tai & Jeff Lim

Yap Jian Liang

Yap Zc & Venus

Yen Nee Yan

Yi Xuan Pang

Yin Sam Ng

New Silver Directors / 09

USANA 3 Core Product

Experience the Power of Health with USANA 3

Core Product


Your health and well-being have always been our top priority.

USANA is always committed to providing you with the best possible solutions and support for your health journey.

We are here to help you prioritize your heart, bones, and digestive health with our carefully chosen top products!

Heart Health

• Supports cardiovascular health.

• Energizes the heart, brain, and overall health.

• Supports healthy circulation for easier blood flow in the vascular system.

USANA 3 Core Product Packages / 10

Product Packages

Bone Health Digestive Health

• Formulated to support bone density and reduce the risk of fractures.

• Magnecal D plus ofers a 1:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium.

• Its comprehensive formula aids in calcium absorption and promotes overall bone health.

• Supports healthy digestion and improves overall gut health.

• Probiotics contains 12 billion CFU of Bifidobacterium BB-12 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus LGG.

• Digestive Enzyme Plus provides natural enzymes plus that support ef cient digestion and promote a calm and comfortable belly.

USANA 3 Core Product Packages / 11
Introducing New Member Experience Packs / 12 Introducing Our New Member Experience Packs KICKSTART FOR A HEALTHIER & BETTER LIFE Kickstart For A Healthier You by taking up these packages and enjoy more SAVINGS! PREMIUM BOOSTER PACK Terms and Conditions 1. This Pack is only open for Malaysia New Distributor as their Initial Order • 2. Newly enrolled distributor can purchase the Premium Booster Pack at special discount • 3. With purchase of Premium Booster Pack, you may enjoy Initial Order Reward for your first two Auto Orders (place first Auto Order within 4 weeks from enrolment date; place second Auto Order within 8 weeks from enrolment date) • 4. This pack cannot be used for Auto Order or in conjunction with any other Promotions • 5. USANA reserves the rights to make final decision and may change without prior notice • 6. English version of the Terms and Conditions is deemed to be the of fi cial version. • 2 bottles of Digestive Enzyme Plus • 2 bottles of Procosa™ II • 2 bottles of MagneCal D Plus • 2 bottles of Hepasil DTX™ • 3 boxes of USANA ® Probiotic • 4 bottles of BiOmega III Plus • 4 bottles of CoQuinone • 4 bottles of Proflavonol® C100 • 1 Shaker Bottle 500ml (Turquoise)
Introducing New Member Experience Packs / 13 HEALTH ACCELERATOR PACK Terms and Conditions 1. This Pack is is open to all NEW Malaysia Distributors and Preferred Customers as their Initial Order • 2. With purchase of Health Accelerator Pack, you may enjoy Initial Order Reward for your first two Auto Orders (place first Auto Order within 4 weeks from enrolment date; place second Auto Order within 8 weeks from enrolment date) • 3. This pack cannot be used for Auto Order or in conjunction with any other Promotions • 4. USANA reserves the rights to make final decision and may change without prior notice • 5. English version of the Terms and Conditions is deemed to be the of fi cial version. • 2 boxes of USANA ® Probiotic • 2 bottles of MagneCal D Plus • 2 bottles of BiOmega III Plus • 2 bottles of CoQuinone • 2 bottles of Proflavonol® C100
Achieve Healthy Skin, Confident Glow with Celavive! / 14 Free 1 Blue Fluffy Pouch 1 Celavive Premium Packaging Box Achieve Healthy Skin, Confident Glow with Celavive! RM1058 I 100 SVP • SAVE I RM317 • CELAVIVE PREMIUM PACK (Oily) Product code : 352.250100 √ Creamy Foam Cleanser √ Exfoliating Scrub + Mask √ Perfecting Toner √ Vitalizing Serum √ Protective Day Lotion √ Replenishing Night Gel RM1058 I 100 SVP • SAVE I RM317 • CELAVIVE PREMIUM PACK (Dry) Product code : 352.250110 √ Gentle Milk Cleanser √ Exfoliating Scrub + Mask √ Perfecting Toner √ Vitalizing Serum √ Protective Day Cream √ Replenishing Night Cream RM668 I 60 SVP • SAVE I RM201 • CELAVIVE STARTER PACK (Oily) Product code : 351.250105 √ Creamy Foam Cleanser √ Exfoliating Scrub + Mask √ Perfecting Toner √ Vitalizing Serum RM668 I 60 SVP • SAVE I RM201 • CELAVIVE STARTER PACK (Dry) Product code : 351.250115 √ Gentle Milk Cleanser √ Exfoliating Scrub + Mask √ Perfecting Toner √ Vitalizing Serum Free 1 Yellow Fluffy Pouch 1 Celavive Packaging Box or or
Leadership Summit @ Turkey / 15

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