Pelican Edition 2 2021 - Con/test

Page 50

Phoebe Levin loves ugly dogs. The uglier the better!

We satisfy your travel urges by telling you about political issues from around the globe! Living in 2021, we’re all pretty aware that the Republican Party in the US has a pretty loose understanding of what constitutes a fair con/test (à la Trump’s refusal to accept his 2020 Presidential defeat which happened by the way of a free and fair election). With this in mind, I wasn’t overly surprised to find out that the aversion of Republicans to political competition can be dated back to the party’s attempt to inhibit a contest in 2002, in New Hampshire of all places. Don’t know much about New Hampshire? Honestly neither did I. The only important thing I knew about the state prior to looking into this scandal was that in the Twilight series, Edward Cullen planned for he and Bella to go to school there. My skills of critical deduction helped me envision what I thought the state would be like. It must be cold and grey (for a vampire to be able to walk around obviously), and have low taxes (don’t forget the Cullens have been ranked among the wealthiest fictional characters – definitely Republicans). Upon some investigation about the state, it seems all of my assumptions are correct, with New Hampshire actually having no income or sales tax, and being an intermittently libertarian stronghold throughout US history. This is evidenced by its lack of regulation, being the only US state which doesn’t require adults to wear 50

Binary Opposition of the Day: soy-sauce fish vs. activewear

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