Brochure UTPMP Inglés

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Un Techo para mi PaĂ­s (UTPMP) is a Latin American non-profit organization led by students and young professionals. Every day, thousands of Latin American university volunteers help underprivileged families to improve their quality of life by constructing together emergency houses and developing Social Inclusion Programs.

A Latin America without extreme poverty, where youth are committed to confronting the challenges of their countries and where every family has decent housing and real opportunities to improve their quality of life.

Un Techo para mi PaĂ­s strives to improve the quality of life of impoverished families through the construction of transitional houses and the implementation of Social Inclusion Programs. UTPMP denounces the precarious reality of the slums in which millions of people live in Latin America. UTPMP works to involve the general public in building a more united, inclusive, poverty-free continent.


Un Techo para mi País (UTPMP) is a Latin American nonprofit organization founded in Chile in 1997. After finishing the construction of a chapel in the town of Curanilahue, a group of young university students, led by Felipe Berrios S.J., felt the need to act against the extreme poverty and precarious reality of the slums in which millions of people lived, starting with the construction

of emergency houses and Social Inclusion Programs. Thus, emerged the need to invite society as a whole to react to the lack of opportunities and the poor living conditions of more than 200 millions Latin Americans. UTPMP recognizes the injustice in these conditions and acknowledges that it is a responsibility of all. UTPMP began its international expansion in 2001 and has been reinforced since 2005 by the support of the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) of the

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Nowadays, Un Techo para mi País is led by Cristían del Campo S.J, and is currently present in 16 countries in Latin America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. These countries are united through the work of thousands of volunteers and communities whom are working for a more just continent.

At the beginning of its involvement, UTPMP efforts focused on solving the immediate necessity of adequate shelter through the construction of basic transitional houses for families living in extreme poverty. This first step constitutes an “entrance point� for many young volunteers who have never before come close to the harsh reality of poverty, so they can participate in a social experience high in emotional and physical impact. The construction process establishes the first grains of trust between volunteers and residents, forming a relationship that allows UTPMP to continue with more permanent work.

Development Model

Construction of Transitional Houses

The traditional UTPMP emergency shelter is a pre-fabricated wooden house measuring 18 meters squared (193.7 square feet). It is built on 15 piles that, when driven into the soil, act as the shelter’s foundation and protect the shelter from humidity, floods and plagues. Construction is a 2-day process in which 8 to 10 volunteers work alongside with the beneficiary family. The family receiving the home pays approximately 10% of the cost of the house.


Development Model

Social Inclusion Programs

The aim of the Social Inclusion Program is to generate strategies to decrease the vulnerability levels and the social exclusion of families living under extreme poverty. UTPMP focuses on improving the physical, social and human capital that each family has. These programs are implemented through Community Meetings: periodic meetings held between slum-dwellers, volunteers and other institutions that address the problems of the community. The tools and plans are:

Education Plans: Leveling programs conducted for preschool aged children, young students and adults. Skills Training: Skills training programs that enhance resident’s productivity and income generating possibilities. Micro-credits: Training program and working capital loans. The combination of both of these elements aims to develop entrepreneurs who will create and maintain a profitable business and economic stability for the family. Health Plan: Programs to strengthen local networks and improve the families’ access to existing national health systems. Legal Plan: Programs to train residents about their rights and duties. The legal group also advices the Communities Meeting groups in legal matters. Competitive Community funds (Fontecho): Program to fund projects that emerge from the interest and initiative of residents. These projects will improve their quality of life, promoting self-management and actively use local networks.

Development Model

Sustainable Communities

Un Techo para mi PaĂ­s aims that families living in slums develop into their own sustainable communities. This phase seeks for a community that, together with UTPMP and reflecting the degree of self-sustaining development, is able to manage definitive solutions and building new neighborhoods and integrate these neighborhoods with the social networks that the community acquired in the previous phases. The goal of this phase is for residents to unite as a community and work together for the common good. Communities should organize themselves and participating directly, as well as democratically elect representatives to lead this process. Communities must determine their own priorities, examine problems, brainstorm solutions and develop concrete goals. The final goal of UTPMP is that all living in extreme poverty can access new opportunities for a chance of a better quality of life. Where permitted by governmental housing policies, such as in Chile, definitive housing projects are developed, fulfilling the dream of owning a house.

Strengths of UTPMP More than 200.000 volunteers mobilized

Concrete Work which changes the usual format of solidarity

More than 70.000 Emergency houses

Positioning of subjects in the public environment in a positive

Building Community by involving all of society’s actors:

Innovative Programs that are created and led by young

Participation of the families, encouraging them to be the

Sustainability by completing lasting projects that are born

The work force is composed by young university students that are committed to changing the reality of exclusion in their countries. UTPMP is a broad continental project, already present in 16 Latin American countries.

young university students, businesses, media and even the underpriveleged. protagonists of their own development process.

to work where young people are real social players.

and optimistic manner.

people who work together with slum residents.

from the necessities of the families.

Presence in all Latin American Countries.

2010 Goals

Finish 2010 with 75.000 constructed emergency houses in the continent, involving 60.000 new volunteers. These goals are ambitious, but possible if the society works together in the fight against extreme poverty.

Volunteers The success of UTPMP is dependent on the young leaders who are committed to the goal of ending poverty in South and Central America. Through their work, UTPMP brings together the priveledged (university students) and the historically excluded (families of marginal settlements). Under the slogan “No Stopping�, volunteers work with conviction to be the generation that ends extreme poverty in Latin America.

Our Accomplisments Thanks to the support of members and volunteers, UTPMP has worked with more than 70.000 families and mobilized more than 200.000 volunteers in 16 countries on the continent: Chile, Bolivia, El Salvador, Uruguay, Colombia, Peru, Haiti, Argentina, Costa Rica, Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. The key to success has been to involving all arenas of society - businesses, media, and students in facing this great challenge of ending extreme poverty in Latin America. 2010 opportunities include eradicating all settlements in Chile (where UTPMP was founded), becoming a presence throughout Latin America, and build 70.000 houses by the end of year. With all sectors of society participating in this crusade, these are ambitious goals can be achieved!


Year that the project began

2003 1.163 4.733


Houses built Volunteers mobilized


2004 371 2.200

2010 176 500

EL SALVADOR 2001 1.734 7.673


2008 69 465

2005 1.355 7.500

2006 675 2.600

BRASIL 2006 284 1.800

ECUADOR 2008 469 2.536

URUGUAY 2003 1.651 11.104


CHILE 1997 57.503 180.000

2008 265 1.400



2001 3.090 9.182


BOLIVIA 2009 56 200

PARAGUAY ARGENTINA 2003 1.556 7.189

Data May, 2010

2008 474 2.000

“Building a Brighter Future: A Randomized Experiment of SlumHousing Upgrades in Latin America”. Transitional housing Impact Study . A team of expert economists from the World Bank and Berkeley University, were motivated to carry out an impact assessment of Un Techo para mi País, specifically the impact that the emergency houses would generate on the welfare of the beneficiary families. The study was implemented in Uruguay, El Salvador and will soon be implemented in Mexico. The methodology of the study is a randomized controlled experiment, where the eligible group of beneficiaries is randomly assigned to treatment and control groups. This research will provide the first rigorous empirical evidence of the impact of emergency housing, and will show how families living in informal settlements can improve their living conditions in Latin America.

“Program for the Inclusion of Low Income Populaton to the Productive Sector ”. IDB Agreement with Un Techo para mi País.

In September 2005 an agreement was signed between UTPMP and the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) that aims to achieve the integration of the poorest to the productive sector. The agreement benefits the following countries: Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Mexico and El Salvador. The goals of the agreement are: a) Implementation of UTPMP program. b) Development of methodologies and tools for the integration of slum residents to the productive sector. c) Implementation of Social Inclusion programs (Community Development, Productive Production, Skills Training). d) Monitoring of programs and difussion of results.

As part of the agreement, IDB conducts ongoing evaluations of the UTPMP’s work. During late 2007 and early 2008 the midterm evaluation was conducted by an outside consultant.

Empowering the residents of settlements through democratic spaces. UNDEF Agreement with UTPMP.

This project seeks to create spaces for democratic participation and representation at the community level in settlements of four Latin American countries (Argentina, Colombia, El Salvador and Peru). The project aims to improve the skills set of residents, allowing them to assume leadership roles in the process of integrating their communities through formal networks and democracy.

Businesses and their commitment to UTPMP Un Techo para mi País invites the industrial sector to face the precarious situation in which more than 200.000 people live in Latin America. Many businesses have already made the decision to join UTPMP, but there is a need for more cooperation to reach the goal of a continent free of poverty. To make business management more efficient and transparent, UTPMP’s financial statements are audited by Deloitte, ensuring to UTPMP’s partners the proper use of resources and the meeting of the most demanding international accounting standards: IFRS.

How to Help? Corporate donations: Money contributions or donations of materials for the construction of emergency housing, implementation of Social Inclusion Prorams and other local or regional activities. Corporate Volunteerism: Participation of company’s employees in the construction of emergency housing, an activity that brings great internal benefits. Pro bono service agreements: Partnerships with companies that provide services in different fields (advertising, legal, accounting, etc.). Event Sponsorship: Opportunities to sponsor local or regional UTPMP’s activities, such as concerts, photo exhibits, fundraisings, etc. Private donations: Contributions from individuals who want to collaborate with the institution.

Our Partners

Awards and Recognitions

• 2010, recognized by the former President of the United States, Bill Clinton, for the reconstruction plan in Haiti. “Clinton Global Initiative - University” • 2010, UTPMP. Clinton Global Initiative U recognition. Former President Bill Clinton recognized Un Techo for its involvement in Haiti and its commitment to build over 2,000 emergency houses in response to the earthquake on January 12th. • 2009, UNESCO/IDB, “Best Practices in Youth policies and programs for Latin America and the Caribbean.” • 2009, UN Habitat “Scroll of Honor Award”. • 2010, UTPMP Costa Rica. Award “Human Rights” 2010, Nonprofit category. Awarded by the B’nai B’rith Costa Rica Foundation. • 2009, UTPMP México. Award of Merit for the Prevention, Fight and Eradication of Discrimination, by the Mexican Human Right Commission, non-profit category. • 2009, UTPMP México. Winner of “Selecciones México Joven”, from Reader’s Digest. Awarded along with other five young mexicans for their social commitment and altruism in several areas. • 2009, UTPMP Paraguay. “Tomás Moro” Award from the Catholic University, for Dedication and Charity.

• 2009, UTPMP Brasil. Winner of 5th Competition of Social Projects Voluntary Programs, from Fundación Telefónica, which recognizes the action of organizations on the society. • 2009, UTPMP Brasil. “Young Brazilian Award” National category. • 2009, UTPMP Argentina. Recognized by the Buenos Aires City Legislature as “Organization of interest for the city.” • 2009, UTPMP Nicaragua. The Council of Private Enterprises (COSEP) recognized UTPMP Nicaragua with the “Social Initiative” award. • 2009, UTPMP Peru. The Peruvian Congress recognized UTPMP Perú for its work against poverty. • 2009, UTPMP Costa Rica. “Peace Building Foundation”. Awarded by the Justice Ministery of Costa Rica, in recognition of its work towards the construction of a more pacific society, and focusing its atention towards practices and principles directed to the construction of a non-violent culture that emphasizes dignity. • 2008 UTPMP México. Winner of the Social Fund Project of the Association of French Companies in Mexico.

• 2008, UTPMP Colombia. Best Social Project. “100% Colombiano” Awards. • 2008, UTPMP Argentina. “RSC (Social Communicative Responsibility) Awards Argentina recognized the project with the “Comprehensive assistance program against poverty” award. • 2008, recognized by the Ministry of Education, the President of the Republic and the United Nations as one of the largest volunteer organizations in the launching of Peru’s National Volunteer Plan. • 2008, Medal of Honor, City of Chincha, for UTPMP Peru’s reconstruction work in areas affected by the 2007 earthquake.

• 2008, one of “100 Best Practices,” UN-Habitat Dubai International Award for Best Practices, for UTPMP Uruguay. • 2007, recognized by the United Nations as one of the best NGOs for association with the private sector, and chosen to participate in the “Business Guide to Partnering with NGO’s and the UN” ranking, created by Global Compact, Dalberg and Financial Times.

• 2007, “MTV change agents,” awarded by MTV and the InterAmerican Development Bank, for UTPMP Argentina’s contributions in promoting the youth role in the development process in Latin America. • 2007, UTPMP El Salvador “Ayudando a quienes Ayudan” (Helping Those who Help) Award, by Gloria de Kriete Foundation. • 2006, Youth Award, Inter-American Development Bank.

• 2007, Bicentennial Seal, Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, acknowledges UTPMP’s contributions to building a more equal society. • 2007, Excellence Award, América Economía Magazine, for UTPMP’s contributions to Latin American development.

• 2006, UTPMP Argentina. “Hermandad Argentina Chilena 2006” (Chile-Argentina Fraternity Award), awarded by the ArgentineChilean Chamber of Commerce. • 2006, UTPMP Uruguay. Social Project recognition awarded by Julio Sosa Awards for the National Culture. • 2006, UTPMP, Chile. Asexma (Manufacturers & Exporters Association) Award, best non-traditional exportation category. • 2006, UTPMP Colombia. “Example of Social Responsibility” award, given by the II Corporate Social Responsibility Meeting of the National Association of Industries of Colombia. • 2005, Social Entrepreneur Award, Schwab Foundation.


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