Building a Sustainable Future: Innovations in Civil Engineering and Management. Research Posters fro

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PhDResearchPosters ShowcasingInnovations


2.Future adaptive healthcare organization & strategic real estate byAarninkhof-Kamphuis Anke2

3.What is therole of plants root in thevadose zone subjected toseasonal water cycles? byAnselmucci Floriana3

4.ARobotic Earthworm toExplore the Underground: Design, Fabrication andTesting byAnselmucci Floriana4

5.Comparative Case Study of two Cities’ Climate ChangeAdaptation Actions by Baack Franziska5

6.Designing amonitoring system for condition assessment of chambers of theBeatrix lock complex by Bastani Mohsen6

7.Transition barriers to acircular infrastructure sector by Coenen Tom7

8.Developing an Infrastructure Lifecycle Digital Twin;ASemantic modelling approach for asphalt failure modes by Giorgadze Inga Maria8

9.Material Efficiency Insights with BIM Based Circularity Assessment: ADesign Science Research Study by Li Jang9

10.Data Driven Prediction and Reduction of Excavation Damages by Li Jiarong10

11.Continuum DEM modelling of thefluid solid transition in weakly compacted systems of polydisperse particles of varying shapesbyLubbe Retief11

12.Global trends in water footprints of crop production by Mialyk Oleksandr12

13.Toreplace or notto replace: amodel for future functional performance of bridges by Mooren Sander13

14.Software development toestimate thePavement Vehicle Interaction (PVI) effects on vehicle fuel consumption by Noemi Uva Ida14

15.Development of Digital Twin Usage Scenarios for Modular &Industrial Construction by Pottachola Irfan15

16.Implementing Sustainable Innovations: Actors and Interactions in theAsphalt Paving Sector by Ruiz Robles Angie16

17.Meso-scale description of wetpowders for industrial scale modelling by Saghafian Larijani Roxana17

18.Making sense of tensions andequivocalities in digital transformation journeys of asset management organizations by Sloot Ruth18

19.Water scarcity and smallholders by SuHan19

20.Accepting theneglected: Threenew activity systems for utility detection in construction street-works by TerHuurneRamon20

21.OntheRoad toSustainable Pavement Management: ALife Cycle Assessment Framework for Pavement Maintenance and RehabilitationFacing Uncertainty by Vargas Farias Andrea21

22.Organizing project-transcending collaborations in infrastructure byVosman Lynn22

23.Smart Utility Registration: Towards Underground Digital Twinning by Zarrinpanjeh Nima23


3 ARoboticEarthwormtoExploretheUnderground:Design,FabricationandTestingbyAnselmucciFloriana.........................................4 ComparativeCaseStudyoftwoCities’ClimateChangeAdaptationActionsbyBaackFranziska...............................................................5 DesigningamonitoringsystemforconditionassessmentofchambersoftheBeatrixlockcomplexbyBastaniMohsen........................6 TransitionbarrierstoacircularinfrastructuresectorbyCoenenTom.....................................................................................................7 DevelopinganInfrastructureLifecycleDigitalTwin;ASemanticmodellingapproachforasphaltfailuremodes byGiorgadzeIngaMaria.............................................................................................................................................................................8 MaterialEfficiencyInsightswithBIMBasedCircularityAssessment:ADesignScienceResearchStudybyLiJang....................................9 DataDrivenPredictionandReductionofExcavationDamagesbyLiJiarong............................................................................................10 ContinuumDEMmodellingofthefluidsolidtransitioninweaklycompactedsystemsofpolydisperseparticlesofvaryingshapes byLubbeRetief.........................................................................................................................................................................................11 GlobaltrendsinwaterfootprintsofcropproductionbyMialykOleksandr.............................................................................................12 Toreplaceornottoreplace:amodelforfuturefunctionalperformanceofbridgesbyMoorenSander................................................13 SoftwaredevelopmenttoestimatethePavementVehicleInteraction(PVI)effectsonvehiclefuelconsumptionbyNoemiUvaIda.......14 DevelopmentofDigitalTwinUsageScenariosforModular&IndustrialConstructionbyPottacholaIrfan.............................................15 ImplementingSustainableInnovations:ActorsandInteractionsintheAsphaltPavingSectorbyRuizRoblesAngie..............................16 Meso-scaledescriptionofwetpowdersforindustrialscalemodellingbySaghafianLarijaniRoxana.....................................................17 MakingsenseoftensionsandequivocalitiesindigitaltransformationjourneysofassetmanagementorganizationsbySlootRut......18 WaterscarcityandsmallholdersbySuHa...............................................................................................................................................19 Acceptingtheneglected:Threenewactivitysystemsforutilitydetectioninconstructionstreet-worksbyTerHuurneRamon.............20 OntheRoadtoSustainablePavementManagement: ALifeCycleAssessmentFrameworkforPavementMaintenanceandRehabilitationFacingUncertaintybyVargasFariasAndrea........21 Organizingproject-transcendingcollaborationsininfrastructurebyVosmanLynn..................................................................................22 SmartUtilityRegistration:TowardsUndergroundDigitalTwinningbyZarrinpanjehNima......................................................................23


▪ The healthcare landscape is rapidly transforming. More and more people are dying from the effects of dementia and life expectancy increases. These developments create uncertainties for healthcare organizations by influencing future demand. A real, and scientifically relevant, challenge is that uncertainties typically involve decision-making for a ‘foreseen’ period of perhaps five years ahead, whereas real estate has a long-term character. The design of a dynamic adaptive based decision support model will support decision makers at healthcare organizations;

▪ Main objective: developing an adaptive decision-making support model for board members of healthcare organizations

Main theoretical concepts

• Dynamic Adaptive Planning, Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways;

• Complex Adaptive Systems;

• Corporate Real Estate Management.


▪ Research is divided in four parts of the engineering cycle according the design science methodology:

1. Problem investigation; 2. Treatment design;

3. Treatment validation; 4. Treatment implementation


▪ A new Dynamic Adaptive Decision Support model for healthcare organizations will be developed so that these organizations can choose at certain Adaptation Tipping Points (ATP) what decision they could make in a given situation


▪ Further implement the Dynamic Adaptive Decision Support model at healthcare organizations in a virtual dashboard;

▪ Make board of management more aware of dynamic adaptive approaches.


▪ The newly developed Dynamic Adaptive Decision Support model will be tested and evaluated in different case studies;

▪ The designed Dynamic Adaptive Decision Support model is useful for organizations to act better in deeply uncertain times;

▪ The combination of Complex Adaptive Systems with Dynamic Adaptive Planning and Policy Pathways is scientific relevant.

The Dynamic Adaptive Decision Support model for healthcare organizations gives decision makers the ability to anticipate technological, economic, social, and political developments.
“Future adaptive healthcare organization & strategic real estate” dynamic adaptive planning and policy pathways, decision-making, long-term investments
*Contact: Finalized project Organizational project
in construction stage Organizational project in development stage
National/ regional project to investigate ‘white spots’ National project in long-term care in development stage
Case studies in healthcare real estate Figure 1: Research questions in the engineering cycle Figure 2: Example of adaptation pathways with preferred pathways for three different perspectives (Haasnoot, 2013)

Bio-inspired engineering, Soil investigation, Foundation inspection, Instrumented probe

(1) Soil MicroMechanics (CME) – Faculty of Engineering Technology, University of Twente

(2) Biomechanical Engineering – Faculty of Engineering Technology, University of Twente

What ?

• Self-motile probe design based on soft robotic concept

• Bio-fabrication of a textile able to bear continuous adaptation of the probe


• Subsurface investigation, microtunneling, in-situ, testing and monitoring with minimum soil disturbance

Design and Fabrication


• Biomimicking earthworm peristaltic motion

• Trichamber robotic actuator made of biodegradable highly extensible textile

(i) inspect underground

(ii) perform local characterization

(iii) locally stabilize soil and foundations

• Easy

• Connection tip-body

• Design of the scales

• Not easy

• Challenging

• Soil-hoses interaction




Manufacturing Tip Advancement


• < 2bar

• Not allowed by scale size

• Negligible

• Yes

• > 2bar

• Very good

• Soil disturbance

• Good

• Negligible

• < 2bar

• Negligible –Only extension

• Negligible in soil,

• Good on flat surfaces

• Yes

Preliminary Findings: Prototype #4

• < 2bar for depth <10 cm

• Very good

• Very good

• Negligible

• Several trials run conducted to assure the anchorage/penetration of the robot in loose sand

• Prototype #4 advancement achieved with an average radial/axial pressure of 186.6KPa

• Probe penetration in the soil enhanced via inflation-deflation cycles of the 3 chambers, mimicking the peristaltic earthworm motion



[1] Borela, R., et al. (2021), “Earthworm-inspired robotic locomotion in sand: an experimental study with x-ray tomography”, Gèotechnique Letters 11(1), 66–73

[2] Martinez, A , et al (2020), “Evaluation of self-penetration potential of a bioinspired site characterization probe by cavity expansion analysis”, Canadian Geotechnical Journal 57(5), 706–716

[3] Sadeghi, A , et al (2013), “Robotic mechanism for soil penetration inspired by plant root”, Proceedings 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3457–3462

We are developing a non-intrusive soft robot that will burrow in soil like a common earthworm. It aims to:
“A Robotic Earthworm to Explore the Underground: Design, Fabrication and Testing”
Floriana Anselmucci(1)*, Sachin Venu Jaya (1), Ali Sadeghi(2), Vanessa Magnanimo(1) Prototype #1 Prototype #2 Prototype #4 Prototype #3
Anchorage of the TAIL chamber
ME to see the probe in action!
Number of Inflation/Deflation cycles Anchorage of the TIP chamber Tip Advancement [cm] Extension of the CORE chamber Direction of Advancement 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 1cm Depth 3cm Depth 5cm Depth 7cm Depth 9cm Depth 2 cm


What is the role of plants root in the vadose zone subjected to seasonal water cycles?”

Climate change, Soil strength, Soil Water Retention Properties, Lab-scale experiments Research statement

Ground water table highly fluctuates during the seasons of the year. The presence of vegetation in soil has a key role on the in-situ instabilities. Hence, quantitative analyses need to be conducted to asses the influence of vegetation on the soil hydro-mechanical properties

Research question

How can we understand in-situ root-soil-water interaction?

Can we separate the phenomena involved in the process, and reproduce them on a lab-scale?

An investigation tool, for each phenomenon…

•X-ray Comp. Tomography How roots occupy pore space + detection of (static) water flow

•ASD Field Spec How to relate leaves growth with root development

Tensiometer-Moisture sensor How the root quantity affects the soil retention properties

From the x-ray CT we can obtain: a. Root System

Pore Network

c. Soil Structure evolution

From the sensors we can obtain:

Relevant output

•At the Microscale, root shears soil and this induces a Volumetric soil Deformation in the spatial vicinity.

•The Saturation Degree detected at pixel scale, matches the global VWC detected through sensor.

•At the Macroscale, the retention properties of the soil depend on the root length density within the RVE


[1] Cheng,H., et al., 2022. Down to the root of vegetated soil: challenges and state-of-the-art. Papers in Physics,Accepted.

[2]Anselmucci, F., et al., 2021. Imaging local soil kinematics during the first days of maize root growth in sand. Scientific reports, 11(1), pp.1-13.

[3] Anselmucci, F, et al , 2021 Use of X-ray tomography to investigate soil deformation around growing roots Géotechnique Letters 11, no 1, 96-102

Floriana Anselmucci(1)*, Hongyang Cheng(1), Yijian Zeng(2), Vanessa Magnanimo(1) Soil MicroMechanics (CME) – Faculty of Engineering Technology, University of Twente (2) Depar. of Water Resources – Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente
Shear Strain[%] <0,05 >10 Volumetric Strain[%] <0,1 >0,8 Root Diameter[mm] Particle displacement [mm] 3,5 cm 5 cm
We need to understand the key roles of plant roots on the soil properties and how they can benefit the societal current needs against climate change.
4D growth
Saturation Degree[%] <0,24 >1,2 <-4 >4 0 >80
Saturation Degree
Root Length Density[cm/cm3] d.
Suction [kPa] 0,1 1,6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 30 50 70 90 Saturation Degree[%]
Bulk Retention properties

“Comparative Case Study of two Cities’ Climate Change Adaptation Actions”


 There is a significant gap in (the implementation of) climate change adaptation (IPCC, 2022)

 Existing research into local adaptation focuses on two options: 1. dedicated action for adaptation; 2. mainstreaming , i.e. integrating adaptation into existing policies and practices.

 This narrow focus leads to blueprint solutions that do not help closing the implementation gap.

 We offer a more nuanced understanding with both options as two ends of a spectrum.

 RQ: How do two cities’ adaptation actions and their use of integration develop over time and what can we learn from the similarities and differences?

Definition of Adaptation Action Categories

Based on Runhaar et al. (2018) we define the following four types of actions:

 Programmatic actions describe adaptation at the programme or project level and in on-the-ground operations.

 Managerial actions change in the organisational structure, e.g. the distribution of resources, responsibilities across departments.

 Regulatory actions include changes in formal or informal procedures, such as plans and policies.

 Inter-organisational actions promote collaboration and networking with other municipalities, individual sectors or stakeholders.

Degrees of Integration

 Dedicated adaptation action categories exhibit no integration with other sectoral policies;

 “connected” adaptation action categories make use of a connection with other issues while not fully integrating with them;

 in mainstreamed action categories adaptation is fully integrated with other policies.


 Case Selection: 2 midsize cities (Enschede and Zwolle) in the province of Overijssel, with several years of experience with climate change adaptation

 Data collection: 7 interviews, 2 workshops, 34 policy documents, 15 websites, 4 interview transcripts from another project

 Data analysis: Definition and operationalization of actions and degrees of integration; coding of documents and transcripts in Atlas.ti based on the following guiding questions:

1. When did adaptation first appear in each city’s policies, plans, projects, actions?

2. Which kinds of adaptation action did each city use?

3. What degree of integration did these actions exhibit?


Start (2012) Partially integrated adaptation actions, connecting adaptation to existing water planning

Intermittent focus Dedicated adaptation projects

Recent approach Fully integrated adaptation action, in projects, management and regulation


Similarities: Both municipalities

 employ all types of adaptation actions

 use regulatory and managerial actions to a similar extent and in a similar manor

 adopt those actions with varying degrees of integration over time to employ


Dedicated adaptation actions

Networking with other organizations at the local, regional, and national level

Connecting adaptation to economic development and fully integrating into urban development projects


 Preferences for actions: Enschede prefers projects, whereas Zwolle prioritizes networking

 Use of integration: Enschede increased integration over time and integrated adaptation into its water planning, whereas Zwolle intentionally shifted its adaptation approach towards (partial) integration into spatial and economic development

 Both municipalities adjust and expand their adaptation approaches over time as they become more experienced.

 This raises the question: Do certain action categories or forms of integration require more expertise than others?

 Differences in adaptation approaches are also rooted in local contextual factors, such as government versus private responsibility, and previous experience with floods and droughts. We explore this influence of contextual factors in another study

Adaptation actions and their degree of integration in the cases between 2012 and 2022

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Different municipalities prefer:  different adaptation actions and  different approaches to integrating adaptation into other policies, processes, and programs
 based on their context and their experience with adaptation
Enschede Zwolle
Adaptation Strategy
No Integration
Connected Mainstreamed
Enschede Zwolle

Designing a monitoring system for condition assessment of chambers of the Beatrix lock complex

Keywords: Scour monitoring, 2D imaging sonar, Navigation lock

Mohsen Bastani*, Rolands Kromanis, Jasper Caerteling, André Dorée , CME | University of Twente, Netherlands


The Beatrix lock is located on one of the main corridors of inland waterways in Utrecht, the Netherlands. It is important for the lock maintenance contractor, Heijmans, to gain insight into the condition of the lock. The project’s goal is to design and develop a monitoring system to continuously scan the approach bed of the lock

Motivation and concerns:

• Aging of the structure

Why monitor

• High-velocity currents near the bed in the vicinity of the lock structure caused by (i) propellers of large ships and (ii) emptying the chamber create holes in the bed (referred to as scouring).

• The development of these holes reduces the bearing capacity of the foundation of the lock.

Where to monitor

The intersections in the approach bed of chamber

1 downstream because of:

▪ Lower water level downstream

▪ Bathymetry of the canal bed shows a scour hole development

▪ Change in the roughness of the watercourse cross-section

How to monitor

• Sonar techniques/ 2D imaging/ Single Beam

• Monitoring Process:

➢ The coming ship is detected by the camera

➢ The sonar sensor scans the area of interest after the passage of the ship and/or emptying of the chamber

➢ The shadow areas of the scanned images are measured and compared with the baseline image

➢ Alarms if major changes are detected

waterways Amsterdam CEMT-classification II III IV Va Vb VIa VIb VIc Rotterdam The natural bed of the canal The bed protection The approach bed of chamber 1 downstream, plan view of the bathymetry Downstream chamber 1 Bed level based on NAP (m) 2D image The concrete floor of the chamber Canal wall Canal bed bathymetry
and shipping on inland
Shadow area Scour hole development ISS360 Fixed bed (Approach) Downstream gate Concrete floor of chamber Fixed bed) Canal bottom Flow Chamber Local scour hole Movable bed (natural) Under keel clearance Ship
Increase in the size and number of vessels
to droughts
• Water level decrease in inland canals due

Transition barriers to a circular infrastructure sector

Using the Mission-oriented Innovation System (MIS) framework


The Dutch government has set the goal for a Circular Economy in 2050 As a resource-intensive sector, infrastructure is an important player to make the transition So-called transitions require many changes and innovations to happen

• Transitions require not only novel technologies, but also social, cultural, institutional and organizational aspects need to change throughout the system to transform towards a Circular Economy

• Transitions are co-evolutionary, non-linear, multi-decade, multi-actor, open-ended and normative change processes

• Stimulating the transition through policy, governance and management interventions should focus on addressing the root causes and lock-ins rather than symptoms, which requires systemic analysis.

The aim of this research is to is to reveal the systemic barriers to transitioning towards a circular economy in the infrastructure sector by analyzing the Dutch sector in transition and seeking an understanding of the circularity transition beyond single changes and solutions

Research approach

• Sectoral analysis through review of grey literature and a heterogeneous set of in-depth interviews

• System analysis using the Mission-oriented Innovation System (MIS) framework contains three major parts:

1. problem-solution analysis to define the mission and the challenges it addresses as well as the solutions to do so

2. structural analysis to reveal actor constellations, institutions and boundaries.

3. functional analysis to study the system developments and dynamics using seven key system functions.

• Use the MIS analysis to reveal systemic barriers and their causalities


The Circular Economy mission is contested within the sector, both regarding the problems and solutions and its boundaries are close to the sectoral ones The infrastructure sector is characterized by the project-oriented and public nature Traditionally, the sector is considered conservative and resistant to change The functions are summarized below

Function Performance

F1 Entrepreneurial activities

Even though the CE theme is widely shared across industry, the actual initiatives in practice are still low in number and impact

Moreover, the main focus is on technological pilots and experiments, rather than processual and organizational changes

F2 Knowledge development Huge steps have been made in the development of circularity knowledge However, some themes are still underdeveloped, such as distance-to-target knowledge, as well as knowledge on the tactical level

F3 Knowledge diffusion

F4a Problem directionality

F4b Solution directionality

F4c Reflexivity

F5 Market creation and destabilization

Despite a relatively high willingness to share circularity knowledge through showcase examples and network events, access to relevant knowledge is challenging, especially for newcomers Also, cross-project knowledge diffusion and learning between projects and organizations remains problematic

There are several (policy) initiatives aimed at aligning the CE mission with societal problems Nevertheless, the perception of CE is rather contested and highly sector-specific In addition, the relation with other missions, such as sustainability, is perceived divergently

Several solution directions are in a fair stage of development, but there is still a lack of consensus on the priorities between those solutions This exploration is delegated to the market, rather than being top-down directed Yet, public clients play a significant role in the solution directionality through their purchasing power

The existing knowledge infrastructure and distance-to-target knowledge are insufficient for reflexive governance on circularity

However, there are major current developments in these aspects The circularity strategy is continuously adapting and evolving to new developments and insights on problems and solutions

The main instrument to steer markets is the purchasing power of public clients Also, a lot of effort is being put in experimenting with novel business models, circularity-included procurement, and increasing the minimum CE requirements Nevertheless, those do still insufficiently apply to conventional projects, which still make up the largest part of the works executed

F6 Resource (re)allocation The allocation of funds for circular initiatives are increasing but insufficient However, a greater challenge is the lack of capacity in terms of circularity-focused employees and experts to adapt (non-circular) processes and practices

F7 Creation and withdrawal of legitimacy

Generally, the legitimacy of circularity is high throughout the sector, but its priority is still too low compared to e g , the energy transition or traditional infrastructure values such as traffic hindrance

The resulting barriers and their causalities are illustrated in the figure on the right-hand side of the poster.


• Most barriers have an organizational character. Focus policy on facilitating circular behaviour and processes rather than circular technological innovations and aim for systemic change rather than single fixes.

• The understandings of the meaning of Circular Economy in Dutch infrastructure are much more divergent than generally assumed. In each circular action, it should be made specific what societal challenges are addressed by the specific intervention.

Complexity and contestation CE concept (F2/F4b)

CE contestation cycle

Difficult monitoring and mission governance (F4c)

Divergent problem and solution space (F4a/F4b)

Difficulties with long-term funding (F6)

Low priority of CE theme (F4a/F4b)

Lack of long-term perspective on direction of CE (F4b)

Low market initiative (F1)

Little room for fundamentally new solutions (F1)

Resources aim at specific pilots rather than structural change (F6)

Low capacity for implementing CE (F2/F6)

Low availability of straight-forward CE knowledge (F3)

Lack of adopting lessons from pilots (F3)

Innovation cycle Knowledge diffusion cycle

Insufficient knowledge in practice (F3)

Slow mplementation of CE in organizations (F1)

Difficulties with unsolicited proposals (F5)

Prescriptive procurement methods (F5)

Procurement aims at proven technologies (F5)

D = Demand-driven

S = Supply-driven

Lack of coordination and infrastructure for knowledge (F4b)

• Circular infrastructure is foremost an asset management challenge
• There are no simple technological fixes to become circular as a sector
• Understanding of Circular Economy in infrastructure is divergent
D S D S D D D S D S D S D D S D S D D S D S S D D D Full open-access publication in ConstructionManagement&Economics:

“Developing an Infrastructure Lifecycle Digital Twin; A semantic modelling approach for asphalt failure modes”

Keywords: Digital Twin, Semantic modelling, asphalt distress

Inga Maria Giorgadze, Faridaddin Vahdatikhaki, Seirgei Miller, Andre Doree, Rutger Krans (RWS), Sylvia Drok (RWS)

Construction Management & Engineering | University of Twente, Netherlands


▪ The creation of a lifecycle digital twin requires a harmonious and coherent data structure and representation. However, such coherence are currently missing in the way road condition data is stored and represented (only geometrically ).

▪ The lack of semantic representation of distresses makes it difficult to have a detailed analysis of the causes of different types of failures.


▪ To develop a methodology for systematic capturing, storage and visualization of asphalt failure modes to ensure that:

1. the failure data can be properly linked with the design, construction and operation data of the road, and

Design Methodology

2. the dynamic aspect of failure can be represented over time (i.e. 4D semantic representation) Requirements

• Road segments 100m long and 3.5m wide

• Road segments 1m long with 7 ribbons

• Semantic and topologic definitions for different failures

• Develop failure mode ontology

• Classification of damage severity

• Alignment with requirements

• PQI data for compaction outside the window temperature

• Manual image annotation

• Bounding boxes

• Projected pictures

• 3D reconstructed mesh models

• GIS for plotting delineated segments and geo-referencing annotated picture

Envisaged prototype

• Peer review

• Laser Crack Measuring System Data Visualization

Contact me if you wish to know more about the project

+ .3.333.3.33.33.
Input collection Synthesis Validation Proof of concept
A Digital Twin is an intelligent model
To achieve that we need intelligent data
Semantic modelling is the way to make our data intelligent
Then we can apply logic rules in our model, which makes our model intelligent as well

Material Efficiency Insights with BIM-Based Circularity Assessment: A Design Science Research Study

Building Information Modelling; Circularity assessment; Design science; Renovation

Li Jiang (, Dr. Ir. M.C. van den Berg, Dr. J.T.


Developing a BIM-based circularity assessment tool

▪ The construction industry is responsible for large amounts of resource consumption and waste production. The “Circular Economy” concept aims to decouple economic growth from materials extraction. How to quantify circularity performance – in a Building Information Modelling (BIM)-based environment – is growing in interest and methodological debate.

▪ Research goal: “Provide project stakeholders actual insights into circularity performance of their construction projects from early design phases to construction phases, by developing a BIM-based circularity assessment tool”.


▪ Design Science Methodology with three iterative design cycles (see picture below).

▪ Two cases (a renovation and new-built project) located at the University of Twente.

▪ Literature and document review; Interviews with project stakeholders.


A BIM-based circularity assessment tool is developed according to the Input-Processing-Output model (see picture on the right):

▪ Input: A combination of input sources from BIM models and an external circularity database; Open standards (NL-SfB, NAA.KT and ETIM) are used to structure and manage circularity-related information.

▪ Processing: An assessment module in which three different calculation models for different levels of detail (LODs) are available

▪ Output: Circularity score supported with 3D colour coding and 2D analysis charts, presented via a Graphic User Interface.


▪ A circularity assessment method should consider the level of information availability in different project phases.

▪ BIM is a useful in supporting information collection and management, to smoothen the process of circularity assessment

▪ More insight is still needed into how the circularity-related information for making circularity feasible and transparent can be recorded in public standards.


Data-Driven Prediction and Reduction of Excavation Damages

Excavation Damage, Machine Learning

Jiarong Li (, Prof. dr. ir. A.G. (André) Dorée, Dr. ir. L.L. (Léon) olde Scholtenhuis, CME | CEM | ET | University of Twente, Netherlands


▪ More than 40000 excavation damages to underground cables and pipelines per year. Huge direct costs as well as serious economic and societal consequences

▪ Lack of data-driven projects. Existing data-driven projects using limited dataset.

▪ Project Objectives:

▪ To explore causal factors of excavation damages.

▪ To explore existing datasets useful for the prediction.

▪ To build a machine learning model to predict the probability of excavation damage occurrence.

▪ To design a component in Kadaster Kabels en Leidingen Informatie Centrum (KLIC) system to apply the prediction model.

▪ To summarize the significant factors leading to damages and provide damage prevention strategies.


▪ Design methodologies: Design cycle, Crisp DM cycle

▪ Modelling: Logistic regression, XGBoost, ANN…

Preliminary Outcomes of Factor Exploration and Data Collection

▪ Factors: utility assets density of each type, project type, project size, project duration, polygon complexity of the digging area, weather, founding date of the excavation company, size of the excavation company, soil type, landuse type, tree density, average building ages.

▪ Datasets: schademelding, graagmelding, IMKL, KNMI weather data, KVK company data, BRO, BAG, bestandbodemgebruik, Bomen

System Functions

Damage Prediction Report Extension to Dutch Utility Information System

Key Parameters


▪ Difficulty in collecting data because of distributed and large numbers of data providers.

▪ Difficulty in predicting which cables/pipelines are likely to be broken by an excavation project.

Contact ▪ Model performance ▪ Accuracy ▪ Responding time ▪ Output quality ▪ Visualization quality ▪ User friendly interface ▪ Costs and benefits Collect damage data Train the model with new observations Test the mode Re-deploy the model

Continuum–DEM modelling of the fluid–solid transition in weakly compacted systems of polydisperse particles of varying shapes

Keywords: granular materials, fluid-solid transition, uniform flowability, continuum methods, up-Scaling

Retief Lubbe*1,2, Prof.VanessaMagnanimo1 , Prof.StefanLuding1,Dr.HongyangCheng1 , Dr.PrashantGupta2

University of Twente, Netherlands1


Main take aways:

• Granular materials are solid-like and fluidlike

• Irregular flows are a challenge in industry

• Numerical solution for fluid-solid transition is necessary


• Depending on how granularmaterials are handled, they can behave like fluid or solid

• The fluid-solidtransition poses a significantchallenge in industry

• Solution is to develop a tool to virtually prototype designs to reduce wasteful resources

Preliminary work

• Performed an extensive literaturereview on state of the art

• Developed and verified 3D GPU MPM solver

• Implementedconstitutivemodels: isotropic linear elasticity, Newtonian fluid, ��-I rheology (granular material)


Main theoretical concepts

• Develop a continuum-discrete solver to capture the fluid-solid transition of granular materials

• Study the influence of polydisperse and multi -component systems on the flowability

• Study the influence of the geometry (equipment) on the flowability


• Irregular flow of granular material is challenging in industry

• MPM is well suited for granular flow problems

• Continuum solution is needed to capture the transition at an industrial scale

Contact: Material Point Method (MPM) Discrete Element Method Rheologal models Discrete to Continuum Coarse Graining
Example of CEM fluid simulation using developed MPM solver Example of granular material flowing out of silo

Global trends in water footprints of crop production

#waterfootprint #agriculture #modelling #sustainability

Huston, we have a problem!

• Crop production is responsible for most of humanity’s water consumption

• Water is getting scarcer in many places

• Increase in crop production is needed to sustain the future global population

• So we need more food but with less water

What are we trying to do?

• Estimate water footprints of global crop production over 1990-2019

• Run process-based global crop model at high spatial resolution covering 160 crops

• Analise the key drivers for trends in water footprints to identify the main challenges

How does it work?

• Planet is divided into a grid of 10x10 km

• In each grid cell, a numerical model simulates the growth of local crops

• Water footprint (m3 t-1) is calculated by dividing crop water use by yields

What do we find?

-25% average water footprint

+80% total crop production

+36% total water consumption

What does it mean?

50% consumed by maize, wheat, rice, and soybean

• The reduction in water footprints of crops is outpaced by the increase in production

• As a result, the total water consumption is increasing and just four crops are responsible for half of it

• In future, the competition for water resources is likely to increase, leading to more scarcity and subsequent issues (biodiversity loss, social unrest, food market instability etc.)

What can be done?

• Further reduction of water footprints of crops, especially in the underdeveloped regions

• Optimise global food systems and diets to satisfy humanity’s needs without further increase in crop production


The global water consumption for crop production is increasing despite the fact that…
We need less water to produce a tonne of a crop than ever before
: @oleksmialyk

To replace or not to replace: a model for future functional performance of bridges

Asset Management; Bridges; Functional Performance


▪ Asset managers at road agency are, among other tasks, responsible for managing bridges. A focus exists on technical and economic end-of-life, although in practice bridges often get replaced for functional shortcoming; the functional performance no longer meets the functional requirements.

▪ Asset managers aim to optimise value by balancing life cycle costs, risks and performance. Nevertheless, it is a challenge to formulate bridges’ life cycle performance. For this thesis, a model has been developed to aid asset managers by providing insight into the future functional performance level of bridges.

▪ Research question: How does functional performance of bridges and viaducts as part of a network develop over time (1) and how can these insights contribute to infrastructure asset management decision making (2)?

Research design

▪ A model has been developed to forecast bridges’ functional performance level. The develop model has been built as an extension to a base model. The base model contains road segments’ traffic intensity and capacity from 2019 to 2050 under 4 future scenarios. The scope of the model is national roads in the Randstad area in the Netherlands.

▪ Expert interviews, scientific literature, internal documents from Dutch road agency Rijkswaterstaat, and legal documentation have been used in the development of the model.

▪ First, indicators for bridges’ functional performance have been selected. Subsequently, a theoretical foundation for these indicators has been built, before software implementation took place. After implementing the model and running the simulation for 4 scenarios, the output has been reshaped to present it in various different visualisations.


▪ The selected indicators are: Intensity/Capacity ratio, Automatic Incident Detection (AID), Lighting, Noise.

▪ 1183 bridges have been linked to the base model.

▪ The simulation’s output gives a 4-dimensional data cube (bridges, indicators, time, scenario)

▪ By performing different operations on the data cube, asset managers obtain various visualisations. This gives asset manager more insight into the functional performance of bridges.


▪ The base model is not flawless in its traffic assignment. As a result, the model may prematurely label a bridge as having reached its functional end-of-life.

▪ The traffic intensity of the other side of the viaduct is in many cases unknown. Thus, a bridge could reach its functional end-of-life which the model does not identify.


▪ The developed model allows asset managers to account for the future functional performance level of bridges. As a result, interventions can be scheduled more efficaciously.

Asset managers can improve the life cycle performance assessment of bridges by forecasting the functional performance using a road network model.

Software development to estimate the Pavement-Vehicle Interaction (PVI) effects on vehicle fuel consumption

Keywords: Rolling resistance, Fuel consumption, CO2 emissions

Ida Noemi Uva*, João Santos, Seirgei Miller, Andre Doree, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department of Construction and Management Engineering (CME) | University of Twente, Netherlands


Nowadays, worldwide attention is focused on the global warming that arises from significant greenhouse (GHG) emissions CO2 is a major contributor to GHG emissions, and the transportation sector is responsible for a great share of the total emissions Further, a considerable percentage of CO2 emissions is related to vehicle fuel consumption and rolling resistance represents its primary source

Research objective

The main research objective concerns the development of a software that deploys data-driven models to predict rolling resistance and its effects on additional vehicle fuel consumption.

What is rolling resistance?

The rolling resistance is one of the resistive forces acting on the vehicle In simple terms, it is a force opposing the movement of a body (i e , tire) on a pavement surface

How can we contribute to improve the sustainability of road pavements throughout their life cycle?

How can we estimate the fuel consumption due to rolling resistance?

This research will combine real-time estimation of vehicle dynamics states and tyre-road contact parameters with the potentialities of data analytics and machine learning to estimate the additional vehicle fuel consumption due to rolling resistance.

Who are the software’s end-users and how will they use the software’s outcomes?

The software will be mainly used by road agencies and road pavement contractors. They will integrate the software into their decision-making process and leverage the software outcomes to design new pavement structures and maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) strategies commensurate with their technical requirements and sustainability goals


Physical phenomenon

Development of Digital Twin Usage Scenarios for Modular &

Industrial Construction

Emissions, Modular Construction (MC), Digital Twins (DT), DT Uses, Information System Architecture



▪ To assist the Dutch construction sector meet the high demands under tight regulations, the Dutch govt has rolled out various knowledge and innovation programs One such program is the Emissieloos Bouwen (Zero-Emission Buildings) program The objectives of this program are to develop measures which can contribute to the ambitions related to emission reduction in the Dutch construction sector, particularly the reduction of Nitrogen emissions

▪ The specific program identifies Modular Construction, aided by the novel industry concept of Digital Twins, as a key strategy to reduce the environmental impacts of the construction industry Modular Construction (MC) involves the production of standardised components of a structure in an offsite climate-controlled factory, which is then transported to and assembled on the site through standardised interfaces

▪ Digital Twins are a dynamic, up-to-date digital representation of a physical object or process It is a live digital copy of the physical elements and their dynamics, insights from which can augment human intelligence to optimize the physical object or process

Knowledge Gaps

Digital Twins are not (just) the future


To develop an overview of potential Digital Twin application areas for modular construction projects (DT Uses)

• DT Uses are Digital Twin application areas corresponding to key activities in a MC project across its whole lifecycle The DT Uses will be characterised by (1) feasibility (of implementation and adoption), and (2) relevance (emission reduction potential, potential value to partners)

What are Digital Twins?

• Digital Twins are a network of semantically linked virtual model(s) and technologies, which together generate a realtime smart digital representation of a physical system (entities and/or processes), capable of bi-directional communication (with or without human intervention) between the physical system and the digital representation, with the goal to collect and combine dynamic data with static (historical) data and to exploit it to generate value in the current and/or subsequent lifecycle phases of the physical system.

What can Digital Twins do?

• Digital Twins do not have a set composition; they can be created by combining any type of virtual model and technologies (represented in the illustration DT Concept)

• The application areas of DT are direct data related Further, the same data can provide insights into multiple areas through different types of analysis.

• As such, potential practical applications of DTs are endless, as it directly depends on the type and extent of data collected, types of technologies adopted and types of virtual models deployed

• However, based on literature and the defined characteristics, it can be argued that these application areas almost always fall under one of five broad categories, shown in the main illustration, DT Use categories


To develop associated Information System (IS) architectures for key Digital Twin applications in the context of the project partner companies

• Information Systems (IS) in IT are the combination of software and hardware systems required to support data-intensive applications. It will include (1) the business processes, (2) software & hardware resources, and (3) data & information (resources), required to support the development and implementation of Digital Twins in the project partners’ contexts.

Theyare the present

The Physical System The Virtual System Physical Assetsor Process Communication Technologies Virtual Models Intervention Data Integration Create data Collect data Communicate data Store &Aggregate data Analysedata Derive inferences Intervene Data Security Entire Asset Life Design EoL/ Disassembly User Services
& Characteristics of Digital
Digital Twin Application Areas in Modular Construction Digital Twin Composition & Architecture Digital Twin Usage Scenarios for MC
Physical System 1 DATA 3 Virtual System 2 Behavioural/ Operational Data Feedback END OF LIFE OPERATE BUILD DESIGN Better Design Better Processes Better Operations Better Reuse The Digital Twin Concept Digital Twin Basic Idea




▪ The implementation of sustainable innovations in the asphalt paving sector is slow, uncertain, and more challenging than expected despite being eagerly promoted by governments.

▪ Knowledge gap: in the engineering innovations field poor attention is given to the steps of the process and usually a single actor perspective is adopted (engineering firms).

▪ Objective: provide an understanding of the process that leads to the implementation of sustainable practices in the asphalt paving sector. Specifically, it aims to identify the stages required and the actors involved (including roles and interactions).

Main theoretical concepts and methods

▪ System Innovation looks at innovations from a system perspective, emphasizing interactions among the elements of the system.

System of interest: asphalt paving sector.

▪ Concepts from the Multi-actor perspective (MaP), innovation process and roles in innovation to define the set of elements of the system (see Table 1).

▪ Methods: the Netherlands as a case study, interviews and documents review for data collection, and Codebook thematic analysis


▪ The innovation process is triggered and shaped by national sustainable goals (climate-neutral agenda) and economic factors.

▪ Assessment criteria in the testing and validation stage are conservative, unharmonized, and unclear.

▪ Decisions in the process are made from a project perspective

▪ The public sector’s influence in the process is substantially high (main framework setters, evaluators, and consumers).

▪ The role of the evaluator is not entirely fulfilled, next to assessing innovations they should re-design the assessment criteria to help the system adapt.

▪ The coordinator's role is underestimated.

▪ There is awareness of collaboration, but communication and cooperation initiatives could be improved.

Discussions and Conclusions

participation in the stages.

▪ There is a lack of system perspective in the sector. It is still anchored in a project perspective, and as a system, it should have a common goal: make the system more sustainable. The sector should evaluate how close the sector is to fulfilling the common goal instead of evaluating innovations separately in each project.

▪ The public sector has an enormous impact on the innovation process and the dependency of the private sector on the public sector's actions is significantly high. This arises the question whether the roles of framework setters and evaluators should be played by other actors.


Stages of the process MaP Roles in innovation Sectors Level of aggregation Pressure for change Public sector Sector Framework setter Idea generation Private sector Organization Evaluator Adaptation/Invention Third sector Department Manager Testing and validation Community Individual Coordinator Scaling up Consumer Specialized staff
Table 1. System innovation elements. Fig. 1 Actors’
Publicsector PrivateSector 1.Pressure forchange 2.Idea generation 3.Adaptation/ invention 4.Testingand validation 5.Scalingup ThirdSector
▪ Innovation roles in the asphalt paving sector are insufficiently taken. Especially, the “coordinator” and “evaluator” roles should be given more substance.
▪ The public sector has a tremendous impact on the process, and sustainable innovations are hampered as the private sector is highly dependent on public sector actions. The third and private sectors may take on some of the public sector roles.

Meso-scale description of wet powders for industrial scale modelling

Keywords: Powder, Liquid bridge, wet granulation, DEM, Coarse graining

R. Saghafian Larijani*, V. Magnanimo, S. Luding | University of Twente, Netherlands


Wet granulation is an important process in various industries, including chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Modelling this particulate process in industrial-scale can help us optimize the process efficiency and product quality, without wasting material and energy as happens in trial-and-error experiments However, numerical modelling of such processes with millions of particles is very computationally expensive.

Coarse-grained particles (CG-DEM))

Scaling rules

Increase in the computational efficiency of the industrial-scale DEM simulations

Research questions

RQ1: What upscaling approach can we use to decrease the computational cost of the simulations?

RQ2:What is the effect of process and material parameters on the properties of the final granules?

General plan

Discrete Element Model (DEM) �! "#! # "$ = ∑% (�&'($ !% ( + �&'($ !% $ + ���� �� ) + �! � Liquid bridges Linear visco-elastic contact model Coarse-grained particles
Methods •
References [1] M. Sakai and S. Koshizuka, 2009, ChemicalEngineeringScience, 64(3). [2]Kumar et al., 2014, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 475(1). [3] S. Roy et al., 2016, ComputationalParticleMechanics, 3(4). [4] A. Jarray et al, 2019, Powder technology, 341.

Making sense of tensions and equivocalities in digital transformation journeys of asset management organizations

Digital transformation for data-driven asset management

• Digital technologies offer enormous potential for improving management and maintenance of utilities and infrastructure assets

• To capture this potential, asset management organizations must undergo digital transformation, which is challenging.

Why are asset management organizations struggling with digital transformation?

• Digital transformation programs consist of multiple, related, digital innovation projects that involve various communities of actors that must work together.

• These actors often hold different and competing understandings of the purpose and motivation for the digital transformation that highlight the high equivocality present. This particularly applies to asset management organizations since they operate in pluralistic settings.

• Little is known about what is equivocal and why this emerges in practice. In our study, we advance understanding on equivocality and how it is experienced by digital innovation managers in asset management organizations undergoing digital transformation.

• Methods: Qualitative, longitudinal single-case study, spanning 38 months

Key findings: Three categories of equivocality

Scope Needs Priorities

Description Boundaries of digital innovation projects are blurry and disputed. Users are diverse and find it difficult to articulate and agree on their needs.

Example "Should we make it work technically,orletitworkproperly? Someonesaysitworkstechnically, butdoesithelpus?Itwasquite unclearwhatthepurposewas.If youaskdifferentpeople,the answermaybedifferent.But,if thequestionis,isitusable?Then theansweris:notyet."

"We do not know what the information needs are for the maintenancephase.Wetriedto inventorythem,butweweren’t abletobecauseofcapacity problemsatthedistrict.Butnow we know that the district itself is busywithinventoryingitsown information needs."

Implications for asset management organizations

Digital innovation projects are highly interdependent, making it difficult to make sense of their relationships and determine their prioritization.

"Onthefirstpointwehaveaclear disagreement.Iunderstandthat youapproachyourworkbasedon assetmanagementprocesses.I alsothinkthattheseareallthings thateventuallyhavetohappen.I justthinkthatwedon'tdothings intherightorder,andwedon'tget aproductthatwecanuseand implementonprojects..."

• Sensitivity towards equivocality could help provide more appropriate responses to challenges rooted in confusion and conflict.

• Clarity on values, preferences and priorities is key to resolving equivocality.

Contact details:

Scope Equivocality


Equivocality Needs Equivocality

Digital innovation managers experience three main categories of equivocality that hinder organizational digital transformation.
Ruth N.F. Sloot | PhD candidate Department of Civil Engineering & Management Faculty of Engineering Technology University of Twente Mail address: P.O. Box 217 | 7500 AE Enschede The Netherlands Office: Campus building Horst Complex room Z204| +31 (0)53 – 489 5033 |

Water scarcity and smallholders

Towards sustainable, efficient, equitable water use

Han Su (

Supervisor: Maarten S. Krol, Rick J. Hogeboom

Multidisciplinary Water Management (MWM), ET, UTwente

Why smallholders

▪400 million farms are operated by smallholders

▪70-80% of smallholders are in water scarce area

▪Smallholders are more vulnerable to water scarcity and climate change

Knowledge gap

• How smallholders are affected by water scarcity

What we have done

▪Analysed linkages between SDG 2 on Food and SDG 6 on Water

▪Mapped global farm size by compiling multiple data sources for 2010, showing

• Who, farms belonging to smallholders or large scale farmers

• Where, 5-arcmin gridded cells, covering 56 countries

• What kind, 42 crops and 4 farming systems

• How much, harvested area

What we are heading to

• Quantifying how much water is consumed by smallholders and largescale farmers, respectively

• How smallholders contribute to water scarcity

• Water productivity of smallholders

• How water limits smallholders’ production


Crop model, hydrological model, optimization algorithm

QGIS, SQL, Python

Future directions

SDG, Climate adaptation

The center of water and food issues is people. We need to know who uses how much water and land to produce what kind of food in what way, and finally who benefits from these water and land consumption
Scan me!

Accepting the neglected: Three new activity systems for utility detection in construction streetworks

Activity theory, construction technology, Ground Penetrating Radar, innovation adoption Ramon ter Huurne (, Léon Olde


| University of Twente, Netherlands

Introducing the research aim

▪ One construction innovation that is both promising and contested is the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR).

▪ Although the GPR can improve current processes of buried utility detection, its struggles to become part of it.

▪ While this limitation typically leads to the initial rejection of GPR, it overlooks how innovations are flexible and dynamic ideas that may reconstitute practice and reveal new – rather than substituting – structures of use.

▪ A theoretical understanding of how these change processes unfold deserves deeper coverage to help reveal the richer innovation decision-making dynamics in construction projects.

This research investigated how introducing technological innovations to rich innovation contexts might (re)constitute practices and reveal new structures of technology use.

Intervention research through an activity-theoretical lens Interventions with GPR were conducted on twelve construction sites in the Netherlands. We explored the interactions between GPR and construction professionals as they performed their onsite utility detection activities.

The triangular activity-theory framework of Engestöm (1987) was used to map the coping processes of individuals as they were confronted by GPR. This framework helped identifying how dynamics between the various elements of an activity system changed as GPR-induced disruptions and shortcoming (contradictions) within the activity emerged.

Key results: three new activity systems

Tools Subject Object Division of labour Community Rules

The dynamics between actors, their objects, the tools they used, and the roles they assumed changed as GPR addressed and revealed contradictions. This cultivated into three new activity systems, each forwarding an additional or complementary GPR use:

Activity system I: Emerged as the existing tools showed inefficiencies.

Primary contradiction within the tools of the activity system.

Using Ground Penetrating Radar to explore additional utility objects.

Activity system II: Emerged as professionals learned about GPR and rescoped the existing object.

Secondary contradiction between the tools and object of the activity system. Using Ground Penetrating Radar to map the subsoil free-space.

Activity system III:Emerged as the existing tools could not satisfy the existing object.

Secondary contradiction between the tools and object of the activity system.

Using Ground Penetrating Radar to support the existing methods of utility detection.

Contributions to construction management

1. To literature, this research demonstrates how construction innovations with the intent to substitute may fail, but still yield into valuable additional and complementary structures of technology use;

2. The activity-theoretical perspective, in particular primary and secondary contradictions, helps to reveal those uses.

3. To practice, three new structures of GPR use and the pragmatic exploration of innovations in the workplace are forwarded.

How innovations with the intent to substitute fail, but still yield into valuable additional and complementary uses … … as contradictions in construction activities help to reveal those uses.

“On the Road to Sustainable Pavement Management: a Life Cycle Assessment Framework for Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Facing Uncertainty”


• Road pavements go through numerous maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) cycles over their lifetime, each of which generate significant environmental impacts due to production, construction, use and end-of-life.

• Life-cycle assessment (LCA) allows us to account for the impacts of M&R cycles throughout their entire life-cycle but faces important challenges related to the suitability of the underlying LCA framework for M&R, and the lack of consideration of uncertainties in the analysis.

Research questions

• How can the environmental performance of road pavement M&R be assessed under uncertainty?

1. What are the LCA considerations that should be included in the assessment of the environmental impacts of the M&R of road pavements?

2. What are the primary sources of uncertainty in the LCA calculation of the environmental impacts of the M&R of road pavements and how can they be handled?

M&R measures and cases

• 75 different life extending (LEM) and major (MM) M&R applied to the main Dutch road network.

• Four different M&R asphalt overlay cases:

1. Surface layer addition,

2. Surface layer replacement,

3. Surface layer replacement + binder layer addition

4. Surface and binder layer replacement.

Design of LCA framework for M&R

• Five general life-cycle phases for M&R (Figure2) with different applicability for each M&R case.

• Incorporation of pavement-vehicle interaction effects to the use module to account for the extra fuel consumption due to an increase in pavement rolling resistance over time.

Uncertainty analysis

• Design of an uncertainty analysis methodology (Figure3):

• Characterization and propagation of the uncertainty of multiple input parameters and different methodological choices to the LCA results.

• Performance of a global sensitivity analysis to identify the inputs with the largest contributions to the uncertainty in the results.

*Contact: Figure 2. LCA system boundaries of road pavement M&R based on official Dutch guidelines Figure 1. M&R measures of the main road network of the Netherlands.
Figure 3. Uncertainty analysis methodology for the LCA of road pavement M&R.
Understanding the environmental impacts and uncertainties behind our pavement management decisions is essential to transition towards a more sustainable society. Our research can help to identify where to focus our efforts for the best results.

Organizing project-transcending collaborations in infrastructure

Societalchallenges;Innovation;Programmaticcollaboration;Ecosystems;InfrastructureManagement; Public-privatecollaboration


Programmatic collaboration in infrastructure is a promising approach to increase the efficiency of project practices, to stimulate innovation and to contribute to overarching sustainable development goals such as circularity and urban resilience In this approach, individual assets are clustered under long-term, performance-based programmes These programmes are executed by one or several contractors and other suppliers for a period of time that transcends the single-project duration. Another step towards more efficient contribution to the major societal challenges ahead is the development of infrastructure ecosystems. Since no single organization is able to tackle these challenges alone, the formation of strategic collaborations in networks is necessary. Ecosystems are heterogeneous networks of actors centred around a value proposition, where the essence lays in the exploration of actor’s complementary values and potential contributions Every actor involved contributes a ‘piece of the puzzle’ in pursuing the shared value proposition This research investigates the concept of programmatic collaboration and ecosystems in the infrastructure sector

Research approach

The aim of this research is to increase scientific and practical knowledge on the transition from a project-based way of working towards programmatic collaboration in project-transcending networks. It is inspired by ecosystems thinking, and is based on a qualitative and engaged scholarly approach, conducted by a strategic research partnership between the University of Twente and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The central questions are: how do we align and co-ordinate the interests of actors in infrastructure, and how does working in long-term programmes impact existing (industrial) structures, routines, and roles? The expected results will contribute to the insight we have in how networks of actors in the infrastructure sector can be re-arranged in a way that transcends individual projects And also, the findings will help understand the challenges these interorganisational, public-private networks face in the transition to ecosystems that will deliver reliable services to public infrastructure.

Engaged scholarship

The research team consists of ir Lynn Vosman (UT), Prof. Dr ir Leentje Volker (UT) and Dr ir Fleur Deken (VU Amsterdam). The research is funded by six public client organizations from the Dutch Infrastructure Sector (see below), and planned for 5 years from the beginning of 2021.

From project to programme: Organizing long-term public-private collaboration

Societal challenges ahead: Designing infrastructure ecosystems

Strategic alignment of actors

Contribution to central value proposition

*Contact: Project-based collaboration + + Programmatic collaboration Public client Market organization + …
Public client(s) Market organizations Knowledge institute(s) User(s) Other industries
Supplier(s) Client(s)
Heterogeneous network
Informal governance structure Value

Smart Utility Registration: Towards Underground Digital Twinning

Utility Registration, Digital Twinning, GNSS, Photogrammetry

Dr. ir. N (Nima) Zarrinpanjeh*1, Prof. dr. ir. A.G. (André) Dorée1 , Dr. ir. L.L. (Léon) olde Scholtenhuis1, Dr. M. (Mila) Koeva2

1 CME | CEM | ET | University of Twente, the Netherlands

2 PGM| ITC | University of Twente, the Netherlands


▪ Utility infrastructures are critical for daily life, providing basic needs for citizens.

▪ To protect them against damage, cables and pipelines are therefore placed underground making the underground a crowded scene causing interferences and accidents.

▪ it is critical to keep records of all the changes that are made to the locations of underground infrastructure. This underground information helps avoid excavation accidents and maintains networks optimally.

▪ Currently, utility surveying is challenging as it mandates the use of scarce and skilled human resources, who also need to visually and physically access every open trench while mapping a utility line.

Objectives and Goals

▪ The main objective of the project is to design a prototype for automated registration of utility line locations in 3D towards underground digital twinning. The sub-objectives are:

▪ To define the requirements for 3D underground utility registration per utility type and network operator.

▪ To analyze the existing mapping solutions and develop a prototype for automatic 3D mapping and registration.

▪ To evaluate the performance of the developed prototype.

Main Theoretical Concepts

▪ Integrating GNSS measurements photogrammetry and laser scanning.

▪ Using coded targets and automatic object detection to map the utilities.


▪ Measurement at the construction site is performed by the Jobsite manager using the new tool.

▪ Data is processed in the cloud.

▪ 3D models and other digital products such as DEM and orthomosaic are created.

▪ Vector data of the utility is extracted.

▪ Feedback is sent to the job site managers.

▪ Data is stored in Smart Utility GIS.

▪ Data is verified by the network owner.

▪ Data is registered and visualized.


▪ The GNSS and photogrammetry Integration provides 3.3 cm registration accuracy.

▪ 3D measurement of utilities becomes possible.

▪ The cost of utility registration and time due to commuting decreased.


▪ Integrating GNSS and photogrammetry is promising to create 3D information about utility underground.

▪ The positioning accuracy of 3.3 cm is achieved which is more accurate compared to the needed accuracy of 50cm.

▪ Using the coded targets decreases the computational cost of the process.

Conclusions and Future Works

▪ Smart Utility Registration tries to integrate GNSS and photogrammetry to improve the process of Utility registration.

▪ The use of laser scanners and other measurement sources needs to be investigated.

▪ Using Artificial Intelligence tools to detect and map different types of utilities will improve eh automation level.


Comparing the results of applying the Smart Utility Registration method and conventional surveying measurement

In the figure, the orthomosaic of a trench is illustrated. The yellow points indicate the location of the utility measured independently using the conventional surveying method. The magnified view of some measured points is also shown. The quality of the generated orthomosaic and the accuracy of the measurements are verified.

RMSE = 0.033m

This project is funded by siers Infraconsult and kpn

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