Costume Contest 5 Things To Know Wil Wheaton
Trek Chic
November 2012
Neil Armstrong, Sally Ride, & Janice Voss
THE GIVING SEASON Donate today to your local Toys for Tots and Food Bank
CDR Julie’s
Experience 17 11
Medical: Humans and Space
Security: Holiday Safety
Special Services: Chaplain’s
IN THIS REPORT 8 Our Commander: A STARFLEET Bio 15 Doctors From the Star Trek Universe
19 Promotions
Engineering: Relays, A Special
24 Baumgartner Free Fall vs. Star Trek Free Falls
1 November 2012
VIVE WIL WHEATON! The ReTweet of A Lifetime
Interstellar Distances – In Perspective How Far is a Light Year?
TREK CHIC Geeky Art without being Geeky
Columbia’s RPG Join in the Excitement!
Ship’s Roster
Commander’s Letter
Dear Ahbben
Star Trek Cuisine
5 Things To Know...
Watch Party Info
November 2012
Ship’s Roster Command Department CO Commanding Officer XO Executive Officer Intelligence Officer
RADM Jason Schreck* LT COL Jeremy DeSpain* LT JG Ann Posada
Engineering Department Chief Engineer Assistant Chief Engineer Chief Transporter Engineer Engineer
CDR Kevin Turner LT JG Vincent Current LT JG Isaac Carter CR William Fugate
Medical Department Chief Medical Officer Medical Doctor
LT CDR Fran Brock* LT Dale Wilson
Specialty Services Department CDR Bob McDonald LT Bill Lemmond CR Lisa Johnson CR Christopher Bandy CR Brian Baker CR Gene Taylor CR Lisa Taylor CR Raistlin Taylor Cadet 4 Daniel Johnson* Cadet 4 Rebecca Johnson*
Operations Department Chief of Operations Chief Tactical Officer Operations Officer Communications Officer
CDR Jimmy Nelson* CDR Kevin Johnson* LT Judy Wilson LT JG Michael Jones
Science Department Chief Science Officer Astronomer Stellar Cartography
CDR Julie Taucher LT CDR Kristy LaFata CA Eric Holloway
* - Denotes member of Marine Detachment
Security Department Chief of Security Internal Security Officer Ordinance Officer External Security/Tactical Officer
LT CDR Brent Griffis LT Bob Hosford* LT Nick Elder LT JG Brittany Vance
Marine Detachment OIC Marine Marine Marine Marine Marine
Marine CPT Aaron Arden MAJ Paul McPherson Marine CPT Tonya Nelson 1st LT Phillip Cox Cadet SSG Caleb Nelson Cadet LCPL Brendon Nelson
3 November 2012
Section Chiefs are in bold. Columbia Comlink Editor – Kristy LaFata USS Columbia is a chapter of STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc, which is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization. Star Trek®, in all its various forms, and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios, Inc. This site and chapter are not affiliated or endorsed in anyway by CBS Studios, Inc or Paramount Pictures Corporation. Please see the terms and Conditions for further details. Notice to copyright holders: no violation is intended, please contact the webmaster with any concerns.
Commander’s Letter
fficer's and crew of the Columbia I'd just like to take this opportunity to say this has been another fantastic year. We have been a commissioned ship for two full years now and were launched nearly three years ago. After all this time we have had our ups and downs but I believe we as a chapter, are stronger than ever. We currently have 38 members which makes us one of the largest ships in Region 1. As evidenced by the recent promotion list, we have a very active crew with well over half of the members receiving promotions this year. For the first time in three years we have a full senior staff and they will be put to better use in the coming year. I can honestly say in my 14 years in STARFLEET I have never been so proud to be part of a chapter, and as your CO I'm proud of each and every crew member. In the coming year I plan to begin holding regular senior staff meetings once again to make sure ship's business is taken care of in as timely a manner as possible. This means, if you have a concern or a suggestion please contact myself or your department head so these can be discussed and addressed. We have an open door policy, so you can come to any one of us with concerns, ideas, and suggestions. We are open to your comments, so please do not be afraid to share them. Our new role playing format has been a success and I look to continue it for the time being as it opens up the story to more creativity from the crew. More information on this will come soon. The members participating so far seem to really enjoy it, and hopefully more members will become involved in future missions. Another new activity that has gone well has been the watch party idea that Jimmy Nelson and Julie Taucher have organized. Our first two had small but decent turn-outs and a good time seemed to be had by everyone attending. More of these will happen in the future. I also continue to be impressed by our ship's STARFLEET and Marine academy participation. Our members have taken hundreds of courses in the last year and the trend seems to be continuing. I encourage all members to participate in this program. It’s informative and a lot of fun, and with over 1000 courses available there is something for everyone including special courses for cadets. As our ship continues to grow, I look forward to many more years like this one. In my opinion we have one of the best ships in the fleet and we are continuing to grow. This can only continue to happen though, if we know what members want to see. If you have ideas or suggestions, please let myself or one of the senior staff know and we will see what we can do to get them going. The same goes with concerns or problems. We can’t fix the problem if we don't know what it is. I look forward to another great year and keep up the good work.
Rear Admiral Jason Schreck CO USS Columbia NCC-2049 November 2012
Neil Armstrong As many of you are aware, earlier this year we lost astronaut Neil Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon, a veteran of the Gemini program, as well as a former test pilot, and naval aviator. He was also the commander of the first space faring Columbia, the Apollo 11 Command module. Below you will find his official biography. He will be missed.
Sally Ride America’s first female astronaut, Dr. Sally Ride, passed away in July. Dr. Ride flew in only two space missions, but her legacy is unforgettable. As Mission Specialist during both of her space flights, she orbited the Earth launching satellites in support of other important missions. In 2001, Dr. Ride founded Sally Ride Science, a science organization aimed at encouraging girls and young women to pursue careers in science.
Janice Voss Dr. Janice Voss became an astronaut in 1991. She flew five space missions with NASA and served as a Payload Specialist and Payload Commander. Dr. Voss’s space flights included four Earth orbits and one mission with the MIR Space Station. She had a combined total of 49 days in space, which included one spacewalk. Dr. Janice Voss passed away in February.
Galileo Probe to Jupiter: Launched – 1989 Completed – 1995 New Probe: Juno Launched – 2011 Will reach Jupiter - 2016 Moon: Farthest man has gone
We are here
Mars Rovers
Pioneer 10: Launched – 1972 Stopped receiving signals in 2003
New Horizons Probe: Launched – 2009 Will reach Pluto - 2015
Cassini Probe: Launched – 2004 Still in use
Voyager 2: Pioneer 11: Launched – 1977 Launched – 1972 Still in use Stopped receiving signals in 1995
Voyager 1: Launched – 1977 Still in use Farthest Manmade Object Launched from Earth One Light Year (roughly) from our Sun
Proxima Centauri Nearest Star to our Solar System 4.2 Light years away from our Sun
Voyagers 1 & 2 have been traveling for 35 years at a speed of 38,000 miles per hour, and they have yet to reach the distance of one light year. November 2012
Giving Season Warp 10 Warp 8
Warp 10
Warp 8 Warp 6
Donate to your Warp 4 local food bank Warp 6 and your local Warp 4 Warp 2 Marine Corps Recruiting Warp 2 ½ Impulse station for Toys for Tots, to help ¼ Impulse ½ Impulse us shade in the charts. ¼ Impulse
Just 20 bags of food and 20 toys will complete our goal! As you do, simply post the tale of your donation to our USS Columbia Facebook page or USS Columbia forum where we will keep track. 7 November 2012
A n
A u t o b i o g r a p h y
It all started a long time ago (1993) in a Galaxy (state), not so far away (Virginia). I was 13 years old and volunteering for the Virginia Air and Space Center, a local museum. While on break I ran into a friend of mine who was an employee of the space center, in the hallway outside of one of the museum’s classrooms. I said hello and asked what he was doing. He told me he was at a meeting of the local Star Trek Club, the USS Jamestown. He said I was welcome to come in and attend the meeting. I did, and the rest, shall we say, is history. I picked up information on joining STARFLEET and the Jamestown, met many of the crew, some of which have become life long friends, and two of which were groomsmen in my wedding. I didn’t have the money to join that day, but a month later I came back and paid my dues and I became a cadet Lt. JG on the Jamestown. I was only 14 at the time and the cadet ranks were based on age, not participation, but that would change over time. In those days I wasn’t really able to be active other than attending meetings, but it was enough that I had found a group of other Trek and Sci Fi fans. In many ways I found a home there where I could be myself. I would be a member off and on for the next five years. Sometimes I didn’t have the money to pay my dues, but I kept coming to meetings whenever I could. I got my first two uniforms during this time. Both just Halloween costume quality. One TNG, one Voyager style. I was an engineering cadet and saw some of the highest and lowest points of Trek and STARFLEET, but that’s a story for another day. In 1998 I rejoined STARFLEET to stay. I was now an ensign. My initial plans were to continue in engineering, but I learned about the STARFLEET Marines and started taking a few Marine courses. I also got permission to form a strike group on the Jamestown. Thus the 108th was born and quickly became one of the most active departments on the ship. As OIC, I was given a field promotion to Marine Captain and a few months later, was promoted ............
to Major. Over the next few years I worked my way up to Colonel and Brigadier. I was active on the ship as a department head, had a brief stint as XO, and was involved in all ship activities, from recruiting displays to charity work. During this time I also served as the Battalion OIC for the 7th BN of the 1st Brigade, and then DOIC and OIC of the 1st Brigade. I stepped down as Brigade OIC in late 2005 due to health concerns and decided to take a break from responsibility to just be a member for a while. In 2007 at the Region 1 Summit, I was promoted to Brigadier General by the then regional coordinator, Fleet Captain Bill Herman. Later that year I took on a position of responsibility on the Jamestown as Chief of Operations; going back to my fleet roots and taking back the rank of Commodore. In 2008, as I was planning to get married and move to Kentucky, I transferred to the USS Tang as Chief Engineer, also serving, for a time, as XO. In late 2009, as the Tang appeared to be headed toward a decommissioning for being under-strength, I began ......... Schreck, Continued on page 24
November 2012
Chief Medical Officer’s Report LCDR Fran Brock Humans are physiologically well-adapted to life on begin to reverse quickly upon return to earth. The Earth. Consequently, spaceflight has many negative engineering problems associated with leaving Earth effects on the body. The most significant adverse and developing space propulsion systems have been effects of long-term weightlessness are muscle examined for over a century, and millions of manatrophy and the deterioration of skeleton hours of research have been spent on them. In spaceflight osteopenia). Other recent years, there has been an ................... ........... significant effects include a increase in research on the issue of slowing of cardiovascular system how humans can survive and work in functions, decreased production space for extended, and possibly, of red blood cells, balance indefinite periods. This question disorders, and a weakening of the requires input from the physical and immune system. Lesser biological sciences and has now symptoms include fluid redistribution (causing the become the greatest ................. .......... challenge (other than funding) ‘moon-face’ appearance typical in pictures of facing human space exploration. A step in astronauts experiencing weightlessness), loss of overcoming this challenge is trying to understand the body mass, nasal congestion, sleep disturbance, effects and impact of long-term space travel on the ....... and excess flatulence. Most of these effects human body. ..... If you wish to read more on this subject, please visit:
Chief Science Officer’s Report CDR Julie Taucher Goodness, have three months gone by already? It was the beginning of of summer and now we’re coming up s..................... on fall. Well, I must say for me .. personally, a few exciting things have happened since then. I went to to Comic Con in Chicago and met William ... Shatner, for one thing. Things are going well for the Science Department. I have noticed a few new members to the department, so welcome. It’s always nice to have new people come in. I have also noticed other people in my .... 9 November 2012
department besides me participating in the .. current role play, which is great. Hopefully we can keep that going, ............. hopefully get more people from our ....... department to join in as well. If anyone has ideas how to make ......... even more active, feel free to Sciences let me ... know. Well, that’s about it. By the time the next one rolls around the holidays will be upon us. I know there are already some Trek things on my list! new
Chief of Operations Report CDR Jimmy Nelson Greetings and Salutations! Being my first report as Chief of .......................... operations, I ask that you please forgive ...... me, as I don’t have much to report on. With settling into the new position ......... .. onboard, I am slowly making my rounds, meeting the crew within the ...... Operations Department, and checking the everything out. Even though I am settling in, also .... know that all departments should not experience any differences in power allocations. I would like to take a moment to introduce (for those that do not know) the members of the Operations Department: Commander Kevin Johnson – Chief Tactical Officer
Lieutenant Judy Wilson – Operations Officer Lieutenant JG Mike Jones – Communications Officer For a little about what we do here in ................. the Operations Department – Ops is ........... responsible for the operation of all aspects of a starship (as well as some ....... outposts and facilities). These Federation ‘operations’ include communications, shuttle ........... ...... ........... pilots, sensor arrays, tractor beam, deflector dish, transporter, computers, internal systems control and hardware/system/resource allocation, coordination and scheduling for the entire ship.
Well, until the next time.....
Chief of Security Report LT CDR Brent Griffis A Holiday Safety Message As the holiday season approaches, your Security Department would like to remind everyone of some general safety and ... crime prevention guidelines. The potential for increases in both person .......... and property crimes are always a... concern during this time of the year. ... From a personal safety standpoint, everyone is urged to always utilize well..... traveled, ....... well lit areas, preferably in groups. We also strongly recommend that you never show large sums of cash or other valuables while in public. Often, robberies and other thefts are crimes of opportunity. Being careful when traveling and ....
and interacting with unknown individuals will ..... reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of such a theft. If you choose to consume alcohol, we strongly urge you to consume in a safe and moderate manner. Individuals ...... with ..... ill intentions who seek out the criminal opportunities mentioned above, may ..... also seek out the easiest target. Being unaware of your surroundings and unable to ...... ....... physically control yourself due to extreme intoxication may also increase your chances of becoming a victim. Safety, Continued on page 28
November 2012
Tied for 3rd Place! Brent “Red Shirt� Griffis (always ready to beam down to an unexplored planet)
& Mike Jones Waiting to scan data.
November 2012
Tied for 2nd Place! Jason gets to know Lt. Uhura & Nick Elder practices standing guard
November 2012
Marine Detachment OIC’s Report Marine CPT Aaron Arden Hello my fellow Marines! My name is Aaron Arden. .......... I am the new officer in charge of the 133rd .. Marine Strike Group. I am still a new Marine and have only been with STARFLEET Marine Corps for eight months. I’m counting on you, my fellow ....... Marines, to help me get .. away so we can be ready to service the Corps and ............. the Columbia. Since we are Marines, that means we try to help out during Christmas and with Toys for Tots. This in my opinion, is one of the best ... programs that help children. I help my local ...
Fire Department with an adopted family. The whole department goes Christmas shopping for that family and we have someone dress up as Santa to hand out presents to the kids and parents. I know that we cannot meet face to face to do these good deeds for Christmas, but we can help out with our own local charities. Check with your local Fire and Police Departments, they are always doing something this time of year. Don’t be afraid to ask what you can do to help out. As training goes, we Marines love to train, so keep up with the academy courses, and report your grades to me in a timely fashion so I can put in for the honors you have earned. This means ribbons and certifications in MOS’s. If anyone has any questions, email me at
Specialty Services Report CDR Bob McDonald Chaplain’s Address Here on Earth in North America, Europe, and other geographical locations, we have entered into the time of Harvest. In some locations on Terra, we are heading into the cold long winter months. For humans, this time has always had special meaning. Across Terran spiritual and cultural lines, these months have represented both the end and the beginning. It is a time that humans give thanks for the fruit of their work. In the past, it meant taking time to enjoy the rewards of their difficult summer labor. For some humans, who produce agriculturally for the species, this is still very relevant. I, myself, descended from farmers and know of the rewards that a successful harvest .........
November 2012
brings, and the thankfulness at the end of a long summer of struggle. For others who work year round, it is time to take a moment. In this moment we remind ourselves why we are working, who and what it is that makes our lives so important. We are heading toward the winter months. A time of endings. In this season we find the light of new beginnings, a promise of renewal, and gratitude that we have made it through another year. We celebrate our struggle and we find value and appreciation in and with each one of us. We see those closest to us and celebrate our ..... success, for to thrive on this planet is ........... Address, Continued on page 27
Chief of Engineering Report CDR Kevin Turner What are relays, and why the hell do they keep blowing?
he first thing to know is that we are not talking about communication relays, which receive a signal, boost it back up to its original power, and retransmit it. We will be talking about power relays. I’m not entirely sure, but I believe that the word “relay” was said at least once during every episode of Star Trek, and the movies. It seems like every time a ship is in battle, or other highly energetic event, some relay, or series of relays blows out. The dictionary definition of relay is: an electrically controlled switch. Relays are used when it is necessary to control a circuit with a low power signal with complete isolation between the control circuit and the controlled circuit, or .......... where several circuits need to be controlled by one signal. There are many different styles of relay, depending on the control power needed and the amount and type of power being controlled. Contactors are relays that would directly control an electric motor or other high power device or circuit. These can be quite large depending on the ............... level of power they control. A solid state relay controls a power circuit using no moving parts. They use a semiconductor ....... device (specially conditioned silicon part) .............
to perform the switching. They can be quite small, even nanoscopic. The The billions upon billions of ......... transistors (a semi conductor device) that make up a computer’s processor chips, ........ are nothing more than relays that turn on (1) or off (0) in response to a signal .. given by a computer program. The simple magnetic relay is nothing more than a coil of wire, a spring, and two contactors. If we reference the picture to the right. When the control voltage signal is applied to the coil, a magnetic field is generated which, depending on the type of relay, either pushes or pulls on the ...... contactor arm to close or open the second circuit. When the control voltage is removed from the coil, the spring returns the contactor arm to its original position. Relays of one type or another, are used in nearly every piece of electrical and electronic equipment. This is a schematic diagram of voltage relays for a refrigerator. Anyone who has ever done laundry has come into contact ......... with a relay. The timing adjustment knob is connected to a motorized set of relays. It Relays, Continued on page 21
November 2012
A Comic Strip by our very own LT Bill Lemmond
Doctors from The Star Trek Universe A Seven-Part Series:
Part I: Leonard “Bones” McCoy •Born on Earth
by LCDR Fran Brock
•Attends the University of Mississippi; meets Emony Dax •Medical practice begins on or before this date •Daughter, Joanna, is born
•Commissioned to Starfleet •Heads a massive inoculation program on Dramia II •Develops revolutionary surgical procedure, a cerebral-cortex/brain-tissue graft •Becomes romantically involved with Nancy Crater •Ends relationship with Nancy
•As a lieutenant commander, visits Capella IV briefly before joining the USS Enterprise •Serves as ship's surgeon and chief medical officer aboard the USS Enterprise •Imprisoned on Rura Penthe, and subsequent escape helps to uncover the Khitomer conspiracy •Contracts xenopolycythemia; briefly wed to Fabrini high priestess Natira •Promoted to commander
•Retires from Starfleet at conclusion of Kirk's five year mission •His commission is re-activated at Kirk's insistence, during V'Ger incursion
•Instructor aboard USS Enterprise •Chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise-A
•Tours newly-commissioned USS Enterprise-D
November 2012
Click here to read Dr. McCoy’s full history.
Tweet of a Lifetime
was born the same year that Star Trek: The Next Generation first aired. Growing up, I can remember being fascinated with the episodes I would see on the television, not understanding much of the language, but being in total awe of the entire experience; the science, technology, space character, and aliens. Later, as a teenager, I would watch episode after episode re-aired on ..... cable, out of order and missing the second parts of most of the multi-episode stories (thus making sure I had no idea of the story arcs). Wesley crusher was an example of how teenagers might interact with the fabric of a starship that carried entire families, and a character I envied because he was able to live in this amazing ......... future. As an adult, I followed the actor Wil Wheaton (who played Wesley) on all social media ....... outlets. .......... Sitting at work on a boring .. evening, I stumbled upon a picture of Ensign Crusher that ... was meant to be colored. Being a Wheaton-fan, I printed it off colored ......... it with the few brightly colored..
by Eric Holloway
markers I found in a co-workers desk. Instantly, I had the idea to take a picture and tweet it to Wil, with the caption “Sparks McGee, the punk years?” (Sparks McGee is Ensign Crusher’s care-free and rogue doppelganger, as established through his fans over social media). A few minutes later, Wil Wheaton saw it, and thought it was so awesome that he responded, “Please let this be a THING Internet. Get colourin’!” with my tweet .....,..... quoted underneath. He proceeded to attach a link to the blank picture and established a Pinterest page to post colored pages on, which he lovingly named “Wesley Crusher Evolved.” Needless to say, I was as excited as one fan could ever get, and shared my excitement with my co-workers and everyone I knew on the Internet. I continue to . ..I got ... to interact with feel privileged that someone I look up to, and even more so that for a brief moment I was on his radar. Really, what more could a fan ask for? I encourage you to follow his activities around the web. You can find him at,,
ive il heaton!
Number of times Wesley Crusher saved the Enterprise
and on Twitter @wilw. And that, fellow shipmates, was how I started an “internet thing” with Wil Wheaton, actor/blogger/writer/gamer.
November 2012
By CDR Julie Taucher
s I’ve previously stated, I recently attended my very first Comic Con. Not my first convention by any means, however, I was already there for a Beatles convention and the two just happened to sync up and be right next door to each other. This is basically what I posted on the Forums about it, although there more details. I was there all three days (well, all four actually. I came in on Thursday and decided, buy a ticket, why not?) I was cosplaying on Friday, I guess you could say as Spock, but I can’t pull off the Spock hair, I was just a generic female Vulcan. For the future I’m going to try and procure a black wig. I also took the cosplay next door to my Beatles convention. Apparently at the Beatles convention there was commentary about “the girl dressed like Spock carrying a Beatles bag.” From what I hear they thought I looked good. It was loads of fun! So much stuff to look at and I was tempted to buy so many things! There were things there that anyone could want, really. One thing of note I bought was a replica of a phaser. Not a plastic toy, but a scale replica that came with a stand. Some notable costumes I saw besides other StarFleet uniforms were a Klingon, T’Pau, Q, and an Andorian. I met William Shatner, had him sign one of my drawings on Friday, and got a pic with him on Saturday. I felt excited yet apprehensive about meeting him, because I’m sure we’ve all heard stories about how he can be. But, from what I saw, he appeared to be in a good mood that weekend. After he signed my drawing he ....... up at me in my Spock outfit and looked said, “Ya look good.” Which, in a way, validated my efforts and made me happy.
November 2012
I took my mother along to meet Shatner for the photo op on Saturday, as she is a big Kirk fan, and she was gushing like a teenager about it for the rest of the day. As Shatner was staying in the same hotel as the .... Beatles convention, there were rumors going around Saturday night that he might show up to sing Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds with house band, Liverpool. CDR Julie ‘mind melds’ with Liverpool Unfortunately, that band member, Drew Hill. didn’t happen, most likely for security and contractual reasons. ... I saw the band Five Year Mission play all three ...... days. For anyone who doesn’t know, they are a Star Trek Band that is in the process of writing a song for ..each episode of the Original Series. I went to the Captains panel on Friday, It had Shatner, Avery Brooks, and Scott Bakula. It was hilarious, ...especially when Shatner ‘drowned’ the Picard figure someone had put up there and Scot Bakula proceeded to do CPR on it. Shatner and Bakula were very funny. Avery had this lilt in his voice, and he chose such eloquent words that he made everything he said sound very deep and profound. This caused Scot Bakula to observe, “We have up here two clowns and an intelligent man!” Scott ... Bakula also made a comment about Kirk’s Enterprise saying, “I always wanted to be on his ship.”
Shatner was staying in the same hotel...
Existing with Make Believe A Dear Ahbben Column AHBBEN: Lately, my Q DEAR boyfriend has been spending
... .. of his free time in the too much holodeck and he recently called me by some other woman’s name. I checked his holodeck account and found that he’s developed his dream girl in there. How am I supposed to compete with that?! What do you ...... think I should do? - COMPETING WITH PERFECTION PERFECT: This is completely normal A DEAR – for adolescents. We’ve all done it. And if
... say they haven’t, they’re lying. if they However, if your boyfriend is over 25 years old, dump him and run! The normal ones, we grow out of this stage in our youth. We know there’s no perfect woman out there, so we move on and settle for the next best thing – reality. If he’s just a kid, give him a chance, but if he’s old enough to have a job and a family, he’s not going to change any time soon. He’s wanting something more and it’s not you. Time to say goodbye.
AHBBEN: Now that we’re stationed Q DEAR on a planet instead of a ship, my wife
insists.......... on cooking without a replicator. Although she does an okay job most of the time, the food from the replicator is much better. How do I tell her nicely that her cooking is ummm... Far from appetizing? – FORK IN THE REPLICATOR FORK: Do the only thing you can A DEAR do, buy a replicator in secret and switch
out the plate of her food for the same kind of .......... food from the replicator. Do this in secret and be sure to complement her cooking. You’ll ...........
have the best of both worlds. Or, just do the manly thing and fess up about her cooking. AHBBEN: My kids are Q DEAR addicted to some sort of optical
game........ that’s worn like glasses and projects images into their eyes. They’ve been doing it so much lately it seems turning them into zombies. All they like this game do is sit on the couch all day. On days with no school it’s all I can do to get them into bed at night. They’re both teenagers so I don’t want to take away their independence. How can I get them back to normal? - ZOMBIE MOM
DEAR ZOMBIE: They’re teenagers – that is normal. Teenagers can be lazy and do anything .. out of chores and homework. As long as to get their doing well in school, just leave them be. They’ll grow out of it. In the meantime, take this opportunity to benefit with some free time. You’ve got less chores and less worry. They’re not making a mess and they’re no out causing trouble somewhere. Join a rock climbing group; pursue a lifelong dream. They’ll be fine. TIPS FROM AHBBEN: The next time your ship careens through an asteroid belt or has a phaser fight with the Cardassians, be sure to put on your seat belt!
MEET AHBBEN: Ahbben Xiren is half Betazoid, half Vulcan. His Betazoid half is understanding and empathetic, while his Vulcan half is logical and relies on common sense to assist others in their difficult situation. Ahbben worked as a couples counselor for many years until he decided it was time to go galaxy wide with his unique insight.
Have a question for Ahbben? Send them to November 2012
In recognition of service rendered to the USS Columbia and STARFLEET International and reflecting the highest standards of service and commitment, the following officers and crew of the USS Columbia are hereby promoted: Crewman Apprentice Eric Holloway
First Lieutenant Aaron Arden
Crewman Apprentice Norma Jones
First Lieutenant Phillip Cox
Sergeant Erica Stanley
Lieutenant Nick Elder Lieutenant Bob Hosford
Lieutenant Junior Grade Ann Posada Lieutenant Junior Grade Vincent Current
Lieutenant Judy Wilson Lieutenant Dale Wilson
Lieutenant Junior Grade Michael Jones Lieutenant Junior Grade Brittany Vance
Commander Kevin Turner
Lieutenant Junior Grade Chris Bandy
Commander Kevin Johnson Commander Julie Taucher
Lieutenant Commander Kristy LaFata Lieutenant Commander Brent Griffis
Major Michael Stanley
Lieutenant Commander Fran Brock
Major Paul McPherson
Colonel Jeremy DeSpain
APPOINTMENTS NEW MEMBERS LTCDR Fran Brock – Chief Medical Officer CDR Jimmy Nelson – Chief of Operations
Marine Captain – Tonya Nelson Crewman Recruit – Gene Taylor Crewman Recruit – Lisa Taylor
1st LT Aaron Arden – OIC, Marines
Crewman Recruit – Raistlie Taylor
CDR Bob McDonald - Chaplain
Crewman Recruit – Brian Baker
CR Eric Holloway – Chief Petty Officer of the Command
Cadet Staff Sergeant – Caleb Nelson
November 2012
Cadet Lance Corporal – Brendon Nelson
Star Trek Cuisine Stuffed Preparation Time: 20 mins Baking Time: 40 minutes ` ` ` ` `
Serves: 4 Preheat Oven; 400°
YOU WILL NEED: Four Targ (pork) chops – 1 to 2 inches thick 1/3 cup chopped red pepper ` Salt and Pepper 1/3 cup chopped green pepper ` Onion Powder 1/3 cup chopped tomatoes ` Garlic Powder 1 package Stove Top© Pork Stuffing
PREPARATION: Klingon Targ 1. Make one (1) package of Stove Top© Pork Stuffing 2. Chop red and green peppers, and tomatoes 3. Combine chopped vegitables with cooked stuffing, cover and let steam 4. Make a 2 to 3 inch wide slice in the meaty side of the Targ chops while holding the knife parallel to the meat. Do not cut the sides of the chop open, and slice through near to the bone. This should resemble a pocket in the meat. 5. Fill the pocket with the stuffing mix 6. Sprinkle Targ chops with salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder BAKING: 1. Place Targ chops in glass baking dish that has been greased with cooking spray 2. Cover exposed stuffing mix with foil and place in oven 3. Bake for 45 minutes Remove from oven, cool and eat. Simple and Delicious !
November 2012
Relays, continued from page 14
works similarly to a music box. As the motor turns the timer, the mechanism inside raises or lowers sets of contactor arms to make or break circuits at set times, telling the washing machine what to do, when. This is a reasonably simple relay circuit and, as such, a perfect example to explain. An operator sends a signal to the relays .. (the orange wires) either by pressing a button or entering a command into a computer. For this panel the operating values of the relays are that the coil becomes energized with 24 volts AC. It can control 240 volts AC at 12 amps. When the relay energizes, the relay contacts close and allow the 120 volts AC to pass to the lighting contactors coils (the heavy black wires). The high power that the contactors control has not been connected yet, but as you can see, each contactor has a column of four wire ports on the left and right sides. So, each one of these contactors can control up to four different circuits each. Now, in Star Trek, we have been exposed to a myriad of relays.
Anodyne Relays:
Antimatter Relays
Bridge Control Relays:
21 November 2012
Deflector Relays
EPS Relays:
Micro-Power Relays ODN Relays
Optronic Relays:
Plasma Relays (these seem to be very fragile and blow for any reason). Positronic Relays:
Tractor Beam Emitter Relays, and many more. There are typically only two ways a relay can fail: The Blown Relay – The relay’s coil is overpowered enough to burn out, or the relays contacts passed so much power they exploded. Both will cause the relay to fail in the “open” condition. Meaning that the relay will not be able to turn on the device you wanted to control. The Fused Relay – The relays contactors have melted together, thus the relay has failed in the “closed” position. Meaning that the relay will not be able to turn off the device you wanted to control. Either condition could be very dangerous depending on the device or circuit that the relay controls. Now, I hope that this helps explain what a relay is so that when you hear that such-and-such relays have blown, you’ll have some idea of the type of problem that has just occurred.
Star Trek: TNG – Two episodes in theaters – November 29th Star Trek: The Exhibition Ongoing
Atlanta South Comic Con November 18th 2012
Wizard World November 30 – December 2th 2012
Steel City Con December 7th – 9th 2012
Charlotte Comic Con December 16th 2012
Mars Con January 18th – 20th 2013
ChattaCon 38 January 25th – 27th 2013
Star Trek and Sci Fi Summit February 15th – 17th 2013
Click on any of the above boxes to activate the hyperlink.
For more information regarding Sci Fi Conventions in your area, check out: Southern Fandom Resource Guide or November 2012
Number One
Majel Barrett was cast in the pilot episode .. of the first Star Trek series called “The Cage.” Her character was unnamed but was called Number One, as she was the second in command on the Enterprise. However, studio executives felt that audiences wouldn’t connect with such a strong and authoritative female character so they ordered the pilot remade with a man cast in that role. The full episode of “The Cage” finally aired in 1988.
Things to Know About
First Lady
After her role as Number One was cut short, Majel was ..... ,.. recast on Star Trek: TOS as Nurse Chapel. Her reoccurring roll, and marriage to Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, led to her memorable Star Trek career. Dubbed the ‘First Lady of Star Trek’, Majel went on to appear as a character in every version of Star Trek on television and some of the Star Trek movies. She also voiced ‘the computer’ for almost every episode and movie. ....
Not only can you continue to to listen and enjoy Majel’s voice on several Star Trek movies and television shows, but you can also hear her on the Union Pacific Railroad. Around 2007, Majel recorded her talented voice to act as a Defect Detector, which helps railroad operators locate damaged equipment and lines. Several Star Trek and train forums continue to point out these voice ‘sightings’ and even post recordings. ...
5 3
Never Forgotten
As a fan, if you’ve ever met Majel Barrett a second time, you might be surprised ..... to know that she would remember you. Majel used her memorization skills to remember lines from scripts, but she also used this exceptional skill to remember people. If you visited her at a Con one year, she would ask your name and where you were from; the next year or two later, she would recognize you and say your name. She made many fans feel very special.
23 November 2012
Among Stars
Majel Barrett and her husband, Star Trek Gene ..creator, Roddenberry, both loved the Trek world and what it represented. Space travel was a large portion of that. Soon after her husbands’ death, Majel made arrangements for portions of their remains to be launched, together, into space. That launch has been set to happen in 2014. You can go online here to read about the launch and even send a message to show you care. ....
Baumgartner Free Fall vs. Star Trek Free Falls by Jason Schreck
any of you may have recently heard, read about about, ........ or even watched the high altitude sky dive performed by Aeronaut Felix Baumgartner. This sky dive was accomplished successfully from and altitude of 128,000 feet and while in free fall he reached speeds estimated at 834 miles per hour. Some call it amazing, some call it crazy, some just don’t know what to think. And some Star Trek fans may remember it is very similar to a scene cut from the film Star Trek Generations, a scene in the recent movie Star Trek (2009) and even an episode of Star Trek Voyager. Though there are some obvious similarities there are also key differences between Baumgartner’s and the orbital skydives in Star Trek, lets take a look at the science. Baumgartner achieved altitude in a high flying specially designed balloon. He rode inside of a pressurized cabin to an altitude of 128,000 feet or about 24 miles before exiting the cabin, disconnecting from his umbilical’s, and jumping - entering free fall and breaking through the sound barrier becoming the only human to ever do so without a powered aircraft. He wore a specially designed pressurized space suit similar to those worn by early astronauts, to provide oxygen and a pressurized ....
environment. He was in free fall for four minutes and 19 seconds before his parachute was deployed and brought him safely to earth. Now lets look at orbital sky dives as portrayed in Star Trek. Altitudes are never given in these scenes as it was never considered an important point to the story. But by the internationally accepted definition of space, a craft must reach an altitude of at least 63 miles to be considered in space. The US Air Force sets the bar a bit lower with an altitude of 50 miles. Even with the Air Force’s lower altitude Baumgartner was only about halfway there and not truly in space. the Space Shuttle and Space Station typically orbit the Earth at an altitude of about 200 miles and satellites orbit at altitudes ranging from 80 miles to 22,000 miles. All orbital sky dives were also shown as being from shuttle craft of one type or another. The suits worn by these type of orbital sky divers would have to have some form of thermal protection as well, to deal with heating during reentry, something Baumgartner’s suit was lacking. In Conclusion, though an impressive feat and one being compared to ones seen in Star Trek the high altitude sky dive still has a ways to go before it reaches that level. There are companies working
on ideas to accomplish such a feat, but to date none have been tested. Maybe its something we can look forward to in the future. Schreck, Continued from page 9
looking at forming a new chapter. I had looked at other chapters, both correspondence and meeting, and all I saw was chapters full of people who couldn’t go anywhere because they were full of members who had been there for years or decades. Others, I couldn’t even get an email back from them, so I wanted to create a new chapter from the ground up where all crew had a chance to decide how the chapter was run. I wanted to create a chapter for anyone that was welcoming and friendly. I started putting out feelers to friends who were Trek fans on Facebook and started contacting unassigned STARFLEET members. I received a lot of responses and a lot of interest. In January 2010, the USS Columbia was born. We were commissioned nine months later, and here I am almost three years after its founding still serving as her CO. As you can see, I’ve had a long and varied career in STARFLEET, but this is the proudest accomplishment in all those years – serving as the CO of an amazing ship and crew.
November 2012
Want to display your love of Star Trek as a beautiful piece of art? Geek art is becoming more poplar than ever, but who says it ..... has to be geeky? ..............
TREK Once you receive the poster, it’s time to make some changes. Hanging the entire image of the blueprint is not chic. It’s easy to tell what it is, and viewers may think you’re a geek. To turn this piece of art ‘chic,’ pick ........ your favorite section of the poster; a part that doesn’t cry Star Trek.
Choose a picture of your favorite Star Trek ship’s blueprints. There are many websites that have amazing ..... prints of the Enterprise or other ships. You can buy the print, or send a digital image to an online poster printer. Both can be shipped to you.
25 November 2012
The han to h fram stor grea help keep ...... cost still can’t a framing, just g large craft sto your own pr This inexpens will still keep y chic and displa
e best way to ng quality art is have it custom med. Large craft res often have at sales that .ts down. If you afford custom go to that same ore and choose remade frame. sive alternative your art looking ay worthy.
Current Status of the Role-Play on Columbia by Colonel Jeremy DeSpain
If you decided to have the section of your Star Trek blueprint custom framed, that’s great. Just wait for it to be completed, pick it up, and hang it on your wall. If you chose to buy a less expensive frame, the rest is easy too. Place your poster in your new frame and get ready to hang. Pick the best spot on your wall, ......... hang your new wall art and enjoy. Congratulations, you’ve achieved ‘Trek Chic.’
We are currently having a great time experiencing shore leave on the planet Risa. This is a fairly open-ended self starting Role we have going. Your character, after weeks of steady dayin and day-out work, was suddenly presented with opportunity to visit a pleasure planet. Where would you go? What would you do? Whom would you want to see? You can talk about a trip to the beach, or the luxury spa. Or maybe your character is a work-a-holic, like the XO, and doesn’t plan to leave the ship. Instead he’ll find his relaxation in training on the holodeck, unless ordered off this ship. There are many ways to join the Role-Playing game that’s going on right now, and once Shore Leave is completed, we will jump back to the SOM I started previously. The following background information about Risa, provided from Memory Alpha, may be useful for your Shore Leave character if you decide to play: Classified as M Class, Risa (or the Pleasure Planet), was an inhabited planet. The planet had at least two moons. This was the home world of the Risians, a warp capable humanoid species. The planet was located in a binary system. This system, located about 90 light years from the Sol system, was in the Alpha Quadrant. The planet was a Federation member. By the mid-24th century, Risa had developed a reputation as being a most peaceful planet. Weapons weren’t allowed on the planet. Role-Play, Continued on page 27
November 2012
Check out STARFLEET Academy! Choose from more than 1,000 courses Get a STARFLEET degree in your favorite Star Trek subject, develop your science fiction knowledge, and earn points for promotion. Click here to learn more! Role-Play, Continued from page 26
Popular Attractions: -Surava Bay – Where Lohlunat, the Festival of the Moon, was held. -Galartha – A cliff face that changes pitch while you climb it. -One recommended restaurant was a little boat that sails into the bay every evening just after sunset. Patrons waded out to it and they served seafood right off the deck. -Subterranean Gardens with luminescent plants. -Steam pools and water parks. There are many nightclubs, but the Vulcan database advises visitors to be wary of the occasional crime. According to the Vulcan database, Risa had over 200 registered Nuvian Masseuses. Address, Continued from page 13
something to celebrate, to survive against the odds that we face daily, is as to be sanctified with remembrance and acts of loving compassion and devotion to those that have helped us in our journey through the path of life. It is of endings and beginnings that this season brings forth, it is part of us and I wish each of you joy in its’ observance.
Sunday, December 2nd 3pm
Your Home Computer Here, Here, or Here
For the next ‘Watch Party,’ we’re looking at hosting the party on Sunday, December 2nd. The time (as of now) will be 3pm. For those that missed the last watch party, it was almost unanimous that we watch a TNG episode the next time! Though .....
there are tons to choose from, and believe me, it was a difficult decision. The episode we’ll be watching is “Lower Decks.” ~CDR Jimmy Nelson
Join us as we watch the episode and chat together on the USS Columbia website!
Star Trek: The Next Generation Lower Decks Season 7, Episode 15
Members and Crew of the USS Columbia
27 November 2012
Photo Credits Cover Page: Image used in accordance with copyright laws of NASA, ESA, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI /AURA) Page 1: Star Trek uniform image courtesy of ANOVOS Productions - Star Trek Gold Tunic/Red Services Dress -Wizard World Com Logo used with permission from Jerry Milani, Wizard World PR Page 3: STARFLEET Logos used in accordance with their copyright laws. Page 5: Photos of Neil Armstrong, Sally Ride, Janice Voss, Neil Armstrong’s photo of Earth, The Shuttle launch, and the International Space Station are NASA images and are used in accordance with their copyright laws. Page 6: Image of Interstellar Distances is a NASA image and used in accordance with their copyright laws. Page 7: Thermometer Blank by Nikki Nelson used under the condition of the Creative Commons Deed. -Toys for Tots logo used in accordance with their copyright laws. Page 9: Excerpt from article and photo from Wikipedia and used under the condition of the Creative Commons Deed. -STARFLEET Science Logo used in accordance with their copyright laws. Page 10: STARFLEET Operations Logo used in accordance with their copyright laws. -STARFLEET Security Logo used in accordance with their copyright laws. Pages 11 & 12: Black Tree by Glen used under the condition of the Creative Commons Deed -Tree silhouette used with permission from Images by Heather M
Pages 11 & 12 con’t:-Image of Enterprise Pumpkin used with permission by Alex Wer, Page 13: STARFLEET Marine Logo used in accordance with their copyright laws Page 14: Photos used under the condition of the Creative Commons Deed Page 15: Photo of Dr. McCoy used with permission from CBS & Affiliates Page 17: Wizard World Comic Con Logo used with p ermission from Jerry Milani, Wizard World PR -Five Year Mission Logo used with permission from the band Five Year Mission -Photo of William Shatner used with permission from the Chicago Sun Times Page 20: Image of Klingon Targ used with permission from CBS & Affiliates Page 21: First two images used under the condition of the Creative Commons Deed -Remaining five images used with permission from CBS & Affiliates Page 23: Photos of Majel Barrett Roddenberry used with permission from CBS & Affiliates Page 24: Baumgartner patch used under the condition of the Creative Commons Deed -STARFLEET Logo used in accordance with their copyright laws Page 27: STARFLEET Academy Logo used in accordance with their copyright laws Back Page: Image of USS Enterprise used with permission from CBS & Affiliates -Image of planet Neptune, Saturn, Pluto, and star are NASA images and used in accordance with their copyright laws -STARFLEET Logos are used in accordance with their copyright laws
Safety, Continued from page 10
From a residential crime prevention standpoint, everyone is urged to always make sure your doors and windows are secured, and available alarm systems are activated. Don’t let newspapers or other mail pile up, as this could be a red flag to potential thieves that your residence is unoccupied. By contacting the US Post Office, you can arrange to have a ‘Hold Mail’ service placed on your mail deliveries. Timers designed to turn televisions or other devices on at pre-determined intervals are also helpful in creating the illusion that your residence is occupied. Pay close attention to holiday decorations and avoid running cords or other items in such a way that prevents doors or windows from being secured properly. Never leave valuables in plain sight within your residence or vehicle. The best protection for your valuables is to take them with you if you plan to be out of town for an extended period of time. It is also a good idea to maintain a record of serial numbers and other identifying information for your valuables, to increase the chances of recovering your property in the event you do suffer a loss. This list should be kept in a secure location other than at your residence. These suggestions are designed to decrease your chances of becoming a victim of crime. With that in mind we also urge everyone to be aware of what goes on in and around their places of residence. Communicate with neighbors that you trust and take an active role in observing what goes on around you. If you see suspicious activity or something that doesn’t seem normal, please call law enforcement and report it immediately.
We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season!
Want to submit an Article or Recipe for the next issue of the Columbia Comlink? Contact the editor at November 2012
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