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KDN: PP 15622/01/2013 (032144)

Anne Tan


Contents / 02

01 • Cover : New 5-Star Diamond Director • Anne Tan 02 • Contents 03 • Total Rank Advancement 04 • New 5-Star Diamond Director • Anne Tan 06 • New 2-Star Diamond Directors • Ariestt Tan & Duar Jo Yee 07 • New Emerald Directors 09 • New Ruby Directors 13 • New Gold Directors 15 • New Silver Directors 16 • Active Nutrition 18 • No.1 Dietary Supplement Brand in Malaysia for 5 Consecutive Years 19 • Berlin Asia Pacific Growth 2024 20 • Back Cover New 2-Star Diamond Directors • Ariestt Tan & Duar Jo Yee

Gold Directors

26 Publisher

UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd Unit M2-2 & M2-5, Vertical Podium, The Vertical Business Suite, Avenue 3, Bangsar South 8 Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Disclaimer: This magazine is issued by UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. While all reasonable care has been taken in preparing this magazine, no responsibility or liability is accepted for errors of fad or opinion expressed herein. Opinions, projections and estimates are subject to change without notice. This magazine is for information purposes only, the content of this magazine are not made with regard to the specific health objectives, financial situation or the particular needs of any particular person. Content approved for Malaysia. Copyright: UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Copyright in all materials, text, articles, images and information contained herein is the property of and may only be reproduced with permission of an authorised signatory of UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Copyright in materials created by third parties and copyright in these materials as a compilation vests and shall remain at all times copyright of UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd. or save with the express prior written consent of an authorised signatory of UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. USANA magazine is published by UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. for USANA Independent Distributors

Ruby Directors


Emerald Director


Total Rank Advancement / 03

Congratulat ions On Your

INCREDIBLE SUCCESS! Period : 15 January 2023 – 1 April 2023

Let’s Strive To Reach Greater Heights!

Diamond Directors


2-Star Diamond Director


5-Star Diamond Directors


New 5-Star Diamond Director • Anne Tan / 04

Anne Tan New 5-Star Diamond Director


New 5-Star Diamond Director • Anne Tan / 05

Becoming a 5-star diamond director is an incredible accomplishment that takes team work, dedication, and perseverance. I will share my experience on my journey and what it took to achieve this level of success. Hopefully, it will provide some insight for those who aspire to reach this level. First and foremost, we need a clear vision of what we want to achieve and have a plan to get there. It’s important to set specific goals, develop a timeline, and create a roadmap if we want to get there in a set time. This will help us stay focused and motivated, even and especially when we face obstacles and challenges. Another critical factor to achieving this level of success is building and maintaining strong relationships with our team members and customers. We must have a genuine desire to help others succeed and be willing to go above and beyond to support them. Providing excellent customer service and support is crucial for maintaining a loyal customer base. In addition to these key factors, it’s essential to continuously learn and grow as leaders. We have to attend training sessions, read books, and seek out mentors who can help guide us on our journey. We must never stop learning and pushing ourselves to be the best team leader we can be. Finally, always remember to celebrate our successes and acknowledge the team work and dedication that helped us achieve them. Take the time to reflect on our accomplishments and express gratitude to those who helped us along the way. These will help us stay motivated and inspired to continue growing and achieving even greater success in the future. In conclusion, this amazing achievement requires team work, dedication, and perseverance. By setting clear goals, building strong relationships, continuously learning and growing, and celebrating our successes, we can reach this level of success and achieve our dreams.

成功的所需条件 成为五星钻石董事是一项不可思议的 成就,需要团队合作、投入和毅力。 我将分享自己这一路走来的经验,向 大家讲述成功达到这个位阶所需的条 件,并为渴望成为星级钻石的人提供 一些建议做参考。 首先,我们需要明确知道自己想要实现 的目标,并制定一个行动计划。如果我 们要在特定时间里实现目标,我们首先 必须要有一个具体目标,然后再制定一 个时间表和行动路线图。这样一来,即 使在过程中面对困难或挑战的时候,这 些目标、时间表和路线图将帮助我们保 持专注并继续推动我们前进。 另一个成功的关键因素就是与团队成员 和客户建立和维持强大的关系。我们必 须真诚地帮助他人成功,并愿意不遗余 力地去支持他们。记得,为客户提供优 质的服务和支持对于维持客户忠诚度至 关重要。 除了这两个关键因素外,作为一名领导 者,我们必须督促自己不断学习和成 长。积极参加各种培训课程、阅读书籍 并寻求能够指导我们精进的导师。作为 一名领导者,我们必须要求知若渴,学 无止境,不断鞭策自己成为更好和最好 的团队领袖。 最后,一定要庆祝过程中所取得的任何 大小成就,对于团队合作和队友们的努 力给予认同。仔细想想自己的成功路 途,并向一路走来途上所有帮助过我们 的人表达感激之情。这么做将帮助我们 保持动力继续成长并取得更大的成功。 总之,这是一项需要团队合作、投入和 毅力的成就。通过设定明确的目标、建 立强大的关系、不断学习和成长,并庆 祝途上的大小成就,你也可以成为星级 钻石并实现自己的梦想。

New 2-Star Diamond Directors • Ariestt Tan & Duar Jo Yee / 06

Ariestt Tan & Duar Jo Yee New 2-Star Diamond Directors



New 2-Star Diamond Directors • Ariestt Tan & Duar Jo Yee / 07

Becoming a 2-Star Diamond is one of our proudest moments in this journey. Like many people, we started our USANA journey as normal distributors, and the people we’ve met along the way have helped us achieve one milestone after another. To those who have just started their USANA business, remember: a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Starting this business is really simple – all you need is a firm decision and wholehearted effort. However, success is not easy, but it is definitely worth every drop of sweat and tear. On our journey to becoming a Star Diamond, we encountered many challenges and obstacles along the way, but we never gave up. Instead, we remained focused on our goal and continued to work hard every day. Finally, we have arrived at this rank! Perseverance does pay, as you can see. So, we would like to encourage everyone to do the same, to believe in themselves and their abilities, and never give up on their dreams. With steely determination and the unwavering support from the team, you too will make incredible achievements – and arrive at this rank. We want to thank each and every team member. You have been the pillars of our success, and your contributions are priceless. Without your support, we would not be celebrating our success today. We also want to express our heartfelt gratitude to the company for being the backbone of our team and business. USANA’s commitment in delivering high quality products and excellent customer service are the keys to our success, and we will always be proud of being a part of USANA. We want to emphasize once again the importance of maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude. Your attitude determines your thoughts and actions. When you face challenges and obstacles, it’s important to stay calm, think positively and constantly search for solutions to problems. Only by maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude can you continue to move forward, make progress and achieve success. We wish to conclude our sharing with a quote from Zig Ziglar : “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” Let’s all take that first step towards greatness, continue to work hard, believe in ourselves, and never give up on our dreams.

今天就开始你的伟大事业 成为2星钻石董事是我们在这段旅程里最引以为傲的成就之 一。像大多数人一样,我们也是从一名普通的直销商开始我们 的USANA之旅,而这一路走来所遇到的人帮助我们一步步实 现了一个又一个里程碑。 对于新加入USANA事业的伙伴们,我们想告诉你们,千里之行 始于足下。要开始这个事业很简单,就是一个【决定】,然后 全力以赴。成功并不容易,但它绝对值得你的每一滴血和汗。 在成为星级钻石的过程中,我们遇到了很多挑战和困难,但我 们从来没有想过放弃,而是一直专注于目标,继续每天努力工 作。终于,我们成功了!所以说,坚持是一定会有回报的。 因此,我们鼓励每个人都做到这一点,相信自己和自己的能 力,永远不要放弃自己的梦想。凭着毅力和决心,再加上团队 的支持,你一定会取得亮眼的成就——成为星级钻石。 我们要感谢每一位团队成员。你们一直是我们的成功支柱,你 们的贡献是无价的。没有你们的支持,我们今天不可能站在这 里。另外,我们也要衷心感谢公司的支持,成为我们的团队和 业务最强大的后盾。USANA致力于提供优质的产品和卓越的 客户服务,使我们在这个业务中取得了成功。我们从开始一直 到现在,甚至未来都为USANA事业感到自豪。 我们想再次强调保持积极乐观心态的重要性。你的心态决定了 你的思想和行动。当你面临挑战和困难时,要保持冷静,积极 思考,并不断寻找解决问题的方法。只有保持积极乐观的心 态,你才能不断向前,不断进步,最终取得成功。 最后,我们想用 Zig Ziglar 的一话来结束这次的分享:“你不必 伟大才能开始,但你必须开始才能伟大。”让我们所有人都向 伟大迈出第一步,继续努力工作,相信自己并永不放弃梦想。

New Emerald Directors / 08

NEW EMERALD DIRECTORS 15 January 2023 - 1 April 2023 Recognition

Koh Jia Yi & Wong Eng Kiat When we took up the USANA business, we wanted to make it a career that would unite us. At that time, we had been together for 11 years, of which 9 years were spent in a long-distance relationship. This was a problem we were eager to solve. Before joining USANA, we were like most people with ordinary dreams of making money, saving money, and traveling. But after joining USANA and following a group of positive visionaries, our mindset changed. We realized that helping others achieve success would not only bring us financial gain but also improve our thinking and quality of life. Without even realizing it, our dreams had fully materialized, and we’ve become the people we wanted to be. We’ve found that USANA’s products easily convince others. The company is constantly progressing in every aspect, thus making it easy for us to approach our prospects. USANA is a direct selling company that does not brainwash or deceive, but provides correct values without disparaging others. I want to thank our partners for fighting with us on this entrepreneurial journey. They are the driving force behind our continuous growth. Our team is getting bigger, and our sense of responsibility is expanding along with it. We’re very grateful to the company, our team and leaders – Anthony, Poh Chee, Mr Ng, Anne, Sean and Sarah – for always supporting and guiding us. Finally, to everyone who is striving for success – on the road to improvement, stick to your choices. The road to success is not crowded; persist and you will succeed. Choosing to become a direct seller is the right choice, and if you are still hesitant, we want to assure that USANA is really a platform that can change your life. We have fully experienced it, and you can too.

打从一开始,我们就决定要把USANA当成是给我们夫妻团圆的 一个事业来经营。11年的感情,9年的远距离是我们一直很想 要解决的问题。其实在还没加入USANA之前,我们跟大部分的 人一样,有着普通的梦想:存钱、 赚钱、旅行。但加入USANA 后,跟着一群有远见和积极的人让我们思维格局也不一样了。我 们这下才发现,成就和帮助他人,会让自己不仅获得财务上的收 获,甚至在思维和生活品质方面都一并获得提升。我们的梦想也 在我们不知不觉中逐一实现,而我们也活成理想中的自己。 在这里,我们发现USANA产品很容易让人信服。公司无论是在 栽培课程、产品、活动等各方面都与时俱进,让我们很容易接触 市场。不洗脑不欺骗,USANA是一个不诋毁他人但给予正确价 值的直销公司。 在这里,我们要感谢在创业路上与我们一起奋斗的伙伴们,他们 是我们持续进步在前线冲刺的动力。团队越来越大,我们的责任 心也跟着一起扩大。 我们也很感谢公司,团队和领导们–Anthony大哥、宝珠姐、 Mr Ng、Anne姐、Sean和Sarah–感谢您们对我们指导和支持。 最后,我们想要分享给正在拼搏的您:在变好的路上,坚持自己 的选择。成功路上并不拥挤,坚持就是胜利。选择加入成为直销 商已是对的选择,若你还在犹豫,让我们以个人经验告诉你, USANA真的是一个会改变你生活的平台。你或许还没看到,但 我们已经完完全全体验到了,所以你也一定可以!

New Ruby Directors / 09

NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 15 January 2023 - 1 April 2023 Recognition

Previously, I worked in the fashion industry, selling clothing for seven years. I moved to Malaysia in 2019 and learned about the USANA business from a friend in January 2021. An active person who enjoys hiking and playing sports with friends, I have always been a health-conscious person, not just for myself but for my family too. So, after understanding Chow Mun Hon & Zhang Jin Mei the business, I was convinced by USANA’s quality products and I finally decided to join USANA in March 2021. My biggest challenge in the beginning was rejections. I had a hard time sharing and convincing my friends but I told myself that I just had to keep trying and do my best. USANA is a business that, in the first three years, you will achieve small success; in five years, medium success; and big success in ten years. It is a sustainable business and the longer you persevere, the farther you will go.

When I was in my third year of PHD studies, my scholarship expired and I had no income. The financial pressure soon took a toll on my health. That was the lowest point in my life. Fortunately, I came across USANA. I believed in the quality of the products and saw the business opportunity. So, I used my last savings to start this business. After using USANA products for 3 months, I could feel Dr. Lin Faun Chang my health improving. My USANA business took off and started to generate income, which helped to cover my education fee and living expenses. By combining my knowledge of nutrition and my passion for USANA products, I was able to help my customers choose the right supplements for their health needs. The USANA business and team have also given me a great platform to overcome my inner fears. From a person lacking confidence, I gradually became a guest speaker at major events, and was even invited to appear on live TV shows.

I have always dreamed of becoming my own boss, and I finally realised my dream through this business platform provided by USANA. With faith, hard work, dedication and perseverance, success is a matter of time! Life influences life; let’s share the correct concept of health to the world. Together, we can enjoy health and achieve financial sustainability at the same time!

Today, the flexibility of running my USANA business has allowed me to spend more time with my 7-month-old baby while earning a passive income and building a meaningful career. There’s a saying: “Success is a concept. Getting rich is an obligation. Happiness is a right.” I’ve finally understood what this means. I look forward to becoming a mentor to many more partners, succeeding together on this amazing platform by USANA, living a life of freedom and excitement!

我曾经从事时装行业长达七年。我于2019年搬到马来西亚生 活,并在2021年1月从一位朋友那里认识到USANA这份事业。 我是一个活跃的人,喜欢和朋友爬山、打球,因此我一直都很 注重自己和家人的健康。所以,当我对USANA有了足够的了解 和认识之后,我即被它的优质产品所吸引,并在2021年3月带 着满满的信心正式加入。

进入博士学位第三学年时,我的奖学金到期了,而我也没有收入 来源。沉重的经济压力终于让我的健康亮起了红灯。那时候,我 真的感到自己来到了人生的低谷。

一开始,我最大的挑战就是打不开熟人市场,连番被拒绝。 不过,我告诉自己在这个时候我更要做好自己,不断尝 试。USANA事业就是三年小成,五年中成,十年大成。我相信 在这份事业中,只要坚持,我一定会越走越远。 从小到大,我一直梦想着自己当老板,而USANA的事业平台让 我终于能够实现这个梦想。在USANA事业中,只要我们认真做 到8个字就一定能成功,那就是:相信,奋斗,付出,坚持! 用生命影响生命,传播正确的健康理念,让我们享受健康的同 时也能享受财富的可持续性 !

幸运的是,我遇到了USANA。我相信它的产品品质,并看准了 它背后的商机。因此,我用了最后一笔存款开始了这份生意。使 用USANA产品三个月后,除了健康方面有所改善,我的USANA 事业也发展顺利,为我提供了一笔收入来源,帮助我支付了学费 和生活费用。 凭借自己对营养医学的知识,再加上对USANA产品的热情,让 我得以为客户配对适合他们身体需要的营养品。USANA的事业 和团队也提供了我一个很好的平台去突破和克服内心的恐惧。从 一个缺乏自信的人,我逐渐成为各大活动的受邀讲师,甚至受邀 上电视直播节目。 现在,我已经有了一个7个月大的可爱宝宝。USANA的被动收入 和弹性时间让我能够照顾宝宝的同时,也建立着一份这么有意义 的事业。有句话说到“成功是一种观念,致富是一种义务,快乐 是一种权利。”我终于明白个中意思了。我非常期待能够成为更 多的伙伴的贵人,一起在USANA这个这么棒的平台一起成功, 过着自由和精彩的人生!

New Ruby Directors / 10

NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 15 January 2023 - 1 April 2023 Recognition

Formerly, I worked in a multinational company as Senior Business Development Manager managing the sales growth in Malaysia. I had SLE and working in a highly competitive environment deteriorated my health further. In 2020, Evon Cheok introduced me USANA products and after consuming them for a week, I started seeing Fiona Yuen improvements in my health. I was then convinced that I should do the USANA business. I also saw the importance of building my own business, to take control of my life and not be bound by any person or company which can dismiss and replace me anytime. During this journey, I’ve faced numerous rejections and I’ve had to hone my leadership skills so that I can guide my team towards success. When my husband decided to join me in this business, I was ecstatic. We now have a common goal to strive towards.

I come from a simple and happy family, where my parents did their best to fulfil our needs. I used to think that by following the life roadmap my parents had planned for me, my future would be complete. Then USANA came along. USANA changed everything, transformed my life! I’ve faced tremendous changes since I joined USANA. From a clueless, aimless, sheltered girl, I’ve grown into a team leader as my abilities, mindset, Jacquelyn Cheah self-discipline and personal image significantly improved. I never knew I had the ability to lead a team, to give talks, to influence and change the lives of others. Seeing everyone around me becoming better because of me gives me a great sense of achievement! Because of the USANA business, I have also come to understand the importance of caring for my own health so that I can better influence my friends to become healthy together. I’ve developed a habit of exercising regularly, and through this discipline, I’ve not only improved my physical appearance but my thinking and self-control as well.

I’d like to urge those reading this – learn to see failure as the beginning and the middle (learning ground). Never see it as the end. As long as you don’t give up, you will get to the finish line. USANA is a business of giving and serving so let’s be intentional in carrying out acts of service and developing an attitude of selflessness.

At USANA, I’ve achieved my dream of becoming an excellent independent woman. Now that I’ve gained some experience and abilities, I hope to continue using my skills to help more people to succeed. Life should be about constantly making breakthroughs and trying, daring to take the first step. Don’t limit yourself because we never know where our limits and abilities can take us. Only by overcoming challenges can we become better versions of ourselves.

我曾经在一家跨国公司担任高级业务拓展经理一职,负责管理马 来西亚的业绩成长。我患有系统性红斑狼疮,而在高度竞争的环 境中工作使我的健康状况每况愈下。

我来自一个很幸福的家庭,基本上想要什么父母都会尽量帮我实 现。我原本以为只要跟着父母编排好的路线图,我的未来就己经 很圆满了。直到 USANA出现并改写了我的人生!

2020年,Evon Cheok 向我介了USANA产品。服用一星期后, 我开始感觉到健康方面有所起色,并给了我一支强心剂去开展 USANA业务。我看到了建立自己的事业的重要性;它将能让我 掌控自己的生活,不受任何上司或公司约束,毕竟打工一族都有 相同的宿命:可以随时被解雇或取代。

自从加入USANA以来,我经历了巨大的转变。曾经是温室里的小 花,这个懵懵懂懂毫无目标方向感的小女生如今已成长变成团队 的大领导。无论在能力、思维格局、自律和个人形象方面,我都 有着很大的提升和突破。我从来不知道我有能力带领团队、讲课 和影响别人改变生活。看到身边的人因为我而变得更好,让我感 到非常有成就感!

在这段旅程中,我被拒绝无数。为了能够引领团队走向成功,我 不得不磨练自己的领导能力。当我的丈夫决定加入这门事业和我 一起奋斗时,我感到非常开心,因为我们终于有了共同的目标, 一起努力,携手达成。 我想借此机会敦促各位读者们,我们要学会将失败看作是一个学 习机会,是一个开始和过程,别把失败看作是旅途的终点。只要 我们不放弃,我们一定能到达终点。USANA是一份奉献和服务 的事业,只要抱着无私的态度用心服务,我们一定能造就大家, 成就自己。

USANA事业也让我了解到健康的重要性,我们一定要把自己的健 康照顾好才可以更好地影响身边的朋友一起变得健康。我也养成 了定期运动的好习惯,通过这种自律,不仅仅是体格外观变得更 健美,甚至思维和自控能力也变得更好。 在USANA,我成为了我理想中的模样,独立优秀的新女性。现 在,我希望运用自己的经验和能力去帮助和成就更多身边的人。 人生就是要不断地突破与尝试,敢于踏出第一步 不要限制自己, 因为我们永远不知道我们的极限和能力能够去到哪里。只有突破 和挑战自己,我们才可以遇见更美好的自己。

New Ruby Directors / 11

NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 15 January 2023 - 1 April 2023 Recognition

Before joining USANA, my husband James and I were in the real estate industry for 10 and 6 years respectively. Due to our work, we both enjoyed investing in properties and travelling at our free time. I am a jogger and James would occasionally played badminton and indoor soccer with friends. We were young and led an active lifestyle, hence the thought of health supplements never crossed our mind. This changed after the birth of our first daughter. She was diagnosed with a congenital James & Tiffany disorder and for a long two years, we had to almost give up our job to care for her. During this time, we began to realise the importance of health and passive income because working in the real estate industry means your income stops once you stop working. We came across USANA products at the time when we needed it most, that is when our health was deteriorating due to our lifestyle change. We are more confident to recommend the products with people around us after our own experience of consuming them. Our mission now is to lead our team to make more breakthroughs and achievements together. We always believe that every setback and challenge we encounter is a test from God. As long as we persevere and pass that hurdle, victory is ours! Lastly, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our leaders Anne and Eva Yu for their guidance. Without them, we wouldn’t be where are today.

I grew up in an ordinary household where I was taught to work for the things I wanted. So, when I was at school, I worked part-time to pay for my expenses. With only an SPM qualification, I had to work two jobs to make ends meet. When I met my husband in 2010, I finally got a stable job with a stable income by working at his company. I was very fortunate. I’ve always known the importance of health. I’ve seen how people suffered and died from illnesses and kept thinking what if my family or I am plagued with illness and diseases. I then decided to run a direct selling business on the side as this would allow me to gain more health knowledge while enjoying healthcare products at special prices.

Jenny Wong Jia Fong

When I was introduced to USANA last year, I was immediately attracted by the brand. I enjoy sharing about the USANA business and products with my friends. I want to help more people know the importance of healthcare and that it’s possible to create the Healthiest Family On Earth. The USANA business has built my self-confidence while helping me to become self-reliant. I’m very lucky to have a loving husband and I never have to worry about finances, but as a woman, it’s important to be financially independent, not because we have to but for our dignity.

在还未加入USANA前,丈夫James和我分别从事房地产业长 达10年和6年。基于工作关系,我俩喜爱投资房产,也喜欢利 用空闲时间去旅行。我本身一路来都有跑步习惯,而James则 偶尔会跟同事打羽毛球、踢室内足球之类。由于我们还年轻, 再加上活跃的生活习惯,所以并没有意识到保健品的重要性。

我生长于小康之家。从小到大,我学会凡事都必须靠自己的努 力去获得。所以早在求学时期,我就开始半工读赚取零用钱。 中五毕业后,由于只有SPM的学历资格,我必须早晚身兼两职 才能维持生计。不过,幸运之神让我遇到了我的丈夫。2010 年,在丈夫的安排下,我到他的公司帮忙打理事务,我这才终 于拥有一份稳定的工作和收入。

直到第一胎女儿出生后,我们一直以来的生活习惯也改变了。 女儿被诊断患有先天性疾病,而在长达两年的时间里,我们不 得不放下手上工作全程陪同与照顾她。就在这段期间,我们开 始意识到健康与被动收入的重要性。毕竟,房地产是一份手停 口停的行业。

一直以来我都知道健康的重要性。我见过身边亲友受到疾病的 折磨,也有人因重病过世,这让我不禁担心如果发生在自己或 家人身上时,我又该如何面对。正因为这样,我决定从事保健 直销当成副业经营,这样的话我就可以学习更多关于保健的资 讯,同时也可以以优惠价购买和使用保健品。

由于生活方式的改变,我们的健康状况也大不如前,并因为这 样而接触到USANA产品。服用产品后,让我们有信心跟身边的 朋友顾客分享。 我们接下来的使命就是带领团队伙伴们一起继续突破和取得更 多的成就。我们始终相信,任何挫折和挑战都是上天给我们的 考验。只要我们熬过那道关卡,我们就赢了! 最后,我们非常感谢领导Anne和Eva Yu一路来的提点。没有她 们,就没有今天的我们。

去年,当我第一次接触到USANA时,我当下就被这个品牌所吸 引。我喜欢跟朋友分享USANA的产品和事业机会,希望能够借 此让更多人认识健康事业的重要性,让他们知道要实现一个世 界上最健康的大家庭,并非妄想。 USANA事业建立了我的自信心,也让我变得自立自足。是的, 我很幸运地拥有非常疼爱我的丈夫,让我无需为家里的财务操 心。但作为一名女人,我觉得女性一定要拥有一份自己的事 业。挣钱对我们来说不一定是责任,但绝对是尊严。

New Ruby Directors / 12

NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 15 January 2023 - 1 April 2023 Recognition

I worked as a senior audit assistant for four years and was a workaholic. During the peak of the busy accounting and audit season, I would work late into the night every day. The stressful work soon caused me to suffer hormonal imbalance. After starting my USANA business, I began to live a Jordon Goh healthier lifestyle. I made time to read various literature, play badminton, do yoga, go for runs, and socialize with friends. Before USANA, my life was all about work with no clear direction. But after joining USANA, I began to focus on my personal growth, set goals and achieve them. I started to have a clear life direction and know what I want in life – to provide the life my loved ones desire and help more partners achieve their dreams. I would like to express my gratitude to my team leaders, especially Sue Szean & Cheong Wai, Chris Ng, and Anthony & Tina. I hope we can all become the best that we can be through USANA.

I am a stay-at-home mum with three adorable kids and a yoga enthusiast. My husband runs a conventional mobile phone business. Before encountering USANA, I had been suffering from vertigo, acid reflux, and insomnia for a long time. This had badly affected my daily routine. Thankfully, USANA has helped me regain my active lifestyle. Now, I can happily attend yoga classes, hike and travel. Through Vyvien Liong & Tony Pang the USANA business, I look forward to a more exciting and fulfilling life. I want to live an enriching life that enriches other too, a life without regrets. I also want to be selfreliant and not be a liability to my kids in my old age. My USANA journey would not have been successful without my team leaders, Dr Kheng, Ariestt & Joyee, Vincent & Syntiea. Thank you to all these people who have nurtured us with their hearts, helping us to grow and change. I also want to thank our team members who have given me the reason to persevere. Next, we will lead more partners to success and help them achieve their dreams. A word of advice: we don’t need to know how; we just need to learn by doing. Let’s go!

在加入USANA之前,我任职高级审计助理长达四年,是一 个工作狂。在做账审计报税的高峰期,我每天都会工作到深 夜。压力山大的工作量最终导致我荷尔蒙失调。 经营USANA之后,我开始养成更健康的生活方式。我会拨出 时间阅读各类文学、打羽毛球、做瑜伽、跑步、约朋友吃饭 聊时事。在从事USANA之前,我的生活除了工作还是工作, 没有明确的人生方向。但是加入USANA后,我开始专注在自 己的个人成长,学会设定和达成目标,拥有明确的生活方向 和追求——就是为我所爱的人提供他们想要的生活,并帮助 更多伙伴实现他们的梦想。 在此,特别感谢我的团队领导们,尤其是 Sue Szean 和 Cheong Wai、Chris Ng、Anthony 和 Tina老师。希望大家 都能在USANA遇见更好的自己。

我是一名育有三个孩子的全职妈妈,也是一名瑜伽爱好者, 丈夫则从事手机行业。一直以来,我遭受到耳水不平衡、胃 酸倒流和失眠的困扰,大大影响着我的生活作息。庆幸的 是,USANA产品让我得以重拾活跃的生活方式。现在,我可 以开开心心地上瑜伽课、爬山和旅行。通过USANA事业,我 期待着更加充实和有意义的人生。我要活出丰盛人生,也希望 能够帮助更多人活出他们的丰盛人生,让生命不留憾。我要变 得自立,决不让日后年老的自己成为孩子的负担。 在此,我要感谢团队的领导们,Dr Kheng、Ariestt和Joyee、 Vincent和Syntiea老师们的用心栽培,让我们可以成长和改 变。没有您们,我的USANA之旅不可能会成功。此外,我也 要感谢团队的伙伴们,您们是我可以坚持下来的理由。接 下来,我们会带领更加多的伙伴一起成功,帮助实现他们 的梦想。 最后,我们想说:不是因为会了才去做,而是因为做了才能 会。我们一起共勉之,加油!

New Gold Directors / 13

NEW GOLD DIRECTORS 15 January 2023 - 1 April 2023 Recognition

Alvin LKG

Careen Foo

Chan KarMan

Chia Ann Lim

Chia Jia Sin

Choon Yee Dang

Diana Thow

Ester Leong

Genny Lai Yin Yin

Hugo & Ruo Han

Janice Wong

Jessie Lee Jia Qi

New Gold Directors / 14

NEW GOLD DIRECTORS 15 January 2023 - 1 April 2023 Recognition

Joey Tan

Kar Mun Chan

Kelvin Choi

Lau Yen Ling

Loh Mee Ling

Lucas & Crystal

Sook Lim Yap

Venice Wy Yann

Vincci Go Ying See

Vivienne Lim

Chew Horng Koh

Voon See Tham

WanWen Chong

Welson Sim

New Silvers Directors / 15

NEW SILVER DIRECTORS 15 January 2023 - 1 April 2023 Recognition


Jose Pang

Siew Yeng Tan

Ang Peak Yan

Kae Yeon Tan

Stanley Loke & Millicent

Angel Goh

Kai Yi Chew

Sze Hui Law

Angeline Yee

Katrina Yee

Tam Kong Leng & Lim Jia Jia

Annie Yong Wan Chin

Kelly Lai

Tan Ai Wei

Bee Chian Woon

Kennie Phung

Tan Pei Si

Cassandra Cheok

Kenny Pan & Xinyen Lee

Teng Sing Mee

Chia Chung Lim

Lee Keyin & Roger Wee

Too Ken Foong

Chiat Yang Ng

Leeway Huan

Too Ken Wei

Chin Yong Toh

Li Kuan Lam

Toong Jing Yee

Ching May Yeo

Lim Kah Wai

Tze Yun Huang

Choi Kyau Fong

Lim Mui Eng

Vincent Lim Keong Hui

Colzy Chan

Low Sze Ling

Wei Lian, Kho

Crazzie Tang

Lynn-Yi Tan

Wen Jin Yau

Daniel Soon Shuih Sy

Marcus Teng

Winnie Siew Hong

Darius & Dorothy

Mey Lan Chua

Woan Yen Chong

Eileen Tien Lin Lau

Michell Shze Ming Lai

Xin Yee Hau

Emily Chan

Nan Jun Lim

Xin Yee Kew

Eng Seng Bay

Pei Chin Tan

Yen Lik Pok

Evoon Wong

Pei Yee Chia

Yen San Chang

Gah Tee Loo

Pui Ying Teh

Yi Min Tan

Hoong Ng

Rachel Tan

Yong Juin Qing

Horace Ch’ng

Rainne Chang

You Chen Kei

Irene Ong

Reyna Chong

Yunn Yeu Chan

Ivan Jan

San Nie Tiu

Zi San Yap

Jason & Joanne

Shermanne Chan Siew Mun

Zi Ying Lee

Jayden Tung

Shi Qi Wong

Zoe Woon

Jennifer & Cassandra

Shi Teng Wong

Jessie Beh

Shu Leng Chan

Active Nutrition / 16

Power Your Health and Fuel Your Body with USANA Active Nutrition Malaysia is facing a concerning rise in obesity rates, with 50.1% of adults reported as overweight (30.4%) or obese (19.7%) according to the 2019 National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS). This surge makes Malaysia the leader in obesity prevalence in South East Asia. This trend is closely linked to the consumption of high-glycemic index (GI) foods, especially traditional breakfast items.




Fibergy Active

Nutrimeal Active

PowerFuel Breakfast Pack

• A dietary supplement rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber

• A meal replacement shake combining protein, fiber, and essential nutrients

• Provides another practical solution for maintaining a healthy weight and embracing a more active lifestyle.

• Supports healthy weight management by enhancing satiety and digestion

• Offers a convenient and nutritious breakfast option • Aid in weight management and supports overall health

• Great breakfast option which is healthy, nutritious and can be prepared quick and easily • Provides balanced nutrition, sustained energy, satiety, and convenience

Active Nutrition / 17


7+7 Detox & Renew Program • Aims to revitalize the body by facilitating natural removal of toxins, fats, and waste products, while promoting healthy metabolic processes. • This comprehensive program is divided into two distinct phases : Detox and Renew.

Detox Phase



7DAYS • Reduce food intake by half • Eliminate processed foods and alcohol • Increase fruit and vegetable consumption • Hydrate adequately • Engage in light exercises like walking or yoga • This cleansing process prepares the body for the subsequent phase.


FIRST DAYS Renew Phase





• Replenishes the body with crucial nutrients and energy. • This period involves incorporating healthy proteins, fats, carbs, and essential nutrients into the diet • Maintaining high fruit and vegetable consumption • Staying hydrated • Engaging in moderate exercises like jogging or cycling

No. 1 Dietary Supplement Brand in Malaysia for 5 Consecutive Years / 18

Berlin • Asia Pacific Growth 2024 / 19

KDN: PP 15622/01/2013 (032144)



Ariestt Tan & Duar Jo Yee

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