The Year of the Mask, Olivia Mathis
The Year
Picture: Mark Kriedemann
It’s an item that has become the physical embodiment of the world’s fight against the coronavirus. Olivia
Mathis looks at the history of the surgical mask.
T HAS PERHAPS SERVED as the most symbolic representation of our fight against the coronavirus. Wearing one has developed into an act of consideration and of social responsibility; every individual has been granted the chance to visually demonstrate the part they are playing during the pandemic. In a way, the masks have brought us closer together.
different colours and patterns. Every person sporting it is doing so for one, or both, of two reasons: they are either protecting themselves, or they are protecting those around them. The masks serve as the identifiable garment of the life and experiences we share during the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, the mask has caused a deep divide in public opinion. Many have abided by
You can walk down the aisle of the train carriage and be greeted by an array of masks in 74