Multicultural Greek Council The Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) works to create an inclusive and diverse sorority and fraternity experience. The MGC mission is to unite multicultural sororities and fraternities and create a supportive and strong multicultural Sorority and Fraternity community by promoting success in higher education, increasing diversity and multicultural awareness, and developing philanthropic activities. It is the governing council that represents and advocates for sororities and fraternities that are multicultural-by-mission.
Organizations: 2 Members: 42 Web: nationalmgc.org Facebook: fb.me/MGC.TX Twitter: @MGCTexas Instagram: @mgctexas
FAQ: How do I join? Organizations within the Multicultural Greek Council host recruitment events in the beginning of each semester where students who are interested in joining can attend. Due to the pandemic, many of these events have transitioned into virtual events. By attending organization events, you will learn about membership requirements.
What are the benefits?
How do I find out about events?
Like other sororities and fraternities, the Multicultural Greek Council provides great opportunities to develop leadership skills and interact with the community. MGC organizations are distinct because of their desire to explore and celebrate multiculturalism on campus.
The best way to connect with a MGC organization is to follow the chapter’s individual social media, as well as attend events. Make sure you're following MGC on social media to stay updated on upcoming events.