Columbia Commlink Volume 4 Issue 3

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July 2013




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3 Ship’s Roster


July 2013




Ship Announcements



Going Into Darkness





Mark Your Stardates

5 Things to Know



33 Trek Chic

14 7



21 29

July 2013


Ship’s Roster Command Department CO Commanding Officer XO Executive Officer Intelligence Specialist Administrative Assistant

VADM Jason Schreck* COL Jeremy DeSpain LT JG George Hildebidle CR Chelsie Salyers

Engineering Department Chief Engineer Assistant Chief Engineer Engineer

CDR Kevin Turner LT JG Vincent Current CA William Fugate

Medical Department Chief Medical Officer Medical Doctor Medical Doctor

LT CDR Fran Brock* LT Dale Wilson LT Bill Lemmond

Spec Services Department CDR Bob McDonald LT Jon Lacer CR Scott Brown CA Lisa Johnson CR Brian Baker CR Gene Taylor CR Lisa Taylor CR Raistlin Taylor CR Jonathan Wallace CR Cheryl Grimm CR Mark Grimm CR Emily Grimm C3 Daniel Johnson* C3 Rebecca Johnson*

Chaplain Chef Chief Archivist

Civilian Member Operations Department Chief of Operations Chief Tactical Officer Operations Officer Communications Officer

CRR Eric Holloway

CDR Jimmy Nelson* CDR Kevin Johnson* LT Judy Wilson LT JG Michael Jones

Science Department Chief Science Officer Astronomer Science Officer Science Officer Science Specialist

CDR Julie Taucher LT CDR Kristy LaFata Ensign Victoria Heeter Ensign Howard Weaver C4 Maya Weaver

Security Department Chief of Security Internal Security Officer Ordinance Officer

LT CDR Brent Griffis LT Bob Hosford* LT Nick Elder

Marine Detachment OIC Marine Marine Marine Marine


Marine CPT Aaron Arden MAJ Paul McPherson Marine CPT Tonya Nelson 1st LT Phillip Cox Cadet SSG Caleb Nelson July 2013

* - Denotes member of Marine Detachment Section Chiefs are in bold. Columbia Commlink Editor – Kristy LaFata USS Columbia is a chapter of STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc, which is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization. Star Trek®, in all its various forms and related marks, are trademarks of CBS Studios, Inc. This site and chapter are not affiliated or endorsed in anyway by CBS Studios, Inc or Paramount Pictures Corporation. Please see the terms and conditions for further details. Notice to copyright holders: no violation is intended, please contact the webmaster with any concerns.



P R O M O T I O N S In recognition of services rendered to the USS Columbia and STARFLEET International, and reflecting the highest standards of service and commitment, the following officers and crew of the USS Columbia are hereby promoted: Ensign Howard Weaver

Crewman Apprentice William Fugate

Cadet 3 Daniel Johnson

Crewman Apprentice Lisa Johnson Cadet 3 Rebecca Johnson

A P P O I N T M E N T S CDR Bob McDonald – Chaplain CR Scott Brown – Chief Archivist Ensign Howard Weaver – Science Officer C4 Maya Weaver – Science Specialist LT Jon Lacer – Chef

STARFLEET A PPOINTMENTS VADM Jason Schreck – RDC of Engineering for Region 1 LCDR Fran Brock – Director, College of Animal Knowledge LCDR Fran Brock – Chief of Recognition Services, STARFLEET Academy


M E M B E R S LT Jon Lacer

A W A R D S Unit Distinguished Service Award Vessel Readiness Certification Program

July 2013


Commander’s Letter Columbia crew,


Well here it is again, time for another newsletter. It has been a busy few months - the new Star Trek Into Darkness premier, losing my job, taking on another position in STARFLEET, and just keeping the ship running smoothly. To be honest I don't have a lot to report on this month. I will say this, I saw the new Star trek movie and really enjoyed it. Hopefully we will receive some new members from it as well. STARFLEET already seems to be having an influx of new members from what I can see in my position as Orientation Director. On to some STARFLEET business. The biggest thing is STARFLEET election season is coming up. This year we will be holding elections for the Commander of STARFLEET and his Executive Committee. This is your chance to have a say in the way STARFLEET will run for the next three years. I encourage everyone to vote in the election. Information will be sent out to all members via the Communique that will cover the candidates election platforms. Please read the information and cast your vote accordingly. By the way, if you would like to run for Commander of STARFLEET now is the time to make it known as nominations will be taken soon. I doubt anyone in the crew is considering it, but let me make this clear if you ever were to consider it, the Commander of STARFLEET is not a fictional position. He or she is responsible for the smooth operation of a world wide non-profit organization, and though he or she delegates much of the work to others, the ultimate responsibility falls on that person. It is not a position to be taken lightly and I admire anyone willing to take it on, but even after nearly 15 years in STARFLEET, it is not a position I would ever aspire to. And now to our own election. As some of you know this year is an election year for the Columbia. The election is for Commanding Officer. I stated once before that I was not sure whether I would run again this year. As of right now I'm likely going to keep my name in the running for a third term. However, if there is another eligible member who would like to run, I welcome it. Please do not feel that if you run for CO I will take offense or feel that you think I'm doing a bad job. The eligible members will be announced on August 31st. Candidates wishing to withdrawal their name from the running can do so at that time and nominations will be made by the crew from the remaining candidates in September. Campaign platforms must be mailed to the crew at large by October 15th. The voting will take place by secret ballot on an online polling sight from November 1st – 15th. With the winner announced thereafter. If there is no member receiving 51% or more of the total votes cast then a run off will happen between the top two candidates. If only one person is nominated whether it be myself or someone else then a vote of confidence will occur within the same timeline. The new CO will take command officially January 1st, 2014. All ships records will be turned over to the new CO before that date. I will also say this, if someone else is elected I offer my services in whatever way they will have me. I will be here for advice and help whenever I can. I would not leave a new CO to figure it all …. 5 July 2013

out on their own. I will also say if you just want to be CO to earn the rank of Captain, there are much easier ways to do it. Only take on this responsibility if you feel you can do the job. The following information on CO requirements is straight from the Columbia constitution and bylaws: As defined by the STARFLEET Constitution, the ship's Commanding Officer (CO), also known as the Chapter Chairperson, is the leader of the Starship. The CO is the focal point of all local STARFLEET activities and should maintain an image that personifies the philosophy of STARFLEET and Columbia. The CO is the chapter's highest placed member and acts as the Chief of Staff. In general, the CO will represent Columbia to STARFLEET Command and is legally responsible for the chapter's activities. The CO shall be responsible for the general administration of the chapter. The CO functions as a coordinator and is expected to delegate specific activities to various members of the senior staff and crew. The CO is expected to insure that the various assignments are completed correctly and in a timely manner to keep the ship "running smoothly." As the leader of the chapter, the CO will organize Columbia activities, and at the same time will respect the member's rights to participate or not participate. The member may look to the CO and expect proper knowledge of STARFLEET rules, regulations and procedures. The CO has the authority to grant transfers, promotions in rank up to the level of Commander and citations of merit. The CO may designate chapter officers such as Vice Chairperson (XO), Secretary-Treasurer, etc.. The CO will head the ship's Command Staff and will act as chairperson of the ship's governing body. The chapter president does not vote, except in the case of a tie. The CO is empowered to make decisions for the chapter on all matters, routine and important. However, decisions of major significance, or any major expenses must be reported to the Command Staff. The CO shall report any situation and the decision to the Command Staff as soon as possible. The Commanding Officer will have the power to VETO any and all issues that are brought to a VOTE in any general vote and all COMMITTEES. The CO is responsible for reporting monthly to the Regional Coordinator. This report may be as short as a paragraph or as long as a few pages, but should be typed or neatly written. The report must be completed by the first of each month, and should contain information concerning chapter activities, problems, questions, or suggestions. Any Chapter CO who misses two consecutive reports or three reports within twelve calendar months will be relieved of duty by STARFLEET. Two late reports will count as one failure to report. Copies of the monthly report must be filed with the Region One Coordinator and STARFLEET Chief of Operations. Requirements: { Active Member in good standing on Columbia for 1 year or more. { Minimum 21 years of age. { Successful completion of Officer's Training School and Officer Command College. { Very Active Membership in STARFLEET. { Very mature, very patient, good organizational and leadership skills. That's it for this quarter.

Jason Schreck Vice Admiral Jason Schreck CO USS Columbia NCC-2049 July 2013




am writing this article under the assumption that the reader has seen Star Trek Into Darkness (STID). So if you haven’t seen the film STOP READING NOW because I’m going to give away secrets and plot points (that if you’ve avoided thus far I congratulate you).

```` SPOILERS ```` I saw the Fan Sneak Peak showing on Wednesday, May 15th at 8pm. The theater was full of geeky theatre goers! Several of us were in uniform and a number of folks had fun Trek or comic book inspired T-shirts on. In the 20 minutes before the movie started, the house was glowing with iPads, smart phones, and other electronic devices. One person was even watching the 2009 movie on their iPad- the perfect preview. These were definitely “my people,” and they were a great group with which to experience the movie.

There were cheers, laughs, and even some groans during the flick. We cheered when Leonard Nimoy appeared on screen — just like we did back in 2009. I’m pretty sure a tear came to my eye. We laughed when Spock yelled “KAAAAAHN!!!”—even though it’s not really a comedic moment. Long story short, I walked out of that theatre on cloud 9. It was a thrill ride of a movie and it got my adrenalin pumping. I think the movie is smart. It takes familiar material (Star Trek II The Wrath of Kahn) as a source to create a new adventure Mike Jones that pays tribute to the old while venturing farther into the Abramsverse. ……..I think Cumberbatch’s Kahn was perfect. His voice make my skin crawl, I hated him and was in awe of him at the same time. Although, one could argue that the real villain of the film is Peter Weller’s Admiral Marcus -- part of a long standing tradition of crazy Starfleet Admirals that must be stopped. However, the star of the film is, unarguably, Chris Pines’ Captain James T. Kirk. In the 2009 film we see him get the Enterprise. In this film we see him earn it as he matures from the snot nosed kid picking a fight to a real leader worthy of sitting in the center seat. While basking in the afterglow of the seeing the movie, I eagerly checked the web to see how it was doing at the box office on opening weekend. It had already been very successful abroad. The studio projected that the movie would break 100 million in its first weekend, but it actually only made 84 million (including Wednesday and Thursday). Fast forward a bit, the film crossed the 200 million mark in its 4th ……..


July 2013

weekend and slipped to #6 at the box office. From the studio’s perspective this is a solid opening and the film is doing fine, but it’s not off the charts. Critics gave mixed reviews. Some really liked the film: “It’s a knockout. Trekkers won’t be alone in cheering.” - Peter Travers, Rolling Stone “Into Darkness is a sleek, thrilling epic that’s also a triumphantly witty popcorn morality play. It’s everything you could want in a Star Trek movie.” Owen Gleiberman, EW "Spectacular special effects, superbly crafted action sequences, plenty of humor and terrific performances render it a cut above most summer blockbusters.” - 3.5 stars. Claudia Puig, USAToday Others were less kind: “It’s also an excessively derivative what-if rehash of themes and interactions that came before, most of the characters lesser copies and even caricatures of the originals. The scenario’s been hijacked and rejiggered from better “Trek” plots of decades ago, the best verbal exchanges lifted nearly verbatim from past adventures.” 2/5 stars. - David Germain, Huffington Post

“With its emphasis on its hero’s adolescent anger, the movie turns this venerable sciencefiction series — one that prided itself on addressing complex issues in a nuanced and mature fashion — into its own kids’ version: Star Trek Tiny Toons. At times, the viewer is almost prodded to mutter, ‘Grow up!’” - Richard Corliss, Time But what do the fans really think? One only need turn to the internet to find out that every opinion one could possibly have about the film has already been voiced in forums and comment threads on the various Trek webpages. Some fans loved the movie - including Chris Pine fans (self proclaimed “Pine Nuts”) who are ready to replace William Shatner as the one and only Kirk in their hearts. Others are more critical of the movie saying that it felt rushed, that it focused too much on action, and that the heart of the Star Trek mythos isn’t missing. Other fans hated the film so much that they go out of their way to disown it as “not Star Trek.” Personally, I’m sympathetic to their cries. When Kristy asked me to write a follow up article to my STID article, I happily accepted, but I soon started to regret it. The more I thought about the movie, and the more notes I wrote down in preparation to write this piece, the more unhappy I became about the current state of Trek. That isn’t to say that I hated the movie, but STID isn’t “my Star Trek,” and I’m nostalgic for the days when TNG, DS9 & Voyager were in production. These new movies are action films first and foremost – something that Roddenberry never really intended. I feel that Star Trek works best on Television where we can grow to love characters gradually. And where the writers have the time to tackle real social issues within a sci-fi format making the audiences think and question things. That being said, I liked the movie. I went in looking for a popcorn & soda fueled movie thrill ride and I got just that.

LTJG Mike Jones gives his best Vulcan salute before watching Into Darkness. July 2013


GOING INTO DARKNESS Columbia Crew Members go to the movies.

Nick Elder poses to promote the chapter.

Bob McDonald, center, Brian Baker, right, and Jon Lacer, far right, show off their version of the signature J.J. Abrams ‘Lens Flare!’

Kevin Turner recruits new members. 9

July 2013

Chief Science Officer’s Report CDR Julie Taucher Greetings from the Science Department!

CDR Julie’s STID Review Things have been rather exciting lately with the release of the new Star Trek movie. I have wanted to voice some of my thoughts about Star Trek Into Darkness for a while, and this seems like a good outlet for it. Touching on things I liked and things I thought could have been different. I will try to keep it as spoiler free as possible, as I am not sure whether everyone has seen it yet. First things first, I’m going to get it out there now that I still like Star Trek 2009 better. From what I’ve seen this film seems to generate strong feelings either one way or the other and I’ve seen valid points about it raised on both sides. That being said, I did thoroughly enjoy Star Trek Into Darkness (STID), which actually has grown on me the more times I’ve seen it. STID has so much to take in upon first viewing that I needed to see it more than once in order to catch all that goes on. It moves at a fast pace, which required me to pay more attention to all that was being said. While ST 09 could be seen as a Spock story, STID is very much a Kirk story, and deals a lot with him maturing and really learning what it means to be a captain who’s responsible for so many people. I thought the acting from the cast was very well done, especially the range of emotion coming from Chris Pine, and dare I say it, Zachary Quinto. Simon Pegg as Scotty also has more to do than basically being the comic relief he was in the first film. Benedict Cumberbatch did a great job as the villain, John Harrison. Karl Urban, again, is a flawless Dr. McCoy and it’s too bad they didn’t utilize him

more. However, it appears to me that Bones had more to do this time than he did in ST 09, where whole sections of the movie went by without any trace of him. The soundtrack was amazing and I think I like it better than the score for ST 09. Michael Giacchino was wonderful at taking elements from ST 09 and building on them, while also adding new elements to it. As everyone was saying in the months leading up to release, the scope of this film is much bigger, and a lot more is seen in terms of locations and costumes. STID presents an emotional story that, to me, was more violent than the last, but it is not without its humor. Spock, McCoy, Kirk. and Scotty all had lines that were getting laughs. At times, however, it walks a line between homage and what may come across as lazy writing. I believe I see what the writers were trying to do, however, I can’t say I was bothered too much by it. By the end of the movie I did have questions about it, as it wraps up so quickly, it leaves some things unsaid. There are plot holes and logic problems, as there are with any movie. Some things may be there just as a fan service, but again, it wasn’t so severe that it greatly affected my enjoyment of the film. Overall I’m pleased with what I saw, and I know the people I’ve seen it with have enjoyed it too. I’m glad for all those that enjoyed it and I’m hoping those that didn’t will give it another shot, as I know people who hated it at first, but warmed up to it after giving it another go. July 2013


Chief of Operations Report CDR Jimmy Nelson Special Report: Starship Weapons Systems Phasers Phasers are a Federation vessel's primary defense weapon, gathered in a series of highpowered arrays at key locations on the hull. Starship phasers have range of 300,000 kilometers and are capable of a 5.1 megawatt burst. By the late 24th century phasers were only effective at sublight speeds for close-range attacks. Control of the integrated phaser system is coordinated from the tactical/security station on the main bridge. The phaser's power output, dispersion beam width, and length of burst can …. adjusted. On occasions where the be automatic controls are disrupted or …….. damaged, it is possible to target and fire, ……. a…lthough this is less precise. Some shield configurations can deflect a phaser beam; an interferometric pulse, for example, can reflect the directed energy away from the target, rendering phasers ineffective. Under normal conditions, however, phasers are a formidable and adaptable defense. For example, the harmonics of the beam can be adjusted to cut through solid rock when needed for rescue missions.

Pulse Phaser Cannons Starship phaser arrays had changed relatively little in more than a century, until recently. Pulse phaser cannons, developed at a STARFLEET R&D facility in Tokyo, Japan, using large, nearly flawless emitter crystals artificially grown in microgravity chambers. Phaser arrays use a disposable cylindrical power cell about a meter in length. They were designed as part of the Borg defensive and first installed on the prototype starship USS Defiant …


July 2013

NX-74205. The new crystals, combined with rapid-discharge EPS capacitance banks and highspeed focusing coils, allowed the phaser discharge to be stored temporarily (up to 2.3 nanoseconds) within the coils and then released as a layered pulse. Pulse phaser cannons have begun to be installed on newer starships as primary weapons along with phaser arrays.

Photon Torpedoes Photon torpedoes are powerful weapons containing matter and antimatter separated by a force field which collapses on impact. Torpedoes, unlike phasers, can be fired while at warp speeds and use a warp sustainer engine to maintain speed. Starships usually carry type-6 photon torpedoes. Their …………….explosive potential can be modified by varying the amount of antimatter to increase or decrease the yield, measured in isotones. Typically set at a yield of 18.5 isotones, the weapons' destructive potential can be maximized by firing them in a pre-set spread pattern, providing a cumulative detonation toward a target. In case of damage to the launchers, they can be manually launched from the torpedo bay, although personnel are at risk from potential burns. The torpedoes are highly adaptable. Their warheads can be modified to fire on specific targets with a range of up to 3,500,000 kilometers. Read more about Photon Torpedoes The quantum torpedo is the first Starfleet follow-on weapon to replace the standard photon torpedo first developed in 2268. Existing and future threat force conflicts drove the ……..…..

development of a new defensive standoff weapon that could be deployed on specially equipped starships, starbases, and planetarysurface fortifications. The quantum torpedo consists of a pressuremolded shell of densified tritanium and duranium foam, trapezoidal in cross section and tapered at the forward end for atmospheric applications. A 7-millimeter layer of plasmabonded terminium ceramic forms and ablative armor skin for the foam hull, over which is bonded a .12-millimeter coating of siliconcopper-yttrium rigid polymer as an antiradiation coating. The chamber measures .76 meters in diameter by 1.38 meters in length, and 2.3 centimeters in average thickness. The zero-point initiator is powered by the detonation of an uprated photon torpedo warhead with a yield of 21.8 isotones.

Deflector Shields Shields are an energy field that encompass the entire vessel during hazardous situations. The shields are generated through the grid that covers the upper port and starboard sides of a ship's engineering hull. It consists of a projected energy barrier whose frequency can be modulated or rotated to maximize its effectiveness against attack. Starfleet shield design is extremely flexible ‌.

and can be modified by alien technologies to temporarily strengthen or change the nature of shield harmonics. It can also be extended to protect another starship within the shield bubble. In their normal operating state, shields are highly susceptible to any chroniton-based weapons. They cannot halt the advance of a chroniton torpedo, because it is in a state of temporal flux. Although, if the exact temporal variance of a weapon is known, the shields can be adapted to produce highly effective temporal Shielding.

Ablative Hull Armor Ablative armor is a protective skin that is a top secret technology. It was in development during the Borg defensive weapons project along with pulse phaser cannons and quantum torpedoes. Ablative armor provided an extra layer of defense for the vessel against enemy fire if the shields failed. It worked by forming a protective layer over the hull surface that helped disperse large amounts of incoming phaser blasts. Ablative armor was classified; STARFLEET Operations were unaware that the Defiant had been equipped with it until 2372. By 2374, other prototype starships such as the USS Prometheus NX-74913 had ablative armor installed.

The first depicted use of shields by a starship was in the Star Trek episode "Arena," in which the USS Enterprise raises its shields after being attacked by an alien warship. Click here to read more.

The term 'shields' first appears in the Star Trek episode "Balance of Terror", in which they were deployed, albeit to little effect, by a Federation outpost under attack from a Romulan Warbird. July 2013



Check out STARFLEET Academy! ave you looked at the course lists lately from H either Starfleet Academy, or the Starfleet Marine Corps Academy? As a Columbia crewmember, you can earn from 25 to 100 points per year towards your promotion, just by taking and passing courses of your choice from either Academy. The point’s breakdown are, for most of the Academy courses and many of the Marine Corps Academy courses, as follows: ` 1 point for receiving a “Pass” grade on each course you take. ` 2 points for receiving an “Honors” grade on each course you take. ` 3 points for receiving a “Distinction” grade on each course you take. ` If you “beta test” a course that is in development for one of the Directors of a College, you will receive 3 points because of the extra work that is required for beta testing a course. For ranks up through Commander (or Major, if you are a Marine), a total of 25 Academy points can be used toward the points you need for a promotion. For Captain (Lt. Colonel) and above, a total of up to 100 points can be used toward promotion points. If the course you choose to take only awards a Pass or Fail grade, then it will be at the discretion of our Commanding Officer what points are to be awarded. Any points through courses you earn over what may be used toward a promotion, will be banked and applied toward your next …………


July 2013

promotion, when you become eligible. One other award that you are eligible for is the Boothby Award, which is presented by Starfleet Academy every time you complete 50 courses. You will receive a certificate of completion from the Director of the School from which you’ve taken the courses. There are also plenty of Cadet only courses available for our eligible younger crewmembers through both Academies. STARFLEET has a database that keeps track of everything you do and all of the courses and awards you earn as an active member. The website is also listed below. All you need is your SCC Number (membership number) to type in and your file will be brought up. The following are links to both STARFLEET and the STARFLEET Marine Corp Academies. Between the two Academies, there are well over 4,000 different courses to take with new courses being developed all the time. Please take the time to explore each of these web sites and see what a wealth of information – and fun, can be available to you, as well as helping you gain your next promotion. STARFLEET Academy STARFLEET Marine Corps Academy STARFLEET Database Should you need further information or help with how to use the system, making choices, or accessing your records, please let me know. I’m always available to help, LCDR Frances B. Brock Chief Medical Officer, USS Columbia, NCC-2049 Chief of Recognition Services, STAFLEET Academy

Supplemental: Cell Phone Apps Star Trek Communicator ($2) Just like it sounds, your screen becomes a digital replica of a Star Trek: Original Series flipopen communicator. When the phone is “flipped” or with the swipe of a finger, the flip-top antenna appears to raise, revealing the controls. This app also give you access to your contacts so you can call them or use the paging function to role-play with your friends. It also features the voices of Captain Kirk, Spock, Scotty, McCoy, Sulu and Uhura. Plus many Star Trek sound effects, lights, and motion to replicate the actual prop. Tricorder TR-580 Mark III ($1) This one is mainly just for fun. It features full interactive animation. Plus it will allow you to search for other Tricorder users in your area.

by Kevin Turner In addition to my regular report, I was asked if I could report on some present-time Star Trek accoutrements for the cell phone. I found that there are many for nearly every type of phone (but not all, sadly). Everything ranging from phone cases, to wallpaper, to apps that turn your phone into several different Star Trek devices. And it is with apps that I will start. As a caveat, this is not an exhaustive list of all the apps out there, these are just the most popular. Nearly all of them are available for Android based items, iPhone, iPod, and iPad. The iPhone apps can be purchased through iTunes, while the Android users can get theirs at Android Market or at AppBrain.

LCARS (unsure of price) This is a Star Trek Live Wallpaper app. You can press all the buttons and indicators too see the display change. Also you can customize up to 30 of the buttons to open other apps. You can also customize how the wallpaper is displayed by going to the settings function. You may have to set the scrolling control to Manual to get your display to scroll over the entire wallpaper. I am to understand that if you are using GS2 or GS3, you might have to set the Live wallpaper using a third party launcher, like “Go Launcher” to get the screen to scroll over the entire wallpaper. To see this app in action, go to YouTube.

iPhaser Blaster ($1) Also, just for fun, this app gives Captain's Log ($2) the appearance of a type 1 This one is a little more functional. phaser, complete with sound This app will allow you to effects to merely “stun” or organize and record voice memos, “disintegrate” who or check your GPS coordinates, and Star Trek Game ($1) whatever you choose. With this app you can engage in battles and store pictures. between the Enterprise and hostile aliens. It is based on Star Trek (2009). July 2013


o s

Rion & pace

Launch Systems by Jason Schreck


n our last newsletter I wrote an article discussing commercial space flight plans for both NASA and the private industry. In this issue I'm going to look at NASA's plans for their own spacecraft. Specifically the Orion Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle and the Space Launch System. In 2004, NASA's shuttle fleet was grounded following the accident that led to the loss of the space shuttle Columbia. They would return the shuttle to flight the following year, however, it was clear the Space Shuttle was needing to be replaced. Following two fatal shuttle accidents in 17 years and realizing the shuttle crews had no real escape system in an emergency, as well as the fact that the shuttle had been flying for 24 years it was time for a change. The Columbia Investigation board had recommended to NASA to pursue a NASA artists rendering of the replacement for the shuttle as soon as feasibly Space Launch System set to launch manned missions in 2021. possible. On January 14, 2004, former President George W. Bush went before the American people and challenged NASA to do ‌. ‌.. 15 July 2013

the following: return the Space Shuttle to flight as safely and as soon as possible, to complete construction of the International Space Station by 2010, and to retire the Space Shuttle and replace it with a yet to be designed Crew Exploration Vehicle, which would take astronauts back to the Moon, onto Mars, and other destinations. Project Constellation was born. The initial designs called for a Crew Exploration Vehicle now known as Orion to be a manned capsule, similar in overall look to the Apollo Command module, but with twice the volume and with the latest technology. The Capsule was designed to carry a crew of six to low Earth Orbit, or four to deep space. The new Orion would be launched on the newly designed Ares 1 rocket. For lunar missions or other deep space missions, a larger rocket, the Ares V would launch landers or other needed equipment to rendezvous with Orion and then go onto their destination. Work began on the Orion and the Ares 1 programs. They were the first priority since their first planned launch was scheduled for 2015. However, like many manned programs, Constellation fell behind schedule and was over budget. And on top of this, Congress was not providing the promised funding. However, work continued and several early test versions of Orion, none intended to fly in space, were built and began testing. On October 28, 2009 the Ares 1-X test flight tested the basic design. They tested the overall flight characteristics during first stage burn. It carried only an Orion weight simulator, but the test was successful. With the election of Barrack Obama in 2008, the program was seriously over budget and behind schedule. It came under increasing scrutiny, and in 2010, Constellation was canceled. Obama now directed NASA to end all work on the Ares launch vehicles and Orion, and to look into using Commercial ………..

spacecraft to service the Space Station and let NASA spend its time and energy on a new Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle and a new Space Launch System. With no real guidance, the Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle was decided to use the Orion design now with only a crew of 4. NASA was also to no longer to focus on revisiting the Moon, but to prepare to go to asteroids by 2025, and Mars in the 2030's. Work began again on the Orion, allowing the work that had already been done not to be wasted. In 2012, NASA announced that the service module for Orion will now be built by the European Space Agency. Orion will fly its first unmanned test flight to high Earth orbit on a Delta IV Heavy in 2014. Its first manned flight is still scheduled for 2025. To give you an idea of the Orion's size The capsules diameter at its base will be 16.5 feet, its pressurized volume will be 691 cubic feet. The mass of the capsule is 19,650 pounds. With the cancellation of the Ares launch Vehicles, NASA has begun design work on the ….…………. NASA, continued on page 20

NASA artists rendering of the Orion, set to launch manned missions in 2025.

July 2013


Chief of Engineering Report CDR Kevin Turner

st 21

Century Development of Star Trek Technology:


imply put, a communicator is a device that is used by people to communicate over large distances. This idea has come in many guises over the years. In ancient times, foot runners and riders on horseback were used to deliver messages from one place to another. These foot messengers would run a vast numbers …….. of miles to deliver their messages. In fact, in Mexico and South America, the runners would chew coca leaves to allow them to run nonstop from place to place. Also, to this day there are marathons run ….… over historical messenger routes. The first real postal system was created in ancient Persia around 550 BC by King Cyrus the Great. It used a system of stations where a mail carrier would ride to the next post, where he would swap his horse for a fresh one, for maximum delivery speed. The historian Herodotus described the system in this, very familiar, way: “It is said that as many days as there are in the whole journey, …. .. 17 July 2013

so many are the men and horses that along the road, each horse and man at the interval of a day’s journey; and these are stayed neither by snow nor rain nor heat nor darkness from accomplishing their appointed course with all speed.” This method will also be very familiar to those who know of the early American use of the Pony Express prior to the transcontinental railroad or the advent of the telegraph. One of the earliest electromagnetic telegraph designs was created by Pavel Schilling in 1832, but it was never developed into a commercially usable system. The first commercial electrical telegraph was co-developed by Sir William Fothergill Cooke and Charles Wheatstone, and entered use on the Great Western Railway in Britain. It ran for 13 miles (21 km) from Paddington station to West Drayton. It started operation on 9 July 1839. It was patented in the United Kingdom in 1837, and was first successfully demonstrated by Cooke and Wheatstone on 25 July 1837 between Euston and Camden Town in London. An electrical telegraph was independently developed and patented in the United States in …

1837 by Samuel Morse. His assistant, Alfred Vail, developed the Morse code signaling alphabet with Morse. The first telegram in the United States was sent by Morse on 11 January 1838, across two miles (3 km) of wire at Speedwell Ironworks near Morristown, New Jersey. On 24 May 1844, he sent the message "WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT" from the Old Supreme Court Chamber in the Capitol in Washington to the old Mt. Clare Depot in Baltimore. The message was all capital letters because the original Morse code alphabet had no question mark or lower case. The Morse/Vail telegraph was quickly deployed in the following two decades. The overland telegraph connected the west coast of the continent to the east coast by 24 October 1861, bringing an end to the Pony Express. Before long distance telephone services were readily available or affordable, telegram services were very popular and the only way to convey information speedily over very long distances. Telegrams were often used to confirm business dealings and were commonly used to create binding legal documents for business dealings. In addition to full-rate telegrams which were transmitted immediately, most telegraph companies offered reduced-rate ………….. telegrams with delayed delivery: day letters (delayed delivery the same day) and night letters (delivery the following morning). The telephone was the first device in history that enabled people to talk directly to each …..

other across large distances. As with any other great invention, there were several other inventors working on developing the telephone, and each improved on each other’s work. Innocenzo Manzetti, Antonio Meucci, Johann Philipp Reis, Elisha Gray, Alexander Graham Bell, and Thomas Edison, among others, have all been credited with pioneering work on the telephone. In 1875, Alexander Graham Bell developed an “acoustic telegraph” and filled out a patent application for it. Bell also requested that an associate in Canada try to patent in Great Britain. Bell instructed his lawyers to apply for the patent in America only after they received word from Britain, since the British patent office would only grant patents for inventions not previously patented elsewhere. At nearly the same time, Elisha Gray, who was also experimenting with acoustic telegraphy, developed a way to transmit speech using a water transmitter. On February 14, 1876, Gray filed for a patent with the U.S. Patent Office for a telephone design that used the water transmitter. That same morning, Bell's lawyer filed Bell's application with the patent office. There is considerable debate about who arrived first and Gray later challenged the primacy of Bell's patent. Bell’s patent was issued on March 7, 1876. On March 10th, Bell succeeded in getting his telephone to work, using a liquid transmitter …….similar to Gray’s design. When Bell spoke the famous words “Mr. Watson – come here – I want to see you.” Into the liquid transmitter, Watson, listening at the receiving end in another room, heard the words clearly. That first patent by Bell was the master patent of the telephone, from which other patents for electric telephone devices and features flowed. July 2013


The first hand-held mobile/cellular phone was demonstrated by John F. Mitchell and Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973, using a handset weighing 2.2 pounds (1kg). The first commercial cell phone was the DynaTAC 8000x, also known as the “the Brick”, introduced in 1983. A cell phone can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by relay towers and satellites, allowing access to the public telephone network. All cell phones have features in common, but the different manufacturers add a number of specialty features like streaming video, megapixel cameras, GPS, etc. to differentiate their phones from others and to make them attractive to customers. This push for features has had a great influence on cell phone development in the past twenty years. A smart phone is simply a cell phone that can perform many specialty features, called “apps”. From 1990 to 2011, worldwide mobile phone subscriptions grew from 12.4 million to over 6 billion, covering about 87% of the global population. A satellite phone is a type of cell phone that connects to orbiting satellites rather than relay towers. They provide similar functions to those of regular cell phones, including internet access. Depending on how the satellite system is put together, coverage may be the entire Earth or just specific regions. Early satellite phone handsets had a size and weight comparable to that of a late-1980s or early-1990s cell phone, but usually with a large …. 19 July 2013

retractable antenna. More recent satellite phones are similar in size to a regular cell phone while some prototype satellite phones have no distinguishable difference from an ordinary smartphone. Satellite phones are popular on expeditions into remote areas where terrestrial cellular service is unavailable. For a life–imitates-art moment, Dr. Martin Cooper, the designer of the first flip-open cell phone, said that he was inspired by the Star Trek: Original Series flip-open communicator. In Star Trek: ENT, Star Trek: TOS, and Original Series movies, when the crew was on an away mission, they would communicate with the ship and each other by use of a hand-held communicator. The flip-open top section was a transceiver antenna, and the lower portion contained the controls, microphone, and speaker. (This prop was designed by Wah Chang, who also built many of the other props for the show.) The first wearable communicator was incorporated into the insignia pin and became known as a commbadge. Users no longer had to speak directly into the communicator, but could activate it by tapping it with a finger. The commbadge came into general use by 2344. In Star Trek: TNG and later series, crewmembers wore a commbadge on their left chest. The commbadges were in the shape of the Starfleet insignia. They also…. incorporated the universal translator. In contrast, the communicator has better communication capabilities than the cell phone. The communicator has a range of 500 miles (800 kilometers), whereas the cell phone, only 5 miles (8 kilometers). The communicator can call directly to other communicators or an orbiting spacecraft without …

NASA, continued from page 16

the use of any equipment; the cell phone requires relay towers and satellites to connect to another phone. The communicator can operate for two weeks before needing to be charged, but the phone, about 1 – 2 days. To be fair, the cell phone can do many things that the communicator can’t. Firstly the phone can take pictures. Also, the cell phone can access the internet, play music, stream movies, send text messages, and play games. The communicator, of whatever type you choose, can’t. You would need a heavily modified tricorder for those. That does not include all of the aftermarket applications you can get for your cell phone (see my supplemental report for some ideas). In the past few years, there have been some companies that have designed items like the commbadge. The Siemens company and Vocera have both created wearable badges that take vocal commands. They do fall short of the idea of a commbadge in that they are only voice activated remote controls for your appliances, lights, etc. Another company has gone a step further. has developed a Bluetooth commbadge that allows you to access your smart phone and applications using voice commands. Their ad reads: “The only wearable personal communicator for iPhone and Android. Simply use your voice to send messages, schedule meetings, place phone calls, and more. You’ll have full access to Siri and Google Now voice command functions seamlessly. All while your phone is in your pocket or it’s charger.” Sadly, they are not available for sale yet. You can, however, preorder them for delivery in a few months. You can even customize them to an extent.

new Space Launch System. This vehicle will be able to launch both manned missions and unmanned payloads. The core stage of the vehicle is essentially a modified space shuttle external tank, with the after section being modified to accommodate its main propulsion system. The top of the stage will be modified to include an inter stage area. The main engines of the SLS will consist of RS-25D or RS-25E engines in varying numbers of four or five engines, depending on the particular version being flown at the time. These are the same engines that were the main propulsion system on the Space Shuttle. The core stage will be common to every version of the SLS. Strapped to the core stage will be space shuttle derived solid rocket boosters. The initial Block 0 and Block 1 designs will use four or five segment space shuttle boosters. Later versions will use an up-rated version of these boosters. For the second stage, various stage configurations will be used. Early on, an upgraded Delta IV stage will be used later to be replaced by a specially designed stage. The first newly designed stage will fly with four RL-10B2 engines. These engines, originally designed for use on the Saturn 1, were upgraded and are still in use on the Delta and Atlas launch vehicles. The Final version of the upper stage will use three of the new J-2X engines. An upgraded version of the rockets flown on the upper stages of the Saturn V moon rocket in the Apollo program. The new Space Launch Vehicle will be the largest rocket ever built, and will use the existing, though heavily modified shuttle launch and preparation facilities. Currently, the first unmanned test flight is scheduled for 2017 and the first manned flight for 2021.

July 2013


Add the following to your kit:




o matter where any of us live, we are subject to natural disasters or potential terrorist activity. It’s a sad commentary, but there are things we can do, proactively, to help minimize the risk, should we be caught in a disaster situation. It’s called an EMERGENCY “GO” KIT, and you can make one up for your house and keep a smaller version in your vehicle. Preparing a Kit in advance can save precious time if you must evacuate or seek shelter. When disaster strikes, it’s too late to prepare. Be prepared to help your family and yourself through the first 72 hours of an emergency or disaster. Are you prepared? The following information will help you create your Emergency Go Kit. The following are only suggestions from the U.S. Government on what you should keep in your Go Kit. You can certainly add or take away to suit your area or situation. It looks like a lot of stuff, but you will be surprised how little room it takes once it’s packed. Put these items in a sturdy, easy-to-carry container, such as a backpack or suitcase with wheels. Keep your kit in an easily accessible place that you can “grab and go.”


July 2013

 At least a 3-day supply of water (1 gallon per person/day) in sealed, unbreakable containers.  A three-to five-day supply of non-perishable canned food, and a non-electric can opener  Flashlight  Battery-powered or hand crank radio  Extra batteries  Wrench and/or pliers to turn off utilities  Whistle to signal for help  First Aid kit  Prescription medications for at least one week  List of family physicians, important medical information, and the style and serial number of medical devices, such as pacemakers  Cell phone charger  Extra set of eyeglasses, or contact lenses and solution  Rain gear, sturdy shoes, and a change of clothing  Blankets, bedding, and/or sleeping bags  Identification, credit cards, cash  Photocopies of important family documents including bank and home insurance information  Extra set of car and house keys  Local maps  N95 dust masks to help filter contaminated air  Plastic sheeting, duct tape, and scissors to shelter in place  Tools: screwdrivers, waterproof matches, a fire extinguisher, flares, plastic storage containers, needle and thread, pen and paper, a compass,

garbage bags, moist towelettes, and regular household bleach  Special items for seniors, family members with disabilities, infants, and young children  Change batteries in all your equipment at least once a year. An easy way to remember is to do it when you turn your clocks back in the fall.

Special items for infants:  Formula, bottled water, bottles, nipples  Jars of baby food and baby spoons  Diapers and diaper rash ointment  Medications  Moist towelettes and hand sanitizer  Blankets, pacifiers, and layers of clothing  Sun hat in warm months, warm hat in cool months  Several small, lightweight toys

MAKE A FIRST AID KIT In any emergency you or a family member may be cut, burned, or suffer other injuries. Basic supplies will make you better prepared to help you or your loved ones with injuries.

Things you should have:  Two pairs of Latex, or other sterile gloves (if you are allergic to Latex).  Sterile dressings to stop bleeding.  Cleansing agent/soap and antibiotic towelettes to disinfect.  Antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.  Burn ointment to prevent infection.  Adhesive bandages in a variety of sizes.  Eye wash solution to flush the eyes or as general de contaminant.  Thermometer.  Prescription medications you take every day such as insulin, heart medicine and asthma inhalers. You should periodically rotate medicines to account for expiration dates.

 Prescribed medical supplies such as glucose and blood pressure monitoring equipment and supplies.

Things it may be good to have:  Scissors  Tweezers  Tube of petroleum jelly or other lubricant  Aspirin or non aspirin pain reliever  Anti-diarrhea medication  Antacid (for upset stomach)  Laxative

Make a Contact List Be sure to have an emergency contact list accessible in an event of a disaster.

Take the following steps to create an emergency contact list:  Pick an out-of-state friend or relative that all family members will call if you become separated from each other. (If local phone circuits are busy during an emergency, it may be easier to call out-of-state.)  Give the name, phone number, and e-mail address to each member of your family.  Store the list in a plastic zip-lock bag (to avoid water damage).

by LT CDR Fran Brock

July 2013


Chief Medical Officer’s Report LCDR Fran Brock Doctors from The Star Trek Universe A Seven-Part Series:

Part III: Dr. Beverly Crusher

FROM STARFLEET PERSONNEL FILE: RANK: Commander FULL NAME: Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701-D DATE OF BIRTH: October 13, 2324 PLACE OF BIRTH: Copernicus City, Luna MARITAL STATUS: Widowed (Married Jack Crusher, 2348-55) CHILDREN: One son – Wesley Robert Crusher, born July 29, 2349 LOCATION OF QUARTERS: Enterprise-D, Deck 8, Room 2133 LOCATION OF OFFICE: Enterprise-D, Deck 12, Room 1629 PERSONAL INTERESTS: Theater, Dancing, Poker, Cybermetrics, and Ethnobotany COMMAND AUTHORIZATION CODE: Crusher-2-2-Beta-Charlie THE EARLY YEARS: Beverly lost both of her parents when she was very young. She was raised by her Grandmother, Felisa Howard, on Arvada III. After a great moon collided with the planet causing it to flood, resourceful Felisa, with Beverly's help and after the synthetic medicines ran out, used natural materials from the environment to help treat the injured. This probably set the stage for Beverly becoming a physician. After the evacuation of Arvada III, Felisa and Beverly settled on Caldos II where, when she became of age, entered Starfleet Academy.

THE ACADEMY YEARS: Beverly attended Starfleet Academy from 2342 to 2350, during which time she attended medical school. While at the Academy, she met, was courted by, and married Jack Crusher in 2348. He proposed to her, through a gag gift, a book entitled How to Advance Your Career Through Marriage.” She graduated at the top of .. 23 July 2013

her class, won multiple awards, and in 2350, started an internship with Dr. Dalen Quaice on Delos IV in 2352.

HER PERSONAL AND FAMILY LIFE: While working with Dr. Quaice at the Academy, Beverly's husband, Jack, was assigned to the USS Stargazer. One year later, their son, Wesley, was born. While on an away mission, Jack was killed. Wesley was five years old. The Stargazer was commanded by Captain Picard, who brought Jack's body home to Beverly. What she didn't realize at the time, was the Picard, who was Jack Crusher's best friend, was secretly in love with Beverly. The first time Picard met Wesley and saw Beverly again, was during the “Encounter at Farpoint”, when Beverly was assigned to the Enterprise. There was never any denying that they were attracted to one another, even though it was kept fairly low-keyed throughout the series. Several episodes eluded to this fact, most notably “Attached” where they are linked ………….

telepathically and their deep romantic feelings toward each, are revealed to the other. It was Beverly who never let the relationship develop. She was not emotionally ready (nor ever was) to take that next step in their relationship. Both remained pretending their feelings for each other, didn't exist.

HER LIFE ON BOARD THE ENTERPRISE: Dr. Crusher took the bridge officer's test in 2362, and was promoted to Commander. She was appointed Chief Medical Officer of the Starship Enterprise-D, Stardate 41154, in 2364, and joined the ship at Farpoint Station with Wesley. Captain Picard initially had reservations about her presence, but she assured him that the past would have no effect on her duties and she had no problem serving under his command. Dr. Crusher was offered a position as head of Starfleet Medical in 2365 and left the Enterprise for one year. She was replaced by Dr. Katherine Pulaski. While at Starfleet Medical, she worked with Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hutchinson. Crusher found it difficult to be away from the Enterprise and decided to return to the ship the following year. The true reason for Beverly's return was never explicitly stated. As a fully-certified bridge officer, Crusher commanded the Enterprise-D on several occasions, most notably in 2370, while nearly the entire crew was searching for Data on a renegade Borg planet. The ship was attacked by a Borg vessel, but her quick thinking allowed the Enterprise to escape and destroy the Borg Ship. (TNG: “Descent”, “Descent, Part II”) She also occasionally commanded night watch shifts in order to stay on top of starship operations.

PERSONAL INTERESTS: Beverly was an accomplished thespian and playwright. She formed a theater troupe aboard the Enterprise and produced several classic and original plays, sometimes to the dismay of the crew members she sought to fill the roles. She also teaches an acting workshop.

She produced the following works, while aboard Enterprise: z Cyrano de Bergerac in 2367, starring Reginald Barclay and herself. z The Pirates of Penzance in 2368, starring Geordi La Forge. z Something for Breakfast in 2369, starring William Riker and Jean-Luc Picard. z Frame of Mind in 2369, starring William Riker and Data. Although she was not shy about her theatrical abilities, Beverly was somewhat embarrassed of her past as a dancer. She did not want to be known by her nickname “The Dancing Doctor,” which she picked up while in Medical School at the Academy. She studied tap and jazz dance, and won several awards in St. Louis. Her other hobbies included cybernetics and ethnobotany, and she wrote papers on these subjects. She studied the Klingon mok’bara, use of the bat’leth, and other martial arts with Lieutenant Worf. Her favorite holodeck simulations include Alture VII and the Orient Express. Crusher was also a regular participant in the Enterprise-D poker games.


DR. CRUSHER IN REAL LIFE: Gates McFadden is not only an actress, but a choreographer. When in costume as Crusher, McFadden hid her own hair under a wig, requiring over an hour of preparation before each day’s shooting. She was reluctant to accept the role of Dr. Crusher because of her commitment to appear in the play “The Matchmaker” at the La Jolla Playhouse. During the second season, the ……….. Crusher, continued on page 30

July 2013


Chief of Security Report LT CDR Brent Griffis Vacation Security: Basic Personal Safety Here in the Northern Hemisphere of planet Earth, it’s officially Summer. For many of us, Summer means vacation! Vacations are meant to be relaxing, but according to the FBI, crime tends to increase about 10% during Summer Months. With that in mind, here are a few basic tips adapted from the City of Nichols Hills, Oklahoma. Following these precautions should help keep you safe at home and while on vacation, so that you can focus on the FUN parts of Summer! AT HOME: { Never indicate you are home alone. { When home alone never open your door to a stranger. { Do not open the door to anyone you do not know without first verifying the person's identity. This includes police officers, repair, delivery or salespersons, and political or charity volunteers. { Never allow a stranger into a security entrance. This includes someone asking to leave a package or a note for a neighbor. { Young children should be taught not to answer the door. { Engrave all of your valuable property. Keep a record of the serial numbers of valuable equipment. Photograph or videotape other valuables. Keep photographs and records of serial numbers separate from your valuables in a safe at home or in a safe-deposit box. { Always lock your door, even if you leave your home for just a few minutes. { Have telephone numbers for emergencies, such as the police, and fire and paramedic services on every telephone in the house. { Have your door key in your hand when approaching your entryway. At night, keep car headlights on and car doors locked until you have checked your garage or parking area. Look around before you get out of your car. { If you are driven home, ask the driver to wait until you are safely inside. Never go into your home if anything seems unusual, such as an open door or a broken window. Leave immediately to a place where you can call the police. Do not go into your home until the police advise it is safe. { Give a duplicate house key to a relative, trusted friend or neighbor in case you are ever locked out. { Do not hide house keys in mailboxes, in planters, under doormats, or other places they might be easily found. This will prevent criminals from finding an easy way into your home. 25

July 2013

{ Do not place personal identification on key rings. { Be able to separate your car key from all of your other keys. You can purchase a detachable key ring for this purpose. { Leave only your ignition key with the car when it is valet parked, serviced or repaired. { If you lose the keys to your home, change the locks as soon as possible. WHILE TRAVELLING: { Don't travel with loads of cash. Instead, access cash via ATMs (machines in some countries only work with four-digit passwords) or carry travelers check. If you don't have a credit or debit card, you may wish to purchase a prepaid Cheque Card. { Protect your valuables. Many hotels have in-room safes; use yours. If you plan to go to the beach, for instance, leave your wallets, passports, watches, and other valuables locked in the safe. If your room itself doesn't have a safe and you're staying in a reputable hotel, put items in an envelope and ask the front desk to place them in its safe until your return. { Don't go with strangers at night. If you forgot this lesson from grade school, remember it before you board the plane. Of course, every one you meet on your travels will be a stranger, and this can form the basis of some wonderful relationships and insights into the place you're visiting. But until you know and can trust a stranger, stick to meeting in public places during daylight hours. { Stay away from dangerous neighborhoods. Don't know where the "dangerous" neighborhoods are? Ask a cop, a cabdriver, a concierge. They'll know. { Stay alert. There are criminals who specialize in preying on tourists. In parts of Europe pickpockets are rampant. They'll surround a traveler or create a distraction, and the next thing you know, your wallet is gone. Don't keep cash in an obvious spot, such as a back-pocket, wallet, or swinging purse. { Lock your door. An open door is an invitation to intruders. If you are not comfortable with the security at your hotel, inform the management and ask them to take action. As an additional resource, the United States Department of State publishes Consular Information Sheets about every nation. They cover crime conditions and steps crime victims should take. Current Travel Warnings lists countries the U.S. government considers particularly dangerous and recommends avoiding.

Have a safe summer! July 2013


his teachings, the groups that eventually united to become Romulans, had a mistrust of telepathy. While the Romulan familial codes prevented the killing of these telepaths, especially if no misdeeds could be proven, misdeeds could be proven, they were instead banished to Remus. What is not known in Federation data is whether or not Remus had an indigenous population that the Romulans interbred with, or if the harsh planetary climate and evolution altered the Romulans that settled that ..planet. A tangent species was created that had an inherent telepathic strength that the Empire learned to exploit in the face of the wide use of psychics, in both the Federation, and the Klingon Empire.

things to know about

Romulans 1



The Romulan People are a deeply religious people with as many ….. religious factions found on any Federation planet, including Earth. The largest portion of the Romulan people believe in a materialistic concept of the universe, they also ascribe religious significance to this particular world view. There are subcultures of Romulans that range from Pantheistic to monotheistic, some are also ancestor worshippers. Many humans that have come into contact with religiously devout Romulans are stricken by the similarities that are found in Earth cultures.






Romulans consider those with psychic abilities untrustworthy and avoid them at all costs. …….. While telepathy was encouraged by Surak of Vulcan. Those that opposed … 27 July 2013


The Romulan people are the parent species of five genetically diverse groups: …… The Chalchaj’qmey, The Remans, The Debrune, The Watraii, and The Garidian. This does not include those races, some yet undiscovered, that split away from the greater Romulan people during the first great diaspora during the time of Surak. Countless planets are being discovered, many in Federation space, which are inhabited by these Romulan descendants. In many cases the historical record of their Romulan origin is lost in time. ….




Romulans and humans are genetically compatible enough to …… The same is true with Vulcans. have children. ……

These inter species unions are more numerous since the destruction of Romulus and the scattering of Romulans throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. This compatibility is believed to be due to the ancient genetic seeding of several hundred thousand planets by a species known only as “The Preservers.”




Romulans make what is considered the finest alcoholic..beverage in the entire galaxy. In fact, a little unknown historical fact is that it was the generational brew masters and their guilds that made the greatest headway in peace talks with the Federation before and after the Destruction of Romulus. As it is, The Tranchot brand of Romulan Ale is now brewed in Chateauneuf-du-Pape, France. History has even quoted Ambassador Picard when he signed the pact of friendship allowing the first of the Romulan colonies to be established in Federation space, he stood up with the Head of the Guild of Tranchot, raising a glass of Romulan Ale THE OFFICER said, “What we failed to do with technology, we have done Article and original artwork by CDR Bob McDonald with taste.” July 2013


by Lt. Nick Elder

o add to the hype of the release of Star Trek: Into Darkness, IDW publishing released a four part miniseries titled, "Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness." It is the official comic prequel to the new movie. The publishing company did something similar when the '09 reboot was hitting theatres. The comic miniseries, like the new Star Trek video game, takes place in between the '09 reboot and Into Darkness. In fact for those of you who have seen the movie, there is a direct reference the comic miniseries when Sulu references "the Mudd incident." ….. Yes Mudd does make an appearance (in ways you would not expect), but is not the revolving premise or over arching plot of the series. The series revolves around the planet Phaedus. Upon arriving at the ……….


July 2013

planet, the Enterprise crew discovers a war with strange weaponry not adherent to the development status of the indigenous species. They must investigate further. However, their shuttle is shot down upon …… descent to the planet, leaving Sulu …………. separated from Kirk and Spock. The …….. dynamic duo then team up with a mysterious person from the .. …… Enterprise's past to save Sulu and survive the war ….. on ….. the planet's surface. …… Subsequently one problem …... after another arises for the …….. of the U.S.S. Enterprise, crew …………… ultimately threatening Kirk's …………….. command and the lives of everyone on ..……. the ship! Intense, right? Now for my thoughts.... I…t was a great read and I was truly entwined in the story wanting to figure out the mystery or what was to happen next. I should mention there is a big mysterious element throughout the books, which looking back was probably intentional for their set up of Into Darkness. It made me not want to put the series down and forced me to save my money so that I could buy the next issue when it came out. It was also really cool to see the references to the original series and how the …….

writers put their own twist on things. Overall a great series, but the art at times was a bit detracting. Don't get me wrong David Messina did a great job with the art and it was colored and inked very well, but sometimes Kirk didn’t look like Chris Pine and Spock didn’t really look like Zachary Quinto. Then again, faces are generally pretty hard to copy dead on, so I guess it is up to you. It just kind of threw me off a bit. If you have any interest in reading the 4-part miniseries, you can pick them up at your local … comic book stores, Barnes and Nobles, or you can order them online. They are available in four separate issues or in one ……………. omnibus. Also for you collectors out there, each …….. issue has an alternate cover with a movie tie-in ………… That being said, the standard covers feature picture. Kirk, ….. Uhura, Spock, and a Klingon General, so you know …. to look for in the stores. For those of you who do what …pick it up, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

V Crusher, continued from page 24

Crusher character was written out of the show and replaced by the louder, more outgoing Dr. Katherine Pulaski (Diana Muldaur). Patrick Steward was upset by McFadden's departure from the show and played a large part in bringing about her return. McFadden returned to the show in the third season, with her character being reassigned to the Enterprise. On the show, the explanation was ……..

The Kobayashi Maru scenario frequently wreaks havoc on students and equipment. As I recall you took The test three times yourself. Your final solution was, shall we say, unique?

given that her character “was off heading up Starfleet Medical for the year.” Upon her return, the character became more varied and more richly developed, and was not afraid to go head-to-head with Picard. Episodes featuring Beverly crusher focused on her romantic life, often with unexpected alien life forms. Click here to read Dr. Crusher’s full history.

July 2013


23rd Annual

Ride by LT CDR Fran Brock

Reflections on a Perfect Day


ave you ever wondered what it would be like to be in the middle of 1,500 motorcyclists engaged in a ride for charity? Well, let me tell you, there is nothing like it in the world. The sound of those many types of engines all coming to life at the same time to begin the run, make the sound of the start of the Indianapolis 500 seem quite tame. On June 2, 2013, I participated in the 23rd Annual, “God Bless America” motorcycle ride, to raise money for the Martinsburg, West Virginia, Veterans Administration Medical Center. Last year, there were 1,200 motorcyclists, who raised a total of $32,000 to present to the Veterans to buy items for their facility that is not covered by Government funding (mostly recreational equipment for the Veterans who stay there). I have a “trike” a conventional three-wheel motorcycle – a 2007 Suzuki C-50 Boulevard, 800 cc, in silver and white. I have always wanted to ride, but because of various things, never got around to it until two years ago when I bought the bike, used, even before I got my license. The bike called to me. I answered. At 65, getting a license for the first time changed my life, and now, this event today, changed my life at the tender age of 67. The ride itself was not terribly long. About 150 miles round trip, from my home and back again. The actual ride, was 35 miles – from Greencastle, Pennsylvania to the VA Hospital in Martinsburg, West Virginia. When we cued up for the ride, there were …..


July 2013

four rows of bikers, stretching for at least a half mile. Our ride started on an interstate at highway speeds, but then diverted to the many small towns and state roads along the way to the Veterans Hospital where our speed slowed significantly. It was, indeed, a humbling experience to see many more thousands of people along the way, lining the route, waving American Flags, saluting, and holding up placards saying, “Thank you, for the Vets.” I know I wasn’t the only one who choked up several times caught in the middle of a cause that meant something special to so many people. When we arrived at the Hospital, we all parked on the grass, and cued up for a box lunch that was given to us by the VA hospital staff and volunteers. As I moved through the line, every Veteran I saw along the way, and after lunch, every Veteran I sought out, I shook their hands and thanked them for their service. Sometimes misting up ……… again, because some of the residents were the few surviving souls left from ……………. World War II, or …………… younger residents from our present conflict, ……….. still profoundly affected by the experiences of war. All manner …………….of Veteran were there for treatment, from WWII, up through the present. …..…

Motorcycle, continued on page 38

Star Trek Cuisine ´

Unchewed Tube Grubs Au Gratin (Baked Macaroni and Cheese)

by LT CDR Fran Brock

From Ishka of Ferenginar's Kitchen to Yours

Ingredients: 1 pound package of tube grubs (small elbow macaroni) 8 ounces of Mild Cheddar Cheese, shredded 8 ounces of Sharp Cheddar Cheese, shredded 1 quart of milk 1/4 cup of Parmesan Cheese 4 tablespoons of butter or margarine 4 tablespoons of flour Salt and pepper to taste

To Prepare: Boil water and prepare noodles per package instructions. Set aside to drain, but keep pot handy you cooked the noodles in (no need to wash). Preheat oven to 350°

Make a Roux: Melt butter on medium heat in a 2 quart sauce pan. Stir in flour and mix with butter, stirring for five minutes until smooth. Add milk, a little at a time at first, to incorporate flour and butter until smooth. Pour in the remainder of the milk and bring to a boil on medium heat, stirring constantly to keep milk from scalding and sticking to the bottom of the pan until it thickens. Add all of the cheeses and stir until cheese has melted. Salt and pepper to taste. Remove from heat and pour sauce into pot noodles were cooked in. Pour in noodles and mix thoroughly. Grease your favorite pan(s) (I like using a glass lasagna pan), and pour in the noodles and sauce. Bake in the preheated 350° oven for 45-90 minutes depending on the type and size of pan(s), until golden brown. Remove and let rest for five or ten minutes to cool slightly. Enjoy! July 2013





Go to the following link: Café Press/USS Columbia


Get Stuff!!!

Yup!! It is just that easy. The Café Press shop for the USS Columbia has shirts, mugs, blankets, pajamas, and is still growing; to quote MY favorite Starfleet Captain, “The sky’s the limit” (Captain Jean-Luc Picard; TNG, “All Good Things”). There are all kinds of items that can be branded with STARFLEET and USS Columbia logos. You can show your pride with clothing, wall clocks, mouse pads, cell phone covers, etc., etc., etc., etc…..the list goes on and on. I have uploaded images and designs for most departments onboard the Columbia, including the 133rd Marine Strike Group. My goal is to not only create merchandise that you can have and wear to advertise the USS Columbia and STARFLEET International, but to also show pride in your assigned division. If you don’t see your particular division or logo up there, you need not fret!! All it takes to design an item is a creative mind and YOU!! Yes, fellow crewmembers, all you need to do is ask, and all reasonable efforts will be made to upload a clothing or merchandise design to suit your needs. There are limits on the types of images that can be utilized due to legal reasons, so some images would be offlimits. So far, I have received a few idea requests from the Engineering Department, (thanks to CMDR Turner) and I am currently working on making those available.


July 2013

How often have you heard “How can I show my Col expensive…?” Well, now ………………..


Columbia Baseball Je

Enjoy a rousing game of E favorite pastime and show Columbia pride!!

Suede Pillow


Rest your head on a com logo pillow while wea chic pajamas with built-in

or said this: “I wanna support my STARFLEET ship, but I don’t know how?”, or umbia pride with my limited budget when authentic uniforms are soooooo you can!!! It is really very simple and cost effective. Here’s the process:

ch, buy, and wear with PRIDE Columbia!!!!!!

Round Car Magnet Will attach to your vehicle's outer hull... but not the Ships....


Earth's w your

Apron Make all your Star Trek Cuisine in a Columbia apron.

men’s Pajamas

mfy Columbia aring your comm badge.

Congratulations, you’ve achieved ‘Trek Chic.’

Command ‘Red’ Shirt Don’t be afraid to beam down to the next planet!

July 2013



J u l y


Comic Con International San Diego, CA


1-4 8-11 9-11

Starfleet International Conference

Dallas, TX


Boston Comic Con Boston, MA

Wizard World Con Chicago, IL


Official Star trek Convention Las Vegas, NV

WhedonFest 2013 Franklin, TN


July 2013

A u g u s t


6-8 S

Cincinnati Comicon Cincinnati, OH Baltimore Comic con Baltimore, MD Star Trek Con Nashville, TN ScareFest Lexington, KY Project Comicon ST. Louis, MO Wizard World Con Columbus, OH Klingon Feast Daytona Beach, FL EP-Con El Paso, TX








e p t e m b e r

For more information regarding Sci Fi Conventions in your area, check out: Southern Fandom Resource Guide or July 2013


Specialty Services Report CDR Bob McDonald Chaplain’s Address I recently went to the premiere of the new movie, Star Trek Into Darkness with my Wife, a couple of fellow Columbia members, Head Chef Lieutenant Jon Lacer and GenTech Brian Baker (both who are close friends of mine), and a few other friends. We were a sizeable group and the energy was high. It was the first showing on the first day of the movie’s release. We arrived at the theatre at 6pm, two hours before the start time of 8pm. By the time the doors opened the line had stretched a great distance, all filled with obvious Star Trek fans. From shirts to costumes, we were in a room filled with an air of excitement. It was a joyous feeling. Our group was the second group of people to get in line that day. We ended up getting great seats and prepared ourselves for the experience. While sitting in the theatre waiting for the movie trailers to begin, I started to think about how Star Trek has influenced my life and what it has given me. I decided then that for my address for the Columbia Newsletter I would talk about what Star Trek means to me. Some of my earliest memories begin with me sitting on my grandfather’s couch. Right beside him as we watch, “Return of the Archons,” my panic when red hour struck, and my excitement at proclaiming “That’s Spock!” I remember as a child sitting on a lawn chair in a drive-in theatre watching the crew of the enterprise rescue Spock from the Genesis planet. I was right there in front of the TV watching as a new crew boldly went to an “Encounter at Farpoint.” Star Trek was always a fixture of my life. It has simply been there for me, since my beginning. When I was fourteen, my Uncle John Ferguson, a man who I loved and admired more than I could express, was diagnosed with and …….. 37 July 2013

died of AIDS. It was a brutal shock. He had contracted the HIV virus because of a bad blood transfusion after getting in a serious car wreck in the mid 80’s. This was at a time when HIV and AIDS were just being understood and discussed seriously among the medical and scientific communities. From the time the doctors confirmed that he had developed AIDS to his death was about 6 weeks. It was not enough time for any of us to understand what was going on. I was in a state of shock. As a fourteen year old boy, I had to understand that this horrible thing was actually happening. The result of his death sent me spiraling into a deep depression. I didn’t even know how to express my feelings or even understand that it was depression that I was going through, yet it was. A few months had passed and I began to realize that I needed to take hold of my anguish and find a way to not let it destroy me. I would hang out at a local comic book shop and I was there one day listening to a friend of mine talking about his dad’s “Starship” out of Terre Haute, IN. called the U.S.S. Xanthe. In listening to that conversation I became rather intrigued by this concept. I asked the owner, “well is there anything like that here?” which is in Evansville, IN. To my surprise he handed me a flyer for a curious group called the “Shuttle Quadrotriticale.” It went on to say it was a chapter of a group called STARFLEET International. I asked my mom that night if I could go to the meeting. She was more than happy to take me and went herself. We joined that night. A year later, that Shuttle became the U.S.S. Khitomer NCC-61812. I became very active in the Ship (eventually becoming its First Officer.) I began to watch Star Trek regularly. Then I began to read books, and I found solace in the …

crew of the Enterprise. I attended my first Star Trek convention at the age of fourteen. I met James Doohan and got his autograph, which I still have framed on the wall of my house to this day. My world view became influenced by the principals of the Federation. The vision of Gene Roddenberry became my vision. Through Star Trek I was brought out of my pit of despair, something that I will never forget. Star Trek became my way of life. Star Trek saved me. I say that with all the weight of my life on its words. It is more than a show. Star Trek is more than a science fiction story. It has been the cause of my deepest moments of spiritual awe. Star Trek is part of my DNA. I have continued to attend conventions throughout my life, attending the 35th anniversary convention in Huntsville, Alabama among others. While life has had its ups and downs, I have found that there has always been Star Trek. I have said before in a statement that I am absolutely fanatical about Star Trek because it deserves my fanaticism. Star Trek teaches virtue. It shows you how to be a better person. To hope for a day when bigotry, war, poverty, and all the other ills of our society vanish. We work toward that bright future. We understand that Gene Roddenberry, The Great Bird of the Galaxy, was more than just a simple science fiction writer. He created a movement. I am grateful that I rejoined STARFLEET, International after years away. Life takes you to places and tests you. Yet, what is important always finds a place back in your life. I am grateful for the U.S.S. Columbia and its work toward that bright future. I am proud to serve with all of you, and I say that with my deepest sincerity.


Motorcycle, continued from page 31

Photo Credits Cover Page: USS Enterprise – TrekBats Font Pages 1 & 2: USS Enterprise – TNG Cast Font Page 3: STARFLEET Logos used in accordance with their copyright laws. Page 4: STARFLEET rank and awards logos used in accordance with STARFLEET copyright laws. Page 5: USS Enterprise – StarDown Font. Page 6: Commbadge - Bajoran Font. Page 7: STARFLEET Commbadge –Bajoran Font. Page 8: Photo of Mike Jones used with his permission. Page 9: Photo of STID movie posters used with permission from Mike Jones. Photos of Nick Elder, Bob McDonald, Brian Baker, Jon Lacer, and Kevin Turner used with their permission. Page 10: STARFLEET Science Logo used in accordance with their copyright laws. Page 11: STARFLEET Operations Logo used in accordance with their copyright laws. Phaser – TrekBats Font. Pages 13: STARFLEET Academy Logo used in accordance with their copyright laws. Commbadge – Bajoran Font. Page 14: Photo of cell phone case used with permission from Kristy LaFata. Page 15: Space Launch System image used in accordance with NASA copyright laws. Page 16: Orion image used in accordance with NASA copyright laws. Pages 17, 18, & 19: STARFLEET Engineering Logo used in accordance with their copyright laws. Image of cowboy, telegraph, telephone, cell phone and commbadge are clip art and are used under the condition of the Creative Commons Deed. Page 21: Commbadge – Bajoran Font. Page 22: Commbadge – Bajoran Font. Image of First Aid Kit is clip art and is used under the condition of the Creative Commons Deed. Page 23: Excerpt of article from Wikipedia and used under the condition of the Creative Commons Deed. STARFLEET Medical Logo used in accordance with their copyright laws. Page 24: Dr. Crusher – TNGCast Font. Pages 25 & 26: STARFLEET Security Logo used in accordance with STARFLEET copyright laws. Commbadge – Trek Bats Font. Pages 27 & 28: Romulan Bird – Trek Signs Font. Original artwork used with permission from Bob McDonald. Pages 29 & 30: Photos of Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness comic books taken by Nick Elder and used with his permission. Spock – TNGCast Font. Page 31: Image of motorcycle is clip art and is used under the condition of the Creative Commons Deed. Commbadge – Trek Signs Font. Pages 33 & 34: Photos of Café Press merchandise used with permission. Pages 37 & 38: STARFLEET Special Services Logo used in accordance with their copyright laws. Back Page: - USS Enterprise – Trek Bats font. Image of planets Neptune, Saturn, Pluto, and star are NASA images and used in accordance with their copyright laws. -STARFLEET Logos are used in accordance with their copyright laws.

The 30 mile ride back to my home in a pouring rain, was a quiet one. I never felt the drops. It was an honor and a thrill to participate in this event, and I will continue to do this, every year now, until I can no longer ride. As a final thought, let me say that all of us, from time to time, forget the price our Nation pays by sending its soldiers to war. Through the generations, we take for granted our freedom, and the price we pay for it. Those soldiers that were there haven’t forgotten though, and neither did the Veterans who also participated in the ride.

We should all, every day, whenever we see someone in a store, at the gas pumps, in church, wherever, wearing a hat or pin, indicating they served, walk up to that individual and thank them for their sacrifices while in service to our Country.

To any of the Columbia crew who are Veterans – THANK YOU for your service – for making it possible for me to write this heartfelt article. July 2013



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