Columbia Commlink Volume 4 Issue 2

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5 Things To Know The Tricorder Into Darkness Trek Chic

Vasquez Rocks March 2013

CONTENTS Check out Bill Lemmond’s comic and see what the cats are up to this time.


Pizza From Scratch

Chief of E - The Tri

Chief Medical


Marin - Star

Ship’s Roster

Specialty Chap

Crew Announcements

Chief - Seve

Commander’s Letter

Chief of O C

Star Trek Cuisine

Chief S - Scien

Dear Ahbben 5 Things to Know

Commercial Space Flight While the low Earth orbit missions will be contracted to private companies, NASA is developing its deep space capabilities to take us further into space than ever before.


March 2013


Say What? TNG Style


Engineering Report icorder

Get the latest info on the newest Star Trek movie. Who is John Harrison?

Star Trek Into Darkness

l Officer’s Report Dr. Phlox -

Journal of Tagus III

e Det. OIC’s Report fist

Services Report plain’s Address -

of Security Report ere Weather Safety Tips


Operations Report Computer Cores -

Trek Chic

Science Officer’s Report nce Department


Con Calendar

Mad About Maneuvers

Watch Party Info Image Credits

Vasquez Rocks What are the Vasquez Rocks and why are they everywhere? Hollywood’s out-of-this-world land. March 2013


Ship’s Roster Command Department CO Commanding Officer XO Executive Officer Intelligence Specialist Administrative Assistant

VADM Jason Schreck* COL Jeremy DeSpain* LT JG George Hildebidle CR Chelsie Salyers

Engineering Department Chief Engineer Assistant Chief Engineer Engineer

CDR Kevin Turner LT JG Vincent Current CR William Fugate

Medical Department Chief Medical Officer Medical Doctor

LT CDR Fran Brock* LT Dale Wilson

Operations Department Chief of Operations Chief Tactical Officer Operations Officer Communications Officer

CDR Jimmy Nelson* CDR Kevin Johnson* LT Judy Wilson LT JG Michael Jones

Specialty Services Department CDR Bob McDonald LT Bill Lemmond CR Lisa Johnson LT JG Christopher Bandy CR Brian Baker CR Gene Taylor CR Lisa Taylor CR Raistlin Taylor Cadet 4 Daniel Johnson* Cadet 4 Rebecca Johnson* CR Jonathan Wallace CR Scott Brown CR Cheryl Grimm CR Mark Grimm CR Emily Grimm CR Howard Weaver Cadet 4 Maya Weaver

Science Department Chief Science Officer Science Officer Astronomer Stellar Cartography

CDR Julie Taucher Ensign Victoria Heeter LT CDR Kristy LaFata CPOC Eric Holloway

Security Department Chief of Security Internal Security Officer Ordinance Officer First Contact

LT CDR Brent Griffis LT Bob Hosford* LT Nick Elder Cadet 4 Brian Holt

Marine Detachment OIC Marine Marine Marine Marine Marine


Marine CPT Aaron Arden MAJ Paul McPherson Marine CPT Tonya Nelson 1st LT Phillip Cox Cadet SSG Caleb Nelson LCPL Brendon Nelson

March 2013

* - Denotes member of Marine Detachment Section Chiefs are in bold. Columbia Commlink Editor – Kristy LaFata USS Columbia is a chapter of STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc, which is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization. Star Trek®, in all its various forms and related marks, are trademarks of CBS Studios, Inc. This site and chapter are not affiliated or endorsed in anyway by CBS Studios, Inc or Paramount Pictures Corporation. Please see the terms and conditions for further details. Notice to copyright holders: no violation is intended, please contact the webmaster with any concerns.

CREW ANNOUNCEMENTS PROMOTIONS In recognition of services rendered to the USS Columbia and STARFLEET International, and reflecting the highest standards of service and commitment, the following officers and crew of the USS Columbia are hereby promoted: Vice Admiral Jason Schreck

Chief Petty Officer Eric Holloway

Lieutenant JG George Hildebidle

Lance Corporal Brendon Nelson

APPOINTMENTS LTJG George Hildebidle – Intelligence Specialist

Ensign Victoria Heeter – Science Officer

CPO Eric Holloway – Chief Petty Officer of the Command

NEW MEMBERS LTJG George Hildebidle Crewman Recruit Scott Brown Ensign Victoria Heeter Crewman Recruit Cheryl Grimm Cadet 4 Brian Holt Crewman Recruit Mark Grimm Crewman Recruit Chelsie Salyers Crewman Recruit Emily Grimm Crewman Recruit Howard Weaver Cadet 4 Maya Weaver Crewman Recruit – Jonathan Wallace

Check out STARFLEET Academy!

Choose from more than 1,000 courses. Get a STARFLEET degree in your favorite Star Trek subject, develop your science fiction knowledge, and earn points for promotion. Click here to learn more! March 2013


Commander’s Letter



t's hard to believe it's time for another newsletter. It has been an exciting few months for the ship with new members joining all the time. Our current count is up to 44 STARFLEET members. We are one of the largest chapter's in Region 1! As the CO, I can only express how proud of this group I am. I can say you are truly one of the finest crews in STARFLEET and I'm proud to serve as your commanding officer. I want to remind everyone this is an election year for the Columbia. I have not decided whether I will run for CO this year or not. We do not have CO term limits with this club, but it is a lot of work and sometimes I think it might be nice to just be a member again. Nominations for CO will not be taken until September, so anyone thinking they might like to try the job has some time to decide. Again, I haven’t decided whether I will run yet either, but if you are considering it, remember there are requirements that must be met. If you want to be considered, you must meet the following requirements by the time nominations begin: ` By STARFLEET regulations, you must be 18 years of age, however, our ship’s bylaws set the age at 21. For our ship’s election, that is the age we will go by. ` You must have completed OTS and OCC. Rank is not an issue as long as those courses have been completed. ` You must be willing and able to take financial and legal responsibility for the chapter as a whole. ` You must be elected by the membership during the election. The CO of the Columbia is also responsible for the ships records including promotion points, award nominations, filing, etc. I would be willing to act as a records officer for a new CO, if needed. If you would like to be considered for the job, keep those above duties and requirements in mind. I would also like to make the crew aware of some opportunities with STARFLEET. As our ship is currently based in Region 1, based on my home address, all members, regardless of whether you reside in Region 1 or not, are eligible for the Region 1 awards program. These awards include annual and non annual awards. Members and the ship are nominated for annual awards. Non-annual awards can be awarded at any time to members who earn them. All that is required is for the CO to nominate you, and the nomination be approved. ... 5 March 2013

Each award has a corresponding ribbon that can be worn on a STARFLEET uniform. The ribbons are the same style seen in the original Star Trek Series. The ribbons must be purchased by the member if they desire to wear them. One ribbon most of our members are eligible for is the OTS ribbon which, all members who pass OTS, are entitled to wear once awarded. There is also an OCC star attachment for those who have passed OCC. If you are a member and have never received that award please let me know and I can make sure you are put in for it. Please check the STARFLEET Region 1 website and award site. If you believe you are eligible for an award, let me know which award and why you believe you are eligible, and you may be nominated. This goes for non-annual awards only. There are many awards that you might qualify for. Just a reminder, any Columbia members who were members in 2011 are eligible to wear the STARFLEET Region 1 Unit Commendation Ribbon. The second opportunity I would like to remind you of, is STARFLEET Academy. This program has something for everyone. There are over 1,000 courses to take online. Not just trek courses either, but courses in real world topics - sci fi, fantasy, and more. There is also the STARFLEET Marine Academy. Both are available through the STARFLEET website free of charge. And remember, you can earn 1-3 points toward promotion for every Academy course you take. Twenty-five points a year can be used for promotions up to Commander, and 100 for Captain and above. Extra points are saved and can be used toward future promotions. Remember, it only takes 36 points for promotion. You earn a point for every month in rank, so after three years you will automatically get promoted. However, you can also earn promotion points for taking academy courses, community service volunteer work, blood donation, attending STARFLEET events, attending sci fi/fantasy/comic book conventions in a Star Trek uniform or Columbia T-shirt, polo, or sweat shirt. These shirts are available through our Cafe Press store. Points can also be earned by attending meetings of other STARFLEET or other sci fi clubs in your local area, participating in role playing missions, and writing fan fiction for the Columbia. Writing for the Columbia Commlink as well as the STARFLEET Communique, will also earn you points. One last reminder. This year is also a STARFLEET election year. More information will come in the future about candidates for the position of Commander of STARFLEET. Please vote. This is your time to help decide STARFLEET's future for the next three years. Every vote counts. Until next time....

Rear Admiral Jason Schreck CO USS Columbia NCC-2049 March 2013


Chief of Engineering Report CDR Kevin Turner

st 21

Century Development of Star Trek Technology:

The Tricorder

hat exactly is a tricorder? We know that it scans things and tells you information about what was scanned. And why the name “Tricorder”? According to The Next Generation Technical Manual, the standard definition of a tricorder is: “a portable sensing, computing and data communications device developed by Starfleet R&D.” Ok, that is a bit vague, but it’s hard to describe something that does so much, so simply. Well, it doesn’t just sense things, it also performs data analysis, records and transmits telemetry, it can be used as a homing beacon, distress signal, and can record log entries. The word "tricorder" is a compound word made of "tri-" and "recorder," referring to the device’s three default scanning functions: ... .............


GEO (geological), MET (meteorological), and BIO (biological). One of the first recorded instances of people using a device to augment their natural senses was Aristophanes' "lens" in 424BC. It was a glass globe filled with water that was used to magnify writing. This type of ... device was used for several centuries to help people see until the development of the magnifying glass in the 1000s AD. The use of a convex lens to form a magnified image is discussed in Alhazen's Book of Optics (1021). Its’ translation into Latin from Arabic in the 12th century was instrumental to the invention of eyeglasses in 13th century Italy. After this, the development of optical devices proceeded

March 2013

relatively quickly. The first ......... microscope was developed in the Netherlands by two eyeglass makers, Hans Lippershey and Zacharias Janssen, in the late 1500s. Hans Lippershey ...... then went on to create one of the earliest telescopes.

These inventions went on to be the greatest tools that science has ever known. Galileo is known to have used both in his studies. Galileo heard about the Dutch telescope in June of 1609 and built his own within a month, and greatly improved upon the design in the following year. He ..

went on to use his telescope to confirm the phases of Venus and discover the four largest moons of Jupiter. Antoine van Leeuwenhoek used the microscope to discover red blood cells, spermatozoa and microorganisms in the late 1600s. These tools are still used today by scientists, students, and science enthusiasts. It wasn’t until the late 1800s that a tool as important to science as these two, was discovered with the accidental discovery of X-rays by people .....

working on the development of the cathode ray tube (CRT). The German physicist, Wilhelm Röntgen, is usually credited as the discoverer of Xrays in 1895, because he was the first to systematically study them, though he is not the first to have observed their effects. He is also the one who gave them the name "X-rays". The Radar, fully developed by 1934, ... allows us to detect ships and aircraft at a distance, just as ........

Sonar allows us to “see” under water. Today, we have various tools to augment our ability to “see” our surroundings. From the very small, to the very large and distant, to thatwhich-lies-within. All of which can be traced back to these three discoveries. Currently, the greatest level of microscopy is achieved by the Tunneling Electron Microscope. These have given us the ability to see the atomic structure of molecules...... Anything smaller would require the use of energies so high that it would destroy such structures. Today, our greatest X-ray and radio telescopes have shown us the largest structure in all of creation: the gravitational structure of the universe. As for X-ray type imaging, there are so many different forms, that I only have space to mention the few most common: ................ The sonogram, the CT scan, and the everpopular, TSA scan. In the last few years, there has been a push, from the medical community mostly, to ...

make medical scanners and such highly portable, i.e. handheld. This would allow them to be used in places that typically would not have access to such a device (or even electricity) for the diagnosis of diseases. Developers have come up with several devices for the medical community, as well as handheld scanning technology for other disciplines and sciences: the handheld sonogram, the handheld EKG Meter, the handheld Infrared Camera. There are also handheld scanners that sample the air to determine its safety, ones for mineralogical surveys, and even ones that will spectroscopicaly test dry chemicals. Some of the medical equipment that has been developed has even found its way to the general market, such as the noncontact personal thermometer. Which brings us back to the tricorder. The difference between these scanning devices and a tricorder is that they are all separate devices, and the tricorder combines them all, and more, into one unit. It was hard to decide which generation of tricorder to describe. The dates range from the 2150s to the 2380s. The .....

March 2013


first, being the hand-held scanner used by the crew of the USS Enterprise (NX-01). Sadly, very little is known of its capabilities. Next was the actual tricorder from the Original Series (2260s). There is quite a bit of data concerning this model, though the functions of certain parts change depending on where you get your information. I tend to lean on the most thorough of manuals published closest to the date of the original broadcasts. The Star Fleet Technical Manual from 1975. It is true that there is a fair amount of incorrect information on other things like the warp drive, (with 40+ years of retrospect canon information) the information on the tricorder has remained nearly untouched. The movies, again, offered many versions with little information. Between Star Trek I and Star Trek IV we saw three new models. The simple handheld (2270s), the heavy-duty, rugged version (2280-90s), and the hand-held model similar to the TOS version (2280-90s). With this version being more familiar to the crew of the Columbia, in that it is the version most associated with the time-frame of the ship (2290s). I did toy with the idea of .....


describing the functions of this version, but that would do injustice to the version that is the most familiar to everyone because of The Next Generation, DS9, and Voyager: the 2360-80s versions. There was, yet another version seen in the 2390s, but so little is known about it, that most information would be little more than speculation beyond the normal abilities of the standard tricorder. I don’t know how truly familiar people are with the operation of this version, so I’ll touch on some of the features that maybe unusual, or interesting. But, for a full rundown on every part, see The Next Generation Technical Manual (section 10.6), and the

F1/F2 Toggle Similar to the “Function” keys on most scientific calculators and computer keyboards, it switches button features between their primary and secondary functions.

Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta These indicators show which data recording or retrieval activity is taking place in the tricorder library section.

Library B The primary storage area for recorded images. I and E control the image source.

Image Record This section manages the recording of sequential images. When used in concert with other functions on the tricorder. A relatively complete documentation of an away mission can be accomplished.

March 2013

ID This touchpad may be used to personalize a tricorder for user defined settings at power up, or it may be used as a security device.

Device Input Each of these keys can be assigned to manage up to nine remote devices. For the routine away mission, the default settings are GEO, MET and BIO.

INTERSHIP Sets up a special tricorderto-ship data link.

EMRG This button allows the emergency transmission of the entire memory of the tricorder to the ship.

Comm Transmission This section controls the transmission of data and images to and from the tricorder.

TRICORDER Sets up a special tricorder-totricorder data link.



Allows the tricorder to network with one or more remote devices.

Toggles the tricorder to accept one-way transmission from a designated remote source.

Deep Space Nine Technical Manual (section 9.4). There are three primary variants of the tricorder issued in STARFLEET. Each uses sensors specifically chosen to be most useful for their particular field of operation. The standard tricorder is a general-purpose device used primarily to scout unfamiliar areas, make detailed examinations of living things, and record and review technical data. The medical tricorder is used by doctors to help diagnose diseases and collect bodily information about a patient. The key difference between this and a standard tricorder is a detachable handheld high-resolution scanner stored in a compartment of the tricorder when not in use. The engineering tricorder is fine-tuned for starship engineering purposes. The typical sensor assembly houses 235 mechanical, electromagnetic and subspace devices. Of those, 115 are clustered in the forward end for directional readings; the other 120 are omnidirectional devices taking measurements of the surrounding area. Communications are carried out by the tricorders’ subspace transceiver. All communications are sent along ...........

March 2013


standard communicator frequencies. The range is limited to 40,000 km, similar to the Commbadge. Data storage includes 14 wafers of nickel carbonitrium crystals used for processor data storage, and three built-in isolinear optical chips. Separate library crystal chips can be added to augment the tricorders memory. On May 10th of 2011, the XPrize Foundation launched a $10,000,000 competition to stimulate the innovation and integration of precision sensing technologies, able to give reliable health diagnoses available directly to consumers in their homes. It was thus named the “Tricorder X-Prize”. As of December of 2012, there were many firms trying to develop the first medical tricorder. However, in 2007, Dr. Peter Jansen started designing what could be considered a regular science tricorder. As the test on his web site, The Tricorder Project, states: “The Tricorder project aims to develop handheld devices that can sense a diverse array of phenomena that we can‘t normally see, and intuitively visualize them so we might see temperature or magnetism or pressure as naturally as we see colour.”


He is currently developing four different versions of the tricorder prototype. The Mark I is obviously the most developed. It has three atmospheric, five electromagnetic, and three spatial sensors. The Mark II is roughly equal in development. This version has nearly the same sensors as the Mark I, but has an actual keyboard, and can be connected to a larger computer via a USB cable. Detailed design documents are available for both the Mark 1 and Mark 2, which are functional devices with working prototype software or firmware. The final two are still in the design stages and are not working prototypes. To see and learn more about The Tricorder Project visit and 3sHTKrGdKI So, we see that there are people working feverishly to design working tricorders today. Like many other technological items, due to Star Treks’ influence on the real word, we will have some of its “futuristic” technology available to us within a few years time.

March 2013

The Pic Maneu


When the USS Stargazer w Ferengi ship, Captain Picar off a tactical move that co and saved hundreds of live

Picard’s ship was damage accumulating, and there hide. Picard had the S warp to a location straig Ferengi ship. The Ferengi it caused them to fire on t the Stargazer. As soon a warp, the Stargazer fired o destroying the Ferengi.

The Yeager Loop

AAAAA A starship maneuver performed by five ships. The ships performing the maneuver begin in a diamond slot formation. They then climb and loop backwards at a steep angle and at the peak of the loop, turn over and accelerate in a new direction.

card uver


was attacked by a rd managed to pull onfused the enemy es.

ed, casualties were was nowhere to Stargazer suddenly ght in front of the were so confused, the wrong image of as it came out of on the enemy ship,

The L-4 Maneuver

AAA An aerobatic maneuver commonly referred to as an “inside loop,” in which a starship pulls upward and moves in a complete circle along the z-axis, coming back to its original trajectory. The Enterprise NX-01 used the L-4 maneuver inside the thermobaric clouds surrounding the Delphic Expanse to get behind Captain Duras’ Bird-of-Prey, allowing them to destroy the enemy vessel.

Escape Maneuver One AA

A defensive maneuver employed by the Romulan Star Empire. The only known usage was when the Romulan Commander of the Praetor’s flagship, a Bird-ofPrey that had crossed the Romulan Neutral Zone, ordered it as a means to quickly flee a comet tail that the ship was hiding in.

For more information visit Memory-Alpha. March 2013


Chief Medical Officer’s Report LCDR Fran Brock Doctors from The Star Trek Universe A Seven-Part Series: Part II: Phlox

NAME: Phlox SPECIES: Denobulan GENDER: Male BORN: 2070 MARITAL STATUS: Married, with three wives, five children JOB TITLE: Chief Medical Officer, Enterprise, NX-01

Phlox is a Denobulan, and was on Earth as part of the Interspecies Medical Exchange when called to serve aboard the Enterprise. As part of the exchange, he corresponds regularly with his human counterpart on Denobula Triaxa, Dr. Lucas (after the Xindi attack on Earth, Lucas was recalled from Denobula and transferred to the Earth Cryogenic Storage Facility known as Cold Station 12). In accordance with Denobulan custom, Phlox has three wives, each of whom has two other husbands. Only one of his wives, Feezal, was seen on the show. Phlox has five children by his wives: two daughters, both of whom, like him, work in the medical field, and three sons. One is an artist but the other two are estranged from him. The doctor is portrayed as having an open mind to other species and cultures, even the Antarans, a race that was once at war with the Denobulans. He is extremely frank about romantic and sexual matters, often to the embarrassment of other crew members, and sometimes plays the role of matchmaker. He has an interest in natural remedies, and his sickbay contains an interplanetary zoo of animals, some of them as food for other animals, which are used as source for medical drugs. Phlox is curious with a wry sense of humor, and has an affinity for Earth cuisine, particularly Chinese food (especially egg drop soup). He is also interested in religion. He once prayed with a group of monks which visited the Enterprise, spent a week with monks at a Tibetan monastery, attended ...


March 2013

Mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, and observed the Tal-Shanar ritual at the Vulcan compound in Sausalito. Phlox's physical abilities have been revealed gradually over time. He appears to need little sleep, instead embarking on an annual “hibernation” of sorts that lasts for six days. Phlox also has great control over his facial muscles, being able to open his mouth wider than humans, as demonstrated by the impossibly large grin he occasionally sports (“Broken Bow,” “These are The Voyages...”). When threatened, Phlox has the ability to inflate his head like a blowfish to scare off attackers. ... Phlox was injected with Borg nanoprobes in the episode “Regeneration” by an assimilated Tarkalean male. The Tarkalean had been on board a freighter attacked by reanimated drones from the sphere shot down over the Arctic by the Enterprise-E after having traveled back through time just before humanity first used warp drive and made First Contact with Vulcans (approximately 90 years before Enterprise is set (see Star Trek: First Contact)). Due to his strong immune system, his assimilation proceeded slowly, giving him time to counteract the process by killing the nanoprobes with high levels of omicron radiation. The method would be lethal to humans or other non-Denobulan races. Click here to read Dr. Phlox’s full history.

V a s q u e z Photographer and self-described “unrepentant Trek fan,” Evan Butterfield, captured this photo and this issues cover photo.

R o c k s


n the early 1870’s, a murderer and horse thief and his gang, used a protruding rock formation in the Santa Clarita Valley as their hideout. His name was Tiburcio Vasquez. The rock formation later became known as Vasquez Rocks. The rocks were formed millions of years ago by the violent collisions of the tectonic plates of the San Andreas Fault.

Today, Vasquez Rocks are recognizable even if you’ve never been to see them in person. The rocks have been used in many film and television shows as an otherworldly background. Arguably, the most famous appearance being the Arena episode of Star Trek: The Original Series, where Captain Kirk is forced to fight with an ..... Rocks, Continued on page 16 March 2013


by LTJG Mike Jones ’m sure many of us are excited about the upcoming release of the J.J. Abrams film, Star Trek Into Darkness (STID) starring Chris Pine as Captain Kirk, Zachary Quinto as Spock, and Benedict Cumberbatch as the villain, “John Harrison.” STID is, of course, the follow-up to Abram’s 2009 film, Star Trek, which created an alternate timeline - a topic of much debate amongst the fans. I don’t want to delve too far into that debate here, but some have argued that his treatment of Trek is to make it more “Star Wars” like. His 2009 film was certainly more of a summer action movie than any of the previous Star Trek films, and it looks like STID is going to be even more action packed. As you surely know, Abrams has also signed on to direct the upcoming Star Wars film for Walt Disney Studios. He has confessed to be a huge Star Wars fan. So, perhaps he does view Star Trek through Star Wars tinted glasses (that cause lots of lens flair). But enough debate. More about STID. So, what do we know really about Star Trek Into Darkness? Here is the official synopsis from Paramount… “In Summer 2013, director J.J. Abrams will deliver an explosive action thriller that takes Star Trek Into Darkness. In the wake of a shocking act of terror from within their own organization, the crew of The Enterprise is called back home to Earth. In defiance of regulations and with a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads his crew on a manhunt to capture an unstoppable force of destruction and bring those responsible to justice.



March 2013

As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.” Sounds exciting, right? In an interview with MTV in late 2012, Benedict Cumberbatch described his character as “a terrorist”. This would seem to be supported by the synopsis’s promise of a “shocking act of terror.” But it also begs the question, if this act is coming from “within their own organization,” is Cumberbatch playing a member of Starfleet? A lot of fans say no. In fact many fans insist that the name “John Harrison” is simply an alias for Khan Noonien Singh. Even IMDB is supporting this rumor listing Cumberbatch’s character as “Kahn (rumored),” instead of John Harrison. Paramount and J.J. Abrams insist that the character’s name really is John Harrison. However, Abrams does have a reputation of keeping secrets from the fans as a way to generate buzz. So, we’ll just have to wait until May to learn the truth. In addition to this synopsis, Paramount Studios has released an announcement trailer, a teaser trailer, an extended preview in IMAX theatres, and most recently, a commercial during the Super Bowl. You can watch the trailers online at You can also find detailed trailer breakdowns on the fan site and draw your own conclusions about what plot elements have been revealed. There are a LOT of theories flying around out there on the web.

Rocks, continued from page 14

The movie trailer does have at least one Easter egg. The url “” can be seen on a computer display to the right of Harrison’s holding cell for a second. It is only clear in the HD version of the trailer. The web site only contains a form for fans to enter their contact information. After pressing the ‘Submit’ button, a message appears on the screen that reads, “Thank you, we will tell you when the search begins.” Links to Facebook and Twitter pages also appear. The terms of agreement and privacy policy links reveal that the site is owned by Paramount. That’s about all we know about the 1701 for now. Paramount/CBS has also released a smart phone app that ties in with the film. Users can engage in a scavenger hunt for promotional photos, trailers, etc. and scan them with their phones earning points. You can also buy tickets to a special fan preview of the movie directly from the app. This fan sneak peak is happening in select theatres on May 15th (two days before the official movie opening). You can find more info at or . ansneaks_162102/movietimes Are you excited?? I know I can’t wait for May 15th to get here! I’ll see you at the movies! Summary Star Trek Into Darkness USA Release Date: May 17th, 2013 USA Fan Preview Date: May 15th 2013 Film Length: 129 Minutes Directed by: J.J. Abrams Written by: Robert Orci, Alex Kurtzman, Damon Lindelof Based on Star Trek by Gene Roddenberry Produced by: Bad Robot, Kurtzman/Orci, Paramount Pictures, Skydance Productions Distributed by: Paramount Pictures

alien character called the Gorn. Located less than an hour away from Hollywood, Vasquez Rocks is an ideal location for studios looking for an out of this world setting. The Rocks were first used on screen in 1928. The black and white, silent film was called Beyond the Sierras, and was a western that used the rocks as a backdrop to portray the wild west. In the following eighty-five years, almost 300 movies and television shows would use these unique rocks as a part of its setting. Star Trek has used these rocks in all of its series except Deep Space Nine, and as a backdrop for several of the Star Trek movies. Most recently, in J.J. Abrams 2009 alternate version of Star Trek, Vasquez Rocks was used to represent the rocky terrain of the planet Vulcan. From Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey to, most recently, The Big Bang Theory, many movies and television shows used the Vasquez Rocks as scenery to spoof the Captain Kirk and Gorn fight scene. Vasquez Rocks is also a tourist destination for many hard-core Star Trek fans. People will, sometimes in costume, visit the filming location in order to feel closer to their favorite Star Trek characters and memories. March 2013


Commercial Space Flight s an educator working in a Science museum and being, obviously, a space enthusiast as seen by the various space pins and buttons I wear on my lab coat, I have noticed a disturbing trend among visitors when I talk about space flight. The common response, "Didn't they cancel NASA?" "We aren't flying in space anymore." "What Space program?" When I hear these types of comments I shake my head and feel the need to educate the public on the truth of these things. I'll start with each question or comment. "Didn't they cancel NASA? The short and simple answer is no. Not possible. Can't happen. NASA is not a project or a program, it is a government agency created in 1958 with the missions of space exploration, aviation research and development, and protecting our environment. NASA cannot be canceled. Has its budget been cut? Yes. Does it continue its missions as outlined above? Yes. Does it still fly astronauts in space? Yes but more on that in a minute. The next comments, “We aren't flying in space anymore,” and, “What space program?”, could not be further from the truth. Right now six astronauts are orbiting the Earth aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Three of them are Russian, two Americans, and one Canadian. No, NASA is not launching astronauts. We don't currently have a vehicle capable of doing so. Our astronauts fly on Russian rockets called Soyuz. Before the jokes start about Russian safety and quality, let me set the record straight. Soyuz capsules in various models have been flying since ..........



March 2013

by Jason Schreck 1967. In these 46 years of service, they have had two fatal accidents and two non fatal accidents, where the crew was saved by its escape system. Compare that to the Space Shuttle, which flew just over thirty years with far less flights and had two fatal accidents and many near misses. So, why was the shuttle retired? Short answer, it was 30 years old. The system had serious flaws which put the crew in more danger than necessary, and if we ever want to get astronauts beyond earth orbit the budget was better suited for that purpose. So, what's going to replace the shuttle? There is not a short answer to this but I will try to answer as best as I can. Currently, NASA is developing the Orion capsule. A four manned vehicle that will ride on the new Space Launch System (SLS). This spacecraft, however, is not designed just for Earth orbit. It is designed for deep space exploration, trips to the Moon, Mars, and Asteroids. Though the capsule resembles the old Apollo capsule that went to the moon in the 60's and 70's, it is twice the size and much more modern. Currently, the first human flight is planned for no earlier than 2020. In the mean time NASA is looking to the new commercial space industry to fill the gap. By commercial I mean spacecraft designed, built and operated by private companies under NASA contract. NASA will pay these companies to fly astronauts to and from the space station. This is what we are already doing with the Russians, but ...........

these will be American companies creating American jobs. The Commercial space industry is currently moving in two separate directions. The first is the industry that is working either under NASA contract, or in hopes of getting NASA contracts for cargo and human flights to the ISS. There are several companies competing for these contracts. Some are already receiving NASA funding. Others are doing so with their own money in hopes that NASA will sign contracts with them later. Some have ambitions beyond low earth orbit as well. Some also plan to fly paying civilian customers to low Earth Orbit. These Companies include Space X, Boeing, Bigelow Aerospace, Sierra Nevada Corp., Orbital Sciences, and Blue Origin. The second group is the commercial Companies primarily catering to paying civilian customers and science institutions. Most of these are not planned to be orbital flights, but will reach space for short periods of time. These groups include Virgin Galactic, and the XCOR corporation. will reach space for short periods of time. These groups include Virgin Galactic, and the XCOR Corporation. Lets take a look at the above companies and their plans for commercial space flight. Right now, the leading company among those receiving NASA funding is Space Exploration Technologies Inc., or better known as Space X. This company has two launch vehicles designed, built, and launched by their company. The Falcon 1 Satellite Launcher, and Falcon 9 Medium Launch Vehicle. A third vehicle, the Falcon 9 Heavy, is currently in development. Space X already has a contract with NASA to provide cargo services using their Dragon Spacecraft. The current contract is for 12 cargo flights to the International Space Station. Space X also has contracts to develop the Dragon capsule into a manned spacecraft ...........

designed to carry up to seven astronauts to the International Space Station. To date, the Dragon has made two cargo deliveries to the Space Station. One of which was a test flight; the first of the 12 contracted flights. A third flight was scheduled for Monday, February 25, 2013. Current plans are for a manned test flight no earlier than mid 2015. The Dragon Spacecraft is capable of many mission types including carrying scientific payloads and small satellites to low Earth orbit. Future plans also call for unmanned Mars Landers with science packages. They also look to fly paying customers to the ISS or low Earth orbit. Boeing, a long time NASA contractor, is entering the commercial space race with its CST-100. A large seven-manned capsule similar to Orion, but designed for low Earth orbit crew transport. The current plan calls for the CST100 to be launched atop an Atlas V Launch Vehicle. A proven launcher, but it is yet to be man rated. The first manned flight will be sometime in 2015, assuming continued funding. They have also received funding under the NASA Commercial Crew Development Program. Aside from the job of crew transport to the ISS, Boeing is contracting with Bigelow Aerospace. They are planning a space hotel, which they look to launch in the future. Sierra Nevada Corporation is working on a different approach. Instead of a capsule-based system, they want to use a winged lifting body design. This vehicle would launch on an Atlas V vertically, and much like the shuttle, would land on a conventional runway. The basic design owes much to NASA research and a canceled lifting body space taxi known as the HL-20 NASA was developing in the early 1990's. Dream Chaser, as it has become known, will carry up to seven crew to the ISS or smaller crews and cargo. Assuming continued funding, they believe they could be ready for manned flight by 2016.

March 2013


Blue Origin is another company hoping for paying customers to fly its New Shepard spacecraft to suborbital space. Though they have no contracts for ISS crew flights, they do have a contract to help develop a pusher escape system to propel a Dragon or CST capsule away from an exploding rocket in an emergency. Blue Origin is very secretive about its suborbital spacecraft plans and little is known about New Shepard. The New Shepard would also be capable of suborbital science flights for NASA or other paying customers. Orbital Sciences is another company with no eye toward manned crew transport. However, they do have a contract with NASA to use their Cygnus cargo carrying spacecraft to carry cargo to the ISS on eight flights beginning sometime in 2013. Cygnus will use the new Antares Rocket that was designed and built by Orbital. Bigelow Aerospace Corporation has been working on developing inflatable space habitats. They plan to eventually create a commercial space station/hotel for paying customers to visit, as well as for scientific research. Earlier this year NASA signed a contract to attach a Bigelow inflatable module to the ISS to test its durability and feasibility as a space habitat. Bigelow has launched two inflatable modules Genesis 1 and 2 into Earth orbit previously as a technological demonstration. In the field of companies looking purely at private paying passengers, there are two main companies. The first is Virgin Galactic, a partnership between aircraft designer Burt Rutan, and billionaire Sir Richard Branson. In 2004, they became the first successful commercial spaceflight company launching Spaceship One on three successful flights. Two of which occurred within a two week period. Work then began on their next generation spacecraft, Spaceship Two, now renamed the VSS Enterprise. This new craft will be capable of reaching the lower fringes of space. It will be high enough for passengers .......


March 2013

and pilots to earn astronaut wings, and will experience about 10 minutes of weightlessness per flight. The original Spaceship One carried a single pilot but was capable of carrying three people. The new larger Spaceship Two will carry two pilots and seven passengers. The craft will be carried under the wing of a carrier aircraft to an altitude of 50,000 feet. Released then, it will fire its engine for about 70 seconds reaching at least 68 miles altitude after a coast uphill following engine cut off. This is five miles higher than required to be considered an astronaut. Following the period of weightlessness, the craft will go into a feathered configuration, reentering the atmosphere at low speed and landing back on a runway. The total flight time is about 2.5 hours. Estimated ticket cost is $200,000, but it is hoped to go down as more flights are made. The first passenger flight date is unknown, but over 400 paying customers are already on the list to fly. The other purely commercial paying customer based program is the XCOR LYNX Spacecraft. Like Spaceship Two, this is a space plane design designed for suborbital space flights. Unlike Spaceship Two, Lynx is designed to take off from a runway and fly with a pilot and passenger or scientific payload to an altitude of 61 km. The passenger and pilot will experience about four minutes of weightlessness. The estimated ticket cost is $95,000 a passenger, with up to 4 flights a day. The first flight expected in 2014. As you can see, the space program is not dead. Things are changing and evolving, and there is a new space race between commercial companies. Unlike the first space race of 50 years ago, however, they have all the experience and technology development to build on. NASA is overseeing the safety and development concerns of the companies they ... Space, Continued on page 40

Star Trek Cuisine Bajoran Hasperat souffle´ with Syrup of Squill and Tube Grubbs (Dutch Baby Pancake with Maple Syrup and Fruit)

by LT CDR Fran Brock

You will need: `2 Eggs or ½ cup egg substitute `¼ teaspoon salt `½ cup milk or your favorite substitute for milk `2 Tablespoons of butter `1 teaspoon vanilla (or 3 tablespoons of sugar, sugar substitute or your favorite preserve) `½ cup all purpose flour (or gluten free with ¼ cup of sorghum flour and ¼ cup tapioca Starch) Preheat oven to 375°

Preparation: Whisk in bowl or blender, all ingredients (except butter), until well mixed. Let rest for about five minutes. Put butter in a six to eight inch cast iron or Teflon pan, or small pie pan (muffin pans work well for individual soufflés). Place in oven until butter starts to bubble (about five minutes). Remove pan from oven and pour in batter. Place back in oven and cook for approximately 30-40 minutes until the edges are golden brown.

DO NOT OPEN OVEN DOOR UNTIL READY TO REMOVE – SOUFFLE WILL COLLAPSE Remove from pan to plate. Soufflé will collapse as it cools. Serve with Syrup of Squill and/or Tube Grubbs (maple syrup and/or Fruit Compote), confectioners sugar or additional jams, jellies or preserves (they are good just plain, too). May be served with a side of Klingon Blood Sausage or several rashers of a thick sliced Earther food called “bacon.”

March 2013


Marine Detachment OIC’s Report Marine CPT Aaron Arden Book Review: Starfist: First to Fight My report will be a review of a favorite novel of mine. The series is about Marines, set in the future somewhat around our ship’s timeline, for they are space Marines. The first novel in the series is Starfist: First to Fight, by David Sherman and Dan Cragg. The main character is, at first, Joe Dean, but as the book moves on, the whole unit is the character. Much like our MSG, they are... organized into units called FISTs, which stand for Fleet Initial Strike Team. Our ........ heroes are assigned to the 34th FIST. ...

They use a chemical blaster that is heated to a very high temperature described as being hotter than the sun. They are a part of the organization: The Confederation of Human Worlds, much like our United Federation of Planets in how they govern themselves. Most of the first few books are about uprisings and rebelling against the system. In the last ones, the authors made up a race of ..... beings who try to take over the universe. These books are very addicting to read, and you won't want to put them down.


Specialty Services Report CDR Bob McDonald Chaplain’s Address We are nearing the end of winter. This has been a trying season for many in several parts of North America. Still, we have held fast as a people and I hope everyone enjoyed their winter holidays. While I could talk at length about the renewal of spring and the start of new life, it is of another matter that I wish to speak about today. Recently my family and myself suffered a loss. It shook us to our core and brought great sadness. We found ourselves faced with tragedy which brought about a certain emotional trauma. We have slowly processed the reality of this loss and accepted it as it is. So how do we deal with grief? A great saint once said that, “To grieve means that we have .........


March 2013

basked in the warmth of love and now have been parted from it, our grief is a gift to the one that has left, a final expression of our deepest feelings for them.” It is this view that I hold as my own. To grieve is natural and healthy. We express our pain openly. There is no shame in this. Time and time again, as people experience emotional pain, we begin a process of healing. This process of healing, while necessary, also seems like it takes an eternity when you are in the midst of it. Yet the moment you express your grief, which is expressing your love, you take your first step on the path of closure. Not a complete closure. Some losses will never be completely healed, but they will be healed enough for Address, Continued on page 40

Chief of Security Report LT CDR Brent Griffis Severe Weather Safety Tips As Winter gives way to Spring, severe thunderstorms are a common and potentially devastating occurrence in the United States. Damaging straight-line winds and large hail can cause extreme damage. Straight-line winds can reach speeds in excess of 100 mph and produce damage similar to a tornado. These winds are most common in the spring and summer months, peaking in July. Lightning is a deadly by-product of thunderstorms, occurring mostly during the warmer months of Spring and into Summer. Lightning kills an average of 100 people a year throughout the United States. Here are some tips from the Georgia Emergency Management Agency that might help keep you and yours safe before and during a severe thunderstorm: Prepare for Thunderstorms and Lightning AFamiliarize yourself with the terms that are used to identify a thunderstorm hazard, including understanding the difference between a severe thunderstorm watch and a severe thunderstorm warning. AA thunderstorm watch means there is a possibility of a thunderstorm in your area. AA thunderstorm warning means a thunderstorm is occurring or will likely occur soon. If you are advised to take shelter, do so immediately. ARemove dead or rotting trees and branches that could fall and cause injury or damage during a severe thunderstorm. ARemember the 30/30 lightning safety rule: Go indoors if, after seeing lightning, you cannot count to 30 before hearing thunder. Stay indoors for 30 minutes after hearing the last clap of thunder. Make a Thunderstorm Plan AIf a thunderstorm is likely to occur in your area, postpone outdoor activities. ASecure outdoor objects that could blow away or cause damage. AShutter windows and secure outside doors. If shutters are not available, close window blinds, shades, or curtains. AAvoid showering or bathing during a thunderstorm. Plumbing and bathroom fixtures can conduct electricity. AWatch for darkening skies, lightning, increasing winds. AGo quickly inside a home, building, or hard-topped automobile, if possible. AIf shelter is not available, go to the lowest area nearby and make yourself the smallest target possible, but do not lie flat on the ground. Safety, Continued on page 39 AIf on open water, get to land and shelter immediately. March 2013


Tagus 3 Findings of Archaeological Field Team Regarding The Excavation In and Around The Environs of the Quadrant located Southwest of the Ancient City on Tagus 3 From April 15, 2369 through July 15, 2369 by Frances B. Brock Chief Medical Officer Senior Project Archaeologist and Team Leader


To give you some background, in March of 2369, I was approached by a representative from the Federation Archaeological Institute to see if I would be interested in heading up a team to investigate and excavate an area in the quadrant Southwest of the Ancient City on the planet, Tagus III. We would be given three months to unearth and record whatever we discovered. At that point, our portion of the project would end, and any further exploration of the site would revert back to the Taguans. The invitation was made by the Tagus III Government to help promote a better relationship with the Federation and with the Archaeological Institute. I would be allowed to choose my own team, with the exception of an Archaeologist from Tagus III, who would be assigned as a liaison and subject matter expert, to ensure that our excavations would not be in conflict with any Taguan governmental or religious laws. He had been part of a recent Taguan excavation team, and was familiar with the area, even though there had been very little digging done. I was agreeable to this. Taguan archaeologists had been studying other areas for the last year, with no luck. During a preliminary exploration phase at the tertiary level in one of the areas we had planned to set up a small dig, a piece of pottery was discovered. Taguan archaeologists, revealed that from their findings, they were certain that an additional part of the Ancient City must have existed here, but that none of their historical documents showed any reference to corroborate that statement.


March 2013

We had no problems getting the necessary permits and licenses, because the Taguan Government requested us to head this project. The only requirement placed upon us, was that we supply the Taguan Government with a list of all of my proposed team members and their qualifications in advance of the start of the expedition, and that they all met with the Taguan Government's approval. Being aware of this requirement early on, I made it a point in my decision-making process to choose individuals who were not only experts in their fields, but that their home worlds had no conflicts with the Taguans. That, in a few cases, was not easy, but we got everyone through.

There were fourteen members of the Away Team, from various cultures and specialties. A brief description of their qualifications and cultural affiliation follows: , Human, Exoarchaeologist, Xenobiologist – Team Leader – PhD’s in both exoarchaeology and xenobiology. Taught each specialty at Starfleet Academy for a total of ten years. Participated in sixteen dig sites throughout the Gamma Quadrant, and was on the team that discovered the “utabajee” on Exeter IV. , Ferengi, Archaeologist and micropaleontologist – Nistl's specialties are currency, analyzing DNA fragments, and identifying ancient weapons. He has 76 years experience in this field. He had been on no less than 27 excavations, and had been approached on more than one occasion from other individuals, to identify many artifacts. Taguan, Archaeologist, cultural and procedural oversight, – Since we had very little direct contact with the Taguans, and since Romet was appointed by his Government, I can only report what I've read about his knowledge and experience. His father and Grandmother were both archaeologists. His father worked for the Government and his grandmother worked as an “independent contractor.” As a boy, Romet spent much of his school break time helping on various projects. He has written three reference books, one of them is considered a standard “go to” work by the Federation. Because he is native Taguan, he was well versed in every aspect of Taguan history and culture. , Trill, Linguist – Dr. Kort and I have known each other for many years. She speaks 86 languages, some of which are signed or written, not verbal and she is also an amateur archaeologist. She expressed an interest in this project when I mentioned it to her, so I invited her, hoping we found artifacts that contained ancient Taguan or Imotru dialects. , Denobulan, Physician – Denobulan physicians use many types of alternative, as well as traditional medicines. I thought this would be useful to use Dr. Baactran's expertise considering the intergalactic scope of our team members, and in case there were any biological or microbiological anomalies we found at the dig site. He also agreed to work with Dr. Romet in identifying any biological items found.

March 2013


Vulcan, Science Officer – Vulcans have a proud history as Science Officers, and I couldn't think of any better choice. Besides being eminently qualified, she is also unbiased, impartial, and for a Vulcan, possesses a great sense of humor. , Human, Engineer – Many years ago, we were shipmates aboard the USS Diligent. Besides being a great engineer, he can improvise and fix anything. He also doesn't get rattled if placed under time constraints. My “Go To” guy. , Klingon, Security Officer, , Bajoran, Security Officer, , Cardassian, Security Officer – Communication was sent by the Federation, to each of these officer's home worlds, asking them to send a representative for our security team. We asked each government to choose an individual who was experienced, level headed, impartial in dealing with other cultures and trustworthy. These are who was sent. , Humans, Miscellaneous duties – I used the same decision-making process as was asked for the above choices, when I chose these four individuals. One additional requirement, was that they could wear many hats, shifting from grunt work, to cooking, to helping Dr. Baactran if needed, etc. I had personally worked with all of these individuals and had no doubts in recommending them for this mission.





There is only limited information on the Tagus III home world. Even reading through the Vulcan exploration documents from 400 years ago, it was never very well documented. So there are many unanswered questions about the Taguans and their planet we wanted to try to answer during our exploration. Tagus III has been around for over two billion years. Until this point, their history had only been studied by the Vulcans, who were the only species the Taguans allowed on the planet. These explorations were still 400 years before now. While the Taguans sealed off the planet to foreign visitors in the mid-23rd century, the planet was still regarded with a wide amount of interest across the galaxy. Over the last 20,000 years, 974 expeditions were conducted on the planet’s surface, with the exception of the Vulcans. Even the yearly meeting of the Federation Archaeological Institute had to meet aboard a starship, which could only circle Tagus III. We consulted star charts and meteorological data prior to our arrival on the planet. Our Science Officer, G'Pat, took twice daily readings with the portable equipment brought with her. As a general rule, we all had hand-held communicators, and were able to speak with one another at a moment's notice. Tagus III enjoys the same type of “seasons” as are found on the East Coast of the USA, on Earth. The rainy season was a bit of a concern at first, because that would have severely inhibited our excavations had the rain cycle started. Another minor concern, was that Tagus III had an insect, that was not harmful to any of the beings on the expedition, but seemed to enjoy munching on fresh eggs and small hand tools. We ended up losing many of our eggs and occasionally would see one of our tools appear to be moving on its own across the ground.

March 2013



Before evolving into sentience, Tagus III was initially inhabited by a race of ancient Taguans called the Imotu. Their civilization thrived. The Taguan species had a rich historical culture. The Taguan language is often compared to Marlonian and shares some similarities to Buranian. Knowing this, it was one of my goals to see if I could tie together the three cultures – Taguan, Marlonian and Buranian.


Because our time was limited, we used a combination of research and development-led excavations. We engaged all three types of modern archeological excavation – planned, accidental, and rescue. We also initially performed remote sensing, using ground-penetrating radar. Since the Taguans had already done some preliminary work at our dig site, we decided not to worry about missing any artifacts close to the surface. We did take the time to make a map of the site and from that map, set grid squares. Each of the archaeologists would be responsible for a certain number of grid squares to excavate, and then classify, date, and evaluate anything they found. We also set up a field laboratory to further examine, and protect the artifacts we found. We methodically proceeded with the excavation in this manner, as time permitted, unless we unearthed something of significance we felt needed immediate attention by the entire team. The days of manual trowel and Mattock excavations long since over, we used the newest instrumentation available to us, which was supplied by the Institute. We did, however, follow the time honored basic guidelines to get us through the process: (1) work from the known to the unknown; (2) work from the top to the bottom; (3) use your eyes; and (4) if in doubt, bash it out. All of us had enough experience that none of us worried about anyone else undercutting or overcutting the site areas.

Attached to this report, is a complete list of all artifacts and discoveries we made. What I'm listing below, are just some of the high points. Currency – We found crystalline jewels that were shaped and colored. Dr. Romet, after a preliminary examination, identified these jewels as currency which dated back 16,000 years. Pottery – We found a few fragments which will have to be analyzed, but in general, there was an absence of pottery. As you will see from the complete list of artifacts, we determined that much of the cookware and eating implements were made from bone and metal. Cookware – In several of the grids, we found bits and pieces of clay pots. There were a few that were large enough to determine that they were used as water vessels and for slow cooking foods in pits. We'll have to wait until the Taguan Archaeological Council studies these bits in greater detail. Cloth fragments – In four grid sections, all next to one another, cloth remnants were found. We are assuming that when we date the period, we'll find out that there were actually clothing makers in this primitive culture, as well as armorers, coopers, masons and other specialized artisans. Weapons – We found a javelin, with a barbed head still attached. The shaft was made of some sort of iron type metal, and surprisingly light. The barbed tip was a bit of a surprise. It assured the hunter that if his throw was accurate, when he caught up with the game, he not only would be able to dress out the game, but also retrieve his weapon.

March 2013


Probably, one of the most remarkable finds, as identified by the Taguan Archaeologist, Dr. Romet, was the discovery of a Taguan Family Cemetery. The Taguans then, as now, were of the belief that their planet, with only limited space available, would, over time, become over populated and they would have no place to bury their dead. They do not believe shooting the deceased into space, as some cultures do. What is so interesting, is that the family members are buried in one grave, one on top of another, as they pass away. Obviously, the first grave has to be dug extremely deep, because it is not known how long each family member would live. We took pictures of what was initially unearthed, but in reverence to Taguan customs, this area was labeled off limits to any further excavation by our Team, and left for the Taguans to finish after we completed this project. Of special note, too, we discovered a small obelisk toward the center of the dig site. Our Linguist, Dr. Kort, and Dr. Romet, the Taguan Archaeologist were able to piece together enough of the symbols to determine that it, in essence was a street marker. We can't be certain it said we were standing on the corner of State and Main, but you get the idea.

The artifacts that we found were not initially transported to the Institute. The Taguan Archaeological Society plans to study the materials first, and then determine whether any or all original pieces will be allowed to leave the planet. At that point, proper packaging procedures will be performed by the Taguans and one of their transport ships, specially fitted to protect the artifacts, will be dispatched to the Institute. Because of the sensitivity of the project, our security officers set up a particle field perimeter around our dig site. It was set to identify humanoid beings. The Taguans are an honest people and we were not concerned about any “locals” marching off with a clay pot, but this dig site was publicized to such a vast degree around the galaxy, we just wanted to ensure that any “visitors” couldn't just wander in without prior approval. In special cases, visitors to the site were allowed, but they were pre-approved, badged, and escorted at all times.

As mentioned above, I've enlisted the services of Dr. Temtan Baactran to minister to our medical needs. Because of the wide variety of species which compose our team, Dr. Baactran is prepared for any contingency. With his non-traditional medical practice, he can take care of anything from a splinter to plasma burns, to minor surgery. In case of anything more serious, we have a shuttle that can take us to the main hospital complex in the capital city on Tagis III. Two of our miscellaneous crew are also certified paramedics.


It was an extraordinary gift that was given to the Federation Archaeological Institute by the Taguans, in allowing us to excavate the quadrant to the Southwest of the Ancient City, and should not be taken lightly by the Institute. What we found bridged the gap joining three cultures (Taguan, Marlonian, and Buranian) in their interwoven history. It is my colleague's opinion and recommendation, as well as my own, that the Federation take whatever steps necessary in cementing interplanetary relations to once again allow independent and joint archaeological research and excavation on Tagus III before another 400 years pass.


March 2013

What You See Is What You Get

A Dear Ahbben Column AHBBEN: Whenever I Q DEAR use a transporter I always see

... .. shapes floating – almost elongated swimming – before my eyes for the few seconds of the transporting process. I haven’t told anyone, but I’ve asked some friends if they’ve seen anything and none of them have. What do you think I should do? HALLUCINATING IN THE IGO SECTOR

create a better atmosphere to work in. 1. Make sure you don’t take it personally. This guy is probably so full of himself he doesn’t even know he’s treating people like this. 2. Always follow the golden rule – Do unto others.... 3. Keep your emotions in check. You’re probably better than him, make sure you show it by being extra nice. And last, ..... just do great work. When you do, it will show, and he will only be jealous.

IGO: I’d say you were making too DEAR AHBBEN: My teenage daughter met a A DEAR many visits to the Caves of No’Mat. But Q boy on a subspace social channel. She’s since...... you’re in the Igo Sector, I don’t guess that’s possible. I had to get in a transporter a few times just to check and see if I could see what you’re seeing, but I had no such luck. Whatever it is you’re seeing isn’t normal. Here’s a few things you might want to do: have your eyes checked; have your brain checked; have some diagnostics run on the transporter. If none of those ideas come up with some substantial errors, the next time you use the transporter, grab on to one of those shapes and don’t let go.

AHBBEN: One of the people that I Q DEAR work with seems to need an attitude

.......... He has the tendency of coming adjustment. across as rude or harsh, simply by the tone of his voice. I am unsure if he is aware of this or not, but it makes it very difficult to approach him. He is in a supervisor’s position, so I am unsure what can be done. – FEELING THE TENSION

TENSION: First: do you work in my A DEAR office? ‘Cuz if you can’t take the heat..... If

not, ..... there are many things you can do to ..............

threatening to run away to be with him. She insists ................ it’s true love and they’ve never even met. I try to stop her and she says she hates me. What should I do to put an end to this relationship? - BAD GUY DAD DEAR BAD GUY: I get this one a lot. Romeo. Juliet. They’re always out there. That first love ... is always the biggest, and the more you resist it, the more they’ll rebel. I say – embrace it! In your instance, set up a meeting. Invite his parents, meet them too. Stay for a weekend. Let them get to know each other. Romeo and Juliet was a fantasy – so is this type of relationship. Once reality sets in, the fantasy will be broken. It will fizzle out soon enough.


TIPS FROM AHBBEN: Never trust a human from Daled IV. MEET AHBBEN: Ahbben Xiren is half Betazoid, half Vulcan. His Betazoid half is understanding and empathetic, while his Vulcan half is logical and relies on common sense to assist others in their difficult situations. Ahbben worked as a couples counselor for many years until he decided it was time to go galaxy wide with his unique insight.

Have a question for Ahbben? Send them to March 2013


< 1


In The Original Series (TOS), though the........ Klingons were intended to look Asian in the Cold War period, they were intended to be the Soviet Union equivalent. Notice the similarities with the Empire in the way that they conquered in order to expand. The Vulcans were the Japanese, and South Koreans and the Romulans were the Chinese and North Koreans.


Next Gen

In The Next Generation series, we learn about the ..... Klingon ,.. code of honour. This included the Age of Ascension ritual, the traditions of familial inheritance, dying in battle rather than captivity, and discommendation. Though this is where we also first viewed the bat’leth (the sword of honour), and the Dagh’tag. Though we were introduced to Kahless the unconquerable on TOS, we learned more about his importance to Klingon culture. On Enterprise, we learned that the reason .......


The Waiting Warrior Original artwork by CDR Bob McDonald


March 2013

why the TOS and TNG Klingons appeared different was due to a failed genetic modification experiment that spread as a virus through the Empire. Also note, that between Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and TNG they decided to make each head prosthetic unique rather than a standardized ridge.

feature films, often described as "guttural." For The Motion Picture, James Doohan, the actor who portrayed Montgomery Scott, devised the initial Klingon-language dialogue heard in the film. For The Search for Spock, Marc Okrand, who created the Vulcan dialogue used in the previous film, developed an actual working Klingon language based on Doohan's original made-up words. In TOS, the Klingon language is referred to as Klingonese.




things to know about


< 3

Language The Klingons have their own language that was developed for the ............

Klingons prefer their foods to have more ...... flavor than they found in Human food. A great example of the Klingon distaste for human food can be seen with Worf's brother Kern, who is so revolted by human food that he spits it back out. Their food was often raw or live. Gagh is an example of this. Usually eaten live, it is an eel or octopi like item. Other mainstays of the Klingon diet include Tibius Claw, Bregit lung, and Rokeg blood pie. Klingon beverages include Raktajino, which is a strong Klingon type of ............

March 2013

coffee. Bloodwine and Klingon Ale were preferred alcoholic beverages among Klingons.


< 5

Klingons originate from ... the planet Qo'noS (Pronounced "Kronos"). It is the Klingon homeworld, and is also known as Klin. Qo'noS is depicted as green when viewed from orbital space. It includes a lone huge land mass with a vast ocean, a severely tilted axis that causes wild seasonal changes, a turbulent atmosphere and extremes of both warm and frigid weather. Qo’noS joined the United Federation of Planets in 2238.

by MAJ Paul McPherson With additional input from Wikipedia


Game Cen


he new Star Trek Console game .......looks to be the best yet for ........major consoles. When New Star Trek Console Game the first reboot hit theaters in (PC, Xbox 360, and PS3) 2009, Paramount released a ship .... combat game, called "Star Trek .......... Trek DAC." However, this game was pretty low quality and only available for Star Trek Online ................. download on the Playstation Network, Xbox Live Arcade, and PC. The new game is set to release Editorial ... April 23, 2013, just before "Star Trek: Into Darkness" takes the world by storm. Unlike "Star Trek DAC," this game will be released in disc form and shows much more .... promise than its predecessors. The new game, simply titled “Star Trek,� is set between the first and second movies and follows the crew of the USS Enterprise as they interact with the dreaded Gorn...yes, the Gorn! Captain Kirk and the Enterprise must thwart the plan of the Gorn to forcibly attain Vulcan technology. The technology they seek was used in the creation of a Vulcan colony called "New Vulcan," after Nero destroyed the Vulcan home world in the 2009 reboot. It has been quite interesting to see how modern ....... game artists portray the Gorn. They look more animalistic, more reptilian, and way video more deadly. Let's just say they have come a long way since the Original Series episode, "Arena." The game itself is a third person shooter action adventure game. In the game, you can play as Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise! Although this game has ........ ................ single player capabilities, its beauty lies in its co-op as the game follows both Kirk and ...... Spock through the majority of the game. Kirk is more of the weapons master and ... Spock's strengths lie in stealth and logic. It appears as though they will .................. complement each other just as much as they did in the original series. But let's not forget the magnificence of space battle. There are also many ............... ...........





March 2013

points within the game when you can sit in the captains chair and actually play as the Enterprise! ... This ... game seems to have all the ingredients to .be a great game, Star Trek fan or not. The game can be purchased at most video game retailers, in stores and online. The ecently star Trek Online .... games’ ....... starting price is $60, but it appears celebrated its 3rd .................... ... anniversary. This is a great to be well worth it. Also, if you preachievement for the order the game (at no extra cost), you ........ purely Star Trek MMO. ........... I can remember the .. will receive the elite officer's pack first.. time I ever logged on. I had received the that comes with cool DCL-like ..... anniversary collector’s edition box with the ... alternate uniforms and ...... commemorative pin as a Christmas gift in 2010. I ........... phaser variants. was .. so excited; it was something I did not think I Simply put, this game would ...... get. I remember popping in the disc and ... looks amazing and most ............ waiting 6+ hours for the game to install, load, and patch .. certainly will get my onto ... my computer. It was the first online game I had ever .. vote for best game played and it really showed me the ropes of the online .. .. of the year. .......... community. It is partially the reason I wanted to join Starfleet ... International, to meet more people who loved Star trek Online. I I am . happy to say I found them. I am now a member of the SFI STO. And I have to say, compared to other fleets I have Fleet .......... to in games, none come close to SFI. Everyone is so friendly, belonged respectful, and just overall loves Star Trek and STO. I have had a .. wonderful ...............experience. STO helped guide me through the Star Trek universe, as I was still relatively new to the Star Trek franchise in 2010. It is what truly spurred me on to learn more about Trek, watch more episodes, and get into Star Trek. The game seemed awesome in 2010, but I had no idea it would have such a big impact on my life. The game and I have been through a lot, from pay-to-play, to free-to-play, from various fleets, to finally finishing the featured episodes with my main character in late 2012. I am truly proud to say I have been a part of something so greatly entertaining and fun to millions of Trek fans all across the world.


t. Nick Elder March 2013


Chief of Operations Report CDR Jimmy Nelson Special Report: Computer Cores Computer cores are the very heart of a starship’s computer system. They provide enormous amounts of memory and faster-than-light data processing. The computer network of a starship is based around a system of redundant computer cores that process data for all the systems. Every single system, from life support to weapons arrays and shielding, depend on the computer cores. A Galaxy-class ship is equipped with three main processing cores, any one of which can, in an emergency, handle the operational computing load of the entire vessel. On the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D, two primary cores were located across decks 5 and 14 of the saucer section. These usually worked in sync and if one failed the other could immediately take on its load with little or no disruption to the ship’s

operations. The third computer core crossed decks 30 to 37 in the engineering hull. It was a backup core and was normally only used if a problem arose in the saucer section or when the ship was separated. Each core incorporated a series of miniature subspace field generators, which allowed data to be processed and transmitted at faster-than-light (FTL) speeds. In a Galaxy-class starship, the computer cores are massive, cylindrical structures. The top level of each primary core, located on deck 5, incorporates a systems monitoring room, the FTL nanoprocessor units, and access to the subspace field systems, which are located in .............. a separate cylindrical structure to the side of ... Cores, Continued on page 40 ...

Chief Science Officer’s Report CDR Julie Taucher Greetings from the Science Department! Hopefully everyone had a good holiday season and is ready for spring and summer. Things have been fairly quiet around the department lately. I know for me, personally, it’s mainly because real life got in the way, especially over the holiday season, which kept me quite busy. With the news of the recent asteroid flyby and the Russian meteor, I would just like to take a minute to refresh everyone’s memory as to what the differences between all of these space rocks are. A meteor is a small body of matter that burns through the atmosphere and appears as a streak of light, which is what the term ‘falling star’ refers to. .............. .... ...............


March 2013

A meteorite is a small body that passes through the atmosphere and all or part of it hits the ground, however, it would then be called a meteor if it did so. Incidentally the asteroid 2012 DA14 passed 17,500 miles over Earth, near Indonesia. According to NASA the asteroid is not believed to be connected to the meteor explosion over Russia. Meanwhile, Russian scientists have so far have found 50+ pieces of the meteor most of which are less than a centimeter, though its possible a meteorite up to 2 feet in diameter could be found in Chebarkul Lake, which apparently left a 20 foot wide gap in the ice when it fell through.



If winning is not important, then Commander, why keep score?

I have encountered 1,745 non-human races in my 10 years in STARFLEET.



Klingons do not pursue relationships. They conquer that which they desire.

We can do it. We can modify It’s just a science project. the transporters. It will take 15 years and a research team of one hundred....


March 2013



The Star Trek 3D Chess Set was a regular set piece in many of The Next Generation episodes. It’s origins may be geeky, but it’s look is sleek and classy. Here’s how one Trek fan built his own – showing off his ‘Trek Chic.’ ......


Using a piece of ¾ inch plywood, measure the main frame at 12 ½ inches tall, and the width at 10 inches. Draw a similar branched pattern to the one shown below. Next, draw a 7 inch by 6 inch rectangle on............ a 1 inch piece of plywood. Draw a 2 ½ inch by 5 inch rectangle at one end, leaving a ½ inch border on three sides. Draw a ¾ inch by 3 inch rectangle in the center of the rear of the base. Your main frame will fit in here. Use the photo below as a reference.





March 2013

Cut these pieces out. Fill any mistakes with a wood filler. Sand the pieces to a .............. a smooth finish. Join the pieces using a strong wood glue and finish nails.




Using a clear, strong glue, place ¾ inch by 2 inch acrylic rods to the center of each of the small acrylic plates. Then glue the other end ... rod to one corner of of the acrylic one of the larger acrylic plates. Glue another one to the opposite corner. Repeat this for all of the large acrylic plates. After painting the base and frame silver, glue one of the large acrylic plates to each branch of the .... Add chess pieces to complete main frame. the full affect.



Congratulations, you’ve achieved ‘Trek Chic.’

To achieve the look of frosted glass, use acrylic plates. Use a blade and ruler to cut the protective covering of the acrylic ......... into squares. Remove the alternate squares and ......... paint the squares silver. Use spray paint to achieve this affect. Three large acrylic plates of 5 ½ x 5 ½ inches and six smaller plates of 2 ½ x 2 ½ inches ... should be used. See pictures to the left as a guide.



Chess set built by Alan Castillo. For full details and more photos visit the RPG. March 2013



M a r c h



MidSouth Con Memphis, TN FantaSci Con Dalton, GA Wizard World Comic Con St. Louis, MO

19-21 20-21 12-13 Trek Trax Atlanta, ga

Awesome con Washington, D.C.

Pirate fest Greenville, nc

M a y


A p r i l

24-26 10-12 Comic City Nashville, TN

ComicPalooza Houston, TX

March 2013



Sci Fi Summer Con Atlanta, Ga


Star Trek Con Boston, ma


Hypericon Nashville, tn


Texas Comicon San Antonio, Tx

J u l y

J u n e

Comic con international San Diego, CA


Click on any of the Con titles to activate the hyperlink.

For more information regarding Sci Fi Conventions in your area, check out: Southern Fandom Resource Guide or March 2013




Saturday, April 13th 1pm

Your Home Computer Here, Here, or Here

Safety, Continued from page 22

Things to avoid include: Tall, isolated tree in an open area. Hilltops, open fields, the beach, a boat on the water, isolated sheds or other small structures in open areas. Anything metal— tractors, farm equipment, motorcycles, golf carts, golf clubs, and bicycles. Stay Informed Listen to battery-operated Weather Radio (or conventional radio) for the latest updates. Do not use electrical items such as computers or television sets as power surges from lightning can cause serious damage. A corded telephone should only be used in an emergency, but cordless phones and cell phones are safe to use.

For the next ‘Watch Party,’ we’ll be hosting the party on Saturday, April 13th. The time will be 1pm. For those that missed the last watch party, it was almost unanimous that we watch a TOS episode the next time! Though there are tons to .....


Join us as we watch the episode and chat together on the USS Columbia website!


Star Trek: The Original Series Balance of Terror Season 1, Episode 14

Members and Crew of the USS Columbia

by our very own LT Bill Lemmond

~CDR Jimmy Nelson


A Comic Strip



choose from, and believe me, it was a difficult decision. The episode we’ll be watching is “Balance of Terror.”

March 2013

Photo Credits Cover Page: Image of Vasquez Rocks used with permission from Evan Butterfield. Page 1: Phaser – TrekBats Font USS Enterprise – TrekBats Font Tasha Yar – TNGCast Font Page 2: USS Enterprise – TrekBats Font Pottery – 101! Ancient Greece Font Page 3: STARFLEET Logos used in accordance with their copyright laws. Page 4: STARFLEET rank and STARFLEET Academy logo used in accordance with their copyright laws. Page 5: USS Enterprise – StarDown Font. Commbadge TrekBats Font. Page 6: Command Commbadge TrekBats Font. Page 7: STARFLEET logo used in accordance with their copyright laws. Image of magnifying glass, microscope, and telescope are clip art and are used under the condition of the Creative Commons Deed. Page 8: Image of x-ray, radar screen, and CT scan are clip art and are used under the condition of the Creative Commons Deed. Pages 9 & 10: Photo of Tricorder used with permission from Kevin Turner. Pages 11 & 12: USS Enterprise – TrekBats Font. Pages 13: Excerpt article from Wikipedia and used under the condition of the Creative Commons Deed. STARFLEET Medical Logo used in accordance with their copyright laws. Page 14: Photo of Vasquez Rocks used with permission from Evan Butterfield. Pages 15 & 16: USS Enterprise Star Next Font. Page 17: USS Enterprise – Trek Bats Font. Page 18: Shuttlecraft – Trek Bats Font. Page 19: Starship – Trek Bats Font. Page 20: Photo of Bajoran Hasperat Soufflé used with permission from Fran Brock.

Page 21: STARFLEET Marine Logo used in accordance with their copyright laws. Special Services – Trek Bats Font. STARFLEET Marine Comm and Special Services patch used in accordance with STARFLEET copyright laws. Page 22: STARFLEET Security Logo and Sciences Comm used in accordance with STARFLEET copyright laws. Commbadge – Trek Bats Font. Page 23: Pottery - 101! Ancient Greece Font. Page 24: Pottery – 101! Ancient Greece Font. Page 25: Pottery – 101! Ancient Greece Font. Page 26: Pottery – 101! Ancient Greece Font. Page 28: Photo of Ahbben Xiren used with permission from John Snowden. Page 29: Artwork used with permission from Bob McDonald. Klingon Symbol – Final Frontier Font. Page 30: Klingon Symbol – Final Frontier Font. Page 31: Phaser weapon – Trek Bats font. Commbadge – Trek Bats font. Page 32: Romulan War Bird, Phaser weapon, and USS Enterprise – Trek Bats font. Page 33: STARFLEET Science and Ops Logos used in accordance with their copyright laws. STARFLEET Science and Operations Comms used in accordance with STARFLEET copyright laws. Page 34: TNGCast – Font Pages 35 &36: All photos of chess set used with permission from Alan Castillo. Page 39: Image of television is clip art and is used under the condition of the Creative Commons Deed. Comic strip used with permission from Bill Lemmond. Back Page: - USS Enterprise – Trek Bats font. Image of planets Neptune, Saturn, Pluto, and star are NASA images and used in accordance with their copyright laws. -STARFLEET Logos are used in accordance with their copyright laws.

Cores, Continued from page 33

the main core. This section is known as the upper core; beneath this are six levels of the lower core. The cores are connected to the Optical Data Network (ODN) by a series of Micron Junction Links (MJL). They are supported by a network of 380 optical subprocessors, all of which are linked to the ODN, and many of which are directly linked to the cores. Virtually every sensor, console, replicator, PADD, and miscellaneous piece of hardware installed on a starship is in some way connected to the optical data network and uses the computer cores for data processing. Backups, engineered redundancies, and automatic service reductions are built into the system to guarantee that basic data is available in all but the most grave situations. Pipelines for two additional ODN systems, located elsewhere in the ship, back up the primary lines. These lines, between vital terminals and important systems, are also shielded, and if all else fails the radio frequency (RF) system, through which the communicators run, can also act as an ODN, albeit at a considerable loss of speed. Address, Continued from page 21

you to move forward and experience happiness again. That is ultimately what your loved one would have wanted for you. Not to be held in the state of anger, but to understand it, embrace it, and release it. To remember the love and the joy, and to give the gift of that love and joy to others, so that they know what you know. In the end, the loved one that is lost, is truly not. They never go, they stay with you until the end of time, and with hope, as many believe, beyond that. Space, Continued from page 33

are contracting to. All new designs for manned vehicles under NASA contracts have escape systems, something the space shuttle never truly had. Each company has their own goals and plans, and each is working toward a common goal: to make space accessible to everyone, as well as keep America's dominance in space. While the low Earth orbit missions will be contracted to private companies.

March 2013



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