Youth building a Latin America without poverty
We are a non-profit organization run by university students and young professionals that through the construction of transitional houses, works with
families in extreme poverty in a social inclusion process that will allow them to develop as a sustainable community
Centro Poblado “Las Yeseras” Pisco,Perú
Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica
Latin American NGO (Non Governmental Organization)
Ecuador El Salvador
Founded in Chile in 1997 Created and led by university students and young professionals
Guatemala Haiti Mexico
International expansion began in 2001 after the earthquakes in Peru and El Salvador Present in 16 countries in Latin America
Nicaragua Paraguay Peru Dominican Republic Uruguay
Barrio Maquinista Savio Buenos Aires, Argentina
200 million people (38%) in poverty in Latin America
80 million (15%) in extreme poverty < $1 dollar a day
Slums 8 or more families illegally occupying land and lacking at least one of the three basic services: water, electricity or sewage Favela Chacrinha, San Pablo, Brazil
Our plan
Transitional Houses
Social Inclusion Programs
Sustainable Communities
PHASE I: Transitional Houses
2 days of construction 8 to 10 volunteers per house UTPMP forms bonds of trust with the community Youth volunteers experience the harsh reality of poverty
20 feet long by 10 feet wide
Families pay 10%* of the total cost of the house. Average Cost per house = US $1,500. *Adjusted for cost of living in each country Campamento Transitorio Lo Espejo Santiago, Chile
Community Organizing Core process Grassroots Creating Community
From informality to organized
PHASE II: Social Inclusion Programs
Formal elected leaders Community respect and approval
Campamento Ribera Sur Buin, Chile
Formal periodic meetings where the elected representatives diagnose their needs, examine their problems, determine priorities, brainstorm solutions and develop concrete goals and methods to achieve them
Road Map
Timelines and priorities Civic education The value of citizenship
Programs Reduce the familiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; VULNERABILITY and EXCLUSION with programs designed to EMPOWER. Provide opportunities for people to take charge of their own development
Education Health Programs PHASE II: Social Inclusion Programs
Cultural & Recreational Activities Economic Development & Micro-credit Programs
Legal Aid Campamento Los Paltos Santiago, Chile
Neighborhoods Currently this Third Phase has only been developed in Chile Technical Area: Architects, Engineers
PHASE III: Sustainable Communities
UTPMP: Social housing development organization
Judicial and Operations Area
Localization New Technical Standards Public Spaces
Housing Subsidy US$ 15,000 + Localization Subsidy US$ 8,000
Family Savings: US$ 800
Other Resources
753 ft2 Partnerships
Barrio Definitivo Lo Espejo I Santiago, Chile
Haiti Earthquake 2010 Action Plan
Chile Earthquake 2010 Action Plan
Our Strengths
200,000 Youth volunteers committed to transforming the reality of poverty.
44,000 Transitional houses in 16 countries in Latin America Barrio Nueva Esperanza Maldonado, Uruguay
Our Strengths CAPACITY to involve all sectors
INNOVATION in our programs born from mutual collaboration with slum dwellers
EMPOWERMENT Families become the protagonists of their own development
SUSTAINABLE outcome where families take on the challenge of improving their quality of life
POSITIONING social issues positively in the media
Achievements 25,000 youth volunteers committed every year 5,000 permanent volunteers in Social Inclusion Programs (Phase II) Over 300 Community Meetings working
16,000 families benefited from Social Inclusion Programs Working with 100 universities around all Latin America
1,500 permanent brick and mortar houses 8,500 permanent brick and mortar houses in process
Global support Working with the Inter-American Development Bank Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) Developing an impact research study led by Paul Gertler Projects with the United Nations - United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) Audited in 15 countries by Deloitte
Awards 2009: “UN Habitat Scroll of Honor Award”, for the contribution to the development of sustainable communities in Latin America.
2009: “Best practices in youth policies and programs for Latin America and the Caribbean”.
2007: Ranking "Business Guide to Partnering with NGO´s and the UN" created by Global Compact, Dalberg y el Financial Times.
2005: “Social Entrepreneur” Award by Schwab Foundation.
2010 Goals
Favela Hatsuta San Pablo, Brazil
FOLLOWED BY THE SOCIAL INCLUSION MODEL Education, Health, Legal Aid, Basic Skills and Economic Development
2010 Budget US $20 million Operational Costs 90% 80% Construction 20% Social Development
Administrative Costs 10% Audited by
Comunidad La Cuchilla San Salvador, El Salvador
PEPSI With USD $250.000: What? 170 transitional houses Who? 630 volunteers
For whom? 170 families â&#x20AC;&#x201C; around 850 people Where? 5 most affected regions (Valparaiso, Region Metropolitana, Libertador Bernardo Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Higgings, Maule, Bio-Bio)
We will make the difference We are prepared
If we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t,
to be in charge
who will?
We have the energy to
If not now,
make a change
Asentamiento Humano Las Yeseras Pisco, PerĂş
a Latin America
without poverty