UTS Business Society First Years Guide 2017

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Table of Contents

President’s Welcome


2017 BSoc Team


The UTS ‘Yellow Pages’

General Services


Education and Careers Services


UTS Secrets (Study and Unwind)


Finding Your Way Around Uni


Best Food and Coffee Around UTS


Getting Your Textbooks


Core Subject Summaries


UTS Awards and Student Development Programs


Our Sponsors


The BSoc Calendar


Our Partners and Special Thanks



President’s Welcome

First off I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to UTS, it is an awesome achievement so congratulations on being accepted! The next few years of your life will be some of the most enjoyable, toughest and memorable. Our goal at UTS Business Society is to help you make the most of your time here. We set up and organize everything from social events, sporting events and career focused events as well as everything in between to provide as much value and enjoyment for our members as possible. In order for you to truly experience all that UTS has to offer I encourage you to get involved with as many aspects of Uni life as possible. By joining clubs, sports teams and participating in the events run around campus you will get exposed to some incredible opportunities, meet like minded people and forge some lifelong friendships along the way. Good luck on this new chapter of your life you are embarking on and above all else I truly hope you have fun and enjoy your time at UTS. Ryan Orkin UTS Business Society President


2017 BSoc Team





Anton Mallach

Erin Meier

Dee De Silva




Jessica Fung Alex Cheng Thomas Stevens Deven Solanki Christina Kukec Lauren Grasso

Director: Lachlan Peden Mehmet Musa Sara Pacey Nicholas Blumor Daniel Fellowes

Director: Nicole Staff Helene Haugen Orli Winton Sarina Natoli Yianni Haniotis




Director: Emily Munro James Jelly Tom Steel Simon Berry

Director: Sahara Khoury Matthew D'Cruz Bryce Mowat Claudia Harrison

Director: James Gregory Lachlan Callaghan Alex Naef Henri Perl

IT AND INNOVATION Director: Michael Garbuz Tyler Wilson Timothy Tran Kavipriya Manokaran


The UTS ‘Yellow Pages’ UTS does its best to cater to any and all of your needs throughout your time at uni. To make sure you don’t miss out we have compiled just a brief list of services (hence the UTS ‘Yellow Pages’) so you’ve got everything you need for transition into university life! For the full list of what is on offer,: http://maps.uts.edu.au/life.cfm

GENERAL SERVICES Student Concession Opal Cards

Security & Concierge

Make sure you apply online for a concession

There’s several security offices located around

opal card. These cards will save you plenty on

campus. The Broadway Security Office is

your commute to university, and can only be

located in Building 1, Level 4. The Haymarket

acquired through university.

security office is located in Building 5 Library, Level 2. UTS offers a 24-hour security escort

Log into My Student Admin, and find the

service. An escort can be arranged by

Agreements Tab. Provide consent for UTS to

contacting either Broadway or Haymarket

verify your details with Transport NSW then

security offices.

follow the steps on the UTS Travel concessions webpage.

“ G e t i n v o l v e d i n wh a t e v e r you can and take a d v a n t a g e o f al l o p p o r t u n i t i e s . N o t o n l y wi l l you gain a l ot from the e x p e r i e n c e b u t y o u wi l l m e e t s o m e g r e a t p e o pl e a l o n g the way too!”

ATMS UTS provides two on-campus ATM machines for the convenience of staff and students. The first is located in Building 1, near the Underground food court and the second is located in Building 5B inside The Hub convenience store.

Barber (Michael Hairdressing) Are you in dire need of a fresh cut? Say no more, Michael Hairdressing is located on campus for your use. Just pop in or call 9282 9185 Located on ground floor of Building 10


The UTS ‘Yellow Pages’

Gym & Sports Hall Make your New Year’s Resolution happen and sign up for gym membership with ActivateFit. ActivateFit on Harris Street has state-of-the-art fitness equipment and expert staff to get you in shape. Find out more on the ActivateFit webpage. Free legal and counselling Swing by the Ross Milbourne sports hall is UTS provides a counselling service to help

another great way to stay fit and have fun. It is

students manage personal, psychological or

free for use for students and has a basketball

study-related challenges. This service is

court, dance studio, gymnasium and tutorial

completely confidential and will help you

room and offers a range of social sport.

through any difficulties you face, allowing uni to

For more information visit Activate Social Sports.

be as enjoyable as possible. Located Building 1, Level 6.

Both can be accessed from Building 4

For more information, visit the UTS Counselling

(Science), level 1

Service webpage.

The Underground

Chinese Medicine Clinic

If you ever want to kick back and relax with

If you’re in need of some serious relief, UTS has

mates after a lecture, the Underground is the

an on-campus Chinese Medicine Clinic. The

place to go. There is a bar, food court, and

clinic offers treatment from qualified

lounge area and it is open from 12pm until late.

practitioners and student interns at substantially

You won’t find better priced food or drink

reduced prices. This includes medical

anywhere else!

consultations, acupuncture and remedial

Located on the edge of Activate Marketplace

massages. Located Building 4, level 1

(Building 1, level 3)

For more information and to make an appointment visit the Chinese Medicine Clinic webpage.


The UTS ‘Yellow Pages’

Student Discounts

UTS Printing

Did you know that you can get a discount at a

You’ll find that UTS has a number of printers

variety of food and retail shops around uni? For

spread all over campus. All you need to do is

a list of outlets that offer discounts and special

top up your account using your student card at

deals to UTS students visit Reward Students.

a recharge station or by logging in to MyMonitor and you’re ready to go. The main printing areas for business students are located

Student Centers

in Building 5C level 1 and throughout the Library.

If you have any questions about your

To release a printing job you’ll need to tap your

enrollment or need a new student ID visit the

student ID on the card reader at the printer.

student centre on the ground floor of Building

If you’re not at a UTS computer you can do

5, Enter from Quay street or up the side hallway

online cloud printing by logging in to MyPrint

in 5B. You’ll also find a student centre on the ground


floor of building 10



“If you want to change your enrolment or study plan, you’ll need to submit an e-request.”
















For a full list of printing locations, and further details, visit the student printing webpage World of Print As well as your typical printing and photocopying needs, World of Print offers a range of printing services including business

Where do homeless accountants live?

cards, designer and plan prints, thesis printing and binding, and heat pressing. You’ll find it

I n a t a x s h el t e r .

conveniently located on Harris St, just outside

W h a t i s a n e x tr o v e r t e d accountant like?

Building 6. For more details visit the World of Print website

Th ey l ook at your sh oes whil e t al k i n g t o y o u i n s t e a d o f t h e i r own.



“ Whil e it 's imp ort ant t o h a ve an act ive social life d urin g u n i v e r s i t y , a l wa y s r e m e m b e r t h a t y o u a r e c o m p e t i n g wi t h y our p eer s f or a j ob. Let t he UTS Ca ree r s Ser vi ce hel p y ou s t a n d o u t !”

Offers many programs and events that equip UTS students with employability skills. Some services include resume checks, mock interviews, LinkedIn labs, CareerHub access for all Job opportunities and general career advice. For more information, visit the Careers Service webpage.

U:PASS Mathematics and Science Study Centre

U:PASS (UTS Peer Assisted Study Success) is a

Offers free assistance with mathematics,

student learning program that assists students

statistics and basic computing to students from

who are studying subjects that are perceived to

all faculties. The centre often runs examination

be difficult or have a high failure rate. Students

preparation workshops for specific

are able to receive help on course content by

mathematics and finance subjects.

attending sessions where they are able to learn

For more information, visit the Study Centre

from other students and their U:PASS leader.


U:PASS runs sessions for most first year business subjects..

HELPS For more information, visit the UPASS webpage:

HELPS (Higher Education Language and Presentation Support) provides English

Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning

language and academic literacy support to undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning

Services include assignment writing assistance

provides academic, social, cultural and

and English speaking practice sessions.

emotional support for Aboriginal and Torres

To find more, visit the HELPS Webpage .

Strait Islander students at UTS. Services and facilities available to Indigenous students include tutorial assistance, study areas and

“When you are a ppl yi ng for degr ee -

computer laboratories.

sp eci fi c p osi ti ons, b e a war e of how earl y appl i cati ons op en. Most c o m p a n i e s o p e n a p p l i c at i o n s f o r

For more information, visit the UTS Indigenous

g r a d u a t e p r o g r a m s a t t h e s t a rt o f t h e

Students webpage.

y e a r s o d o n ’t m i s s o u t ! ”


The UTS ‘Yellow Pages’

Library Workshops

Paid tutoring services

UTS Library holds workshops on referencing,

There are several websites that provide paid

study strategies and assignment skills that are

tutoring services. These websites include:

designed to help you succeed in your business

Student VIP and University Tutor

degree. A useful workshop for first year business students would be the referencing workshop

You can find fellow students offering tutoring

which helps you understand the Harvard (UTS)

services on the UTS BSoc Discussion Group (see

referencing style. A solid understanding of the


Harvard (UTS) referencing style is invaluable because referencing must be completed for

The UTS Students Association also run a peer

most assignments.

tutoring service. Contact students.association@uts.edu.au for more info

Visit the UTS Library website to find out when these workshops are held.

UTS BSoc Discussion Group Library Assistance

If you ever have a question about one of your

If you require any assistance at the library,

current or future courses and don’t know

approach staff at the service desks and they’ll

anyone who will be able to answer, just post it

happily assist you with any inquiries. Assistance

up on the BSoc discussion Facebook page.

can also be provided by having an online chat

Students who have already taken the subject

with a librarian or you can also contact the UTS

will be able to give you advice or offer you

Library on 9514 3666.

tutoring services. As the largest official UTS

Visit the website below to commence an

Business Student page, there’s sure to be

online chat.

someone able to answer your questions. Join the group here.


UTS Secrets

By Ashleigh Blumor

STUDY Building 8, Levels 4 and 5

City Campus Library

The Dr Chau Chak Wing Building (aka ‘The

The Library is the go to location for all your

Paper Bag’ building) is home to the UTS

research and study needs. With plenty of desks

Business School. Not only is the outside

and rooms, the library can accommodate any

architecture amazing, the functionality and

personal or collaborative work that you need

cohesiveness of the interior make for a great

to get done.

study area. Level 4 houses numerous desks,

Level 5 is the best place for silent study. Its

couches, computer, white boards and a

large desks, comfortable chairs, natural and


lamp light, PowerPoints and computer spaces,

You can even study in silence in one of the few

not to mention the peaceful ambiance and

closed off glass rooms.

aged decorum make it the perfect place to focus. But remember THIS IS THE SPOT for personal study so to get a prime position you

Building 5B, Level 4 and 5

must be there early. It is in high demand! If you’re after even more private areas across

Recently renovated, level 4 and 5 of the

campus, head to the UTS Library Room

Building 5B is home to several student lounges

Booking webpage to make a room booking

that contain everything. It has a kitchen,

for individual study or group work.

lounges, desks, closed-off areas. It is close to a lot of tutorial rooms, cafes and toilets, which

The library is open 24 hours in the lead up to

makes it convenient and easily accessible.

final exams.

This area is recommended for quiet group

Don’t forget your student card as you’ll need it

study sessions or individual study. However, it

to enter.

can get noisy, so if you want silence you’re best off heading to Level 5 of the Library.

“ K e e p u p t o d a t e wi t h y o u r s u b j e c t h o m e w o r k a n d l e c t u r e s , d o n ’ t t r y t o f i t a n e n t i r e s e m e s t e r o f k n o wl e d g e i n t o a s i n g l e we e k of St uvac. Keepin g up a c on si st ent a nd r epet it ive st ud y p a t t e r n i s t h e b e s t w a y t o s ol i di f y d i f f i c ul t c o n c e p t s . R e m e m b e r : a s c e r t a i n i n g y o u r g o al G P A i s m o r e l i k e a m arat hon, n ot a sprint . You’ll b e at uni f or 3+ ye ar s, so mak e s u r e y o u d o n ’ t b u r n y o ur s e l f o u t a t t h e s t a r t . “


UTS Secrets UNWIND Library Games Room

Table Tennis

Located in room 3f (level 3, room f) of the

If you’re looking to show off your skills or just

library, the games room is a great place to

have a friendly game there are a number of

take a break and escape your studies. In this

table tennis tables for you to use. You’ll find

shared space you’ll have access to an array of

them located in Building 1 near the

gaming consoles including ta PS4, Xbox One

Underground food court and out on the

and Wii U, each with their own selection of

Alumni Green. Visit the ActivateUTS front desk

games available. If you’re up to verse some

(Building 1, Level 3 concourse) to pick up some

peers at a game of FIFA, Mario Kart, COD, or

balls and paddles.

Super Smash Bros (to name just a few), this is a top spot to blow off steam. You can even

Napping Area

bring your own discs from home!

If you’re feeling a bit sleep deprived, or just

Just grab your controller and game disc from

need a comfortable place to take a short rest,

the Enquiries & Loans Desk and you’re good to

you’ll find the designated napping area under


the stairs on level 2 of the Library. Fairly quiet,

For further details, including the full game

blocked off and stocked full of beanbags, it’s

selection, visit the UTS Library Games webpage

the best place to go when you’re struggling to get through the day.

“You get out of uni what you put into it. Go out and meet the amazing and broad range of people who make university a unique experience. Introduce yourself to people, sit next to strangers, play social sports and join societies. Make friends who share your interests and will make you want to go into classes each day.”


Finding Your Way Around Campus

CB01 (Tower Building) - Admin, Chancellery, UTS International and Activate UTS CB02 - Under Construction CB03 (Bon Marche Building) - Arts and Social Sciences CB04 - Science, UTS Fitness and University Hall CB05 (Haymarket Campus) - Library (5A), Business and Law classrooms (5B - 5D) CB06 (Peter Johnson Building) - Design, Architecture and Building (DAB) CB07 - Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Health CB08 (Dr Chau Chak Wing Building) - UTS Business School, also called the Frank Gehry or ‘Paper Bag’ Building CB09 - The Loft bar CB10 - Education, Nursing, Midwifery and Health, Aerial UTS Function centre CB11 - Faculty of Engineering and IT (FEIT) CB18 (The Terraces) - 2SER Studios CA06 - Student Accommodation Business classes are held all over campus, not just Buildings 5 and 8. Download the Lost on Campus app to help you navigate your way around uni without any worries!


My Top 5 Places to Eat

By Nicole Staff

1. Satang Thai

4. Spice Alley

If you want a meal that is going to

If you are looking for some delicious

fill you up and taste amazing then this is the

Asian food this is where you need to go. In this

perfect place for you! There is so much

charming little alleyway you’ll find all the

choice with a huge menu and a lot of it is

street food classics. A large number of the

under $10.

dishes are under $10 and there are so many options it’s so hard to make a decision.

Located on Quay St, on the way to Central from Building 5

Located up Kensington St, next to Central Park mall

2. Central Food 5. Café 80

Looking for more than just a plain old sandwich? This place delivers so much more

Café 80 has everything to offer. You can grab

with an amazing variety of unique and

breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks. It has it all!

delicious sandwich options. If you are looking

Grab a muffin and coffee on your way to

for something a little lighter, give their salads a

class or stop in from 5pm-8pm for Happy hour.


It’s definitely worth a visit.

Located on The Goods Line, just before the

Located on the ground floor of Building 8


3. Penny Lane

“On a b udget? If y ou ar en ’t

k een on b uying l unc h t here ’s pl enty of kitchen facilities in B u i l d i n g 5 , i n cl u d i n g micr owa ve s and h ot wat er”

If you want something on campus then give Penny Lane a go. It offers breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks, and some good coffee too. Keep an eye out for the specials of the day; you can get some great meals for an even cheaper price. Located in Building 11, level 1


My Top 5 Coffee Shops

By Nicole Staff

1. Hatch Espresso

4. Cornerstone Cafe

This is the perfect place to get

If you are up the other side of

your coffee fix before your morning class!

campus Cornerstone is another great option.

Tucked in the corner of Railway Square it is so

It’s located at the end of Building 7, so it’s

convenient. It uses beans from the Grounds of

very nice and convenient. With a regular for

Alexandria that taste like no other, can’t not

only $3 why not have a go?

recommend this place enough. Located on Lee St, in the side of the Mercure

5. Corner Coffee Co.


Pick your bean and you are good to go. This place is another great option and is

2. Knight’s Coffee and Tea Co

conveniently located in the tunnel, what more could you want?

As you’re walking through the tunnel make a stop at Knights, you won’t regret it. Don’t be afraid of the line in the morning, they are quick and it is definitely worth the wait. You’ll be greeted by some friendly faces and leave with amazing coffee.

3. Mecca Espresso Ultimo Right near the new business building Mecca is a cute little café with great coffee! If you are in need of a coffee fix be sure to give this place a try, you can’t go wrong. Located on the corner of Harris St and Ultimo Rd


Where to Find the Top Food and Coffee Places

Central Food

A n a c c o un t a n t i s h a vi n g a h a r d t i m e s l e e p i n g a n d goes t o see his doct or. "Doct or, I j ust c an't get t o sl eep a t n i g h t , " h e s a y s . " H a v e y o u t ri e d c o u n t i n g s h e e p ? " i n q ui r e s t h e d o c t o r . " T h a t ' s t h e p r o b l e m — I m a k e a mi st ake a nd t hen sp end t hre e h our s t ryin g t o fin d it ."


Getting Your Textbooks Undertaking a business degree at UTS will mean that you’ll need to buy of textbooks for your subjects. You’ll find that some subject’s textbooks are not completely necessary to pass the course, but for some electives they are a must. You can refer to your subject-outline to determine whether a textbook is essential for that course or just speak directly to your tutor about the need for one. Retail Bookstores

Second Hand Textbook Exchanges

The CO-OP bookstore, located on Broadway,

While textbook retailers offer an array of second-

boasts an array of new and second hand

hand textbooks at discounted prices, the

textbooks and also has an online bookstore. To

cheapest textbooks can be found by looking for

receive a discount on their textbooks you can

fellow students who are selling their old textbooks.

also purchase a lifetime membership. Given

Without a company to collect a commission, the

the geographical closeness of the store, many

savings are passed onto you.

students purchase their textbooks at the Coop

These textbooks tend to be snapped up pretty


quick, so don’t miss out!

Other online retailers that specialize in second hand textbooks include:

The UTS BSoc Textbook Exchange is the best place

StudentVIP, Zookal and Jekkle

to look for all your business textbooks.

Some textbook retailers also offer renting and

Just make sure that the edition you are being sold

price matching services, so if you want the

can be used and keep in mind that you might

cheapest prices make sure to look around and

miss out on extras like online content. Don’t settle

do your research!

for something that you won’t be able to properly use!

What To Do If You Can’t Afford Textbooks

Textbooks can be expensive and we understand that some students may not be able to afford them all the time. However, this should not affect your ability to complete your degree. The UTS Students Association offers textbook loan schemes for students going through financial difficulty for whatever reason. You can find the UTS Student’s Association on Facebook, online or in the Tower Building, level 3. Most textbook are also available in the library and can be loaned for a period of time. Just search the online catalogue to see what’s available.


Core Business Subject Summaries

26100 Integrating Business Perspectives (IBP)

22107 Accounting for Business Decisions A

IBP is all about giving students an

Accounting for Business Decisions A provides

understanding of the business landscape and

students with an overview of the role of

the relationship with its environment. The

accountants and accounting information in

subject focuses on social issues, like

business, including applying accounting

sustainability in order to create a viable

information to business decisions. The course

business concept. IBP combines key business

introduces you to preparing financial

functions such as accounting, human

statements for internal (for management,

resources and marketing to allow you to see

employees and owners) and external (for

how they all work together holistically.

creditors, investors and regulators) users.

A large part of this subject will include group

In regards to exams and assessments

work where you will develop a business

Accounting for Business Decisions A consists of a

concept with some members of your tutorial

Mid-Semester and an End-of-Semester exam.

and then create a business plan and pitch to

Part of your mark will also stem from your

support your idea. Initially tutorial activities may

completion of the weekly homework, which is

seem arbitrary but they are in fact designed to

collected at random during tutorials.

help you through the process of forming your You will also have the option to participate in

business concept.

and create your own screencast; I am talking For most business students IBP will also be the

about 10 EXTRA marks. Seriously do this

first time you will write an essay at university.

assignment, it is optional but you have nothing

One of the most common mistakes made

to lose and only marks to gain.

when it comes to academic writing is regurgitating subject material rather than

Both Accounting textbooks are essential to

forming an argument and critically analysing

completing the course as it is the only place to

information. If you’re not confident with your

find the weekly homework questions. Both

writing ability, pay a visit to HELPS (see page 9).

textbooks are used again for Accounting B.

W h a t d o y o u c a l l a tr i a l balance that doesn’t balance? A late night.


Core Business Subject Summaries

26134 Business Statistics

23115 Economics for Business

Business statistics is a subject that looks at data

Economics for Business provides a foundational

analysis in relation to interpreting probability,

understanding of macro and micro economics.

causal relationships and statistical estimations.

It explores economic concepts such as supply

The subject requires students’ to adopt a

and demand, elasticity, aggregate demand

critical mindset to determine the statistical

and supply, as well as the effect of government

estimation of events, i.e. whether one factor

monetary and fiscal policy on the macro

has a significant effect on the behaviour of a

economy. The subject comprehensively covers

sample or population.

key economic concepts, while linking economic theory to real-world situations making the subject highly applicable and interesting.

Students are exposed to an analytical understanding of mathematical principles and statistical models such as hypothesis testing,

Often the concepts will build upon each other.

ANOVA and Regression analysis, which are

Therefore, it is important to understand

greatly appreciated within the finance,

foundation concepts such as supply and

economics and marketing majors.

demand curves early on. Speak to your tutor or peers if you’re having any difficulty.

To achieve a great mark within Business Statistics is to practice tutorial questions on a

It is also crucial to give full attention to the online

regular basis. If mathematics seems a little

quizzes and news analyses. These assessments

daunting, utilize the UTS U: PASS program to its

constitute a significant portion of your mark and

fullest advantage (See page 9).

serve as an excellent way to ascertain how well you understand the content as you progress through the course.

“ U n i ve r s i t y i s a n e x c i t i n g t i m e a n d s h o u l d b e a n aw e s o m e e xper ie nce how ever it can also some tim e s be stre ssful or s c a r y . W h e th e r y o u ’ r e h a v i n g tr o u b l e a d j u s t i n g t o u n i l i f e , stressing about grades or w orrying about that grad job as you g e t c l o s e r t o l e a v i n g , U T S o f f e r s a v a r i e ty o f s e r v i c e s t o a s s i s t y ou w ith any troubles you may b e exp erienc in g w hile a t un i. S t i c k i n g i t o u t i s n ’ t a l w a y s th e b e s t w a y t o d e a l w i th t o u g h s i t u a t i o n s , s p e a k t o s o m e o n e w h o i s th e r e t o h e l p y o u . ”


Core Business Subject Summaries

25300 Fundamentals of Business Finance

22207 Accounting for Business Decisions B

Fundamentals of Business Finance (FBF) will

Accounting for Business Decisions B equips you

provide students with an overview of key

with the appropriate accounting skills necessary

concepts central to finance. Important

to participate in a managerial, rather than a

concepts include the time value of money and

financial capacity. This will include skills to

its application to calculating present and

facilitate and enhance decision-making, ethical

future values, the valuation of debt and equity,

accountability and control.

capital budgeting and optimal capital structure. It is essential to ensure you develop a

Similar to Accounting A, it is imperative to

thorough understanding of the topics covered

attend tutorials for attendance marks, answers

in the first few weeks, as the application of

and the all-important marks that stem from the

present value for example, is persistent

completion of your homework.

throughout the entire course (especially if you’re planning on continuing in a finance

Accounting B involves a large mid-semester

major later on).

project, which incorporates the use of MYOB, an accounting software program. While the MYOB

As this subject is very practical and hands-on,

textbook is optional you are strongly

the key to excel in it is to practice calculations

encouraged to obtain a copy otherwise you will

and problem questions again and again! The

not find this assignment easy. You will need

best way to do this is to ensure you complete

plenty of time and patience for this one!

all tutorial homework each week, as well as the tutorial in-class questions. If you have a firm understanding of all the steps involved in the calculations this subject will become a lot simpler than you first thought, trust us!

Wh a t d o y o u c a l l a f i n a n c i a l controller who always works through lunch, takes two days h o l i d a y e v e r y t w o y e a r s, i s i n t h e o f f i c e e v e r y w e e k e n d, a n d l e a v e s e v e r y n i g h t a f te r 1 0 p . m . ?

La zy.


Core Business Subject Summaries

24108 Marketing Foundations

21129 Managing People and Organisations

Marketing Foundations covers all the basic

MPO introduces students to the fundamentals of

principles and processes behind marketing in

management. It is designed to provide an

the contemporary business environment. It

understanding of major theories and their

explores the factors (PESTEL) that affect a

application to contemporary managerial issues.

business’ goods and services, and the necessary research and strategies used by

MPO will involve weekly group tasks. In your

marketers to traverse them.

groups you will be expected to discuss the weekly reading questions and occasionally

There is an opportunity for students to use the

make a presentation on a management

skills that they have leant and as a team, pitch

concept. Having a firm grasp on all the readings

a mock market research proposal. The

and their meaning is absolutely necessary,

assignment requires the group to use a real

particularly when you use them in your essays.

world product, research and assess all the possible factors that would affect the product

You will be required to write two essays, this time

and then determine the best marketing

however you will be expected to carry on your

strategies to ensure that the product can be

choice of topic area from the first essay.

sold effectively by the business.

Therefore try to choose a topic that interests you

Whether you are considering a career in

and one you can find academic material online

marketing or not, this subject is a great platform

to reaffirm your argument. MPO’s final exam is

for you to gain some practical knowledge of

solely comprised of multiple choice questions.

the marketing process.

But remember that all lecture and tutorial work, including readings, is assessable.

“ D e s p i t e l e c t ur e a t t e n d a n c e n o t b e i n g c o m p u l s o r y , i t ’ s t h e b e s t wa y t o c r e a t e a g e n u i n e u n d e r s t a n d i n g i n w h a t y o u ’ r e l e a r n i n g a n d wi l l h el p w i t h y o u r s t u d y w h e n exam t ime c omes.”


UTS Awards and Student Development Programs Need something to help you stand out from the crowd and make your resume ‘pop’? Consider taking the opportunity and apply for UTS student development awards and programs. Here are just some of the major one’s that you might consider becoming a part of in the future:

Accomplish Award

The UTS BUiLD Program

A year-long program designed for penultimate

BUiLD (Beyond UTS International Leadership

(second last) and graduate (final) year

Development) is a program designed to


develop skills in social entrepreneurship,

It is designed to enhance your employability

sustainability, and leadership. BUiLD then allows

and increase your chases of success in the

students to travel abroad where they study

recruitment phase. Interactive workshops focus

new areas to increase their skillset and global

on building the perfect resume, developing


interview skills and learning how to network effectively as well as a variety of other topics to

BUiLD is a fantastic opportunity for students to

prepare you for your career.

gain new perspectives on their given field and to meet new and diverse groups of people.

As part of the award you will also be required to fulfil certain amount of ‘employability hours’

Cost for the international aspect of the

which are simply the hours you put into working

program can be alleviated. Various

and volunteering throughout the year.

scholarships and OS-HELPS loan assistance are made available to help students financially.

Its the perfect opportunity to build confidence and the soft skills needed for when you begin

The program is open to students of any year,

to apply for degree-specific jobs. Remember

discipline or faculty.

to apply in your penultimate or graduate years! Find out more at the BUiLD program webpage Find out more information visit the UTS Accomplish Award webpage

“ T h e r e i s a b s o l ut e l y n o d i s a d v a n t a g e t o a p pl y i n g t o a s m a n y t h i n g s a s y o u c a n . I f y o u t h i n k y o u ’ r e e l i g i bl e f or any progr am s, sch ol arship s, a wards, et c. don ’t h e s i t at e t o a p p l y ! Th e w o r s t t h a t c a n h a p p e n i s t h a t y o u a r e n ’ t s el e c t e d , t h a t ’ s i t !” 22

UTS Awards and Student Development Programs

The UTS SOUL Award Do you love doing work that benefits the community? If you are the kind of person who loves to volunteer your time to help create meaningful social outcomes, the UTS SOUL Award exists to assist and reward your work. The program involves 90 hours of volunteer work for not-for-profit organisations and community groups. Don’t worry, the SOUL

The UTS Hatchery

program provides plenty of opportunities, so should you be willing and able, making up the

The Hatchery is an eight week program

90 hours won’t be a problem. The best part is

designed to nurture fledgling entrepreneurs

that if your also doing the Accomplish Award

and help develop the fundamental skills and

at the same time, the hours can be counted

knowledge to identify problems and create

towards that as well!

feasible, viable and desirable solutions to them. The innovative program is open to all students of any year, discipline or faculty.

The SOUL Award also includes a series of workshops designed to develop your

If your thinking of forging your own future

leadership and communication skills.

through entrepreneurship consider enrolling. Find out more at the UTS SOUL Award Find out more at the UTS Hatchery webpage.

webpage. The Pack

The Pack is a group of UTS students and staff that do volunteer work around UTS and the

“Some companies offer

local community. Members who join are

pr ogra m s f or fir st year st ud ent s,

typically seen helping out at events or organising activities around campus.

n ot j ust pen ult imat e a nd

Don’t forget, the hours you spend working as

gra d uat e st ud ent s. Vi sit UTS

part of The Pack can count towards your SOUL

C a r e e r s o r r e s e a r c h wh a t ’ s o u t

and/or Accomplish Awards.

t her e for y ou. It s ne ver t oo e arl y t o be p roa ct ive about

Find out more on the ActivateUTS Volunteers

y our c are er !”



Our Sponsors Platinum





What’s Happening this Semester




15th March

First Year Mentoring Program


27th March

Careers Guide Launch


29th March - 1st April



4th April

Monthly Trivia (1st Tuesday)

Social Justice


Social Sports - Bubble Soccer


21st April

Frat Party


24th, 26th April

Careers Skills Workshops


23rd May

Careers Event (TBA)


31st May

State of Origin


12th June

First Year Exam Workshops


30th June

End of Semester Party



Our Partners and Special Thanks Community Partners

The UTS Business Society has been a proud supporter of the Leukaemia Foundation over the years, often collecting donations at events and participating in the Leukaemia Foundation’s ‘World’s Greatest Shave’. To find out more or to donate visit the Leukaemia Foundation website.

batyr is an organisation that focuses on education in youth mental health. Their various programs are designed to start the conversation about mental health with uni students and to ‘give a voice to the elephant in the room’. The UTS Business society has partnered with batyr in the past, spreading their message to the UTS student body through the organising various social events including trivia nights. If you want to find out more information, donate or share your story, visit the batyr website.

Special Thanks To the Education Portfolio for their hard work in producing this guide. To various other members of the UTS Business Society who have contributed and shared their thoughts. To the UTS Business School and ActivateUTS for their continued support of the UTS Business Society.




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