13. [Przygotowanie do druku:] W. Klinger, Życiorys własny, Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium, 25:2015, z. 2, s. 153-161. 14. [Przygotowanie do druku:] W. Klinger, Dwaj zapomniani krzewiciele antyku w Polsce XX wieku, Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium, 28:2018, z. 2, s. 167-189.
A Bibliography of the works of Father Professor Henryk Paprocki The bibliography of works covers the years 1973-2021 and organizes the publications of Father profesor Henryk Paprocki chronologically, with continuous numbering of all items. Inside, publications were divided into groups. The first of them included books that appeared as separate monographs, and the second included other publications, translations of the books, translations of liturgical books posted on the website [cerkiew.litugia.pl], as well as articles in magazines and collective works, translations articles, reviews, reports, introductions and afterword, interviews conducted, interviews given, interviews on the portal “Teologia Polityczna”, encyclopedic entries, sermons and preparation for printing. Within these groups, the works are listed alphabetically. Key Words: Bibliography, Henryk Paprocki.