Millwide Insider 5-2013

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Millwide Insider ISSUE 5 - 2013

Getting to the next level As the global lumber market continues to improve, in Nor th America more mills are ramping up their operations in response. In this issue we have success stories from BC, Oregon and South Carolina mills that have at least one thing in common – they have all taken carefully measured steps in their capital investment strategies to embrace new levels of processing. Today those investments are paying off. USNR is also taking our MyMill™ mobile machine control technology to the next level with the introduction of a new application for this innovative tool.


In 2012 we told you about the USNR hybrid primary line at Stimson Lumber, Tillamook, OR that wowed the mill with performance that exceeded expectations. Now the mill has taken a second, calculated step with the implementation of a USNR twin bandmill and separating outfeed that has dramatically improved the flexibility of its downstream processes.

SUBSCRIPTIONS Tel.: 250.833.3028 EDITOR Colleen Schonheiter CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Sonia Perrine

USNR PARTS & SERVICE 7/24 Service: 800.BUY.USNR Tel.: 360.225.8267 Fax: 360.225.7146 Mon. - Fri. 5:00 am - 5:00 pm PT

Canfor Southern Pine has installed its first Counter-Flow Kiln at Conway, SC. The mill remarks that this new dry kiln process is not only more efficient than a traditional kiln, it is turning out higher quality lumber. A second, similar kiln is on the books for implementation at another company site in 2013.



USNR LOCATIONS Woodland, WA Headquar ters 360.225.8267

With 12 systems sold, MyMill™ mobile control is proving very popular among wood processors. On the heels of this success, USNR has expanded the system to include mobile control for dry kilns. Read about all of the functionality this system can offer your operation.

Parksville, BC

Eugene, OR



Plessisville, QC

Jacksonville, FL



Salmon Arm, BC

Painesville, OH



© 2013, U.S. Natural Resources, Inc. All rights reserved.

USNR’s MyMill mobile sor ter control system was recently adopted by Kalesnikoff Lumber at Thrums, BC. It seemed a natural way to go for this mill with its youthful, technologysavvy workforce. Today the team is enjoying the many unique and useful benefits this system offers.


POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 1981 Schurman Way, Woodland, WA 98674. Canada Post: Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: USNR c/o Colleen Schonheiter, 3550 - 45th Street Southeast, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4N2

Stimson Lumber

Charting its course RECOVERY RIGHT ON SCHEDULE WITH PROJECT PHASE 2 When it comes to investing in capital improvements, every good business knows a methodical approach typically reduces the risk and increases the return on investment. Stimson Lumber is proceeding in this manner with its aggressive plan to improve overall fiber recovery at the Tillamook, OR stud mill operation. | ISSUE 5 - 2013 | Millwide Insider






With its first investment under its belt – a new hybrid design, primary breakdown line from USNR – Stimson’s latest venture is the introduction of a second breakdown unit. A new twin bandmill and three-zone outfeed dramatically redesigns the flow and flexibility of its process. Reduced labor and improved safety are added bonuses. Stimson Mill Manager Chris Stirk, related that Stimson spent a few years charting its overall course of action, reviewing equipment from a number of vendors, and then selecting a vendor for phase one. The first phase comprised installing USNR’s hybrid compact canter line and was completed October 2011 (read about it in Millwide Insider Issue 2, 2012). That phase was an unqualified success, lending support for proceeding with phase two, and giving USNR a leg up on the competition vying for the order.

this configuration is the use of a 2-sprocket sharp chain through the bandmill rather than the typical 3- or 4-sprocket design. This configuration is simpler and the chain lasts longer. The sharp chain is extended through three zones of outfeed to accommodate routing a wide variety of solutions coming out of the bandmill; these include 2” flitches that are routed to the board edger, 4” and larger side cants sent to the resaw, and 4” or larger center cants dispatched to the gang edger.

Chris explained the company’s goals for the first two phases. “The first phase was based on recovering more quantity and quality, and it paid for itself before the target timeframe. The target for phase two was 5% further recovery, and the elimination of two fulltime positions.” He said that each phase is based on the success of the previous phase; once a phase is completed the financials are rerun, and the return for proceeding with the next phase is calculated on the most current results.

The configuration for phase one was designed with the flexibility to fit the twin bandmill into the layout, and this latest project introduces a completely new processing routine. “Previously, we had one directional flow in the mill. As blocks came out of the canter they all had to go through our twin horizontal resaw.” Chris explained how that was adequate for blocks that were up to 12” diameter because the mill primarily produces studs (2”x4”); they could be processed into flitches or cants at the canter and resaw, and then proceed on to either the board edger or gang edger for further breakdown. Even the small 4” diameter blocks had to be deadheaded through the resaw, though they weren’t

Building in flexibility The new supply includes a USNR 6’ L&B twin bandmill immediately downstream from the existing canter. One unique aspect of


Millwide Insider | ISSUE 5 - 2013 |

processed at that machine center. The biggest issue, however, was that blocks larger than 12” needed to be rerouted back through the resaw again. “One of the positions we eliminated was at the resaw, physically taking the 8’ blocks coming down the chain and arranging them by size so as to relieve the load on the resaw, having to continually be reset for the size of the next block to be processed.” The second position that the mill no longer requires is what they termed their “swede” position. Chris said that when the solutions came out of the resaw, a person would have to separate the 2” from the 4”. The mill eliminated that position by putting in an inertia separator after the resaw.

Previously, we had one directional flow in the mill. As blocks came out of the canter they all had to go through our twin horizontal resaw.










Chris said, “Adding two more saws directly behind the canter opens up a huge variety of choices for us. Now we can slice off 2” flitches and send them directly to the board edger, we can send 4” side cants off to the resaw to be cut into flitches, and we can send 4” center cants directly to the gang edger. All those options relieved what goes to the twin resaw by 40%. It enhances our premium percentage because we can use more flitches and less cants; we can cut boards out of the outer layer of the logs and achieve overall higher quality.” Chris explained that the mill is still working through the last vestiges of commissioning the new equipment. “We have a canter that


stayed where it was, our twin resaw stayed where it was and two edgers that stayed where they were, but we literally gutted the rest of the mill entirely. Every chainway, every belt, every turn roll, every transfer was new, and needed to be synchronized and timed. To date we are getting the recovery we wanted, and close to the volume that we predicted.” An unanticipated benefit of the project, Chris believes the mill is now safer. “The two positions we eliminated had not caused any safety issues, but they were labor intensive. We now have a safer mill.”

Now we can slice off 2” flitches and send them directly to the board edger, we can send 4” side cants off to the resaw to be cut into flitches, and we can send 4” center cants directly to the gang edger. | ISSUE 5 - 2013 | Millwide Insider





The process downstream from the primary breakdown has changed dramatically. Prior to the installation of the bandmills and 3-zone outfeed separation, all cants were sent to the resaw. The new equipment builds in multiple flexible processing options. 1. Flitches are separated away from the center cant and fall below onto a transfer that routes them to the edger. 2. Thick flitches and thin cants are dropped out through gates (see rectangles) and are then routed to the resaw. 3. Center cants travel through and are then routed to the gangsaw.

Watch the new processing line in action:









Millwide Insider | ISSUE 5 - 2013 |


Adding two more saws directly behind the canter opens up a huge variety of choices for us. All those options relieved what goes to the twin resaw by 40%.

Redefined process Chris commented that this project brought with it a major shift in the mill’s process. The flow to the resaw and downstream processes has changed dramatically, but the new technological capability is even more than that. “What we did, in effect, was connect USNR’s optimization into the rest of the mill. We installed MillExpert with the canter line (phase one), but could only use it to calculate what might happen further down the line. We didn’t have any way to measure what actually did happen. With the twin bandmill we also use MillExpert to extend all the way through to the resaw to better predict what comes out of the resaw. But we still have hand-fed, non-optimized edgers and so we are not able to use MillExpert to its fullest capacity. We hope to be able to do that once we optimize the edgers.” Glen Untereiner, USNR project manager in charge of the optimization portion of the project, explained that minimal programming work was required. “Incorporating the bandmills into the cutting solution was something we prepared for as part of the original project. With the first phase the system ran with chiponly functionality and the optimizer ran in a “bandsaw disabled” mode. Once the bandsaws were commissioned we simply enabled this mode.” He noted, "Tuning the system became a team effort involving both Stimson and USNR personnel."

Teamwork Chris gave special recognition of a few key team members who were involved with the project. Cameron Mierau is Stimson’s

The USNR inertia separator is located at the outfeed of the horizontal resaw. It separates flitches to be routed to the board edger, and cants to be routed to the gangsaw. project manager, and was involved with both phases of the project. Chris related, “Cameron does an excellent job coordinating the efforts of the Stimson team along with the various vendors. He is very talented at keeping everyone on pace in a positive way.” He mentioned Paul Witthoft was construction and safety manager, and ensured the safety of the site during installation and commissioning. Chris said that Kevin Eberhardt was equally critical to the success of the project. Kevin is controls manager for Stimson and worked alongside USNR programmers ensuring accurate system communications. “We had a great team. There were about eight Stimson people involved with the project and they all did a fabulous job.”

Setting the stage

Why did we choose USNR? USNR works with us through all the issues, whether they are their issues or our issues. With a partnership like that, everybody wins.

Chris closed with these remarks. “Why did we choose USNR? Because we are partners. When we work with USNR it doesn’t mean everything will go perfectly, but USNR works with us through all the issues, whether they are their issues or our issues. With a partnership like that, everybody wins.”

Chris related that research has already begun on the next improvement, which will encompass optimizing the gang and board edgers. He said that these improvement projects are viewed as an investment in Stimson’s timberland as well; the company owns large tracts around the Tillamook mill and 70% of the logs the company consumes come from Stimson’s own timberland. | ISSUE 5 - 2013 | Millwide Insider


Primary Breakdown becomes your Primary Breadwinner.

Our customers expect fast and compact profit-boosting production. The SL3000 delivers. Positioning accuracy and maintaining

into compact mill spaces. Make primary

control of the log through the cut are key elements in a good positioning infeed

breakdown your primary breadwinner.

system. USNR’s SL3000 Log Positioning Infeed is a proven alternative to extended length infeeds, and is easily retrofittable

 High speeds, up to 600 fpm

 High piece counts  Highly accurate positioning  Compact footprint

Millwide. Worldwide.


Canfor Southern Pine

Value for investment COUNTER-FLOW KILN: LESS ENERGY, BETTER QUALITY LUMBER USNR has installed many Counter-Flow Kilns since the launch of the first unit in 2005. The vast majority are direct-fired utilizing waste wood for energy, but engineers at USNR’s Jacksonville, Florida division were happy to work with Canfor Southern Pine's Conway, SC operation to design a kiln that would meet its needs. The new kiln is configured to use steam energy now, with the capability to switch over to a direct-fired process in the future. | ISSUE 5 - 2013 | Millwide Insider



Sometimes the road to success isn't straight forward. Canfor Southern Pine at Conway, SC had been investing in updates to its sawmill process. It wanted to increase its production to take advantage of the recent upturn in markets, and needed to increase its drying capacity. Its plans were hampered by a more lengthy permitting process required to change its dry kiln heat source. Add to that the fact that its existing steam-fired boiler was already at capacity, so the new kiln had to be super efficient. After extensive investigation it selected USNR’s steam-fired Counter-Flow Kiln with Kiln Boss controls. This custom-designed system is utilizing the existing steam heat now, with immediate gains in efficiency and lumber quality. And with a future conversion to a directfired process it will reach its desired destination. The Conway, SC operation has been manufacturing lumber products for over 55 years, and was started by the Wall, Sledge, Singleton and Campbell families. In 2006 Canadian Forest Products acquired the mill along with sister operations at Camden and Marion, SC and Graham, NC. Today the company operates as Canfor Southern Pine and is based at Myrtle Beach, SC. The Conway site comprises a sawmill, dry kilns, planer mill and treating plant. The


operation produces dimension lumber (2x4 through 2x12), 5/4 x 6 radius edge decking, 4x4 timbers, and boards. The mill currently runs two shifts and has an annual capacity of 175 mmbf.

Eliminating bottlenecks With five conventional steam kilns the mill was still facing a bottleneck with lumber drying, and needed to come up with a way to increase its drying capacity. The

Millwide Insider | ISSUE 5 - 2013 |

decision was made to construct a sixth kiln, and this one would be a continuous flow design. Tim Papa, manager at the Conway site explained the challenge, “Our boiler was producing as much steam as it was capable of producing so we had to have an energy efficiency improvement with the steam we already had. For that reason we would not consider adding another conventional kiln and decided to go with a continuous flow design.”

Tim added, “Strategically we were taking Conway to two shifts for the first time in several years. With all the capital improvements we’d done in the mill it was performing past its drying capacity, so this addition was the next logical step.”

The USNR Counter-Flow Kiln gave us the best value for our investment.

He continued, “Part of the reason for going with a steam-fired kiln was that it was an easier permitting process for us. Long term we plan to convert the new kiln to a directfired unit. In fact it already has some of the duct work and design to make the transition a lot easier for us in the future.”

Travis added, “Conway’s other five kilns are all from USNR, and we are very comfortable with the Kiln Boss software and the kiln itself. The USNR Counter-Flow Kiln gave us the best value for our investment.”

Best value for investment

Designing the solution

Travis McDonald, chief engineer for the company, works out of the head office at Myrtle Beach, SC. He commented that this is the first continuous flow kiln for the Canfor Southern Pine operations. “We went through a pretty exhaustive research process that spanned a couple of years. We visited several mill sites with continuous kilns, with various manufacturers and various methods of heating the kilns. As far back as 2006 we considered putting a continuous kiln in our Graham, NC plant but it would not physically fit on the site. It had always been our plan to adopt this technology.”

Preparing the site created the biggest challenge for the mill. Tim related, “It’s a huge machine and takes up a lot of square footage. We had to do quite a bit of construction demolition and arrangement just to fit it in on site. It turned out pretty well.” Another challenge the company faced was the permitting process; it would be able to increase its drying capacity the fastest by remaining with an all-steam kiln process for the time being.

NEW SITE LAYOUT | ISSUE 5 - 2013 | Millwide Insider 11

CANFOR SOUTHERN PINE – VALUE FOR INVESTMENT The team said that they decided to run primarily 16’ lumber through the kiln. They related that their visits to other mills convinced them that stacking quality was paramount to efficient operation of the kiln. Travis said, “Conway really does a good job making sure that what goes into the kiln is uniform. We learned a lot on our visits, and that helped make our own start-up easier.” USNR’s engineers designed the kiln with the capability to convert it to a direct-fired system once the required permits are in place, and the mill made space available to accommodate USNR’s Green Burner on the site. Converting the kiln will require

removal of the fin piping, and installation of a duct system to distribute the heat from the Green Burner. The mill will be able to use the fin pipe in other kilns, and once the Green Burner is installed it will eliminate the need for steam heat from the boiler.

There is no doubt in my mind that it is more efficient than a conventional kiln.

More efficient The new kiln has been operating since midJune and Travis said he couldn’t be happier with USNR’s construction crews. “We were able to start it up about 2 weeks earlier than our project target. Getting it running was a fairly quick process.” Tim also gave kudos to Morgan Lumber at Red Oak, VA for helping them out along the way. That mill

installed a USNR Counter-Flow Kiln about two years ago. “I’ll tip my hat to them. They were very helpful, and we are very appreciative of their help.” Tim credits the counter-flow design for improved quality of lumber as opposed to that dried in a conventional kiln. “We’re

Below: The kiln was designed to accommodate the future conversion to a direct-fired process, with additional height built into the roof for ducting from the planned installation of USNR's Green Burner.


Millwide Insider | ISSUE 5 - 2013 |

pleased with the lumber quality coming out. The conditioning chambers on either end not only recover the heat that would normally be lost when you open the doors and push the lumber out, but by cooling it down and introducing a little bit of moisture back it does help to condition the lumber. The lumber has less standard

deviation and is straighter than that dried in a conventional kiln. With the continuous flow operation we get efficiency and conditioning both.” He continued, “There is no doubt in my mind that it is more efficient than a conventional kiln.”

Kiln Boss controls Tim knew that he wanted an integrated system between the old and new kilns. The new Kiln Boss system controls all six kilns from a single computer. “Having it integrated allows us to monitor the old kilns from the new control station, or monitor the new continuous kiln from the old station.” Besides Tim and Travis, members of the Conway team that played key roles in the project included Ernest Rabon, maintenance superintendent, Randolf Rabon, millwright, and Bob Brouer, engineering consultant.

Going green

The integrated Kiln Boss system controls all six kilns. The screen above shows the kiln's drying process, while the screen below displays the track transfer control.

Travis related that currently he is focusing his time and effort on the company’s Darlington, SC facility where Canfor Southern Pine is installing its second USNR Counter-Flow kiln, and this one will be a direct-fired unit utilizing USNR’s Green Burner technology. “We ordered a new kiln for Conway and then ordered another one for Darlington before the Conway unit was even started up.” He said that though its configuration differs, it is designed for the same throughput as the Conway kiln. The new kiln at Darlington is expected to be commissioned in December to coincide with that site’s move to a two-shift operation as well. The next step in Conway’s improvement process will be to convert the new kiln to a direct-fired burner. Travis said that with markets improving, the enhanced production capacity at Conway is helping the company’s bottom line tremendously. In spite of having to convert the kiln’s energy process, it is making the Conway operation more profitable, with higher throughput and better quality lumber. | ISSUE 5 - 2013 | Millwide Insider 13

MyMill™ Mobile Machine Control

Introducing MyMill Kiln CONTROL YOUR KILN FROM ANYWHERE ON THE MILL SITE! Imagine having the freedom to move about the mill, carrying with you the tools and information you need to do your job from any location. Not only can you be more productive, but you will also be more efficient. Processing changes and corrections are much faster, resulting in improvements to recovery and value of the final product. USNR’s MyMill mobile machine control solution provides this and more, and it is changing the landscape of the mill environment around the globe. 14

Millwide Insider | ISSUE 5 - 2013 |

Building on the success we’ve achieved with the MyMill system for mobile lumber sorter control, USNR has expanded the system to include dry kiln applications. All of the functionality that is available with USNR’s Kiln Boss control system can now be accessed via iPads/iPods from anywhere on the mill site within range of your inplant wireless network. MyMill works seamlessly through direct communication with your PLC control system. Response is immediate and accurate. The following mobile functionality is available with MyMill Kiln. Mobile control for all of your kilns Monitor the status of drying charges within each kiln

Pause or shut down kiln / burner operation

B uilt-in safety features

Monitor / acknowledge alarms

D edicated wireless infrastructure, on a secure in-plant network

Monitor / create maintenance schedules

A vailable as an upgrade to USNR controls systems, or with new installations

Actuate load transfers in continuous kilns Annotate messages to other team members

Expanding the network

MyMill Benefits Replicates all the functionality of a stationary HMI screen in a mobile device Real time data in the palm of your hand M obile machine monitoring and control Powerful information and communications capability, functionality R eplaces consoles, reduces capital cost

Select or change drying schedules

E asier troubleshooting and maintenance

Monitor / set moisture probe temperatures

R educes downtime

As USNR has shown in developing the MyMill system for lumber sorters and now for kiln applications, virtually any processing system within the mill can be converted to MyMill’s mobile control. MyMill can be used for operation, maintenance, quality control and monitoring of any machine center that is running the ControlLogix platform. Read on to learn about a recent MyMill installation for mobile sorter control.

Monitor / prioritize steam pressures Start / stop / reverse fans Actuate valves, vents and sprays

MyMill Kiln allows monitoring, schedule changes and more, to be done from anywhere within range of the mill’s in-plant network. | ISSUE 5 - 2013 | Millwide Insider 15



The new way to work KALESNIKOFF LUMBER’S NEW SORT LINE GOES MOBILE USNR’s MyMill system is catching on as a time and money saving solution for streamlining mill operations. Mobile machine control offers all the functionality that is typically available through a stationary HMI screen, at a fraction of the cost. With 12 systems sold, MyMill is proving that mobile control technology is no longer a wave of the future, it’s the new way to work.


Millwide Insider | ISSUE 5 - 2013 |

A recent inductee to USNR’s MyMill technology, Kalesnikoff Lumber is based at Thrums, near Castlegar, BC. The mill just completed a major capital improvement project that saw its mill invest in a new primary breakdown line incorporating a USNR Quad Arbor Saw Box, vertical double arbor gang, scanning, optimization and controls; modifications to its board edger line; and trim/sort line improvements. One of the improvements the mill targeted was MyMill mobile control for its new 70-bin sort line.

Focus on value Chris Kalesnikoff, operations manager, related that the mill had previously utilized a largely manual lumber sorting process. He recognized the value of going to an automated system and quickly saw the benefit of the MyMill technology. “The MyMill system suited us very well as the mill employs a young generation of sawmillers, and we understand and relate to mobile communications technology like using iPads and iPods.” He explained that the mill runs a tight operation with a single 12-person shift, and every member of its lean crew is versatile. Selecting the MyMill system seemed an obvious choice. Chris explained that installing the mobile system required much less time and expense than a traditional sorter control system demands. There is no need to purchase and install multiple consoles, and no need to route the associated cables and wiring. He added, “A big thing for us was the reduced cost.”

mobile device instead of having to go to the bin console to manually press the button. Chris said it is nice to be able to scroll through the mobile screen, and the bin information is all right there. “It’s great for troubleshooting. The operators can tell which photo-eye is covered, and with the sorter being 300 feet long it saves a lot of time. It makes so much sense to have the control in the palm in your hand.” Already running with a minimal crew, implementing the MyMill system didn’t reduce the labor force required to operate the Kalesnikoff mill. Chris said, “We are using the same number of people, but we are using them in different places than we would have without the benefit of mobile technology. We planned on not having anybody chasing bins full time, and that’s definitely a nice feature.” Adding that he is happy with the mobile system, he said, “This is the way the world is moving.”

The MyMill system suited us very well, as we understand and relate to mobile communications technology. This is the way the world is moving.

Video showing operation of the MyMill system:

For more information about taking your processing functions mobile, please contact us at 800.BUY.USNR, +360.225.8267 or

With the MyMill system used to control the sorter, multiple control consoles are no longer required down the length of the sorter, saving installation and capital equipment costs.

Embracing technology The Kalesnikoff team was assigned two iPads and three iPods. Chris said, “Our crew has all been trained on the mobile devices, and we all use them. Our guys are very hands-on, but our trimmer operator is the one who is primarily chasing the bins.” He went on to explain a scenario experienced at the mill. The operator at the canter can see some of the sort bins, and when he noticed a bin didn’t index all the way down he called the trimmer operator with his radio to tell him about it. The trimmer operator simply lowered the bin using his | ISSUE 5 - 2013 | Millwide Insider 17

NEW PROJECTS Balfour Lumber – Counter-Flow Kiln, 8-Grate Green Burner, Kiln Boss Controls Balfour Lumber at Thomasville, GA has ordered a new Counter-Flow dry kiln. The kiln will utilize an 8-grate green sawdust burner, the largest of its kind to date. This powerhouse will produce 40 million BTUs per hour compared with 35 million produced by the traditional 7-grate version. The system will be controlled with the Kiln Boss PLC controls system.

Balfour Lumber – MillExper t Carriage Opt. & PLC Controls Balfour Lumber at Thomasville, GA has also ordered MillExpert Optimization software and computer hardware for its carriage line. The project will also encompass upgrading the scanning and the existing carriage controls to the AB ControlLogix system to control the mill’s 3-knee carriage.

USNR Green Burner

In this release focus has been given

to end defect classification, offering support for HD planview sensors. New decision logic maximizes product recovery.

Cahaba Veneer – Insulated Dryer Floor Upgrade

The new edger ripping module will

Cahaba Veneer at Centreville, AL has invested in a used Coe veneer dryer and is relocating it from Maplesville, AL. The dryer will be upgraded with a retrofit insulated floor package, which will reduce the long term operating and maintenance costs for the reinstalled machine.

make a rip solution and process it at the edger rather than at a downstream location. Fixed width logic allows the mill to

process fixed width lumber, such as; dimension, boards, timbers, planks, decking etc., for both domestic and export markets.

Hampton – Transverse Edger Optimization Upgrades The Hampton Affiliates mill at Darrington, WA is updating its 2 transverse edger optimization systems to the Newnes Sawmill Suite version 7.2 software release. Both optimizers were originally installed in the 2002 timeframe. This upgrade will transition the software to the Windows 7 operating platform. This release also reduces the hardware computer requirements to a single PC computer. Following are a few of the latest Edger optimization features.


The system employs full trimmer

decision logic. Users now have the capability to run trimmer logic along with edger logic.

Hankins Lumber – Lineal Edger Optimization Upgrades Hankins Lumber at Elliott, MS has ordered upgrades to its Newnes Sawmill Suite Lineal Edger Optimization system. The software will be renewed with the Ver. 7.2 release. As well, the existing lineal scan frame will be modified and outfitted with LPLe sensors to replace the obsolete Hydra sensors.

Millwide Insider | ISSUE 5 - 2013 |

The LPLe sensors are designed to operate at a high sample rate. This allows a tighter cross section scan down the length of the piece. The sensors also achieve very high data point density around the circumference of the piece (approximately 0.035”). This allows the system to very accurately reproduce the geometric shape of the stem, saw-log, cant or flitch, which in turn results in a more accurate optimization solution. The edger PLC control system will be updated to the ControlLogix platform. A MillTrak™ lumber flow management system will be installed to control the flow at the sequencing transfer, replacing the existing photo-eye control. Finally, the operation has opted to enroll in the gold level System Maintenance Program. This comprehensive system is designed to give members access to optimization software improvements as they become available, offers 7/24 phone support, 60 hours of on-site service per year by a USNR service technician, reduced rates for technical training, and more.

Maibec – Primary, Secondary Breakdown Lines Maibec is investing in a major upgrade to its operation located at Saint Pamphile, QC. USNR will provide a profiling Small Log Breakdown line and Vertical Shape Sawing system. The new line will begin with log scanning and then auto rotation via a Knuckle Turner Infeed. Horizontal chip head modules will open two opposing faces on the logs. A vertical feedroll module will control the position of the piece for processing at the dual independent sideboard profiler. A Quad Arbor Sawbox is next in line with a sharp chain outfeed transporting the piece to a vertical roll conveyor for another scan ahead of top and bottom board profilers. The final process in the new line is an 8” Vertical Shape Sawing gang saw.

Rex Lumber – MyMill Sor ter Control Upgrade USNR’s MyMill mobile machine control system has been selected by Rex Lumber at Brookhaven, MS. The mill has ordered the new MyMill system to replace its existing Wireless Bin Attendant system. The MyMill system allows remote monitoring and control of the mill’s sorter using iPads or iPods that wirelessly connect directly to the PLC without routing through servers or personal computers.

sensing system. This system automatically advances and optimizes the drying process from fiber saturation through the equalization or conditioning steps, and shuts off the dry kiln at the mill’s final moisture content targets. The SCS wireless in-kiln moisture sensing system eliminates hot checks, maximizes grade quality, minimizes energy consumption and increases drying production averaging 10%.

Wespine – Optimization, Controls Upgrades

Western Forest – Coastal Planer Upgrade The Coastal planer system at Western Forest Products, Port Alberni, BC is being updated. The existing feed roll hydraulic drives on the planer and infeed system will be replaced with electric feed roll belt drives. This follows on the heels of replacing the cutterheads in the planer. The goal of these upgrades is to improve the throughput of the planer and the quality of their products.

Wespine located at Dardanup, Australia is continuing its progression to the latest technology has to offer, with upgrades to its sawmill optimization lines. The lineal curve sawing cant optimization system will see new LPLe sensors to replace the outdated Hydra sensors. The system will also receive the latest MillExpert Cant Optimization software. The trimmer line optimization system will also be refurbished. The Newnes LPS2 sensors will be replaced with BioLuma 2900L laser profile sensors while retaining the existing scan frame. The software will be updated with the latest MillExpert Trimmer Optimizer release. Both lines will also be updated with ControlLogix PLC controls. At the same time the WinTally™ sorter control system will be upgraded to the latest Version 7 platform.

When MyMill is configured for a bin sorter, the floor chains can be operated in automatic or manual modes. The operator will be able to see which bins are full and quickly access only the full bins or scroll through the list of bins. He can operate the selected bin floor and walls to dump the bin, then reset it. MyMill can also be configured for kiln control or for other machine centers in the process.

Swanson Group – Kiln Boss Control, SCS Moisture Sensing The Swanson Group operation at Glendale, OR is investing in upgrades to its dry kilns featuring Kiln Boss AB PLC control and SCS Forest Products moisture sensing for 2 double track, 104’ long dry kilns.

COMPLIMENTARY SUBSCRIPTION For your complimentary subscription to USNR’s Millwide Insider magazine e-mail or go to

The Kiln Boss process control system is integrated with the SCS in-kiln moisture | ISSUE 5 - 2013 | Millwide Insider 19

PO Box 310 Woodland, WA 98674

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Profile George Krumbine is a Senior Account Manager for USNR. He is based at Tullahoma, Tennessee. George Krumbine has been involved in the wood processing industry since 1978 when he worked for AccuRay Corp., a pioneer in the development of sensor technologies. Applying these systems to the wood products industry was in its infancy when George helped to develop the hardware and software for some of the first trimmer optimizers that were used by Weyerhaeuser in its mills.


In 1989, Newnes Automation, based at Salmon Arm, BC, acquired the intellectual property for AccuRay’s wood processing applications, and that is when George joined what is today a part of USNR. George has worked on many projects since then, but he says, “The trimmer and edger optimizers we installed at Weyerhaeuser, Bruce, MS in the 1990s are still on top of my list as the most interesting and challenging.” Today he is a member of the sales team for USNR. He also enjoys a busy family life with wife, Brenda, two grown daughters and several grandchildren.

NOV. 26–29 WoodEx



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